Rally vs. Rally. Do the Math.

15 09 2008

I’ve been asked a couple times for comparative images of the Pro-Palin rally and the Anti-Palin rallies. So, here they are.

Here’s the pro-Palin rally in a room with a capacity of 5000 people. If you don’t count security, secret service, staffers, and media, I’m guessing a maximum of about 800-900 people.  Boots on the ground from the Ed Schultz Show that was in town, counted the crowd at about 500.

The first third of the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally.

The last third of the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally. There were also people on the other side of the street and a chunk between the two photos I didn’t get.

There were between 1400 and 1500 rally-goers, and about 90 at the counter rally according to an observer who went through the crowd with a counter. Anchorage police estimated “more than 1500”.

All photos were taken with the same lens.

***Feel free to repost or circulate these pictures. Links please.***

For more pictures of the pro-Palin rally go HERE

For more pictures of the Alaska Women Reject Palin rally go HERE



535 responses

15 09 2008


Next stop, the Matanuska Maid creamery. What’s the AK Muckraker story on that?

15 09 2008
FiredUp AKA Falter Locust Palin

Wow. That is all that came to mind when I saw the picture of the Pro-Palin rally. That is a whole lot of empty space.

15 09 2008

Love your reporting – look forward to more!

Also, I put you on my blogroll and linked to your pix. Keep ’em coming!


15 09 2008

I think the 800-900 figure is generous. 🙂

15 09 2008
Women who run with the Wolves

We may have to do a rally down here in Southeast Alaska. She has gone out of her way to “Kick Us” to the curb. When her name is mentioned, we can’t help but cough up a fur ball. Keep on Blogging….please! By the way, Eddie Burke must be a transplant from somewhere over the rainbow. That person is NOT an Alaskan, but an Alaskan wanna be.

15 09 2008

I am giggling like mad at those two images, side by side. I may even be cackling with delight.

15 09 2008

I don’t want to underestimate Palin’s support but I’m wondering if it isn’t as enthusiastic as the Obama support. This was just the sort of pick-me-up I needed.

15 09 2008

I’ll be curious to see what way Alaskans vote this time around. Normally, the presidency has already been decided by the time all the 49th states votes are tallied…but still. With how many anti-McPalin rally-goers showed up, I’m wondering how many are sitting at home shaking their heads right along with us. Of all the historic possibilities this election presents, it would be so incredible if Alaska was painted BLUE!

15 09 2008


We’re on the CNN front Page website right now!

It’s below the lead article of Palin refusing to willingly participate in Troopergate.

I’m so happy it got picked up.

I have yet to watch the whole thing. Had to come here immediately and spread the word. But it’s about ‘women divided’ (I think). Anyway, I’ll come back and post again if I’m off on the context.

I’m so glad I was there. Saw soooo many friends and families and AK dogs wearing great signs. But the best part was realizing that an AK woman were not alone – we each had 1499 others. (And that’s just people that could get there on the road system.)


And for all Outside – check it out. And thank you for pushing it!

15 09 2008
Zim in Oz

I asked this before ( probably got lost in the huge sea of mail on this delightful blog )

When SP became VP it was widely reported that she had an 80% State approval rating.

Was that true or another ‘furfy’ ?
When did her popularity diminish ?

She went from an 80% approval rating, down to 67% when Troopergate broke. Then she rose back up to 80% when the nomination happened. But only 65% think she’s “adding to the ticket”. So, more confidence in her ability to govern Alaska, than her ability to be VP.

15 09 2008

I took these pics and posted them on my blog. It’s interesting because there was another article by CNN (or FOX?) that said McCain-Palin were reporting higher crowd-turnout than actual numbers. When someone tried to verify with their campaign on the numbers, they wouldn’t respond. That’s not surprising at all!

I had also watched a live feed on CNN for the Pro-Palin rally and they certainly didn’t pan out on the crowd like your first picture. They made it seem like there was a huge crowd at the rally. The press was misleading about the turnout. They quoted about 6,000 or so! What an exaggeration!!!

I’m glad I have your information to compare with the rest of the news I read!

Thanks for keeping it real!!

15 09 2008

The rally was so exciting and uplifting. Anyone wanting to link or use my pics, feel free. http://laurainak.blogspot.com. I’m loving hearing from people who say, “I thought you ALL loved Sarah, I was wrong!”

15 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

When you watch the CNN vid, pay attention to the shot where they’re interviewing one of the pro-Palin women… she’s the one carrying a hand-lettered sign. Look at all the empty space between her and the crowd and to the left side of the shot!

And on another topic… check this out as the reason age-appropriate sex ed is so necessary. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/more/09/15/hoelzers.secret.ap/index.html?cnn=yes
Two female Olympians, both molested beginning at kindergarten age or earlier. Kids need to know how to protect themselves, and in order to do that, they need to know what is appropriate and inappropriate touching or requests.

15 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

And one thing I forgot – do the Quick Vote on cnn.com. The question is:
Do you agree with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s decision not to cooperate with a legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner?

‘Nite, all.

15 09 2008

That looks like about twice the number of people the community room in my apartment complex holds– it ain’t no thousand people.

jster: at last, the Mat Maid dairy story! The WSJ link was a start, but still didn’t catch that full, cheesy flavor. And I’m talking cheese futures. After today, maybe they aren’t such a bad investment after all. What’s a little E coli among friends?

15 09 2008

Just dropped in to the messageboard to say what a great job Mudflats is doing on the Palin reports. Great photos and videos and especially the terrific blogging going on in here. You serve many Americans by publishing the TRUTH and I congratulate you. I recently saw clips of your video played on upstate NY/VT tv. You are making a great difference. Way to go!

15 09 2008

I like how they crowd them together to give the impression that there are a whole lot more of them then actually showed up.

There is now evidence that they are doing the same thing at the joint McCain/Palin campaign stops.

The whole McCain campaign is just smoke and mirrors boys and girls. Too bad that among those being tricked is the MSM.

15 09 2008

And one thing I forgot – do the Quick Vote on cnn.com. The question is:
Do you agree with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s decision not to cooperate with a legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner

Palmdale, CA and others,

Latest results:

Do you agree with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's decision not to cooperate with a legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner?
Yes 25% 7767
No 75% 23228

15 09 2008

I can’t find the link for the Palin baby name finder and couldn’t remember how far back that started. Help!

15 09 2008

GLUED to your site – and, as I have said before — PLEASE let us help you pay for your generosity and spirit and extraordinary above-and-beyond-the-MSM-writing ability.

Truly, we insist.

Because WE can’t exist on a back-lit pic of you forever — you are MY Batman.
Thanks BlueLuna and ALL of you who have been so generous in your offers over the last couple of weeks. I’ll try to figure out how to put a little donate button up. Anyone who knows how and feels like sharing that info, please email me at akmuckraker@yahoo.com. Not sure if this version of WordPress will take it or not…

15 09 2008

AKM and all others –

The vid piece is called “Palin polarizes Alaskan Women”.

Get it? POLARizes. You have to love the MSM in how the attempt to work in every angle of the North…. well, maybe not…

direct link:

But go to CNN’s front page for more articles regarding Troopergate, etc.
(Link in my previous post).

Evidently, Palin is polling better with men than women by 9 points. hmmm…
Eye candy vs issues perhaps?
Come on everybody! Let’s think with our brains rather than our other organs. (One of the great signs at Saturday’s event.)

BTW, I noticed poor syntax towards the end of my earlier post. Must apologize. I was way too excited…

An artist who is very happy in Spenard, AK.

15 09 2008

Those pictures are awesome! It’s an old Republican trick to cluster people together to make it look more crowded in close-up shots.

Monday at Palin’s rally in which she repeated her same lies again they handed out homemade signs that made it look as if people had brought them.

Also on Monday, John McCain had trouble filling up the auditorium where he was making his baffling and stuttering speeches about the economy.

15 09 2008

Like ‘Zim in Oz’, I’ve been curious to see if you know something about that high 80% approval rating she received as governor.

I saw Ed Schultz on Larry King tonight, he was saying the same things you are saying here with the exception of his much lower head count of supporters attending the Pro-Palin Rally. I think he said if you include the band members the number was around 400 or so, (not even 500).

Either way, how humiliating. ((snickers)) There’s no way she didn’t notice how small her crowd really was, especially compared to the Anti-Palin Rally.

Ed Schultz could be closer with the numbers. He had ‘boots on the ground’ at the pro-Palin rally too, and they tried to do a head count. I didn’t want to be accused of under-estimating, so I may have been too generous.

15 09 2008

I tried to find the rally video on cnn and couldn’t get anything, tried “sarah palin rally alaska” as search on cnn.com — didn’t find it. Help?

Pushing positive change one vote at a time: today toddler & I wandered the streets, checking off homes on our neighbor to neighbor list, only talked to one person who was open to the idea of voting for Obama, talked to one definate Repub, but she said “good job for getting out & doing something!” — anyway, was able to corral two neighbors & give them fliers & good talks, so crossing fingers that that’s 2 (or 4 w/spouses) votes for us, not counting the one who was on my list but riding the fence…

Bottom line: we can all make a difference by getting out there & talking talking talking.

15 09 2008

The photos of this Palin ‘crowd’ reminds me of pictures of a McCain ‘rally’ I saw earlier today:


Next stop on the McCain campaign: The Elks Lodge!

(No offense to Elks, nor lodges in general.)

15 09 2008

mvngfwd: Here is the Palin Baby Name Generator link:


15 09 2008

Zim in Oz:

The Anchorage Daily News did a poll early in her term (first 6 months or so), & she got an 89% approval rating. Considering that she was a fresh face who defeated Murkowski, the impression I get is that Palin would have needed to have worked hard at screwing up to get less than an 80% approval rating.

A more recent poll gave her an approval rating of 65% — pretty good for any politician, but clearly a sign that she’s been losing points. From what I’ve read — & those more knowledgeable please correct me — if a poll were taken the week before McCain made her his running mate, her approval rating would have been below 50%.

Had a poll had been taken the week after McCain picked her, doubtlessly her approval rating in Alaska would have been stellar — the woman had brought more positive attention to this distant state than any other person for many a year. On the other hand, with all of her history coming to light if a poll were taken in late October, I would be surprised if it shows her approval above 30%.


15 09 2008

Okay, forgot to say about the 80% thing. Sounds good, looks good on paper, but not true!!!!!! I would say that of people I know (and I was born & raised here) and have talked to about it, they are 50-50 at best for Palin. Of course I am pretty particular about my friends, and some of the 50 for Palin are very religious and believe everything that they get via email (unless it’s pro-Obama) or read on that hideous right to life web site. Got into a yelling match with my aunt on the phone about the right to life issue, and when I hung up the phone my toddler asked me “who was that? was that someone stupid?” Can’t really go into great detail w/a 3 year old, so had to explain that it wasn’t somebody stupid, that I just didn’t like what they had to say…

Anyway, I know plenty of republicans who are not voting the McSame ticket this year, so have hope everyone, but don’t stop getting out there & talking to people about the difference that Obama can make!

15 09 2008

I found the site and God help me because if I use my real name I get “Mustache Warthog Palin” and if I use mvngfwd I get “Rope Hoover Palin”! Not sure which is worse so I have decided to let you all pick which one you like better. Democracy rules!

15 09 2008

Thanks, Dems!

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Zim, I believe her popularity was at 80% when she was elected, and eventually fell to 60-70% but I don’t know where it is now. In any event, you can’t trust any numbers these days. When I studied statistics in college I learned that you can program numbers to turn out however you want …… and remember, someone has something to gain by whatever numbers they’re pushing. 😉

15 09 2008

I found the site and God help me because if I use my real name I get “Mustache Warthog Palin” and if I use mvngfwd I get “Rope Hoover Palin”! Not sure which is worse so I have decided to let you all pick which one you like better. Democracy rules!


I’d say “Mustache Warthog” is superior.

Ammo Canal

15 09 2008

My Palin name is “Strangle Thicket Palin.” *lol*

I love it, actually. 🙂

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

mvngfwd, I was very disappointed with Puck Mule but that’s my Palin name so I’m stuck with it. At least Mustache Warthog is unique …. and nobody said you couldn’t add to it. 😉

15 09 2008
Geese Whalebone Palin

More pics of the rally for anyone’s use here: http://laurainak.blogspot.com

15 09 2008


I double-clicked on the link in my first post and it took me to the cnn home page.

The Palin articles are on our upper left corner. The video that incorporated the rally is the last of the 3 bullet points.

Try here again:

And if it still doesn’t work, go to cnn.com home page. You should be able to find the video ‘Palin divides AK women’ under the lead article of her not meeting with the troopergater investigator.

15 09 2008


To find the Palin Rally video, go to this link for the cnn main page, look under the picture of Palin on the top left, and it’s the third link under her picture:


Rally shows Palin Divides Alaska Women

15 09 2008
Vice Peeper Palin

LOL, go figure. I’m the New VP!

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
Wired Differently

AKM, for the record (please don’t accuse me of being a troll!), could you say at what point of the rally this photo was taken? Was it in full swing? I don’t want someone to claim that it was taken before everyone was there. I also read a sneering comment (maybe in ADN?) that there were lots of children at the anti-rally, invalidating the numbers. I’ve seen children in the photos, but not in what I’d call significant numbers. I know children are people, but were they counted? Again, just trying to NOT feed the nay-sayers.

The photo of the pro-Palin rally was taken about 10 minutes before the official start time. I’d say it was pretty much as full as it got. There may have been some stragglers, but they didn’t have to expand the taped area that you see in the picture. To be honest, I saw more children at the pro-Palin rally than at the anti-Palin rally which sort of surprised me. But there were many more teens at the anti-Palin rally. AKM

15 09 2008
Vice Peeper Palin

Peeper – would be better suited for McCain though!

15 09 2008

She is not wearing a USA flag pin. She is wearing a rhinestone “ALASKA” pin.

15 09 2008


How did this go? I sent it off to my cousin, not sure if she went. On the plus side she did say that she decided against voting mclame when he added palin to the ticket…

Colorado WAP Rally Monday, Sept. 15th
Women Against Palin
Colorado WAP member, Michelle, is organizing a peaceful rally during Sarah Palin’s visit to Golden, Colorado on Monday.When: Meet 7 a.m. on Monday, Sept 15th
Where: Meet at Starbucks Highway 93 & Washington. We’ll all carpool from there to Jefferson County
What: Peaceful rally against Palin at Palin’s speech at Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Who: Women & MenPlease everyone do your part to spread the word about this event. It will be great to show our opposition at an event at which Palin is present.

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Vice Peeper

According Ann Lamott, the old fossil’s Palin name is Stick Freedom – which prompted this quote from Ann

Picture Stick Freedom in his Batman underpants, having one of his episodes of rage alone in one of his seven bedrooms……

15 09 2008

We all need a good laugh:

15 09 2008

Permit me to introduce myself. I am Loin Falcon Palin. And proud of it.

I contacted the Obama campaign re: push polls. Since Huffington Post has already published it, the campaign is aware of it. Not sure what they can do about it, but they are aware.

I’m making everyone I know in NY aware.

It’s shameful and despicable to prey on people’s vulnerabilities. Of course, elderly people in FL with deeply ingrained fears are susceptible to suggestions of Obama-Palestinian ties. That being said, it was a 71-year-old Jewish woman who called attention to it. Hooray for her.

15 09 2008

lol, Go AKM, reinforcing that the McCainites are lying about crowd sizes. Their pants must be ablaze by now. Shamie, Shamie!

15 09 2008

OMG & LOL! My sign looks like it’s about to break into Palin’s frame in the CNN video and hit her in the head.

I am grinning ear to ear (and have a new desktop.)

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Loin Falcon ROFL!!

I’m waiting to meeting Flying F**k Palin 😉

15 09 2008

Commando Coalfire Palin signing in. For what it’s worth I would also like to meet Flying F**k Palin

15 09 2008

Looks like this lady is on the skids – bigtime! Coming home is going to hard for her.

♪ How you gonna get them back on the farm?
After they’ve had Paree? ♪

Yes, I do know how to spell Paris – just wanted to be sure you rhymed it.

15 09 2008
eajphd Molten Contra Palin

My screen name came up as Molten Contra Palin. It catches the right level of outrage and antipathy at her being a nominee.

15 09 2008

Here’s a news clip from channel 2 in Anchorage. Eddie Burke of KBYR is interviewed about releasing the phone numbers of the anti-Palin organizer over the air on his radio show. The organizers are interviewed too.

15 09 2008

After Bush was elected, I had a bumpersticker that read “He’s not MY President”.
I’ve decided Obama is MY President. Win or lose. Anyone else is an impostor.

15 09 2008

NY Times’ Bob Herbert blasts McCain health insurance proposals. I’d summarize it, but I’m so shocked by it that I can’t. Suffice it to say, more taxes come out of a paycheck to pay for insurance OR you can opt out and go into the marketplace and buy your own. Competition is “supposed” to drive costs down.

Herbert points out that an “unfettered marketplace” didn’t work out too well for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch.


15 09 2008

David Brooks’ Op-Ed piece in NY Times:
“Sarah Palin has many virtues. If you wanted someone to destroy a corrupt establishment, she’d be your woman. But the constructive act of governance is another matter. She has not been engaged in national issues, does not have a repertoire of historic patterns and, like President Bush, she seems to compensate for her lack of experience with brashness and excessive decisiveness.”
Source: http://www.nytimes.com:80/2008/09/16/opinion/16brooks.html?th&emc=th
(I would swear I read this earlier on here, but it doesn’t hurt to post again. The truth can’t be stated too many times.

15 09 2008

Eddie Burke got suspended for a week for being a jerkoff.


15 09 2008

Hey All,

View this video clip of doctors talking about McCain’s health. They touch on his bouts with skin cancer, his past smoking habits and other issues surrounding his age and medical history. They are collecting names/signatures to get ALL of McCain’s medical records released.


15 09 2008
Sam aka Blaster Commando Palin

here’s the link to a video about palin’s support for aerial wolf hunting in alaska, and two other links – one is an article in slate.com; the other is the website for a group against aerial wolf killing in alaska:



15 09 2008

Ed Shultz reported on Larry King that they counted 497 at Palin rally including staff, photographers etc. Hell I had 500 people at my wedding reception. It has been reported by various MSM that they have inflated numbers at all the events. Apparently Ms. Palin isn’t attracting those crowds after all. Seems like her biggest crowds have been in the vicinity of her mega church groups.

16 09 2008
The Siberian Candidate

Palin supported state subsidies to support Matanuska Maid (dairy coop):


What to do with Mat Maid has been debated for years. Central to that discussion is whether the state should subsidize its dairy farmers.

Palin, Cole and others have argued that local food production in Alaska is important given the state’s isolation from the Lower 48, and that the state needs to take a role in supporting the industry as it does others like tourism.

Others, however, including former gubernatorial candidate Andrew Halcro, have said while supporting local agriculture is laudable, propping up Matanuska Maid to keep a handful of dairy farms going is bad business.

Increasing the subsidy under Palin’s watch to match the cost of milk bought from Washington state (including most of the transportation):


How many dairy farms are there in the State of Alaska? 6

How many of those are in Matanuska Valley? 4

How much money did the coop lose in July? $300,000

How much money did the federal govt supply to start up a new dairy coop? $643,000

So, U.S. taxpayers are subsidizing dairy farming in Alaska. Why didn’t Palin put a stop to this boondoggle? Would they like to grow oranges also?

16 09 2008

Mil (23:42:24) :

Eddie Burke got suspended for a week for being a jerkoff.
For being a jerkoff, Eddie gets to sit home and jerk off. At least it’s one less week that people have the chance to listen to his vitriol.
Should have been longer.

Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. But I have an excuse. My name is Loin Falcon Palin.

16 09 2008

aiiiieeee! I’m so behind in reading mudflats comments this week, I don’t know that I’ll ever catch up. Scrambling to keep up with posts, read news from many sources, and maintain the ol’ day job (yikes).

Sorry if this is a little O/T (though I’d think many of the AWRP crowd would be interested), but for those women (and men), who feel strongly about the pro-choice issue, I commend to you this post: http://angryxer.wordpress.com/2008/09/16/pro-choice-in-the-name-of-palin/
not to be self-promoting, but to pass along information. I received a great email today suggesting that we donate to Planned Parenthood or NARAL in Sarah Palin’s name, which I thought was brilliant, and I tied the issue to another story I’d just been forwarded from Salon.com that included a mention of Palin’s (alleged) anti-choice activism. (Sorry if this duplicates any mentions that I’ve missed from the commentariat.) If any of those facts are in error, I would be grateful for the vetting and will duly amend. I defer to the Alaskan locals who are in the best position to verify or debunk. Thanks all, as ever.

16 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

question…why did cnn, the supposed liberal cable news channel, not report the crowd size at what they billed to be the going away (it was the welcome sarah) sarah party?

why was cnn afraid to embarress mccain/palin

16 09 2008
no more

From ABC. “McCain campaign spokeswoman Meg Stapleton denigrated Monegan at a news conference Monday, accusing the three-decade cop of “insubordination,” “obstructionist conduct” and a “brazen refusal” to follow proper channels for requesting money.” Meg Stapleton was a TV broadcaster in Anchorage and a short-term Palin press Secretary. Now she’s on McCain’s lie train as a truth twisting campaign spokeswoman.

16 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

station manager mcdonald is full of dookie

when first approached, he stated that he supported what burke had said on the air

im taking it that he got alot of heat from advertisers

burke does not have first amendment rights while on the public airwaves…he is held to a code of conduct put together by the station, its ownership and the fcc

i think mcdonald needs a new line of work

16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Troopergate goes international


Where is the tape-recorded phone call in all of this? Ha!

16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Frisco Eddie has seen enough press releases to know what to do with one. He knew perfectly well what he was doing (whether or not he could control himself).

As far as the station ‘manager’ is concerned, it has to be bucks at the centre of this grandstanding – it certainly wasn’t his conscience.

16 09 2008

I am now “christened” Clamp Noodle Palin by the name generator.

If you use John S. McCain you get Sack Panther Palin.

I think the name generator is like the Oracle in the Matrix.

16 09 2008

Just woke up in MD to NPR and the grampa voice of John McCain, telling me how he can’t WAIT to introduce Sarah to “Warshington.” And then Sarah screeching about how she was going to be “fixin” things. Sweet bejeebus, please don’t subject us to 4 years of this!

16 09 2008

Monegan Speaks on Huffington, SAYS PALIN LIED TO ABC IN INTERVIEW


BTW – Global Warming just caused 55 inches of rain to fall on Taiwan in less than 4 hours



The Mayan Calendar predicts Doomsday comes in the form of — you guessed it – catastrophic flooding.




16 09 2008

Monegan Speaks on Huffington, SAYS PALIN LIED TO ABC IN INTERVIEW


16 09 2008

BTW – Global Warming just caused 55 inches of rain to fall on Taiwan in less than 4 hours



16 09 2008

Taiwan received 55 inches of rain today in less than 4 hours. Global warming is gonna wash away our sins.

The Mayan Calendar predicts Doomsday comes in the form of — you guessed it – catastrophic flooding.




16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin


“Palin spells out her role in McCain administration”

Her big idea is emulating Obama …..


[screwed up face emoticon]

BigSlick ClampNoodle, do you suppose it’s really three horsemen and one horsewoman of the apolcalypse? 😉

16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin
16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Two articles (Troopergate and SP’s role in future govt)


16 09 2008

Sarah Palin’s lawyer went to school a the Arizona College of Law


16 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon

The Today Show is starting with McCain – FOLLOWED BY BIDEN!!!
Also, at the bottom of the CNN page is a ‘vote now’ —
“Quick Vote
Do you agree with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s decision not to cooperate with a legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner?”

16 09 2008
aka Chap Poach Palin from Holland

These three pictures are even more convincing than all the words and comments before.

16 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon

I wasn’t able to find anything on CNN either, except through the link provided at http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/09/15/yellin.palin.women.cnn

I guess it’s hidden now???

16 09 2008

I only have time for one comment this morning before I scoot off to work. (I can’t stay away from this blog!)
I saw a video somewhere (maybe it was a link posted here) of Palin PRAISING Monegan. As I recall, this praise was not all that long ago. (obviously right before she fired him).
So, she was FOR Monegan before she was against him?

16 09 2008

The Ugly New McCain

“We know that those two ads are untrue,” Behar said. “They are lies.”

Freeze. Close in on McCain. This was the moment. He has largely been avoiding the press. The Straight Talk Express is now just a brand, an ad slogan like “Home Cooking” or “We Will Not Be Undersold.” Until then, it was possible for McCain to say that he had not really known about the ads, that the formulation “I approve this message” was just boilerplate. But he didn’t.

“Actually, they are not lies,” he said.

Actually, they are.

16 09 2008
White Agate

Saw that Bob Herbert article just now. It’s what the neocons want to do with social security, too. I call it ‘divide and conquer’ the health care consumer.

Among other things, that is putting even more of your trust in corporations who lose money if they pay your insurance claims. It sounds like the current non-system, only worse because there is no economy of scale (for supplies or labor), no guaranteed coverage, and consumers would seek plans with no regionalization. It sounds like paper and administration would be daunting.

In practice, I think it would be harder to deadly for the average consumer, and even harder than things are now. Plus you pay taxes on the money now allocated by your employer, so that’s a stream of revenue going to the government that wasn’t before, and the consumer has to make up the difference when actually using the plan.

The article should have done a compare and contrast with Obama’s plan. His does a lot of cool things, and I guess I would describe it as hybrid step toward getting folks on a national health care plan. The differences are considerable and I am sure the health care insurance companies don’t like even this hybrid step. You can still do a private plan, but the public plan is supposed to provide baseline care like members of Congress get. Then you could pay for other procedures out of pocket. It does limit consumer choice, but gets folks in a group big enough to have leverage and economies of scale, as well as portability.

Yeah, big differences. Getting it through Congress is the trick, of course.

I agree with Herbert that McCain’s plan is not heavily discussed.


The website says there are 45-47 million (!) uninsured people in the US, and it doesn’t say who is underinsured. That’s a lot of people. I bet a lot of them are kids who can’t vote, but still. That’s 1 out of every 5 people, in our country, if not more.


16 09 2008
White Agate

Also, what do Alaskans think about David Brooks’s comment in NYT that Palin is a ‘reformer?’ His columns have been a bit strange lately. Maybe short circiuting?

16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin
16 09 2008
16 09 2008
aka Chap Poach Palin from Holland

@ Big Slick:

“The Mayan Calendar predicts Doomsday comes in the form of — you guessed it – catastrophic flooding.”

I had the same thoughts yesterday. About the coincidence of the Mayan 2012 prophecy and the end of the next presidential term..

Well, there are many theories on how to interpret these Mayan prophecies.
I prefer not to give SP a leading part in that story..

16 09 2008

I read the info above about there only being 6 dairy farms in all of Alaska. Could that be true? A little Google search turned up the following state report on the dairy industry in Alaska. The surprising answer seems to be yes. The report also lays out why a dairy industry in Alaska is pretty much non-viable.


16 09 2008
16 09 2008
16 09 2008

whoop. wrong url. hold on…

16 09 2008
16 09 2008

Can ANYONE explain why the MSM is giving Palin a “pass” on the fact she is still refusing to answer any questions from the media or the public?

The same questions apply to this Investigation, and Palin’s tax returns, and a host of other issues.

If the tables were turned and it was Obama or Biden, everyone would be in an uproar!

16 09 2008
MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin

Morning all. I have to go to work, but after spending another morning here at Mudflats I just couldn’t go without saying: if I Have to listen to one more whinny stump speach by SP, I’m going to scream. Ugh! Can the bottom just drop out, Please! That voice…ugh!
See this is why my husband tells me I need to spend less time here, it really sets the mood for my entire day, and while I love all the emotional support here, sometimes I walk away thinking I understand why people act like nutjobs. Emotional energy can be a ticking timebomb. Think I’ll go phone bank for Obama tonight. Really need to do something positive. Have a fantabulous day everyone!

The reality is that changes are coming… They must come. You must share in bringing them. ~John Hersey~

16 09 2008
Political Amazon

OMG. If the WSJ is publishing an article about Palin’s putting croneyism and government handouts ahead of what is good for the people, you know that even the rightwing economists are seeing her for what she is: Bush Jr with lipstick.

16 09 2008

It’s 9/16/08 around 6:00 am here in Oregon (thanks for posting about the CNN Poll)
I just checked out the CNN QuickVote link- it is currently showing these results:

Do you agree with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s decision not to cooperate with a legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner?
Yes 30% 30337
No 70% 71354
Total Votes: 101691

16 09 2008

Jim (04:41:52) : Great new Obama ad–Thanks for the link!

16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@wolphy (04:52:45) :

thanks for the video on Sarah Palin fakes 🙂

16 09 2008

Gryphen (21:57:25) :

“I like how they crowd them together to give the impression that there are a whole lot more of them then actually showed up.”

That whole concept is so deceiving! It’s like a “push-up bra” for the crowd! In both cases, less than meets the eye!

16 09 2008

Nixon Dirty Trickster on McCain Team

Here is an interesting story about the man McCain has picked to head his transition team:


16 09 2008

I’m posting these pics in my post for today — thanks! and keep up the great work!

16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

As promised, the once daily list post. If you don’t see yourself and want to be included, please email me privately at stitchergini@yahoo.com with Mudflats handle (with or without your Palin baby name), state and city/town. For our international Mudpals, please include country instead of state. Thanks.

a Brit abroad – Sweden
amy – Oklahoma
Ana Gama in rural southwest Michigan
AnneinWA – Western Washington
antsy = south Floriduh
Arkangel3 in NJ
Arn (cartoon pig dog) – PA
Audrey in Oregon
Augie – Arkansas
Australian puck male
Bellaboo aka Khaki Salmon – MA
Bill Daniels — Los Angeles
BJA – Minneapolis, MN
BlueSkyMama-New Mexico
California Cowboy
Cassie Jeep Pike–(wish that were Trout), NC
Catherine – Michigan
Charcoal Sniper P
Chris on ESMD
CindyPDX – Portland
Corejay – Switzerland
Corie in CA
Cynthia TX
David E NY
Deb -Colorado
Debbie in WA – Western Washington
Dee PA
Dem VA
DeMo – NY
Dems are not Afraid — Tennessee
Divatalk in MD
Elaine in Vancouver WA
Enjay in MT
Ennealogic – WV
fawnskin – southern california
femalady – North (God Help us….Red) Texas
Frances PA
Fred Calif
galwhohashadenough AKA slap spear palin–Colorado
Gerri – North Carolina
GJ Idaho
Jeep Pike Downin Mississipi
Jim S in NC, formerly Central NY
JoAnn in NC
John Henry – MA
Karen Nevins – SE Mass.
Lani aka Bash Budweiser – Hawaii
Laurie canadian
Let’sGetReal – Rowlett TX
Linda Virginia
Lynne B – Reno NV
Marcella Chicago
Marty – Oregon
Mary in TN
Mary Nagle Chicago
Mil from IL
MissSue – Michigan
MJC – Georgia
mvngfwd- FL
Nancy Indiana
NativeCultureLover in New Mexico
Ny Dem
ocliberal – socal
pamela in Western NY
Proud2BUSA – NC
raingods – Phoenix, AZ
ratty pilgrim-Nor Cal
Reader in MD
Rebecca Chicago
RedwoodMan – Boulder Creek, near Santa Cruz, Northern California
Sad in red state Texas
Sally AZ
SandyW – Kentucky
Sara Mississippi
Sarah in CA
SarawithoutanH – Charlottesville, VA
Sarjo Mullet Troll – North Delaware
solsticeatese Nertherlands
sparky – Sacramento, CA
SparkySacramento-Sacramento CA
Susan in Atl – Georgia
Susie Jersey
sweetebony- So Cali
SwinePrincess – Kansas
Tonya – Oklahoma
Tracy NC
Uk lady
Whichferret Kansas
White Agate-SE Minnesota
Wisconsin Shopgirl
Wisconsin women
Zim in Oz

16 09 2008
Political Amazon

Siberian Candidate, thanks so much for the info on Sarah Porker Palin’s waste of American taxpayers money on a failing Alaskan industry. She put pork and croneyism ahead of what was good for our country.

I especially like the information you collected….SIX dairy farms in Alaska!

And I agree with you: Let’s hope Porker Palin doesn’t decide to grow oranges in Alaska.

I will add to that list “pineapples” and “avocados,” because I’m sure we could find SIX cronies of Porker Palin who would be willing to “farm subsidies” as their true major crop in growing these products.

16 09 2008

Keith and Rachel both addressed the McCain campaign’s willingness to overstate crowds; be they Palin or McCain solo or Palin/McCain together (see, I even wrote her name first…THAT is scary and a total Freudian slip).

I still can’t put my finger on it, but Todd Palin REALLY creeps me out. He’s like the Harbinger of Doom lurking…

16 09 2008

@JimStaro (aka Torpedo Vindicator Palin – since you wouldn’t give us your Palin Baby Name, I went and found it) – Thanks much for the new ad. I called the local office yesterday about getting on the economy, and wrote the National Campaign hdqters as well – looks like A LOT of us did that…..Yippee – maybe they ARE listening.


….if we could just get this Republican ticket to understand that we don’t WANT ANOTHER HERBERT HOOVER, we’d be doing great!

16 09 2008

@arkangel3: still can’t put my finger on it, but Todd Palin REALLY creeps me out. He’s like the Harbinger of Doom lurking…

I AGREE. Something is really not right here. Wouldn’t you just love to be a fly on the wall at some of these “truth meetings”?

Another topic that is just nagging at me this AM, is how they are trying to be so above all of this. In desparation, people’s true colors and behavior reveals itself:

– They have a group of people calling South Florida accusing Obama of being a part of the PLO (and they don’t disclaim it)
– They have a group creating racist Obama Waffles among the “uppity” comment, the fear mongering about Obama leering a little children, etc. (they don’t disclaim it)
– They claim that Obama called Palin a pig (and he probably meant the pork of the Union with all of her earmarks), and they don’t disclaim it
– They claim Obama is an extremist Muslim (and they don’t disclaim it)

If anyone truly thinks this ticket would not start promoting 1/2 truths in their administration, they are naive. These people are scary, scary – I can almost handle the incompetence part (almost) better than I can handle the scary part.

16 09 2008

Todd Palin reminds me off John Riggins who played in the NFL for the Washington Redskins.
He left his mark not only on the field by within the beltway.

This from Wiki:
Riggins’ acting career began at Centralia High when a teacher cast him as the lead role in his junior play.[6] His career as a professional actor started in 1992 when he appeared in “Illegal Motion” in a Maryland (The Olney Theatre) theater.[6] He starred as the beleaguered head football coach accused of inappropriate recruiting practices. US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor attended his opening night where she presented him with a dozen roses, and letting him know that she always admired his character notwithstanding the “loosen up Sandie, baby” comment he made to her years before at a formal Washington DC dinner party, where “Riggo” fell asleep (really, passed out after having too much to drink) under the table during a presidential speech.

16 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Everyone we should be outraged at the media and the mccain campaign for not allowing anyone to talk to Sarah Palin. She is applying for the job of the 2nd most powerful person in the world and we don’t know anything about her. We are not allowed to ask her questions, the media is not allowed to ask her questions, and we are not allowed to plow thru her record and criticize it without the mccain camp calling fowl on everything.

I am the only one just so outraged over this?

16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7618524.stm The BBC are catching up on Troopergate…

And, by the way, what’s the media blackout on Ike all about? The lack of information is incredible… sorry if that’s OT, but I was wondering.

(3.30 in the afternoon here, so I guess I’ll be settling in for the evening with the Mudflatters soon – you lot are responsible for my current state of sleep deprivation, you all start getting all chatty as I’m ready to think about turning in for the night).

16 09 2008

thanks Aussie Puck Mule for this link in your doc.

Associated Press
McCain campaign tries to quell ‘Troopergate’
By GENE JOHNSON 09.16.08, 3:24 AM ET


two things jumped out at me in this article –

1.”Monegan signed a public letter of support for a $3.6 million project designed to keep troubled teens off the street in Anchorage”


2.”Monegan planned to travel to Washington to seek federal money for a plan to assign troopers, judges and prosecutors who could exclusively handle sexual assault cases – one of the state’s most intractable crime problems.”

That Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska was not interested in supporting either of these initiatives tells us a lot about her, that she has no interest whatsoever in “family values” and as govenor does not care for her “people”.
She comes across as wicked witch
-who is the fairest of them all-
me of course – Sarah Palin.

16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Look everyone – the rally made the British press:
(When he calls you sexist he’s taking the p**s, in case anyone gets upset…).

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin


Competition is “supposed” to drive costs down.

Yep, just like it “did” with Medicare drug plans… I don’t know how many of you have had the lovely experience of looking for and finding a drug plan for yourself or a parent, or of actually trying to buy your or their drugs on the plan… I used to work for a Medicare. I could do a whole book-length rant on Medicare drug plans. Suffice to say they were supposed to encourage competition. They didn’t. They are expensive, they don’t give decent coverage (they are better than nothing for a few months) and they keep the cost of drugs artificially high for Medicare recipients. All this because the current *&%#@ administration smarty pants wouldn’t let Medicare negotiate the price of drugs for their recipients like the VA and Tricare (military) can.

ok stopping now.

16 09 2008

Ok lets see………

No you cant interview me.

No I wont talk to anyone about anything I dont want too.

No I wont be transparent about my actions in my own government.

Seems to me for someone talking about fixing corrupt government she could not possibly do the job shes promoting.

She cant even be accountable for her own actions let alone anyone elses.

This whole hide me hide me from everyone else except my far right wing brethren is getting quite old.

And that ABC interview?? That was a hoax at best made to appear like the media was harsh on her.

Shes not fit to lead the nation if she cannot talk to the NATION.

16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Oh, hopefully my postings aren’t heading off into cyberspace… I think the last one just did. Anyway, also from the Guardian newspaper:

…and to quote choice excerpts:
“In GOP-spin world, Palin has vast “executive experience.” In reality world, this is a joke.”
“The portrait here is of a deeply insecure person with at once a wobbly command of government and fiercely ideological world view (a great combination!) whose administration abused power to conceal the first fact and enforce the second”

16 09 2008

We are looking for LEADERS not MISLEADERS.

16 09 2008

Herbert Hoover and Ava Braun represent the Republican Ticket this year.

If the American people do not realize they deserve BETTER than this, then it not only “one child left” behind but an entire population and country.

McCain sees the world in the old way when there was only one global economy (there are now several), and that the Cold War tactics worked. (Reagan ushered this out; McCain wants to bring it back in. . . how could any decent Reagan Republican not see that?)

McCain admits he doesn’t understand economics, and Palin clearly doesn’t understand simple math when you go from zero debt to $22MM debt in a few years (No decent Reagan Republican could vote for this. Reagan Republicans believe in a balanced budget, something it appears that only Democrats can do apparently)

McCain wants MORE government in terms of National Police, Homeland Security, beefed up FBI profilers (yum, this feels like another time in 20th C. history). Reagan Republicans want LESS government intervention.

It sure is odd that at the RNC the Repubs had to go 30 years to find a Republican to cheer for, and even then, they were stomping on the very principles of his platform.

Do the “new” Republicans not see that?

16 09 2008

@ A Brit Abroad:
Yes, there seems to be not a hell of a lot of press about it. I know, we’re dealing with a Financial Crisis here and a Presidential Election…but you think Human life would take prescidence.

It’s either the lack of Press from the MSM or an attempt by the Gov’t to cover up the ineptitude of FEMA…which is STILL going on, btw. I know someone who volunteered in a FEMA run/sponsored shelter Louisiana when Gustav came through. She said it was incredibly unprepared: a kitchen by no way to cook, only prep areas for foods. The plumbing and air conditioning were not working. The Feds just kept dumping people on them like cattle even after they told them that the shelter wasn’t functioning. BTW, IT WAS A NEWLY CONSTRUCTED FEMA SHELTER.

It’s STILL happening, people. This Government is STILL treating human beings like “product”. You think after 9/11 and Katrina they would learn their lessons in preparedness.

16 09 2008

Sorry, forgot to sign my name:


Krinkle Bearcat Palin

16 09 2008

Palin and gang have obviously hit the Panic button. The headlines in the ADN today say “Rogue” Monegan Accused of insubordination.

This is the public servant who said “I would die for governor Palin, but I will not lie for her”.

They are so trying to Wag the Dog especially with the inflated crowd estimates and all their other antics put forth here.

16 09 2008

@Protus –

How about a new button “What’s the pitbull afraid of?”

16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra (05:33:08) :

This is an article from the yahoo home page about the conditions post-Ike. I haven’t read it, but I understand that (FEMA?) the relief effort is another disaster.


16 09 2008

More like a Ground hog with Lipstick than a PitBull 😉

16 09 2008

@ A Brit Abroad and @ArkAngel3:

FEMA was so unprepared in Houston that they actually went DOOR TO DOOR and asked Houston residents for food and other staples to support the National Guard, etc. (I have folks in Houston who intermittently can call on their cell and update us) There was 3MM without power in a city of 5MM. Have not heard the latest.

There are some areas that are hit hard, but not as hard as had been anticipated.

If you notice, the only real news coming out of that area in the MSM is that the pipelines and rigs have some damage but are not completely destroyed. Therefore, all is not lost, and we can “get back to our lives.”

16 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra (05:33:08) :

I just came across a long article on Ike at the Yahoo home page, yahoo.com

This site won’t let me post links any more. 😦

16 09 2008

Aussie Puck Mule – how did you get Revlon Red Palin? ? ? ?


Krinkle Bearcat

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

DeMo Ref Herbert article

The whole plan is frightening.

I thought the Republiars were the states’ rights party… but Grampa McShame, who hasn’t had anything but federal government insurance plans IN HIS LIFE, wants to “undermine state health insurance regulations” bypassing State Departments of Insurance regs for what should be covered in a particular state and “allow” people to buy cheaper insurance from other states that doesn’t cover as much.

The whole plan is frightening. Insurance is hard enough to understand when you have an entire HR department explaining it to you. Sadly what most people do not understand is that your HR department is not there for you they are there for the company. No one advocates for the insured EXCEPT the State Department of Insurance. NEVER let your State Department of Insurance become superfluous. Comes back to the notion that all politics is local.

16 09 2008

I thought I vaguely heard something about that last night. Good God, what the HELL are these people DOING?!

PS>New Post available on my blog.

Thanks for the Link

16 09 2008
Julie Arizona

Just wondering where “Top Mom” Palin’s children are. Since both she and First Dude are on the campaign trail, did their kids stay in Alaska or are they with them, out of school? It’s a lot easier to be a working Mom when you don’t have to bother with actually raising the kids yourself.

16 09 2008

Interesting CNN panel on McCain lies and the turn in the campaign:


16 09 2008

David Gergen, Karl Rove, and other Republicans are now coming out and saying that McCain is telling lies in the campaign. The press is now up in arms over the McCain-Palin fibbing. It’s become a Gary Hart-style red flag to them. Plus the economy is now in free fall.

I think the next few weeks are going to be pretty rough.

16 09 2008

bPoint, important information, thank you for the link.

16 09 2008

realclearpolitics.com on the decline of Palin’s favorability ratings:

“The Research 2000 poll for Daily Kos now has Palin’s favorability-unfavorability scores at 45-44 — just a +1. Six days ago, when the poll, launched, she was at a 52-35, a +17.

And I know that some of you don’t like or don’t trust this poll — for reasons that I think are a little silly — but there is a similar decline in her numbers in the Diageo/Hotline poll. Her favorability numbers in yesterday’s Hotline poll — today’s isn’t out yet — were a 48-36, or a +12. But a week ago, on September 8, she had been at a 48-24, a +24.”

16 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Hello Alaskans you should be outraged over this woman!!! Read the follwoing

‘Bridge To Nowhere’ Project Moving Forward, With Palin’s Consent

In fact, the son of the “Bridge to Nowhere” is still alive and kicking in Alaska. Moreover, state officials are currently reworking designs for the project to allow for federal funds to cover a larger share of the total cost.

(In other words, Palin’s administration has actually said “thanks” to congressional spending for the project and is now figuring out how to avoid “building it ourselves.”)


16 09 2008

Hell, we had 800 to 1000 heads show up for the opening of the new Obama/Biden Election office in downtown Phoenix last week. That rally was outside at 4:00 PM in the dreaded 105 heat of Phoenix (And neither Obama nor Biden was even there!)

16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Just to put the Lehman Bros. collapse into perspective…
Lehman Bros. $639 Billion
Enron $63.4 Billion

Yes, my fellow Mudpals, Lehman Bros. was 10 TIMES as costly a bankrupcy as Enron.

Here’s hoping none of you have pension plans that were “managed” by Lehman Bros… or should I say HAD pension plans managed by Lehman.

16 09 2008

Thank you and keep it up.

16 09 2008
portland oregon native

And the ag sec in AK is SO not qualified. After all she had a “childhood love of cows” according to the NYT.
As for the poor Palin kids, they have an “excutive assistant” aka nanny, that the state pays about $65 thousand a year, also according to the NYT article that appeared on Sunday.
Thanks to all, I have to go out into the world at large today and you all have given me some great tag lines.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

Brit Abroad
Ref: news blackout on Ike — I agree but I have been getting excellent info from the local Houston TV stations…

KTRK: the ABC station is continuing to present live streaming video @ http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/livenow?id=6384042

KHOU (CBS) they’ve stopped streaming but they are the ones that did the pool coverage by flying over the area in the first day or so… excellent stuff and a huge amount of video is avaliable. http://www.khou.com/

KPRC (NBC) — they are continuing their streaming as well but I never watched any of their coverage I was only on KHOU and KTRK so I don’t know what they had…

btw GeeDubya is going to Houston today. What a jerk. He said yesterday he was “continuing to watch” the situation. yeah. the 4th largest city in the US is in deep doo and he’s watching the situation….

16 09 2008
Stepper Choke aka pradicchio

Can’t thank mudflats enough for keeping this blog going — do figure out the donation thing, we’ve maxed out on primary/general election donations to Obama/Biden 2008, still want to do more!!!

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

I’ve officially declared a “do over.” My Palin name was the same as McCain’s! NOT ACCEPTABLE. So, from here on, I am Moose Roadster Palin. Whew!

One of my comments last night seems to have evaporated or found its way into AKM’s spam folder. But it’s very relevant to the photos above. On the CNN video of the pro-Palin women, take note of all the empty space between the woman with the sign and the “crowd” and at the left of the frame.

16 09 2008

The problem I have with the Lehman Bros. collapse is wondering, if these people were so stupid, who is going to be smart enough and quick enough to save the U.S. economy?

16 09 2008

Tuesday Morning update from a Coloradoan who had Obama & She Who Will Not Be Named here in our fair state yesterday. I just went to get my morning paper and low and behold this is the front page photo: http://cfapp2.rockymountainnews.com/frontpage/index.cfm.
So, basically as they see it: It’s cowboy hats Vs. lipstick. OMG. I chuckled for a couple of minutes on that one.

Obama is to speak at the Colorado School Of Mines this AM. A sign that is getting big laughs goes like this: You can put tap shoes on Republicans but they’re still Republicans.

Someone above asked how yesterday’s Women Against Palin rally went. Have heard absolutely nothing about it. I was not able to attend this go round. But, will go if She Who Will Not Be Named comes around again. I went to the WAP site asking for photos but none have turned up yet.

Well, that there is your local update from swing state Colorado.
Your reporter,
Slap Spear Palin

16 09 2008
misskae aka Flag Cobra

I have to change my baby name – another MudFlatter and I only put in our first names and we both came up with Khaki Salmon. So I put in my handle (MissKae) and I am now ….

Much more energetic.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

I posted this yesterday on another thread:

Yesterday morning, the first responders at the staging area for the entire Southeast Texas area had no water, no food and no portapotties. The congressman (a Republican) who’s district the staging area was in, stopped by basically say “hi” and found the place in turmoil. He made phone calls and got portapotties in and then made a plea on air (TV/Radio & Streaming) and asked for people who had “extra” water and food to bring it to the football stadium so that these people, who had come to help, would have water and food. These fine people of Houston, with tree limbs on their houses, no power, and a boil order for their water, rallied and responded immediately with all the water and food they could spare.

What is it about “We’re here to help” does the Bush administration not get?

btw KTRK is streaming Dubb’s visit right now: http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/livenow?id=6384042

16 09 2008
Bellaboo Kahki Salmon

Sniff, sniff…I think I smell SP’s hair on fire….but seriously we need to get the truth out about her- I was just at my local bank in Sandwich, Ma (one of only two towns on Cape that voted for Bushy Boy in 2004) and whilst conducting my business, the neighboring teller, who is friends with my friend’s daughter, said, “I heard that you don’t like SP?”
“Not one bit,” I said with conviction.
He gave me a big smile and a ‘thumbs up.”
My teller looked at me like with wide, crazy eyes, and said in a snotty voice, “You don’t LIKE her?”
I wanted to reach over the counter and strangle her but instead, shook my head and said, “She is not who she says she is,” “I hope you do some research,”
The lady teller started doing an annoyingly singy songy little number when I turned to the other teller and said I hoped that Americans would really look into SP and McCain- obviously she was trying to drown me out.
Even with all the negative press, some people just live with their heads in their asses.

16 09 2008

demmo: re: David Brooks’ Op-Ed piece in NY Times:
“Sarah Palin has many virtues. If you wanted someone to destroy a corrupt establishment, she’d be your woman.”

I don’t even agree with that statement. What corrupt establishment has she destroyed? From everything I’ve read she had nothing to do with ‘destroying’ the corrupt establishment up in Alaska. She was buddy-buddy with Ted Stevens until she ‘wasn’t’. The FBI busted Ted and Company. SarahP just stood off to the side and took advantage of the political void.

And now she is being exposed for her own personal corrupt establishment. Troopergate on the surface may not seem that big a deal to some people, but to me it demonstrates perfectly her idea of how political power is to be used and abused to promote any ol’ agenda she needs or wants. There is nothing scarier to me than a petty, spiteful, close-minded person being in a position of power. I hope she fries over Troopergate.

Hats off to Monegan for not being afraid to call her on her shit.

I think she is in a heap of trouble myself. It’s one thing to be a sitting Prez or VP and ignore investigations. It’s quite another to be an unvetted VP, who refuses to let the press interview her thinking she is above it all. Most people want answers and explanations. She apparently doesn’t have any – at all.

One remark of Monegan’s really resounded with me. “I would willingly die for the governor, but I would never lie for her,”

How many of her ‘cronies’ really are willing to perjure themselves for her? My guess if not all that many. Especially if they look around themselves and notice that not only would she lie to save her ass, she would stick a knife in your back without even blinking.

She is the definition of a corrupt establishment, IMVHO.

16 09 2008

Doesn’t look like 800 to 900 to me at the pro-palin rally?
Maybe 500 max?

16 09 2008

I’ve spent a lot of time in halls with about a 500-person capacity and I would say this Palin rally crowd is in the same ball park. Maybe 600 tops.

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
Charcoal Sniper P.

in reference to trusting polls:
As I said a few posts ago (yesterday) I don’t trust the polls because they aren’t polling people under 40, based on that they are only polling people with home phones who have voted in the last 2 elections.

As I mentioned also yesterday (though I actually forgot two people) between my fiancee and myself we have 10 siblings, Ages (including us) are 18,19,20,21,23,25,29,29,32,35,40,43, the two people over 40 are more likely to vote republican (though I haven’t asked where they stand this election), the 10 under 40 are more likely to vote democrat (or are voting democrat). the 2 over 40 have home phones, the 10 who are under 40 have only cell phones. out of all of us, 3 have college degrees, 6 are in college now, 2 went to college but didn’t graduate and 1 didn’t attend at all. we are all white, 3 are married with children and 1 is married and pregnant. 10 are middle class (but with varying incomes because middle class is very broad), 2 are working poor, 5 are Jewish, 3 are Catholic, 3 are Unitarian and 1 is an atheist. They (we) live in Vermont, Florida, Oregon, New York and Pennsylvania. 6 of us were old enough to vote in the last 2 presidential elections, 2 more were old enough to vote in the last presidential election, for 4 this will be the first presidential election. The 10 under 40 are all registered to vote (the 2 over 40 I didn’t ask but I am pretty sure they are registered also).

1 of our siblings (who is 20) is extremely likely to vote since he created a program (national program) to teach teenagers about democracy and voting when he wasn’t old enough to Vote and worked (full time) on the Dean campaign (again even though he wasn’t old enough to vote at the time) he is a philosophy/poli. sci. major and intends to be a politician, eventually.

between my fiancee and myself we have only 1 friend under 40 with a home phone, she has not been polled either.

my conclusion:
people with cell phones aren’t being polled.
many people under 40 only have cell phones.
people under 40 are not being polled.
polls are not accurate.

16 09 2008

@plwalsh, and your comment re Lehman Bros:

Well, it certainly isn’t Phil Gramm who can bring our economy back from the stoopers.

These guys made decisions a couple of years ago that are just now coming to roost. Greenspan and team were aware of market deterioration as early as late 2002, yet nothing was done. The housing market was on fire. In some areas of NC (guess my area never wins the lottery) housing prices were shooting up 25% a year. With that kind of gain, people believed the more non-traditional types of mortgages were okay (believing that they could still turn a profit). If the information about the market indicators were more thoroughly vetted in 2003 (and I’m not sure how well that would have gone over since the market appeared relatively strong with the exception of NASDAQ), this may not have occurred. Just remember, it’s not over yet. Yesterday, we lost two giants on Wall Street: Lehman and Merrill. BearStearns was already gone. These will not be the last to fall.


Krinkle Bearcat

16 09 2008
Bellaboo Kahki Salmon/Log Justice Palin

misskae aka Flag Cobra (06:40:51) – much better than Khaki Salmon! Put in my full name and got Log Justice Palin-

16 09 2008
Grandpa Scheme

Interesting, but I think the more interesting thing isn’t the difference in numbers (which isn’t that large), but the difference of vibe/environment and method in which they are rallying….

Check out: http://getyoursorgohome.wordpress.com/

16 09 2008

I don’t think there’s all that much to Palin. She’s got some political smarts to be sure but she goes where she finds an advantage to herself, not necessarily where her ideals take her. The “reform” agenda just suited her purpose when she was after state-wide office. I think there was also some pay-back to the Alaskan Republican establishment involved after they passed her over for the U.S. Senate interim appointment.

16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

I suppose if you support the way Bush has governed, you wouldn’t think Washington was corrupt. So maybe the Brooks piece doesn’t strike us the same way. I still think it may speak to those oldline Republicans who aren’t thrilled with McCain but don’t know more the the myth of Sarah Palin. For those folks, these two additional pieces might provide food for thought.

George Will http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/04/AR2008090402845.html
There’s a Krauthamer piece in the WaPo also, but it takes its fair share of digs at Obama on experience, too. It might convince people to stay home but certainly not to vote Obama.

In any case, these are well-known conservative columnists. Not the rabid, fundamentalist types who’ve hijacked the GOP, but folks with solid conservative cred.

John Dean’s latest column in FindLaw is another good one. http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20080905.html
Dean focuses on the 25th amendment (the one on presidential succession) and its potential implications with a McCain-Palin presidency. Shudder.

16 09 2008
Chicago Sue

Mudflats – you’re the greatest. I just want to remind everyone to watch Obama speak via live-stream, because the press just doesn’t ever broadcast his speeches and townhalls. (And of course, then the press falsely tells everyone that Obama isn’t discussing the issues enough!)

Obama is about to speak in Colorado in a moment or so. The live stream has already begun at


Please watch with me!!!

16 09 2008


AIP, the nation’s largest insurance company, is also tottering on the edge. The insurance industry could be the next to start falling apart. Most people don’t realize that insurance company don’t make their profits directly off premium payments. They make their money on investments; the premiums just provide a convenient cash flow.

It sounds like AIP invested in a lot of mortgage-backed securities just like the banks. If this keeps up, there could be a lot of life insurance policies, annuities, and other financial security devices that start to go bad. The ripple effects in the rest of the economy could be pretty devastating.

The problem is even the federal government’s ability to back up bad debt is limited. The cash has to come from somewhere. It would be really nice to have that two trillion budget surplus to draw on right now.

16 09 2008

mde (06:56:31) : Here’s you laugh for the day: GOP delegate’s hotel tryst goes bad when he wakes up with $120,000 missing


A. I vote for Schwartz to be on the FRONT LINE when they “bomb the he** out of Iran…,” and

B. I hope the thief had the smarts to hawk his stuff and donate the proceeds to Obama’s campaign.

16 09 2008

plwalsh –

as someone who just spent some time in the insurance industry, I agree with you. I don’t think people have been watching their nest eggs as well as we should have. This has the potential to just go belly up in a matter of weeks. I guarantee you Gramps McInsane thinks that WAR! WAR! WAR! will take our minds off this debacle.

16 09 2008

This is fantastic. Keep up the good work!

16 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Many conservatives have realized that the Republican Party has veered sharply off course of the original conservative platform…particularly since Bush/Cheney.

Here are a list of articles I suggest you send to your conservative friends. Articles that paint the picture, from a conservative perspective, why McCain MUST NOT be elected. Please pass these on.


16 09 2008

Palin needs to say “I did nothing wrong”, explain it, and keep going.

Blaming everything on the Democrats in the Alaskan congress who are trying to make her look bad is absurd.

McCain had to clear his name with the Keating5, Biden with the plagiarism, and Obama with Ayers and Rezko. What makes Palin think she is any different?

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

btw, arkangel3 has a great post on his blog about the current financial crisis… http://arkangel3.wordpress.com/

16 09 2008

Did you know that McCain invented the Blackberry! This gets better everyday. Details at Politico.com.

16 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Re: Our daily roster!

C’mon guys! We’re approaching 100….

and that means…..

WE’RE big enough to be called MASSIVE by the McC/Palin camp!

16 09 2008

proud2busa: That was the funniest article I have ever seen.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

Thanks to bpoint for the link to http://www.thenation.com/doc/20080929/wiener

just a choice quote:

McCain’s selection of Timmons ties the candidate to Nixon’s dirty tricks and enemies list.

16 09 2008
Bellaboo Kahki Salmon/Log Justice Palin

mde (06:56:31) :

Here’s you laugh for the day:

That was something else- thanks for the laugh. That guy is an idiot.

16 09 2008

Huffington Post now has the story up. Now we know what he did for those 5 1/2 long years as a POW.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin


GeeDubya just said he’s come “home to the great state of Texas” he’s watchin’ yup… he is…

16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ mde & Proud
C. I hope she planted *her* flag, too. 😉

Such fine, moral people, these Repubs.

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

What happens when teenagers go to the Palin baby name site…

John McCain= Steam Fangs Palin

Sarah Palin= Flack Gobbler Palin

16 09 2008
Chicago Sue

Mudflats – you’re the greatest.

Obama is about to speak in Colorado in a moment or so. The live stream has already begun at: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-campaign-coverage

Please watch with me!!!

16 09 2008

Hillary Clinton just spoke on the Today Show so graciously in support of Obama-Biden even going so far as to call Obama….President Obama! That’s so cool! I always knew she had class galore!

OK now for those of you asking how the Colorado rally went…Michelle who was in charge of it posted the following with a link to photos:

michelle said,

September 16, 2008 @ 2:21 pm

Yesterday went super well! Combined we had something in the neighborhood of 100 people. The main caravan got stuck in traffic but the grounds crew were very friendly and allowed us to get to the very front of the building!

For pics and media coverage see our sub blog – url is http://coloradowomenagainstpalin.blogspot.com/

Thanks for all your support, ladies. Palin is back on the 23rd so we will be ramping up again.

Everyone make it a great week!

16 09 2008
Spoon Archer Palin

Off today’s topic, but that’s what my name came out to be: Spoon Archer Palin.

I didn’t like it first, but now I’m thinking it is appropriate. Slowly but surely we’ll be diggin’ up the bodies and archin’ the info where it belongs. 🙂

And my spouse would be: Pistol Tanker Palin

Too funny. Thank you, David Harrington.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

bets on what is “great job Brownie” moment will be here?

sad thing about all this hurricane business, here in the waning days of Dubbie’s administration is that since he is forgotten but not gone, the disaster of Ike is also forgotten but not gone.

Don’t forget about these people… FEMA needs to be disbanded and disaster management needs to be redesigned into something that does manage disasters.

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Oh that wacky McCain campaign…..


Asked what work John McCain did as Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee that helped him understand the financial markets, the candidate’s top economic adviser wielded visual evidence: his BlackBerry.

“He did this,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin told reporters this morning, holding up his BlackBerry. “Telecommunications of the United States is a premier innovation in the past 15 years, comes right through the Commerce committee so you’re looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that’s what he did.”


16 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin


Re: She Who Will Not Be Named

I think we should all refer to her as SWWNBN (pronounced as “swin-bin”) That’s a wonderful was to refer to her!

16 09 2008

“Walk” among the crowd with a good soundtrack to boot.

View slideshow from Anti-Palin rally this Sunday in Anchorage, AK

go to:


16 09 2008

@SusaninAtl –

Just read all of the articles, and they go just shy of saying their ticket is crackers and run, run, run far away.

I will send to all my conservative friends (which, for the record, I’m fiscally conservative and believe in a balanced budget) who are not crying over their AIP stock plummeting to a buck and a quarter this morning.

16 09 2008
Cindy "Rake Trinket Palin"

I’m about to hit Outrage Fatigue for the day and it’s not even 8 am in Alaska.

DId y’all see that Adak is evacuating because they can’t buy fuel to run the town generator through the winter?

Um, did we have a State budget surplus this year, or was that just another lie?

16 09 2008
Charcoal Sniper P.

@Cassie Jeep Pike Palin
“Re: She Who Will Not Be Named

I think we should all refer to her as SWWNBN (pronounced as “swin-bin”) That’s a wonderful was to refer to her!”

We (myself, my friends and family) have been referring to Bush since the GOP convention as Voldemort for I think really obvious reasons (mainly because no one would say his name)

(I didn’t have a Harry Potter book readily available to check the spelling on that)

16 09 2008


This is the guy who replaced Moneghan, another fiasco.

16 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

mde Re: the lady who ripped off delegate’s $120,000 when all he wanted was a fun night!

I hope that girl is having a great time! We should all make a practice of this.

On a serious note: the delegate was a 29 year old male, lawyer who was walking around with $120,000 worth of accouterments (watch, belt, EARRINGS,etc.)????

Most 29 year olds with a professional degree have huge student debt to “wear”, not $20,000 watches.

16 09 2008
aka Mustache Warthog Palin

Hey, someone way up on this thread must have the same name as me, because I’ve been Mustache Warthog Palin for days now.

Do you know that if you put Sarah Palin in the name generator thingie that it comes out Flack Gobbler Palin?

Oops, Kimbers beat me too it.

16 09 2008
horrified new yorker


So, according to NY Times today, September 16, 2008, while Palin may have gotten rid of the former AK gov’s personal chef, she replaced the chef with her own personal tanning bed:


Interesting purchase for someone who wants to lower government spending, no?

16 09 2008

That should have been AIG (American International Group) as the insurance company not AIP, which is a political party that Sarah favors. Too many loose letters floating around…

16 09 2008

Odds ‘n ends…

Looks like FL is pretty solidly Republican. 😦 MSNBC is saying Colorado is the new FL. Keep your eyes peeled on what’s going on there.

MSNBC aired Obama’s new ad. Thanks for the free air time!

Lehmann CEO is getting a $22 million severance. There oughta’ be a law!

Re: Insurance. I work freelance and have to get my own. Because of some family stuff, I’m able to search as a “small business.” The BEST plan my broker could find (and most people can’t get a broker) costs me $600/month. Considering the amount of people who now work freelance, the market of which McCain speaks does not hold prices down.

Granted, most Americans get their insurance through work, and I am in the minority, but I have zero faith that McCain’s health proposal could work.

My mother (76) deals with someone that she knew was staunch Republican. They were talking the other day. The guy *still* believes Obama is Muslim (automatic terrorist), and was schooled by extremists. There are some people who, despite the facts, believe what they want to. I don’t think there’s much to be done about the ignorant who choose to remain ignorant.

Minnesota – McCain is ahead and that’s attributed to the convention being held there. Folks, he’s not one of your sports teams. The Republicans merely held their convention in the state. I get the rah rah for the home team, but McCain is not the home team! G-d forgive me, but we have a lot of dumb Americans.

Loin Falcon Palin

16 09 2008

Slap Spear Palin:

Thanks for the link. I liked that the numbers for Obama were over 13,000 and SWWNBN got 5,000. Is Golden more populous than Grand Junction?

16 09 2008
AKA Blaster Commando Palin (Um, someone else has this name, too)

More stories of famous conservatives now turning on the GOP ticket:


Folks, they are going down. As Andrew Sullivan predicted last week, the ticket is imploding.

16 09 2008

McCain helped create the Blackberry …….

it’s true …..

at least according to his advisor.

McCain adviser: BlackBerry a ‘miracle’ he ‘helped create’

It made me smile 😉

16 09 2008
AKA Blaster Commando Palin (Um, someone else has this name, too)

@SMR. Golden is very near Denver, so it would be easy for Denverites to get there.

16 09 2008
Mollys Mum

Re. mde’s post on the link to the Republican delegate’s burglary in Minneapolis…

What on EARTH was that delegate doing with a $10,000 bracelet and $40,000 earrings in his hotel room??? LOL

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

This post warms my heart. Thank you, AKM!

Did anyone see The Daily Show, last night? It was brilliant. Stewart even brought up the rape kit issue, which impressed me, considering I haven’t seen it covered on any other news channel. I’m glad he and Colbert are done with their vacation. Last week was brutal, without them!

16 09 2008
Ana Gama

Palin’s Favorability Numbers Eroding

As voters have taken a second look at Sarah Palin in venues like the Charlie Gibson interview and even Tina Fey’s SNL sketch, they may not be as enamored of what they’re seeing.

The Research 2000 poll for Daily Kos now has Palin’s favorability-unfavorability scores at 45-44 — just a +1. Six days ago, when the poll, launched, she was at a 52-35, a +17.


16 09 2008

And there you have, doubters.


16 09 2008
Ana Gama

About the Blackberry, I think what he meant to say is that McCain planted some blackberry bushes in the yard of one of his houses….

16 09 2008

Lehmann CEO is getting a $22 million severance. There oughta’ be a law!

Well to be fair it was his turn. I bet the poor guy watched so many buddies get theirs first. You didn’t expect him to just pull himself up by his bootstraps did you? That would be so Republican of you.

16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

I can’t post links any more… sob… but it seems the British press is sharpening their claws. Michael Tomasky’s blog at The Guardian seems to be a foretaste of things to come (I think they’ve been waiting to see what happens and have now made up their minds). Good quotes:

“The portrait here is of a deeply insecure person with at once a wobbly command of government and fiercely ideological world view (a great combination!) whose administration abused power to conceal the first fact and enforce the second”
“In GOP-spin world, Palin has vast “executive experience.” In reality world, this is a joke.”
and the concluding paragraph:
“If all this is true, why is she so popular? Fair question. She’s likeable, as I said. She sold the airplane (which is something you can only do once). She taxed the oil companies and gave the money to the people. And she operates in secrecy, shiedling the bad news, which is a pretty easy thing for a governor in a small state with a small in-state media to do. As the governor said herself, it’s not rocket science. Let’s hope the US media stays on top of it.”

Indeed, let’s hope…

16 09 2008

It’s AIG, not AIP….

Also….my new name is Taupe Armeggedon Palin. But you guys can call me Taupe for short.

Just Taupe!

16 09 2008

You know there is something terribly wrong with the GOP ticket when Rove says John McCain has gone a bit too far.

I believe they realize how much of a HUGE MISTAKE this ticket would be, and what it might cost them, should McShame/Plain get elected.

They do not want the two in the White House. Just think if something happened to McShame. Can you imagine if Russia pissed Plain off, she probably would not hesitate to push that red button. And don’t think they won’t push there’s! At least she will see the end of days in her time, should we allow her and McShame to get elected!

The Repub’s don’t want this, and they know it! What a DISASTER!!!

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin


Minnesota will come through.

I think you could use Andrew Sullivan’s words to describe us Obama supporters here:




I would add the word unwavering to that description too.

16 09 2008

I own a small company and employ 5. I pay for the employees and they kick in for their family. I just found out that my insurance is going up 33% in the next quarter. This is a huge hit on a small company.
I’m shopping today, but this is real bad news! I really don’t want to ask the employees to help, as it was one of their benefits. Under McCain/Palin it will only get worse.

16 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Cindy “Rake Trinket Palin” re: people evacuated because they can’t buy fuel

“More complicated than that”…yeah, I’m sure it is.

If this is an example of Sarah’s “management skills”, GeeDubya is a GENIUS.

This situation cannot be tolerated. What can any of us Mudpuppies do to help?

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

‘What on EARTH was that delegate doing with a $10,000 bracelet and $40,000 earrings in his hotel room???’

Providing more proof that the time for change is now.

16 09 2008

Wow – did I mangle that spelling

Taupe Armageddon Palin…. lol….

16 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

At 1:30 ET there is a discussion at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2008/09/16/DI2008091601273.html
on the 2008 election and the economy ….
You can ask questions early or in progress.

16 09 2008

Nothing personal but it’s really hard to tell how many people were at either rally based on those pictures. Same white pickup truck, same greyish pickup truck, lots of the same signs. The indoor picture doesn’t help much either because the camera is located too far away and too close to the floor to provide much of a perspective. But if the Anchorage PD notes more than 1500 for the outdoors rally, then those of us in the lower 48 need to do some organizing to top that number.

16 09 2008

Obama is live right now go to http://www.barackobama.com/live/

16 09 2008

If you want to check out the astrological breakdown of Palin and Obama, check out http://www.robertphoenix.com

16 09 2008

Saw Bush this morning in Texas & thought for the first time he looked highly stressed. Just wondering if there is even a slight possibility that it is dawning on him what he’s done to this country. Probably not…..but he does seem to be losing some of his swagger….probably just passing it on to the “Dynamic Duo”. McCain seemed downright testy this am. What’s with all the Chatty Kathy’s on CNN & MSNBC. …nice looking, but not much substance. Tim Russert is so missed. MSM has lost all credibility.

16 09 2008


Barack is live now, you can watch

16 09 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

The BlackBerry? OMG-it was created by a Canadian firm in Waterloo, Ontario called Research in Motion(RIM).

This is funnier than Gore and the internet!

16 09 2008
Cindy "Rake Trinket Palin"

@Cassie Jeep Pike Palin: I’ve emailed my state legislators to ask what we can do as a state or if there’s a fund for private citizens to donate to. I still can’t believe this is happening in the United States.

This country is breaking, if it’s not already broken.

16 09 2008

There is one thing which is becoming more and more evident… more voters read this site than participate in any of the McCain/Palin rallies.

Perhaps it’s time for me to get my own Palin name. Despite my fear that it will come out as Kitty Poop or Hair Ball, would one of you mudflattians be kind enough to again post the link to the palin name creator? Thanks.

Oh, and I’m hoping not to have to put burgundy lipstick on.

16 09 2008

@ swineprincess- thanks for the plug.
The two most recent posts are “A Danger To The Republic Part II” and “The Unheralded Paragons”, both of which deal with the economy, the election, and the American worker: http://arkangel3.wordpress.com/
(Shameless self-promotion over)

I’m listening to McCain right now, and the line of crap he is feeding to his audience about “Special interests on Wall St, and CEO’s and Golden Parachutes, and dishonest executives…” Good God almighty! This is the same guy’s Party who CAUSED all of this! And these people are eating this up! I cannot believe it…oh Jesum, he just promised us prosperity. And here we go back to earmarks…God, I despise this man.

16 09 2008

He just said “Drill baby, drill”

I’m gonna go puke now…

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Well, well. those wacky McCain folks are now claiming the Blackberry comment was just a joke and that McCain got a good laugh out of it when told about it.

I believe the campaign person was answering a point blank question about how he felt McCain’s Commerce Committee experience helped the Senator understand market economics.

In this week of all weeks, when the US Economy is the worst I can ever remember it being in my lifetime, why would some give a joke answer and probably more important why would a candidate for President find it hilarious?





Obama 08

16 09 2008

Everyone should be listining. Barack live in Golden CO http://www.barackobama.com/live/

16 09 2008

You think the Lehman payout of 22mil is huge, look at what the CEO of Merrill walked away with $161 million.


16 09 2008

which of sarah’s classmates is minding the store or is it the shadow governor (aka todd)?

Exodus from an Alaskan village

Everyone in Adak is leaving. The village cannot afford to pay its gas bill, and they have been cut off. Their numbers have already been cut in half in recent years, but gas prices will force them all to leave.

The mayor/chief of police resigned.

I cannot imagine where 130+ people go to start over, and from something that is not a natural disaster. A hurricane did not hit these people – high gas prices did.


16 09 2008


Wow….you have a stronger stomach than me listening to John McCain. And did he really say “Drill, Baby, Drill”?!?

Yup, that is sure to solve all of our economic problems. 😦

16 09 2008

AKM – Thanks for another stellar post.

@Palmdale – Thank you for updating “THE LIST”

@Ky Fork Decoy Palin (07:55:45) :
Regarding last night’s John Stewart show – HE WAS SMASHING!

NOW…back to read and refresh. I got a late start this morning – I was trying to locate my teacher’s retirement fund…still looking – MY “mental recession” has cut deep.

16 09 2008

Tell me if this isn’t a Baby Ruth in the swimming pool.


Keep reading the teleprompter Sarah…kind of like fiddling while Rome burns.

16 09 2008

It’s about time Obama took some well-placed shots at McCain and McCain’s economic stupidity. Obama made a reference to what happened a couple decades ago with the S&L fiasco but he failed to nail McCain for being in bed with the biggest S&L criminal of all – Charles Keating. I’m sure McCain’s group of paid lobbyist/advisors will find someway to spin it all as yet another instance of Maverick Johnnie being a… well, maverick.

Poor Johnnie. Facts don’t lie. And facts are very stubborn things. Time for Obama to bring forth the facts and remind the American people what kind of skunk they have on the Republican side of the election. And he won’t even have to bring out the specter of the unethical pitbull.

16 09 2008

@SMR-from what I have read these were the following tallies for folks attending events yesterday:

Obama in Grand Junction which is 258 miles away from Denver with a population of 45,299 folks drew 5000 people.
Obama in Pueblo which is 104 miles from Denver with a population of 102,121 drew 13,500 people.
She Who Will Not Be Named in Golden which is 10 miles from downtown Denver drew an estimated 5000 people. Now keep in mind that camp skewers figures. So who knows really the true amount.
Obama in Golden today: have not heard how many showed up.

But that just gives you an idea of where they were yesterday.

Your Colorado Reporter
Slap Spear Palin

16 09 2008
JoeAlvord aka another Spoon Archer Palin

With my middle name I am Spoon Archer Palin. It seemed to be taken so I put in without the middle name and I got FLACK GOBBLER PALIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah’s own Palin baby name! I’m staying with Spoon Archer even though it’s a little crowded here.

BTW – I’d like you to meet my wife, Slap Spear and my three kids, Tank Dent, Steak Leather, and Nixon Hellfire.

16 09 2008

Please God let America hear what Obama has just said.
Please God let America Open Their Ears and Eyes !
Please God Bless America on this election.

16 09 2008

The Lehman CEO has not yet been paid… a bankruptcy court judge will decide whether he is entitled to all that loot. As for Merrill Lynch… has any source yet verified that amount or broken it down?

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Obama’s got his groove back.
I’m listening to him live, on his site.
He is both attacking McCain, and clearly outlining a plan.

16 09 2008
JoeAlvord aka Spoon Archer Palin #2 Palin

A woman at the Ed Schultz rally Saturday said it best. “According to independent sources, the “Drill baby Drill” approach will save us 4 cents per gallon in 10 years. I can do better with my Fred Meyer rewards card right now!”

16 09 2008
FiredUp AKA Falter Locust Palin

To anyone who did NOT see the Daily Show last night- go look on youtube or, maybe comedycentral.com- in any event, Jon Stewart was amazing- he called Sarah out on so many things that the MSM is giving her a pass on, including the Rape Kits. I shouted out loud when he did that because FINALLY someone was mentioning it. Not only that, he sounded really angry when he said that (not funny at all- ANGRY) and the crowd BOO-ED (sp?) and he looked at them and said, “Yeah, that is TRUE.”

Can someone tell me why the View and the Daily Show are doing a better job than the MSM on calling her out and holding her accountable?

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Has anyone else noticed Mccain seems to be losing ground in the polls in his own state. Not on all websites but definetly on pollster. I know it probably means nothing but still make me wonder.


16 09 2008

sauerkraut-Are you talking about the current Lehman CEO or the last one? Barack just hit the subject in Golden listen here:http://www.barackobama.com/live/

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
Independent in AZ


thank you for link to Obama’s Golden, Co speech. What of his most powerful on his economic policy I have seen to date.

Lays out his vision of reform and regulation in a free market and the difference between what his approach and McCain’s lack of approach has been over last year or so. Substance on this issue you can sink your teeth into.

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

Federalist Papers No. 51 James Madison

16 09 2008


That is the last CEO who left last year. Here is the link to the story.


O’Neal, the second-highest paid Wall Street CEO in 2006, retired from Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. on Tuesday, almost a week after the investment bank reported its largest-ever quarterly loss. The $2.24 billion loss was precipitated by a $7.9 billion third-quarter writedown, as the company revalued assets backed by shaky mortgages. O’Neal’s ouster was expected after the loss.

16 09 2008

ArkAngel said:
He just said “Drill baby, drill”
I think he got that line from Sarah, but it has nothing to do with oil. I think it’s what she screams during “intimate” moments with The First Dude.

I sincerely apologize to those who may have lost their lunch with that observation, but I couldn’t resist.

16 09 2008

Ky Fork Decoy Palin (08:40:22Said, “Obama’s got his groove back.
I’m listening to him live, on his site.
He is both attacking McCain, and clearly outlining a plan.”
I’m listing too! I Agree! He’s back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Posting this again, regarding Adak.
Please, if you have a blog, MySpace, Live Journal, etc. pass it on! These are American citizens. This should not happen in the US. This situation needs to receive National (at least) attention.

16 09 2008
John McCain

You’re just funny communists.
The presidency is always decided on TV and Sarah and I are blond, attractive and rich – America loves us. That’s why we will win.

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

GRrrr! I can’t post links! When I do, the site eats my comments! Is anyone else having this problem? It happened to me yesterday, too…

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin
16 09 2008

My email to Countdown:

Here is a novel idea.
Why not run Obama’s entire speech today from Golden, Colorado on your show tonight?
Can you do that if you want too Keith?
Or maybe the first half on your show and the second half on Rachel’s show?
It is such an important speech and all of America deserves to hear it.

16 09 2008
Charcoal Sniper P.

I used to live in Arizona- in a part where everyone hated McCain actually…. Arizona has been hit hard by the housing crisis. The city I lived in (for just under 3 years) population doubled while I lived there, now 2 years after leaving it is down below where it started 25,000 to 50,000 back down to 20,000 peeps. More houses were built there in those three years than there were when I moved there, it is pretty safe to say those houses are all empty, some not even finished. The prices were hugely inflated by the boom and all the mortgages were bad (the developments wouldn’t allow people to shop around for their mortgages, and the people were not smart enough to just say no to the deal or to understand what they were getting, besides they were ARM ). I have heard from friends (who still live there) that it is a ghost town.

16 09 2008

Someone please put Barack in Golden on Youtube ASAP. I have a bunch of friends that need to hear this. Infact, everyone needs to hear this. Go Barack!!!

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

I’m donating more to the campaign, today, just for this speech. I’m like a smoker. haha! Any excuse, really. When I’m happy, when I’m angry, when I’m inspired. Donate, donate, donate!

16 09 2008

THWv (08:50:54) :

Someone please put Barack in Golden on Youtube ASAP. I have a bunch of friends that need to hear this. Infact, everyone needs to hear this. Go Barack!!!

I am working on it, looking for the stream
I forgot to install my download stream plugin for FF when I upgraded last week.
Asking friends right now if they downloaded the stream.
Will let you people know.

16 09 2008

Here is how I know I am a rational, intelligent voter.

Barack Obama is inspiring me with hope for our country’s future. He has laid out ambitious plans that I believe could only be a huge positive for everyone.

I know that John McCain cannot do that. When the smokescreen clears, we all know his policies will be the relatively the same as what the Republicans have been toting for a long time.

That said, if Obama doesn’t come through with his promises and I can factually lay blame to his administration and the (hopefully) Democratic Congress, my vote for next time is lost.

I *will* hold people accountable. I don’t just vote party line.

Seems like many of the Republicans I see don’t understand that philosophy.

16 09 2008

Last night was the first night in a long time that I have not dreamt about this campaign and its potential impacts. (Maybe it’s because I banned the internet and TV from my living area for one night and browsed through Food and Wine instead.) I woke up this morning to rain, which reflected my mood, so I’m glad to hear that Obama is getting his mojo back.

I feel sad for the old John McCain. He would not know the new, “improved” (just a term, not an opinion) Presidential candidate John McCain. In fact, the old John McCain would have probably given this cartoon character a piece of his mind by now.

McCain has been given every opportunity in life. His granddad and dad were Admirals which gave him a leg up to be admitted to Annapolis (where he partied away and graduated fifth from the bottom of his class). He took his first marriage and when she became disabled, he dumped her. He had an adulterous affair with a rich Barbie, eventually making her his wife, because she could help him with his goals and dreams, and disabilities would not hold him back. In his first term as Senator he stepped right into the Keating Five scandal, which eventually cost American taxpayers $2B in 1990 dollars.

He called his wife (the new improved wife) a c**t on air which must have horribly shamed her except she was on her way to becoming a junkie. His wife took some pages from the John McCain book, and used people around her, eventually destroying careers for her fix.

Mr. McCain has to think about how many homes he owns while there are 10,000 American families losing their homes each week to foreclosure.

Mr. McCain has no problem with lying to garner a little applause, to whet his appetite for the adoration he craves from the American people. When someone tries to protect him by saying he doesn’t know about all those deceptive ads, I wonder if that is because he is going senile or if he doesn’t understand the term “lie” just like he doesn’t understand the term “economy fundamentals.”

This is the final time he can realistically run for President. What kind of candidacy has John McCain run? How will he be remembered because I can’t seriously believe people will think of him as a Family First candidate?

1) One that is filled with extreme right-wing war mongers and special interest groups and lobbyists. At last count, McCain had over 100 lobbyists on his campaign roster. McCain has to answer to Senator Lieberman for bringing the CUFI over to endorse him….the CUFI is so extreme right it believes God is telling them to start Armageddon through bombing Iran.

2) He has taken Obama’s slogan of “Change” and tried to twist it to reflect a change in Washington. Yet, here is a man who celebrates his 70th birthday aboard a yacht, the Celine Ashley, rented by A-list con man Raffaello Follieri and his then-movie star girlfriend Anne Hathaway. Here is a man who hires a former Nixon goon to help with his transition. Here is a man who listens to his opportunist friend Senator Lieberman and picks an unknown from Alaska as his running mate, igniting a celebrity storm of American Idol proportions. Here is a man who voted with Bush 90% of the time, but didn’t think it a good idea to have ANY semblance of the current administration at the RNC because of its disastrous policies and outcomes. Here is a man who thinks he invented the Blackberry but takes no accountability for the financial crisis.

3) McCain does not have a platform with the exception of needing to bomb Iran and shelter Georgia, a country that does not share the democratic tendencies of America. He has no plan for the mortgage crisis, the financial melt-down, global warming, globalization of jobs, education (with the exception of vouchers and those in local communities who have tried this can “vouch” they don’t work) or the stabilization of the American dollar. He has no energy plan except to hope that Americans are dumb enough to believe that drilling somehow helps us and not the Big Oil companies to whom he is beholden. He has no plan for Civil Liberties. One wonders what Mr. McCain himself thinks his legacy will be if elected President?

Mr. McCain is so desparate for votes he is allowing special interest groups to bombard citizens in S. Florida with smear tactics about Obama being part of the PLO. He allows racial unrest that simmers below the surface in rural America to be tested in his favor with Obama waffles, “uppity” comments, and deceptive ads that paint Mr. Obama as a leering pedophile.

The new Mr. McCain doesn’t have a vision or an original thought. He is an empty shell of his old self where the forces of hate, greed and ambition are feasting.

Mr. McCain’s eyes are empty. He looks tired. He hobbles up to the stage and prays that he will have the good fortune of saying something that will reach the American people, yet never thinks about how he might actually accomplish it.

The old Mr. McCain is dead. The new improved Mr. McCain should never be elected to a public office again.

16 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

Ky Fork Decoy Palin: happened to me all the time. I finally gave up trying to put in a link.

16 09 2008

fixthebroken- yeah, he REALLY did say “Drill Baby Drill” after an audience member yelled it. And yes, he was even enthusiastic about it!

Obama just gave me a nice shot of political Maalox.

And one more thing…JAMES MADISON, ROCKS…BABY!!!

16 09 2008

@ cassie jeep pike palin

The whole idea for SWWNBN came from this article by Anne Lamott:

If y’all haven’t read her article yet take some time out to do so.

Slap Spear Spalin

16 09 2008

Harley-you rock. I am so pumped up right now! Barack was awesome in Golden!

16 09 2008
Sandy Beach

AKMuckraker! Today you made the front page of (…drum roll…) the Juneau Empire! Yay!

16 09 2008

Just watched Obama in Golden. WOW! How could anyone even compare him with McCain. Called my Dad to watch, he is slowly coming around, and I think this will put him over the edge. I think he knew in his heart of hearts that McCain was not up to the job, and picking Palin proved the guy has slipped a cog. I have my yard sign ready for him. He lives in Missouri, and more and more of his neighbors are also coming around.

16 09 2008
Independent in AZ

Charcoal Sniper, not all of us in AZ hate John McCain. I can only speak for myself and our household. We used to be strong McCain supporters as he used to be more of the Maverick character we now miss. He moved away from what made him strong to us, capitualating integrity for his political gain. As far a housing, yes, our community is starting to see the sporadic for sale signs intermingled with the foreclosure signs. Like you, we pray and feel for those who lost their homes and dreams and we hope for a stronger economy and job market under a bi-partisan Obama administration.

16 09 2008


I’ll be sending you my cleaning bill 😛

16 09 2008

From fivethirtyeight.com today:
September 16, 2008 9:39 AM
OTF said…
Political Wire got an advance look at several new state polls from American Research Group that show Sen. John McCain has just a 2-point lead in Montana and a 4-point lead in West Virginia.

Meanwhile, Sen. Barack Obama has a 7-point lead in New Mexico.

ARG will release the results of these


16 09 2008


Well put.

16 09 2008

Let’s get everyone out to events like this!
So here is a heads up. Alaskans for Obama will be rallying in Wasilla on Friday, Sept 19 from 4 to 6 pm. Meet on the Parks Highway at Crusey Street, next to Wasilla Lake.
Come out and join us. Bring your signs. The primary objective is to show that there are a lot of Alaskans who support Obama.
See you there.

16 09 2008

As a long time educator, I communicate reguarly with fellow teachers across the nation. Together, as we ponder the “state of our nation”, a question that many of ask is: In a country where “lip service” is paid to how highly we value education, let’s look at the candidates’ educational backgrounds and decide:


Here are the two options as I understand them:
Occidental College – Two years.
Columbia University – B.A. political science with a
specialization in international relations.
Harvard – Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

Joe Biden:
University of Delaware – B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
Syracuse University College of Law – Juris Doctor (J.D.)


John McCain:
United States Naval Academy – Class rank 894 of 899

Sarah Palin:
Hawaii Pacific University – 1 semester
North Idaho College – 2 semesters – general study
University of Idaho – 2 semesters – journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College – 1 semester
University of Idaho – 3 semesters – B.A. in journalism

Now, which team are WE going to hire ?

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than
sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

16 09 2008

Mainiac, if Obama wins West Virginia, this election would be a landslide for Obama. I am not that optimistic that he can do that; but if he can keep West Virginia close, that should hopefully translate into better things across the rest of the country. 🙂

16 09 2008

I Give You

Something I’ve been trying to grab for two days, been in contact with the TV station that aired it, they had a glitch in the beginning of their taping of what they televised, but just got it up:

VP candidate Biden visits Charlotte – 9-14-08

Biden Speaks in Charlotte
Watch the vice presidential candidate’s entire speech at Phillip O. Berry Academy.

The glitch must have been in the beginning, as he told me, because it cut out Jill Biden speaking, and she was just as good, only a shorter talk.

You can watch the video with the second link or use the top link and watch at the site.

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Susie, I wonder if it happens when a link has already been posted? It just started happening to me, yesterday.

I’m going to try it again!
This is regarding Adak.

I’m posting it, everywhere. My MySpace friends must wonder what is happening to me. I had never posted a blog, but recently I’ve been posting a LOT!

This should not be happening in America. These people need the government to step in! Many of these communities were evacuated during WWII, during occupation. They were relocated to SE Alaska, which is a totally different environment than they were used to. A lot of the community never returned. To lose an entire community due to high energy costs is insane. Yes, insane. Especially considering which state they live in!!!

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

It worked! I started the link with “www.”, and left off the “http://”

16 09 2008

So far no takers on the video stream…..is still trying
If anyone else gets it first, this is not a contest…Post It please!

16 09 2008

fixthebroken (08:54:04) :
Here is how I know I am a rational, intelligent voter.
I *will* hold people accountable. I don’t just vote party line.
Seems like many of the Republicans I see don’t understand that philosophy.

Well said! I absolutely agree!

16 09 2008

Harley- if you end up with a youtube link of Barack in Golden please put it up. I have to climb back on my roof so I can finish cleaning my chimney so I‘ll be gone for a while. I came in sometime ago to grab a safety harness, I couldn’t resist a quick peak of mudflats and that is how I found the link to Barack in Golden (thank you, thank you, thank you to whom ever posted it!). I’ll have to finish reading all the post when I return. Now, I must get back to work. Keep spreading the word my mudflats friends!

16 09 2008

Wow, big difference!

16 09 2008

“The fundamental business of this country is on a sound and prosperous basis,” President Herbert Hoover, October 1929.

“The economy is fundamentally strong,”

John McCain, September, 2008

16 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

Hey AKMuckraker, I just posted a new blog on my site and gave you a big endorsement in my notes at the end (well, as big as a small guy like me can give, anyway :-D) and put in a link for mudflats. As soon as I can figure out how to add links on the side of the page like you have for the blogroll etc. , I’ll put a permanent link there to your site. This has become my “Morning coffee site” from now on, and more people in the lower 48 need to read what you have to say. Great work and keep it up.

Mudflats: Some of the best reading on the net!!!

16 09 2008

I Will Find A Video For Todays Speech Somewhere !
it is my goal for the day.
In the meantime, as stated earlier, I am sure we would welcome
a link to one from anyone else, so if you find it, please post it.

Also, for my Southern California Buddies, here is a list of Obama
Rally’s coming to a place near You.

Upcoming SoCal Obama Rallies

16 09 2008
no more

Palin goes to the U.N. How lame is this? An afternoon touring the U.N. should get Sarah up to speed on international affairs. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/09/16/palin-to-meet-foreign-leaders-at-un/?mod=googlenews_wsj

16 09 2008

Great statement!
In a statement, Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s campaign spokesman Bill Burton said:
“If John McCain hadn’t said that ‘the fundamentals of our economy are strong’ on the day of one of our nation’s worst financial crises, the claim that he invented the BlackBerry would have been the most preposterous thing said all week.”

Preposterousness Overload!!! Who can keep up?

16 09 2008
Cynthia, TX




16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Oh – just seen Barack and now I’m watching Biden… thanks for the links. They make me tear up with pride for, well, humanity – I think.

16 09 2008

Hey ProudtobeUSA,

As always, Thank You for your insightful post. I have come to count on Your enthusiasm, as well as the enthusiasm of all other Mudflats! So please do not get weary in well doing. Remember, we are on the right side of of history! (B.Clinton)

No matter the outcome, I am SO PROUD to be supporting the Obama/Biden ticket, and equally as PROUD to be a part of this Mudflats Team!

16 09 2008

Ed Schultz just gave out the Mudflats web address to his listeners!

16 09 2008

Blue Idaho,

I would not be surprised that McCain is losing a bit of ground in AZ. I live in Tucson (the somewhat liberal bastion in a traditionally conservative state) and I have seen very few indications of McCain support down here as evidenced by virtually no McCain/Palin bumperstickers. Granted, the circles I run in by virtue of my own political views and my profession put me with virtually no McCain supporters but I just am not seeing support down here. I do have to travel to Phoenix a couple times a month and I havent really noticed McCain bumperstickers there either. I’ll be up there on Friday and will keep my eyes peeled.

16 09 2008

RFK Jr: Palin Quoted Author Who Wanted My Father Assassinated

Fascist writer Westbrook Pegler, an avowed racist who Sarah Palin approvingly quoted in her acceptance speech for the moral superiority of small town values, expressed his fervent hope about my father, Robert F. Kennedy, as he contemplated his own run for the presidency in 1965, that “some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies.”


16 09 2008

Okay Harley –

Here is a link from yesterday (9/15/08) with Obama in Pueblo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5mQgNUwOyQ

Are you looking for a speech from today? SOrry, I’m trying to work AND keep up with Mudflats!!!! 🙂 Love my avatar btw.

16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Btw, last night’s Palin nightmare (I’ve been having them regularly) involved a plane crashing on take off and her as air hostess… make of that what you will.

16 09 2008


Hey HARLEY, my friend, my pal – when I googled, I got the above link which had 9/16/08 Obama speech Colorado listed so I bet they will be putting it up soon.

16 09 2008

SwinePrincess: “FEMA needs to be disbanded and disaster management needs to be redesigned into something that does manage disasters.”

A Brief History of FEMA

Carter created the agency in 1979 under pressure from State Governors, predominately Gulf Coast Republicans whose states had suffered from disorganized response to disastrous hurricanes over the prior decade.

Ronald Reagan, an old Cold Warrior, shifted the agency’s focus from emergency management to civil defense. During the Reagan & Bush Sr. administrations, FEMA became a dumping ground for their political cronies, and a bad joke to local emergency responders. (I was a little-bitty one.) Nine directors were appointed in those 12 years, none of whom had any professional expertise in emergency management.

Hurricane Andrew (Category 5) struck southern Florida in 1992. FEMA was nowhere to be found. Dade County Emergency Manager Kate Hale went on the national news. They had no power, or food, or sewer, or water. “Babies will be dying,” she cried, “Where The Hell is the Cavalry?”

Clinton made political hay of FEMA’s failure, and he followed through. Three months into his first term, he elevated the agency to the cabinet level and nominated James Lee Witt as director. Witt had spent his life providing emergency services. He remained the director throughout both Clinton’s terms, and earned praise from both parties for transforming FEMA into a professional and responsive agency.

Among other things, Witt’s FEMA organized Disaster Preparedness Plans for three major catastrophes which the now professional agency thought likely to strike the United States. They were: 1) a major earthquake in California; 2) a terrorist attack in New York; and 3) a hurricane in New Orleans.

During his political campaign, Bush Jr. had great praise for Witt and for FEMA’s professionalism. As President, he dismissed Witt and appointed his campaign manager, Joe Allbaugh, to head the agency. Allbaugh had no experience managing emergencies. He told Congress that FEMA was nothing but a huge entitlement program, asked for funding cuts, and began scrapping Witt’s Disaster Preparedness Plans.

Those preparedness plans were still in effect on 9/11. FEMA was on-the-spot at the World Trade Center. Afterward, the agency was cut back to an office in the newly formed Department of Homeland Security, and reverted back to a party favor for political loyalists. Many of the career professionals who came to FEMA under Witt quit in disgust.

Five years later, the third of Witt’s anticipated disasters struck. Under “Heck of a job Brownie,” the agency was found asleep at the wheel.
– – – – –
The lesson in FEMA’s history is not that it should be disbanded. It is that government programs which are professionally run by people who work for success can succeed. Those run by novice cronies who, for ideological reasons, seek failure will fail.

16 09 2008

Very interesting parallel proud2busa. I hear the new Hooverville’s have been popping up for a while now in the states. Mostly former middle income folk who have lost their houses and are living in little RV clusters along the ditches of American freeways. Watch this phenomena grow as the economy throws off more jobs and more people hit the streets. Maybe President Sarah will give everybody a 1200 dollar “tax rebate” like she did up here and claim the problem solved.

16 09 2008

Sounds like you got on the Republican plane by accident.

16 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

hi muflatians!

here is a palin poll to take. flood the polls!


16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

@plwalsh… I know… I just want you all to get off it!!!

16 09 2008

Hey No More!
Thanks for the article about Palin’s upcoming visit to the U.N. next week to meet Heads Of State.


**I ESPECIALLY enjoyed reading the comments posted after the article. Below is the is the first reader comment listed:

Dear concerned citizens of America and Mass Media of the U.S.A.:

As a concerned registered independent voter, forensic psychiatrist, disabled American I made my decision to vote after taking into consideration following joint tickets attributes and characteristics.

1. Has the ticket shown adequate calmness, coolness, and connectedness’s under pressure to lead our nation [Presidential Temperament]?

2. Has the ticket shown sustained sound “Judgment and Caliber”?

3. Has the ticket shown adequate understanding of depth and degree to address the crucial challenges in their their purpose, policies, and positions [ Honesty, integrity and sincerity]?

4. Has the ticket sufficient “understanding and knowledge” of inside Washington workings [Experience]”?

5. Has the ticket reservoir resilience, wisdom, and vigor to address the present and future f our beloved “Great-grand Nation”?

6. Has the ticket enough joint foreign policy experience and exposure based on ” Values, Virtues, Vastness, and ” [American moral soul]”?

7. Has their campaign talk, slogans, ads, plans, and programs based on facts and are they free of fear, fiction, frivolous labels, unfair attacks, negativity, and impulsively? [No “imminent danger to national
security and safety”].

8. Has the ticket genuinely kept on message of country first and politics last and avoided copying [Message change”]?

9. Has the ticket message stayed away from Culture divide and war[ Disaster prevention ]?

10. Has the ticket resisted being surrounded, supported and surrogate’s by divisiveness, distortion’s, and destructive characters, [ Real patriotism VS shiftiness and shameless parrot-ism]?

I have personally and professionally concluded that OBAMA-BIDEN ticket will lift and inspire our great grand nation back to its greatness within and restore our global standing with the use of maximum, firm international diplomacy and minimal force if and when indicated {” Peace thru Strenght “}.

***Beautifully Stated!

16 09 2008

On a side note:
from a Newsweek article

Put Palin on the Supreme Court

16 09 2008

“Many Americans aren’t Paying Taxes”: John McCain says

Yep you read the subject title right, John says We Don’t Pay Taxes!!!

Watch him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsazrg1gbO0

And pass the link on!!!!

16 09 2008

Damn My blockquote disappeared!

It’s not just that Palin would be great for the ever more stuffy Supreme Court. Closer scrutiny suggests that the Supreme Court might actually be a better fit for Palin. Consider her interests: Palin has little background in national security, health care, immigration or foreign policy. Her main concerns have been the hot-button social issues that cannot be settled by fiat in the executive branch. Palin wants to do away with abortion and strongly opposes gay marriage. She supports teaching creationism in schools and believes in promoting religious free expression. These are constitutional issues on which Republican presidents have been thwarted for decades. Since the Supreme Court has often been the lone defender of the rights of women, gay couples and atheists, installing a Sarah Palin there would do far more to undo these things than getting her into the White House.

16 09 2008

Don’t know if this was posted — it is pretty funny


16 09 2008

Harley, that Newsweek article is very interesting satire 🙂

16 09 2008
Ohio Sue

Well, I come here and read the greats posts and comments. From time to time, I post suggested items to read or enjoy. Right now, I just want to tell someone that I am looking at Carly Fiorina on MSNBC and I want to SLAP that smile right off her face.

That’s all.

Have a nice day.

16 09 2008

Folks I have been informed by friend in California that within a few hours the video
of todays event in Colorado will be placed

On This Page !!!

16 09 2008

Ohio Sue,

Her and Nancy Pftoenhauer. And Tucker Bounds. And…..

What is Carly saying now — something about Obama being sexist, I am sure.

16 09 2008


I just dropped in to see what was happening, only to find out that I missed Obama’s speech.

I have been trying to be good today…getting my work done, rather then hopping between mudflats and the Huff post all day!

The wealth of information and provoking dialogue on mudflats could keep me glued here for days. I commend you all, but now I must hit the books again.

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Today is a good day. CNN’s newest poll has it all tied up again and the Wasilla bridge hits the news! yeah!


16 09 2008

@mvngfwd, these odd names must be the cross we bear. Mustache Warthog is unique, but after yesterday’s stock market crisis, Rope Hoover might be more timely.
Sincerely, pamela aka Mangle Blue Plain

16 09 2008
KTN aka Wood Corps Palin


ok .

seriously, i mean your OWN party “surrogates” speaking on whether or not Palin could run HP .


16 09 2008

Excuse me, that’s Mangle Blue Palin, of course.

16 09 2008

MJC (09:45:32) :

Hey No More!
Thanks for the article about Palin’s upcoming visit to the U.N. next week to meet Heads Of State.


**I ESPECIALLY enjoyed reading the comments posted after the article.

I like this comment further down the page:

Then after she goes to the UN for an hour to “meet foreign leaders” and establish her security/foreign policy credentials, McCain will take her to a hospital, so she can establish her “health care” credentials; then they will go out in the street and meet a whole bunch of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians to check off the “diversity” credentials; then they can ride the subway for one stop to clarify her “infrastructure” credentials; and then, finally, she can use her ATM card at a bank branch down on Wall Street so she can demonstrate her expertise on the financial markets.

God, I swear you can’t make this up.

16 09 2008


Carly Fiorina, a key surrogate for John McCain on economic issues, said on Tuesday that Sarah Palin does not have the experience needed to run a major company like the one that Fiorina formerly headed.

“Do you think [Sarah Palin] has the experience to run a major company, like Hewlett Packard?” asked the host.

“No, I don’t,” responded Fiorina. “But you know what? That’s not what she’s running for.”

So she can learn to be VP or (gasp) POTUS OJT right? Just like Carley had to learn how to be CEO of HP OJT while she laid off 6,000 workers and ran completely into the ground everything she touched?

WE ARE AT WAR PEOPLE! Do 160,000 troops in the filed need a person with no qualifications a heartbeat from the Presidency if Carley things she could not run HP?


16 09 2008

@OhioSue: “…I am looking at Carly Fiorina on MSNBC and I want to SLAP that smile right off her face…”

Yep, she’s another one that needs to go away from public office. She absolutely, almost single handedly, destroyed the great tradition and culture at HP. She has a lot of the same tendencies as Palin so they would make a good team:


16 09 2008

Ohio Sue, I am with you on Carly, and Nancy! They always have the back stabbing, condescending looks on their faces.

If I were only close tho either one of them! Let’s just say, I’m glad I’m not!

16 09 2008


16 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I went to bed sick and in tears last night after reading the David Talbot/Salon article you posted about the book banning, dinosaurs, and take-over of hospital and school boards in Wasilla. How do we stop this bus? Hopefully the economy will be the brakes on McPalin.

Happily this morning wept the other kind of tears – of joy and pride from visiting this Daily Kos story about Obama in Colorado:

One state at a time! Thanks Alaska Mudflats for your strength, intelligence, and good deeds.

16 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

Sean Hannity. Yes, that’s right. I said his name on this blog. There’s a Palin poll on the front page of his site where you can vote your thoughts on Palin. Right now the results are:

89% – Brilliant
5% – Not sure yet
4% – Don’t like her
3% – I wanted someone else

Go to http://www.hannity.com to cast your vote!

16 09 2008


Wish that I could join you, but not only is my hubby leaving for Canada that day, but I also have to go to my nephew’s bday party at 5p. The hubby is driving, so who knows what time he’s leaving……….

However, I’ve passed on the email to relatives, and since I have some in Wasilla I have high hopes that I can say that a few are attending because I passed on the word.

16 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Sorry – didn’t get the code right – but click on my last sentence for the link!

16 09 2008
Ohio Sue


Oh, how McCain has been talking about the economy for MONTHS; has been warning about Wall Street for YEARS; Obama is trying to make McCain into Bush; John McCain is a “Teddy Rossevelt Republican”; BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

16 09 2008

Harley, Thanks for the link to Obama’s speeches. I’ve been hunting for something like that myself! You Rock!

16 09 2008

Blue Idaho,

We just opened a ataffed Obama office in Phoenix. Phoebanking has started keep in mind more than thirty percent of population in greater Phoenix never voted for John Mccain becuse they all transplanted here from other parts of the country/ Overall we are not all that impressed with the boy wonder from Arizona. Just sign me Slap Spear Palln.

16 09 2008

Carly should take her golden parachute and fly off the Bridge to Nowhere.

16 09 2008

And don’t forget, McCain invented the Blackberry.

16 09 2008

Sorry for the typos I am fired up.

16 09 2008

@fixthebroken and @ohiosue –

If you want to see some really funny (albeit scary) videos of Gramps and his vast encylopedic knowledge of the economy, search YouTube under Ron Paul and John McCain. Paul’s people were ruthless and caught McInsane in several moments when even he had to stop and wonder WT* he was talking about!!!

16 09 2008

Amused & Bewildered:

My eyes!!!!!!! Go to my happy place….. That site, can’t stand to look at it long enough to find the poll. Ignore the idiots who think she’s brilliant. They will get theirs. Now, for real entertainment it might be better to see what sort of scary stuff is on the Hannidate link (like minded conservatives looking for dates). God. Can you believe it?

16 09 2008

carly fiorina…… desires to be the next governor of california.

the same carly fiorina who laid off almost 20,000 hp employees and sent their jobs overseas. defending her actions she said: “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore. We have to compete for jobs as a nation.”

the same carly fiorina who when fired from hp walked away with a $21 million dollar severance.

the same carly fiorina soley effected the Hewlett-Packard’s stock jumped 7% on news of her departure.

i’m thrilled she is speaking on mcshame’s behalf. just thrilled. 🙂

16 09 2008

Family First.

I put my family first when:

1) I can put food on the table through a job.

2) I can provide them with a safe, warm place to rest of our own.

3) I can provide educational opportunities for my children without fear of having to send them to war.

4) I can afford the gas to drive them to lessons and practices and dentist and doctor appointments.

5) I can have time to sit down with them and just talk versus working two or three jobs to make ends meet.

6) I have time to teach them about our ancestors and/or religion so they have a sense of self.

7) I have time to talk to my teenage daughter and son about choices with their bodies, their personal lives and life as adults. (remember, gals, it ain’t PRO-life – we are ALL Pro-Life. It’s Pro-Choice, and Anti-Choice)

8) I am confident that my family will return home at night safe and sound.

It could be just me, but is the Republican Party REALLY concerned and putting my family first? I don’t think so!

16 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I hope SNL does a Carly spoof next — I’m sure Kristin Wiig could do a fantastic imitation of that VP wannabee. Hate to say it though – even if she screwed up HP, I might sleep better at night if she was the potential heartbeat away if McCain won. Actually, there are about 100,000 others I’d feel better about than Palin. Even Tina Fey herself would make me feel better than Palin!

16 09 2008

Palin rearranges to Pnail, which is similar to Phail.

Says it all, really.

On a more serious note, the real danger here is that tons of extreme right-wing nutjobs will vote, while the majority with considered views will not vote in great numbers. The great thing about living in Australia is compulsory voting (of course, you can donkey vote, but laziness is not an option).

So I implore all Americans (minus the right-wing nutjobs :P) to vote come Nov 2nd. Looking at the last few elections, it’s clear your vote really COULD make a difference.

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Aztopcat- Keep us posted on your activities. I would love to see Arizona turn purple or even blue.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

skinkor (09:42:51)

Thanks for the history lesson Skinkor… like so many others I only know what I see of FEMA and, particularly on the hurricane front, they aren’t doing very well. I keep watching the feeds from the local stations because I am sending information to friends in the area who only have telephone service (yep you guessed it — they’re over 40 and have land lines!). Having grown up in the area I keep seeing images of places I loved looking like, well, New Orleans after Katrina or S Florida after Andrew and think, they have to do better.

Bush, who as I said earlier is forgotten but not gone, claims allegiance to Texas as his “home” and his parents claim they “live” there. bah! I say bah. If this place was your home you’d feel differently.

In oh so many ways, the appointments of unqualified directors of FEMA is echoed in the way that Sarah Palin has appointed people in her administration, love of cows my ass.

16 09 2008

News from the Twilight Zone …

1. McCain invented the Blackberry (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/16/mccain-helped-invent-the_n_126785.html)

2. Palin is not qualified to run HP, but she is qualified to run the United States of America (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/16/fiorina-palin-couldnt-do_n_126827.html)

16 09 2008

DFA Member –

This Saturday, we’re going to speak to a million newly
registered and infrequent voters about why we need to end the
war in Iraq.

There are Republicans against this war. There are Independents
and Democrats against this war. There are millions and millions
of Americans who want to see the War in Iraq end and our brave
men and women come home. But many of them feel they don’t matter
— that they can’t make a difference.

They need to hear from you. We will be reaching out to
infrequent and newly registered voters. They need to see it
matters to you. They need to know you think we can make a
difference. They need to hear you have hope that we will end
this war.

They need to know that you’re turning your hope into action.

Will you join us this Saturday? We need YOU to make change


You and I know face-to-face, one-on-one contact is the single
most effective way to communicate with voters.

Here’s how it works: Sign up now and on Wednesday you’ll get an
email with all the information you’ll need: Doors to knock on in
your neighborhood, a hand-out to print and deliver, and a
straight forward petition demanding that our next President and
Congress bring our troops home within a year.

Whether you can knock on 5 doors or 50 — whether you walk alone
or bring a friend — working together with progressives all over
the country on Saturday September 20, we’ll reach out to a
Million Doors for Peace.

This will be the largest mobilization against the War in Iraq
before the November election.


Thank you for everything you do to move our country forward and
end this war.


Adam Quinn, Field Director
Democracy for America

P.S. Sign up today and you’ll have two chances to update your
canvassing skills before you hit the doors. DFA Night School on
canvassing and phonebanking is Wednesday night and the Million
Doors for Peace coalition will hold an optional training
conference call on Thursday night as well. Look for more
information to follow for both these great trainings.

|Paid for by Democracy for America,
|www.democracyforamerica.com ,

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

CNN is reporting that the Legislature and the citizens of Alaska are asking for a halt in the abuse of power investigation. Anyone heard anything.

16 09 2008

Guys – the above post is a great opportunity to reach people who may feel their vote DOES NOT COUNT. It is also hitting newly registered voters. Please help if you can.

Thanks –

Krinkle Bearcat

16 09 2008

Hey Amused & Bewildered:

That Shaun Hannity poll must be rigged. I clicked on “don’t like her” and it gave me 3%! Wasn’t it up to 4% when you polled?

Hannity is a Hack!

16 09 2008


Hoping the Obama headquarters there will really focus on ASU students and getting that vote out. I’m doing what I can with the UofA

16 09 2008
Anchor Jack

Okay … NOW is the time and today IS the day. If you’re a parent, a grandparent, an aunt or an uncle, today is the day to sit down and write out that check for $50 or $100 or $500 for the Obama campaign. Do it for the future of your children, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews. Give those kids half a chance at a future worth having. Obama and the other Democratic candidates are going to need every cent they can get to nullify the Swiftboat lies, the RNC tap-dancing, the ballot-box manipulations, the Supreme Court end-runs. We’ve all seen what eight years of Republican incompetence can do to our economy, to our security, to our standing in world opinion – how much more of this can any of us endure? There are only 50 days left until the election. Write that check, and mail it today.

16 09 2008

CNN is reporting 5 AK lawmakers are suing to block the troopergate investigation. Gee, think they have something to hide?

16 09 2008

What a surprise that Hannity’s poll has Palin has Brilliant! 😉

16 09 2008

Palin’s Favorability Ratings Begin to Falter
Tuesday, September 16, 2008


16 09 2008

Yes, I was just watching CNN and they just said that “lawmakers and citizens” have filed to stop the investigation into Palin’s activities because they go against the Alaska Constitution!


AP story:

16 09 2008

Anyone know more info on this article. Apparantly Palin and Wasila had a policy they enforced to make rape victims pay for their own rape kits. The link is here:


16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

They just said that there will be a motion to block the investigation. Full story comming up in the next hour.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

davidnidorf (10:33:45)

uh no disrespect and glad to have you on board but it’s November 4th for Election Day…

Oh and there is a new way to show who you’re for…

During the day, everyone for Obama/Biden drive with your lights on and
At night, if your for McCain/Palin, drive with your lights off. 😉

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin


make that “you’re” not “your”

16 09 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

@Blue in Idaho: CNN is WRONG. The citizens are not asking for this. The legislature is not asking for this. Five partisans are demanding this.


I’m going to be beating my head against a wall if anyone needs me.

16 09 2008

Re: latest Troopergate developments.

AGH. I just saw the same story reported on the AP. What is going on up there????? I don’t want the GOP to get away with this! How can they sue to stop it?

16 09 2008

For the Barack Obama Press Conference Sept. 16 – Golden


16 09 2008


16 09 2008

Honest to God. This. Can’t. Get. Weirder. Can. It?

Today I was talking to my sister-in-law who is about 60 years old, and who is usually quite conservative. She was a Republican woman for Hillary, basically, but ended up voting for Obama in the Primary, which even surprised her children.

But I was still nervous when she asked me what I thought of Sarah Palin. So I didn’t answer until she blurted out that SP’s voice bothers her so much that it “grates on her soul.” *lol*

She also expressed a fear of Palin becoming the acting President from the beginning due to McCain’s health issues. I think of her as a typical woman of her generation, so all this really surprised me.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

Cartoon Pig Dog (09:24:33)

to add to your blogroll go to Dashboard, Write, Link

16 09 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

Pausing head-walling to say:

If any of my fellow Alaskans are represented by any of the five (below), I am sure your elected representatives would LOVE to hear your opinion of their recent action re: troopergate.

Wes Keller, House District 14 (Wasilla)
Mike Kelly, HD 7 (Fairbanks)
Bob Lynn, HD 31 (Anchorage)
Fred Dyson, HD 25 (Eagle River)

Tom Waggoner, Senate District Q (Kenai)

16 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

pamela (10:04:02) :

@mvngfwd, these odd names must be the cross we bear. Mustache Warthog is unique, but after yesterday’s stock market crisis, Rope Hoover might be more timely.
Sincerely, pamela aka Mangle Blue Plain

Rope Hoover Palin! Excellent! I think we should come up with a whole new genre now for this: the “Rope Palin” baby name genre.

Rope Hoover Palin
Rope Phil Gramm “Recession is Mental” Palin
Rope Keating Palin
Rope Grasso Palin
Rope Lehman Palin
Rope Fuld Palin
Rope Merrill Lynch Palin (nice pun too!)
Rope Thain Palin
Rope Reed Palin
Rope Aig Palin
Rope Sullivan Palin
Rope Willumstad Palin
Rope McCain Palin

16 09 2008
Catherine aka Bullpen Cola Palin

For any Great Lakes region people (especially Wisconsin):

This doesn’t have much to do with Sarah Palin exclusively, but James Rowen is a very informative blogger on environmental and political issues in the region.


(Just an FYI.)

16 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@SMR, THAT I couldn’t bear. I know it anyway, as I am ‘acquainted’ with one of his disciples on a non-political site. No sooner had the NY Post piece come out and she had posted it as fact. Not only was the piece op-ed; it was also written by a guy whose had other pieces debunked as fabrication. I know she got the “news” from Hannity. I’m not sure if this has been posted before but for anyone who hasn’t seen the article that Hannity says is “news”, here it is: http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/postopinion/opedcolumnists/obama_tried_to_stall_gis_iraq_withdrawal_129150.htm?&page=1 Unfortunately, many of his faithful listeners are not free-thinking and DO accept what he says as “news”. Here is some information about the Amir Taheri, the guy who wrote it and his other “works of fiction”. Good talking point if you run into anyone who believes what he writes simply on the basis of him writing it!

I gladly voted in the poll and would be delighted if we could make the number of the opposition increase over the course of the day — it’s very easy to find. Right there on his front page in the middle to the right. It will just take one second to vote: http://www.hannity.com

16 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Cnn is reporting that repugs in Alaska are petitioning to stop the Troopergate investigation.

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

SWWNBN will go to the UN with McCain AND GeeDubya?

How heroic and brave this young woman is!! When you add the First Dude, that means she only need THREE men to protect her on this dangerous journey!

(I visited the UN…can I be a cabinet memeber?)

16 09 2008
deb in oregon

Good news folks. On CNN they are reporting Palin’s resistance to cooperate in Troopergate. They are being fair and balanced. In fact, McCain’s camp sent a message while during the report that the reporter was wrong in saying “won’t cooperate”, she “mostly likely will not cooperate”. They are running scared!!!!

16 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

SwinePrincess< Thanks, I’m really a dummy at this. My site was actually set up by a friend that I met on another site, but he didn’t have time to manage it so he kind of turned it over to me, I’m still learning all those little tricks like editing, adding links, etc. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

IndieJ, I know! The charging for rape kits has been talked about for days…but somehow the mainstream media hasn’t brought it up. It is so aggravating! Stewart brought it up on The Daily Show last night, and I cheered, out loud.

16 09 2008

Be it known far and wide that as of now, I’m officially Guzzle Red Palin. Really super name generator. And it’s so true to my real identity. I used to guzzle a lot of beer and I also used to be a strawberry blonde, now turned white, mostly because of the apoplexy I experience when dealing with Repugnicans.

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

McCain’s camp is on cnn saying the Obama camp is running the investgation. This is getting crazy.

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

A Palin spokesperson is talking on CNN, right now. His voice is shaking, and he doesn’t sound very believable. He sounds desperate.

16 09 2008

The more press is generated by palinites to block this investigation the more the blogosphere and the MSM should bring to the fore how this represents a lack of honesty, transparency and ‘change’ that Palin and McCain keep trying to remind us they’re all about. Let them try to block it…it really is to the advantage of the dems to showcase this need Palin has to keep this all under wraps. And then they need to move right into the top two issues…the economy and our involvement in the middle east/US security….both of which the McCain/Palin ticket seem to be struggling with right now

16 09 2008

AKM, please tell us what’s going on up there with Troopergate!!!!

16 09 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

@Blue Idaho: What? McCain told a blatant lie?


16 09 2008
Kate Henry

Melba (05:34:27) :
That Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska was not interested in supporting either of these initiatives tells us a lot about her, that she has no interest whatsoever in “family values” and as govenor does not care for her “people”.
She comes across as wicked witch -who is the fairest of them all- me of course – Sarah Palin.

She released that information about Monegan to give herself a legitimate excuse to fire him. It’s going to backfire on her, though, because she has exposed the fact that she is not supportive of domestic violence victims or troubled teens. That speaks volumes about who she is.

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

McCain rep on CNN is a lying mother FFFFFuuuuu….. Sorry

16 09 2008

Why can’t Sarah just take her lumps and move on?

McCain had to clear his name with the Keating5, Biden with the plagiarism, and Obama with Ayers and Rezko.

What makes Palin think she’s so special?

16 09 2008


16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Cassie
You can be UN Ambassador!

16 09 2008


Actually the Biden “plagiarism” thing and the Ayers/Rezko things were NOTHING like this, ds55. If you really want to get technical about it.

16 09 2008

ds55 but you are right about the Keating Five stuff. That is A LOT like what Palin is doing.

16 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

By the way, my name “Cartoon Pig Dog” isn’t one of the Palin name generator names, it happens to be the sign in name I used when I first got my WordPress account, funny how well it fits now with the lipstick on a pig and Palin the pitbull remarks floating around, and both tend to lend themselves nicely to cartoons.
The truth is (bear with me a moment while I go off topic), a girlfriend of mine used to have this little dog, I think it was like a cross between a Beagle and a Jack Russel Terrier, that had this strange habit of twisting his balls. He would sit on his haunches so that his scrotum was on the floor and push himself in a circle until he had his sack twisted into a tight little know, then he would walk around with it sticking straight out behind him (I really can’t describe how this looked) and whenever it would loosen up and come unravelled, he would plop right back down on the floor and twist it up again. It was one of the weirdest sights I’ve ever seen and instead of calling him by his name (Buster) I got in a habit of calling him the cartoon pig dog. The name has stuck in my mind, so now I use it online as well.

16 09 2008

Re John McCain inventing the blackberry. It’s actually a Canadian invention. Oh NOES a diplomatic incident will now be created between Canada and America.. this could be trouble!

Oh but wait.. it’s ok.. Sarah Palin will save the day. She can see Canada from Alaska, right? She better fly on back and get out the semaphore flags.. 😉

And now on a more serious note – an article of interest which I have not seen a link to posted here yet..

16 09 2008

AKM! Looks like you and your mighty team are being called to help the American public again. Surely, SURELY the American public is not so gullible to actually believe Obama (as “inexperienced” as he is, is doing this to their trainwreck of a ticket.)

McCain needs to be stopped. He has gone off the deep end. Can you IMAGINE these private, closed door meetings? he must be blowing his top and people are making up anything and everything to help. The question I have is will Republicans have a morsel of integrity when this is all over?

16 09 2008

Let me try that again 🙂

The Wars of John McCain

Hope that works!

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

I can’t help myself. Sarah Palin makes me feel so snarky…..

When I read the post that said she was going to the U.N., my immediate thought was:

Halloween’s coming. She must be picking up Twig and Piper’s Trick or Treat for UNICEF cans.

16 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

oops, that was supposed to be a tight little knot, not a tight little know. 😀

16 09 2008

Some of the generalizations made by the repubs are just astounding. Laughable if times were not so dire. I can see Russia ….Carly Fiorina saying SNL skit sexist & that Sarah would be fine as VP & not as CEO of HP. Some people don’t realize how cynical these folks are being. The American people are being talked down to & lots of them are LIKING IT. Machiavelli was right “power corrupts” so we need to be careful who we give it to.

What if yesterday’s meltdown happend & Sarah was “our” President…….another sleepless night of what if’s.

16 09 2008
Spoon Archer Palin

A non partisan committtee of 3 repubs and 2 democrats are running the investigation. See details at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/les-gara/karl-rove-in-alaska-mccai_b_126649.html

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

If Palin was Pinocchio would her nose actually reach Russia?

16 09 2008

MUDFLATTERS! We are being called on to help – this just in from the Obama camp:


Hard-working American families are anxiously trying to make sense of yesterday’s disastrous economic headlines.

While they’re trying to figure out just how hard the news will hit them and their savings, John McCain’s advice seems to be: don’t worry about it.

Right after a major global investment bank declared bankruptcy, and in the middle of the second-biggest Dow Jones drop this century, McCain told an audience in Florida that “the fundamentals of our economy are strong.”

How can the fundamentals of our economy be strong when, just this year, 600,000 Americans have lost their jobs? When people are losing their homes? When health insurance is beyond the reach of an ever increasing number of Americans?

John McCain clearly doesn’t get it.

Our latest ad contrasts the Bush-McCain economic dream world with the economic realities Americans face every day.

Watch it now and write a letter to your local newspaper about how out of touch John McCain is with ordinary families like yours:

*******okay, I am not Harley and I think this ad has been posted about McCain saying everything is okay*********

McCain shared his wishful thinking just one day after former U.S. Treasurer Alan Greenspan called the current economic crisis “by far” the worst he’d ever seen.

It’s possible that John McCain doesn’t care about the economic realities of average Americans. But more it’s more likely — and more troubling — that he doesn’t even realize families are hurting.

The McCain campaign may think we’re merely in a “mental recession.” But there’s a very real way you can fight back against his dangerously out-of-touch economic approach.

Write a letter to your editor now and tell readers in your community about Barack’s plans for real change that will help keep American families strong.


Keep fighting the good fight,

Obama Action Wire


Please help –

Krinkle Bearcat

16 09 2008
no more

McCain campaign calls Palin investigation a “McCarthyistic” inquisition.

Lindsey Graham thinks the AK legal system is fair…Oh right, he was talking about the Ted Steven’s investigation. “Just let the legal system do its thing, and I trust the legal system in Alaska to be fair to everybody involved.” Guess things have changed over the past few weeks.

Maybe this quote better describes the McCain/Palin campaign. “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” – Adolph Hitler-

16 09 2008
Palin Rally vs. Rally… It’s In The Numbers « Suzie-Q

[…] Rally vs. Rally. Do the Math […]

16 09 2008

JJB, thanks. Great link! It does say that now Palin has cause to be worried because she contradicted herself.

Surely she will be impeached up there when she comes back home in November.

16 09 2008

@BlueIdaho: If Palin was Pinocchio would her nose actually reach Russia?

LOL. Harley would have to answer that – she’s the one with Pinocch’s avatar!

16 09 2008

Someone needs to ask Palin the following in regard to not testifying on Troopergate?

– Governor Palin, in the reform you plan to bring to Washington, what would your thoughts be on members of Congress that you were investigating that refused to give testimony or cooperate with the investigation you pressed?

-Would you consider it a worthy excuse if a Democratic member of Congress refused to help in your investigations into questionable acts they were alleged to be involved in said “I’m not participating because the Republicans are heading this investigation.”?

-Governor Palin. Would you be accepting of members of Congress suing the government in order to keep other members of their own party from being dragged into testimonies about corruption investigations?

16 09 2008

Just saw breaking news on CNN about 5 Alaska legislators pushing to stall the Palin investigation. Anyone know anything about this??? What can we do to protest??? So much for “transparency”.

16 09 2008

Can Sarah really have it all. Here is a story about Troopergate in her words, told to the New Yorker in August…Different from the story she released last night.


16 09 2008

Blue Idaho (11:31:32) :

If Palin was Pinocchio would her nose actually reach Russia?

That made me choke on my coffee! 😛 Good one!

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Kimbers, your baby Palin name is my favorite! haha!

On a serious note, I really don’t see any way this could not hurt Palin. After all the transparency talk, hiding and refusing to talk to anyone about anything isn’t going to impress the public. She has been in the public eye for nearly 3 weeks, and we haven’t heard anything off the script.

16 09 2008

Hey Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin,

You stated:
“If any of my fellow Alaskans are represented by any of the five (below), I am sure your elected representatives would LOVE to hear your opinion of their recent action re: troopergate.”

** Just wondering what kind of impact it would have if Alaskan’s did overwhelm these elected officials with letter’s and so forth? Would it do any good for those of us in the Lower 48 to contact them as well?

16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Proud
I have this strange little fantasy that perhaps the McCain-Palin trainwreak is just what the GOP needs to finally wake up and find itself again. They lost me with Watergate, but as an American it’s been truly depressing to watch them destroy themselves and everything they touch.

16 09 2008


Here nose would bridge the divide to nowhere

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Blue Idaho,
OMG, someone really needs to make a cartoon of that! A nose bridge to Russia!

16 09 2008

Any legal minds on here know how to start the ball rolling to impeach a governor???????? I’d be willing to be the first Alaskan to start the paperwork going, though I’d probably have to stand in line to be the first. That icky woman is unbelievable, as is her party.

16 09 2008
Charcoal Sniper P.

Independent in AZ, I didn’t say everyone in Arizona hated John McCain I said everyone where I lived, and yes that was a generalization, however in the time I lived there no one ever told me otherwise, in fact a favorite pass time seemed to be bitching about him, since I heard it at work (up-scale restaurant), the gas station, grocery stores, walmart (the city had very few places to shop at the time, they have since built a mall I have heard),bars…….. I never once heard anyone there say they liked him or approved of him. That was all I was saying.

I didn’t live in Maricopa County or Pima County.

16 09 2008

SMR, I am not a lawyer. But who is the head of the Alaska Democratic Party? That might be one place to start.

I support you in this effort. If you start an Palin Impeachment Fund I will definitely contribute.

16 09 2008

JJB (10:54:30) :

For the Barack Obama Press Conference Sept. 16 – Golden



Thanks for the links, BUT just so everyone knows the entire speech is far more than 16 mins long.

These are excerpts, GREAT ONES, but not the entire speech.

Still waiting for the full speech to show up somewhere

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Proud@busa- I’m not such a good writer. I’m much better at the one liners. So I wont write to my paper but I have plans to put up Obama signs this weekend.

16 09 2008

sheesh (11:17:13) :
The more press is generated by palinites to block this investigation the more the blogosphere and the MSM should bring to the fore how this represents a lack of honesty, transparency and ‘change’ that Palin and McCain keep trying to remind us they’re all about.

Someone on Olberman last night said they thought it was a big mistake on her part. The worst that will probably come from Troopergate would be a “bad girl” slap on the wrist. But by pulling a “Bush” by trying to obstruct justice, it’s becoming a lot bigger issue. They always say it’s the coverup that gets you, not the crime.

On the other hand, I feel very sorry for the three Republicans who are on the committee investigating Troopergate. They must be under tremendous pressure to do something to make this go away. Two out of the three voted not to issue subpoenas. The two Democrats voted to issue the subpoenas and one brave Republican who actually interrupted his moose hunting to vote to issue the subpoenas. I guess that proves that not all Republican politicians in Alaska are corrupt.

16 09 2008

@Bec in Illinois
I would not feel better. They’re both wretched, just in different ways. Both are power-mad and ruthless.

16 09 2008

I just figured it out…..this is not the real John McCain…those pesky repubs have switched him….just like in The Manchurian Candidate, hopefully when they return the real one he will be a little kinder & smarter. Hopefully.

16 09 2008

I received company just after my last post earlier,
what in the name of God is the McCain camp trying to pull now?

Obama i8s responsible for the investigation into Sarah Palin?


16 09 2008

SMR (11:39:31) :
Any legal minds on here know how to start the ball rolling to impeach a governor????????

I’m pretty sure you don’t impeach governors, you have a recall election instead.

16 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Cartoon Pig Dog (11:25:04) :

By the way, my name “Cartoon Pig Dog” isn’t one of the Palin name generator names, it happens to be the sign in name I used when I first got my WordPress account, funny how well it fits now with the lipstick on a pig and Palin the pitbull remarks floating around, and both tend to lend themselves nicely to cartoons.
The truth is (bear with me a moment while I go off topic), a girlfriend of mine used to have this little dog, I think it was like a cross between a Beagle and a Jack Russel Terrier, that had this strange habit of twisting his balls. He would sit on his haunches so that his scrotum was on the floor and push himself in a circle until he had his sack twisted into a tight little know, then he would walk around with it sticking straight out behind him (I really can’t describe how this looked) and whenever it would loosen up and come unravelled, he would plop right back down on the floor and twist it up again. It was one of the weirdest sights I’ve ever seen and instead of calling him by his name (Buster) I got in a habit of calling him the cartoon pig dog. The name has stuck in my mind, so now I use it online as well.

Ouch! The thought of that little dog getting his ball in a twist is making me ache myself even if just a little bit on my lunch break here at work. No guy can tolerate the visual of any other guy creature of any species getting his balls in a twist.

In a way I’m kinda glad you broke up with that girlfriend. It could have been some kind of mojo harbinger of your own fate down the road.

But I think the “twist” description may now become a possible description of the McCain Campaign if the MSM can start to cover the issues.

16 09 2008

mccain says palin knows more about energy that any other person in the united states of america.

check out the truth:


16 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Oops! Naturally that was “balls” not “ball.” Ouch again!

16 09 2008

Phoebe, I have wondered as well. Have the pod people invaded and taken over the GOP? I mean, I’m a Democrat through and through, but when I was a lot younger, although I was against what they stood for, at least what they stood for could be “articulated.” Now, I have NO idea what they stand for, except for corruption, propagation of wealth among the top .1%, and warmongering.

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Ky Fork- Feel free to use it wherever you want. Send me one if you do it.

16 09 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

@ MJC – one of the most remarkable things about Alaska politics is our access to our state- and local-level elected representatives (with one glaring exception. Perhaps you’ve heard of her.)

I think it will make a tremendous difference if constituents contact their reps to express their views. It will, at a minimum, provide a lot of evidence to contradict the statement that “the people of Alaska are demanding this.”

Outside letters may help or hurt – Alaska politics tend toward provincialism. There is an old, still popular saying up here: We don’t care how they do it Outside. (Outside being the rest of the country, because, obviously, we are so different! /sarcasm) So a passel of letters from non-Alaskans *might* be viewed by these men as “evidence” of the witch-hunt they keep trying to manufacture.

Many letters to the Anchorage Daily News editor (http://www.adn.com/help/letters/), however, might convince some Alaskans that something is rotten in Juneau.

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

For the record to anyone listening to CNN right now: Tim Pawlenty is a hack. We call him Pawlentyofnothing for a reason.

16 09 2008

Anyone in OH here willing to send this one around to neighbors? It’s the huffington link regarding Palin’s fundraiser with “Ohio CEO behind massive job losses”


16 09 2008

Hey Mudflatians. Like so many others, I’ve been lurking here obsessively since the VP announcement several weeks ago, but haven’t had much to add to the discussion until now.

My father, something of a conservative curmudgeon who swore off politics when I was a young girl and hasn’t been registered to vote since the Nixon Administration, told me yesterday that he is heading to the town hall this week to register so he can vote for Obama. Go Dad!!

16 09 2008


I will happily contribute to any PALIN RECALL movement you start as well. She is beginning to look more and more like a criminal.

What is she hiding??? AKM and Alaskans, please tell us!

16 09 2008
Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin

@ Anon re: AK Democrats

Chair is Patti Higgins (http://www.alaskademocrats.org/)

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Phoebe- more like Weekend at Bernies. You know that movie where the guy is dead and the two guys walk around holding him up. I used to think McCain was a honest man. I may have even voted for him 8 years ago. He is just not the same.

16 09 2008


The Repubs lost me when they started worshipping Ronald Reagan. I was okay with voting for someone, but they went cult.

Whomever wins this election is going to have a hard four years trying to bring this country back together, trying to get the economy running again, and trying to stop WWIII (oh. wait. the Repubs are wanting to START WW3, that’s right). This is going to be a hard time for Americans, and we best be getting ourselves mentally prepared. We have become an oblivious, polite society and this is the time when we need to take to the streets.

I am thankful we have our very own Paul Revere in Mudflats: “…the crazies are coming! the crazies are coming!”

I have taken personal pride in being an Independent and trying to focus on the issues, not the Party. However, with the latest antics, it will be a long time before I will even consider voting Republican ever again. I bet I’m not the only Independent thinking that this afternoon.

16 09 2008

The Wars, The Economy, The World And This Election

Why this election is so important

As we all know, the USA are fighting in two wars right now, draining more than 3 trillion $* (!) out of the American economy. Seven years of warfare have their price: the USA are deep in debt with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and many other countries.

When the US government stepped in after the bankrupcy of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, this seemed to be reasonable at the first glance. However, the US budget could not afford this step. It’s like having to buy a new car when you can hardly pay your real estate mortgage. The USA are practically bankrupt. Due to the debt, the country is actually held hostage by its creditors.

This is not a problem yet, as no one is interested in eliminating their biggest business partner. The collaps of the American economy would have dramatic effects all over the world.

We know the world favours Barack Obama for POTUS. There are several reasons for this; in particular, he is intelligent enough to understand what this debt means, and he is relatively predictable, as he is mainly driven by his mind, not his gut.

The republican ticket, however, proposes a senile, choleric fool and a religious fundamentalist zealot as POTUS and Veep. The world will not understand if they are elected, and will see that the USA are more decadent and ignorant than they thought (and the image of the USA is very bad throughout the world today). They pose a threat to the world, and the world will respond by a preemptive strike: settlement of the trading debts.

The consequences of this are incalculable: Just imagine China asking the USA for payback of 1 trillion $. That’s 1/14th of the nation’s GDP!

That’s why electing McCain would be the ultimate downfall. Not just economically: The USA will lose their role as leader of the free world. Who wants to follow a selfish leader who doesn’t care about the opinions of the followers?

*) reference: Joseph Stiglitz

(Just a hypothesis, although actually I believe this will happen if McCain is elected. Better eliminate the threat before it can actually attack you, even if this will hurt yourself as well)

16 09 2008

Okay Alaskans — how do we go about getting a recall going? Someone says they think we can’t impeach her, that we have to have a recall election. So, how do we do it???????????

Petition anyone? Any Alaskan here well-versed in creating petitions? I will walk around with mine in my pocket all day every day asking people to sign it.

16 09 2008


Use this utility, it will make writing letters to the editor easier:


I have it bookmarked on my desktop. I use the utility at least once a week to write letters to all my local newspapers. I don’t take any newspaper, but several people I know have told me they have read my letters to the editor in our local newspaper.

16 09 2008
16 09 2008
Ohio Sue


According to the Alaska Constitution, the Governor is subject to impeachment and recall. They are two separate things.

Impeachment is done on the motion and vote of the Legislature. Recall is done by vote of the electorate.

§ 20. Impeachment

All civil officers of the State are subject to impeachment by the legislature. Impeachment shall originate in the senate and must be approved by a two-thirds vote of its members. The motion for impeachment shall list fully the basis for the proceeding. Trial on impeachment shall be conducted by the house of representatives. A supreme court justice designated by the court shall preside at the trial. Concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the house is required for a judgment of impeachment. The judgment may not extend beyond removal from office, but shall not prevent proceedings in the courts on the same or related charges.

16 09 2008

Just wondering where “Top Mom” Palin’s children are. Since both she and First Dude are on the campaign trail, did their kids stay in Alaska or are they with them, out of school? It’s a lot easier to be a working Mom when you don’t have to bother with actually raising the kids yourself.

Julie Arizona,

Not exactly outsourcing childcare…but close, yes?

16 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

coppertiara, welcome! I always tear up when I hear stories like your dad’s, and how this election is inspiring so many people. Go Dad!

16 09 2008
Ohio Sue


Both recall and impeachment are extraordinary remedies/acts. So very unlikely to happen, I’d wager a lot of money on it.

16 09 2008

Cindy aka Rake Trinket Palin.

I see your point about the outsiders.

I am still baffled that McShame could ask someone with an Investigation hanging over their head to be his VP pick?!

I really think that he should be asked to have another physical AND Mental evaluation done right away!

16 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

SMR: re-CA is talking an arnold (who the hell votes for these people?) recall. here, you need certain amount of signatures on petitions for it to get a recall measure on the ballot. I think it is around 1 million. you should check out the requirements to get the ball rolling!

16 09 2008

This is the company contracted to do odious polling intended to make people think that Obama is a threat and part of Hamas and in bed with the PLO.

Call them and ask them who their client is and what are the intentions of the client. If it is fear and hate mongering, this is incitement to violence against a presidential candidate.

Central Marketing, Inc.

30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003

Phone: (212) 260-0070
Fax: (212) 979-5647
Fax: (800) 295-3170
Email: cmcma9@aol.com

Carol McMahon, Partner
Gwenn Worth, Partner

16 09 2008

SMR, Impeach, recall Palin or both: count me in.

I am not an Alaskan, but will contribute funds.

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

It helps to have a smart kid passing thru….

re: Impeaching Sarah Palin, when I asked what he thought he said,’ check the Alaska state constitution’.

Smart kid!

Here’s what it says:

§ 20. Impeachment

All civil officers of the State are subject to impeachment by the legislature. Impeachment shall originate in the senate and must be approved by a two-thirds vote of its members. The motion for impeachment shall list fully the basis for the proceeding. Trial on impeachment shall be conducted by the house of representatives. A supreme court justice designated by the court shall preside at the trial. Concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the house is required for a judgment of impeachment. The judgment may not extend beyond removal from office, but shall not prevent proceedings in the courts on the same or related charges.


16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Oops, Ohio Sue beat me too it! : )

16 09 2008
Patty aka Unapatriciated

I want to thank you for giving us in the lower 48 a different view of Alaska.
You are now a daily read for me(right after I check the DU).
I have passed your pics on to all my fellow DUer’s.


16 09 2008

Hey coppertiara, that is great news! And Welcome!

16 09 2008

I’ve request a recall petition at petition-them.com. According to the site, they will let me know when it goes live. And of course I will let all of you know as soon as I know. I am boiling mad about this (that’s putting it in p.c. terms).

16 09 2008
Political Amazon

Charts and my quick impressions of them.

(I couldn’t find a chart for Biden I thought was reliable, but that’s just my opinion, as is all of this post).

URL for John McCain’s astrology chart:

McCain’s chart–I feel uncomfortable looking at it. I think he is not an honest man in many areas of his life…sneaky, not truthful, doing things behind the scene.

URL for Barak Obama’s astrology chart:
His chart has so many aspects, which (to me) indicates at least an awareness of his part on most of the aspects of his life. I love the Libra part of him. It is what makes him so different than [shudder] John McCain.

URL for Sarah Palin’s astrology chart (note birth time was not available, so the house placement of elements is almost assuredly incorrect):

The two things that pop out on Palin’s chart is the sun almost smack-dab conjuct Mars, which always makes me think of the “omnipotent little child.” And Saturday so close to them both indicates major conflicts between her selfish will and authority figures. I bet she had one helluva childhood, and would bet she regularly went head to head with her old man.

16 09 2008

Ohio Sue,
I am thinking about your comment that it would take extraordinary measures.

Shall we sum up thus far what we know about Palin’s governance patterns, perhaps to help our brave Alaskans with this movement:
1) IN ABSENTIA. Missing so much of the time from Juneau that legislatures wear buttons saying “Where’s Sarah?”
2) PER DIEM. Bills Alaskans per diems when she is home in Wasilla
3) MORE PER DIEM. Bills Alaskans for the travels of FIRST DUDE and her kids
4) OFFICIAL ALASKAN BUSINESS CONDUCTED ON PRIVATE ACCOUNTS. Uses private e-mail accounts so her correspondence is not “accountable” to the people of Alaska

Anyone else care to add to this list of infractions?

16 09 2008

Carol is not taking calls, and the receptionist says she does not know who the other lady is.

16 09 2008

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (11:07:04) :
Cnn is reporting that repugs in Alaska are petitioning to stop the Troopergate investigation.

That’s going to make them look ridiculous since the vote to bring the investigation was unanimous. Besides, I believe they already tried to stop the investigation and the committee said “too bad so sad”.

Sarah Barracuda, what are you trying to hide?

16 09 2008

Proud2busa said:
I am thankful we have our very own Paul Revere in Mudflats: “…the crazies are coming! the crazies are coming!”
**You had me rolling!!! 🙂

Blue Idaho: I loved the movie “Weekend at Bernies”!

16 09 2008
Sarjo Mullet Troll

Bystander (11:54:46) : Just wondering where “Top Mom” Palin’s children are.

Me too! I’m sorry to return to the “unproductive” meme of good mom/bad mom, but seriously…where are they?! How do you campaign for VP with a nursing baby? How do you support your pregnant teen from Ohio in the morning, Florida in the evening?

Has anyone seen ANY mention of the littlest moose hunters, or is the press and blogosphere totally cowed by the fear of being “sexist” or “disrespectful?”

16 09 2008

perhaps ivy frye is caring for them.

16 09 2008

I am having nightmares about the economy. What little we have can go away in day if we have more events like we had yesterday. We need to ask” do you want McCain /Palin in charge of your destiny”? Do you realize if McCain had his way with privatizing Social Security an event like yesterday would have devastated seniors. McCains surrogates are acting like the dems were in charge.

I worked in new home sales, real estate and banking and the repugs started heavy deregulation after 9/11 to stimulate the economy when it tanked after the attack. It then continued to spin out of control and I am sure McCain was well aware of it, especially in the marketplace in Arizona. Get the word out Obama is the only way we can sort this mess out.

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Caferty’s back! yeah!

16 09 2008


For the sins of their mouths,
for the words of their lips,
let them be caught in their pride.
For the curses and lies they utter,
consume them in wrath,
consume them till they are no more.

16 09 2008
Blue Idaho

He is giving her hell!

16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra


I watched this earlier this evening and, as the proud mother of Rifle Panzer Palin, I have been wondering the same thing… How are the “family values” Palins looking after their children who are still at home?

Part of me resents the fact that I want to know, as I feel I’m being “sexist”, but obviously Daddy Palin isn’t at home either…

16 09 2008

John Mcombover must be praying our useless PM (Gordon Brown) is still in office by next week, he is probably one of the only heads of state desperate enough to give Palin a photo op.

P.s. Couldn’t somebody organise an anto-palin rally in NY? at the UN.

16 09 2008

@CoreJay: “The republican ticket, however, proposes a senile, choleric fool and a religious fundamentalist zealot as POTUS and Veep. The world will not understand if they are elected, and will see that the USA are more decadent and ignorant than they thought (and the image of the USA is very bad throughout the world today). They pose a threat to the world, and the world will respond by a preemptive strike: settlement of the trading debts.”

I could not agree more, and I think your points are the very points that need to be made with our local newspaper editors. I cannot beg everyone enough to please follow Obama’s request, and write our local newspaper editors TODAY. If you need a copy of the email from the Obama camp, let me know.

16 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra (12:13:25) :

I watched this earlier this evening and, as the proud mother of Rifle Panzer Palin, I have been wondering the same thing… How are the “family values” Palins looking after their children who are still at home?

Part of me resents the fact that I want to know, as I feel I’m being “sexist”, but obviously Daddy Palin isn’t at home either…

“Rifle Panzer Palin”.

Damn that IS good!

I am stunned and utterly stopped in my tracks at THAT NAME.

The Palin Baby Name Generator has truly hit a new level of impaired Cosmic genesis on the human plane of existence!

16 09 2008
Harfax Johnson

Hmm, that first pic looks a little too much like one of my gigs. Maybe I should play music only Palin-Haters like.

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

For what it’s worth A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra, I don’t think you are being sexist, I think you are being human.

It would only be sexist, if you were saying that SP shouldn’t be doing whatever because she has kids.

I share your curiousity only because when Sarah burst on the scene, she put those kids front and center.

I’m thinking they might be with her since they are home-schooled but since we are now in the school year, parading them out in front of people whose children are in traditional school might not go over so well.

That said, my hope is that they are with a grandparent or loving family giving them the support all children need.

16 09 2008
Sarjo Mullet Troll

A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra (12:13:25) :

It’s strange, isn’t it? I’m definitely no sexist, but as the mom of ONLY one I struggle to combine my work (completing my PhD) with my responsibilities/desires as a parent. I truly think I’d be as suspicious of a MAN with a Down’s baby and a pregnant daughter going on the campaign trail for two months (though I can’t be sure…maybe I’m secretly sexist?). I think we all tend to understand the world through the filter of our own experiences, thus the “political is personal.” Through my filter, a 60 day road trip as a nursing (or bottle-feeding) mom of a 4 month old NON-special needs kid is unimaginable; leaving my infant at home for 60 days…even MORE unimaginable!

I have grudgingly concluded that there’s no percentage in discussing this issue on the “outside,” as it’s all-too-easy for Repubs to scream “sexism.” I am, however, curious to hear what you mudpups think.

16 09 2008

This election has brought out the absolute worst in this country. To some McCain and Palin can do no wrong even though the evidence says otherwise. This country, founded over 200 years ago only afforded black Americans the right to vote when Obama was 4 years old (1965) That is paramount in understanding what this campaign is faced with.

16 09 2008

@Political Amazon
I took an astrology course 35 years ago and am fascinated by it still. Of course, I can’t remember a thing. Nonetheless, interesting, very interesting.

16 09 2008

In NY, we had a Governor who had sex with a call girl- essentially a victimless crime, but one that elicited a lot of outrage, both fake and real. What Alaska needs is to stop smoking the pipe for five minutes and realize what a catastrophic liability she is. The probe itself is a 5/3 Rep favored committee, and you Alaskans need to step up and let the rest of the country and the McCLown campaign know it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with ethics and confidence in a State Governor and her lack of fitness to fill the “next” position in our government.

16 09 2008
SwinePrincess aka Stag Tonnage Palin

yaayyy!!! CopperTiara’s dad!

16 09 2008

lol…Khaki Salmon Palin reporting for duty. Wow…I had to get my butt in gear and clear some things up in the office. Its amazing how much damage madam Sarah can do in just a few short hours. Poor poor Sarah…looks like she may be coming to a bad end.

16 09 2008
Independent in AZ

Charcoal Sniper. My apologies for any misunderstandings. We’re in Maricopa so I value your commnets and differences in experiences. We are on the same page for who we want to see leading this journey the next 4 years. Thanks for pointing out my bias towards a city/community we love.

16 09 2008
Ohio Sue

Anon –

What I said is that impeachment and recall are both extraordinary remedies/acts. I meant that in quasi-legalese speak.
Neither of those things are done very often or are successful very often.
The US House of Reps has brought impeachment actions 62 times. Only twice against a President. In both cases, the House voted to impeach and the Senate acquitted.

I haven’t looked at Alaska’s recall law, but usually in order to get a recall on the ballot for all of the voters to vote on, one has get signatures on a valid petition equal to a percentage of the total votes cast for the office held by the person who is the subject of the recall. So just to get a recall on the ballot (and assuming that, say, 400,000 votes were cast for governor in the last election, you’d have to get petitions (valid and legal in form) signed by, say, 100,000 people.

All I’m saying is that neither impeachment or recall is your typical ordinary run-of-the-mill remedy. Neither are done easily, so they are not done often.

That’s all I meant. I’m just a poor country lawyer……

16 09 2008


16 09 2008
A Brit abroad aka Flag Cobra

Well, young Rifle Panzer was pretty proud of his name too, I’ll have you know…

I am a single parent with my own business – trying to balance both – and couldn’t agree more with Sarjo Mullet Troll. I think I would also be as sceptical about a man who just “left” his family in the same way… but for both parents to do so is unimaginable – in my world. Even with the most willing and devoted grandparents available, I think I might have hesitated a just a tiny little bit before taking on the job…

I also think that discussion in the media spotlight is a no-go area, but it does trouble me. I don’t think that parents should first parade their children to the world and then drop them when they’re no longer needed (call me cynical…).

16 09 2008

Independent in AZ & Charcoal Sniper….GROUP HUG!

16 09 2008
From England aka Spoon Archer Palin

Mcpain to visit UN on Tuesday…so that she can be introduced to foreign leaders.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE my friends in New York go there and make yours (and our) voices heard. PLEEEEAASE, this would be GREAT!

Sorry if it’s a repeat post..just couldn’t wait until I’d read through everything before I posted.

16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Proud,
There were plenty of us here in CA who knew Reagan was “under the influence.” Not of booze or drugs, but of some VERY powerful people. We’d seen what happened here to the university system under his “leadership.” He was another pol who blew with the political winds. Signed the law here legalizing abortion, former union man (SAG), etc. Someone slipped him some sort of joy-juice.

We were visiting family shortly after Reagan died, and one family member was talking about how wonder the week-long funereal spectacle was. I rolled my eyes and commented that I thought it was a little excessive as Reagan was a former president, not a king. I had to pull the virtual knives out. So I understand your “cult” comment well. It seems to be partcularly strong among younger people with less history under their belts.

16 09 2008

thought you guys might want to know about a grassroots planned parenthood donation drive that has some with sarah palin!

check it out here: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/9/16/113415/674

and thank you so much for making mudflats such an inspiring & informative place to be!

16 09 2008

uh . . . that has some FUN with sarah palin, i mean . . . sorry.

16 09 2008

Palin to go to UN. I have two words to say to that: Cliff Notes.

16 09 2008

Oh my God! Sarah Palin just said at rally in Ohio—“I always knew as major and governor in Alaska that I would be held accountable!” I am not kidding, she said that!!

16 09 2008

mayor that is…

16 09 2008
Charcoal Sniper P.

Independent in AZ,
Sorry that came out snarky, it wasn’t intended to. when I wrote the original post I was responding to someone’s post about people in Arizona voting for or liking McCain, so I really was just saying that hadn’t been my experience. I think people forget there are places other than where they live, especially if they live in a metro area. I do it here too, I live in a city, most of my state is rural (Vermont now) and I sometimes forget that things in the city are very different than in those more rural places.
-Charcoal Sniper P.

16 09 2008

Thanks, Ohio Sue. I appreciate your thoughts.

Maybe SMR and others can look into it, in terms of getting the impeachment/recall rolling.

As a non-Alaskan, let me add this: Even if an impeachment or recall doesn’t “succeed,” an attempt to remove her will be another sign that Alaskans are not happy with her as a governor. I don’t see how it can “fail” as a movement– think of the the PR value alone. It would put an end to her phony “80% approval” meme. Also, it would make Alaskan voters re-evaluate how she’s worked as a governor. And if they like what they see, that’s not going to hurt her, right?

16 09 2008
Julie Arizona

Charcoal Sniper

I live in Northern Arizona, which has traditionally and will continue to go Democratic. But it won’t matter because the “Sun City” retirement people around Phoenix will outvote us.

With the electoral college system, I can see why people get discouraged and think their vote doesn’t matter.

16 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

NEWS FLASH: Palin’s going to take questions from voters!
But before you get too excited, be sure to read clear to the bottom of the article, where it talks about signage.

More of Bush-league tactics… control the audience so you only get VERY favorable questions. Next you know they’ll be checking party registration. But from what I’m gathering, even that might not be enough to keep out the riff-raff. But Sarah has the solution, make ’em sign loyalty oaths and pledges to not talk to the press.

16 09 2008

Just clicked into Huffington Post…..McCain is having a VERY BAD DAY. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!After a few days of dreary news for dems, it seems everything is coming down on the dear old boy. I live in Calif where the massive layoffs at HP were devastating & just today Carly Fiorina has told us that Sarah is not experienced enough to be a CEO, but certainly experienced to be VP or posssibly President. A special thanks to Carly & her concern for the American people. Apparently, it takes more experience to run a company into the ground than to run a country into the ground.

16 09 2008
Mollys Mum

JJB, thank you for that link.
I just listened to both parts. The man is phenomenal.
I actually UNDERSTOOD what he was talking about, and I am NO economist. LOL.
If I can get it, the rest of America can.
That man will be our political and global savior.

16 09 2008


Here are the coming events from the Extreme Right Group CUFI (the one that wants to start Armageddon by bombing Iraq, and to whom McCain and Palin are beholden):

September 21- Arvada, CO
September 21- Cranford, NJ
October 19- Brooklyn Park, MN
October 26- San Antonio, TX
October 30- Davenport, IA
November 2- Reno, NV
November 2 – Albany, NY

You betcha they are going to draw big crowds. You betcha they are going to talk War and Iran and Israel and spew a lot of hate and false witness. If you are in any of the cities, it may be either interesting (a) to go or (b) to protest. I personally would get hives going to one of these, but wanted to make you aware. You can go to the CUFI site for more information: http://www.cufi.org

Thank you –

Krinkle Bearcat (and I am beginning to feel like I was an after-thought Palin child since my name carries no military, liquor, or oil connotations)

16 09 2008

I hope the author does not mind I post this blog relating to SP vitis to the UN:

Comment by Losercuda – September 16, 2008 at 1:11 pm

“Then after she goes to the UN for an hour to “meet foreign leaders” and establish her security/foreign policy credentials, McCain will take her to a hospital, so she can establish her “health care” credentials; then they will go out in the street and meet a whole bunch of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians to check off the “diversity” credentials; then they can ride the subway for one stop to clarify her “infrastructure” credentials; and then, finally, she can use her ATM card at a bank branch down on Wall Street so she can demonstrate her expertise on the financial markets.

God, I swear you can’t make this up.”

16 09 2008

Just saw clips of Saeah in Vienna , Ohio. It was at an airbase probably in a hanger so there would be a good echo of cheering crowds. That town is so small that you would drive through it in a blink. Probably every Repug in that region was there which amounts to very few as it is heavily democratic and ethnic. It is in the rust belt area that was decimated by loss of Steel industries and currently the loss of GM. She did her stump on Old Johns’ qualifications and how those folks are bitter and cling to guns. That doesn’t play to those parts. They are so out of it they don’t even know the audience they are playing to.

16 09 2008

@JulieArizona: “With the electoral college system, I can see why people get discouraged and think their vote doesn’t matter.”

Just so you’ll know, this has been in dispute since that infamous Congress in the summer of 1787. Some legislators wanted Congress to pick the president (thinking they would be the most knowledgeable and would altruistically choose the best candidate); others argued vehemently for direct elections. The solution was a compromise and is what we have today as the Electoral College. You are actually voting for the electors are Election Day not the actual candidate – there is 1 elector for every US representative and senator.

BTW, this has never really worked. Even in 1800, when Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr were running for President, the results were very close. Jefferson went on to win the Electoral College and Aaron Burr went on to murder Alexander Hamilton (one of my heroes by the way – what an amazing young man) in that infamous duel. Thank Goodness (I think) Bush and Gore didn’t do that in 2000.

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

Evidently the McCain polling of Jewish voters has not been going very well.

Sarah Palin will speak at next week’s Jewish-sponsored rally to protest Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations.


I hope she leaves her sabres on the bus.

16 09 2008

Cafferty just posed this hour’s question:

Will Barack Obama’s race keep him from winning the White House?

Sad to say, that truly is the “elephant in the room”.

16 09 2008

You gotta love McBush’s latest gaffe. When asked about economists saying that Barack Obama would be giving 90% of the taxpayers a tax cut, his response was “No, because many people pay no taxes at all”. I guess he was referring to his rich friends who pay no taxes because the have all their money in off-shore accounts and businesses. But, truthfully, the only people who pay no taxes (FICA, Medicare, sales taxes, property tax, etc) are people who are not working and they still pay property and sales taxes.


PS: you really do have to watch that short clip. He looks like he has something poking him in the rear!

16 09 2008

@Chop Meth –

This is just wrong. I am so hopeful the American people see this as nothing more than pandering. You can promise a lot of things when running for Homecoming Queen or PTA President, but the viability of a nuclear winter brought on by someone as naive yet blindly over-confident as Sarah Palin is nothing short of a bleak Shakespearian tragedy. The media is weak and running scared. The legislators have forgotten their oath to the people and are playing loyalty to a Party. We will not make it to October before we are at war with Iran.

16 09 2008

Colorado’s going Blue!

So let’s see in the last 24 hours – Obama has attracted crowds of roughly around 22,000 in Colorado (2 of these locations in rural areas!)
Palin got a paltry 2500 (although the McCain campaign claims 5000)

Obama by the numbers
14,000 in Pueblo
6000 in Grand Junction
2200 In Golden

Palin in Golden (numbers quoted in the press are from 3000-5000) but “A Jefferson County sheriff’s deputy estimated the crowd at 2,500. ‘It’s not as big as they expected,’ he said. Roughly half the Westernaire’s Arena — a hangar-like structure with a dirt floor and grandstand seating for roughly 800 — was empty. Still, the crowd packed in front of the stage and filling the bleachers was boisterous and vocal, leading many of the toddlers in attendance to cover their ears and howl at the noise.”

16 09 2008

Julie Arizona,

Yep…northern AZ tends to swing to the dem vote as does Tucson. I’m hoping that NAU is doing a voter reg drive for students to increase the Obama votes in our state. I am convinced that the student vote will be the deciding vote and we need to mobilize to make that happen. I’ll be a part of a voter reg drive down here in Tucson on the 30th. Hoping ASU and NAU will be doing the same. Lets get that vote out!

16 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Politcal Amazon,

Hi! I looked at the astrology chart as it is wrong. First it didn’t sound like what I’ve seen of him and then I noticed that is said his sun sign was Taurus. It said this in the “Indra” interpretation. August is Leo. Weird. I think it reveresed the day and month (8/4) to (4/8) or April 8th. That would be Taurus.

Just wanted to let everyone know.

Not that I’m an astrology freak or anything….lol. But I have been know to do a few charts here and there and have been surprised at their accuracy.

Anyway, it calculated wrong somehow.

16 09 2008

The Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee have filed a lawsuit in federal court in Michigan over the Michigan GOP’s plan to use foreclosure lists to challenge voters at the polls, as first reported by the Michigan Messenger.

Bob Bauer, general counsel for the Obama campaign, and Mark Brewer, chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, announced the lawsuit in a conference call with reporters this afternoon. It was filed on behalf of the campaign, the party and three Michigan residents who have had their houses foreclosed upon in recent months.

Bauer called the GOP plan to use foreclosure lists “a new and especially repellent version of caging.” Caging is a technique of challenging voters where they take lists of addresses, mail to them with a “do not forward” marking and if for whatever reason those mailings are returned, they use this as a basis for claiming that the voter no longer lives at the address at which they

Obama campaign files suit over “voter-foreclosure” plans

16 09 2008
kimbers Chop Meth Palin

We’re on the same page Proud.

Pandering of the dangerous kind.

16 09 2008
Julie Arizona


I have never before become involved in a campaign, but I am so intent on Palin/McCain not getting elected that I recently volunteered to do exactly as you mentioned. I will be manning a voter registration booth just outside NAU.

As you mentioned, the young people will be our saviors. I hope we don’t dissapoint them.

16 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Proud2B said: The old Mr. McCain is dead. The new improved Mr. McCain should never be elected to a public office again.

Hallelujah sister! Now don’t get mad at me everyone….but in 2000, I would have voted for him. As it was, I couldn’t vote for Bush and for some unknown (in hindsight) reason, I didn’t vote for Gore. I didn’t vote.

This McCain is a completely different person. Maybe 9/11 caused him to change. Or maybe it’s senility. Either way, we just cannot have this new McCain. He stated outright that “there will be more wars.” I take him at his word.

I wish I lived in a swing state or knew people in swing states. If so, I would be out talking to everyone I know trying to get votes for him…well I’m doing that here in Georgia. But I know Georgia is a lost cause.

16 09 2008
16 09 2008

I’ve been in an e-mail argument with Justin McDonald the manager at KBYR here in Anchorage because he is saying on the air that it was 50/50 split between Anti-Sarah and Pro -Palin. He is taking the place of Eddie Burke who he suspended for a week-big deal.

16 09 2008
Susan in Atl

by “him,” I meant votes for Obama….but I guess y’all knew that 😉

16 09 2008

Here’s a quote from McBush on this morning’s circuit of the talk shows:

“The point is, I was chairman of the commerce committee. Every part of America’s economy, I oversighted. I have a long record, certainly far more extensive of being involved in our economy than Senator Obama does. ”

Besides the awkward sentence structure, is McBush really sure he wants to take credit for our faltering economy? The talking head should have replied “what oversight?”

16 09 2008

Here’s a quote from McBush on this morning’s circuit of the talk shows:

“The point is, I was chairman of the commerce committee. Every part of America’s economy, I oversighted. I have a long record, certainly far more extensive of being involved in our economy than Senator Obama does. ”

Besides the awkward sentence structure, is McBush really sure he wants to take credit for our faltering economy? The talking head should have replied “Well, it doesn’t look like your oversight worked very well, does it”.

16 09 2008

Harley (13:27:18) :
The Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee have filed a lawsuit in federal court in Michigan over the Michigan GOP’s plan to use foreclosure lists to challenge voters at the polls, as first reported by the Michigan Messenger.

This is a good start. They also need to get the same lists the Republicans get and send all the people in foreclosure a letter assuring them that they can legally vote and advising them to get an absentee ballot. That way they will be able to vote without anyone embarrassing them in the precinct. It will also help the precinct run efficiently because it’s going to be a real mess if there are Republicans there trying to challenge voters.

As a matter of fact, everyone needs to vote Absentee. That’s the only way you can be fairly assured your vote will not be messed with. This is especially true if you live in a state that uses the touch screen voting machines. Just think, you can vote from the privacy of your own home and not have to wait in line. We vote by mail in Oregon and I can tell you, it works great. There is not downside to it.

16 09 2008
16 09 2008

kimbers Chop Meth Palin (13:06:12) :
Evidently the McCain polling of Jewish voters has not been going very well.

Either Obama or the DNC needs to do an ad showing the guy who spoke at her church who say despicable things about Jews. The end of the ad should say simply “Sarah Palin received a notice about who would be preaching and she went anyway. She sat through the whole sermon. She did not get up and walk out.”

Then they need to run this ad in heavily Jewish areas like Florida.

16 09 2008

You go AK and mudflatians !

We have done it yet again !

16 09 2008

As much as I loathe to even bring the topic up, race will indeed be an issue. I honestly thought we were past a lot of what has divided this nation for hundreds of years, and was in part responsible for a Civil War. I have friends who I thought were just being conservative who are voting Republican, suddenly bringing the race card into the equation as a reason for voting for McCain. They are no longer my friends.

I honestly don’t know what’s worse, sexism or racism; but I do know one thing: America has a lot of growing up to do.

16 09 2008

arkangel3 (13:58:31) :
I honestly don’t know what’s worse, sexism or racism; but I do know one thing: America has a lot of growing up to do.

I apologize if I have already posted this here but here’s something you can do when you suspect someone won’t vote for Obama because he’s black.

Say to them: “Let’s imagine you have just landed your dream job for a great salary and with excellent benefits”. Then you find out your boss is Black. Would you quit the job”?

When that person says “hell no”, ask them “What’s the difference between a black President and a black boss?”

16 09 2008
Susan in Atl


I know what you mean. My aunt, a life-long Democrat now all of a sudden has a problem with abortion. She’s in her 70’s…voted democrat for roughly 50 years.

Now, she’s not saying that she’s voting McCain but she keeps bringing up “problems” and “questions” that she has on issues. My mother says that she won’t admit it but she won’t vote for Obama because he’s black. I was surprised. I’ve never heard her make a racist comment in my life. On the other hand, my mother and father, both in their 70’s, who were Clinton supporters are now fervent Obama supporters.

I think it is mainly older people that have the problem. Race relations have drastically changed over the last 25 years…I have seen it. When the older people die off and as more and more black people move into the middle and upper-middle classes, it will not be an issue any longer. Things are definitely moving in the right direction.

16 09 2008

@SusaninAtl: “but in 2000, I would have voted for him. As it was, I couldn’t vote for Bush and for some unknown (in hindsight) reason, I didn’t vote for Gore. I didn’t vote.”

No offense taken. I also worked on McCain’s 2000 primary. I couldn’t see myself voting for W, so I did end up with Gore. (Didn’t think much of W’s dad and sure couldn’t vote for someone who didn’t remember the Vietnam War!)

There is such a dramatic difference between the McCain of 2000 and this year’s. It is truly striking and worrisome. We all think he’s sold out, but what if it is something totally different, e.g. the true beginnings of Alzheimers or something else? What if he agreed to be the “brand” so Palin could take the helm? I honestly think if the media will report accurately and honestly that Obama will win hands down. I am talking to more and more “moderate Republicans” who cannot follow their Party down this extreme path. With that said, there is a tendency in the Republican Party for a hawkish attitude and the fear of the Middle East fuels this fire.

There is where I’m ending up with my analysis: America will get who they vote for – and all the fall-out with it. God be with us.

16 09 2008

arkangel3 (13:58:31) : “I honestly don’t know what’s worse, sexism or racism; but I do know one thing: America has a lot of growing up to do.”

I agree with an earlier post. Ask that person if they would work for Oprah. I know very few people who would say no to that one!

The day we stop aligning ourselves as a ‘black’ man or a ‘white’ woman, or a ‘Christian’ man or “Buddhist” woman, we will be taking a step in the right direction. We are more alike than we are different.

16 09 2008

This is an open letter to my daughter. I worked very hard to raise you and educate you so that you would be empowered to make the right choices in life. I tried very hard to teach you to be fair minded and color blind as I grew up in a racist, sexist world. I taught you to be strong and independent as well as thoughtful and kind. Simply put I want you to live in a better world and have all the opportunities and dreams so that you can pass hope on to your children. My hope is that you and your generation of young men and women vote for what you know is right and just because I am afraid my generation doen’t have the guts to follow their convictions. Vote Change, Obama/Biden

16 09 2008

SOMETHING TO WATCH OUT FOR: Right now, the Dems have an argument (among many) with Economy to crucify the Bush Administration. It’s possible the race is turning in our favor because of this. If the Republicans fear that they are going to lose, my greatest fear will be the Neocon support of a strike on Iran by Israel or ourselves, or we get involved in some other military engagement that we shouldn’t be involved in…very convenient, right? This would put the ball back into play with Americans being played like the strings on a harp all at the expense of human life.

You don’t event want to know what my even greater fear is…you REALLY don’t…

16 09 2008

…and btw, I’m hoping that Pixar does a nice little movie about wolves in the coming days!!!

16 09 2008

@arkangel3 –

There was a program on CNN this past Sunday, GPS I think it was called? Anyway, the moderator and his panel believed a strike “…is imminent” based on the saber-rattling from both sides. They are projecting an October “provocation” so no one should be surprised if this happens unfortunately.

From what we are seeing, and maybe this is just the first time my eyes have been opened thanks to you guys, but there so many firsts in how low the Party is willing to go to win. I am hoping that people will see that, and how out of touch they (the Republicans) are with reality. If the economy is in trouble, it is under the Republican’s watch. Period. If our global stability is in trouble, it is under the Republican’s watch.

Separate Question: why does the media always allow the Republican guest to have the last word? This is happening on all the channels. Is that because they are the legacy Party?

16 09 2008


Maybe that is the October surprise we keep hearing about. I saw that show as well. Very unnerving…..

16 09 2008

And excuse my ignorance again, but didn’t NeoCon used to parallel with Neo-Nazi? Am I thinking of something else, because that is kind of how I equate it. What am I missing?

16 09 2008

Here’s the transcript to the show if anyone is interested:

About Russia (and Georgia):
ZAKARIA: But now, the administration, John McCain say we need to expand NATO more — we need to add Georgia, Ukraine. What do you think of that?

FRIEDMAN: I think it’s madness. I think it’s sheer madness.
About the Israel and Iran tensions:

ZAKARIA: As the American elections grow closer and hotter, there are also rumblings about potential October surprises overseas. Meanwhile, questions mount about how these candidates will handle the most troubled corners of the globe.

I think that it would be a huge strategic mistake vis-a- vis the Muslim world, to be attacking Iran while the Bush administration is still in power, because it will carry, such an attack, either an implicit or, more likely, overt imprint of approval from Bush. And that, in fact, is what the bigger problem here is, not an attack itself.

And I’ll tell you why I say that. You know, a couple of years ago, I was on my way home from the World Economic Forum, and managed to overhear a private conversation — now, not so private — between Mohammed ElBaradei and John McCain. And John McCain had taken a thrashing at the forum for being a U.S. politician.

Mohammed ElBaradei said to him, very, very apologetically, “Please, senator, you know that this is not about America. We love the American people. This is about the Bush administration.”

And by the way, ElBaradei is a huge New York Knicks fan. So, I have to believe he’s sincere when he suggests he’s not anti-American.

McCain looked at him so saddened and said, “I know. It’s OK. I know.”

And it seems to me that, in this very spontaneous and, you know, again, seemingly private moment, that McCain was acknowledging that America needs the world as much as the world needs America.

And so, I think that, you know, it’s going to be a real problem for any American administration to see an attack on Iran as long as Bush remains in the White House.

16 09 2008


Here is the transcript if anyone is interested. It’s quite intriguing and good reading as it covers NATO with Russia, the Greening of America, and finally, the growing tensions between Israel and Iran.

16 09 2008


This is the transcript from GPS-CNN. It covers NATO, the growing tensions between Israel and Iran, and the environment. It’s interesting reading.

16 09 2008

Once again, I quote from “Babylon 5” (you guys *really* ought to look into that show, btw) and it’s unflappable Russian Commander, Susan Ivonova:

“No ‘BOOM!’ today, ‘BOOM!’ tomorrow. There’s ALWAYS a ‘BOOM!’ tomorrow”

16 09 2008


Here’s the transcript from the show, arkangel3. You’ll like this “boom!”

I like Babylon 5 as well!

16 09 2008
16 09 2008

NeoCon=NeoNazi, at least imho. They are indeed trying to start fascism here. Just remember this quote from one of our Founding Fathers, James Madison:

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

16 09 2008

Thanks, ArkAngel13. I think so, too.

http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0809/14/fzgps.01.html – here is the transcript from the GPS show. You’ll find it intriguing.

16 09 2008

http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0809/14/fzgps.01.html – Arkangel3 – I keep trying to get this transcript to you!

16 09 2008

Arkangel3 –

Thanks – I think so too. I keep trying to get this link to you:


16 09 2008

Hi Arkangel3 –

I agree!!! Here is the link from the CNN GPS transcript:


And what is Palin’s net worth? I am tired of McCain trying to play like he is one of us. I don’t have 7-9 homes. He has no idea….

16 09 2008
WTF - Alaskan Women Say Fuck You To Palin! « WhatTheFuckBlog

[…] For more info clicky HERE. […]

16 09 2008

Hearing about the Alaskan Women Reject Palin rally was the highlight of my week and it really brought me out of my Palin induced depression and back to what matters.
I just signed up to write postcards for the Women For Obama group here in Chicago so I can help Obama win battleground states and I just want to thank Alaska for being so inspiring. All of you women were so smart and witty and AWESOME!

16 09 2008

Andew Sullivan’s blog, “The Daily Dish”, at The Atlantic.com site has commented on the AK Women Reject Palin.

“Alaskans Protest Palin
16 Sep 2008 04:26 pm
According to Mudflats, the anti-Palin crowds that greeted this joke of a nominee in her return home to Alaska out-numbered those who attended the pro-Palin rally. Mudflats is a liberal Democrat, of course. But the Youtube of the protesters is impressive.”


16 09 2008

Don´t you fat lesbians have anything else to do ? Watch some porn or change your tires but stop the obsession over Palin and her family.

Seriously. I´ve seen the same posted, re-posted like 10 times already.

16 09 2008

Read ‘White House Idol’ .. ” .. Palin – that bloated, aged Angelina Jolie is more ‘appealing’ than the serious looking Barack .. You know he might make a clever pass at you but Palin would go the WHOLE way .. And boy, what a jolly romp it would be .. So let it be known – the American Presidential elections are not about a particular job of leading a nation .. ” Continue on http://indiaonedge.wordpress.com/2008/09/15/white-house-idol/

16 09 2008

I’m a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight…..

* If you grow up in Hawaii , raised by your grandparents, you’re ‘exotic, different.’

* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.

* If your name is Barack you’re a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.

* Name your kids Willow , Trig and Track, you’re a maverick.

* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.

* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you’re well grounded.

* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senaterepresenting a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, you
don’t have any real leadership e xperience.

* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you’re not a real Christian.

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you’re a Christian.

* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state’s school system while your unwed teen daughte r ends up pregnant, you’re very responsible.

* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family’s values don’t represent America ‘s.

* If you’re husband is nicknamed ‘First Dude’, with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn’t register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

OK, much clearer now

17 09 2008

Leave it to the GOP to over estimate the boost she has given this near facist party…

I think between Lehman Bros and AIG…the Palin bubble is finally deflating!!!

On another note…did anyone know Chuck Norris “developed” jeans???


17 09 2008
17 09 2008

when will little miss sunshine sarah use up her allotted time and become the footnote in histroy she is fated …

18 09 2008
jessica aldabe

Friends and Family,
I have a feeling that all of you are rocked by McCains pick of Alaskan Gov. Palin for his pick for VP. I think this because friends and people to whom I havnt spoke to in over 20 years have been contacting me wanting to know about Alaska and Gov. Palin. I want you to know that my family and I live in Alaska and we still vote for the democratic party. Please take the time to educate yourselves about Palin and Alaskan natural resources and the way things are done up here. I’ll tell you this. Our Alaskan government is as always as corrupt as ever, and we can see first hand global warning in action. I see glaciers that have melted to almost nothing, I have witnessed whole Alaskan native villages have coastal erosion, I have been paying attention to how we can now open up the Arctic for exploration and as a shipping lane for goods and supplies because there is no more ice shelf. I have seen over the past 9 years of being here the invasion of the spruce beetle and other insects and creepy crawlies that wouldn’t of been here if it wasn’t because of the rising temperatures and things that once couldn’t of survived here can now thrive on the warm temperatures that are only getting warmer. I would also like you to know that up until about 3 weeks ago we were paying 5.50 $ a gallon for desiel for our truck. But I don’t understand why the oil has to be refined in the lower 48 when we have an oil refinery right down the road . And like some Americans I pay a energy charge and fuel adjustment “tax” on my power bill that makes up for 85 – 90 % of my power bill.For example last month my power bill was 173.00 $ but I only had 15.00$ worth of KWH of power used. We need alternative methods of power. And Im sure you have heard about the PFD (permanent fund dividend) and the newest energy rebate they gave every alaskan. The truth is we need it to help off set the ever rising fuel and energy crisis. My husband and I are not out to live a life of hand outs. Recently a republican suggested that all alaskans live off of gover
ment hand outs. We are field iron workers that belong to the Local 751 Union, and try to bring in a 6 figure income. So please dont judge us. In march our lease on our 1100 sq. ft.house is up and were moving back to basics. We will live like we did when we first moved here, in a much smaller cabin in the woods and practice living as simple as possible with out leaving a traceable foot print. We will live” off the grid” if necessary. I know this life style is what some may call extreme, and I know it’s not for every one but if just one person learns something from our family, and my boys learn to live this way I fell like I have succeeded. What I mainly want you to take from this rant is please vote and if your part of the republican party please take time to educate your self on Alaska and alaskan natural resources before you give the republicans your vote just because you think that exploration in Alaska will solve our energy needs. And please remember that the example you set for the folks around you to see will last a life time. I would like to hear what you have to say. thanks jess

22 09 2008
Me, Too! Sorry I Missed Our Rally! « The Nomad

[…] Palin’s “Welcome Home” rally in Anchorage on Sunday, September 14. It also kicked that rally’s butt, with a conservatively estimated 1400 supporters attending, compared to a generously estimated 900 […]