Sarah’s “Grand Plan for This World.”

12 09 2008

I confess to being a little nervous about tonight’s interview of Sarah Palin by Charlie Gibson of ABC News. I wasn’t too worried that she’d hit it out of the park.  Why?  Because she really doesn’t know anything.  There are only so many talking points you can memorize.  And even if you memorize one and parrot it back perfectly, there are still those damned follow-up questions, and that annoying ‘nuance’ you have to deal with.  I was worried that Charlie Gibson would ask her to talk about her lapel pin, or ask her about her favorite recipe for moose stew.  Gibson exceeded my expectations, and Palin didn’t.

Compared to her usual Alaska Governor persona, she seemed tense, and scripted.  And someone must have told her to use people’s names when talking to them, because she must have said “Charrlee” a dozen times in the first 10 minutes.  All in all, I give her low marks.  Why?  Because basically, she sounded like she had no idea what she was talking about.  It was all pep talk, and no substance.  All memorized sound bytes that sometimes were repeated verbatim like a broken record, and no sincerity.  A few things stuck out, like when Gibson asked if she hesitated after being asked to be McCain’s running mate.

PALIN: I didn’t hesitate, no.

GIBSON: Didn’t that take some hubris?

PALIN: I — I answered him yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can’t blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we’re on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can’t blink.

Gibson nailed it.  Hubris indeed, and Palin has lots of it.  How else can you have no foreign policy, national or international experience, and NOT HESITATE? Palin is most definitely focused on the mission.  And she is ready because she is confident that she is ready.

GIBSON: But this is not just reforming a government. This is also running a government on the huge international stage in a very dangerous world. When I asked John McCain about your national security credentials, he cited the fact that you have commanded the Alaskan National Guard and that Alaska is close to Russia. Are those sufficient credentials?

PALIN: But it is about reform of government and it’s about putting government back on the side of the people, and that has much to do with foreign policy and national security issues Let me speak specifically about a credential that I do bring to this table, Charlie, and that’s with the energy independence that I’ve been working on for these years as the governor of this state that produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy, that I worked on as chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, overseeing the oil and gas development in our state to produce more for the United States.

GIBSON: I know. I’m just saying that national security is a whole lot more than energy.

PALIN: It is, but I want you to not lose sight of the fact that energy is a foundation of national security. It’s that important. It’s that significant.

Her foreign policy experience is energy.  McCain said it today in Maine, and Palin said it in Alaska.  They’ve said it from coast to coast, and repeated themselves.  So it must be true.

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, “Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.” Are we fighting a holy war?

PALIN: You know, I don’t know if that was my exact quote.

GIBSON: Exact words.

PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln’s words when he said — first, he suggested never presume to know what God’s will is, and I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words.  But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that’s a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God’s side.  That’s what that comment was all about, Charlie.

She was quoting Lincoln…  I can almost see the former Bush PR people frantically Googling “God quotes” and trying to find one that came close.  But as for her intentionally quoting Lincoln, and not mentioning she was quoting Lincoln when she was quoting Lincoln?  This is the woman who, when asked what she thought about keeping ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance said, “Absolutely. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, it’s good enough for me!”  She was only a couple hundred years off. But she memorizes Lincoln quotes…

PALIN: I believe that there is a plan for this world and that plan for this world is for good. I believe that there is great hope and great potential for every country to be able to live and be protected with inalienable rights that I believe are God-given, Charlie, and I believe that those are the rights to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  That, in my world view, is a grand — the grand plan.

I don’t like it when recent mayors of small towns and first term governors start having “grand plans for this world.”  It makes me nervous.  And didn’t someone just say ‘hubris’?

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

This one had me laughing out loud.  Ready for a lesson in Alaska geography/International Affairs?  Off the coast of Nome, 532 miles northwest of Anchorage (the closest city) is an island called Little Diomede.  Little Diomede is 2.4 miles east of the island called Big Diomede, which is in Russia. 

Little Diomede, Alaska has a population of 146.  It is 2.5 square miles in area. There are 42 children in the school.  Nobody drives to work.   Big Diomede is a whopping 26 square miles.  On a clear day you can see the Island of Big Diomede from the western shore of Little Diomede. Therefore Sarah Palin is capable of negotiating with Putin and Sakashvili to peacefully settle the violent conflict that has been burgeoning in the separatist enclave of South Ossetia. 

Why Everyone in Alaska Has Foreign Policy Experience. Big Diomede, Russia (left), and Little Diomede, Alaska (right).

Why Everyone in Alaska Has Foreign Policy Experience. Big Diomede, Russia (left), and Little Diomede, Alaska (right).

GIBSON: What if Israel decided it felt threatened and needed to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities?

PALIN: Well, first, we are friends with Israel and I don’t think that we should second guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend themselves and for their security.

GIBSON: So if we wouldn’t second guess it and they decided they needed to do it because Iran was an existential threat, we would cooperative or agree with that.

PALIN: I don’t think we can second guess what Israel has to do to secure its nation.

GIBSON: So if it felt necessary, if it felt the need to defend itself by taking out Iranian nuclear facilities, that would be all right.

PALIN: We cannot second guess the steps that Israel has to take to defend itself.

Can you find the talking point in the above exchange?  I’ll bet you can.

And I’ve saved the worst for last.

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

PALIN:  In what respect, Charlie? (no clue what the Bush Doctrine is)

GIBSON: The Bush — well, what do you — what do you interpret it to be?

PALIN: His world view. (Hopeful)

GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.

He eventually went on, after she talked in circles for a while, and bailed her out by telling her exactly what the Bush doctrine IS, and all about pre-emptive war and how that’s OK in George W. Bush’s world.  Once she knew what it was, she agreed. 

It’s going to be a long 53 days.  Don’t blink.



578 responses

12 09 2008

It’s almost beyond belief that she will soon be the most powerful person on the planet.
I always vote democratic, but McCain/Palin are trending so strongly, there’s not much we can do to derail them; and McCain is already showing some signs of Alzheimer’s…

12 09 2008

Hey what if Isreal wants to set up 711s?

I don’t think we can second guess what Israel has to do

What if Isreal wanted to kick your church’s xxx?

I don’t think we can second guess what Israel has to do

What is Isreal wanted to take create a settlement in Alaska.. you know, for the summer retreat months.

I don’t think we can second guess what Israel has to do

Aiyaaa!!! Polly want a cracker!?

12 09 2008

Wow. How could a woman so far out of her league possibly be as close as she is to the vice presidency of the United States. That interview was shocking. She is no way prepared for the job she is campaigning for her and John McCain should be ashamed of himself for choosing her as his running mate and Palin should be ashamed of herself for accepting the offer. Look at what she has already dragged her family through and for what? Reckless, unblinking political ambition?

The McCain campaign is a serious mess. The GOP is a serious mess. I’m not entirely sure how anyone proudly considers him- or herself a Republican these days.

12 09 2008

That youtube video… it’s an edited version. I had read the transcript earlier, and noticed bits that are missing from that video.

Example: When Charlie Gibson asked if she’d ever met a head of state, here’s the complete exchange…

GIBSON: Have you ever met a foreign head of state?

PALIN: There in the state of Alaska, our international trade activities bring in many leaders of other countries.

GIBSON: And all governors deal with trade delegations.

PALIN: Right.

GIBSON: Who act at the behest of their governments.

PALIN: Right, right.

GIBSON: I’m talking about somebody who’s a head of state, who can negotiate for that country. Ever met one?

PALIN: I have not …

Did she not know what he meant by head of state????

12 09 2008

Wow Thanks Mudflats … for providing insight that otherwise would never be known. (like our media would dare report the island is only 2.5 square feet LOL)

Although Alaska is part of the US, y’all live an entirely different and unique life-style.

I really appreciate you giving us another perspective on Palin that only Alaskans would notice .

BTW would you do a post on her debating skills?

12 09 2008

Does Alaska provide 20% of the nations energy? Or is that yet another lie? I read it is 3.5%

She looked very uncomfortable, I thought.

12 09 2008
no more

How did Charlie Gibson describe it? Palin’s “blizzard of words”. Yes Charlie, your in Alaska now. Hopefully your staff brought a shovel and an avalanche beacon, in case your buried. And the upcoming VP debate? What an insult to Joe Biden. He certainly has much better things to do. Gotta go. I’m headed out to look for wind turbines and solar panels and biodiesel refineries here in Juneau. Should be plenty of them since our Gov has been working so hard on energy issues low these many months “these years”. Oh right, the solution to our recent energy crisis was to use state revenue from oil production to buy more oil. Appears to be a doom loop. But as John McCain sez. she’s an expert on energy, the best in the nation. Hey Mudflats! Thanks for keeping it real.

12 09 2008

it is 20% of the domestic production which is 16% out of energy need. But close enough 🙂

12 09 2008

Kurt don’t despair Obama is going to win this thing IF we get out of the house and volunteer.

Otherwise imagine waking up the day after the elections only to find out that the 2 most unlikely candidates ever (god forbid) won.

How will we ever be able to look in the mirror again if (god forbid) that happens!

12 09 2008

Oh, thank you, thank you, AK, for giving up sleep you so richly deserve to bring us this post!

When you’re not here, we’re so addicted we can’t leave, so we spend time entertaining ourselves ’til you return or we fall asleep on our laptops. Your previous post had 453 comments, and it was getting time-consuming to reload.

Hope you had fun this evening (in spite of yourself!).

12 09 2008
no more

@snoskred. Alaska doesn’t supply %20. This link will explain. i

12 09 2008

Good god. She’s quite lost, eh? She looked completely bewildered and befuddled at various points during the interview. Poor thing…She hasn’t a bloody clue.

12 09 2008

TonyB: But how much of that domestic production do we actually keep, vs export?

12 09 2008

I remember when Bush started to speak without benefit of TelePrompter back in 2000. I was positive there was absolutely no way an idiot like that could ever wind up being President…

12 09 2008
12 09 2008

What’s the difference between Palin and Bush? Lipstick!

12 09 2008
John Henry

Bren (01:01:29) – “Did she not know what he meant by head of state????”

It looks like she was trying to avoid having to answer no.

PALIN: I have not and I think if you go back in history and if you ask that question of many vice presidents, they may have the same answer that I just gave you. But, Charlie, again, we’ve got to remember what the desire is in this nation at this time. It is for no more politics as usual and somebody’s big, fat resume maybe that shows decades and decades in that Washington establishment, where, yes, they’ve had opportunities to meet heads of state … these last couple of weeks … it has been overwhelming to me that confirmation of the message that Americans are getting sick and tired of that self-dealing and kind of that closed door, good old boy network that has been the Washington elite.

Sounds like she’s making the case against John McCain.

12 09 2008
John Henry

GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, “Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.” Are we fighting a holy war?

PALIN: You know, I don’t know if that was my exact quote.

GIBSON: Exact words.

PALIN: But the reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln’s words when he said — first, he suggested never presume to know what God’s will is, and I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words.

But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that’s a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God’s side.

That’s what that comment was all about, Charlie. And I do believe, though, that this war against extreme Islamic terrorists is the right thing. It’s an unfortunate thing, because war is hell and I hate war, and, Charlie, today is the day that I send my first born, my son, my teenage son overseas with his Stryker brigade, 4,000 other wonderful American men and women, to fight for our country, for democracy, for our freedoms.

Charlie, those are freedoms that too many of us just take for granted. I hate war and I want to see war ended. We end war when we see victory, and we do see victory in sight in Iraq.

Add that answer to the list of lies:

12 09 2008


Don’t be too discouraged by those numbers. I’ve read several blogs and articles over the past two days indicating that the number (ratio) of Republicans to Democrats that were included in these latest polls were significantly higher than previous trends. Not to put too blunt of a point on it, but this way, it gives the media something to do.

I have been watching this site faithfully over the past two weeks….you guys are terrific! I absolutely LOVE the writing and info. Doing everything I can here in God-forsaken evangelical flipping Kansas to get the word out that she’s a very scary woman!

Keep up the good work!

12 09 2008

McCain has already outlived his father by 2 years. Trots his 90+ year old mom around, but never mentions his dad’s age at death. Do people really want this woman to be president? Am I in the twilight zone?

12 09 2008

She’s got that Amy Winehouse hair thing going again. Oy vey!

There’s an extended version of her interview from Nightline.

She also talks a bit about global warming in this version and ANWR.

12 09 2008

hey AKM, I apologize for thinking you were out having fun, instead typing up the transcript I’ve been hanging out for – for about 20 hours my time. 😉

12 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

charlie did not get her quote about the war and god right

she asked the bible students “that our leaders — that our national leaders — are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

She added, “That’s what we have to make sure that we are praying for: that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

now dont get me wrong, i believe in prayer…but i dont understand what she is praying for

either the war is gods plan or it isnt…a prayer wont change that.

and why hedge with the whole, i was quoting lincoln crap…right before the woman said that the gas pipline was gods plan…

oh…and here is lincoln’s quote that i believe that she is referring to

“The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong. God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God’s purpose is something different from the purpose of either party – and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaptation to effect His purpose.”

and if i were grading her understanding of this quote and of lincolns faith…i would give her a d…she tried, but she has no comprehension

now here is what wouldve endeared her to many…why did she not just say “charlie, im sorry, but i have never heard the term ‘bush doctrine’ used” for in fact, it is not used frequently…i mean nowhere near as frequently as the “powell doctrine”….what is worse, is that even after he explained what the bush doctrine is, she still didnt comprehend…nor does she know that the united states has already made incursions into pakistan

overall, this part of the interview showed her weaknesses, but right now, the echo machine is in full force and by nighfall tomorrow, they will have turned gibson into an evil sob, and palin into a saint

12 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Remember she makes Johnny look good, and Bush look even better. Bush is going to be back in the news again, now so she will be looking even better to some people. The ones that doen’t care so much what she says just how she looks when she says it…kind of like how Bush looks, he’s never had to make much sense either. He’s just expected to keep on repeating dumb and dumber, so we don’t ask those dumb questions that make him look dumb. Once he put his hand on the book and was sworn in as commander in chief hey the american people voted for him, so now he has the power to give our power away to the folks hiding behind the curtain over there.

The reason the question about the Bush Doctine confused her was she really didn’t think Bush had a Doctrate. She had already gotten trained to saying she would change Washington because those words sell in small town america. So, she really was asking which Bush world view do you want us to tell the public we will change? The babble was to shuffle her Qcards or let get some feed back from her ear piece. It’s a first year debate trick, and often works well during one on one interviews because asking a question before you answer a question make the interview look like he is being sexist (if you are female) or to hard on you if not very experienced.

12 09 2008

Anybody notice the video of McCain and Palin greeting each other on stage with kisses on the cheek? And how much they both cringe when they do it?

Their true body language screams that they actually hate each other.

McCain is looking for the right time to throw her under the bus and blame her when he loses, and she is hoping she lasts long enough to sink a moose-skinning knife into his lungs and redecorate the Oval Office.

They were meant for each other.

12 09 2008

Doctor Phillip Butler was at the Naval Academy and was also a POW with McCain, and won’t be voting for him. He has a well-written and eye-opening letter explaining why on You can read his letter here:,15202,164859,00.html

Although respectful, he also mentions the age issue by saying, “Most of us who survived that experience are now in our late 60’s and 70’s. Sadly, we have died and are dying off at a greater rate than our non-POW contemporaries. We experienced injuries and malnutrition that are coming home to roost. So I believe John’s age (73) and survival expectation are not good for being elected to serve as our President for 4 or more years.”

And with that, I must be off to zzzzzzzzzland. G’nite, all.

12 09 2008
no more

@nmj. The oil export ban was overturned in 1995. For several years Alaskan oil was exported to Asia (not much though) think the last shipment was in 2000. Alaskan oil production has been dropping since 1988 and now most of our oil goes to West Cost refineries (mostly in Washington State). Although they’ll ship around 98 billion cubic feet of Alaskan natural gas to the Pacific Rim from now through 2011.

12 09 2008

Putting aside her ignorance for a moment – just a moment – what struck me most was her audacity. When McCain asked her, she didn’t blink. Nice to know she gives consideration to things. I would have far preferred to hear that she gave it careful consideration. Nope, she didn’t blink.

I guess when she wasn’t blinking she forgot about her infant son with Down Syndrome. Forgot her pregnant daughter. Forgot Willow and Piper, and Piper should not be taking care of Trig. That kid’s only shampoo will be her spit.

Of course, women with children can work, choose to work, must work, but do you take on a job that requires so much, especially when you offer so little?

I guess when you’re Sarah Palin, you don’t acknowledge your shortcomings, you’re not wired that way. She’s on a task from G-d. G-d forbid.

12 09 2008

responses so far ↓

Mike Salvo // September 12, 2008 at 3:09 am

In 13 days Sarah Palin has faced more media scrutiny than the 2 years Obama has been running. Besides this recent trip to Europe and 2 war fronts [ which he was shamed into going to] what exactly is Obama’s foreign experience? He had only been to Europe 1 time before this summer and it wasn’t to meet with heads of state. We Dems had better stop with the dripping condescension of Palin because it only causes the world to punch harder, look deeper, and demand answers from a guy that has NEVER been vetted in 2 years. We sit and smile our way through soft ball interviews with Obama and pretend he is getting tough questions. Gibson never let up, never even took a breath, one quick ball after another like grenades at a sniper pit on D Day! Our microscopic examination of Palin looks like attacks because we have never asked the hard questions to Obama. O’Reilly’s jolly, laughing, “come on level with me” pitches to Obama looked like a cake-walk compared to the serious, look over the rim of his glasses and down his nose gotcha condescension of Gibson. Like she had been sent to the dean for major infractions! He acted like he would pull out the water-board any second if she didn’t cough up some answers quick! It was more of a Nazi interrogation than the friendly interviews Obama gets. Gibson clearly had an agenda, he wanted her to fail, set it up so she would fail and yet, surprise, surprise, she held her ground and took it all in stride. Yea, she looked tense, I felt tense, and I can guarantee this was NOT the way to woo those independents and fleeing woman back into Obama land! They will be even MORE protective and likely to support her after this. Charlie wore his never before seen new “tough guy” shirt, still stiff with fold lines and
it may play well in New york City and Los Angeles but those bread and butter, lunch-pail Democrats and Independents are the votes we needed, not the left that he courted. I’m afraid his machine-gun attack just LOST Obama a few cotes. It also made me wonder what questions he would lob at Obama?

Here are a few suggestions in case he reads this:

” Since you went to a Prep school when you lived with your, CEO of a bank Grandmother, how does that qualify you to understand the public school system other less fortunate children are forced to attend?”

“Where do your daughter’s go to school?”

“Do you have a personal chef ?”

“Do you think it right that you took a pay-off from Tony Rezko [so you could buy a house beyond your means] and then provided political favors/kick-backs to him in return?”

“You have have been highly critical of Governor Palin’s earmarks for Wasilla, yet you have asked for and received MILLIONS in earmarks, including $500,000 to 1 MILLION to the hospital where your wife is a vice president, tell me Senator, is this what they mean by graft or would you define that as nepotism?”

“You have been pounding the stumps in righteous indignation over that fact that Governor Palin was once FOR the bridge to nowhere before she stopped it and used the money for more needed programs, yet you have failed to tell your supporters that BOTH you and Senator Biden actually VOTED for that same bridge to no where, aren’t you worried you are acting a wee bit hypocritical?”

“Governor Palin found time in the last year, in spite of a full time job, and 4 [at that time] children to visit the wounded soldiers in Landstulh Germany, why haven’t you?”

” You claim Senator McCain follows Bush in lock-step yet he didn’t vote for that “give money to the big oil companies, energy bill, YOU did!” Oops, maybe no one will notice since it is one of the few times you actually voted on something.

one last question Senator…

” Today John McCain found time to honor the brave patriots of Flight 93 by giving a speech, laying a wreath and hugging the distraught families, where were you again…oh yea, having lunch with Bill Clinton, groveling at his feet like a kicked dog and begging forgiveness for your incredible “who needs them” attitude, and while I’m here could you please throw me a life raft, I’m sinking!

” Or better yet, do you think, when you lose in November, your supporters will blame YOU for failing to support Hillary or will they blame the evil Republicans for stealing another election.”

History may well prove once again that it;s not so much them rigging elections as it’s our stupid tactics that alienates small-town, middle America that we need in order to win! Because we think we know what’s best for the fly overs, we think we know how they will vote.
Way to go Charlie, you may have won this battle but I think we just lost the war!

12 09 2008

no more: Durn it! I knew I should have just turned off the laptop without reloading the page!

Okay, so tell me how that wonderful pipeline helps the energy needs of America if we’re exporting all that gas instead of using it for ourselves?

12 09 2008

I have been following this blog site daily since finding the link on Huffington Post. Love the site and the enormous effort put forth by the owner to educate those of us in the lower 48 on the nature of Alaskan politics and the players. You have definitely opened my eyes about Palin.

I have a theory about the Palin selection. I believe that she was chosen as a political ploy and an effort to energize the Christian right that comprises 30% of the Republican party. This has been accomplished. If McCain wins the election, I am willing to bet that all of a sudden Palin will site personal reasons and step down. This will clear the way for McCain to appoint Lieberman as his Vice President. This is just a theory, but I believe that Palin was promised a lot to go along with this charade.

Any other posters think this might be possible?

12 09 2008

Gosh, methinks we have a troll.

12 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Let me state that another way, as we all can see she’s has a pretty good delivery on the talking points (Qcards), she just hasn’t gotten the hang of grabbing the puck and running with it. Put her on the rink with the big boys and let’s see how she does. It will be an interesting week.

12 09 2008

Now for the interview. 20% of US energy comes from Alaska? She lies.

According to her, Israel has the right to bomb Iran. We have the right to bomb Iran and to kill women and children in Pakistan. Russia was unprovoked in Georgia, so we are duty bound to go to war with Russia.

Bush/Cheney just wanted everyone to THINK they were crazy enough to start WW III.

McCain/Palin want us to KNOW they are crazy enough, and I believe it is Palin’s intention to make it happen.

12 09 2008

Look at what she has already dragged her family through and for what? Reckless, unblinking political ambition?

She doesn’t give a Damn about the Family Structure, she showed that in the interview when attempting to switch to Energy when asked about our World standing and National Security, she doesn’t Understand what her son is possibly facing nor either Theater and doesn’t care, This Is ALL About Sarah!!!

And frankly I’m getting the feeling, actually have for quite awhile, that this is the Modern Woman, if you listen to Women who are standing up for her, not the spinners but regular women, They Are Quickly Giving Her A Pass On The Family Values Issue, something they wouldn’t do for a Male with the same/similar Family!!!!!!!!

12 09 2008


Cambodia is to Pakistan as Laos is to (fill in the blank).

12 09 2008

An interview with Mac:

As if to quash the emerging news narrative that John McCain is afraid of the press after going a full month without holding a press conference, the Republican nominee’s campaign made the candidate available last night to a local television station in Maine.

If they thought McCain would come under less intensive fire than he would from the national press, however, the campaign was mistaken. Rob Caldwell, a dogged reporter for WCHS, pressed McCain repeatedly on Gov. Sarah Palin’s qualifications for the vice presidency. And while answering, McCain made a number of factual misstatements.


This clown knows as much about his runningmate as the lackies trying to spin the same lines, lies. Others sought her resume, debunked what was false, and are still finding more! His lobbists, in his camp, can’t even make her look qualified!!

12 09 2008
Another from England

Over here, the story that Sarah Palin,as mayor of Wasilla oversaw the charging of rape victims for scientific analysis kits.

Are you on to this yet?

Jaw dropping.

Alaska legislature had to stop the Wasilla practice.
It took Biden to stop it nationally, and McCain voted against.

12 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA


If he were to win, there is NO WAY she would willing leave. Agnew went kicking and screaming. His replacement, Jerry Ford, was certainly not a first Nixon choice. He was a consensus choice. She would have to be under indictment.

Besides, they aren’t going to win.

12 09 2008


The YouTube isn’t edited the TV Version was, you can see the edits, reason the transcripts can give a better picture of the words but not the face, body, tone, etc.

12 09 2008
A Brit abroad

I think the British press are restraining themselves politely (but not deferentially)…

12 09 2008

Does Alaska provide 20% of the nations energy? Or is that yet another lie? I read it is 3.5%

The way I’ve always understood the production up there is that Alaska supplies very little to the other 49, it’s mostly exported, which was my understanding would happen with more production. They can make more exporting the majority than pumping it on down.

12 09 2008

Palin actually disagreed with the Bush doctrine, although she didn’t realize it. She said if there is enough legitimate evidence that a strike is imminent then we can preemptively attack first. That was accepted before Bush.

Rather, Bush argued a step further that if we wait for the evidence of the imminent strike then it’s too late. Instead we can wage preventive war on the possibility that we might be attacked in the future, even if no strike appears imminent. That formed the basis for going into Iraq.

I actually like Palin’s stated preemptive policy better than preventive, but it does indicate that she doesn’t understand Bush’s policy in addition to not knowing the term “Bush doctrine”.

12 09 2008

First off thank you so much for your blog. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve pointed to this site & have thanked me for passing on the information that you provide. It’s patriots like you who remind us that being a Patriot is loving your country enough to bring in an interventionist when it’s hooked on Meth. (Sorry after hearing about the 17 meth labs in Wasilla I couldn’t help it)
Some points on the Eastern ‘Liberal’ Seaboard.
1.) I know of republican couples who are now split on McCain\Palin Ticket. Husband likes John, wife is scare Sh*tless about Palin being in charge. Etc.
2.) I teach SAT part time & High School Kids I’ve asked don’t believe that Trigg is Palin’s baby. All the girls thought it was her daughter’s child.
Which brings up a point. If it’s announced that trigg is her daughters baby. Will it cause a backlash, or will it be spun as “look I’m a mom and I wanted to protect my daughter.”? My hunch is this is what will be used as the defense & that people will actually support the lie.
That being said there are moments that I am truely scared about palin being put in charge. I mean I understand bush wasn’t qualified, that he was put in as a figurehead role with compentent old school republican staffers behind him (really we may not like cheney & crew, but they at least had been in government for several decades) but if McCain croaks, we are so screwed.
She is not ready to be President. Period End of Story. And for someone so Red-State Red to not know what the bush doctrine is was scary.
The sad part is I really liked McCain. I used to feel he had integrity and if he had picked Lieberman as his running mate I would’ve actually considered voting for him. But he didn’t. He sold his soul to the devil, & as we all know sooner or later the devil comes looking for his due.
I also wonder if the McCain camp will pull the access to interviews.
Once again thanks for the site

12 09 2008
Obama on Letterman - parts 2 & 3 | England for Obama

[…] uninformed performance in her first TV interview, with Charlie Gibson on ABC (see here and also here). This woman could easily become the most powerful person on the planet. One word: […]

12 09 2008
no more

@nmj The “gas pipeline” is actually just a piece of paper allowing the TC company to go after permits for the project. If everything goes without a hitch the pipeline could be completed in 2018. But there are no guarantees that TC even has the $ to fund the project. At this point the producers/suppliers like BP, Exxon haven’t even agreed to use the proposed pipeline. Right now Conoco/Phillips is trying to build their own pipeline because Gov Palin wouldn’t play with them. How it helps the energy situation I’m not sure. All I know is… if we don’t have some SERIOUS alternative energy developments/infrastructure in place by 2018 we are in trouble. Doesn’t seem that McCain/Palin are too interested in alternatives. Palin has done nothing to develop any kind of alternative energy here in Alaska even though some of our villages pay up to $8/gal for heating oil. Go figure.

12 09 2008

jimstaro, can I say you are wrong??

She can only parrot the lines she has been given by her Republican handlers. That much is clear to me.

The Republican Party has focused on her ‘Governor of Alaska’ connection – and all they can come up with is ENERGY – “she is the best in country on ENERGY”, “no one is more knowledgeable than Sarah Palin about ENERGY”, blah blah blah – because it’s not safe for the Repubs for her to go anyplace else …. and did you not cringe when you saw John McCain saying it all FOR her?

Forget about her family (Sarah forgot about them long ago), the Republicans will pull them back up if there is any advantage to them.

It’s about Sarah, it’s not about Modern Women (or whatever you want to call us); you have got REAL women all wrong. You’re on detention!

12 09 2008

Speaking of energy, i.e. Gas, the Seventies Are Back!!!!

People here in and around Charlotte are Lining up at Gas Stations to top off their tanks, fear is starting that, as one woman just said in a TV interview, that the price is jumping up to Five Dollars a gal..

You may ask why.

Because of the Gulf Storm, Hurricane, headed to Texas, we won’t even get rain out of this more than likely.

Check you local area, I’ll bet the Fear is there as well!!!!

12 09 2008

Loved the part where SP said that her knowledge of Russia must be great because you can actually see Russia from some parts of Alaska! Once I was on a plane that flew over the Alps-guess that means I can yodel like an expert. What a frightening woman:a narcissist with a soupcon of psycopath thrown in for good measure. We have to win this election.

12 09 2008
Joe C

It’s been widely promoted that she seemed rehearsed. But since we lower-48ers just haven’t seen her interview before, your comment that “Compared to her usual Alaska Governor persona, she seemed tense, and scripted” is appreciated. You’ve seen her often.

There is a maxim in the sport of boxing. ‘Everyone has a plan until they get hit.’ It will be interesting to see how she comes out for the next two rounds of interviews.

One thing that bothers me, because no one wants to challenge her, is her pitch for ‘energy independence.’ It’s obvious that she was fully primed to make that case during this interview in any context she could find, so she plugged it for the national security question. I know Mr. Gibson had a lot of questions to cover and didn’t want to go off on a tangent, but there is a tangent here.

Most Americans don’t know the relationship between oil and Alaska. Alaska receives a share of the revenue from all of the oil pumped out of the ground there. Since the price of a barrel of oil had doubled while Palin was in office as governor, it’s been a windfall for the Alaskan state coffers and made her tenure as governor much easier and probably contributed to her high popularity. There is a great incentive to pump as much oil out of the ground in Alaska now, while prices are high.

Gov. Palin is very prepared to make the energy independence argument because she has given it often when she lobbied for no-holds-barred drilling in Alaska. It makes a good sound bite and it rings in the ears of most Americans every time they have to fill there gas tanks. The problem is, if you listen to most economists talk at length, energy independence is a myth.

Oil piped out of Alaska won’t be kept as some exclusive holding for American domestic use. It does not mean we will be paying $1.50 for a gallon of gas again. The price of oil is set globally. If the world market sets the price for a barrel of oil at $120, oil sitting in a tank in Alaska is still valued at $120. Anyone who thinks we would keep it off the world market, refine it and use it here as if it were only valued at $50 obviously doesn’t believe in free markets and maybe Exxon and Shell operate as a charity.

Most economist say that even optimistic estimates of oil discovery in Alaska and off-shore USA won’t make any appreciably dent in the global supply of, or demand for oil in the next 10 years when it becomes available. At best, we may end up paying about 3 cents less for a gallon of gas than if that oil were not in the global supply.

12 09 2008

Be afraid be very afraid..

12 09 2008

jimstaro, I am praying that my BFF from MS, who suffered so badly from Katrina and now lives in TX, will come out of Ike OK.

12 09 2008


That’s what I was saying!!!

And as for:

you have got REAL women all wrong.

Been around a long time, and frankly Many are sounding just like her, also in my business, construction, when doing residential, I’m in their homes and view the lifestyles of the Modern Family! I didn’t say All but did say the ones backing her, Just Listen To Them!!!!

By the way, Men aren’t much better, especially as to family, you have one that’s your main focus and responsibility, everything else comes behind that. Those that don’t are Still obligated towards also making a better World for the coming generations, That’s Called Adult Responsibility. Whatever one does it can’t be taken with you, it’s what you’ve left behind, and that’s not Cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 09 2008

no more:

The majority of the oil production gets exported, not much gets piped into the U.S. lines!!!!

12 09 2008

Sorry Gibson did not touch on a story of interest to women that says in 2000, the Wasilla Police Chief Fallon explained that they were saving taxpayers money by charging rape victims for their exams post-rape. I would sure like some Alaskan insight into the history on this decision. With 20 times the national average of earmarks coming into the town, but with a $20 million level of debt when Palin left, the town is nickeling and timing $5K worth of exams at a traumatic time in Wasilla citizen’s life? I don’t know whether this makes Palin or Wasilla look worse.

Here is the link to the Wasilla Frontiersman article:

12 09 2008


The Gibson interview were the crumbs the camp offered because of the Peoples search for her Resume, they may have called her a Rising Star on the political right but apparently everyone there goes on a popularity contest not substance, not only didn’t the Mac camp Vet neither does the leadership or insiders of that so called ideology.

The crumbs were an attempt to quiet some of the Rising Questions, they didn’t, and if she doesn’t hit the Airwaves with Much More you’ll be seeing that popularity dropping rapidly except for the 20something percent that still back the spin.

When the questions started the Camp should have put her out right than, they didn’t, now Everything is in Coverup Mode!!

12 09 2008

In talking about polling……..the facts are……..only people with landlines and have previously voted are polled………that leaves a lot of young-firsttime voters uncounted. Chuck Todd on MSNBC is very pragmatic and has been right the whole way. EVERY BODY vote and when the McCoward people LIE , call em out !!

12 09 2008
no more

The “gas pipeline is exactly that. It will pipe natural gas to lower 48 markets. Alaska’s oil production is decreasing. The great hope for increased production is the opening of ANWR. Even if that happened and production equaled estimates it still won’t be enough oil to really help anyone (except the Alaskans who are eligible for the PFD payment). Energy is McCain/Palin’s Potemkin village.

12 09 2008

Mac Camp Double Speak

We have to spread the truth about McCain ourselves because it’s clear the corporate media won’t. NOW. FAST. FURIOUS. EVERYWHERE.

We are in the two-minute drill with no timeouts. No more sitting on the sidelines and allowing the McCain campaign to rack up points with countless distortions.

Watch the video and forward it to everyone you know.”>

Spread the truth. Don’t wait. It starts with you.

Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New team

12 09 2008


Another one that says Nucular!!!

And her answer on what drives terrorists… holy crap! “they need to be given the hope that the American people have because we’re a democratic country!” Did I hear that right? That is basically what she just said?

Every day I’m more and more mystified by this.

12 09 2008

It looks like ABC is releasing a second chunk of the interviews this morning on Good Morning America. They repeat a few parts of last nights interview but have some new stuff. She is not doing any better. I guess the whole interview will be on 20/20 tonight. They also are doing a “fact-check” on her interview so far. Looks bad for her as they are shooting down some of her claims with the big “False” stamp slamming into the screen.

12 09 2008

On the Today Show, Lauer is interviewing Newt Gingrich about the SP interview – hard hitting questions on how SP’s ‘interpretation’ of the Bush Doctrine is not the Bush Doctrine as it was invoked. (Ken’s point – 02:28:30)
Followed by Dee Dee Myers saying the same thing.

12 09 2008
no more

@jimstaro. Alaska North Slope oil (ANS) production is about 720,000 barrels/day and dropping. None of it is exported.

12 09 2008

RLS, that was always the schedule – that the last ‘drip’ woud be on GMA.

12 09 2008

Hick Town in W PA

I understand what you are saying, however as a woman my intuition and observation of McCain/Palin body language on stage together tells me that McCain is using her as a calculated ploy to shore up the Republican base. I get the distinct impression that this was a desperation ploy on McCain’s part and he personally does not care for Palin.

I’m sure Palin has no intention from being dropped from the ticket as all indicators at this stage suggest that this is a highly ambitious and ruthless woman. Good traits for any politician regardless of party, however a possible looming indictment could give McCain the leverage to dump her. My bet is the party honchos will put McCain in the position of appointing Romney in the event that McCain wins the election.

It’s just a weird feeling I have. It just seems too surreal for the Republicans to pick a female VP with Palins lack of credentials. There are so many other female contenders in the Republican party like Christine Todd Whitman, Olympia Snow, Jane D Hull. I mean there were so many choices with so much more experience who are not facing corruption and ethics charges. What if she is indicted? Do you think McCain will kick her off the ticket? I do not think she will be dropping off voluntarily either. She would have to be promised a lot.

12 09 2008

Great piece (again)

I can’t add much more to this- you nailed it, and now if you could
just nail her ass to a chair somewhere on Little Diomede for the next
two months, we would all feel a bit safer and less anxious.

12 09 2008

Ohio Voters being played Again:

Ballot snafu endangers votes

About one-third of the absentee ballot applications received at the Hamilton
County Board of Elections have been ruled invalid because Republican Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign printed a version of the form with an extra, unneeded box on it.

12 09 2008
Cheryl Rofer

The people we should be comparing her to are others who might have been chosen for her spot on the ticket. Think about how they would have handled the interview.

Start with Joe Lieberman and Tom Ridge.

‘Nuff said.

12 09 2008

With all due respect, in my opinion, I think that everyone is missing the subtlety of the “Bush Doctrine” question.

It isn’t that she didn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is, but that she didn’t know there is a specific philosophy called “The Bush Doctrine”.

Sorry mudflatters, but you might have to actually watch the interview to get the nuance.

Gibson asks, “Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?”

She replies, without hesitation, “In what respect, Charlie?”

In her mind she thinks Gibson is asking something along the lines of “What do you think of Bush’s doctrines? What do you think of Bush’s policies?” in a general sort of way.

She doesn’t know that he is speaking of a specific philosophy of using preemptive military force.

She probably never even heard of The Bush Doctrine.

With that in mind it helps understand her reply to the next question (and I change Gibson’s question to what she thinks it is).

Gibson: What do you interpret [Bush’s doctrines (policies)] to be?

She confidently answers with a smile, “His world view”.

Now her reply makes sense. She isn’t stalling for time, trying to formulate an answer, or even guess.

She never even understood the question.

12 09 2008

Watching SP’s interview, she brought up her ‘energy’ expertise out of context. It reminded of me doing my French oral exam (LOL long time ago) I remember my teacher saying learn ONE thing or one story (in French) and then no matter what they ask word your answer around ‘that’ story/thing.
Since I grew up on a farm I chose farm life as my ‘story’ .

What will you do when you grow up ? The answer would be….to live on a farm because (the story)

Where did you spend your last holiday ?……on a farm and (the story)

What are you doing over the week end ?… going to a farm (the story)

I think SP was ‘schooled’ in a couple of ‘stories’ and no matter what she was asked she would have come up with one of those ‘stories’, one of them being ENERGY.

Her interview responces came over as insincere and ‘just learned’

12 09 2008

None of it is exported.

it comes to the Westcoast Refineries, as you saidm, Than Is Exported!!!!!!!!!!

There’s more Profit in Export not Domestic Consumption!!

12 09 2008

MSNBC is saying that although Palin got a lot wrong, people (vs. talking heads) are commenting on Gibson’s manner with her.

I don’t think the guy had a shot. Too soft and some would say he was lobbing softballs. Too hard (he was a bit professorial), and others would feel sympathy for her and come to her defense.

Like they say, all politics is partisan. I don’t know how many people can be swayed. If there are true Independents out there, and I’ve never met one, they’re up for grabs.

Aww, geez, I’ve got MSNBC on in the bacground. Palin’s address to the departing troops linked 9/11 to Iraq. Are they still perpetuating that myth? Are people buying it?

12 09 2008

BigSlick (02:19:37) :

Cambodia is to Pakistan as Laos is to Bangladesh? Just a guess.

12 09 2008

I am ashamed of America today.
How can ANYONE with even a modicum of intelligence allow this
woman to potentially have her hand on nuclear launch codes?
There are none so blind as those who can not see and none so deaf as tghose who will not hear.
America will soon have exactly what it does not deserve.
And it will have no one to blame this time, other than itself.
This race reminds of the old poster and poem ” Footprints ”

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied,
“The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”
Mary Stevenson

12 09 2008

She never even understood the question.

That’s the Point!!!!

We ALL understood the same Point!

12 09 2008

More and more, I understand Lincoln Chafee’s assessment: “Cocky whacko.”

12 09 2008

I’ve been lurking around here ever since Palin was announced as McCain’s VP. Thank you so much for this blog. I swear, it’s like a security blanket that I can cling to when things in the world get scary.

I seriously don’t know if I can remain in the US if the McCrazies are elected on Nov 4. I mean, what must Russia be thinking when they hear that our potential vice president cites being able to see Big Diomede & energy as proof of foreign policy experience? No one else in the world be able to get away with the kind of non-answers Palin gave last night. Why is this happening ?!?!?!?!?!?!

I am scared.

12 09 2008

This release of the ABC interview in pieces is like death from 1000 cuts. It is painful to watch her stumble around on so many answers. The spin-meisters will need to spin so fast that they may self destruct. Every answer seems to open another crack in the floor on which she is standing. At some point it may just drop away.

12 09 2008

@ Mike

“Today John McCain found time to honor the brave patriots of Flight 93 by giving a speech, laying a wreath and hugging the distraught families, where were you again..”

If you find honor in McCain’s using of 9/11, and the visit to the Flight 93 site, you are lost. It was hypocrisy of the highest order. Claiming the day as non-partisan and then using the visit as a campaign stop was deplorable.

Obama was in NY, and then visiting with Clinton, instead of using the despicable tactic of the right of whoring September 11th for political gain. Its called class, honor, dignity, of which McCain has none.

Also, claiming that Gibson was anything but a journalist is ludicrous. Obama, Biden and McCain all three have faced tougher questions, from more formidable journalists and proved tough enough, and knowledgeable enough to get through.

If Her Holiness, the Glorious Sarah can’t handle relatively soft questions about the most basic tenants of foreign and national policy, something is wrong. Even the most blinded-by-messianic-light Right wingers agree.

As to the rest of you “response”, Read more, bullshit less.

12 09 2008

JoeB said:
“Gibson: What do you interpret [Bush’s doctrines (policies)] to be?

She confidently answers with a smile, “His world view”.”

I heard it differently. Yes, she smiled. But her voice went up at the end. His world view?

It was after that when Charrrrlie (her sharp r’s are starting to grate) gave her the definition.

But I agree, she was clueless. Her “In what respect?” was an attempt to get him to expand on what she thought was a litany of thoughts. But, she got really cocky in that “You’re not gonna’ get me” sort of tone. Problem is, he got her, but she got the sympathy of a lot of viewers.

12 09 2008
John Henry


This is what they are saying in an alternate reality.

“He is obviously not nearly at the top of the list of serious interviewers. Given the two who interviewed McCain and Obama, with their chloroform questions, Gibson’s efforts to cast HIS meaning on Palin’s words was obvious even to a casual observer. His no win questions, his mischaracterization of her God’s plan question shows intentional distortion. No wonder I havent watched ABC for years. What should be the neutral media, is again demonstrating their agenda. I notice they have picked up the rape kit myth from a liberal left site and are now promoting it as fact…Thank God for FOX, without them there wouldn’t be one network without a left leaning tilt.

As for the BUSH doctrine being pre-emption…I think Gibson revealed his dependency on secondary sources. Primarily from media commentaries rather than from the speeches of Bush himself… can anyone remind the Democrats that they ARENT running against Bush…no wait..maybe THEY are…”

:O – OMG! I don’t know where to begin. I tried to comment but it was blocked.

12 09 2008

blink charlie, blink Charlie, blink Charlie

That was sooo awful. I don’t know if I can bear to look at another interview.

12 09 2008
Memphis, NY

This website has received more than 100,000 posts since September 3

I’m sure you’ve had more muckraker
keep up the good work

12 09 2008

Like an (unnamed) Alaskan, I will have to say it’s time for me to pour my 27th glass of red wine (or I could say it’s danged late on Friday night in Australia) and wish you Godspeed until we meet again.

Have a good look at Ms Brunner of Ohio – she has always maintained she takes no prisoners, and I have always believed her.

12 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

I couldn’t stomach watching the interview. However, all the sounds bites offered on radio and television this morning focused on either her Bush Doctrine “answer” or the response about not hesitating when ask to be VP.

Does she even know what “hubris” means?

12 09 2008
Reality Check

Palin is pathetic and has absolutely no business being a heartbeat away from the presidency. Especially when that heartbeat is a 72 year old guy who has had melanoma 4 or 5 times!

That interview was after 2 weeks of getting worked up by McCains top policy advisers and she was obviously rehearsed and clueless.

Hillary Clinton can run circles around her in her sleep.

12 09 2008

jimstaro (03:32:46) :

She never even understood the question.

That’s the Point!!!!

We ALL understood the same Point!

As usual, you have the nail on the head….and quite succinctly

12 09 2008

I have a “Palin”entoic question…..
I understand Basic HTML and BB Code.
Yet I can not get it to work when I post here.
Can someone divulge to me how to ” quote ” on here.
What is it exactly that I am missing?
I will have a go at it one more time, if it works,
please disregard this post.
If it does what it did the first few times I tried
it, perhaps it will give some blessed smart person
a clue as to what I am doing wrong.
My attempt at a quote:

12 09 2008

LOL. that time NOTHING showed up

I give up

12 09 2008

12 09 2008
Marcel Carroll

Here is what Palin said in her church:
“Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.”

Here is what Lincoln said:
“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.

Be afraid! She is close to becomng President!

12 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

Thank you, Harley. I’ve been wondering the same things about quotes.

12 09 2008

Harley, when I want to quote another poster, I highlight the text and copy it into the box where I type my replies. I’ll say, for example:

Harley said:
“LOL. that time NOTHING showed up

I give up”

After wrapping it in quotes, I address the statement/question. Hope that helps.

I’d like to know how to bold the person’s name so they know I’m addressing them.

12 09 2008

So she is still running to be Miss Alaska … but it’s Miss USA now. She’s got the “interview” down, time for the evening gown. Quarter turn, dear. That’s nice.

12 09 2008

Wow she did blink… Yayyy Charlie for asking her about the “Bush Doctrine”

You could see the deer in headlights look on her face when she paused and said “in what respect Charlie” HAha

12 09 2008

Maybe, after the final question for Palin tonight, a stage hand can walk on and dump a bucket of water on her head. She could then do the famous –“AHHHH, I’m melting, melting ” scene and just vanish. There might even be a few Republicans that could go for that after her performance on these interviews.

12 09 2008
Rift Valley

I am not American, and probably I should keep off its (IT) affairs, but I am NOT keeping off because when America acts unilaterally and with impunity, the whole world pays dearly with their lives especially those who are most vulnerable and poor. Example, Kenyan capital Nairobi and Tanzania’s capital Dar-es-Salaam were bombed by terrorists in 1998 and a lot of people lost their lives because America messed up the war in Somali and dispersed terrorists who got an opportunity to hit at ‘poor hapless Africans living in mud huts and slums’ (that’s how Kenya is now referred to as in republican blogs because Obama happens to share some background with the country). Kenya was affected again this year when the incumbent president rigged himself back to power, REASON, his acolytes cited the Bush/Gore Florida fiasco saying that ‘if Americans can rig a vote, who in the world shouldn’t’ , again a lot of people died in the ensuing violence and most of whom are poor mothers and children living in the slums, who now happen to be the butt of jokes from the republicans. Mugabe rigged himself back to power and the world knows how much he has literally brought that country to its knees economically and socially, Museveni and other African presidents have manipulated the constitution to extend their grips on power ad finitum. We cant blame Republicans and Americans directly for this, Africa has had its own share of failed states and grinding poverty BUT BUSH’s America is making it worse because all dictators in Africa only has to put the ‘terrorist’ tag on progressive forces and opposition to kill any semblance to sanity and continue in power for ever. OR discover oil as in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea e.t.c to become America’s friend and kill all your people at will!
I have followed this blog, I believe there a good Americans out there. Take your civic responsibility seriously and save the world by voting out the republicans. They are hurting a lot more poor vulnerable people out there than you could imagine. Once, people in the world were inspired by the American constitution and ability to do good BUT now dictators all over world are inspired and encouraged by BUSH/CHENEY blood/oil thirst to hurt the ruled!
And by the way, I saw Maccain citing the firing of a chef at the governors mansion in Alaska as one of the greatest deeds of governor Palin. Isn’t that illegal? who is speaking for the poor little chef? Didn’t he have a contract? Is there a union in America where chaps are not just fired because the governor thinks it is a great story in the campaigns? It sounded pathetic that a venerable old man such as maccain, who should know better, can actually smirk and smile while talking of a poor guy being fired without recourse to a hearing! Pity!

12 09 2008

Regarding “don’t blink”

she’s got that right… WE THE PEOPLE need to not blink. WE THE PEOPLE need to make sure we get out the vote, get out the word and DON’T BLINK because when we do, we are no longer keeping our eyes on the ball. As soon as you don’t look at the ball, it hits you in the head.

12 09 2008

Bold I can help you with

to this BOLD

text <<<<<<<<<<<<<——–remeber to add the forward slash
in the last b tag

Hope it shows up right

12 09 2008

This blog is killing me. I went to bed and my husband I laughed all night in my sleep. Who wouldn’t? We had the Gov Mooselini interview and then Mudflatter posts like:

“I can see the moon! I’m an astronaut!”

“I have to find my jaw – it’s around here somewhere on the floor…”

and then someone posted a new poster for Obama posing as Neo from the Matrix.

Seriously for a moment – can you imagine what the international community must be thinking of us? What a circus we’ve become? How we have taken one of the most wonderful intellectual gifts to man – DEMOCRACY – and turned it into a circus. Can you imagine?

– The Middle East must be using her as an example why woman should not be allowed to vote. She doesn’t have the chops. And if THIS is the best that the female gender can do, well, they really could not understand the intricacies of energy policies
– The third world countries who are trying to start democracies must be thinking twice (or more) about now. . . no one is sure they want that kind of government where someone who knows nothing rises so swiftly. The world did have a leader in the last century who rose quickly, believed that God was on His side and that what he was doing for his country’s nationalism was “God’s Will,” and believed in preemptive strikes. His name was Adolf Hitler.
– Putin and his colleagues must be laughing their a**es off. She will negotiate away our country and not even know it. . . she will be flattered and armed with “hubris” she will negotiate us into slavery.

This is a sad time in our Country’s history, and I just hope America has the “hubris” to survive it.

12 09 2008

nope, ah well
suffice it to say

lets see if that shows up right…if not, back to the subject of the story,
sorry if I started something.

12 09 2008

So Gibson actually asked some questions that brought out her lack of knowledge. kudos to him for that, but he couldn’t bring himself to actually say “you don’t know the answer to this, do you.” She speaks with authority, and that’s all that lots of people will notice.

AKM: The future of our country may depend on what you and your fellow Alaskans can bring to light about this woman.

12 09 2008

Rift Valley:

THANK YOU! Personally, I want to hear from our fellow citizens of the world. I appreciate your input into our debate. And I am also personally heartened by you in particular… my (step)daughter is on her way to Tanzania in October. She is participating in a year long study abroad on globalization and the first stop is Tanzania, then India, New Zealand, and Mexico. While I am very concerned for her safety in this weird world we have, I am delighted to know that there are thinking people like you in a country she will be living in for a period of time. All Americans are not representative of the Republican Administration of our country. That administration did indeed steal the election from the duly elected candidate. At the time, I agreed with Gore’s assessment that an extended legal battle would do more damage than a Bush presidency. Now, not so much. I think that the damage to the US legal system, US Citizens and the standing of US in the world has been so seriously damaged that it will take a great statesman to bring us back from the brink. I believe that Obama is that statesman. This country has not had a statesman-president since Carter. We have had trigger-men and one really smart guy but no statesmen. The time is now, Obama is the man, and happily, Biden is his back up — We must do it and we must do it now. Otherwise… I cannot even think about it!

12 09 2008

@RiftValley –

It’s painful to read your posts. It should be required reading – especially for Palin and McCain who are on this war path to selectively pick our “friends” and everyone else is on their own.

As for your plea – we ARE trying, RiftValley. I think this election has woke up a lot of us. I have been so embarrassed over the past 8 years about some of the serious (and I guess we could call them comedic if they weren’t so tragic) gaffes coming from the current administration. I kept thinking we can make it another four years. This time, it’s different. I believe the very fiber of our Country is at stake – and I don’t think Obama is pressing that enough – I think Americans at the grass roots level are understanding this is time to do something. People like Mudflats are helping communities exchange ideas and facts to help us work within our local communities to help sway votes. Don’t give up on us yet – we have a lot of work to do. We are in one of our unfortunate phases right now, but believe there are Americans who are as concerned as the world community.

12 09 2008
White Agate

Tuning in…I haven’t watched the whole thing yet, but just enough to get a taste. Funny how all of the chickenhawks out there object to ‘tough’ questions. But these are real issues, or at least they are because of the ‘Bush Doctrine.’ Even I know what that is, how could you not? Really maybe because it’s the ‘Cheney Doctrine.’

Obama could do the same interview, with the same questions, I’d like to see the comparisons.

Folks, it’s lizard brains out there. Face it, it’s like 2 countries, each with their own lizard brain. And it’s win, team, win, at any cost, regardless of the consequences. My lizard brain says we need leadership of all the people that will lead us to a better place, even if change is hard. Other folks say ‘I am going to vote for a person I like, and not change unless I absolutely have to.’

I was thinking that today, there will be a lot of change, regardless, are we ready for it? Every thinking person I speak to knows that oil is getting more expensive, that we have a lot of ‘stuff’ in our lives and not much ‘substance.’ This online community is a terrific antidote to that.

Keep calling and talking. One woman I spoke to is from LA and moved here to MN after Katrina. We were at the temple the other day and she said, ‘We should just drill in ANWR, it’s such a tiny sliver of land.’ I said, ‘Well, what about all of the other oil leases, and a national conservation program?’ She had not a clue about the other millions of acres of leases out there, run by our highly competent Interior Department. Not a clue. So there is a lot of low or misinformation out there. The key is to bring the good info to the table.

Thanks for the AIPAC stuff the other day, I was wondering about Joe Lieberman. I have to go through those vids.

I hope the Big Dog is helpful, and he is getting on, he has to realize it’s time to pass the mantle. I think Hillary is taking a pass. It is beneath her dignity to get into it with Sarah. Still think she’s be a great AG, Secretary of State, something.

12 09 2008

GREAT PAGE FOR HTML TAG DIRECTIONS- simple and easy to follow

Also, at many sites tags close at the end of paragraphs, so you have to initiate them again at the start of the next paragraph. If this paragraph is not bolded and italicized, that’s also true for mudflats.

12 09 2008
Joe C

I am looking forward to Gibson asking a question I’ve been thinking about and seen proposed elsewhere.

“Do you believe the office of the Vice President is part of the Executive branch?”

I am sure her briefers are aware this question is out there, but is still important that she be asked. It will be interesting to see how she, or more correctly the McCain message team, finesse an answer to that question.

This relates to VP Cheney’s assertion that his office is not required to comply with executive branch regulation because he was also an officer of the Senate. It came up when there were allegations that the VP staff was not complying with the Presidential Records Act and and not maintaining but destroying official records.

When this question is asked, it will bring this matter back to the attention of the American people. It will give Palin (the McCain team) a chance to state a position on the range of VP power that seems to have been extended greatly under the current administration. It may give them an opportunity to further distance themselves from the current administration, if they choose. It will give them an opportunity to back up their claim that they will be bringing accountability to Washington.

But since Palin has her own mini-scandal about the maintenance of official government record from the governors office, it may still be an awkward question for her to answer.

12 09 2008

@ demo and bold

have look at this, I made it just for you

12 09 2008
VA Democrat

What the international community thinks of us…I shudder to imagine. Some combination of laughter and terror.

Palin has energized our base so incredibly much, though. I’ve been talking to other women in the PTA (yes! I’m running for VP!) and now we’re planning a 100+ person house party/fundraiser for Obama. It’s purely because of Palin. I certainly would have voted for Obama, and probably given some money, but what I’ve been doing in the past two weeks – living on the blogs, giving more money, organizing people – is only because I’m absolutely terrified that Palin will be the President of this country in the next several years.

12 09 2008

Thanks to ds55 and for a little light humor:

The Matrix – Obama as Neo:
Obama as Neo


12 09 2008

I just found your blog and I think I love you!

12 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

@Memphis, NY

Thanks for the link. It did my heart good to read comments of so many woman who understand the Palin threat. It made me remember at the celebration when Kansas became one of the first states to legalize abortion (hard to believe now isn’t it?)

12 09 2008

After watching portions of this interview, I am literally at a loss for words! I feel sick to my stomach!

All I can think about is that this person is a heart beat away from the Presidency. Does she not understand that the next War very well may be a Nuclear War?!

God Help Us, and God help the innocent lives in foreign countries!

12 09 2008
White Agate

Joe C:

Yes, and I’d like her to unpack the whole issue of ‘signing statements’ within that context. The VP position now holds unpredcented power due to Cheney/Addington’s redefinition of it. A new administration needs to address this.

12 09 2008

Wow – kudos to Charlie Gibson for his fairly tough interview. Yes – I agree he was in an awkward position, and the fact is that many voters are going to sympathize with Palin for the “Liberal Media” being tough and vindictive ….

HOWEVER – disses to ABC, based on my morning commute … Listening to news radio (WBZ) in Boston area, and announcer has a call-in to Cokie Roberts (ABC political analyst) to get an analysis of the interview. Cokie’s take (condensed) … PALIN made NO major gaffes and didn’t embarrass herself, and in terms of previous politicians – she most reminds Cokie of Reagan in terms of being able to handle a question by invoking some folksy talking point …

WTF ….. Playing both sides of the table much. I don’t think I was watching the same interview as poor Cokie….


12 09 2008

My son is a frosh in college – you may say I am a little scared for him at this point. When we were talking last night as he and his buddies watched the service dialogue from Columbia University, they all concurred that Obama “..really does make sense….he really does know what he’s talking about…”

I asked them if the young women at the university were pro-Caribou Barbie (at this point, I think it is hard for any of us to speak that name). They laughed and in typical fashion: “…only the ones who read People and US to get their news, Mom.” I smiled for a minute or two all smug with knowing my child was engaged, but then I thought:


12 09 2008

Good morning all…The Federal election in Canada continues. We have had a few blunders here which the media has pointed out with glee. Too bad your media can’t do the same when it comes to Sarah.

I would also like to thank everyone for the insightful comments which I enjoy reading so much. Like many others, I am at a loss for words to describe just how inept Sarah Palin is and how little she knows about the crucial “mom and pop issues which effect so many people on a day to day basis “. Hopefully people are beginning to understand just how little knowledge this woman possesses and how dangerous she would be in a position of power.

12 09 2008
Rift Valley

Thanks Swineprincess and Proud2BUSA
I believe that America will rise and do good and your daughter will inspire more people in the world. I speak because though I havent been to America, I know its story because we were taught by volunteer Peacecorps in the rural of Africa. These guys had great stories to tell and worked alongside poor people in the villages and slums with diligence and respect for other cultures that could have only come from a country inspired by great leaders.

Sad enough that now the poor and the helpless in African villages are huddled on TVs waiting to hear if America can inspire again. The dictators in Africa cringe when they hear of a possibility of an Obama presidency. REASON.. with an Obama presidency, they wont play the racist tag, as they usually do with every other western leader. He will call them to account, trust him to do that! Obama visited the African slums when he came to Africa and saw first hand what corruption can do to human beings!He said then that his constituents are in Illinois and they came first to him, But he also pleaded with African leaders to do a lot more for their people rather than steal from the public. He and his wife took a public AIDS test, which inspired thousands to take the test itself, my brother and his wife took the test 7 weeks after Obama and they are now taking treatment which will prolong their lives, for the sake of their children. Obama’s test must have saved a lot more livEs than news media can unravel, most of whom are mothers and poor women and children who could have died because of the stigma associated with HIV/Aids.

The world awaits again to be inspired and led by America’s good. The dictators in Africa awaits with anticipating glee for another BUSH/MACCAIN/PALIN/ CHENEY’S PHONEY FRIENDSHIP!

12 09 2008

she is what every rightist wants to turn us all into.

We need the RAPTURE RIGHT NOW ! Leave this planet to those of us who love it and want to save it.

45 years experience with fundies in the South !

12 09 2008
Rick Rossi

In the end, Palin asserts that:

“If we have legitimate and enough intelligence that a strike is imminent against American people, we have every right to defend our country.”

Well, she wasn’t talking about Iraq here, nor was she talking about Afghanistan – neither situation would meet that criteria.

12 09 2008

You know what.
I have been thinking. ( yep, Imagine that ! )
Everyone ( the public ) has been saying since Pinocchio Palin
was selected as V. P., “lets talk about the issues.”

Well, over the last couple days in the media, we have seen issues discussed.
We all know that anyone with a brain can SEE that Obama is on the right track.

Yet the polls seem to be going McCains way despite the obvious.

We then ( the public ) ask ” Why is Obama not gaining ground like McCain seems to be doing ? ”

The politically correct answer is because McCain picked Palin and she is resonating with the voters.

The real answer is and lets face it folks, like it or lump it, it is because
she has awakened the prejudices and racism that is alive and well
in America. End of story.

The real question now is…are there more people in America who are not filled with hatred, fear and racism than those who still harbor those outlandish and outdated ways of thinking?

Lets call a ” duck and duck ” ( sorry ducks ) and face up to the real
challenge in this election.

We must get the young people, the black people, the ethnic people
to the polls on November 4th.

This year they MUST vote and their votes must count!

If not, no matter what we might say on this blog or anywhere else,
I have faced the fact that McCain will be President.

This is a certainty. This is the truth.
We may not like it, but this is where this election is heading.

12 09 2008

RiftValley, we’re trying, I promise.

Not to worry about Palin’s chef. She didn’t fire her. She reassigned her. Another Palinism, so to speak.

lemonfair and Harley, thanks for the assistane. If I learned my lesson, names in this post should appear in bold.

12 09 2008

Here’s another thought, Palin has not only energized the right wing base, but she could also be energizing the Terrorists as well. What I mean by that is this: To the Terrorists, this is a Holy War, and Palin plays right into that by infusing her Religious beliefs into her politics.

12 09 2008

Yes DeMo

You learn quick ! Congrats!

12 09 2008
A Brit abroad

I’m glad someone brought up the Stepford wives – I’ve been dying to make that point all week and haven’t dared…

12 09 2008

GOOD interview by Rob Caldwell of WSCH 6 out of Portland Me.
McLame he certainly is!
I was surprised to see Charlie Gibson’s interview be that hard hitting. I think he is finally AWAKE and ALARMED at the potential of this situation.
The state Repubs…….caucused for Romney, not Mccaine. There are NO MCCAINE BUMPER STICKERS anywhere in my area Downeast, in contrast to 4 years ago, when most cars sported Bush stickers to my dismay!
Mike Salvo, put down that glass of coolade and do some homework You are not thinking clearly!
So John McCain was one of 590 out of 600 POW’s to get a silver star; and one of 1,249 to receive a purple heart! That sure puts a different slant on it.

12 09 2008

From the Talking Points memo
“McCain has shown he wants the presidency so badly that he’s willing to say anything, true or false, to win power. Obama can win by fighting for what he believes. What he can’t do is wait for the media to call McCain out — although they should — or expect voters to know he’ll fight for them when they are not yet sure that he’s willing to stand up for himself.”

One point E.J. mentions that I’ve noticed too. Beside his convention speech, I can’t think of a time in the last week or so that I saw Obama in front of a crowd. The appearances that I’m seeing showing up on TV during the day (an incomplete but probably not unrepresentative sampling) all look like there in front of a hundred or so people in a library or something. I wonder whether the celeb thing has just gotten inside his people’s collective head and they’re afraid to get him in front of real crowds.

If so, it’s a very bad mistake. He has to be who he is. He can’t run from his strengths. And he needs to charge up the people who want to be in the trenches with him. Excitement is infectious. ”

I agree, with most of this anyway

12 09 2008

Rift Valley,

Thank you for sharing with us the story of Obama and his wife visiting your country. It speaks very highly of Obama’s true character.

And it also reinforces the notion that the Terrorists want Mccain as President because it opens the door for what they are hoping would happen which is an ALL OUT NUCLEAR WAR!

12 09 2008

Have I posted this already?
I knew about this and always wondered why the MSM had never commented on it?

12 09 2008

Nope, Harley, I tried to only bold the names and everything came up bold. I be dumber than Sarah Palin answering a question on the Bush Doctrine.

MJC, good point about Palin’s presence emboldening terrorists. If she’s fighting a holy war, theirs is all the more valid. Having said that, I don’t really believe terrorists are worried about validation. But it gives them another excuse for their terror.

Clinton and Obama met for 2 hours yesterday. Politico columnist Jeff Harris, author of two books on Clinton, speculates on the advice Clinton might have given Obama. Some of it sounds sage.

12 09 2008

Something just struck me. We are in the midst of a Federal Election campaign here in Canada and I don’t know the religious affiliation of the men who are running to become Prime Minister.

I want to know their views on the economy, the environment and foreign policy especially as it pertains to Afghanistan where we have troops. I find it fascinating that so much emphasis is put on religion in the United States when you have so many other pressing issues to discuss.

12 09 2008

Talk about “we cannot blink”….

Did you notice she learned McCain’s mannerism of blinking to people. This happens typically when she says something simple and feels she actually understands it.

12 09 2008

@RiftValley –
Your words about the Dictators in your Country also scare some of those in power over here. Corruption likes company, and without some of those dictators, profits and money may not flow as easily. Small-minded people have been told (and I live in the South around Laura and all the fundamentalists) that Obama will:

– sell our country to Muslims (for some reasons, Muslims are now equated with Satan when their lineage is also from Abraham. People here don’t read their own Bill of Rights and Constitution, so I have dim hope they will read the Koran which promotes peace)

– sell our country to Blacks – I am so dumbfounded by this, I have no answer. All I can say is posts are right – racism is rampant right here in River City, and these fundies can’t reconcile that their God does not judge by color.

– give the Country to elitists (I AM SO TIRED OF THIS STUPID COMPLAINT. W, our Village idiot, comes from BIG OIL MONEY. McCain has been living a life of luxury that most of us can only dream about. The Dems on the other hand have given the American people Bill Clinton (raised by a single mother) and Obama (raised by a single mother and grandparents). . . i wouldn’t call these people “elitists” – I would call these citizens as tireless, focused individuals who worked to better themselves which is what our country is all about.
– and let’s face this fact – a LOT of couch potato Americans LIKE WAR. I know. This is heresy. But it’s true. There is a generation that grew up on John Wayne, the Rifleman, etc. that are still running the Hill.

I’m all for defending my borders (as every country is). I’m all for defending freedom. i am NOT for the Bush Doctrine. I am NOT for using weapons before diplomacy. I am NOT Neville Chamberlain who was so naive and believed everything Hitler told him, but believe we are trampling on what we believe(D) as a nation before this administration. (and you betcha I could have answered that question better than Pinocchio Palin.

I would love for the media to take a street survey of the American people and ASK THEM about the Bush Doctrine, and other questions. We would be sorely disappointed in the results, I bet.

12 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

From Paul Krugman’s Op-Ed piece in today’s NY Times:

“Did you hear about how Barack Obama wants to have sex education in kindergarten, and called Sarah Palin a pig? Did you hear about how Ms. Palin told Congress, “Thanks, but no thanks” when it wanted to buy Alaska a Bridge to Nowhere?

These stories have two things in common: they’re all claims recently made by the McCain campaign — and they’re all out-and-out lies.

Dishonesty is nothing new in politics. I spent much of 2000 — my first year at The Times — trying to alert readers to the blatant dishonesty of the Bush campaign’s claims about taxes, spending and Social Security.

But I can’t think of any precedent, at least in America, for the blizzard of lies since the Republican convention. The Bush campaign’s lies in 2000 were artful — you needed some grasp of arithmetic to realize that you were being conned. This year, however, the McCain campaign keeps making assertions that anyone with an Internet connection can disprove in a minute, and repeating these assertions over and over again.”

12 09 2008
Mollys Mum

Harley, I know what you mean. I am looking at the polls today and having a heart attack. Even the Electoral vote site and 538 have Obama plunging. It’s worse than watching the stock market.

Somebody talk me down!

Keep chanting, Truman/Dewey, Truman/Dewey, Truman/Dewey.


12 09 2008

Good morning all.

Love AKM’s acerbic wit. Palin showed herself to be the empty ski parka she is. As I’ve said before, a soap opera actress.

Another writer I follow….Paul Krugman of NYT who has an excellent article on the “Blizzard of Lies” today. Money quote….”What it says, I’d argue, is that the Obama campaign is wrong to suggest that a McCain-Palin administration would just be a continuation of Bush-Cheney. If the way John McCain and Sarah Palin are campaigning is any indication, it would be much, much worse.”

12 09 2008

HuffPo article:
Palin’s Dangerous Saber Rattling on Russia
stumble digg reddit news trust Posted September 11, 2008 | 06:45 PM (EST)

“This type of dangerous talk reinforces the militaristic saber-rattling of the McCain campaign. From joking about bombing Iran, to talking about invading Iraq, Iran and Syria weeks after 9/11 to the misguided “we are all Georgians now,” the McCain campaign is sending all kinds of horrifying signals to the world about the types of wars it would fight. Leaders in other capitals are paying attention and words matter.”

12 09 2008

The people here in the lower forty-eight are looking to all you GREAT Alaskans
to keep giving us the “skinny” on La Palin the warmonger….thanks for all your comments and fact checking and for keeping us informed!!!!!

12 09 2008

“DeMo (05:06:54) :

Nope, Harley, I tried to only bold the names and everything came up bold. I be dumber than Sarah Palin answering a question on the Bush Doctrine.”

No your not dumb ! No one is dumb when trying to learn something!
Give your self more credit!

I will bb in a few with another example for you.

12 09 2008

I was really hoping that Gibson would ask Matt Damon’s question:

‘Do you believe in dinosaurs?’

( I know people who don’t believe in dinosaur’s because they say that the devil laid out the bones to confuse people – so I understand why Matt would want to know that question)

12 09 2008

It is so great to read this blog and see you write so well about the interview and your impressions. Thank you also to the England for Obama person above–I enjoyed the link to the Letterman interview. Also, thank you to Rift Valley. I read your message and just volunteered online to work for the Obama in Ohio campaign tomorrow. This site is an inspiration!

12 09 2008

McCain will just be a figurehead – sold out. Sorry, NO LONGER A HERO BUT A TRAITOR in my mind.

Palin is a mouthpiece for the Radical Right who want to start WWIII. Those powers are sitting and laughing at the wee minds who have sanctified Sarah and follow her around with Big Lips drawn all over their faces. They are sheep who cannot think for themselves.

I hold everyone who votes for this Radical Hate-filled Ticket fully accountable for any and all deaths that occur within that administration.

12 09 2008

From viewing the video, my impression is:

Sarah thinks that Ahmadinejad is Iran’s leader, probably because his official role is titled, “President.” I guess there wasn’t enough time to tell her that he is essentially a figurehead, and that Iran is a religious state, led by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Sarah thinks that because she knows something about oil pipelines, she is therefore qualified to make decisions about the US’s relationships with NATO, the UN, China, India, and the rest of the independent, sovereign countries in the world. All this tells me is that she knows that there is money to be made in oil and natural gas, and that the US is energy hungry. I guess nobody gave her the memo that even if we sucked every last drop of oil out of Alaska, we still would be an abysmally long way from energy independence.

And, she says NEW-CUE-LER. *sigh*

12 09 2008

ak,once again u nailed it. i totally agree that the worst thing palin said in that interview had nothing to do about war but with the fact that she didn’t hesitate in taking the job. there is a brief part where she says that if mcacin thought she could do it that was good enough for her, along with her answering about not blinking. this i believe is the most bushian think she could have said and i hope the democrats jump on it. don’t blink, indeed…

12 09 2008

AKM – You nailed it. — And she is ready because she is confident that she is ready.

Sharp. Great insight.

I think Palin proved she is a politician who can use circular logic and a confusing ‘blizzard’ of words like most politicians.

12 09 2008

mmm come to think of it the bride of Frankenstein didn’t blink either…

12 09 2008

Yumm. Have my coffee now.

Paul Krugman wrote exactly what I wanted to post last night on this blog, but was too angry (and tired) to. My anger was at Steve Schmidt and his goons…..they’ve once again turned our revered democratic system into a mockery. Yet the buck stops with McCain.

These people have no love for our Constitution, no love of country. Win at all cost. As Krugman says, some might think that it’s a good quality to have in the White House…..but haven’t they been proven wrong….twice in recent memory?

Going to Camp Obama this weekend. Cell phone in hand.

12 09 2008

drchill (05:21:12) :

mmm come to think of it the bride of Frankenstein didn’t blink either…

Neither did Dr. Evil’s Fembots…..

12 09 2008

Welcome BlueFranco,

Many of us who post are also from the lower forty-eight, and from around the world as well. We are Democrats, Republicans, and Independants who choose to use our brain to decide who to elect for the Presidency.

12 09 2008

I do tend to think a Palin-McCain administration would be worse than Bush-Cheney. It would basically be an administration of Looney and McLooney, possibly even Gidget and the Corpse. Anyone remember the brief and sorry reign of Isabel Peron in Argentina? Shudder, shudder, shudder.

In any event, after his filthy campaign, McCain would have a terrible time trying to run the country. No one in the Democratic congress would return his calls, much less play ball with him. Half the country would be rooting for the Dems every time they thwart him. The Palin scandals would be standard tabloid fodder. And with McCain’s infamous temper, probably most of his cabinet and the Republicans in congress would be checking off the days until 2012.

The polls are not looking too good today. If they are right (and I tend to think they are not) Obama is gradually losing the electoral advantage as well as the national popular vote.

The worst thing is not that Palin is unprepared. It is that a lot of people seem eager to vote for her anyway. Any nation that would elect this pair in office is not prepared to be a world power. Shudder, shudder, shudder.

12 09 2008

DeMo See if this makes any sense to you.

12 09 2008
Andrew Gregg

“I can see the moon–I’m an astronaut.” HAHAHAHAHA…

I’m reminded of a political pundit I know who nailed a former candidate for prime minister in Canada in the 1990s. Like Palin, no one knew much about Stockwell Day when he burst onto the national scene and he was intensely popular, until he got out on the hustings. He jet skied up to his first press conference, then addressed the media in a wet suit. As he rode away a water jet shooting out the back looked like it was going up his as and the headlines read “Enema of the State.” But it got better. It was revealed he’d taught at a school with an evangelical curriculum that said the world was 6,000 years old and people walked with dinosaurs. The pundit, Warren Kinsella, went on TV that night and said “Stockwell Day thinks the Flintstones is a documentary.” A healthy sense of national sense of humour killed Day at the polls. Let’s hope it does the same to McCain and Palin.

12 09 2008

The closest Lincoln quote I couls come up with was this one:

“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”

She must have skipped over these quotes in her Cliff Notes version of How To Succeed In Politics Without Really Trying:

“Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose – and you allow him to make war at pleasure.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable – a most sacred right – a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.” – Abraham Lincoln

And she CERTAINLY missed this one:

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln


“The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save the Union. The world knows we do know how to save it. We — even we here — hold the power, and bear the responsibility. In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free — honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.”
-Abraham Lincoln, Annual Message To Congress 12/1/1862

12 09 2008

Aren’t there movies about these types of despots? and why aren’t we seeing them on Turner’s Stations?

I keep asking – where is Hollywood on this? I guess if Gramps win, they are going to pack up and move to Bolleywood. I can’t believe the cowardice of these folks who were so – and I mean SOOOOOOOOOO – vocal during the primaries, and now when you need someone to make a vapid comment, they are no where to be found……….

12 09 2008

Molly’s Mumm,

Don’t fret. I believe the Debates will prove to be a deciding factor……except for those who believe that Sarah Palin is a Saint sent from God to usher in Armegedon and the End of days.

12 09 2008
michelle of bleeding espresso

You hit on every ridiculous thing I noticed. Her “In what respect, Charlie?” reminds me of when I was trying to bullsh*t my way out of questions in law school when I hadn’t read the assigned case. Only I got away with it sometimes.

I’ll only add regarding her comment:

I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words.

She will apparently email them though. From the Anchorage Daily News piece Palin’s child diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome from April 22, 2008:

In a letter she e-mailed to relatives and close friends Friday after giving birth, Palin wrote, “Many people will express sympathy, but you don’t want or need that, because Trig will be a joy. You will have to trust me on this.” She wrote it in the voice of and signed it as “Trig’s Creator, Your Heavenly Father.”

I think the new platform could be HUBRIS. Although that’s not much of a CHANGE.

12 09 2008

Hey Arkangel3,

You quoted ““Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln

I guess that was McCain’s plan in sequestering Palin. Oops, to late! All doubt has now been removed.

12 09 2008

Poor gal! She thought Charlie said “Didn’t that take some hummus?” and she got all flabbergasted.

12 09 2008

CHARLEEE!!! We’re going to candy mountain, Chaaaarlie!

totally what she sounds like the whole time. oy.

12 09 2008

Harley: Ref: McCain’s gonna win

Please start drinking heavily or take some happy pills or something… you can’t go that route yet! I know it is the rollercoaster we are on, heck I get that feeling on an almost hourly basis but NO. We cannot let them have it. We have to fight (oops sorry — McCain’s word!) We have to WORK for the right to have the president of OUR choice!

Ref: qualifications for VeePee

I nominate my friend Linda from Texas to be VeePee. She is an anthropologist, bilingual in (second language is Spanish), she lives in Texas, as state right next door to Mexico where you can actually stand on the border and watch the flood of people who want to make their lives better sneak into the US under cover of darkness, she has been to IRAN and has a somewhat better idea of what that country’s about than other nominees, she has been to South America, specifically Chile, Peru and Ecuador, she has a master’s degree with an undergraduate minor in Political Science, and most importantly SHE DOES NOT WANT TO BE PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT OR ANY OTHER ELECTED OFFICE.

We need to make a new rule in this country – the guy/gal that wants the job the least gets it.

12 09 2008

@ Rift Valley

I hear you !

I too lived under a dictator. Perhaps this is why this US election is fascinating to me this time…..but it is scarey.

As I said yesterday we in the rest of the world are affected by America. There is a saying something like (?) ‘When America sneezes the rest of the world gets a cold.’

BTW I am lucky, I have lived in Australia for nearly 12 years and love it. (And yes I have traveled to the US many times….lovely people, fabulous place. I still miss Africa, the land of my birth)

I think the USA needs Obama, I think he will make a great president. Maybe the best ever. The alternative is terrifying.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man. (No sexism intended LOL)

12 09 2008

Harley, I knew about Cindy McCain’s addiction, but didn’t know how she involved others. If she’s off drugs, I don’t think it’s a “story.” The story is about how she involved other and didn’t care if their careers were ruined.

The thing is, it looks awfully circumspect that this guy is stepping forward again. Just as McCain is running. I realize it’s a story again because he’s running, but either he’s coming forward to (understandably) try and sink McCain, or he’s trying to cash in on the story.

What I’d like to know, and never will, is how the McCains get away with “I assume full responsibility.” Period. McCain says it about his first marriage. Cheated on his wife twice before meeting Cindy.

Cindy abuses prescription meds, claims she got treatment and it’s done.

The gossip part of me really wants to know how John didn’t know about it. How do you live with an addict, even if it’s only on weekends, and not know? I don’t buy it.

I think it was Krugman’s article in the Times today that talks about words and deeds and what it says about a candidate. Either McCain knew and is pleading ignorance, which isn’t good, or knew and did nothing about it, which isn’t good. It’s abundantly clear to me that the guy lacks judgment. If only the rest of the country would share in my opinion.

12 09 2008
portland oregon native

Obviously someone on McCain’s staff just finished reading Doris Kerns Goodwin’s book on Lincoln. Sarah sure as hell hasn’t read that or anything else since “Peter Rabbit”, if that!
I am so ashamed of my country right now. We are the laughing stock of the world. To nominate someone so vacuous, vapid, vindictive, vituperative and ignorant is an insult to us all. The Republicans should be ashamed.
Lincoln must be spinning in his grave, along with Ike, and even Reagan.

12 09 2008

Let’s just hope that Palin falls so flat on her face that she deflates. We tend to forget how fast once-famous politicians can fade back into obscurity– even faster than over-the-hill actors and faded rock stars. Remember when Fred Thompson was the Great White Hope of the neo-cons, when the pundits were all drooling over him? Fred had political star power, too— for a couple of minutes.

The problem with Palin is that she isn’t even skin deep— more like mascara deep. She can’t seem to do much but parrot the same speech and smile at the camera. In show business terms (and, let’s face it, this is show business) that isn’t much of an act.

From what I hear of her record, she might be as hard-working as Fred also.

12 09 2008

@Andrew Gregg –

What a great story – Unfortunately, I think the U.S. media has left their (shall I say it?) “hubris” at the door and cower for their paychecks from their Parent Companies.

Murrow must be not only rolling in his grave but probably wanting to take some of these hare-brained “journalists” out.

12 09 2008
Joe C

While our attention is on Palin and her ‘readiness”, there are unusual events occurring in our southern hemisphere. Russian long range bombers arrived in Venezuela few days ago. Bolivia and now Venezuel expelling US ambassadors. Maybe Russia asks some of their friends on this side of the world to help respond to our response to the Georgia situation and Cheney’s recent trip.

Let’s hope the candidates know where to draw the line between campaign political bluster and meddling in real world geo-politics.

12 09 2008

We definitely have a lot of heroes spinning in their graves today…..

12 09 2008
King Baeksu

We can see in this interview that Sarah Palin is standing on 18 million cracks in the floor.

It’s only a matter of time before she breaks through!

— KB, Seoul

12 09 2008

I didn’t see Palin’s interview (just got sound bites). But it seems the Dems are pretty happy with it and the Repubs are mostly furious with Gibson. That suggests the night went well for Obama.

12 09 2008

Re the Palin interview: I thought her calling him “Charlie” over and over was insulting. She sounded like Truck Stop Sarah.

12 09 2008

Joe C::

got links? this is news we can use.

12 09 2008

“swineprincess (05:37:57) :

Harley: Ref: McCain’s gonna win

Please start drinking heavily or take some happy pills or something… ”

I nearly spit out my coffee laughing so hard !

Thank You SP, you lifted me up….
( hears Josh Grobin singing )

12 09 2008

My hubby spoke with his sister last night. She’s firmly against Palin, as his his Mom. But the biggest surprise was his father. Staunch redneck. Would cross the street to avoid a black guy. In a words he’s a bigot.

It looks like he’s voting for Obama. Apparently McCain turned him off during the summer, and the Palin pick may have been the turning point.

So if my FIL can vote for Obama, there is hope!!!!

12 09 2008

The McCain surrogates are all over the cable channels this morning trying to spin this lackluster performance into a fully-ready-for-prime-time narrative.

Oh, well, we’ll learn what the McCain campaign really thought about the performance when they announce her next interview. If it’s not within the coming week, then we’ll know that their internal evaluation pretty much matches what the rest of us are saying about it.

12 09 2008

@ swineprincess (and others), on the subject of viewpoints from around the world. over here in the UK, it’s a bit of an Obama love-fest. but then, our country is – in the big scheme of things – a liberal one. as I have pointed out to friends here, the reason I’m taking such an active interest in this election – to the point of contributing to this blog, and joining an Obama London group to help get out the vote and flyer all those rich Americans living in our capital 😉 – is because it feels just so goddam* important. America and the world has so much to lose from a Palin/McCain victory, and so much to gain from an Obama/Biden one.

*sorry: “bloody” 🙂

12 09 2008

Proud2BUSA (05:22:04)

This suggests a bumper sticker:

McCain & the FemBot


McCain’s Stand
Change you can expect

MCCAIN – CHANGEd his mind

sigh funny sad…

12 09 2008

…as opposed to here in Britain, where even some of our rightwingers in the Conservative Party might be right at home in the Democrat Party, and therefore certain basic things (eg national health service, abortion) are much of a muchness across the political spectrum.

(I forgot to add that bit)

12 09 2008


Hope you’re right. Thing is, in order to know if the question “Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?” is significant, you kinda have to know if there a) is a Bush Doctrine and b) what it is. I’d venture to say that most of the people watching (as was suggested earlier) have no clue any more than she did —

I HAVE to say that her deer-in-headlights-stare there indicated without a doubt that Charlie Gibson and ABC didn’t give her ALL the questions she would be asked because her handlers would have drill-baby-drilled her on the Bush Doctrine had they had any idea that Gibson would have asked that question. Obviously the Republiars don’t think the Bush Doctrine is important… well, until now… I hope that the Obama Campaign picks up on this because it is an important point. The Republiars DON’T think it is important. Make it important.

12 09 2008

fredrik (01:22:22) :

What’s the difference between Palin and Bush? Lipstick!
How much petroleum is in lipstick? Ever read the ingredients?

**just saying**

12 09 2008

w’come Harley … glad to see you’re back!

12 09 2008

@ DeMo,

I agree, the story is not now her previous bout with addiction itself, its what was hidden about it as far as how her ” addiction ” ruined other peoples lives.

12 09 2008

There’s a basic question we always ask of our national leaders and representatives –

“Have you every been in trouble with the law?”

Sarah Palin has not been asked this question, and so she surely hasn’t answered it. Below is linked Palin’s FELONY record for operating an illegal drift net (google ‘drift net’ for images of what this really means).
Sarah Palin plead ‘no contest’ down to this lesser felony from the original citation.

“Mommy, is it really true that all those dead whales, dolphins, seals, turtles and seabirds are just ‘by-catch’ that God put into our drift nets to test our faith?”

12 09 2008

@ SP…….
You might have noticed I am not a ” morning ” person LOL

12 09 2008

plwalsh (05:25:37) :

The worst thing is not that Palin is unprepared. It is that a lot of people seem eager to vote for her anyway.

Unprepared is the right word.
She’s had 2 weeks to prepare. The fact that in 2 weeks she can sustain the GOP talking points and still look like a typical politician, shows how hollow it all is.

12 09 2008

when charlie walked with palin out there by the oil pipeline and kicked around the idea of global warming………..i saw panic. which frankly, is heartening – i appreciate when a non-scientist gets freaked out about making broad stroke conclusions about something they don’t understand. yipee. a crack.

but then she started to piss me off again with the old 2000 acre spot of land that will magically produce all the natural gas and oil condensate from the ANWR “lands”………..also referred to as the coastal plan or Section 1002 lands.

the ole 2000 acres (please read with wc fields voice inflections).

Section 1002 lands = 1.5 million acres (size of Delaware)
ANWR = 19.5 million acres

TransCanada pipeline proposal pipeline length: 1715 miles


1988 USGS study on potential oil development in ANWR with lots of pretty and easy to read maps:

note the location of Point Thomson at the west end of Section 1002 – this is the gas field that has the lease litigation with ExxonMobil where Alaska oil and gas commission is wanting to take back the 1977 lease due to inactivity and other reasons-

let’s just stop there and think about the non-ANWR lands that have natural gas that are not being developed by INDUSTRY to the point that the state is yanking its lease.

and we the lower 48 are now supposed to believe that all is well up there way way way up north such that all the industry folks are chomping at the bit to drill drill drill?

how does that compute with you guys? i just flat don’t see it.

12 09 2008

Keep an eye on the Wikipedia entry for “Bush Doctrine.” It’s had a few hundred edits since last night. People keep trying to add sentences that suggest that a. there is no such thing as the Bush Doctrine, as the White House doesn’t use the term or b. that the phrase is obscure and ambiguous or c. other such nonsense.

In any case, it’s interesting to watch it change every couple minutes. It looks like some people are working very hard to keep the entry factual. Amazing. It’s also clear that the McCain-Palin defense on this is going to be that she didn’t know the term, because it’s an obscure term not used by people of her standing…To which we all call BS!

And remember to watch Wikipedia entries for anything that relates to this election at all!

12 09 2008

btw if you haven’t read it, folks, there’s a great piece by George Lakoff on the Huffington Post today –

– one hopes to god that the Democrat campaign strategists have read it, and are making notes.

12 09 2008
12 09 2008

OMG I just looked at the clip at the top of this post! Yikes. You could see Palin shrinking back into the PTA mom from Wasilla. That star power just fizzled away. You could see she knew she was out of her depth. She was actually biting her lip at one point.

The body language said a lot. Palin was crouched and defensive. Gibson was leaning back peering over his glasses at her. It was like watching a job interview where the interviewer realized in the first three minutes that the applicant was not qualified.

You can see why the Republicans were so furious at Gibson. This could really take the wind out her sails.

12 09 2008

Proud2BUSA said:
“I keep asking – where is Hollywood on this?”

I think it’s best that Hollywood stay out of it. Republicans are already calling the Dems elite. Bring in rich, indulged (though informed) celebs and it won’t sit well with the Sarah-lovers.

Of course, it’s ridiculous, considering she’s now a celeb, but she’s their celeb.

Matt Damon talked about what questions he would ask, or which he hoped Gibson would ask (can’t remember) and, though cable news reported it, he was ridiculed.

Harley, thanks for the additional help. I put the brackets around the name but everything came up bold. Let’s see what it does this time. I tried to bold “name.”

12 09 2008

I keep coming back to Bill Mahr’s comment on CNN the other night:

“I’m not against Sarah Palin because she is from a small town. I am against Sarah Palin because she has a small mind.”

Too small to know that the Pledge of Allegience was not written by our Founding Fathers.

Too small to know that her boss (colleague/sugardaddy who voted with W 90% of the time) supported the Bush Doctrine that trampled on what WE, THE PEOPLE have believed in for over 200 years

Too small to know that the Bush Doctrine began to destroy basic rights of our citizens

Too small to know that IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID

Too small to know that we were built on the FREEDOM TO WORSHIP AS ONE PLEASES, not just to worship

I feel like we are living a scene out of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, and I can’t believe I’m comparing my country to a B movie: “Don’t you know what’s goin’ on out there? This is no Sunday School picnic!”

12 09 2008
Rebecca in Chicago

Anyone want to use this for a sign/bumper sticker/etc, please do:

“McCain/Palin ’08: Your ticket to mutually assured destruction”

War with Russia?! Nuclear anything?! This woman seems to really want to usher in an atomic holocaust.

By the way, thank you (muckraker and posters) so much for this blog. I do not know how I could have survived the last couple weeks without you. And just to cheer people up, this was the headline of the Chicago Sun-Times today – “Hockey Mom Gets Checked”

12 09 2008
Dr. Tom Bibey

A major V.P. shake up is in the works. See my post today.

12 09 2008

HUBRIS…..McCain blames the tone of his campaign on Obama’s refusing town hall style debates:

“Questioned about the tone of the campaign, Sen. McCain insisted he was running an issues-based campaign and put the blame on his opponent for refusing to join him in town hall meetings.

“First of all this is a tough business,” the Arizona senator said. “Second of all, I think the tone of this whole campaign would’ve been very different if Sen. Obama had accepted my request for us to appear at town hall meetings all over America.”

12 09 2008

Bush Doctrine-
is a name for Bush’s rationale for use of preemptive force.
I know it as ‘preemption’ myself.
Her not getting it.. , is not something that stands out.
It should be pointed out to those of us who don’t know ‘the Bush doctrine’, or know it by another name.
Only then the question ‘In what respect Charlie…’ looks like what it is…
“I don’t know what that means”

Of course she avoided that dreaded sound byte.
and Charlie avoided asking her to define it.

12 09 2008

well i just spent 30 minutes or so putting together a post about the 2000 acres of production footprint in ANWR with several links to government websites and it did not make it……… let’s try this again.

ANWR = 19 million acres
Section 1002 = 1.5 million acres

USGS 1998 assessment of oil and gas potential in ANWR which contains several pretty pictures of the north coast of alaska – please note the location of Point Thomson:

Point Thomson is not in ANWR yet it has known oil/gas reserves that have been untapped since like forever…….lease was granted to Exxon/Mobil in the 70’s there was a bit of activity in the 80’s then nada. Alaska oil and gas commission decides after decades of frustration to yank the lease. that is now in the courts:

Click to access 061708_Nan_Thompson_-_Div._O&G_Pt._Thomson_Remarks_Special_Sesion_Joint_Committee.pdf

so while Charlie is trying – he too is not really knowledgeable or he is yanking our chain – who cares – but why ask her if the natural gas pipeline would follow the same path as the existing oil pipeline (the question that actually caught my attention and caused me to go down this particular rabbit hole of googling)?

who better to know where the pipeline will be built than some government oversight agency created for that very purpose:
headed by a woman named Drue Pearce who was nominated by Ted Stevens

okay – i will stop there for now and see if this makes the post.

12 09 2008


glad to see you back! Thanks for the link to there were a few of your fellow Brits asking for “what to do” yesterday and, at least when I was here, we had nothing but useful suggestions.

I would ask that anyone from any other country with similar links to offer put them here — I’ll put them together into a comprehensive list and post them.

12 09 2008

@ Harley
Extremely insightful observations whenever you post; thank you.

Next time, please don’t make it obvious you got your overnight journalism degree based on your absurd “questions” posed for Barack Obama. It was clear they were talking points; inserting the word “Democrat” in your post doesn’t make you one either. You have to believe what it means to be one and register as one. Mudflatters have brains as evidenced by the eloquence and thoughtfulness of the posts; you have none. That rock over there looks like a good one to crawl back under…

Two cups of Java this AM ain’t doing it. I was up late and finally got to sleep only a few hours before I got the kids off to school. Please excuse my lack of patience when dealing with fools.

12 09 2008

Another favorite, Glenn Greenwald of Salon, media critic par excellence. Today, on how the media creates memes and ties them to “liberals”, using AP’s Tom Raum article on how liberals have been sexist against Palin as an example.

12 09 2008

Mike Salvo,

In response to your post:

First, I came to this blog as an Independent. I’ve never been a Democrat or Obama cheerleader.

One thing that strikes me about this election is the over the top lies those in the Republic tell. Bizarre, checkable, obvious lies, like Huckabee’s comment about Palin getting more votes than Biden. Those lies have really turned off Independents like me, and have pushed us towards Obama.

Your comment (one I’ve heard from the GOP) about Palin getting more vetted than Obama in so outrageously false it makes Independents shake their heads and then dismiss anything else you might have to say.

The media has had countless opportunities to interview Obama (including O’Reilly). He has participated in debates. And he has been subject to his share of scandalous and overblown exaggerations of his negative actions.

Palin has refused any one on one interview. And the first one the GOP agrees to is with friendly Charlie Gibson, known more for his friendly nature than hard news.

Gibson had NO choice but to go tougher on her than in previous interviews in the past. He was in a unique position, and the nation wants answers. We only have a few weeks, and we simply don’t have the time to treat this person with kit gloves. She could be our president.

So please, don’t try to feed us that ridiculous statement that Sarah has been more vetted than Obama. One thing about the people on this blog, they are not stupid, and they check their facts.

12 09 2008

Can it get any worse?
Her right wing pundits were spinning like crazy to do clean up..
and they may have succeeded, local TV only showing good points on their news.
Can’t wait to see Bill Maher tonight..

12 09 2008

On a quick change of topic –

Gas went up 40 cents overnight. There are reports that gas stations are already running out of gas as far north as Tennessee and Kentucky. Reports (local) that gas could go up a dollar by tomorrow – fill up your tanks!

12 09 2008

Great stuff, SP – thanks!

you can also direct Brits to these two meet-up groups:

12 09 2008

I saved the cached page of the wikipedia article on my desktop. The last cached version was September 7.

12 09 2008

Ok here is my view of the discussion as I heard it.

1. She directly lied–err–contradicted herself when she said she never said that the climate issues are NOT man-made. Sorry Sarah, we got you on tape.

2. Russia was unprovoked??? Georgia is CLEARLY on the wrong on this issue. They clearly waited until everyone was at the Olympics to attack that breakaway area and Russia responded. I wonder what the US would do if Serbia attacked Albania?…hmmmmm

3. The ONLY thing you can offer on national security is ENERGY????????

4. I will come to your defense on the ‘Bush doctrine’ issue. Charlie tried to deliver a GOTCHA question with a VAGUE question…..But you still wouldnt have known the answer 😐

5. I disagree with having war as an option with Russia. We are fighting in Iraq, Afghan, Iran is breathing down our necks, North Korea may be building nukes also, etc. Do you really think you can fight 3 wars at once, still protect the home base AND monitor (keep a watchful eye on) Iran, North Korea, Syria, Venezula. You will be spreading yourself thin and open yourself up to potential threats and attacks. First and foremost ‘my “Country First” friends’, you MUST secure HOME first, then…and only then…can you venture out to help others…news flash…WE ARE SUFFERING HERE!!!!!!! our economy, infrastructure, healthcare system is FAILING….stop worrying about other countries before you worry about your own!

12 09 2008

this will be the third attempt at posting. i think i am narrowing down the problem to the use of government urls. interesting. thankfully i saved the last post. here it is without the government urls.

well i just spent 30 minutes or so putting together a post about the 2000 acres of production footprint in ANWR with several links to government websites and it did not make it……… let’s try this again.

ANWR = 19 million acres
Section 1002 = 1.5 million acres

USGS 1998 assessment of oil and gas potential in ANWR which contains several pretty pictures of the north coast of alaska – please note the location of Point Thomson:
google: ANWR USGS and the first search result should be the link to online USGS Open File Report 2005-1217. on that webpage scroll down to the link to USGS Fact Sheet 0028-21. that is the place with the maps of north slope

Point Thomson is not in ANWR yet it has known oil/gas reserves that have been untapped since like forever…….lease was granted to Exxon/Mobil in the 70’s there was a bit of activity in the 80’s then nada. Alaska oil and gas commission decides after decades of frustration to yank the lease. that is now in the courts:

to get the link to the history of Point Thomson lease, google: Point Thomson lease (yes it is that easy) – about the 7th search result you will see the link to the report on alaska legislative website and off you go.

so while Charlie is trying – he too is not really knowledgeable or he is yanking our chain – who cares – but why ask her if the natural gas pipeline would follow the same path as the existing oil pipeline (the question that actually caught my attention and caused me to go down this particular rabbit hole of googling)?

who better to know where the pipeline will be built than some government oversight agency created for that very purpose: (i had put a link here to another website that i found by a very circuitous means but it is the website for – just add the necessary www’s and what not and off you go.)

headed by a woman named Drue Pearce who was nominated by Ted Stevens.
you can read all about her on wiki or your favorite websource for bios. while you are reading about her – one might ask themselves what mccain was talking about when he said that palin knew more about energy than anyone else in the country…….clearly this gal knows quite a bit or at least has been in the game longer.

12 09 2008

Will Charlie ask, in the next interview if she even believes in science when they talk global warming?

Creationism? Science? Hmmmmmm

Work calls, I swear, no cheating today!

12 09 2008

@JT –

HEAR! HEAR! I’m a PROUD, FIERCE INDEPENDENT who has never enjoyed Party Politics. Neither one of the final two represent me, so I had to look at the platforms and actual records to see which would be best for America.

I am so tired of the drivel provided thanks to the Republican Party that has been hijacked by your Far Right friends. The RNC didn’t even want the current administration at its convention. That, and they had to hearken back 30 years to the Reagan administration, tells me they are a Party of hysteria, of fear and of the past.

Most financial planners are actually showing that it will not matter who gets in as the economic programs are similar enough (there are some differences of course and we can discuss those – I’m just tired to go into McCain’s support of Big Business at the expense of the worker) to help the economy. So, Republicans who think they have to vote the Party line are deluding themselves.

People who vote for that Party are voting for Status Quo, Fear and Hysteria. Fear beats Hope’s A** everytime (love that bumper sticker)

12 09 2008


No problem friend, we can cut you all the slack you need. That is what community is all about. I am not sure that the Republiars understand that yet.

My mood for today is HOPEFUL (far better than yesterday’s hopeless). I believe that in spite of the polls, this election is winnable by Obama/Biden. The primary reason for my hopefulness today is community… Take this message out to your other communities. We are all, always, members of multiple communities.

Ref: Where’s Hollywood question…

Most Republiars won’t respond well to the Hollywood types… witness their trying to paint Obama with “Celebrity” as an epithet. The closest Hollywood can come to this (and it is damn close, just the names aren’t household) is check out their “about” page…

12 09 2008

You know, I may be overly optimistic, but after watching that Palin clip, I think I can hear a hissing sound coming out of the McCain campaign.

What Palin completely lacked in the interview was energy and confidence, the very qualities that made her a media star. Gibson obviously terrified her. Nothing she said in response had much of any conviction behind it, much less substance, and she seemed to realize that. Those “Charlie, Charlie” interjections came across as “please don’t press me on this stuff.”

Will she be able to get through more interviews and the debate without wilting altogether? And without Palin juicing things up, what kind of energy level will McCain be projecting?

12 09 2008

yeah – it posted. woo wee

anyway – the path that the natural gas pipeline will take seems like a really really off-topic “lie” at this point in the game — but it is going to go to Calgary Alberta Canada……….and then maybe Chicago…… at some point along the alaskan highway of oil and gas it will say “later dude” and head east.

just wanted to have that said.

12 09 2008

Drchill you are so right——— “The worst thing is not that Palin is unprepared. It is that a lot of people seem eager to vote for her anyway.” That is the frightening part…

12 09 2008
Moons in Leo

Have there ever been two more stupid people on a Presidential ticket? I don’t think so. Evil, yes, but stupid, I think not.

12 09 2008

I’m off to volunteer today – later Mudflatters! KEEP the FAITH, and thanks for arming me with quick data points that I may need. Wish us luck!!!

12 09 2008

Her problem is she does not when to admit she does not know anything. She should have said “I dont know but I’ll find out soon enough. John McCain is not going to die tomorrow and I have time and intelligence to come up to speed quick.”

Instead she is a _______ (fill in the blank yourself). No wonder her older kids have issues.

12 09 2008

I guess I’m going to have to state the role of devil’s advocate.

There is a precedent to the interview: soft ball questions clocked in a veil of professionalism: the Democratic primary.

Every Hillary supporter couldn’t help but notice how MSM press handled Hillary vs Obama. The ‘joke’ was rightly satirized on SNL.

Clearly, SP is a neophyte, a tool of the GOP, to say the least, despite her idea of ‘good intentions’, regardless of policy and politics. For me, there is a touch of deja vu.

For this election, I have to vote on the party platform… and a sadness that Hillary isn’t our VP nom. Sounds like Biden does as well.

12 09 2008
A Brit abroad

In case you know any Americans in Sweden:

12 09 2008

Seems to me she is one of those people whose first impulse, when caught in an embarrassing situation, is to fib.

12 09 2008

@Gerri (06:14:38)

wow. reading your point #5 I started to wonder if Sarah has ever played Risk… If she had, she’d already understand what you were trying to say… since it is probably over her head, someone needs to explain it to her. Maybe she’s a visual person, maybe someone just needs to play a game of Risk with her.

12 09 2008

If she was fast on her feet, when asked “Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?” she would have said “Yes, Charlie, I do. I think it has kept the nation safe.”

12 09 2008

Off the topic, but what the heck is wrong with James Carville these past few days? He is normally a renegade that can’t be contained, but lately he almost sounds like he is making excuses for McCain and Palin.!!!!

Somebody PLEASE bring back the REAL James Carville!

12 09 2008

US natural gas reserves from DOE 2006 report – alaska is 5%:

Click to access ch4.pdf

before anyone gets all crazy about that number – one has to remember that estimating reserves depends on the intended audience (ie., the IRS, the investor, or the DOE) and whether or not you are speaking specifically about dry gas or gas produced with oil.

to me that is a number that is highly contested and is a non-starter on who is telling more truth than the next person. the more important issue is the past history of INDUSTRY’s interest in producing it from their economic standpoint and the reality that some reserves are easier to get to than others. if the price of gas is low then why would anyone sell? just hang on to it until the “hungry markets” are really really hungry. come on that makes sense to me. more sense than some contrived story that the industry and alaska have BOTH been chomping at the bit to get gas to market.

i think it is alaska that is chomping at the bit. and that is certainly understandable. but is it so important to alaska that we are stuck with palin for VP? apparently the answer is yes.


12 09 2008

In response to Salvo’s other comments..

Personally, when I look at each candidate, I tally up the pros and cons. Both sides have negatives, and I don’t overlook them. Neither is perfect. But so far, the negatives on the McCain side far outweighing the Democrats.

The biggest negative I mentioned before is the over the top lies. If McCain’s people will look in America’s face and tell stupid and obvious lies, why should we imagine they will ever tell us the truth on important stuff?

Branding is a funny thing. McCain’s side is doing an exceptional job as branding his party as liars. It will be a difficult brand to shake, even if they do manage to get into office.

And if they do get in office, those on the other side will NEVER accept that they got their fairly. Because of the past conduct of the GOP and elections, and the liar image, there will be conflict and unrest in the USA. Much greater than there is now.

McCain obviously no longer cares about his country. If he did, he would treat the American public with respect.

12 09 2008

@ Moons in Leo –
I think that Dan Quayle still wins for the dumbest in the VP slot.

12 09 2008

Though she exemplifies it, she probably didn’t know the word “hubris” either. Now I will commit a mortal sin and Bring Up The Family. But this would also apply to a male candidate: if, say, Charles Schumer had been asked, do you think he would automatically just say yes? Without discussing the impact of this decision with his wife? And as to flying the kids to where the announcement would be made without giving them even a heads-up that their lives were going to change, permanently, much less LYING to them about the reason for the trip, who the h e double hockey moms does that??? Except a completely self-involved bucket of hubris.

12 09 2008
A Brit abroad

Oh, found two more useful ones: (Norway)

12 09 2008
John Henry

Let’s not forget he who brung her: John McCain. Let’s face it he’s not qualified either. He’s proving that experience + bad judgment does not equal leadership. Here he is trying to convince people that Americans won’t pick lettuce for $50 an hour.

Are you kidding me?!?

12 09 2008
The EQualizer


Given Senator McCain’s age, medical history, and the very real possibility of a debilitating episode that would leave him unable to fulfill the duties of the office, the chance that the election of Senator McCain would mean a Palin presidency might be conservatively estimated at more than one in four.Is Palin ready to become the President of the United States of America?

12 09 2008
Cynthia, TX



You have made the new addition of the McClathcy Washington Bureau

Here is a bit of the article and a link

In a little over a week’s time, Mudflats picked up nods in The Atlantic, Chicago Tribune, Time, and Huffington Post. Her posts now routinely garner hundreds of comments.

An unquenchable hunger for local Palin info thrust Mudlfats, along with a posse of other Alaska bloggers, into the big time.

12 09 2008

What two cups of coffee managed not to do, re watching that Palin interview just shook me to the core. She is clearly unprepared. She is clearly unqualified. She is also f***ing nuts.

12 09 2008

She says “nuke-you-lar” instead of nuclear. Reason 30972498409620940967 not to vote for her (and, btw, W mispronounces it this way, too)

12 09 2008

ref: ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck (06:15:25) :

Does anyone realize that 1.5 million acres is the size of the state of Delaware?

12 09 2008

Greetings, Mudflatians! AKM, thanks for another great column. I had not known the truth about the ridiculous island-viewing claim made by Palin until you explained it (although I had been scratching my head about seeing Russia from Alaska, wondering if her eyes were bionic or something).

I am now going to propose another thought. There have been EXCELLENT discussions of her malignant narcissistic or borderline personality tendencies on this site by many well-informed posters over the past two weeks–based on what we’ve seen of her so far in the lower 48. I am asking this in earnest: could Palin be gravely mentally ill? Seriously.

Because the more I think about it, wouldn’t she have to be mentally ill to accept the VP job without even hesitating? To put her family out to the wolves like that for national scrutiny when they so obviously need privacy and help? To discuss military options without a clue of what she’s really talking about? (Who answers questions, as an 44 year-old adult as if they are trying to fake their way through a test?) I mean, seriously, shouldn’t there be a mental health intervention performed on her? She’s not only dumb, SHE’S CRAZY!

Last night I was calling them the DUMB & DUMBER ticket, but now, I truly see, she might possibly be insane as well, and my hat is tipped to those who were calling her out on sociopathic tendencies last week. They are like CRAZY & CRAZIER.

12 09 2008

It’s sexist to say that Palin doesn’t know what the Bush doctrine is….when even Bush doesn’t know what the Bush doctrine is.

For all Ozzers….Bush Barbie

12 09 2008

Completely over her head and unqualified for the position.

12 09 2008

OFF TOPIC, but ……..
I just called the T.V. station in Maine that highlighted the interview with John McCain. They put me right through to the anchor, Rob Caldwell, who did that interview and I got to thank him personally.
I told him about this blog and that his interview had been linked here. He was very gratified to hear this.
Nearly all of the comments to the t.v. station have been very supportive of this reporter.
Thanks to all here for your shout out for TRUTH.

12 09 2008

Guys re the polls..

I don’t think they are especially helpful – as someone said, they do not poll new voters and there are a lot of those this election.

12 09 2008

hell, I’m over fifty, fat and unemployed… I’ll pick lettuce for $50.00 per hour. The benefit would be a) get out of debt, b) lose weight c) get in great physical condition and d) get a good tan. I wouldn’t have to apply to Biggest Loser! wow… where do I sign up Johnny. Where!

12 09 2008

This election is far too important to be worried with who called who what or who is prettier than other the person.

People, no matter what your political affiliation need to pay close attention to what is being said concerning the direction of the country one of these two men will lead us in.

I have been watching the bickering via the Internet, MSM,
right wing blogs and left wing blogs coupled with the candidates for months.

I DO NOT and never did believe Obama was or is a Muslim.
Patently ridiculous.

Since learning of Ms. Palin, I DO NOT and and never did believe
she is the Anti-Christ.

Again, patently ridiculous.

I must say however, that over the last two weeks, I find the obvious untruths and lies being spread by the Republican side of things to be 100% ” more of the same”.

The last two weeks of hatred, racism coupled with cries of sexism
by the Republicans has done more to reinforce my decision than anything else this whole election season.

Watching the demeanor of Mr. McCain as opposed to the demeanor of Mr. Obama has been eye-opening.

I want a President I can trust to tell me the truth.
I want a President who is thoughtful as opposed to one who makes hasty and unthoughtful decisions that will affect my life on so many levels.

I want a Vice President who is ready on day one to take over as President.

Ms. Palin clinched it for me last night.
I would not trust this woman with a stick of bubblegum
much less the possibility of having Nuclear Launch Codes.
And anyone who would no matter what party they belong too
is even scarier than her. ” Hillary ” voters included.
And I am a woman ! I want a woman President someday very much !
But not any woman just because she is a woman and not this woman that is for certain. And she could be President if the worst were to happen. Do people REALLY trust her with this awesome task? Really ?

Call it whatever you want to call it, but Ms. Palin is not ready
to possibly be the President of the United States.

John McCain and Ms. Palin clinched my decision over the last two weeks.

I will be casting my vote for Obama / Biden in November.

The safety of my country is of utmost importance to me.
Not which party is in power to ensure that safety.
To paraphrase one of Mr. McCain’s favorite ” quotes “……..
Ms. Palin would rather start a war to win an election and win an election to start YET ANOTHER WAR !!!!!!

12 09 2008
The Traveling Filipina

If McCain/Palin wins, I’m moving to Canada. I don’t want to deal with Palin’s hubris. She could get us killed. 😛

12 09 2008

Sorry, I didn’t mean to malign wolves with that common expression above, re: “to put her family out to the wolves.”

(I am pro-wolf, and am against aerial shooting of them. Perhaps due to this campaign, I should stop using that expression altogether. )

12 09 2008

Ref Harley:

“Since learning of Ms. Palin, I DO NOT and and never did believe
she is the Anti-Christ.”

but maybe the Whore of Babylon?

sorry H I had to go there… 🙂

12 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

OMG!!!! you guys look at this video of Sean Hannity fighting with his guest about an Obama book he has written and tells him to get off his show.

Sean “Little Ball of Hate” Hannity goes nuts on the air!

12 09 2008

Right on Harley!

12 09 2008

I got an email from an old high school buddy this morning, an army corp guy, Republican from top to tail, and he said said that Obama wasn’t even born in this country and was a Muslim. Of course, I shot back info disproving those claims. When he told me Palin was ‘hot’ and he was going to vote for her, I said Okay, picture her with (sorry) Janet Reno’s face- are you still going to vote for her????? No answer.
My son was watching the interview and he’s been in International Studies Club for 2 years. “I know more about Foreign Policy than she does.” This is from a 16 year old.

12 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Mainiac (06:46:03) :

what’s the information on the reporter so we can call or send emails


12 09 2008

Man I love this blog.
Thanks for a great recap of Palin’s interview. Charlie Gibson did, indeed, surpass my expectations, asking real, live policy questions.

I wonder how much information they’ll be able to cram into her head for the VP debate. I also wonder if the questions in that debate will be similar to these, or if we’ll have a repeat of 2004, with questions apparently drawn from People magazine?

12 09 2008

Good morning mudflatters!

I asked my 81 y/o step father last night if he saw the interview; this is a man who is a BUsh supporter and hard Republican. He never met a Democrat he liked (aside from me and my mom) and thinks HIllary is beyond evil. His quote, “She has no idea what the hell’s she saying.” said more to me about her performance than anything else. He is quite reluctantly going to vote for Obama. Now listen, if HE can be made to vote Democratic, there IS hope!

12 09 2008

Oh, and please put this on I want to “digg it,” and am frustrated that I cannot.

12 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Bellaboo (07:01:35)

that’s a scary thought this woman could get into office because of what she looked like. my god what is wrong with people in this country? I now see how BUSH bamboozled everyone with his cool no nothing swagger.

12 09 2008

plwalsh – “If she was fast on her feet, when asked “Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?” she would have said “Yes, Charlie, I do. I think it has kept the nation safe.”

…except that I don’t think she had a clue what it related to AT ALL. Hence the “World view” statement/question.

fixthebroken – awesome! At some point the tireless defenders of fact who keep editing the b.s. out may get, well, tired…

12 09 2008

I have a very base concern here that seems to be overlooked. When all the balloons are gone and the cold reality sets in, this is a woman that did not want to move to the state captital but stayed in her home town as Gov! Her husband is part of the Alaska life style with his Ididarod and hockey. How in the world do these people think they can pick up stakes and move to DC?
What about her pregnant daugher and new son in law? Leave them behind or move them, too. It is crazy. Do you think she would try to make a deal that they stay in Wasilla as VP, go home every weekend and cost us a bundle in travel expenses? How in the world would they ever fit in with the city and heat and even hotter politics.

12 09 2008

I’d like to add a new word to the political lexicon.

Palindrone – repeating the same response backwards and forwards to different questions in the hope of avoiding having to actually answer them. Similar to palindrome, but makes much less sense.

12 09 2008
The One Thing I’m Glad Sarah Palin Said (Sorta) &raquo Out-Loud Brainwaves

[…] as Mudflats notes, she didn’t walk the idea of God’s will back very far. Only one or two baby steps, really: PALIN: I believe that there is a plan for this world and that plan for this world is for […]

12 09 2008

Re the theory that Palin was brought on board to capture the vote of the religious right and that she will step down after McCain gets elected:

I agree with you on the reason for her being brought on board, but do you really think this gun-toting Mama is going to step down?

Step up is more likely.

Now that the Repugs have activated her, she’s aiming for the presidency …

I doubt McCain is smart enough to realize what a danger he has released upon the world. We are likely to be involved in a nuclear war because of her. People like her don’t second-guess themselves. They think they’re right and they back down …

Who knew Dr. Strangelove was going to wear stillettoes?

12 09 2008

I meant to say “They think they’re right and they DON’T back down.”

12 09 2008

Harley: liked your post.

I was watching Charlie Rose last night and the point was made that with this scorched earth campaign the Republicans are running, with a new lie or distortion every day, it’s going to make it very hard for McCain to govern if he should (God forbid) win the election.

After what he’s done in the last few weeks are any Democrats going to want to cooperate with him? It also makes it hard for me to believe his statement that he will “reach across the aisle” to the Dems. That’s what Bush said in 2000, and I have no reason to expect that McC will act any differently than Bush did if he wins this election.

12 09 2008

To anyone saying Obama wasn’t born in this country (which of course, he was–Hawaii), I reply that no, it’s McCain who wasn’t born in this country. He was born in Panama (also true).

12 09 2008

Thank heavens you are here and can provide such terrific insight into this disaster we call Sarah Palin. Keep up the great work!

12 09 2008

Yaayyy!!! Raingods’ stepdad…

I dread calling my Ohio aunt (my last living relative of my Mom’s generation) to find out what she thought… 8 years ago she said to me that stupid line about having no heart if you weren’t a liberal when young and having no mind if you weren’t a conservative when old. She and her husband hated the Clintons and my uncle is a wall-eyed racist so I have no doubt who he will be voting for… but my aunt… well she has a great eye for spotting stupid bimbos… so there’s hope. Even so… I am hopeful that her son, a Liberal Libertarian if there ever was one, will not once again trade his vote for the Dems off to vote for that spoiler Nader.

12 09 2008

Bellaboo: Lord that is scary. If adult men decide to vote for Palin because they think that she’s hot … we are toast. What kind of ADULT would, in the tough times that we’re in, admit to voting for a candidate for the 2nd highest office in the free world because they’re attractive. Jeez. That’s a scary thought.

And I seriously believe that it’s a cop out. I think that there are 3 types of people voting for the McCain/Palin ticket:

A. Right wingers – the evangelicals
B. People that HATE Barack Obama … for various reasons … this would include rednecks, racists and disgruntled Hillary supporters
C. Small minded (ignorant) people – people that wanna have a beer w/ the President or believe in crazy lies like “Obama is a muslim” or “Michelle Obama hates her country”

That’s it. Now if A+B+C > Obama supporters, McCain will win. Basically we’re in a war for the hearts & minds of Americans.

12 09 2008

hehehehe eajphd (07:07:45) good one!!!! I have been working on some play on palindrome for a week now… you nailed it!!!

12 09 2008

memphis, ny: thanks for the link to
I signed the petition against Sarah Palin. Great link. I’ve bookmarked it.

AKM: Thank you again for this forum. I check out several but like many of us just come back here more and more. I absolutely love your writing, your humor and your perspective. And I love that this has become a forum of intelligent, thoughtful women from everywhere. What a special place this is.

Today the picture of the Alaska/Russia border was marvelous!. More than a million words it defined the absurdity of anyone’s assertion that Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because is right next door Russia. Yeah I think if I squint hard enough (or maybe just close my eyes) i can see the Red Square behind the frozen ice.

I am embarrassed to admit that my impressions of Alaska have been culled from watching “Northern Exposure” (which I absolutely love) and reading Dana Stabenow’s Kate Shugak Detective series (which I absolutely love).

Thank you for letting me see that there are real people in Alaska who are compassionate, intelligent and even more interesting that the ‘fictional’ characters I’ve formed my impressions of the 50th state from.

Thank you also for letting us all understand that Sarah Palin does not represent Alaska entirely.

12 09 2008

@JudiB: Heh….her “per diem” would be much higher with 2 additions to the family and the distance from Wasilla to D.C. Might just topple the US budget deficit. But then, she’d fire the cook and make dinner for foreign dignitaries herself. Hmmmm. Hope they like moose meatloaf.

@ Cynthia, TX: AKM… an internationally known pundit!!!! Couldn’t happen to a better person. Congratulations and thanks again to you and all mudflatters. I love you, man.

12 09 2008
A georgraphy lesson

[…] tip:  Mudflats Share and […]

12 09 2008

wow, just found an incredibly cool site and a project of Reuters”

“Voices without Votes opens a window on what non-Americans are saying in blogs and citizen media about US foreign policy and the 2008 presidential elections.”

they also ask:

“If you are American, please join the conversation by reading Voices Without Votes and posting responses in your own blog with trackbacks to ours. If you don’t have a blog, please leave your comments, or contact us.”

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

…and that’s with the energy independence that I’ve been working on for these years as the governor of this state that produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy

Two lies right there. “Years” implies at least two years. She has been governor for 18 months. Second lie is that Alaska has 20% of the nations oil supply, not energy supply. She apparently doesn’t know the difference between “oil” and “energy”.

12 09 2008
Let’s play “Spot the talking point” — 52 Novels

[…] From AKMuckraker: GIBSON: What if Israel decided it felt threatened and needed to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities? PALIN: Well, first, we are friends with Israel and I don’t think that we should second guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend themselves and for their security. GIBSON: So if we wouldn’t second guess it and they decided they needed to do it because Iran was an existential threat, we would cooperative or agree with that. PALIN: I don’t think we can second guess what Israel has to do to secure its nation. GIBSON: So if it felt necessary, if it felt the need to defend itself by taking out Iranian nuclear facilities, that would be all right. PALIN: We cannot second guess the steps that Israel has to take to defend itself. Can you find the talking point in the above exchange? I’ll bet you can. […]

12 09 2008

This *MUST* be an ad by the Obama campaign.

Damn, I wish I could contact them directly and know they could hear me!!

12 09 2008

Damn! This has to be an ad for the Obama campaign. This is so unbelievably hypocritical.

I wish I could contact the Obama campaign directly and know that I would be heard.

12 09 2008

MSNBC’s First Read is reporting that Obama’s campaign just released the last ten years of Biden’s tax returns with the idea that Palin should release hers:

12 09 2008

Senator McCain is on The View right now and just told Barbara Walters not to interrupt him. She has not looked at him since he said that. There is still time to tune in.

12 09 2008

Check this out:

Damn! This *MUST* be an ad for the Obama campaign. Anyone know how to contact them and ensure they are listening? This is perfectly hypocritical.

12 09 2008

ref voiceswithoutvotes

they have a page to submit blogs for inclusion:

12 09 2008


Obama now has a one stop voter registration service:

From the email… makes it easier than ever to register. Instead of tracking down the right forms, all you need to do is answer a few basic questions and you’ll be ready to vote. You can also:

* Confirm your existing registration
* Apply to vote absentee
* Find your polling place

12 09 2008

Kate Henry:

But according to John McCain, Palin knows more about energy than “anybody else in America!”

I was suprised that Alaska has less than 20% of the country’s domestic oil supply (oil reserves?). That means more than 80% of the nation’s domestic oil comes from somewhere else and it must mean that Alaska provides less than 10% of the country’s oil needs. That is less than impressive to me.

12 09 2008

John McCain a year ago:

When does being a governor or mayor for a short period of time not disqualify your credentials on national security? When you are John McCain and your task is to defend your vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

When does being a governor or mayor for a short period of time ABSOLUTELY disqualify your credentials on national security? When you are John McCain and your task is to defeat primary opponents Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.

Back in October 2007, when McCain’s candidacy still appeared dead and buried, the Senator berated the two Republican front runners for lacking the necessary political experience to handle commander in chief responsibilities.

“I have had a strong and a long relationship on national security, I’ve been involved in every national crisis that this nation has faced since Beirut, I understand the issues, I understand and appreciate the enormity of the challenge we face from radical Islamic extremism,” the Senator declared. “I am prepared. I am prepared. I need no on-the-job training. I wasn’t a mayor for a short period of time. I wasn’t a governor for a short period of time.”…

Also, pay this forward:

Inoperative now.

12 09 2008

Looks like McCain-Palin are REALLY PISSING OFF the MSM!

12 09 2008
Sarah Palin’s Hubris !!! « Willpen’s World

[…] From Mudflats: Sarah’s “Grand Plan for this World” […]

12 09 2008

Behind the scenes, even Palin’s most ardent public GOP defenders at the national level are admitting privately that she was a foolish choice (or so I hear). I predict that by next week, more of those people will make a little more noise against her selection as the VP; they will do this because it affects how they view their own personal integrity.

And let’s face it, McCain has never been that well-liked in the GOP. If he had been, he would have gotten this nomination when he was a lot younger and more capable–you know, when he wasn’t in such obvious physical and mental decline. Goodness knows he tried to get his party’s nod for years.

12 09 2008

James Fallows on the Bush Doctrine question:

“The truly toxic combination of traits GW Bush brought to decision making was:

1) Ignorance
2) Lack of curiosity
3) “Decisiveness”

That is, he was not broadly informed to begin with (point 1). He did not seek out new information (#2); but he nonetheless prided himself (#3) on making broad, bold decisions quickly, and then sticking to them to show resoluteness.

We don’t know for sure about #2 for Palin yet — she could be a sponge-like absorber of information. But we know about #1 and we can guess, from her demeanor about #3. Most of all we know something about the person who put her in this untenable role.”

12 09 2008

Does anyone here subscribe to Obama campaign emails? I got one this morning telling me to forward it to everyone I know to make sure they are registered to vote. While I am hesitant to do that because I don’t want Republicans registering, it is my gut feeling that there are more Democratic leaning folks in the electorate that are not registered, so I will do it. I also recommend blogging it as well (I did). We need to make sure everyone is registered *and* votes this election.

12 09 2008

@Lizzie –

You called it right. Scary.

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

JustPat (01:28:42) :
Don’t be too discouraged by those numbers. I’ve read several blogs and articles over the past two days indicating that the number (ratio) of Republicans to Democrats that were included in these latest polls were significantly higher than previous trends. Not to put too blunt of a point on it, but this way, it gives the media something to do.

It is true. The pollsters were polling 10% more Democrats than Republicans (Democrats have a 12% edge over Republicans in registered voters). Now they are polling an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. If you factor that into the polls, McBush isn’t up at all, Obama is up considerably more than he was.

We have the MSM and the polling companies trying to influence how we will vote. That means we all have to get out there and fight to try to save this country.

12 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

good morning mudflatians! i think i am suffering from political brain drain.

i was wondering if anybody has done phone banking for obama? if not, you can go to the site and you can get phone numbers for people in your community to call. this way if people are too busy or live too far from a campaign office, it is an easy way to get involved.

just a thought & happy friday!

12 09 2008


I’ve been picking up the GOP establishment’s distaste for Palin ever since the Republican convention. It seems like a lot of them think this is taking pandering to the Christian Right WAY too far. Look back through the comments and you can see how lukewarm they are.

There might even be a secret Republican-Democratic coalition to stop McCain-Palin at some point.

It will be interesting to see if this split in the Republican party between the Wall Street Adam Smith Conservatives and the Main Street Evangelical and Social Conservatives gets worse. The Republican Party was born when the Whig party fell apart in the run up to the Civil War.

12 09 2008

Oh BobbyG you are my hero for digging that one up!

Lizzie: yepper she’s GeeDub in a skirt — has anyone seen the Sarah Palin Action figures — they are about as sexist as they can get — one in a plaid schoolgirl skirt and one in a leather skirt with a holster strapped to her thigh. I am not sure if they are trying to make fun of her or get the Republican men who will vote for her because she’s their Fantasy Dream President… “oooh yeah Ms President, draaaafft meee….”

12 09 2008

Great site. Unfortunately your Governor has ‘issues’…and, now, so do We. My gut tells me that Palin is not going to look to pretty when the electorate enters the voting booth.

I have to believe the Republican elders have thrown Palin to the ‘wolves’ to chase her under the bus. Their only problem is that corporate media is charmed with her new celebrity and commercial sponsors’ delight. The novelty will wear off and the “Stonewalling” will tear down her facade.


12 09 2008

How can ANYONE defend Palin’s cluelessless about the Bush Doctrine!? Are you NUTS?!! Anyone reading or following the news in the last 6 years — Average Joes included — are familiar with not only the TERM but what it ENTAILS. The woman is clearly not qualified to run for national office.

I can NOT vote for the Obama-Biden ticket. Biden supported that liberty thief known as the Patriot Act (no doubt he didn’t read it before voting on it either! — please see MIchael Moore). And I have YET to hear Obama pledge to reverse the ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL wiretapping and surveillance on US citizens implemented by BushCo. Plus Obama is strongly PRO-NORTH AMERICAN UNION, just like McCain and Bush. Where is the CHANGE?!

The only REAL CHANGE will be to break out of this abyssmal two-party system. My vote will be for Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate! Not only has he pledged to SECURE OUR BORDERS, but he is also anti-NAU.

12 09 2008

@fixthebroken (07:39:51):

One thing they’re asking us to exhort people about here is to check their registrations just before the election. Goopers have this nasty habit of registration database fraud. You show up to vote, and they tell you you can’t because of some problem with your registration.

I just read yesterday that they’re combing through foreclosure data in order to invalidate democratic voters’ registration on the basis of “expired address.”

12 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

fixthebroken: i also think some states need to find polling place monitors. there are already serious voter suppression problems in key states.

12 09 2008

Here is the YouTube video of Sarah Palin at Wasilla Church (be scared-very scared):

Part 2:

ABC News is coming out with excerpts of their exclusive interview with her. Don’t buy her Lincoln crap. Judge for yourself what she meant by looking at her at Wasilla Church.

Here is the antidote after seeing that!:

12 09 2008

Fallows piece was interesting— shows how deep the problem is.

I don’t really follow sports except when they get really interesting, but even I have picked up enough about the sports topics Fallows mentions to bluff my way through a couple of exchanges, just from watching the news and overhearing conversations at the gym.

The fact that Palin can’t even wing a question like that must mean she is completely isolated from the whole range of national defense issues— even after the crash course she must have had from the McCain campaign.

It just gets more scary by the minute.

12 09 2008

Intrigued (07:43:40) :

wrongo Intrigued, Obama has promised to reverse the illegal executive orders foisted upon the American public (which is the only thing he can personally do since the Congress has to overturn the Patriot Act). As recently as last week in a speech to the American Airlines workers who are losing their jobs in Kansas City MO, Obama promised to investigate every executive order approved by the Bush administration and reverse any that the AG finds unconstitutional.

12 09 2008

thanks for the fact check on Little Diomede.

doesn’t that make one of it’s residents more qualified to be VP or P than SP?

12 09 2008
Mary from TN

Funny that during the primary McCain states that Guiliani (Mayor longer than Palin) and Romney (Governor longer than Palin) did NOT have sufficient experience to be Commander in Chief….in dire need of a running mate, in steps Ms. Sarah Palin with all the experience that is required – heck, the little lady even lives close to Russia, now that’s experience!

12 09 2008

One thing seems clear – Sarah Palin seems to have nary an ounce of compassion in her. No thoughtfulness. No self-doubt. No humility. No patience. No generosity of spirit. No external considering. No introspection. Just raw ambition, a vindictive nature, and layers upon layers of personality accustomed to practicing duplicity and avoiding responsibility while taking credit where credit is not due.

She was a beauty queen who played basketball. But what life experiences has she had, the sort of experiences that help one develop “character?” What has she selflessly given to her community, her family, or her country? When was she for anything besides what was good for Sarah? When has she successfully worked with those who do not share her point of view? We know she tends to fire people if she thinks they do not support her completely.

All I see is an undereducated, shallow, selfish, greedy, mean-spirited person — certainly not the image I want the USA to project in the world now.

12 09 2008

Palin reminds me of:

Miss South Carolina:

And from I believe ’02, Miss North Carolina:

Who for quite awhile kept bringing lawsuits. They stopped for awhile than she tried again. Haven’t heard much the last year or so, but this was one Shallow Girl who just didn’t want to give up the fact She Wasn’t Getting Her Way!!!!!!

12 09 2008

Okay, Swineprincess, thanks for the info. I have not been following the Obama campaign since I know that I will not be voting for him.

Obama is still strongly PRO-NAU and will grant AMNESTY (we can play the semantics game and call it “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”) to illegal aliens, just like McCain. So he will never get my vote.

12 09 2008


You might add that the city Guiliani was mayor of was a BIT larger than Wasilla, Alaska. Or even Alaska.

12 09 2008
marguerite manteau-r

And here’s Sarah’s own take on her performance:


12 09 2008

not sure if this was posted, but please vote in msnbc’s poll about palin’s speech:

12 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

i am scared they are going to steal another election. the signs are there they are working on it. that is what we have to worry about. DISENFRANCHISEMENT is a very serious issue here.

this doc started today. we also have other suppression problems in addition to the voting machines!

12 09 2008

@Lulu: Heh, I started posting here after I saw your post on a previous thread….I thought you were my sister Lulu who lives in Switzerland (and shares your views, by the way). That’s why I used “Lizzie”, a childhood nickname, instead of my usual posting pseudonym. Mudflat sisters, at least.

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

BobbyG (07:43:55) :
@fixthebroken (07:39:51):
One thing they’re asking us to exhort people about here is to check their registrations just before the election. Goopers have this nasty habit of registration database fraud.

NO, don’t check just before the election. Check before the last day you can register to vote. Then go to your elections office and get an absentee ballot. Use that to vote. Just don’t take any ballot that is sent you unsolicited in the mail. Apparently that is the new scheme the Republicans are using to disenfranchise voters. The McCain campaign sent absentee ballots to thousands of Democrats in Minnesota and Florida (two battleground states) that had a return address to a P.O. Box that was not the PO Box where the ballots should go.

If you get an absentee ballot in the mail, throw it away. Then go to your registrar’s office and ask for an absentee ballot.

12 09 2008

Sorry to hear that Intrigued. What state are you in? If you are in a battleground State consider swapping your vote with someone in a Blue or Red state. As much as I disparaged the practice above regarding my cousin, it is one way to assure that your vote doesn’t get thrown away. Sadly we live in a two party country and if you aren’t voting major party you are disenfranchising yourself. I am sure we can find a swap-the-vote site if we put our “research” department on it!

12 09 2008
Mark from CT

Re: James Carville..

People are taking him to task for saying that John McCain wouldn’t have known about the attack ads…I actually think James is more crafty than that.

I think he is setting McCain up to eventually having to admit he didn’t know (and thus is incompetent) or he did know (and thus is an a**h*le). Either way, mMcCain will look bad.

My $.02

12 09 2008


Main Entry: 2in·trigue
Pronunciation: \in-ˈtrēg\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): in·trigued; in·trigu·ing
Date: 1612
transitive verb
1: cheat, trick
2: to accomplish by intrigue
3obsolete : entangle
4: to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of
intransitive verb
: to carry on an intrigue; especially : plot, scheme

12 09 2008

Hey AkMuckraker is a girl!

Wow I had no idea!

Certainly no disrespect in my assumption that “mucky” was a guy, as a matter of fact my favorite bloggers happen to be women, I simply had no idea.

And that was a nice write up in the ADN, and I totally respect your decision to remain anonymous. I used to have a picture posted on my blog and took it down so that no Sarah-supporters would spit on me while I was out and about with my kids.

Keep up the good work Muckraker, you deserve every ounce of the positive attention you have been receiving.

12 09 2008

What Sarah knows about foreign policy most high school students know these days. However, unfortunately they don’t vote. Most of the voters listen to sound bites and believe them! They are too busy looking at her appearance to care about what she says. All I could hear was more “WAR”. The energy statements are more lies and misconceptions. According to several articles on this issue, the gas pipeline through Canada is not at all certain. In fact, she has done her best to derail it with her inability to get along with anyone. I just hope that the mainstream media starts investigating both her and McCain on these issues and exposed the hypocrisy.

12 09 2008

I’m wondering if the Republicans are together enough on this ticket to rig another election. If the GOP Establishment is as turned off as I think they are about Palin, I could see some prominent Republican figures coming out against the McCain-Palin candidacy. It’s not just national defense they might get nervous about, it’s the whole economy.

With Smith Barney, Fannie and Freddie, and God knows who else on the edge of total collapse, Wall Street needs to count on government support to protect the whole system from crashing and their investments from going up in smoke. Neither McCain nor Palin seems well set to take Wall Street’s advice. You can imagine McCain throwing a few people out of his office over this stuff.

12 09 2008

McCain Pre-Palin:

Mayors And Governors Can’t Handle National Security


Help Put Palin’s Wolf-Killing Record on TV

12 09 2008

@Kate Henry (07:57:58):

Wow. Problem is, how many people are gonna go to that much trouble? How many people have, beyond any inclination, the time to spare to go to a voters’ registrar office and wade through the bureaucratics?

I recently went to Social Security to get a single question answered about my Mom (I’m her POA, she’s bedridden in a nursing home) that I could not get answered online or via phone. I sat there for and hour and a half. Luckily (?) I’m not employed, so I had the two hours net to waste.

12 09 2008

I am so happy I found your blog, like I mentioned yesterday. I have passed it along to many friends and coworkers.

While it took every ounce of my strength to not want to throw something at the TV as she was talking it just makes me all the more passionate about getting Obama elected. All of this energy we all have, whether it be anger at McCain/Palin, or enthusiasm for Obama we need to use it positively to make sure that in 53 days Barack Obama is declared the next President of the United States. Get people registered to VOTE, tell people WHY Obama is right and focus on that…McCain/Palin are doing a fine job of letting us know why they SHOULDN’T be elected.

12 09 2008

@Gryphen (08:02:32):
Hey AkMuckraker is a girl!

A woman, OK?

12 09 2008


With your comment above, than Why are you on boards like this and even bothering to comment?

And I would take it You’re a Native to these lands and not of Immigrants, legal or illegal!!

12 09 2008

mcSham circus in a nutshell:

1. They’re lying.

2. They’re crying … wolf.

Everything they do fits into one of these two categories.

We need: Lie Counters and Crying Wolf Counters.

Label and Count. Label and Count. That’s our attack!

Meanwhile, our guys Obama and Biden, lay out the specifics and make it about issues.

12 09 2008

Good morning Mudflatians!

A blogger at HuffPo posted this idea and asked others to share. I think it’s a great strategy – certainly another way to spread the word:

(blogger is flymic)
Since I live in a reliable blue state, I have decided to adopt THREE major Newspapers in Battleground States.

For the next two months, I will use these newspapers” comment sections to champion Obama”s candidacy and to debunk any smears coming out of McCa!n”s Camp. WISH ME LUCK!

If you want to join me, here”s a list of the largest News Papers in the critical states of CO, OH, and VA.


In order of distribution size:

1) Denver Post/Rocky Mountain News (Colorado):

2) The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio):

3) The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio)

4) Cincinnati Enquirer/Post (Cincinnati, Ohio):

5) Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia):

6) Akron Beacon Journal: (Akron, Ohio):

7) Dayton Daily News; (Dayton Ohio)

12 09 2008

Great idea AnnieWA!

I just hope they post some of the comments!

12 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

plwalsh: check out bradblog link that i cited above for voter suppression tactics now being employed. wall street traditionally does better under democrats. however, you have to remember the few people who got very rich in the bush administration–halliburton, big oil and ceo’s, etc. those people will continue to get rich under a mccain administration.

in fact, mccain’s former campaign manager is the person who was appointed to be in charge of fannie mae.

12 09 2008

Throughout the RNC, they waved signs Country First, and told stories about how important it is to put our country first. So here is a question- I’d like to ask all the GOP Govs, Senators and Congressman a question- Why not put our country first and put partisanship second and come out and say that SP is not qualified to run the country? You know that there are plenty of them just cringing right now….I say Palin Up GOP leaders. ( I know that Chaffe did but he’s an Independent)

12 09 2008

Re: Intrigued and NOT voting for McCain or Obama.

You have made some points. I was listening to Ralph Nader and the also the Libertarian candidate night on CNN too. They make some great points… like truly investing in this country and refraining from any more war. Refreshing even. I think if we can get past this Palin thing…. Obama may be able to talk about the other looming issues. The Patiot Act would be a good question for Biden. I do think that Obama-Biden are the lesser of two evils, though.

12 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Values Voter Summit organizers angry at McCain and Palin’s absence.

Politico’s Mike Allen relates a CBN report that neither Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) nor Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) will appear at this weekend’s Values Voter Summit hosted by the Family Research Council, in Washington, DC. Palin was set to attend, but the campaign said “plans changed when they were alerted that she needed to go to Alaska Thursday to be with her son as he deployed to Iraq.” She offered to present a short video, but Summit president Tony Perkins rejected it, reportedly saying, “That’s not enough.” McCain will be in Washington with no scheduled events this weekend, but will not be attending the summit. During the Republican National Convention, the campaign abruptly pulled Palin out of an appearance at a pro-life gathering.

12 09 2008

I think the big thing Obama and Biden need to do is to make the campaign about McCain and the Republican record.

How many times have the Republicans made false promises? Remember Compassionate Conservative, I’m a uniter not a divider, I will never make you ashamed about your president, We will bring in bin Laden dead or alive, we will find weapons of mass destruction, we will be greeted as liberators, Mission Accomplished, we will balance the budget, and on and on.

McCain is now promising “Change” but he is supporting the same policies Republicans have promoted for the last 30 years. He is somehow going to get different results?

Obama-Biden could do an ad a day on this stuff.

12 09 2008


The point isn’t for others to Read the Comments, the Point is to Adopt your Own and Write LTE’s or Comments!!!

12 09 2008

That term “mission”is back. That should bring some fear and loathing into the mix.

12 09 2008

The HuffPo missed something in this statement: But it’s simply not true that Palin has “never” presumed to know God’s will. In the same speech to graduating high school seniors, Palin explicitly referenced an in-process natural gas pipeline as part of God’s will — in terms much less open to Lincoln-esque interpretation.


that was not a graduating class of high school seniors is it? my impression was that it was a graduating class of Master Commission.


be sure to scroll down a bit to see the article that has the transcript for what we have all been watching on the youtube video.

and then you should google Master’s Commission…….be sure to take a friend with you cause that is a scary ride.

12 09 2008


No…my point was that I hope that when we write these newspapers with our comments, that the newspapers will post them. They can be picky sometimes.

12 09 2008

I believe our battle cry should be “ENOUGH!” – we simply can’t say it often “ENOUGH!” It’s the word I remember most from Obama’s acceptance speech…”ENOUGH!”

He talked about being energy independent in 10 years, but that apparently wasn’t “catchy” and got no press coverage, although it’s obviously a bold challenge.

“The Republican Party wrecked our Country”. We need a few simple slogans that tuned-out voters will understand.

12 09 2008
12 09 2008

If you remember the Great Depression, a lot of very, very rich people ended up very, very broke. A few defense contractors might do O.K. under McCain, but if the investment banking system collapses a lot of people are going to lose oceans and oceans of money. You need someone in charge who can actly quickly, with Wall Street smarts, and behind the scenes. The most Republican of investors are saying that the system needs re-regulating and fast, with government bail-outs to back it up.

It is pretty frightening to see supposedly AAA investments turn out to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

Mary from TN (07:52:05) :
Funny that during the primary McCain states that Guiliani (Mayor longer than Palin) and Romney (Governor longer than Palin) did NOT have sufficient experience to be Commander in Chief….in dire need of a running mate, in steps Ms. Sarah Palin with all the experience that is required – heck, the little lady even lives close to Russia, now that’s experience!

The thing that irritates me is that the MSM won’t push back on the right’s “executive experience” claims. They are now saying that you are not qualified to be VP or President if you don’t have “executive experience”. Why doesn’t someone in the MSM come back with, “well wouldn’t that disqualify McCain, since he has no “executive experience”.

Frankly I was really surprised that Gibson asked her some real questions. His follow-up was nonexistent and it still came off as a fluff-piece, but he did better than I expected.

I’m also starting to see a lot of push-back in the MSM about all the lies that Palin and McCain are telling. Even though they won’t actually call them “lies”, at least they are publicizing them.

12 09 2008
A Brit abroad

“So let’s do a little experiment. How close is Juneau, Alaska’s capital, to Moscow? It’s 4,559.6 miles. Meanwhile, how close is, say, Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, to Moscow? It’s 4,498.8 miles.

So there you have it. Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick is more geographically qualified to speak of matters Russian than Palin is. I wish someone would make this into a commercial. They’d never trot this argument out again.”

12 09 2008

Thank heavens for this blog. People are eating up her interview. I’m not shocked, just discouraged that we’ll ever be a country that not easily swayed by manipulations and greed. I’m so freaking sick of oil wars and oil politics and oily politicians.

12 09 2008
Suzi in Chicago

OK Gang, it’s voter registration drive time. You can do so on line here:

Please forward to everyone you know. AND…don’t forget to donate:

Fired UP!!! Ready to GO!!! The boxing gloves are on, folks…

12 09 2008

Is there anyone else who believes that given the seriousness of the issues, this entire interview was a softball? Where were the more substantial questions that most of us want answered?

As just one example, given that Palin wants drilling in Alaska, exactly how much does she reasonably expect that her plan, even if it succeeds in harvesting the maximum amounts projected by oil companies, will actually lessen the country’s dependence on foreign sources of energy or save us? Given that we have a very small amount of the world’s energy resources within/beneath our national borders and yet consume such a disproportionate amount of those resources, isn’t drilling in Alaska a subsidiary issue to how we are going to continue to operate our economy without major disruptions if we make too many enemies who do have those resources? Shouldn’t she be challenged on whether it makes more sense to harvest energy from renewable resources based on the amount of energy we will receive and the stimulus to the economy in doing so?

Ask her what initiatives she would take to increase the security of the Middle East for all of the countries in the region.

Ask her how much money the war in Iraq will actually cost and what effect it will ultimately have on our strength as a nation.

Ask whether she is in favor of revamping the VA and providing quality medical care to the increasing numbers of veterans who face lifelong serious medical issues because of their injuries sustained in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Why doesn’t someone ask her whether she believes that we are in the “final days” that evangelicals presume based on their interpretation of the book of Revelations. Another way of asking that is whether she believes that the end of the world involving a fight in the Middle East between the world’s major powers, including the “Great Bear” -Russia, China, and the United States – is inevitable in the near future. That is an important issue given that if elected and then installed as President via succession, she inherits the power as Commander in Chief to start a nuclear war based on her idea of what God wants her to do, particularly because she can order a preemptive strike without the requirement to consult anyone else on the planet. Pentecostalism in a world leader is a scary, scary prospect.

Ask her how she would translate the Christian ideals of love, charity, and forgiveness in her foreign policy. Ask her whether she is in favor of helping any countries in Africa by removing their leaders by force and installing democratic governments there and if not, why not, given the genocides that regularly occur on that continent and there are despots of the same ilk as Saddam currently in charge of those countries.

Don’t let her backtracking on her public comments about God fool you. Because she is an extremist, her religious views are fair game for us to know about and ponder before election day.

I know I certainly don’t have a grip on all of the questions that she should be asked along the way, but somehow the news organizations have to take their responsibilities more seriously and begin asking all of the candidates the harder questions about not only what they stand for but how they are actually going to achieve those goals.

The questions we want answered need to be addressed by all of the candidates for the executive branch. And yet we are left out in the cold in a battle of platitudes, ideologies, and air balls. Instead, we have to turn to websites like this one to even scratch the surface of what is going on while the bigger news pipeline is crowded with spin and shine.

Thanks for your website. It is very helpful.

12 09 2008

One thing seems clear – Sarah Palin seems to have nary an ounce of compassion in her. No thoughtfulness. No self-doubt. No humility. No patience. No generosity of spirit. No external considering. No introspection. Just raw ambition, a vindictive nature, and layers upon layers of personality accustomed to practicing duplicity and avoiding responsibility while taking credit where credit is not due

That is my take too. Especially as women I think we are looking for some compassion, some real life emotion and maybe just a tiny bit of introspection. I noted several blogs back that I could never ever pick up my babies without giving them a kiss of the head. It’s just something mother’s do. I’ve never seen any expression of affection from Sarah Palin towards her baby. It’s not something that will change anyone’s mind about her, but it’s just something that woman who have had babies, notice.

It hit me as I was driving to work how absolutely screwed up this whole Palin thing is. How did it become acceptable in this country, in this media for a major party to put forward a candidate that doesn’t have a single formed opinion of her own?

The repugs have conditioned themselves (and I guess they think they can brainwash everyone else) into believing that since she got through a speech written by someone and if they tutor her hard enough to ‘learn’ the correct responses to what they think will be the questions, everything will be fine.

Why is no one in the MSM raising outrage that this woman is not allowed to speak for herself? What did that become acceptable?

I depise John McCain for selling out his party and his country with this despicable choice, but I also depise Sarah Palin for accepting this nomination knowing absolutely full-well she was competely unqualified.

And I’m sorry, I would think after being Governor for even two years she would have an inkling what the #1 foreigh-policy doctrine of HER president is at least called. And it isn’t even hard. Most of us can recite the basic tenent of the Bush Doctrine in one sentence. (I always describe it as, “it’s allows us to go to war for any damn reason at all!”) A very scary doctrine I must say…

12 09 2008

@fixthebroken (08:14:05) :
I just hope they post some of the comments!

Possibly if these swing state newspapers hear from ENOUGH people, they will print out opinions.


12 09 2008

a VERY wicked site….mean hateful and racist

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck (08:20:05) :
that was not a graduating class of high school seniors is it? my impression was that it was a graduating class of Master Commission.

You are correct. It was the graduating class from her religious nutcase Pentecostal church she was addressing. But, it sounds so much better to say it was the high school seniors class rather than a class of religious nuts. Just another way the MSM is covering for the Republicans.

12 09 2008

I am on a letter writing campaign as well. has lots of help finding addresses. We can try to get the ‘news’ outlets being REAL but I am not hopeful.

Let’s take NPR radio, the one with the producer from Wasilla, said in hooray, breathless excitement tone… It seems to me that they have had a high number of segments from the BBC (2 plus weeks ago, I was happy to listen to BBC news at night to get their news cycle). But now it seems to be routine during the midday. I have listened to BBC reporters interviewing people in the streets, in parking lots of shopping centers, and wherever in the UK, commenting on Sarah Palin and how wonderful she sounds. Everyone there must be having a party by the sounds of it!!!

I listened to a round table discussion of people in the UK talk about her and the excitement of the race… It sounds like they are talking about something/someone NOT at all important and I am amazed!!!

A) why is NPR having this daytime focus on excited UKers??
B) do they really think it is ok to sound so happy?? The UK has had to suffer too with the Iraq war and I did hear a Russian threat in there in the interview. And Iran is always handy to start Armageddon. Do they think the US won’t come calling?
C) isn’t NPR supposed to be more serious than that and WHY do we care what the BBC thinks at this point?? (no offense…)
D) I have quit listening to NPR again. I did it during the build up to going into the war as they seemed to ignore it for months. But I don’t think they sounded so happy and breathy while not covering it.

Thanks for that opportunity…first they say little about the candidates/the race/the issues and then I have to listen to gushing from UK citizens. Maybe that is supposed to make me feel better?? GGGGRRRRRRRRR

12 09 2008

Good day Mudpals! My, we are a very prolific group! I was a little nervous about the interview until I saw this. I think people that liked her before will defend her publicly but will be questioning this choice in private. And as the ship starts to sink I think you will see less enthusiam from the elected officials extolling her virtues. They have to eventually think how this will reflect on them. I also just say a clip from “the View” with McCain and Barbara Walters go into it with him and called him out about the lies on Palin. He got ruffled. trying to find the whole interview for a giggle. Anyone else see it today?

12 09 2008

“Saradise Lost” is a good read!

12 09 2008

To Lizzie:

No, I am not your real sister but I am your Mudflats sister, for sure, and honored to be so!

12 09 2008

@AnnieinWA: Re-posting…..EASY way to contact local and national newspapers.

On John Kerry’s website, Truth Fights Back, all you have to do is input your zip code, use their talking points or write your own letter, and hit send to reach as many newspaper editors as you want.

12 09 2008

great Truman article

12 09 2008


12 09 2008

A few thoughts:
SP and the other candidates are interviewing for a two jobs and we the voters are doing the hiring. In order to choose the correct candidate, each candidate must submit to multiple interviews. Needless to say, it is unrealistic for each voter to conduct these interviews, so it is up to the media to do it for us. Until yesterday SP, unlike BO, JB, and JM had not made herself available for any interviews and from what I could see last night, she did not perform at all well, even though Gibson’s questions were not particularly challenging. In the real world if a candidate is applying for a mid to high level job in a corporation, the interview process is quite rigorous. Each candidate is usually interviewed by several people, possibly on more than one occasion and trust me, the questions will be very difficult. The whole idea is to learn the limits of the candidate’s knowledge and capabilities and especially their fitness for the job. This process can be a harrowing experience for the applicant, but it is the only way to find the best person for the job and there is no such thing a deference during the interview.

In academia, PhD candidates must pass a final oral exam which is typically conducted by Professors in the candidate’s department. Imagine being grilled from all directions by persons who are probably smarter than you and are far more experienced that you. I have seen candidates burst into tears and even faint during their exams. It is painful to watch when a candidate is not prepared.

I had that feeling last night watching SP and she is interviewing for one of the most powerful positions in the world. I feel the rigor of the interview process needs to be taken up several notches for SP as well as the other candidates. We need to find out what they really mean to do with our country. JM recently said that SP knows more about energy than anyone else in the country. That outrageous statement begs for a series of follow-up questions to SP on that subject. The idea of a group of energy scientists (geologists, physicists, chemists, etc), engineers and economists grilling her for a hour is quite amusing to me.

One of the problems with having the media interview the candidates is that for the most part they aren’t really qualified. They are not experts on how to manage a country and have no real experience that remotely qualifies them to be the interrogators. Further, most of them are affiliated, overtly or not, to either the Left or the Right, so their impartiality is suspect from the get go. But, they are all we have, so I just hope the get better in the following days.

OK, I’m done now.

12 09 2008

She won my heart at “nucular.”

12 09 2008

Re: Gibson and Palin

Keep in mind, folks, that we haven’t seen the whole Gibson-Palin interview yet. There are several more segments to come, which could be even more interesting.

12 09 2008

Ticking me off that I can’t get the YouTube vid of Hannity losing it to play. Oh, well.

Got my email from the Obama campaign re: voter registration. Forwarded it with the message that I wasn’t suggesting for whom people should vote, but asked them to remember the hanging chads. Proof that every vote counts.

Clicked on the link for Obama phone bank and saved it. DEFINITELY signing up. I’m in NYC. It’s a no-brainer here. But maybe I can help in Ohio or Pennsylvania.

It isn’t scientific folks, but after last night’s Palindrone (tm whoever said it above – brilliant!) my mother is voting for Obama. This is a woman with whom I’ve been arguing for months. We’ve argued policy and issues, but she wouldn’t budge. She did more than budge today. She took a leap for democracy. At 76, it’s none too easy for her to leap. And it tells me that others will see this fiasco for what it is. That they will abandon their myopic view (my mother’s prism was taxes) and realize that a vote for McCain/Pain-in is a vote to destroy our country.

12 09 2008

For those who might want to offer feedback for McCain interview in Maine yesterday:
Main Studio
One Congress Square
Portland, ME 04101
(207) 828-6666
Reporter’s name is Rob Caldwell

12 09 2008

I did a fact check on her speech at the RNC and the official records show that she did just the opposite of almost everything she claimed she accomplished as Mayor and Governor. Hell, she was talking to a building full of her supporters, did she really need to lie to them too? They would support her no matter what. If she will lie that blatantly to a houseful of Republicans how can we possibly believe anything that she says to the rest of us?

12 09 2008

Lizzie (08:35:34)

Thanks for the link. I simply feel the need to be proactive in all ways possible.

12 09 2008
not that sarah

awesome blog.
great and terrifying to read about the state -and Palin – from someone who knows (here in NYC).
get a book agent!
aka, not that sarah

12 09 2008

I did that truthfights back email letter to newspaers quite some time ago

I just did it again

12 09 2008

You know that feeling, when you have had a crisis or tragedy in your life – you wake up in the morning and for a split second, everything is fine, but then you remember and everything feels black.

That is how I have felt every morning since hearing about SP – and I don’t even live in America!

12 09 2008

JJ…. please, those all caps are really distracting.

12 09 2008

This is completely frivolous, but does anyone know exactly where the interview was held? I know it was in Fairbanks, but I couldn’t figure out if it was a house, or what.

12 09 2008

Ky, the info I have says that interview was in her home.

12 09 2008

@JIMSTARO…I agree with you. The way it was explained to me is that Alaskas oil get shipped to the west coast refineries…and then is put on the World Market.

12 09 2008

@Intrigued: We had a long discussion about NAU, etc. several threads back if you’d care to look. I’ve been an Independent most of my voting life. However, in this election, I’m as convinced that giving my vote to the Constitution Party is a waste of effort as I am that a McCain/Palin win would bring about an artificially created Armageddon.

@Lulu: ditto.

12 09 2008

These images are startling. Take a look – THE ART SAYS IT ALL!
…and I keep promising myself that I’ll stick to the issues and not deal with SP!

12 09 2008

mpalm- I actually pointed out that same analogy a few days ago here on ‘flats and have been using it on Undecideds/McP fans with good results. Especially those who own their own businesses or are in executive positions. I actually say “Could you imagine interviewing for the second top position in a corporation and telling them you were not ready to answer questions? And then when you do you repeat “talk lines” or untrue statements about your previous performance?”. That seems to resonate and at least make them take pause long enough to ask more questions about this pick. And how this really reflects on McCain’s judgement.

ps-where did the PUMAs go? Kinda like Bigfoot or Unicorns, maybe?

12 09 2008

where are you getting your “GOP behind the scenes” info? just curious — and delighted if it’s true!

12 09 2008

Check out the flurry of comments on Palin’s performance on this South African blog. Fascinating.

12 09 2008

From Bloomberg News:

Clueless Palin Peddles Cliches Under Gibson’s Glare: Commentary

Commentary by Jeremy Gerard

Sept. 12 (Bloomberg) — The question of experience came up again last night: Was the man of the moment prepared for the difficult task at hand? Did he have the chops?

ABC News anchor Charles Gibson got the get, the first mano- a-womano sit down with the Republican vice presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. He had the chops.

Palin may not have blinked when John McCain asked her to be his running mate. Last night, however, found her frozen in the Klieg lights as the dogged interlocutor set his sights on his visitor.

Peering down at Palin through reading glasses set at the tip of his nose, foot circling over knee ever more impatiently, Gibson, 65, wouldn’t let her coast. Yes, she had mastered the pronunciation of Georgia president Mikhail Saakashvili’s name, not to mention that of Iran’s Mahmud Ahmadinejad. And maybe that would have been good enough on “Good Morning America.”

But no-one had coached her in something called the Bush Doctrine. Doctrine? What doctrine would that be, Charlie?

Palin, 44, apparently never heard of the Bush Doctrine until yesterday. She flashed a smile nearly as frozen as her running- mate’s and did that tenth-grader thing of tap-dancing around the question, skittishly ad libbing her way with gibberish about Bush’s “global vision.”

Gibson was having none of it, pressing her for specifics she didn’t have at her command and finally — his glare set to iceberg blue, foot circling like a lasso — he impatiently explained what the doctrine is, when it was introduced, and gave her another chance to answer.

Few Overseas Trips

My sympathy for Palin lasted only as long as it took me to remember that it was Palin who had insisted, at the top of the interview, that she’s ready to lead the country on a moment’s notice. Asked whether she had ever been outside the U.S. before her recent trip to the Middle East, she answered, “Canada. Mexico.” Asked what heads of state she had dealt with, she referenced all those trade delegations that came to Alaska looking to do some business.

When the interview turned to Iraq and Iran, Palin’s innocence of diplomatic nuance, not to mention global politics, was something she couldn’t dance around. We’re America, she said, we don’t have to put up with those uppity Eye-ranians.

Does she believe we are doing God’s will in Iraq? “I wouldn’t presume to know God’s will, Charlie,” she answered gamely. Gibson was ready with a clip of her sermonizing not long ago in church and she danced around that one, too.

Gibson didn’t ask the candidate if she has any clue about the principle of separation of church and state on which her beloved United States was founded. I wish he had.

12 09 2008

I went to my pharmacy this morning to get my 3 prescriptions that cost me
$1.05 total. While there the pharmacist started asking me what I thought of Sarah Palin. I am in Canada by the way. He was laughing hysterically…he thinks its a huge joke being played on the American people.

He said he is so upset about the whole thing…that he cant watch American news. No point he says…he doesnt get a vote. He feels that if this were happening in Canada…well…the media would call them out on it. Earlier in this thread, someone posted what happened to Stockwell Day. Its a true story. Canadians are often criticized for me too serious….you bet we are.

12 09 2008

“Track Palin, 19, is being deployed this week to Iraq with the Army, after separating his shoulder and abruptly giving up on a hockey career last year. Mr. Johnston, 18, who is about to become a father, has dropped out of Wasilla High School and also quit hockey.”

This nugget was buried in the article.

12 09 2008
Brian Burke

Did she say “Nucular Weapons” when speaking of Iran? D’oh!

12 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

A reader has found some evidence that she has thought about foreign policy at some point in her 44 years. Drum roll, please:

Alaska Business Monthly: We’ve lost a lot of Alaska’s military members to the war in Iraq. How do you feel about sending more troops into battle, as President Bush is suggesting?

Palin: I’ve been so focused on state government, I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq. I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place; I want assurances that we are doing all we can to keep our troops safe. Every life lost is such a tragedy. I am very, very proud of the troops we have in Alaska, those fighting overseas for our freedoms, and the families here who are making so many sacrifices.

She heard about the surge, McCain’s campaign centerpiece, on the news. Does she still favor an exit plan?

12 09 2008

You want to talk disturbing .. this ad nearly made me cry. It sucks that people would do stuff like this — and if people on this board do stuff like this, I am not going to apologize. I think it is horrible.

Note, this is not an Obama ad, but it is hard hitting.

12 09 2008

Her argument about the proximity of Russia to Alaska making her an expert on Russia means that every citizen of Alaska has the experience to be VP!! You guys didn’t even know it, but you, too, should run for office!

I wish somebody (if she ever gives another interview) would push back on this… How does being close to Russia make you an expert? It’s ludicrous, folks.

12 09 2008

I wrote a short piece about the upcoming interview before it took place and promised to do an update on both of my sites after the interview, but after seeing what was said in the short clips that have been aired so far I have now decided to wait until after all of it airs before doing the update so I can fact check the entire interview before saying anything about it. If the rest of it goes anything like this I’m sure there will be a whole lot of differences between her words and the facts, so many, in fact, that perhaps a blog can’t cover them all.

Perhaps I should just start an encyclopedia set instead chronicling her lies alphabetically alongside those of GW Bush. I could call it “The Bimbo/Bush Lieclopedia”

12 09 2008

I was thinking about what Mr. Obama actually needs to help cement this election.

Coupled with the ability to see into the future and try to predict McCains
lie, he needs to remember what his goal is.
As I thought about goals, I was reminded of a quote from Mahatma Ghandi:

“The goal is not to bring your adversaries to their knees but to their senses.” Mahatma Gandhi

Obama needs a way to do exactly that, bring this ” story ” around to the public at large in such a fashion that will be forced to look at the
McCain /Palin ticket without those rose colored glasses.

Now I will be damned if I have a clue one as to what that could be,
but I would love some opinions to forward on to the Obama campaign.

12 09 2008




12 09 2008

HAha! My bf just sent me this:

I finally understand why Palin hates polar bears! She’s a Seawolves fan, right? 😉
Go Nanooks!

12 09 2008

Susan, why do you think Bush’s brother got elected Governor of Florida? He was an expert on foriegn policy because “I can almost see Cuba from here”

12 09 2008

Probably already posted here, but there is video showing mcSham criticizing the absence of national security experience in governors or mayors!

12 09 2008


Thanks for that…however I have no intention of watching it

because I have already heard enough

12 09 2008

here is another great video that shows the lies in mccain ads. someone emailed it to me 🙂

12 09 2008

fixthebroken, I appreciate the opportunity to view the ad, but please post an advisory for something that graphic. Truly. I can’t handle animal cruelty.

It’s important to know that Palin supports, endorses and sponors it, and the group that made the ad wants to get the word out, which is great, but I bypass National Geographic Channel. That’s how much I can’t cope with seeing those sorts of images.

I don’t know how Sarah does it, but it’s her problem if she enjoys that sort of thing. Talk about pornography.

12 09 2008

She didn’t convince me, BUT Karl Rove wasn’t trying to convince me or 95% of the commenters on this blog. He was trying to convince all those people on the fence. Those that elected Bush/Cheney twice. They heard, “Blah, blah, blah, I was quoting Lincoln, Charlie.” They think, “Quoting Lincoln, boy she must be smart.” They hear “Bush Doctrine” and they don’t know what it is either. “Defending the Constitution”. I’m for that. They heard the buzz words.

I’m sure that slime ball Rove is smiling this morning.

12 09 2008

Last night I watched Charlie Rose as he had a Discussion of the 2008 Presidential Election with Jonathan Alter, Bob Schieffer and Paul Begala. Here in WA PBS will replay that episode again today – it can also be viewed online. Charlie’s guests made many great points.

I think it was Begala who said he remembers when “having a lot of people come out to see you was a good thing,” referring to McCain’s “celebrity” ads. He expressed some concern about Obama’s decision to make smaller appearances in response to those attacks – his line was something like, ‘The Democrats have Secretariat, but they have hitched him to a plow’.

Alter called McCain’s recent ads LIES – said the word is seldom used but is appropriate now.

Another point that was brought up was Obama’s admiration for Michael Jordan. Apparently O said, “I know how to bring it on in the 4th quarter”.

Sorry for the rambling. Between “hurricane worrying” about our kids in the Houston area and trying to keep up with all of your great posts, sleep isn’t happening for me.

12 09 2008

OMG, I can not believe……ME !

I… actually that shitty The View

I want see McSame snub Baba WaWa

12 09 2008

DeMo, I am so sorry. I didn’t even think about offending anyone with its graphic nature. You’re right, i should have posted an advisory.

I do think, though, it is important for people to know that we may have a supporter of such insanity in our white house.

Again, my apologies.

12 09 2008

@Arn –

I’ve been to both eastern and western Canada, Mexico, the UK, and France. I drink Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Mexican, and German beer, and Australian, South African, Italian, French, Spanish, and chilean wines. Love Filipino, French, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Argentinian food.

I should be McInsane’s Secretary of State. Clearly.

12 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

since russia is considered “asia” is she also an expert on asian countries? maybe she can argue she can dig a hole to china.

12 09 2008

” Watching that shitty show ” The View “

12 09 2008

McCain proferred the “Alaska is close to Russia” nonsense himself last night during the interview with the Maine TV station. Palin saying it is laughable. McCain saying it insults the intelligence of every voter. It is as if he is saying you can turn off your brain until after Nov.

McCain should be hounded by the press to follow up on _WHY_ he said it.

12 09 2008

I’m watching it too, Harley. We can get through this, together!

12 09 2008

Hi to you all,
I’ve been lurking here for some time and had to speak up.
First of all Kudo’s to all on this site. This is a breath of fresh air with some actual intellectual thought . Anyone else tired of the Repubs trying to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear ? What a crock with all of them spinning this to their advantage. You can tell all the surogates are crappin in their pants as they look the American people in the eye and say she is ready for the job. Country First? Lmao.
Anyway my comment is : Anyone else notice she looked like one of those beauty contest contestants who is asked a question and must give an impromtu answer? Kind of like that one on youtube who was asked about Americans not being able to point out major geographical areas on a map. Remember that one?
We can’t afford to lose this one.

12 09 2008

mvngfwd (08:33:46) :

Good day Mudpals! My, we are a very prolific group! I was a little nervous about the interview until I saw this. I think people that liked her before will defend her publicly but will be questioning this choice in private. And as the ship starts to sink I think you will see less enthusiam from the elected officials extolling her virtues. They have to eventually think how this will reflect on them. I also just say a clip from “the View” with McCain and Barbara Walters go into it with him and called him out about the lies on Palin. He got ruffled. trying to find the whole interview for a giggle. Anyone else see it today?

mvngfwd (08:33:46) ,

I’m at work so I did not see it earlier. But yoiu bring up an interesting point. In the list of the Truth Squad members, the two from my area (Diane Irey for one being from my local county) are really lightweight up and comers as major political figures.
The heavyweight here is Melissa Hart who was already in Congress and was kicked out by the voters here and is going to run again. She was NOT on the “Truth Squad”. Hummm. I wonder how many players out there started to distance themselves after a night’s sleep and a wake up? I wonder how many players secretly poured their cup of kool-aid out onto the ground behind the Alaskan wood pile? Did anyone else notice anything odd in the members of the “Truth Squad” from their area?

If the citizens of the U.S. have any sense at all, this incredible debacle combined with the incompetent fiasco of Bush-Cheney should mark the end of the Republican Party FOREVER. Maybe they will go down to total destruction now? Maybe Palin will just be the final straw? Maybe? She was not off to a good start last night at all. It is painful to watch. I, myself, can’t stand to watch but I know I must to be informed.

Irishgirl (08:42:39) :

You know that feeling, when you have had a crisis or tragedy in your life – you wake up in the morning and for a split second, everything is fine, but then you remember and everything feels black.

That is how I have felt every morning since hearing about SP – and I don’t even live in America!

Yep. I know exactly what you mean.

As I said in another post. We are all like that lady on the Titanic that slept in her clothes through the whole crossing because of her premonition. I think that is all of us since Fateful Friday. In our search for information we all ened up here with our guy Mud at this refuge. That lady survived. I hope we all do and all of our extended families and friends. I am so angry at John McCain for so recklessly putting the nation at risk as a political ploy. Reckless. Completely reckless. Never, never, never let a person run for President of the United States who has crashed 4 airplanes. The man is an utter reckless fool who graduated in the bottom 5 of his class at Annapolis. It is now showing on the world stage.

12 09 2008

Ed said:

“BUT Karl Rove wasn’t trying to convince me or 95% of the commenters on this blog. He was trying to convince all those people on the fence. Those that elected Bush/Cheney twice. They heard, “Blah, blah, blah, I was quoting Lincoln, Charlie.” They think, “Quoting Lincoln, boy she must be smart.” They hear “Bush Doctrine” and they don’t know what it is either. “Defending the Constitution”. I’m for that. They heard the buzz words.”

Maybe. Maybe not. I’ve got a 76-year-old mother who voted Bush/Cheney twice, a woman worried about tax increases, concerned that everything she worked for and wants to leave to her kids (she’s got a will as thick as an encylopedia) will be eaten by the death tax who watched and declared she’s going Obama.

We’ve been arguing/debating/discussing the issues. She couldn’t hear what I was saying. Last night’s interview changed everything.

Ya’ just never know. Hey, there may be another 76-year-old woman out there who decided to vote for her because of the interview, but I don’t think so.

12 09 2008
12 09 2008

I thought Gibson did a decent job-he didn’t let her off the hook too easily and she looked nervous.

Can’t believe she didn’t hesitate to say yes, hell, I hesitate and think when I’m asked to do a project at work, or take on a volunteer task. Why? Because I want to make sure I do it well and completely and that it’s okay with the other people it may affect[my husband and family] She does seem to be extremely narcissistic.

12 09 2008

Ooh…Whoopie is having a really hard time containing herself!

12 09 2008

DISENFRANCHISEMENT. I was in Tallahassee when they engineered a legal coup to stop the recount just as it was working effectively. Michigan: RNC obtaining lists of foreclosures and using those to stop people from voting? I also read (somewhere?) they may try to prevent college students from voting if they are not in their home state! We have to be ready because on election day they will try every trick they can legally cook up to either tell people they cannot vote, or turn people away, or discount votes. We have to have informed people at the polls ready to ensure that if anyone tries to turn someone away on some trumped up legality, they have an advocate to make sure their vote is counted. Know your rights and be prepared!

12 09 2008

You know I am having to save all of these recent pages as they contain so much goooood information and links! If nothing else (PLEASE let it mean something!) we have all learned a lot and really found out why we need a community—and this one works sooooo very well.

I am just so proud of us all here! If you check out those first few days, you can see that we have gone from outraged, snarky (new word for me), and kind of crazed to having really solid comprehensive plans and talking about the issues so succinctly! I am just so proud of you all, MS. Mudflat (I knew she was a she, just for the record :), and myself too.

I think this blog could be used in 6-12 education, as a lesson plan for politicians, etc. It really has been amazing to see it all play out here!! It will take me 10 years to go through all my saved info and put it to good use but I can see now that just sitting back and hoping for the best has not really ever helped me or the country.

I am a very invigorated patriot even. Go figure that some mudflat could ‘save a nation’. Sorry, got a little teary!!! Margaret Mead was right: A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

PS: did you catch Laura Bush promoting national/community service yesterday? She went a little crazy trying not to say ‘community organizing’. hehehehe

12 09 2008

It is true if said three times, is the rule.

I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true.

I have also been struck with the idea of the Republicans and their VP wannabee
using the usual Republican in Alaska approach on planning and governance especially for rural issues , i.e., “unencumbered by the thought process”–

” ‘You may seek it with thimbles–and seek it with care;
You may hunt it with forks and hope;
You may threaten its life with a railway-share;
You may charm it with smiles and soap–‘ ”

(“That’s exactly the method,” the Bellman bold
In a hasty parenthesis cried,
“That’s exactly the way I have always been told
That the capture of Snarks should be tried!”)

” ‘But oh, beamish nephew, beware of the day,
If your Snark be a Boojum! For then
You will softly and suddenly vanish away,
And never be met with again!’

12 09 2008

Andrea Mitchell is interviewing Margaret Carlson regarding “the interview”, Carlson says SP is “naturally likable”…and she was rooting her on, like her daughter at her first piano recital! ahhhhh!

12 09 2008

fixthebroken, absolutely get it out there! And YOU didn’t offend me. What Sarah Palin does repulses me. I guess all G-d’s creatures aren’t part of her religion.

NO apology necessary. But definitely an advisory next time. Thanks.

12 09 2008

Have no fear, Red State Update is on it!

12 09 2008
Proximity: Palin on Alaska & Russia « 365 Words Beginning with P

[…] Mudflats says: This one had me laughing out loud.  Ready for a lesson in Alaska geography/International Affairs?  Off the coast of Nome, 532 miles northwest of Anchorage (the closest city) is an island called Little Diomede.  Little Diomede is 2.4 miles east of the island called Big Diomede, which is in Russia. […]

12 09 2008

Proud to be USA…..
You are making me cry!
diesel fuel was only $3.90 per gal yesterday……….I couldn’t fill my tank, because it leaks from the top, and runs out again, if I get more than 2 gal.

12 09 2008

At least I can do bold !

12 09 2008

PS– re: the Margaret Mead quote– certainly sounds like her say the folks who knew her, but the quote itself cannot be attributed to her. That is, it hasn’t been documented. See

12 09 2008

BobbyG, Just curious, are you the same BobbyG I know from a certain other site?

12 09 2008

Senator Murkowski is describing herself and SP as a “generational shift” in AK politics. The senator says SP is letting people know “SHE’S JUST LIKE YOU” – something, she say, Obama has not been able to do – that’s the appeal. Andrea Mitchell asked, “Is that what we want in our leaders? I don’t want someone like me in that office – I’m not prepared.” Murkowski says SP is CONFIDENT and that’s what we need. OH YEAH, THAT’S WHAT WE NEED…THE CONFIDENTLY IMCOMPETENT!

I can’t watch any more…

12 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

OK, so I’ve spent the last hour at work looking through the editorial sections of some newspapers from the swing/McCain states for thoughts on last night’s interview. I did not do an in depth search but there sure wasn’t much of anything about her.

I found this comment in the Times in response to their article “In First Big Interview, Palin Says, ‘I’m Ready’” that backs up my findings (and found it after my search):

“Perhaps more shocking is the absolute silence in the media about her performance. It’s as if they’d rather not talk about how bad she was, so they just won’t talk about it at all. I’ve gone to all of the major news sites that I usually peruse and there’s no commentary. The press once again buries their head in the sand.”

Maybe the media are following the old adage: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything.

12 09 2008

Hi mvngfwd,

I watched the view today, but missed the first 10 minutes. I couldn’t believe that McCain came out and strongly stated that Roe vs Wade was a big mistake, and that he would appoint judges that overturn it.

12 09 2008
LJP (formerly FactChecker)

This moment represents the logical end point of the Karl Rove doctrine, that political machines can “create reality” that the rest of us have to live with. They took a completely unqualified governor, with less than two years of experience at the STATE level, and put her forward as their nominee for vice president. She is unqualified not because she is a governor or she lacks “experience,” but because she knows nothing at all about the national problems we are facing. She clearly doesn’t even know as much as most of us reading this board. The most important point is: the people who chose her don’t care that she isn’t qualified. And the 30% dead-enders who still love Bush (the mind boggles) will love her even more because she is more “just like them”–not the rich kid pretending to be an ordinary person but an actual ordinary person sick with ambition for a good job that she is unqualified for. Put aside the 48% who have already decided that the Republicans had 8 years to run the country into the ground on all fronts. That leaves 20-22% of the country that must be convinced that:
1) MCain has handed himself over to Karl Rove and the neocons;
2) That Palin is the ultimate empty candidate, whose strings would be pulled by people far worse than Dick Cheney. And there’s a sentence I never thought I’d write.
McCain has sold his soul. Palin represents something new; the possibility of a puppet in the presidency.
I do hope that Republicans (prominent and otherwise) with some sanity decide that winning this election isn’t worth the price.
“Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.”–Thoreau

12 09 2008

here is a clear picture of where the TransCanada Pipeline is proposed to be located and its end terminal.

not a US market per se………but quite possibly a hungry market all the same

and just south of Fairbanks is where it will turn east.

12 09 2008

Ed’s (9:10;24) right–

They are clearly not trying to appeal to the tiny minority of people in this country who take the time to inform themselves politically. If they were, she would never have been chosen. She is a direct appeal to the mouth-breathing troglodyte, “sound bites = reality” crowd. It works for the right every time, so there is no reason to think it won’t work this time. For me, I find her speaking voice so grating and irritating (petty, I know), I suspect McCain will banish her to the far end of the White House just so he doesn’t have to listen to her–if they win.

On a different topic, out here where I live in Phoenix, it’s an open secret that back in the 90s John McCain used his office to secure a diplomatic passport for his wife so she could travel without her bags being checked. She had a serious drug addiction problem and was eventually accused (but never tried) by the DEA of stealing prescription drugs from a medical charity she had founded and transporting drugs illegally across international borders–charges that would have carried mandatory jail time for any of the rest of us . She got treatment, all was forgiven, etc. But now there are some bloggers looking into whether or not McCain’s actions were illegal. Again, these people have enough money to be made of Teflon, but it would be nice to see this story finally make it out of Arizona and hit the national stage. Here are some links:;jsessionid=A3FA0866588B6D30550F1BEA2855A651?diaryId=8147

Also old archived material at the Phoenix New Times from 1994:

12 09 2008

The whole overturning Roe vs Wade scares the CRAP out of me! When abortion is illegal, women die. They DIE! It would create a whole black market for the procedure, as well.

I’m going to stop there, before I start a huge rant.

12 09 2008

I just do not get people who put down others as their hobby.

12 09 2008

So, the First Dude gets cc’d on the Guv’s otherwise “executive privileged” ofc emails?


12 09 2008

she winked at someone right before the first question was finished…. which i can understand.

12 09 2008

Heh….Sully: Palin doesn’t blink….liars don’t blink.

12 09 2008

McCain on the view –

12 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

iona: hello! thank you for your post about disenfranchisement. i did a bunch of posts about it. not sure anybody read them. have i been put on ignore? lol!

voter fraud is my new ocd. in addition to the voting machine problems, there is also the voter ballot issue as well as several others. i think people should take this very seriously. it is how they won the last two elections! we can register a ton of people to vote, but if the ballot is somehow discounted or the machine is rigged then it is pointless! was anybody a poll monitor during the last election?

did you check out the doc that started today?

links with specific examples of voter DISENFRANCHISEMENT in different states:

12 09 2008

MJC (09:37:31):

I watched the view today, but missed the first 10 minutes. I couldn’t believe that McCain came out and strongly stated that Roe vs Wade was a big mistake, and that he would appoint judges that overturn it.

But, “life begins at conception”?

Read this, and then you tell me.

12 09 2008

MJC–He said that today about Roe v. Wade? On the View??? what an idiot! now we might get somewhere… On the other page (or whatever these are called in blogdom) wasn’t the consensus for Pro-choice and Anti-choice… I do not think that was a smart move for him to make. Joy Behar said the other night that many of the women she had talked to hadn’t known this part of their platform. NOW they do… Americans like freedom of choice… (or at least I thought so–maybe they will remember that they do too)

12 09 2008

It is totally irresponsible to appoint Palin for VP. There is no way she can see Russia on cloudy days. This itself poses serious gap in national security for the best part of the year.

Now, on a serious tone: se talked about Russia’s “unprovoked” agression towards Georgia. Gibson even asked her to confirm this statement, which she did…

Please look up this BBC report on the conflict (includes the Moosolinis unstable, ‘statesman’ friend, Sakashvili, eating his own tie)

Also, listen to Putin’s CNN interview, which shows how diplomatic he is trying to be in the middle of tihs conflict (talked to Bush at the outset of the conflict etc. Obviously Russia is not an angel…).
You need to turn on the subtitles on the bottom right of the video frame.

For those with interest, the full interview (four parts) is below. CNN’s website only shows a fragment. In this one Putin raises concern that Sakashvili was encouraged to attack so as to benefit McCain. (We know how well McCain “feels very comfortable in such situations”. Rememeber media statements at the time on how WELL McCain HANDLED it?). McCain’s top foreign policy advisor, Randy Scheunemann’s is paid a lobbyist for Georgia. With such close ties, they either a) deliberately nudged Sakashvili to war or b) they could not contain him, despite the official US policy to keep him stay put. In either case what foreign policy credentials does this illustrate from McCain’s side??? Using diplomacy for own gain or failing to use influence to defuse conflict? Which one? Letting Sakashvili pick a fight he could not win made it pretty much impossible to admit now Georgia into NATO…. This is what we call a real “MAVRICK”. And expect more if he wins….
Again, you need to turn on the subtitles on the bottom right of the video frame.

12 09 2008

LJP (formerly FactChecker) (09:38:45) :
“This moment represents the logical end point of the Karl Rove doctrine, that political machines can “create reality” that the rest of us have to live with.”

AMEN! – I know, that probably isn’t politically correct, but again, AMEN!

ENOUGH! I have had ENOUGH Karl Rove Politics. Great Thoreau quote!

12 09 2008


“The goal is not to bring your adversaries to their knees but to their senses.” Mahatma Gandhi

Thanks for some very succinct and wise advise from one of the greatest ‘community organizers’ of all time.

One thing that I’m really honing in on in this Sarah Palin travesty is that we are seeing a woman who has been completely defined by the men in her life – her pastor, her husband and now her running mate. She has never been the allowed the estimable right that most of us woman have fought our whole lives for and many have us have taken a very unpopular stand to assert – for example try being a Hilary supporter in OC, CA –which is the privilege of having our own opinions and being able to say what is on OUR minds and how we really think and feel.

She has put the rights that all women have fought a long and hard battle for (and are still fighting on a daily basis) back at least fifty years.

The men in her life I’m sure would rather she was just seen and not heard, but since she has to be heard, she is only allowed to parrot what they tell her to say.

How sad for are daughters that she is the example they now see.

12 09 2008

Glenn2008 (09:45:57) :
It is totally irresponsible to appoint Palin for VP. There is no way she can see Russia on cloudy days. This itself poses serious gap in national security for the best part of the year.

I spit my coffee all over my keyboard when I read that! Thanks for a moment on the lighter side! 🙂

12 09 2008

Gibson needs to lighten up. TV hosting 101 is that you put you guest at ease…and he failed to do this.

12 09 2008

I agree with you. I think it is down to the question of “How many of us versus how many of them?” I am heartened to hear a few stories about people changing their minds, but I do not know any “independents” and my discussions with repubs may cause them to think (a good thing) but will not change their vote. I am amazed at the chasm between their information sources and ours. I am fighting (politely) with people I have been friends with…with the old man ringing up my groceries and the woman in line behind me who chimes in…I live in Georgia so it is disheartening.
I am so glad you called that reporter and spoke with him. I was thinking how courageous he was and what an amazing job he did.

It seems there is a lot of evidence we see (with video footage) that would be ripe for the picking for ads in our favor. Georgia isn’t getting ads anyway but does anyone think Obama’s campaign will use some of this stuff? MSNBC this am showed his latest ad (which was good but not calling out the most awful lies) and then showed the McCain ad about how “disrespectful” Obama and Biden have been to Caribou Barbie.
What do others think about the strategy behind the direction of the ads? Why not hit back harder?

12 09 2008

Otis, as to my “sources,” let’s just say I have a few rich friends… (nod, nod, wink, wink).

I did hear from someone who saw McCain in person recently that he looked incredibly frail up close.

12 09 2008

@ Rhett, sorry – yes I read them, copied, and forwarded to all I know – I was inspired that’s why I posted – thanks for the links, keep them coming!

(smiley face here if I knew how to do those things!)

12 09 2008
Sarah in CA

Just have to say after watching the interview that, as a TV editor, this was some of the sloppiest I’ve ever seen. She must have either rambled and rambled so much so that they had to edit her down (which seems wrong & journalistically unethical), or something else kept happening. Frequent bathroom breaks, maybe. Who knows.

Even the audio was edited badly. What a shame. I think we should have a right to see if she really actually knows what she’s talking about, or if she’s just bluffing her way through to the Vice Presidency.

12 09 2008

@ bible on tour

I dont think Charlie did anything that would make Palin look uncomfortable. Unless of course you were talking about her obvious discomfort with the questions she was TOLD she would get. Its Chariles job to get the answers the public is looking for….not to act with deference to Saint/Sister Sarah

12 09 2008

i guess i am a wee bit surprised that Palin was speaking with Saakashvili “just last week” and Charlie never skipped a beat to ask her about it.

in some respects – Palin has some things in common with Saakashvili and it would have been interesting to learn her thoughts on those similarities and differences while she is claiming she spoke with him

the wiki site on Saakashvili includes a brief statement that John McCain has been a supporter – so i guess it is not unheardof that his very controversial VP pic was already talking to foreign governments.


i think even bill o would not have let obama slide past that one. right?

just saying – staged. no deviation from script. but we got some good insight all the same.

12 09 2008
D Landry

Energy is important. But that bites McCain in the butt also. He failed repeatedly to show up to vote for important alternative energy funding votes. Drill Driil Drill isn’t going to cut it for the country. From Palin’s narrowly Alaskan vantage point it’s the answer since it fills the state treasury. But what’s good for Alaska isn’t necessarily good for the country as a whole. Alaska’s economic fate is more closely tied to Saudi Arabia’s or Venezuela’s than that of the Lower 48. Thomas Friedman talks about this on NPR:

12 09 2008

When she ran for governor of our state, I called her “Scary Sarah”, essentially on the basis of her right wing religious views. I got hammered locally for the characterization. She won simply because she was “Not Murkowski, but still a Republican, and we are cleaning our own house”. Now it’s happening on the national stage. She and McCain will benefit by “Not Bush, but still Republican, and out to reform Washington”. Fool me once….

Please, please don’t drink the Kool-aid.

12 09 2008

Sorry..meant to say that she was uncomfortable with questions she WASNT aware she would be asked. Dont blink indeed. I want a pres and vice pres that blink and blink. Isnt that a huge part of diplomacy. Dont you remember the October crisis. You can believe Kennedy blinked…and in turn so did Kruschev. Palin is no JFK

12 09 2008

“Chariles job to get the answers the public is looking for….not to act with deference to Saint/Sister Sarah”

No, the MSM Court Composers see their job principally as one of keeping their lines of access open. Get too “tough” and see what happens — e.g., like McSame bailing out on his scheduled Larry King interview after Campbell Brown roughed up that GOP moron the day prior.

12 09 2008

This is interesting. I’ve been hearing rumors ever since Palin got the VP nod that the Republican establishment was trying to get McCain to dump her. They were willing to go along with the nomination, though, if it looked like McCain was going to lose. If they think McCain might WIN, and he looks pretty frail to them to boot, they may be in a bigger panic than the Democrats. A President Palin would not only ruin the country, she would destroy the Republican Party.

Andrew Sullivan says the McCain Campaign is about to “implode.” I wonder what HE knows.

12 09 2008

There’s got to be a way to demand this woman holds an unscripted press conference. This is downright insanity. Please tell me I haven’t woken up in Russia?

12 09 2008

plwalsh (08:23:10) :

If you remember the Great Depression, a lot of very, very rich people ended up very, very broke. A few defense contractors might do O.K. under McCain, but if the investment banking system collapses a lot of people are going to lose oceans and oceans of money. You need someone in charge who can actly quickly, with Wall Street smarts, and behind the scenes. The most Republican of investors are saying that the system needs re-regulating and fast, with government bail-outs to back it up.

It is pretty frightening to see supposedly AAA investments turn out to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors.


My thoughts this week exactly. McCain is an admitted lightweight on economics. I wonder if Palin has read Milton Freedman and can define the “Chicago School”?

The closest two entities in the United States to the Mafia are the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) and the Wall Street investment banks. These are absolutely ruthless people. They are predators and their reach is infinite. So I truly wonder how they perceive these two completely ill prepared people? Sometimes there IS actual honor among thieves. Sometimes you respect your adversary on a battle filed. But if these two Manchurian candidates get elected, I wonder who or what will be calling the shots? Can even they be sure these two completely thoughtless and reckless people can be trusted to do even their bidding?

The U.S. is BIG MONEY. That is what calls the shots. And BIG MONEY is in trouble. Very big trouble. Even drug dealers are now putting their cash into Euros. That is now beyond the “Chicago School”. That is the “Street School”. And when that school kicks in, it is far beyond theory. I wonder if Sarah has pondered any of this?

12 09 2008

I wouldn’t be surprised if she was briefed on the Bush Doctrine and was still thrown by the question.

12 09 2008

whats the link for that hannity vid…I had it last night…could have sworn I posted the link on my blog, but I can not find it

12 09 2008

glenn08, that is what made me go a little crazy when I started googling Sarah Palin and the god war thing. I was listening to the BBC late one night and heard a woman saying the Georgians were bombing them and the lights of guns all around and you could hear it and people screaming—it was terrible sounding. I ran to look it up and emailed my daughter the links, telling her to watch this (to me, it was scary because of this rabid tendency to war)

I had to look hard but there is evidence that the Georgians started it and then Russia womped back. I am not a foreign expert at all but I cringe every time I hear McCalin make threat hints at Russia for their terrible deed. BBC really made it sound bad that night and it was the GEORGIANS first. I am sorry for alllll who died and lost loved ones but we cannot let this get us into another war no matter who started it… I still think it was the Georgians.

12 09 2008
Sarah in CA

I demand it, too, Regi. Unfortunately, when you snub the press, the story becomes you snubbing the press. That way, when you finally decide to a scripted interview, everyone hangs on every word and thinks you’re brilliant.

Can you imagine if Obama or Biden decided to abstain from press conferences? Heh. Sometimes I wish McCain would refrain from public appearances, though, all he does is LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. Maybe that’s good for us. I can’t tell anymore.

12 09 2008


I did get the same impression about the bizarrely unprofessional editing of the Palin interview. Very odd. Wonder what it means.

12 09 2008
12 09 2008

@bibleontour….please….we arent stupid. You are not here to expand your mind..its already full of…well I dont know…

My point is there are plenty of pro palin blogs…go and commiserate with them. Oh and yes….the righty blogs are very kind in there non..gossip about Barack Obama….riiiiiiiiighgt?

12 09 2008
From England

@proud2B 04:18…sooo true. Just this afternoon I was thinking to myself – if this is democracy American style, then “thanks, but no thanks”.

I’ve actually spent some time in the US, and have found Americans to be very positive and friendly. A dynamic place where aspiration is admired….and where anyone can achieve the American dream.

We don’t get to choose our leader, we only get to choose our ruling party; the party chooses its leader who then becomes Prime Minister. And for a long time I have admired your political system as truly democratic. Where ordinary people really get to choose their president. And where the candidates have to prove themselves through a rigorous process.

But after 2000…and then 2004…AND now this fiasco?? Again I say, “thanks, but no thanks!”

12 09 2008

I’m delighted by the number of “conservative” journalists breaking from McCain…..Joe Klein is an obvious one. The new meme they’re spreading is “McCain/Palin: WORSE than Bush/Cheney”.

Here’s Daniel Larison from The American Conservative blog:
“The most dangerous thing about an unprepared President is how malleable he is. What is worrisome about Palin is that if she were to become President she would succeed to the office already in the grip of reckless, jingoistic advisors. What Bush became in 2002 and afterwards, Palin would likely be from her first day as President. ”

12 09 2008

There’s got to be a way to demand this woman holds an unscripted press conference.
I TOTALLY agree! We are the ones hiring her, she and the republican party shouldn’t be the ones who get to call the shots. We still don’t know much about her, except what her script says.

Ever see that Family Guy where everyone who attended a conference got to choose between receiving boat, or a mystery box, and Peter picks the box? Palin is the mystery box. In the end, all we’re going to get is some sort of 20% off coupon.

12 09 2008

Amen that… I closed my eyes as the guy (or was that Sarah) in the airplane took aim — even so the narrative turned my stomach. My two dogs are part wolf… they have that golden-eye of the wolf and the sharp nose… those animals look very much like two of my best friends…

btw anybody see Whoopie ask Johnny if she had to worry about going back to being a slave on The View? Johnny said he wanted to appoint people who interpreted the constitution strictly… she was just checking as to HOW strict that interpretation would be.

12 09 2008

The Georgins DID start it. That has been in the news for weeks. Yet Sarah Palin is SURE Russia started it. Ready for the Presidency? lolololololololo “sigh”

12 09 2008
Sarah in CA

plwalsh: I’m glad it wasn’t just us who saw the poor editing.

I mean, I understand time constraints, however silence & stammering during an interview is just as telling as a well-written reply.

Does anyone know anything else about the foreclosure stuff going on in Michigan? Where Republicans were trying to block black families who were in foreclosure from voting? Is that even legal? I mean, that’s just a horrible thing to do.

12 09 2008

Michele, thanks for those links, not being from Arizona I had no interest in McCain until he got the nomination. It’s nice to know that he was dirty back then, makes it easier to understand him today. I’m just wondering now if we are really done with Dubya. With a win for Democrats, would he really have the balls to get us into another war or to arrange another terror strike (yes, I still think BinLadin was on the only plane allowed in the air that day, along with his family) so he can implement his self authored Presidential Directive (NSPD51) which gives him the right to stay in office if he feels there is a national emergency (like war, terror attacks and the greatest emergency he can imagine, “oh my God! the Democrats won the election”)
NSPD51 and HSPD50 gives both him and Cheney the right to remain in control and to put the country under martial law if the President feels these actions are neccessary in the event of an emergency. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and now potentially, Russia can supply that emergency.
I keep thinking about that morning a few months ago when I was sitting in my livingroom drinking a cup of coffee, when Dubya came on the TV screen and said something that made me spit coffee all over my laptop, I laughed uncontrollably for several minutes before I realized that what he said was sad, not funny. He said “I hope this election isn’t fixed”. I laughed because of the absurdity of it, after he had two elections in a row fixed (with the help of his buddie and brother and the Supreme Court) but then the seriousness of it sunk in, perhaps he already has plans in the work for another repeat and another State to back up his phony, so called recount of the ballot.

12 09 2008
12 09 2008

“Does anyone know anything else about the foreclosure stuff going on in Michigan? Where Republicans were trying to block black families who were in foreclosure from voting? Is that even legal? I mean, that’s just a horrible thing to do.”

I recently saw an Ohio news report (don’t have the link Google it) citing the invalidation of a million absentee ballots, ones that the McCain campaign had sent out with some out-of-compliance stuff on them.

Let me guess: they went to Repulican and Democratic voters equally.


12 09 2008
Jan Arnold

Comment to Proud2BUSA — one the very early comment line about getting news from People or US (sorry, I am just now catching up on the blog)
He, He, He – not as many, thank goodness, as get their news from colbert, stewart or Mahr!!!

12 09 2008

Hamlet’s Mill to Irishgirl

yep HM & IG, and if we don’t “survive”, I think there will be a whole lot more Americans living abroad. Maybe I can even get one of those jobs I used to have that got shipped overseas… hmmmm…

12 09 2008

I remember reading how LBJ, back in the 1964 election ran an ad – apparently only ran one time – which showed a little girl picking up a white daisy, standing up and seeing (the audience see this thru the reflection in her eyes) an exploding nuclear bomb.

The ad was called The Daisy Ad. Until that ad ran, that election was close.

After that ad ran, Goldwater got his britches handed to him.

Time to hand the McCain/Palin their britches, too.

I’m thinking of writing a script for the concept on my own blog. I’m thinking, little girl – named Sarah – and an older man – a grandfather called Grampa John – walk into a field of daisies. They are having a conversation about something related to national security, federal pork or even the Diomedes Islands.

She picks up a flower, stands up and says to Grampa John “oh, look, Grampa John! It’s sooo pretty.” The reflection of an exploding nuclear bomb shows up in her square, frameless glasses.

He looks off in that direction and says, “yep, looks like those terrorists are being taught a lesson.”

Phase out on the camera to show that old grayish-brown, grainy super-8 film of what happens when the nuclear blast hits trees and a house.

Close up of the girl and the old man, now in skeletal form, bright blue eyes blinking rapidly.

“What just happened, Grampa John?”

“I think we just got our Alaskan gooses cooked.”

Phase out as their skeletal remains collapse into dust heeps.

Intone a Earl Jones’ voice: For the best in national security, vote John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Yeah, needs work, but what the heck… give it a try!

Oh, and did I mention that John McCain was once a POW??

12 09 2008

I find myself everyday saying “What if Obama just picked Hillary Clinton as his running mate?”

Game over. Election over. McCain doesn’t pick Palin; Obama cruises to the presidency.

It is unhealthy for me to keeping this, I know. But I get pissed off.

It shows an underlying unfairness in the political process where a candidate can wait and see who his opponent picks before he/she picks. Do you honestly think that McCain would have picked Palin had he had to choose first — or — conversely, don’t you think Obama would have picked Clinton had he known McCain picked Palin.

This isn’t a sports game, people. It is our lives. And with the pick of Palin, McCain made it into a reality show.

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

BobbyG (09:43:40) :
I watched the view today, but missed the first 10 minutes. I couldn’t believe that McCain came out and strongly stated that Roe vs Wade was a big mistake, and that he would appoint judges that overturn it.

I am waiting for some real journalist (are there any left) to ask either McBush or Sarah Barracuda this question: “If Roe v Wade is overturned, then abortion will be illegal”. What do you propose to be the punishment for a Doctor that performs an abortion or a woman who gets an abortion?” That is a question they don’t want to answer. If they are true to their beliefs, then they will consider abortion murder, even if it is done to save the life of the mother. And the penalty for murder is often a death penalty.

Here’s a question I would like someone to ask Sarah Palin: “If your daughter was violently raped and she ended up pregnant, what would you do?”. Then if she answers that she would want her daughter to have the child, ask her this: “Would you expect your daughter to raise that child and have a daily reminder of something horrible that happened to her?”

Rape is hard enough to recover from. Imagine being violently raped and then having to give birth to the child of that rape.

12 09 2008

Hi Bobby G,
My personal position is that I do not support abortion, but it is a private matter, and I do not feel it is right for me to impose my personal beliefs on my neighbors, friends, or the entire country.

My views are aligned with Joe Biden’s views. However, I do think that there are entirely too many abortions in this country……so what are the solutions? I don’t have an answer to that.

12 09 2008

bibleontour –

RE: People who put others down

Then you shouldn’t get Sarah Palin laughing as radio anchors call her political rival “a bitch” or Sarah, herself – with all her “loose cannon” and “ticking timebomb” talk … Sheesh … get a grip.

12 09 2008
Sarah in CA

Bobby G — A million?? Geez.

I just did a little snooping and saw one article in the Detroit Free Press that said the Republicans are not using a foreclosure list. But KOS says they are, as do other blogs. Should we give the Repubs the benefit of the doubt? Heh. Maybe. But after what happened in Florida, I never underestimate the power of dirty politics.

12 09 2008

I have no idea the truth behind this thinking:

” Whoever is ahead in the polls on the 15th of October will probably win the election ”

voiced my pundits…….

Lets hope if this way of thinking is true, our Boy is the one who benefits

12 09 2008

@MJC (10:22:44) :
Hi Bobby G,
My personal position is that I do not support abortion, but it is a private matter, and I do not feel it is right for me to impose my personal beliefs on my neighbors, friends, or the entire country.

I hear you. Did you read my entire post? I, for one, have walked some serious talk (despite my otherwise disqualifying maleness). See

I have no use for what I call “Clean Hands Moralism.”

12 09 2008

One thing is clear as I again view the interview… Sarah Palin is the Adm. Stockdale of the 2008 presidential election.

It’s sad that the party which once held up the beacon of Americanism has fallen so far into the cesspool.

12 09 2008

fixedthebroken, that’s troubled me from the start, picking Hillary for a running mate would have sewn up the election right then and there. Between the two of them in the primaries they had the country in their hands, his choosing Biden threw off a lot of Hillary supporters as McCain knew it would and he picked Palin up to try and get those supporters to their side. What I don’t quite understand is what made McCain think that Hillary’s supporters would support Palin whe she disagrees with Hillary on every single issue?

12 09 2008
Kate Henry

I just read that for her next interview, Sarah Barracuda will be on Sean Hannity’s show. Now I bet that’s going to be a real hard hitting interview.

I don’t know what is going on in this country. There are not that many evangelicals out there. There are not that many right wingers out there. So that means that many moderate Republicans and independents are supporting this team. Why in the world would they do that? Do they really believe the lies these two tell? It’s like someone put something in the water to make everyone really dumb.

12 09 2008

@Kate Henry (10:19:42)”

Read my entire blog post on the topic.

Difficult detail glossed over by most people.

12 09 2008

@Kate Henry (10:25:53) :
I just read that for her next interview, Sarah Barracuda will be on Sean Hannity’s show.

He’ll have to bring a box of Kleenex and change of shorts.

12 09 2008
Rebecca in Chicago

I’m not longer calling McCain/Palin the GOP ticket – in my mind they have firmly cemented themselves as the Apocolypse ticket. And we almost have all four of the horsemen – between McCain, Palin and Rove. Can we think of a forth person evil enough to complete the team?

12 09 2008

ohio voter stuff:

1. will they or will they not mail out the absentee voter packets if an unfunded mandate:

2. rejection of mccain campaign’s mailing of voter packets cause of the fear that a box won’t get checked (a bit more compelling than the previous elections ire over the paper thickness not just right) tit for tat may be the theme

see that ought to make alaskans feel better.

for the rest of us: the economy is so “not in trouble” that rural ohio communities may not be able to afford to mail an absentee ballot to their citizens.

12 09 2008

fixtheborken – with all due respect, the choice of Clinton on the ticket would probably remove all chances Obama had of winning the election. There is just so much which is wrong about anything and everything Clinton (same as goes with Bush). She simply is a very bad choice for America. This country has enough baggage without all of hers being aired again and again by the Republicans. Biden allows Obama the opportunity of moving on and he brings actual experience to the table. No more of this Bosnia nonsense that Clinton used in a poorly conceived effort to fluff up her resume.

Enough with Clinton. Biden is the running mate. Let’s move on with that team instead of wasting our time wishing for things that simply are not.

12 09 2008

Cajun Boy in the City has a great blog post on Palin’s interview:
“Have you, as a consumer, ever been subject to a sales pitch by a rookie sales person? You know, you walk onto a car lot, into a mattress store showroom, a copier salesman comes into your office, someone comes into your home to sell you annuities and life insurance, etc., and it appears that the person trying to sell you literally just stepped out of sales training class? Well, that’s what this reminded me of.”

12 09 2008

Online info:
In Iraq, meanwhile, Georgia strongly supported the stabilization efforts from the moment we joined the anti-terrorist coalition in 2003, assigning a Special Forces unit and a medical group to Baqubah. Our contingent steadily grew, reaching the size of a battalion in 2004 and that of a brigade in 2007. Today, Georgia is the second-largest per-capita contributor in Iraq, maintaining a 2,000-strong force.

There is more online from Putin today, angry, because the US flew these troops home. When I was a kid, we had ‘get under the desk for nuclear-nuculer attack drills’. Iran, Pakistan, Russia… where are the diplomats??? Nope, send in sarah barracuda to the rescue, in that one outfit on her action figure, with the long black coat and short skirt… to the rescue.

12 09 2008

the saddest part in all of this:

there are still people out there who will see the interview and say she hit it out of the park.

12 09 2008

@macaro (10:33:10) :
the saddest part in all of this:

there are still people out there who will see the interview and say she hit it out of the park.

“No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”

– Mencken

12 09 2008

Kate Henry: Haven’t you figured it out yet? Sarah Palin is a fairly hot looking woman, the Republicans know from their own bathroom toe tapping and underage page napping that this is a perverted group of people here in the US and they are going after the horndog vote and getting it, I’ve already seen hundreds of comments from men saying they’d vote for her because she’s hot. Really, right now the last thing this country needs is a hot little BimboBush as our VP.

12 09 2008

Proud2BUSA (04:41:40) :

My son is a frosh in college – you may say I am a little scared for him at this point. When we were talking last night as he and his buddies watched the service dialogue from Columbia University, they all concurred that Obama “..really does make sense….he really does know what he’s talking about…”

I asked them if the young women at the university were pro-Caribou Barbie (at this point, I think it is hard for any of us to speak that name). They laughed and in typical fashion: “…only the ones who read People and US to get their news, Mom.” I smiled for a minute or two all smug with knowing my child was engaged, but then I thought:


Hoping this comes through as a quote, as intended. Proud2BUSA….. how true…sighhhhhh….

12 09 2008


When you say: “so he can implement his self authored Presidential Directive (NSPD51) which gives him the right to stay in office if he feels there is a national emergency (like war, terror attacks and the greatest emergency he can imagine, “oh my God! the Democrats won the election”)
NSPD51 and HSPD50 gives both him and Cheney the right to remain in control and to put the country under martial law if the President feels these actions are neccessary in the event of an emergency. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and now potentially, Russia can supply that emergency.”

you really mean he can declare the election invalid and stay in office? (SwinePrincess speaking in a tone of voice only dogs can hear.)

12 09 2008

@from england, re:
“@proud2B 04:18…sooo true. Just this afternoon I was thinking to myself – if this is democracy American style, then “thanks, but no thanks”

We don’t get to choose our leader, we only get to choose our ruling party; the party chooses its leader who then becomes Prime Minister. And for a long time I have admired your political system as truly democratic. Where ordinary people really get to choose their president. And where the candidates have to prove themselves through a rigorous process.

But after 2000…and then 2004…AND now this fiasco?? Again I say, “thanks, but no thanks!””

I absolutely agree with you and Proud2B. This is not about “us” – the future of the planet for all generations is at stake here.

This ticket is revealing daily how dangerous and unstable they will be for everyone; and daily we strive to work to ensure they are not elected.

I’m starting to think that this is the story of America. Forty years ago, 1968. Now, here we are again. Civil Rights, Votes for Women, Native Americans, environment, each and every time we have to take up the struggle to change things. I imagine each country can look back at its history and see times when change called and what it asked of each one of us and who responded, and who did not. We are living through a time like that right now. Laurie, I only wish people here could be half as serious! And depending on the outcome, people will seriously be showing up in Canada, the UK, Oz, NZ….but…what about my family? our kids? we just can’t cut and run. It’s our turn now, like the people who faced the power of the state in Birmingham.

I simply have got to believe that as time goes on the truth will out, and no amount of cliches or cult thinking will be able to hide from anyone, be they “red” or “blue” that the Rep. ticket is a dangerous choice for the world, let alone for our nation.

I can’t ever say enough how I appreciate the posts from all over the world. Just to know that you are listening and are aware that not all of us have “drunk the kool aide” helps.

I’m going to go and mail letters for Amnesty prisoners. Last night, saw a film, The Color of Freedom. About Nelson Mandela’s guard. Change can happen to the unlikeliest of people.

12 09 2008


No one really cares about baggage. Otherwise, McCain would be getting crushed. He has a lot of baggage.

My point is that had Obama picked Clinton, McCain wouldn’t have picked Palin in all likelihood and thus the Republicans would still be in disarray. What is happening now is that the Republicans are actually feeling like they can win this election — before the Republican convention, that feeling wasn’t there.

Anyway, you are right. No use in crying over spilled milk. But I bet this is one decision that Obama may be second guessing had he had a crystal ball and seen what would have happened with a Palin pick.

Again, the underlying problem is within the political process itself, which indeed needs to be fixed.

12 09 2008

Just an idea as I was reading all the comments today:

What if we started a We The People demand an unscripted Q&A petition. Don’t know how to get a petition started. But, maybe if we get enough signatures, send it to MSM & John McCain they just might have to set her free to answer OUR questions.

Just my thought for the day…

Oh BTW The Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News are 2 separate publications:

The Rocky Mountain News

The Denver Post

12 09 2008

Kate Henry

Yep that is the question I want answered too. We all know that an illegal, “kitchen table” abortion can and has meant the death penalty for the woman receiving it simply because she died from hemorrhaging or some other horrible fate… and what will they do with women who drink, smoke, or ride roller coasters? All of which can be dangerous and lead to miscarriage. What of women who just lose the baby? Will they investigate to see if she “did something” that caused the miscarriage? We cannot let this go back to the way it was in my Mother’s day — she btw had an abortion in 1947 on the kitchen table of a midwife. She was a lucky one and lived through it, without
hemorrhaging or infection. But for every one like my mother, how many died?

12 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

Sauerkraut and Fixthebroken, I honestly don’t think Clinton would have accepted the VP if offered. She can accomplish more by staying in the Senate.

12 09 2008


Lost in the previous posts from yesterday, I wrote about my call to our local Reps office who was on the “truth squad” list. In essence, I asked if she took unpaid leave to do this or was our bi-partisan tax dollars (Fed/Property) paying for this partisan boondoggle. I also suggested that it was unwise at the least to leave our area when Ike (at the time) was a Cat4 heading straight for us. How would she answer the question as to why she wasn’t here when her constituency needed her most. I ended it by saying that our bi-partisan home would be remembering this when election time rolled around. I suggest everyone who saw their current Representative’s name on that list call their office and ask the same.

A quick godspeed to all in the path of Ike. While I am grateful it moved its path from Miami I do pray for all and only wish for everyone’s safety.

12 09 2008

Oh, and Kate Henry, my one issue Catholic father-in-law says of the rape/incest victim, “well, they can put the child up for adoption”. sheesh. at that moment my choice was to fly into a total rage and completely alienate him, or just shut up. I shut up.

12 09 2008

Swineprincess, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I wrote a blog on NSPD51 the day after he first released an abridged edition of it, he made the wording vague so that he could reinterpret parts at will to suit himself, but the gist of it is that if he thinks we are in a state of emergency he can nullify the election and remain in office with the heads of every state and every city having to report directly to him and that all police forces would be under his control not the states or cities that they are assigned to.
Later, he released his new Homegrown Terrorist Act (H.R.1955) which gives the government the right to monitor all ingoing and outgoing mail, email, phone calls etc. to determine if we are being involved in terrorist activities, and expanded it into our domestic activities as well. Again he used vague wording, but basically said in the act that anyone who posts or says anything contradictory to the policies of the administration, even just publicly speaking out against his policies could be labeled a terror suspect. (Actually, I am on their watch list myself) There are empty “concentration camps” set up in 19 different locations around the country to hold these “homegrown terrorists” if and when the act is put into action. At this point the implications of the act are being studied by committes appointed by Bush to study and to come up with the proper procedures for implementing the act.

12 09 2008

@swineprincess: yes good ole boy Bush can call Marshall law and declare the election invalid. I have heard this for some time. It is way to scary to even comprehend that this could happen. But, I believe it can. May God help us all..if this is what our country comes to. I am on an unbelievable roller coaster. One moment hopeful, one moment unbelievably scared for my son (18) and his future, my future, this country’s future. Thanks God for this sight or I would be have been in a puddle on the floor. So, again mudflatters & AK…thanks you for the refuge, the knowledge, the inspiration, the humor and a community to keep my sane in this surreal time.

12 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

somebody should ask palin about the euro, dollar hegemony and opec since she seems to think she knows something about opec.

12 09 2008

Hi, all

I’m really pressed for time today, but while I have one minute here, I have an idea.

So many of you post long, EXTREMELY informative posts on very important subjects, but the main rule in advertising is assume you are “Talking to an 8th grader”

Yes, the obvious joke is 8th graders are more informed that Sarah, but here’s my ides.

Boil your favorite, strongest point down to Bullet points. We are trying to sway “Low information voters”, we need to talk like they think.

Reduce your issue to two or three short sentences, to engage your audience.
For instance, I know very little about the natural gas and oil issues in Alaska as the relate to the lower 48. Many of you know a lot about it-boil it down for me and the other 8th graders out there.

Others know much about the voter suppression dirty tricks-boil that down to the “Bullet points”

You all know your favorite, most passionate topic. Do this, and we can make an AWESOME ad idea for Obama campaign!

12 09 2008

I knew it iwas hightime for Sarah to take global warming seriously. If you are Alaskan, your land probably got detached due to global warming, and drifted to Russia. Please check what language people speak around you. The good news is you ARE in Russia, your competency just trebled for a variety of posts in Sarah’s cabinet. Hopefully it is just a passing nightmare though and we all wake up without hangover.

I hazard to say if she does go on to give unscripted conferences it could become a cult event like the “Rocky Horror Picture Show”. We will need to stock up with beer/spirits as well as airline bags for the event.

The whole thing gave me a great McPalin idea for grassroot “change”: Leveraging the nation’s experience is critical. I move everyone who has ever seen the Russian State Ballet should be promoted to major/governor across the land. Any seconds?

12 09 2008

Arn- “…he released his new Homegrown Terrorist Act (H.R.1955-”

Scariest shit of all!

PLEASE spread the word!

12 09 2008

Bobby G.
I read the majority of your it. Very well written and lot’s of information. Personally, I take it on Faith, that life begins at conception, just like I take it on Faith that there is a God.

However, I am not a “one issue” voter. I’ve made a decision based on all of the issues, the state of our country, and the state of the world. I look for character, morals, integrity, and trust worthiness in the canidate. My choice is Obama/Biden.

12 09 2008

Arn & galwhohashadenough

now I really feel sick.

Arn, I did click over to your blog but haven’t had time to read it. I assume you still have the piece you wrote on the blog?

I have been joking (well, whistling-past-the-graveyard joking) that we’ll all end up on enemies lists if the McPalin ticket is elected. guess we’ll all be in GitMo or some place like it if we don’t leave. Guess the flow of illegal immigrants will be going the other way come that dark day.

12 09 2008

Hey to all you fellow Californians
On Wednesday at Disney Land, there is a conference
for ” Mentors “.
Hubby designed the brochure and
all and all the posters and all the little goodies they will be giving away.
The name of the conference : ” Workshop” National Mentoring Summit.

It is for mentors of children all across America.
If any of you beautiful Cali people happen to go there or if any of you other beautiful people are Children’s Advocates or Mentors from any other of lovely United States….what you will see was all designed my wonderful hubby!

12 09 2008
From England

@jj…as was pointed out when this fiasco first started…”somewhere in Alaska, a village is missing its idiot”.
Never stops cracking me up

12 09 2008

oops forgot to put the registration site in last post
Just in case anyone is interested.
Thought after last nights Forum about Service, those of yu close enough might be interested.

12 09 2008

Swineprincess, you wont find them on the site my name links to, I wrote them before I had a wordpress account, they are on my MySpace blog. The one on Homegrown terrorists is here and the one on the presidential directive is here Read them when you have plenty of time, I included the comeplete text of both acts in the posts. The wording and implications is scary in both of them.

12 09 2008
Presbyterian Gal

She said “nucular”. More than once.

And she’s really good at not answering questions. Nice touch when she gets combative at a question she knows nothing about.

Thought poor “Charrrlie” was gonna spew there a couple times.

12 09 2008
Jan Arnold

Comment to Proud2BUSA — on the very early comment line about How many are getting news from People or US (sorry, I am just now catching up on the blog)
Thank Goodness – not as many, thank goodness, as get their news from Colbert, Stewart or Mahr!!!

12 09 2008


I think we should have a “We the People Demand” that Sarah release the 1100e-mails that she is withholding from Troopergate, and that she cooperates fully as she promised. This Troopergate thing needs to get resolved thoroughly and expeditiously. We the People Demand Answers Now!

12 09 2008


Plenty of time and a half gallon of red — or something more mellowing… no doubt

thanks for the links… i think… is this gonna scare me more than The Exorcist? I slept for weeks with the light on…

12 09 2008

New vid from Brave New Films on McCain lies:

Profile of a Sociopath:

• Glibness and Superficial Charm

• Manipulative and Conning: They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

• Grandiose Sense of Self: Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”

• Pathological Lying: Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.


12 09 2008

MJC like I said on another thread… reminds me of my old Political Science teacher in college:

Who shall Judge?

The PEOPLE shall Judge.

I just hope we are allowed to judge…
and vote… and inaugurate Obama.

12 09 2008
kem,0,3164494.story “A report Friday from the Mortgage Bankers Association depicted a deepening deterioration in borrowers’ ability to make their monthly mortgage payments. As of June 30, more than 2 million home mortgages were either in foreclosure or 90 days past due — 4.5 percent of the total.

You lose the right to vote in Macomb County Michigan at least if under foreclosure.

Bobby G, I heard this yesterday and it is on a number of ‘news’ sites so I think it is true. We need to be vigilant. is one place to go for info. We are getting some attention from intl groups on our voting problems…

12 09 2008

I tried to watch. Really, I did try.

12 09 2008

Swineprincess, I don’t know what to say, if Linda Blair scared you spitting out pea soup this just might put you in a coma, 😉
By the way, that half gallon of red wouldn’t bve your husband Red Palin would it 😀

12 09 2008

GiGi (06:12:52) :

Can it get any worse?
Yes. I just read that Palin’s next interview is going to be with (cough, hack) Sean Hannity. Which means the McCain campaign has no intention of presenting or introducing their VP in a transparent, realistic or honest manner.

They are going to stretch out these interviews with the most biased, supportive interviewers… under highly scripted, controlled (and/or favorable) conditions – only.

Why? Not because they want to polish the campaign’s winning strategy, but because they know as clearly as the rest of us that she’d implode under any other situation.

Unfortunately, people are fully willing to accept and support what they’re doing, even in the face of obvious obstruction.

So, yes, it can get much worse. One can only hope it doesn’t become fatally so on Nov. 4.

12 09 2008

OK, now my eyes are rolling. Gibson tried to trick her? By asking a basic foreign policy question, e.g., do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

Please. Wait till Putin tries to trick her. He was KGB–oh, wait, Sarah knows Russia. She can see it from one of her islands….

12 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

I’ve spent the 7 years since Sept. 11, 2001, determined not to give in to fear because that would mean the terrorists won. But I’ll admit it. I’M SCARED! I’m even more scared of the thought of Palin having access to the nuclear codes than I am of McCain having them. He might go postal and do it, but she’d do it calmly and think she was doing God’s will! I haven’t been this scared since some of my friends’s parents were building underground bomb shelters in their backyards!

Mudflats has been my source of hope and sanity in what has seemed like a parallel universe. You people are sane, caring, intelligent. After reading about “the interview”, I’m not sure Canada is safe. I’m not sure anywhere on Planet Earth is safe from these people. And what REALLY terrifies me is that people can listen to her and still think she’s even remotely qualified! Hell, I’m more qualified than she is. I wouldn’t have to think about it if someone asked me to be their running mate. I’d answer in a heartbeat, too. But my answer would be, “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m flattered that you would consider me, but I’m not qualified.”

12 09 2008


You are very brave to go read those documents. I can not. I already have so much scary knowledge in my brain I don’t think I can read any more frightful things.


I agree totally! Isn’t that what this country is about…”WE THE PEOPLE” How did this get so lost in the politics of today? all keep me sane. I will be here daily for my sanity check. There is no other place that is keeping me grounded right now. Keep up the fight! VOTE DONATE VOLUNTEER

12 09 2008

Lizzie, Wow. You nailed it. George Bush also fits that profile. I wish the normal Republicans would get interested in taking the party back from the sociopath wing. It’s hard to have a democracy when one of the parties has been taken over by people who fit the sociopath descriptor.

12 09 2008


yagotme! 🙂

12 09 2008

swineprincess said:

“btw anybody see Whoopie ask Johnny if she had to worry about going back to being a slave on The View? Johnny said he wanted to appoint people who interpreted the constitution strictly… she was just checking as to HOW strict that interpretation would be.”

I love Whoopi. I posted the same thought a few days ago. If McCain is going to appoint strict constructionist, women will be silenced, except for when they have their “mammy” help them birth their babies. Aaaah, the good old days.

Harley, thanks for the link to InShannity’s show. I love that the guest countered him on every single point and accused him of using RNC talking points. Can’t accuse that guy of inaccuracy.

12 09 2008

yep, I did, She nailed him good.
He was flustered on that show by all the ladies….except one of course

12 09 2008

Palin knew about the billing the victims for rape kits.

12 09 2008
12 09 2008

OK, with that Republican logic, a Gibraltar Barbary Macaque (monkey) could be VP/Pres because they could see Africa from their island. A homeless person living in San Diego could be VP/Pres because they could see Mexico from where they are. I’d say they went “full retard”–to quote a film in the theaters with that one–but that would be insulting to the people with Downs….

Also, I don’t believe Trig is her son–if she’s breastfeeding, that kid is gonna starve to death. I am female and know what a post-pregnant chest would look like. Her story was preposterous that she went to work 3 days afterward when it takes 9 months to get the hormones up to a baby and 3 days for them to come down to pre-pregnancy levels.

She threw her family under the bus when she didn’t blink to accept the nomination, and McCain threw the country and the world under the bus when he caved and chose her as his running mate.

I am going to do phone banking on Sunday to the same states that the Letters to the editor on the earlier post suggested we write letters, &
I signed the petition against Sarah Palin:

Thank you for this blog and congratulations on the recognition by the press, including the ADN and McClatchy! Keep going Mudflatters!

12 09 2008
A Brit abroad

OMG – I just watched the Hannity clip… that was appalling. And he’s going to be the next person to be allowed to interview Palin???

I admit, I am sheltered from Fox news here in Europe, but… argh, no, I’m speechless.

12 09 2008

I should add that my parents, lifelong Republicans who think are not voting for this ticket. They are voting for OBAMA/BIDEN. They didn’t vote for Shrub (little Bush). I think Obama is more like me than Sarah Palin, and I am a female, fer cryin’ out loud! I’m 41 days older than she is and have more in common with Obama than with her.

12 09 2008

@Lulu and @ Lizzie:

Palin is exhibiting signs of Bi-Polar Disorder. I know; I’m bi-polar. It’s often diagnosed later on in life in most people. I was 44 was I was diagnosed, and Sarah Palin is…44.

Here’s some more information from

In the manic phase of bipolar disorder, feelings of heightened energy, creativity, and euphoria are common. People experiencing a manic episode often talk a mile a minute, sleep very little, and are hyperactive. They may also feel like they’re all-powerful, invincible, or destined for greatness.

But while mania feels good at first, it has a tendency to spiral out of control. People often behave recklessly during a manic episode­—gambling away savings, engaging in inappropriate sexual activity, or making foolish business investments, for example. They may also become angry, irritable, and aggressive, picking fights, lashing out when others don’t go along with their plans, and blaming anyone who criticizes their behavior.

Common signs and symptoms of mania include:

* Feeling unusually “high” and optimistic OR extremely irritable
* Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs about one’s abilities or powers
* Sleeping very little, but feeling extremely energetic
* Talking so rapidly that others can’t keep up
* Racing thoughts; jumping quickly from one idea to the next
* Highly distractible, unable to concentrate
* Impaired judgment and impulsiveness
* Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences
* Delusions and hallucinations (in severe cases)

Note the second, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, and ninth bullet points. This is the “mania” phase of Manic Depression. You don’t even want to look at the Severe Depression side of the equation (but can on a link below). Oh, and to make matters worse, you shift between the two, sometimes in the span of a few minutes.

It is treatable, and normalcy can be maintained with medication; but you are still subject to the phases of behavior, just not as severely and not as often. In my case, bi-polar disorder coupled with PTSD does not make for a very nice combo; as a result I’m disabled. My daughter is under strict instructions to remind me every day to take my medication for both my conditions, and will lead me immediately to the medicine cabinet if I did not. Recently someone in my town killed his mother because he was bi-polar and stopped taking his medication because “it made him sleepy”, which certain medications will do to you.

I cannot own a gun in any state in the Union because of my disabilities. So, we would have a senile, old man with untreated PTSD as Pres AND (if what I fear is the case) a bi-polar VP in charge of a vast military AND a nuclear arsenal.

Now THAT is scary.

Full link from which my data was excerpted:

12 09 2008
Jan Arnold

Frankly, I thought her first interview would be with fox news – I was so surprised anyone else got a crack at her. I’ll bet thatfox is the only place she will appear from this point forward –
Also, if McCain wins, he’d better have a food tester, because Palin already has her sights set on his job!

12 09 2008

Picked up my kids at school today, and I was talking to one parent. His daughter is in the same class as my daughter, but has certain classes she takes on her own because she’s intellectually gifted. Both her parents are very intelligent…or so I thought.

I made a joke about Palin; something to the effect of “Gotta love a VP candidate who can see Russia and get a good view when she’s nuking them”.

His response: “We should all just mind our business and stay away from that sort of stuff.”

My response: “That is precisely the reason why we are in the trouble we are in…because people don’t get involved.”

So for right now…he’s doing just fine because nothing is happening to his family YET. The complete idiocy of some people scares me…and I’M supposed to be the crazy one! LOL! 😀

12 09 2008

“It is totally irresponsible to appoint Palin for VP. There is no way she can see Russia on cloudy days. This itself poses serious gap in national security for the best part of the year.”

Love you guys

12 09 2008
Jan Arnold

arkangel3 – a friend has been fwd’ing interesting fighting points against the republican ticket or facts on issues we all support and just sent one around – and BAM! we all got a very indignant response from someone she had fwd’ed to that all this anti Palen talk was SO offensive and that she would never dishonor her grandfather who had fought in a war by being ANYTHING other than a staunch (or shall we say Raunch(y)) republican and to remove her from any future emails.
I felt like emailing the individual and telling her that she was someone who obviously NEEDED to read this stuff……….

12 09 2008

@mvngfwd (10:52:44) :

I did read your post yesterday. Good points. If the Republican Party CAN really go down this time, a lot of impaired dunces are going to go with it. Down. Down. Down. I petition the Universe that the youth vote comes in huge. I hope that generation understands what is at stake for their futures. Of all the links, THIS is the one that really tells the truth of this election as we all here know:

We have to start to get some diplomatic traction in the world. NOW!

12 09 2008

@Jan Arnold

The same thing happened with a friend of mine who I know for 30 years; we’re very good friends and college buddies. He’s a staunch Neocon; he *completely* took offense to something I wrote on my Blog and the flames that were shooting out of Inbox needed a fire extinguisher. I also sent him a rather harshly worded e-mail a few weeks ago when I got his Republican talking points falsehoods about Obama.

I’m afraid this election is even more incendiary than the 2000 election, and unfortunately I lost a few friends because of ideological differences. Looks like that might happen this time around as well.

The funny thing is, it’s the right-wingers who cut off the ties and friendships (at least based on my own and other friends’ experience), not the other way around.

I guess the Truth hurts, huh?

12 09 2008

Jan Arnold (12:04:05) :

Frankly, I thought her first interview would be with fox news – I was so surprised anyone else got a crack at her. I’ll bet thatfox is the only place she will appear from this point forward –
Also, if McCain wins, he’d better have a food tester, because Palin already has her sights set on his job!
Sorry! But I am going to keep posting this once on every thread until one of my Mud Brothers of Mud Sisters makes me stop!

Yep. That film scared the living s**t out of us guys. Yep. I will admit it.

But has GrandPa Johnny seen it? Did he get the message and then expand it onto other levels of insight as in governing the United States of America with 300 million people?


12 09 2008
Worried about my vote

In 1994, I had a Class B felony conviction in Texas. I received “adjudicated Probation” which mean an acrual conviction was placed on hold pending successful completion of a 4 year probationary period. I did NOT lose the right to vote and have voted continually since that time, as a Democrat. The probationary period was successfully completed and I received a letter of exoneration from the DA’s office. I recently received a letter from Voter Registration in my County saying that because I was convicted of a felony, I was ineligible to vote. I wrote back and explained the circumstnces of the “adjudicated Probation” and have heard nothing since. Does anyone know if there is way to check my voter status? I tried the link you had to the Obama registration site several times and could not get past the first page and the 2nd time, it would not even connect. Maybe it is getting hit too many times. Sure would like some help. Thanks. Love this site, despite my murky past! Found it on 8/29/08 and have read every word since then!

12 09 2008

Dear worried about my vote:
Doesn’t she have a felony for fishing incorrectly? didn’t her husband also?
didn’t Track get in trouble for vandalizing a bus brakes? should they be able to vote?

12 09 2008

And yes. I guess I’ll just keep having to post this one too, until this nightmare is over.

Of course, as I am sure everyone here knows, the screenwriters Jack Finney, Daniel Mainwaring, and Richard Collins wrote it as a not too subtle commentary on McCarthyism in 1956.

I guess some things are always there just under the surface in the retro lizard brain parts of the low information citizens in these here United States. Seems like a handy time to go back to the film archives of the nation.

12 09 2008

Please someone tell “Worried about my vote” what to do.

12 09 2008
Worried about my vote

Dear NSWFM: Thanks for your response but I am worried about being disenfranchised and how to find out if that has happened! I realize that others have screwed up but, being somewhat narcisistic (sp?) I am worried about me…me….me!!!!! Boy, do I want to vote in this one!

12 09 2008

What is Palin’s favorite rock’n’roll band?


12 09 2008

Sarah Palin– a neocon with a hair clip. Great.

12 09 2008

Judi — Yes, I know what “intrigued” means, that’s why i chose it for my screename. (That would be definition no. 4.)

So, now the not-so-thinly-veiled attempted disparagement of my character begins just because I’m not supporting Obama?! How “diverse” of you.

12 09 2008

P.S. How “tolerant” of you as well.

12 09 2008

Worried about my vote,

Call the voter registration office. You should be able to speak with someone there who will clarify this. If the rules/laws are as you state they are (and I’m not suggesting they aren’t) then this *should* be a matter that can be handled easily.

Offer to fax over the letter of exoneration, if you still have it.

If you’re not getting the response you want, is there an Obama headquarters in your area? Call them.

Call anyone you can think of and demand your legal right to vote!

12 09 2008

@ Intrigued:
Obama is still strongly PRO-NAU and will grant AMNESTY (we can play the semantics game and call it “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”) to illegal aliens, just like McCain. So he will never get my vote.

As a Native American/ Mexican American I would like to point out the boarders you are protesting being crossed, were placed there by Native Born American’s of European Decent. A lot of the land was stolen and what wasn’t stolen, was bamboozled or purchased questionably.

My intent isn’t to start an argument here. But the boarders you are upset about are mostly on stolen land. What if MY ancestors who were here when it was Turtle Island had a homeland security then? What if my ancestors told you and your little anchor babies to go home right then and there?

The fact is, you have to live with us. We are here. Some of us were born here, some of us came illegally. I was born here. My mother is a black market war time Illeagl adoption. She was PURCHASED to work the farm fields of Prossor, Washington. We are called Lost Birds. If you are concerned about the boarders, then maybe you could go join the minute men, or better yet, STOP THE FUCKING CORPORATIONS FROM TRUCKING THEM IN BY THE BUS LOAD TO GO WORK FOR THE LIKES OF WAL*MART.

There are laws in place, but we seem to be too busy killing other brown people to enforce them. Maybe if the work we cart Illegals in for wasn’t beneath us…we wouldn’t be having this problem.

So why don’t you ask Obama what he plans to do, close the boarders, build a fence and shoot them down so YOU can sleep at night, or will he go after the damn corporations thumbing their nose for cheap factory/farming/shit work and start enforcing LAWS WE HAVE ON THE BOOKS!?

It’s like the oil companies who have the permits to drill but then SIT on them just so they can make a better freaking buck at OUR expense. Give me a break.

Fear, fear, fear. I’m SO tired of people thinking we are superior just because we stole land, errrr live here.

Crap, there went my “I’m not posting from work today” statement.

12 09 2008
Susan in Atl

whabs said: “go after the damn corporations thumbing their nose for cheap factory/farming/shit work and start enforcing LAWS WE HAVE ON THE BOOKS!?”

I agree with that completely.

Between McCain and Obama, which do you think would more likely put the focus on holding the employers who hire illegals?

Seems an easy answer to me.

12 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Worried about my vote:

“Does anyone know if there is way to check my voter status?”
Yes, I do. It may be different for your state but in Georgia, all you have to do is go to the county’s website, and look around for somewhere to put in your information.

Google “voter registration” and your city name. You may have to dig around a bit.

In Georgia, we have a link that says “find polling place” and I entered my name, etc. My registration status came up as well as my polling place.

If you’re not registered, I would go down to your county’s voter registration place….in person.

12 09 2008

Lizzie, I’ve been on most of these recent Palin threads, and I think it was I who first introduced the subject of the NAU into the discussion. So, yes, I have most likely read it.

Your opinion about a “wasted vote” is yours. Mine differs. I have a conscience that I will have to live with, and there is no way I could be manipulated into “strategic voting” for one of the two-party clowns. You see, unlike most Americans, I have studied the Hegelian dialectic.

So I suggest that we agree to disagree, since it is obvious that neither of us will change the other’s mind. However, I would strongly encourage you (and everyone reading) to Google the Hegelian dialectic if you are unfamiliar with it.

12 09 2008

Want a great blog?

Then come to

12 09 2008

I am playing it safe-

write in Emiliano Zapata.

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character, so I figure a past Mexican General would work.

But I am still considering Poncho Villa also.

12 09 2008

In Doctor Who, you couldn’t blink or the statues would kill you. His exact words. ‘Don’t blink.’ Sarah Palin is basing everything on Doctor Who’s (the time lord) advice. 🙂

12 09 2008

Laurie — Since you cited no specifics I am unsure which post/thread(s) you are referring to. However, I am the one who broached the subject of the NAU on numerous “Palin” threads, so I probably have seen whatever discussion are you talking about. The NAU is one of my burning issues (most of my spare time in 2006 was spent discussing it on TV and radio). SInce Obama is 100% for it and I am 100% against it, then ne’er the twain shall meet.

As for “a wasted vote,” that is your opinion. Mine differs. Come November, I will cast my vote for the ticket which I believe (and thankfully I am a very informed voter overall) is the most qualified, generally holds positions I agree with, and has integrity. Having watched Obama feign ignorance on the NAU after he had authored an op-ed piece promoting it, I have concluded that he is not honest. Neither is Palin, and neither is McCain. Not sure about Biden, however Biden voted for the Patriot Act, which I strongly object to, and is also a member of the CFR, which, as stated previously, is pro NAU. So research on Obama and McCain stopped early on since I had already ruled them out. My research on Palin has been done both to qwell my curiosity and counter the “rah rah go Palin” noise coming from Republicans.

Nobody else will have to live with my conscience after making my decision, only moi. I have never and will never “stategic voting,” which is a bunch of crap. If all of the people voted for whom they really wanted in office rather than voting to keep another out (i.e. “lesser of two evils”), this country would be a much better place. But the sheeple have been brainwashed to do it, and my objections on this blog won’t change that. The two-party system is the ultimate manifestation of the Hegalian Dialectic, and I refuse to be manipulated in such a manner.

Since neither of us will sway the other, I suggest that we agree to disagree. Meanwhile I suggest that everyone reading this Google the Hegelian Dialectic, which is the mechanism that Powers That Be use to control us.

12 09 2008


What happened BEFORE those laws went on the books is a moot point. The fact is, they ARE on the books. That is the system we have in place now. PERIOD. And you are right, they need to be enforced. I am all for enforcement, which includes throwing employers (the top, not the lower-level managers) in jail. I do my part by contributing to the Minutemen and other border security groups and trying to buy products that are Made in America whenever possible. (BTW, I am part Cherokee with a little Sioux and a double dose of Blackfoot thrown in. And I know my people’s history. )

As for Obama, I am not going to ask him squat. He is a CFR member, pro amnesty, and pro NAU so doesn’t get my vote. That is all that I need to know.

12 09 2008
Keeping the pig picture in sight | DogWalkBlog

[…] to sniping at the McCain/Palin camp. We have been ever-so-slightly guilty of that as well, but the recent ABC interview has taken some of the edge off. We just have to keep her talking and the plan will […]

12 09 2008
Swiftboat Politics

oh c’mon, let get on the straight talk express, try me!

12 09 2008

@ intrigued

What happened BEFORE those laws went on the books is a moot point. The fact is, they ARE on the books. That is the system we have in place now. PERIOD.

One could say the same about The Patriot Act too.

One could say the same about Rendition.

One could say the same about MANY things Bush enacted that no matter HOW ILLEGAL and HOW WRONG, are now law.

12 09 2008
John McCunt

The presidency is in the bag.
You can do whatever you like.
I’ve already won with Sarah.


12 09 2008

I am better traveled, better educated and speak more languages than Sara and even I know running for a position such as this ought to take thoughtful consideration! If Sara does not blink for this….what else does she not blink before doing and who might that leave out in the cold? It is insulting that John McCain cares more about winning than he does about championing women’s rights! I recognize the fact that McCain is a survivor of war but he along with Palin seem to think that an overtly aggressive stance in this world is the way to approach the many challenges we face with our neighbors whether foreign or domestic! I challenge them both to consider if they are so pro-life and so pro-women’s rights and so pro-change to reflect on the real heroes of war……Shirley Peck Barnes who authored “The War Cradle”(2000) tells us : “The lessons of Vietnam go unheeded. It is still with us, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Middle East, Ireland… there is no ‘war cradle’ … no protective environment for the children. We are often tangled in “causes and reasons” for war and the incidents that perpetuate it. But, if we were to place emphasis on WHAT war does to children, I think the diplomats might make a greater effort to take their arguments to the peace table, rather than the battlefield.
I wonder where and if this would fit into Sara’s “Grand Plan”?!

13 09 2008

I was hoping Charlie Gibson would ask about Sarah’s position on abstinence education in Alaska schools. Of course, we all know Bristol adopted a …um… different position (I wonder if Levi was…um… behind her on that?)

13 09 2008

What a relief to find people here who are smart enough to see through the “Caribou Barbie” (GREAT name I read used here) scam. This woman is every thinking American’s nightmare. As if McCain himself wasn’t scary enough!

I would love for you intelligent folks to go to Curt Schilling’s blog and add to the comments there. Schilling was, you may know, a very popular Red Sox pitcher who stumped for Bush in 04.

He has his own blog and influence over many who practically worship him. You’ll never change Curt’s millionaire buddy support for McCain, but your comments disputing his reasoning may influence those who read his blog.

Check it out and add your excellent brand of reasoning:

13 09 2008

Aldous Huxley said: The only hisotry lesson, is that nobody ever learns history lessons. Apparently Americans voters havent learned their lesson. Remember 4 years ago, Bush Vs Kerry… Well both were skull and bones, so whoever won, it was the same.

As for those elections, same thing is happening whoever wins, democrats or republicans the same “Grand Plan for This World” is going to be acheived, no matter what.

The final candidate are far from representing what americans want nowadays. So do yourself a favor and vote for 3rd parties such as Nader or Ron Paul…

If you want more info please check my Blog at:

God Bless you All

13 09 2008

seriously think that the education has failed America. We should not be worried about the facts but we are. Face it, America is becoming dumber and dumber.

13 09 2008

@ steadycat (16:48:07) : “In Doctor Who, you couldn’t blink or the statues would kill you. His exact words. ‘Don’t blink.’ Sarah Palin is basing everything on Doctor Who’s (the time lord) advice. :-)”

haha!! as a Brit, I thought about making exactly the same reference somewhere online… but figured it might be too obscure for most people. 🙂

13 09 2008

While watching the interview, I saw something fascinating. Sarah’s glasses have no prescription in the lenses. They are totally fake. There’s none of the distortion one would see with real glasses. Oh well, just another part of the phony picture.

13 09 2008

View TOP BLOGS today

13 09 2008

She should be exposed for what she is: The Welfare Queen of Alaska

13 09 2008
King Baeksu

John McCain’s top national security advisor is Randy Scheunemann, who was also a lobbyist for Georgia until he was forced to sever ties earlier this year due to a “conflict of interest.”

He is also listed as a “Project Director” for the Project for the New American Century, a high-profile neocon think tank:

Remember the neocons? They are the folks who helped formulate the infamous Bush Doctrine which has now sent even Gov. Palin’s eldest son directly into harm’s way.

You can be sure that Randy Scheunemann helped prep and coach Palin for her ABC interview, hence the ultrahawkish neocon line she held on Iran, Russia, Georgia, Israel and “Islamic terrorists.”

AKMuckraker, we hope that you can inform your readers up there in Alaska that the governor of your state has been highjacked by the war-crazy neocons.

Given Alaska’s well-known proximity to Russia, I wonder how the citizens of your great state feel about having their governor suddenly spewing such provocative and belligerent rhetoric towards the mighty Russian bear?

For someone who promises to bring “change” to Washington, she sure is dancing to the neocon tune pretty well and pretty soon, and it sure is scary.

–KB, Seoul, ROK

14 09 2008

Does anybody ever ask whether ‘don’t blink’ would have been a desirable mantra for Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis? God help us.

14 09 2008

An intelligent person knows what they don’t know. We don’t need more buffoonery.

14 09 2008

Everyone has focused on Palin’s response to the Bush doctrine, but did anyone pay close attention as to why she answered Gibson’s question on Russia so dimwittedly? The serious mistake this woman made on that particular question, besides all the other’s should raise eyebrows and give serious consideration as to how people with her IQ land jobs in high places. Pure luck? Association? Large population of Lizard Brains? Whatever the cause, the Republicans have disrespected our founding fathers by making a mockery of the two highest seats in the nation.

On Russia:

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

Gibson then gives her a second chance to dig herself of ice fishing hole:

GIBSON: What insight does that give you into what they’re doing in Georgia?

One of the girls caught this major mistake from Sarah Palin and said:

She thought he was saying “in sight” not “insight”. LOL!

14 09 2008

Rift Valley : Sarah really did not fire the chef, she actually changed the job title and this person is still cooking for the Palin children, since Sarah never has time to do the trivial things that go along with being a wife and mother.

Sarah Palin wolf killer and enemy of wildlife in Alaska. This is one cold person and it nothing to do with living in a cold environment.

Let’s hope it is not God’s plan for continual war, the whole planet will be doomed until another term of Republican mismanagement.


Cambodia is to Pakistan as Laos is to Vietnam.

14 09 2008

Obama is doing much better than the poll numbers show. Remember that polls are land line phones, and most of the college age kids have cell phones, and are not allowed by law to be polled on their land line phones. If their participation in the primary leaves little doubt that they will vote in the election, it looks really really good for us! Keep positive people, we are going to win this! I am a former Hillary supporter who is now for Obama. I gave him money. I have been to a rally…we ALL know what is at stake here, and McSame McBush and Palin aren’t fooling anyone who wouldn’t have voted for them anyway! Every day that goes by more independents learn how McSame and Palin REALLY are on choice among other things, the more people come on board with us. Look how much money Obama has been getting lately, Palin is good for something when it comes to us! Obama Biden 08!!

14 09 2008

omg, she said nuk-u-lar.

15 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Hey what’s a pro-life peace loving granny to do after she can’t sleep after reading that she is a “baby-killing maggot” (discussion on another thread) and then has flashback images of pictures in her mind of all the ethinic cleansing baby killers as well as rape and pliage warriors through out history, but especially now in countries all over the globe?

Trying to chill out, I stated thinking about Palin and if she was ready for the most important 2 in command job in the world and what she told McCain when he called to ask her to be his running mate.

“PALIN: I didn’t hesitate, no.

GIBSON: Didn’t that take some hubris?

PALIN: I — I answered him yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can’t blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we’re on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can’t blink.”

I’ve watched that clip many times as it’s been all over the news and now all over the web and noticed that she blinked so many times while delivering those lines that it just looked like she didn’t believe a word she was saying, even though she was delivering a pretty good party line.

Ok, so I’m going to drink some warm milk and head back to bed.

you can even blink, but have

15 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

make that a Pro-Choice peace…oh, no I can’t go there again….I’m going back to bed…still blinking

16 09 2008

I can see the Moon from my backyard but that doesn’ t make me an astronaut!

So who cares if Sarah Palin can see Russia from Alaska, on a clear day. She still doesn’t know beans about world beyond her own backyard.

16 09 2008
little diomede

[…] Sarah Palin is capable of negotiating with Putin and Sakashvili to peacefully settle South Ossetia? “RE: 15. From the same blog, this is CHOICE….” at General Discussion: Primaries Forum…the […]

18 09 2008
I am an Angry White Woman « The SwinePrincess’ Weblog

[…] issues and has a plan.  I don’t want someone who thinks that because, on a clear day, on a tiny spit of land, in the middle of the ocean, property that belongs to the US can see property in Russia to be in […]

8 10 2008
11 10 2008
big at school

[…] miles. On a clear day you can see big Diomede from Little Diomede. Therefore Sarah Palin is ca director: School needs new stadium (The Indiana Gazette)SPRING CHURCH – To talk to […]

20 10 2008

It was Gibson who was too ignorant to know that there are at least 4 incarnations of the Bush Doctrine. The version Gibson used was not even the current one.