Palin Leaves Campaign Trail. Flees North.

4 09 2008

Well this is interesting. Chuck Todd dropped a little bombshell this afternoon.

CHUCK TODD:Well Ron, We’ve been able to see that there are a few folks who are saying [Palin is] actually going to hole up in Alaska for a little, she’s got to see her son off who’s going to be deployed to Iraq, so we may not see her on the campaign trail for a little while.

RON ALLEN: Yes she hasn’t been home for a long time, and she’s obviously got some business to deal with there.

Hole up in Alaska? I was thinking to myself after her polished but snarky performance at the Republican National Convention, “I wonder who will get the first interview?” Because obviously, questions need to happen. Nobody even knows who she is. She read one prepared statement twice in a row, and then gave a speech written by Bush’s speechwriter. Unless you’re on the internet searching compulsively for YouTube videos of obscure Palin moments in churches and assembly meetings, or diving head first in to the blogosphere, you haven’t got a clue.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand the desire to see your child off as he heads to Iraq. So do thousands of other parents who are shipping children off to Iraq. I mean, I hate to be rude, but don’t you have anything else you need to be doing?? You will potentially be one heartbeat away from being commander in chief of the armed forces. Shouldn’t you be out there telling people why you think you can do that job, and earning the trust of the nation that is turning over their own sons and daughters to fight this war? Can’t the hug good-bye happen now??

There are 60 days left before the election. Track ships out on September 11th. That’s one week from now. That’s more than 10% of the available time left, that she’ll be on hiatus “holed up” in Alaska, dealing with “things”. So what’s the real story?

First, and most obviously, fleeing from the media probably sounds pretty good right about now.

Second, remember when Palin told the Alaska State Legislature through her new attorney Thomas Van Flein that she wouldn’t be around to testify because she’d be too busy? And remember when Van Flein said that she shouldn’t even be investigated by the Legislature at all, but rather by a 3-person panel which she herself appointed? And remember when she filed ethics charges against herself to force this plan to happen?

Well…TPM Muckraker talked to former Alaska Attorney General John Havelock (I know him! Good guy.) who said basically that the Legislature can investigate whatever it likes. Van Flein knows this, undoubtedly, but is trying to stall things so the ruling comes after the election on November 4, instead of on the planned date of October 31st. In addition, Frank Bailey (the guy in Palin’s administration who was tape recorded by the Troopers applying pressure to axe the governor’s ex brother-in-law, Mike Wooten) has now refused to testify. So, he will have to be subpoenaed. And now that the governor is back in this neck of the woods, does that mean she will testify? Or will she refuse too, and need to be subpoenaed?

In addition, there are new developments just breaking that the Police Officers Union of Alaska has filed an ethics complaint on behalf of…you guessed it…Trooper Mike Wooten. NBC News says:

The complaint alleges that the governor or her staff may have have improperly disclosed information from Wooten’s personnel records. The complaint alleges “criminal penalties may apply.”

This all has to do with the aforementioned phone call. Bailey, while being recorded talking to Trooper Rodney Dial, dished all kinds of personal information about Wooten – shooting the moose, driving under the influence, etc. Wooten says the only way he could have known this is by accessing his personnel file improperly.

Palin…er…The McCain Palin campaign says that there was nothing illegal here because Wooten had signed a waiver allowing a divorce attorney to look through his records. So the info went down the line from file, to divorce attorney, to Molly McCann (Palin’s sister), to Todd Palin, to Frank Bailey, to Trooper Dial, and then back to Mike Wooten….who is now filing a complaint. And Bailey does say that Todd Palin was the source of the damaging information on Wooten that he passed along. And Sarah Palin knew NOTHING about this. That’s her story and she’s stickin’ with it. Hmph.

So, there you have it. Is it legal? We’ll find out. Criminal penalties may apply.

(And McCain knew all about this, right?)

Now that you’ve slogged through all that, sit back and enjoy this excellent summary of Troopergate (minus the new developments) from ABC News. Hat tip to Gryphen at The Immoral Minority, one of my favorite local blogs, for finding the clip.

UPDATE: Palin and McCain were at a rally in Cedarburg, WI today. No sign of her here yet. I’ll update when I know more.



520 responses

4 09 2008

I think she is preparing for the October debate. 🙂

Too bad we’ll have just one VP debate; I mean, we need meat too …

4 09 2008
Leila Abu-Saba

I posted the information on the cuts to the special education budget in my blog – basically reposted what was printed here in comments, after checking the links. It had been on Daily Kos but with broken links.

My hit count went crazy and two commenters have piped up arguing that the facts are all wrong and I’m smearing Gov. Palin. Seems like a coordinated Republican campaign. GOd knows why they’re after my puny blog with its 250 hits a day.

The argument is that the cuts were first enacted in December 2006, before she became governor, so they aren’t her fault. Anybody in Alaska want to discuss this? The special education cuts have not been added to the Daily Kos list of icky stuff about Palin’s record.

5 09 2008

This bitch (Sarah) just keeps getting worse.


5 09 2008

my only memory is her bouncing around the state in a super cub holding a finger to her lips “shhhhhh, don’t blow this for me.” we may be in for some intense beauty queen tears. hell, Wasilla is a great place to hide from the heat. All the imports out there have an outstanding warrant somewhere in the lower 48.

5 09 2008

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more surreal…it does. Blimey. Will there be any interviews with her between oh…now and the election? Will she testify? Seems she kinda needs to now? I mean, of course she would want to and should spend time with Track before he goes to war. It just seems that they could arrange for some sort of a) interview with her in the meantime (afterall, the media is already in AK, no?); b) testify since she’ll be in AK on Troopergate (since she won’t be on the campaign trail).

Or have I lost all reason?

This is just too weird. I swear I’m going to have a heart attack before the election if things get any weirder.

BTW — congrats to AKmuckracker (and MH?) for the Quote of the Day on Andrew Sullivan. Was great to see you getting the recognition you so deserve!

5 09 2008

Definitely predicted this. McCain camp used alleged ‘media assault’ as an excuse for their gal to hide out (I think moose hunting season plays into this as well). What, you think she would even come within 10 feet of vegetable stew? Where do you think she gets her voluminous hair from?

‘Fight, fight, fight…’ article below:

5 09 2008

“She hasn’t been home for a long time”? What has it been, a week? Won’t she be away from home for much longer stretches of time if she actually, you know, becomes the VP?

Maybe she needs a break from all of the “sexism” in the campaign – like all of the people daring to raise questions and criticisms of her record as governor and her positions on the issues. Oh wait, no, because when Hillary was running, Palin said that Hill should not even be mentioning the sexism that she faced because of the “perceived whine” and instead should just work twice as hard to be taken seriously. So that can’t be it.

5 09 2008

Cynthia, TX… did I just hear you on CNN??? Headline news?? A rerun of Prime News? If so… Go Girl!

5 09 2008

Oh, and Track isn’t actually being deployed on the 11th according to a news clip I saw… that’s just a prep meeting according to the uniform they were interviewing. I’ll try to find it… if I can even remember where I saw it.

5 09 2008

So, it has come to this. A person needs to get up at 3 am if you don’t want to read through 500 comments. LOL. Guess this is the GO TO place for breaking news.
That Sept.11th date worked in so well with the whole patriotic theme. They just couldn’t resist.
I’m waiting to see what Tina Fey does with the huge flag pin on Sat. night live.

5 09 2008

I love this blog! You’re funny. 🙂

Here’s a good way to keep track of Palin.

Thanks for all you’re doing to save our country from the crazy lady (aka Sarah Palin)!!!

5 09 2008
Parker CA

Palin being swept out of St. Paul and off to the secret bunkers nestled in the great white north is a clear indication that something has gone terribly wrong.

Selecting Palin for VP was the championship win for the republicans, and after a championship win, the team is supposed to go celebrate with their fans. The ticker-tape is supposed to rain down on the winning team and the fans are supposed to celebrate in person with the players and acknowledge their success.

Rather than indulging the republican base with the excitement that McCain and Palin created for the past few days, they are sending the bench warmer out to meet the fans.

While Palin will be shuffled into the deep dark of the AK safe-houses, McCain, who has begun to play 2nd fiddle to Palin, will be sent onto the campaign trail to support a message that had a serious disconnect from that which stoked the fire and furor of the republicans during their convention. The mud-slinging, moose-hunting mother from the wild frontier will sit this one out while the retrospective, POW-tale telling McBush will take this race on by himself as if he is without a partner in crime.

I cannot imagine this will bode well, either for the republicans who are expecting to get the entire ticket at appearances over the next few days, or for the Palin family and their cleaners who have been in AK for the last couple days conducting damage control.

The winning team should never avoid the opportunity to bask in the glory of their success, unless of course, that winning did something they should be ashamed of and are concealing it from their fans.

5 09 2008

hope ya all dont mind…if i jump in…in chicago and its 4am…..been reading this blog all nite and really enjoyed it. hope to get to know you guys..and i am soooooo glad i found ya guys

5 09 2008

fear not, governor palin’s er…rather precipitate elevation to VP candidate will make the GOP lose by an even bigger margin than otherwise would have happened. she’s certainly livened up an otherwise very dull GOP, but i’m sure that she’s already being seen for what she is by a significant-enough proportion of those who will be casting a vote in 2 months time. if she’s kept hidden from journos, the public will be highly suspicious that the can’t hold her own and she’ll be slammed. and if she’s not hidden, and is forced to answer some tricky questions – not about her personal/public office in Alaska life – on, say, international affairs, she’s gonna go down the tube anyway. i’d prefer the latter – should be fun to watch.
obama will piss it in, either way. i’m already stocking up on some cosmopolitan champagne.

5 09 2008

DailyKos has a post about the McCain campaign saying that Gov Palin will not speak with the press / media during the campaign? ‘The public doesn’t really need to hear from her’? Are they serious?


(Sorry — it’s the middle of the day in my part of the world…and I’ve given up on getting any work done.)

5 09 2008

OMG! Y’all, she’s getting a 1 way ticket back home! Between the Troopergate and the National Enquirer set to hit stands next week plus McCain has got to be miffed that he’s playing 2nd fiddle and unwanted houseguest on his own ticket I’m willing to bet that the GOP has realized that this Pitbull has not only bit their butt but has rabies too. I wonder if she is going to “field dress” the GOP now that she has slayed them?

5 09 2008
King Baeksu

Mudflats, what are the books Palin wanted banned?

She’s back in Alaska, you can interview her yourself now!

Your blog’s name on front pages across the nation — I guarrantee it!

–KB, Seoul

5 09 2008
From England

My friends …arggghhh (groan) I’m back – had to take some time off to regroup after recent events… 7 days since this palava started and it still feels as surreal as it did on day 1!!!!

I was jus watching Larry King..Arianna Huffington was on there saying how all this baby, EN, affairs, baracuda, hockey stuff is a deliberate distraction by Mccain and co. I just can not imagine how with all that America and the world has to contend with…..home reposessions (we call it the credit crunch here in England), banks going under, economy at a standstill, Energy prices skyrocketing, terrorism, crime (don’t know about you guys but youth crime, drink and drugs at a high)……we’re reduced to talking about a Bristol and Levi?

I used to think Mccain was a decent person (not for me) but still, a decent person. I am now so disgusted at how low he will stoop…..America this is in your hands. Use your freedom and democratic rights wisely.

Muckraker, thank you for the wonderful job you’re doing in keeping us informed. and as someone said before, thank you for watching last night’s fest on our behalf….I couldn’t stomach it.

5 09 2008

I really would like a list of those books she wanted to ban. If that was a mayoral decision, isn’t there a paper trail? Are those kinds of documents accessible to the public in Alaska/Wasilla?

And what happens if she would drop out now? Is it up to McCain to choose a new running mate or does the Republican convention reconvenes to choose a new party candidate for vice president?

5 09 2008

the link to abcs video:

5 09 2008
From England

BTW, for those who recently joined, Muckraker gave us the link to local Alaska radio station – it’s a great listen and interesting to hear local opinion – here it is again

5 09 2008
From England

They’re just talking about how Mcpalin and repubs are trying to steal the change mantle from Obama…John Mccain spinning himself as the candidate of change!!!

mmmm(head shaking)

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Abit more added lite heart humor to the mix:

Evangelicals Give Sarah Palin a “Get Out of Values Free” Card

While John McCain may be rethinking his lackadaisical decision to outsource the vetting of Sarah Palin to the more curious American press, I’ve really enjoyed watching all these surprising layers peel off of the panglossian pioneer we were introduced to only last week. Looking a bit like one of those stock and staid librarians in movies, the one who is only moments away from removing her glasses and liberating a thick, lustrous mane of hair with a seductive snap of the neck while stripper music trumpets on the surround-sound,


So close to Jesus, I know which appliance Bristol will name her child after,

Mrs. Betty Bowers

America’s Best Christian
To read more at Betty & Jesus’ Blog, go HERE

If you didn’t know about Betty take a visit, she will enlighten ;c], If you did take a visit anyway, what the hell she adds to the soap opera atmosphere, and actually with a better story line.

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
From England

I’ll put this here too…..Tom Ridge’s John Bush Freudian slip…

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Could be, don’t know if anyone else is using it or claiming it is just woke up abit ago, but one thing I caught, it seems if it is she used a personal e-address instead of her state address, curious!

5 09 2008
From England

@bigslick…..not sure if it’s real or not. But as I keep saying things like troopergate may not be what brings her down. She may have abused her power…but could use information like this about Wooten’s character that could end up portraying her as a hero, who is being persecuted for trying to protect Alaskans from a “trooper gone wild”?

I think she’s actually given herself some rope to hang herself on (?) with her speeches so far (so many contradictions with what she did and policies she pursued while in office). It will be very disappointing if she does infact manage to hole herself up in Ak until after the elections, resulting in many voters taking her at face value.

PS. Muckraker…Hollis (Hollis?) French looks just like I imagined he would look. Any pics of Vanflein (sp?)

5 09 2008

Now I am really disappointed. The McCain website still says that McCain and PALIN will be appearing in Cedarburg Wisconsin this morning. I was just figuring out what to put on the sign I was going sneak in.

They have named their new tour “McCain Street, U.S.A”. The republicans who hated him and then fell in love with her, are going to start hating him again real fast.

5 09 2008

Jim S.

Check out the date , its 2005. This would just be the Start.

5 09 2008
From England

dmk…could you verify if they’re in/going to be in Wisconsin?

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Would but I’m already backed up on Veterans/Military issues, have to leave that one to other inquisitive minds with abit of researcher in them.

5 09 2008

Palin’s sister was married to the trooper. Wouldn’t the sister have known about issues raised in the personnel file? She could have then told them to Sarah Palin and/or Todd Palin.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


From what I understand the Trooper was and is a snake, if true, the charges as to Palin were she went after the head of the department and used her position to do so because he wouldn’t fall in line behind her ideology, in others words looking similar to the administration and the attorney general firings of the lawyers, and others, for pure political reasons.

5 09 2008

Palin is a big
distraction, but it’s like a
scab — you can’t not pick.

September 5, 2008

5 09 2008

CONFIRMED: Palin is in Milwaukee Wisconsin right now.

I just got off the phone with our Channel 12, WISN-ABC affiliate. She confirmed that Palin will be speaking this morning. They were on site when the McCains and Palins landed at General Mitchell last night.

Does anyone have suggestions on what my sign should say?

5 09 2008
Another from England

If they had to keep Palin in a hotel room for four days to teach her a half hour speech, I don’t think six days in Alaska seems too much to ask to learn the theory of evolution.

5 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Looks like the Trooper is going to be interviewed on CNN right now

5 09 2008

“Does anyone have suggestions on what my sign should say?”

How about “ELECTIONS should not be SOAP OPERA — POLICIES PLZ?”


5 09 2008

It’s interesting because most of us would expect the Press to sit by her driveway as they did with Joe Biden, except that as an “official” nominee, the Secret Service can probably forbid it due to security reasons. So she’s in a protected position now, but will also have to live with a bunker mentality which I’m sure her family is not going to enjoy.

I hope the Press already got alot of backstory while she’s been in Minnesota. I keep thinking of paper shredders being fired up somewhere….

5 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

CNN just reported that they were leaving for Wisconsin. Also reported that Obama received 10 million on Wed. Totals for yesterday to be released later today.

I was out and about yesterday and was hearing lots of negatives about Palin. Mostly its about being a bad mother and treating her baby so poorly.

Lots of spontaneous discussions among strangers who probably aren’t political normally.

5 09 2008

CNN reporting on the Wooten case – they interviewed Mike Wooten, and then reported that here are the facts: “….Mike Wooten has been married four times….”

HEY, at least he married them and didn’t just fool around . . . like some people we know. . .

5 09 2008
Jim S.


I like, Good one!

Need more coffee to be able to help out, but I’d go with yours.

5 09 2008

dmk Wisconsin:
Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer. Pontius Pilate was a Governor.
That was popular yesterday….

5 09 2008

“If the real thing don’t do the trick – John McCain

No, you better make up something quick – Sarah Palin

You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn it to the wick – Nov. 4th

Ooooooohhhh, barra barracuda.”

Lessons for the McCain camp:

1. If you are going to use someone’s song, get permission.

2. Listen to the lyrics FIRST!!!

Vote McCain/Palin – Clusterf%%k to the White House!

5 09 2008

reminder: That is a good one.

I am looking for something that would really get the attention of the repubs up here that still do not like McCain, but are going vote for him because of her. We have the 6th highest taxes in the US. Any mention of taxes makes everyone crazy. I was thinking of “PALIN TAXES FOOD”. If anything is going to sway voters around here, it will be to let them know that she raised sales taxes, especially on food.

Chuck Todd is up next on MSNBC, Morning Joe…..

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Hick Town in W PA :

Mostly its about being a bad mother and treating her baby so poorly.

Along with Everything that’s been Breaking ‘That’s been what has Royally been pissing me off’, and haven’t really been surprised of the countries seeming fixation on the daughters problems with it’s britney and hilton mentality.

Her Baby is Too Young, and with ‘Downs’ in more need of a Mothers bonding and care, let alone Dad. If the child was a year or two older and didn’t have complications as a result of ‘Downs’ than I wouldn’t be as Worried. But what I can’t Stand are the women flocking to her defense and not even seeing this as a problem. One repub talking head, woman, said everything, including the baby, is no problem, she has proven ‘Multi – Tasking’!!! Everyone has always Multi-Tasked, now it’s a life style and that’s all that matters, Do Things But No Need for Feelings or Common Sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 09 2008

To an earlier post:

Make no mistake that Karl and Dobson are in overdrive trying to turn this doddering old man and his Caribou Barbie into the American Dream Team. Here in the Carolinas (where we SHOULD be getting ready for Hannah but we’re addicted to this blog), we have a lot of people defending her and saying we “…should give her a chance….” When I ask what the difference is between giving her a chance versus Obama a chance, they just stare at me blankly. Rove hasn’t gotten that message out to the parishioners yet. …so thanks to y’all for giving me the facts to back up my questions. I have to believe that some of these people quietly know the Republican Party is a real bust this year, and hopefully, behind the screen will vote for real positive American-citizen-focused CHANGE.

Some folks believe her allegations are minor. Huh. I really am beginning to believe most Americans don’t even KNOW what their rights are – so much easier to take them away, natch!

Not allowing Palin to be interviewed on MEET THE PRESS and other media outlets is more telling than allowing this pistol packing, moose smacking mother of four, oh, I mean five. . . or is it six? (We may end up as confused counting Palin’s offspring as McCain is counting his houses) talk to the media. If the Republican voters honestly believe it is “A-okay” for one of their candidates who they want in the White House in 2009 doesn’t have to talk to the press, all I can say is that sneeky bin Laden family taught W and his cronies a lot more than we thought!

5 09 2008

You know last night people were talking about McCain’s lime jello backdrop while he was speaking?

The building in the picture behind him wasn’t Walter Reed Hospital, but Walter Reed Middle School in California, which has been used as a movie set.

So someone’s got ‘splainin’ to do about their Googling!!! Oh yeah, that’s their excuse for Palin’s non-vetting, too.

McCain Campaign + Google Search = The Worst We Know Of

5 09 2008
From England

@dmk, I love “Somewhere in Alaska a village is missing it’s idiot” …I’m not sure I can take responsibility for what happens to you though?

Go over there and get us the goss.

5 09 2008


That’s because, doofus, that this is old news. The Democratic Party did this how many decades before?

5 09 2008

sorry – on CNBC’s they are talking about Palin being the OP’s party-changing pick (because she is a woman)

5 09 2008
Jim S.


I’m in NC but North of Charlotte, no worries yet about Hanna, though we did get alot of flooding last week, sooooo.

Some folks believe her allegations are minor. Huh. I really am beginning to believe most Americans don’t even KNOW what their rights are – so much easier to take them away, natch!

You hit it Especially as to the repub faithful, they don’t know, reason many of them think rushy has a brain and they think he’s giving them facts, same with fox. If you notice they’re arguments and replies they Rarely mention their Reps just the top dog, reagan before bush now, with a worship that goes beyond cult mentality. ‘BrownShirts’ even the suits not just the blue collar or redneck.

5 09 2008

Well, somehow I seem to have lost my post here – try again… sorry if this is a repeat.

The backdrop for John McCain last night – part of the lime green behind his head – was supposed to be Walter Reed Military Hospital. Instead it was Walter Reed Middle School in California. So someone’s gotsome major ‘splainin’ to do about the Google search for that picture!

McCain Campaign + Google Search = The Worst We Know Of

5 09 2008

Just a note here, before I’m off to work with special needs kids! No matter how she comes out in the state budget on special education issue,McCain and the Republican party that has REFUSED to fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, leaving states to either make up the difference with oftentimes limited coffers, or to cut back services REQUIRED by the law! Advocate(s) indeed!

5 09 2008

McCain’s campaign manager is on MSNBC with Chuck Todd, David Gregory, Mica and Joe.

They were discussing Palin confronting the press and they are intentionally not putting her out there. Chuck brought up that Cindy, McCain, Biden and Obama are all on Sunday shows this weekend and Palin is not. The campaign manager (I don’t know his name, and they are showing it), is doing his really-fast-talking-fancy-dancy-not-saying-anything rabble. But he did say this, (direct quote), “Access to the press is not directly related to success in politics….If access to the press is in our best interest…then we’ll give it to you.”

They are so going to bury her deep. ANY politician anywhere the world with half a brain would not allow themselves to wh**red that way.

5 09 2008
From England

@dmk…and our friends in Alaska…do we have enough info to do a sign about her cutting the budget for special needs ed. by 62% (is that accurate?) during her tenure?

1. After parading her downs syndrome baby ad nauseum..I’m running out of Tumms(our version of Pepto)
2. then going on stage and LYING to the American people about how she will support special needs children…
3. and because of 1 above, the American people will believe 2!!!

I think it would be fantastic to come up with something about that.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Whoops forgot, as to Meet The Press, Obama and Biden were on 60min last week Directly After The Dem Convention, the offer was made to the McCain camp to appear, think you’ll see those two this coming sunday, doubt it, and if not than Everyone Should Hit Their Campaign Site With Request Explanation as to the Reason ‘Why Not’!!!!

5 09 2008

Proud2bUSA- “…this pistol packing, moose smacking mother of four, oh, I mean five. . . or is it six? (We may end up as confused counting Palin’s offspring as McCain is counting his houses) …”


Sign suggestion- “How many kids DO you have, Sarah?”

5 09 2008

Another sign suggestion- “How about answering a few ??????, Sarah? Enquiring minds want to know!”

5 09 2008
Jim S.

For anyone who missed 60min last week:

Obama, Biden Talk Politics

In their first interview together as running mates, Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Joseph Biden discuss their roles and strategies for the upcoming presidential election. Steve Kroft reports.

September 1, 2008

5 09 2008

McCain campaign manager- Rick Davis.

5 09 2008

To Jim S. –

This is a very polorizing topic, and the OP’s (aka Old Party, formerly known as the GOP) know it. Some women are relating to Palin because:

1) she touts her motherhood and uses her children front and center
2) she really looks like a lot of us…her hair, her dangling earrings, her bad highlights…we relate
3) she has a good looking hubby – what a prize! – and so, surely, she must be doing something right
4) no one can take her accomplishments from her, and winning a gubernatorial race is not a small feat. We like accomplishments.

The mommy issue you’re seeing is NOT AT ALL about choosing between the Mommy track or the Career track. A lot of do that everyday – I travel, I work hard and I try to be a good mom. But, I would no more take a high stress, high travel job with a special needs newborn and a pregnant teenager than the man in the moon. I couldn’t handle the guilt. With that said, everyone has their own choice to make. If Palin thinks its cool for her as a mom, then more power to her. It just flies in the face of “Family First” that Rove, Phyllis Schaeffly and Dobson have preached all these years.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Instead of “Enquiring Minds”, replace with “Americans Demand”, otherwise Great Suggestion, especially as to the thread and what their camp is trying to do!

5 09 2008

I thought you would all find this article interesting. It is a summary of the opposition research that was done on Sarah Palin when she ran for governor.
Amazing that the citizens of Wasilla were more upset about her use of city resources for her failed Lt. Gov campaign.

Archives of Alaska Papers Reveal Disturbing — And Goofy — Details from Palin’s Past

By Greg Mitchell

Published: September 03, 2008 2:10 PM ET

NEW YORK The McCain team may not have vetted Sarah Palin with boots on the ground in Alaska, but the Democrats sure did — two years ago when she ran for governor. The oppo-research, compiled in a 62-page document with countless summaries or direct quotes, largely from local newspapers, covers all of the important issues you would expect to see, from her views on abortion and abstinence to tangled oil pipeline questions.

But it also gets into some quirky, if revealing, areas as well, such as Palin founding a company called “Rouge Cru” — what she called a “classy” way to say redneck — in case her political career didn’t work out a few years ago. obtained a copy and printed merely a handful of the hundreds of findings on Tuesday. These included serious matters such as her use of the mayor’s office in political campaigns. But it also posted a PDF of the entire document which few have probably examined. Here some of the more outrageous, or surprising, revelations — strictly from newspaper clips. They are posted here under their heading in the document. Note: The Frontiersman is the local paper in Wasilla.


Palin Said “Hang ‘Em Up” When Asked About the Death Penalty. Asked about the death penalty, in extreme cases such as the murder of a child, Palin said, “My goodness, hang ’em up, yeah.” [Anchorage Daily News , 8/18/06]


Palin wrote a Letter to the Editor saying only, “San Francisco judges forbidding our Pledge of Allegiance? They will take the phrase ‘under God’ away from me when my cold, dead lips can no longer utter those words. God bless America.” [Juneau Empire, 6/30/02]


Palin Presided Over a Wedding at a Walmart. He worked in the pets department. She was a cashier. A romance blossomed. And when it came time to say ”I do,” they chose — where else? — an aisle next to menswear. Sandwiched between racks of cotton pants and surrounded by ”Back-to-School Specials” signs, Jake McCowan and Rosalyn Ryan exchanged vows last week at the place where they met, work and fell in love: the Wasilla Wal-Mart. A crowd of 200, including passengers from a tour bus and several dozen curious shoppers, watched the two employees tie the knot in an afternoon ceremony officiated by Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin. ”It was so sweet,” said Palin, who fought back tears during the nuptials. “It was so Wasilla.” [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 8/28/99]

Palin Delivered “Non-Answers” On Expanding Health Care Coverage and Walmart. “Asked about expanding health care coverage and about Wal-Mart’s corporate conduct, she delivered non-answers with a disarming smile.” [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 1/30/06]


In her 2002 Lt. Governor bid, Mayor Palin used city employees, telephones, computers, fax machines for campaign fundraising and literature. On her candidate registration form, she used her City Hall fax number, and her mayoral e-mail address. Records show that Wasilla city property was used to contact supporters, donors, media contacts, and media purchasing. [Anchorage Daily News, 7/21/06]


Stambaugh Sued for Gender Discrimination After Palin Said She Was Intimidated by His Size. After Palin fired Irl Stambaugh, the police chief, he sued the city in part based on gender discrimination. The [Wasilla] Frontiersman wrote, “The gender discrimination issues stem from statements Palin allegedly made to others that she was intimidated by Stambaugh’s size. He stands over 6-feet tall and weighs more than 200 pounds, which, the lawsuit said, is attributed to his gender.” [Frontiersman, 2/26/97]

Palin Went to See Ivana Trump at Costco, Saying Alaska was So Desperate for “Any Semblance of Glamour and Culture”. “Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana. And there, at J.C. Penney’s cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist. ‘We want to see Ivana,’ said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, ‘because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.'” [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 4/3/96]

Palin Explained that She Couldn’t Run for Senate Because Then She Couldn’t Be the “Team Mom.” “A hockey mom and a former standout athlete herself, Palin said she understood her son’s concerns. ‘How could I be the team mom if I was a U.S. senator?’ she said.” [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 4/24/04]


Palin Exaggerated Work Experience for Mayoral Campaign. In 1997, Frontiersman columnist Paul Stuart wrote that after Palin had criticized her opponent for using City Hall resources for political gain, “when Palin was asked back then (by me) why the lodge where she claimed, in her campaign, to have gained her management experience, had no record of a borough business license or of paying any bed tax, she paused and said it might have been because the place had no clients for a year or so.” In an article describing the possibility of recalling Palin, the Frontiersman wrote the “reasons include Palin’s alleged falsification of her credentials during the campaign last fall.” [Frontiersman, 1/22/97, 2/5/97]

Frontiersman Editorial Said Palin Made Statements That Were “Patently Untrue,” Said She Had Shown “Unrepentant Backpedaling and Incessant Whining.” A Frontiersman editorial wrote, “Wasilla residents have been subjected to attempts to unlawfully appoint council members, statements that have been shown to be patently untrue, unrepentant backpedaling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press and a few disgruntled supporters of former Mayor John Stein.” [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]

Frontiersman Editorial: Palin Doesn’t Grasp the Truth. A Frontiersman editorial wrote, “Mayor Palin fails to have a firm grasp of something very simple: the truth.” [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]


Palin’s Brother-In-Law Appeared on Reality Dating Show. Lt. Gov. candidate Sarah Palin thought it might help her campaign when brother-in-law Jack McCann showed up as a desirable catch on the new “reality” TV show, “Looking for Love: Bachelorettes in Alaska.” That hope lasted until she actually saw an episode of the series, which turns out to be your basic meat market twitch & grin. “Oh Lord,” she said. “My sisters and I watched it in horror.” Jack, who is scheduled to appear again even though he crashed a mountain bike in the first episode, is pretty cute and has a sense of humor, Sarah reports. “He described his occupation . . . as an office environment consultant,” she said.
“He sells furniture.” [Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 6/9/02]

Palin told The Associated Press that she and her husband, Todd, made a bet on whether Murkowski would run. If the governor says he’ll enter the race, Palin has to get the Big Dipper tattooed on her ankle. If Murkowski says no, Todd gets a wedding ring inked on his finger.
[Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 5/26/06]
[For more on Palin and media: Visit E&P’s first-ever blog, launched today, at: The E&P Pub.]

Greg Mitchell ( is editor. His latest book on Iraq and the media is “So Wrong for So Long.”

5 09 2008

to dmk Wisconsin –

“Access to the press is not directly related to success in politics….If access to the press is in our best interest…then we’ll give it to you.”

WHAT????????????? Look at that quote: If access to the press is in OUR (read the OP’S) best interest….”

Danger, Danger, Will Robinson! We are inching closer to a Police State everyday with comments blithely cast about like these. I’m proud of those protestors marching the streets if for no other reason that they felt compelled to gather as a group for their message.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

uses her children front and center

That hit it but more like ‘behind’ and ‘in someone elses arms’!!

That’s the point that should be getting Hit especially by women and mothers, she’s setting back, in alot of minds, what many women have accomplished and especially what Hillary Built as to what could be much quicker, a Woman in the White House as President, as well as the ceilings still out there!!!!!!!

5 09 2008
Skip Dekades

I love reading all this. Sure not finding it in the national media.

5 09 2008
Ana Gama

I say if she is not going to appear for interviews with the press, there is no need for the press to continue coverage of their campaign.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Ana, You Got It!!!!!

And a grassroots campaign should be done, contacting all the media outlets, Right Now!!!!!!!!!!!

5 09 2008

I forgot to mention that the event to day in Cedarburg is billed as a ‘Meet & Greet’.

5 09 2008

Anyone know when the enquirer story will be out?

5 09 2008

To Jim S. – OH I AGREE 100% – A lot of women are disgusted that she is using her children as no more than “props” and as one of my friends put it: “…to fill up the empty cavernous space at the RNC…” A lot of women are frankly disgusted that she promotes her special needs newborn with this kind of glee and without a clear understanding of what special needs child is going to need ALL OF HIS LIFE, not just now or for a few years. A lot of women are disgusted that she would pick her personal ambition over her daughter’s, uh, situation right now. Her children’s faces – with the exception of her smallest daughter – are pretty telling. There was zero emotion on those faces. That would break my heart if I felt my child and I were not reveling in our successes together.

5 09 2008


I REALLY LOVED THAT VIDEO!!! you posted on the other thread. I only wish Mother Teresa had been included as one of the most affective community organizers of our generation.

5 09 2008
From England

Ana/Jim S…Spot on !!!!

Someone had a list of media contacts on here the other day…can anyone dig it up and let’s start e-mailing. Let’s start pressuring the media not to let off…so that we make sure she has less time to prepareher spin as well.

Developing a draft would help, so that even busy folks can get e-mailing and our grass roots effort can have a unified message!! something along the lines of below, please add to it so that we can have something to send out:

Further to Mccain campaigns manager Rick Davis contention regarding Sarah Palin on xxx show , that “Access to the press is not directly related to success in politics….If access to the press is in OUR best interest…then we’ll give it to you.”; I am writing as an American, who deserves answers to questions about my potential Vice-president and her stand on policy/issues.

If she is not going to appear for interviews with the press, then perhaps there is no need for the press to continue coverage of their campaign.

(XXXXXsomeone fill in with additional things that can be said?)

Signed, An American who demands to know

5 09 2008

Yes, yes, yes! Grass roots campaigning has had a real effect on this campaign – we cannot stop now. If someone will draft the letter, I will definitely chime in and send not only to the media, but my friends and ask them to pass it along. . .


5 09 2008

Reactions from Alaskans?

They Raise Children, Pray and Support Palin

WASILLA, Alaska — People here in Sarah Palin’s hometown learned science from her father. They remember how she led the Warriors to an unexpected high school basketball championship, her success as a beauty queen and how her family grew along with the Wasilla Bible Church. So when Ms. Palin, then a young mother, ran for the City Council in 1992, of course they voted for her. And they kept doing so, for mayor and then for governor — especially the women who, like her, had small children, hated abortion and prayed every day.

“I admire her intelligence and I admire her integrity, but first and foremost she’s a mom, and she has an understanding of what being a mom is,” said Janet Kincaid, a grandmother and Republican who last summer opened her lakeside Wasilla home for a $20,000 Palin fund-raiser.

5 09 2008

Guys, I am trying to stop picking this scab, as the Gov did get under my skin, and it was bad.

I was going through her closets, sorting her clothes, picking out the right colors, and sizes, and shoes.

I have conceeded the high ground on sex, drugs, and rock and roll to the new Christian right. However, does the Christian right really knows their own saint? Madonna meets Margaret Thatcher?

My aha moment was going through the methamphatime story about Wasilla, and the reference to the Matanuska Thunderfuck marijuana. If the Gov used to smoke Thunderstruck, that explains a few things, and those are things that most of the Christian right, I would suspect, know nothing about.

I too was feeling as insecure as I have felt since 9/11 – so much for John McCain keeping me safe.

Jon Stewart is keeping humor alive. Long live Jon Stewart.

5 09 2008

I don’t know if anyone has already posted this clip from the Huffington Post, but it is Hillarious! Must See!

5 09 2008
ABC New on “Troopergate” « Falling Into The Gap

[…] View the video here. […]

5 09 2008
ABC New on “Troopergate” « Falling Into The Gap

[…] View the video here. […]

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Grass roots campaigning has had a real effect on this campaign

Not only on the campaigns. i’m a long time ‘Nam Vet Pro-Peace activist, VVAW and VFP, and if we had this technology back in our day that Occupation would have folded much quicker.

There was and is alot of talking about how the Pro-Peace movement doesn’t have the force nor willingness to fight like back than, well this technology gave us the ability to organize, and still does, rallies etc. around the country Quickly, it also gives us the ability to do Activist and Advocate work not seen by those not interested, the majority, but can be found by those who are, Quickly. It gives a Number of ‘Community Advocates’ ways never had before to Accomplish one hell of alot of needs, Quickly!!!

5 09 2008

1) Father of down’s baby is Monegan!!!
2) First Dude is responsible for Bristol’s recent weight gain!!!
3) CIA uncovered the fiasco and reported to David Plouffe!!!
4) Sarah scuttles to attempt cover up!!!
Having been born in WV, I consider myself an expert in these matters.
Anyone know what “inbred” truly means?


5 09 2008
5 09 2008
From England

off for meeting..anyone out there with a way with words who can give this press campaign a kick start with the letter?

We must not let them get away with this…at the end of the day, the media is accountable to us. The arrogance and sheer contempt the Mcpalin crew are showing for the American people, and towards the press is astonishing.

If they feel that they’ll only answer the questions they want to answer, when they want to answer them…well then – perhaps the press will only cover what it wants to, when it wants to?

Muckraker, would you agree to put it at the top as a separate post? or highlight?

5 09 2008

To Reader in MD –

I am sorry, but the last time I checked my Bible, there were some things in there that a “devout” Christian wouldn’t do – so let’s have a little Sunday School lesson and just go over those 10 Commandments:

– You will not have other gods (e.g. personal ambition, riches) before me
– You will not misuse the name of the Lord, your GOD
– You will not murder
– You will not commit adultery
– You will not steal
– You will not give false testimony against your neighbor
– You will not covet (and there is a lot here, but basically, don’t covet your neighbors physical things or belongings…)

– Remember the Sabbath
– Honor your father and mother
– There’s one more I’ll need to look up.

all I know is that when Moses gave these to the people, there was a lot of thunder and lightning that took place, and this is where the discussion of “ eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth…” begins. The Religious Extremists would do well to remember ALL of the Commandments and not just those that are most convenient and least offensive to them.

5 09 2008

Today is Friday the 5th of September. There are 59 days left in this election. We need to not underestimate the power of the Republican Party. Go to your Democratic Headquarters in your area today, and grab some voter registration forms, bring the volunteers and employees there some food and coffee, and get out and do some door knocking this weekend. We need to get the word out to the Republican Party that we are not going to take another 4 years of their crap!

We shall show Governor Palin exactly what our responsibilities as Community Organizers are: sending her on a one way trip BACK TO ALASKA!

Here’s a link for for volunteer opportunities:

5 09 2008

Leila Abu-Saba (23:59:05) :

I found the following article from Juneau Empire dated 7/1/07. While it is not complete and utter verification of the Budget Cuts that the Republiars are trying to refute, it does indicate specifically cuts for a special needs project in Juneau:

“Numerous Juneau projects were either reduced or cut entirely.

Doll said she was particularly disappointed that REACH’s Canvas Art Studio electrical upgrades were eliminated. That project has “inestimable value for our people with special needs,” she said.

In some cases, Kerttula said, Palin appears to have vetoed projects that met her announced criteria.”

Wish I had time today to research this further, but alas, I must give up my Mudflats for today. Good luck… hope you find more… btw I had to google “palin cuts special needs -smear” to get beyond the Republiars spam campaign… they’ve been busy.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

OK Folks, especially MudFlats and other Alaskan Bloggers, but anyone can try.

Palin says she and the dude knew about her coming childs condition and uses her ‘Choice’ {one thing the anti crowd fail to listen to or want to understand, that’s what it’s about, but I degress.} to have the baby as one of her political tools.

Now i keep reading how she Cut Funding for ‘Special Needs Children’, than, I believe it’s above in this , she wasn’t the one who did the cuts.

Wether she did or didn’t shouldn’t be the focus, as a woman knowing she is about to give birth to a ‘Special Needs Child’ was there Any Attempt, on her part, as Governor to Backtrack and Get The Funding Restored, Especially After The Child Was Born, even an Apology that the Funding was cut in the first place and that Now She Understood what Families are faced with in the Love and Care for a ‘Special Needs Child’!!!!!!!!!!!

The Alaskan bloggers, this radio station I’m streaming, the Alaskan Press should be and have been asking these questions, but Now it’s Really Important for the Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 09 2008
Gone Fishin’ « Media Needle

[…] For all things Palin related, Mudflats is THE starting point, and in today’s issue, we find Governor Palin has fled to Alaska, for reasons that are still under consideration. CHUCK […]

5 09 2008

It seems like the McCain camp wants it both ways. They want the press and everyone else to treat her the same as they would a man. But they can’t ask questions because she is a woman. I thought equal rights and equal pay was suppose to mean you are treated the same regardless of your sex. That would be like me trying out for an nfl team. But I shouldn’t have to go through training camp.

5 09 2008

…and btw, that misuse of God’s name….that’s the BADDEST of the BAD things to do. That is the one unforgiveable sin – that was (figuratively) beaten into me as a child. So, when Rove and Dobson and their OP minions start pretending that God is telling them to lie and deceive people for HIS gain. . . all I can say is no God fearing SB don’t wanna be there on their judgment day.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Thems called SINS, and there’s plenty more, but it seems that three letter word is Rarely Used in modern day christianity? as they Condemn All Muslims and embrace Jews { which is Really Surprising from the Protestants} !!!!

5 09 2008

More stuff I found on 2007 budget cuts… sorry again — I don’t have time to analyze – I actually have stuff I must do today beyond this but maybe someone else can take a look at ADN’s spreadsheet analyzing the cuts… includes names of project & funding levels —

Click to access SB53_Vetoes_6-29-07.pdf

this was from a sidebar in the original article covering the vetoes:

I hope it helps — and again sorry I’m not able to follow this through right this second!

5 09 2008
Well, this isn’t going to work

[…] Mudflats says Sarah Barracuda is heading home for the next week.  If true, this will be a grave mistake.  In the next seven days, she will at least need to spend an hour getting massaged by Hannity.  And if she the McCain campaign is smart, she’ll need to spend another half-day doing phone interviews with the Lars Larsons of the world.  Doing these from Juneau instead of Columbus, where she would be taking her message directly to the voters they need, would be asinine. […]

5 09 2008

Jim S. LOL-LOL – I know I know. Even my folks who are in their 80’s cannot believe the misuse and drivel coming Rove and Dobson and straight into Gramps and Caribou Barbie’s mouths. They are mortified and are scared we are going to be “smite down” (I think with the hurricanes coming it means business) – THIS IS COMING FROM LIFE LONG REPUBLICANS. THERE IS A GOD!!! THEY HAVE FINALLY SEEN THE LIGHT!

5 09 2008

First they say dont say nothing to us and now they say dont say nothing to her.

Wont fly here in the lower 48 reptards better put her out soon or you will lose.

5 09 2008
Walk Away

Ariana Huffington is correct. It’s Democrats who need to forget Sarah Palin – her lead piece today.

Leave Ms. Palin alone.

This sad side show story is Rovian bait. You and I are being poisoned by it Republican bait. Don’t swallow.

Thanks for the entertainment AK Muckracker!

5 09 2008
Ana Gama

Heart condemns McCain-Palin use of ‘Barracuda’

Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart said Thursday night that Universal Music Publishing and Sony BMG have sent a cease and desist notice to the McCain-Palin campaign over their use of ‘Barracuda.’

“We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We
hope our wishes will be honored,” the group said in a statement that said they “condemn” the use of the song at the Republican convention.

5 09 2008

My guess is that she is returning home to throw together the shotgun wedding. This will win her even more huzzahs from the Republican base. Just imagine the wedding pictures on the cover of People.

5 09 2008
Jan Arnold

I don’t know if anyone else posted this as I haven’t had time this morning to read all the way through the comments – so hope I am not redundant – but I was tickled last night when a pundit on Larry King coined the phrase “The Low Road Express” for Mcsame’s campaign. I think we should all pick it up and run with it. We may never have to hear “Straight Talk Express” (gag) again……

5 09 2008

Good for Heart! I hate to see a good song being abused by the OPP (old people’s party).

5 09 2008

I think a better song for Palin, would be North to Alaska. Let’s make sure she goes there in November!

5 09 2008

Reader in MD.
Thanks for the Jon Stewart videos. They are priceless!!

5 09 2008

Just wanted to say I visited Alaska this year and loved it…. My husband wants to go to work on the gas pipeline that was should have been started by now. Thanks to Palin it’s was delayed, although I have yet to understand why it was delayed when she took office. Can anyone tell me what her reason was.

I have never followed any election this close before an I am 41, I have voted in every presidential election since I was 18. I really believe this will not be near as close as the media is making it out to be.

Here’s why:

In Texas our most conservative magzine is Texas monthly. This is a zine for the very wealthly. ( Not that I am wealthy at all) the zine have done polls that show Obama could easily win. Do to the hispanic vote ( they are 54% of our state now) and Texas has more people living in large cities vs rual areas. This is a huge change for Texans we are very fond of our rual areas. The large city folks are more likely to vote for Obama the McCain.

Just one Texas woman’s perspective.

5 09 2008

Thanks so much for this blog. I found it when I was one of the millions of people who crashed Google by bearching “Who the FUCK is Sarah Palin?”. I wound up here. What a breath of Fresh air. I actually slept last night.
During Grampy’s halting and lurching speech, as I sat here watching it all unfold and I started seeing protesters I could not believe the energy that went through me. I was up out of my chair acting like a man watching football. Somehow I ran into my mothers room (66 and HAS to live with two of her children thanks to the LAST 8 years) and was “reacting”. LOL I noticed the way she was looking at me and later she told me it was like seeing me at age 6 REALLY EXCITED over something.
I slept last night…the whole night through. First time in a long time I was able to do that. Being here, just felt good so I wanted to thank you for that. This morning I went to You Tume and checked the hit count on the Community Organizer…well over 1000!
I so know where I’ll be for the debates. Thanks everyone.
Yes, I am going to donate today, I can’t afford it but I can’t afford another 4 years of republican rule.

5 09 2008

Walk Away (05:25:31) :

I just read Arianna’s piece (– she has a point to the extent that we are distracted by Palin, BUT if the Republiars want us to concentrate on Palin and be distracted by Palin and blah blah blah, why are they putting her into hiding? In the news media if no one talks about you for 24 hours you are toast.

5 09 2008

Hi. My name is Sue and I’m a Mudflatsaddict…..

Didn’t I just sign off last night with an “I’ll see you for the debates….”?

5 09 2008
Jim S.

On The Books:

McClatchy has the article from Rindi White | Anchorage Daily News today at their site

Here’s the story about Palin’s book-banning try as mayor

As to any lists, there isn’t in the article and didn’t have time to read if any were mentioned, they may never service even if she gave one, doubt it would be kept, and it really isn’t that important, you can get the type of books that these radicals want banned probably online somewhere, they’ve been trying for years, and sometimes succeeding.

5 09 2008

I have not had time to read through all the comments since I am leaving for work, but has anyone thought about the fact that she may be going there as well for some damage control, or as we like to say in my neck of the woods, some kneecap breaking.

5 09 2008
Walk Away

swineprincess (05:35:55) :

Then let the toast get toasted. Don’t give it any more chances.

Did you notice how disappointed the Palin family was last evening when they weren’t the center of attention any more?

The Palins didn’t even applaud for John McCain’s mother.

5 09 2008

Is it true that Palin has filed an ethics offence against herself to take troppergate out of the Investigators hand and into the three man commitees which supports her hands? Does anyone know what books she tried to ban when she was Mayor? When you take someone out of the light of the media you create more speculation a good trick by the Repubs to get more gossip growing and say how the media is unfair to this woman. It is a Rove thing. To get woman to come to Palins defense. A lot of people will fall for it. Especially uneducated women.

5 09 2008
jean beverly

With all the McCain-Palin talk about her five children and “hockey mom” background being a part of her life experiencce that makes her uniquely qualified to be Commander-in-Chief among other duties, is it not appropriate
to question her handling of the “mom” bit? We certainly have many very important issues other than that to criticize her about, but they opened up this “mom” thing and have certainly exploited it.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

On the coming Nuptials, another for Alaskan Bloggers to keep an eye on. My guess is the coming hubby is getting paid to keep his mouth shut and become a good daddy. If Alaskans start noticing a better lifestyle from this kid, he’s young Money will be Spent, outside of what he had previous, the jiggs up and might be something to dig deeper into.

I think these kids are being forced into this wedding, Hope Not, and if so they’re being used also as Political Tools for and by the Campaign!!!!

5 09 2008

There is NO WAY the GOP will ever allow Gov Palin to interact with the press or public in any way except brief scripted appearances (and I include the “debate” in that). She will NEVER be allowed to go on Meet the Press etc., appear at a “town hall” forum, or submit to a substantive interview by a real reporter. Anybody want to bet against me?

5 09 2008

Isn’t she just preparing for her job as VP. By hiding out in a secret location away from the press and the president, and making sure oil is safe she is just practicing doing Cheney’s job.

5 09 2008

Before we walk away…..this is not just a case of mis-use of power. There are other indications of how Palin has attempted to force her beliefs on people who don’t fall in line. What about her getting rid of the Librarian because she was unwilling to “ban” certain books? This blog has cataloged several of these examples; the dots needed to be connect so they can paint a picture of how she would be inclined to use her power as VP. Do we need another Cheney?

5 09 2008

Moose: Yes. It’s an attempt to delay/halt the legislative investigation by saying that only the Alaska Personnel Board can decide whether she did anything unethical or illegal. Unfortunately, the Alaska Personnel Board only gets to address matters that are specifically brought to them. Ergo, the complaint against herself.

5 09 2008
phoebe in calif

It all seems to be smoke & mirrors for the McCain Campaign. First he hauls out this unknown for VP who he has met once & scares the hell out of most of us & now he’s going to hide her from the American people. As Peggy Noonan was overheard to say on a hot mic…it’s political bullshit & trickery. This mean spirited man with wealthy people, war & special interests groups as his prime objective cannot win the election. He has cynically used Hilary Clinton’s tactics from the primaries against women & the country. Hilary you helped get us in this mess how about helping to get us out. McCain would put hard fought for women’s rights back thirty years in no time at all.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Anybody want to bet against me?

What you posted Isn’t The point, the Point is the American Public Deserve the Questions and Answers and Demand That, We Aren’t Ruled By Political Parties, what they want is irrelevant, No Matter What They Think!!

Unless of course you want a Soviet Union, a Nazi Germany, or a Stalinist Style!!!!!!!!

5 09 2008

Obama should be thinking the McCain camp for picking Palin. After her speach on Wednesday Obama’s camp reported a one day haul of 10 mil. At this rate Obama can buy up all of the commercial time on all of the media channels. Well except for FOX they would loose the revenue rather then run ads that support the DEMS.

5 09 2008
jean beverly

Don’t underestimate her in the debate. Likely, she will have a wire in her ear.

5 09 2008

Huh? Why did Caribou Barbie want to have a wedding ring tattooed on her First Dude’s finger if he lost a bet? Is there a problem with him remembering he’s married without a tattoo???

“Palin told The Associated Press that she and her husband, Todd, made a bet on whether Murkowski would run. If the governor says he’ll enter the race, Palin has to get the Big Dipper tattooed on her ankle. If Murkowski says no, Todd gets a wedding ring inked on his finger.
[Anchorage Daily News (Alaska), 5/26/06]”

(BTW, IMHO he already lost the bet when he married her!)

5 09 2008

There should be a few folks at every McCain campaign stop between now and November holding signs: “WHERE’S SARAH?”

5 09 2008

Jean Beverly, I don’t know if you were being facetious or not, but I am actually quite concerned/paranoid about some possible cheating in the debate. The Republicans, now that they are controlled by people the likes of Karl Rove, will do anything to get elected. I hope the Obama campaign requests full body searches before the debate (and a woman can search Palin to be respectful, of course) — but even that wouldn’t help if they got the questions ahead of time or something.

5 09 2008

Honestly we don’t really want her back here. Couldn’t she stay in Wisconsin or somewhere else?

5 09 2008

The document at certainly seems authentic. Its factual claims and tone are very similar to what we have been hearing from other sources and, I believe, links her directly to the pressure laid on by others in her inner circle when she became governor. The handwritten numbers at the lower right appear to be “Bates” numbers, meaning it is part of a some production of documents in a legal matter. The document is interesting because it appears to indicate a personal grudge (whether merited or not) being perpetuated when she became Governor. I guess she figured that now that she was Governor, she could finally get even.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

he already lost the bet when he married her!

Don’t know about that, he don’t say much, or anything, but I’ll bet they’re two peas of the same pod.

5 09 2008

Here’s an article on the instructions from Obama to campaign operatives — has a list of quotes:

“On Wednesday, the campaign’s chief surrogate wranglers distributed a three page compilation of quotes from Republicans concerned about the Palin pick.”

they were also urged to keep bringing up the Eagleton debacle.

oh, and “Hi, Sue, welcome!”

I can stop Mudflats any time… really… I can… now… right now… no really…

5 09 2008
Anne M.

Got a chuckle this morning to learn that Heart and their music company have issued a cease and desist order againt the Republicans for use of the song “Baracuda”.

5 09 2008


Last night, John McCain appealed to his audience to join him (well, actually he suggested we “fight, fight, fight…”) in the “fight” for America. On one of the threads yesterday, someone asked why we were so flipping mad at the Republican Party and the last sorry 8 years of poor management. I wrote back that we were losing our fundamental rights that were set forth at the birth of this nation. Here is another one – the loss of Habeas Corpus. This is the right to be innocent until proven guilty and not to be held without cause. You think our Revolutionary War ancestors know a thing or two about THAT treatment, eh? Anyway, here are the salient points: – Keith explains it all in 2006

Gramps McCain voted FOR the abolishment of this consitutional right. Barack Obama (whom we subtly tried to slam over this in his speech last night) voted AGAINST. McCain threw the book at Barack over protecting our constitutional rights, and last night, you heard his sarcasm dripping when he spoke of this. THIS IS WHAT HE REALLY MEANS, FOLKS:



“….the Court quoted Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist No. 84: “The practice of arbitrary imprisonments, in all ages, is the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.”


5 09 2008

I think McCain asked Palin if all the nasty rumors about her are true, she replied “Yes, all of the rumors are true”. McCain figured he can’t run interference for all of Palin’s messes.

Then the campaign decided to keep her in seclusion indefinitely rather than risk the further embarrassment of booting her off the ticket. Didn’t Henry VIII lock his wife in a tower because he couldn’t divorce her?

5 09 2008
Blue Idaho

The plot thickens. So the Republicans had the pitbull on a short leash and now they have sent her to the kennel to lay low. Palin is the gift that keeps on giving. Monegan sounds like a credible person. I think “The stait talk express” has officially derailed.

5 09 2008
Spinning heads...

Scary “Boys From Brazil” scenario:

I read these two articles last night and I had nightmares about other “Sleeper Cell Sarahs” being groomed in various places around the country by the far far right; just waiting for an opportunity to be hauled out and put in play…..

Nina Burleigh’s “Who is the handler?” on Huffington post, and

5 09 2008
jean beverly

fix the broken,
I was quite serious about the debate wire. There were rumors of that when Bush debated Kerry.

5 09 2008

Oh Wait!! WE did not try to slam Obama on this last evening – McCain and his goons did. sorry, Barack. I did not mean to cause harm.

5 09 2008

Proud2BUSA (04:30:16) : “There was zero emotion on those faces. That would break my heart if I felt my child and I were not reveling in our successes together.” You nailed it. It’s like she privately announced to them “Mommy has a chance to be President, so you had better not f*** it up for me!”

5 09 2008
obama sam

Well, duh, of course they need to leave the trail and ‘hole up’ in Alaska…how else are they going to come up with the latest episode of the soap opera that is their lives? What’s next????

This is some scary stuff. As a 30 y/o woman, I am very scared if McPalin takes office. There go my rights, the environment, our education, etc, etc.

I made my first donation to Obama/Biden on the night of Sarah’s speech and also signed up to work at a Obama booth at a local festival this weekend.

We need to get out there and do our work! Keep McPalin far, far, far, far far away from Washington!!!!!

5 09 2008
Spinning heads...

PS –LOVE Mud Flats! Reading this makes me feel hopeful for the first time in years.

5 09 2008
Search the Web on

If Sara P. won’t give interviews ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ need to bombard the press demanding they refuse to cover 1/2 the Mc Cain campaign and use the resources to cover all of the Obama campaign.

Also the Campaign HQ needs to be FLOODED with request and complaints demanding answers.

It may not get her interviewed but if the volume of letters, e-mails and phone calls will become a story with its own legs.

Remember the Kennedy/Mc Cain immigration bill and its down fall? Lets take our Country back and send the message of what OUR change will look like.

5 09 2008


If Sara P. won’t give interviews ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ need to bombard the press demanding they refuse to cover 1/2 the Mc Cain campaign and use the resources to cover all of the Obama campaign.
Also the Campaign HQ needs to be FLOODED with request and complaints demanding answers.

It may not get her interviewed but if the volume of letters, e-mails and phone calls will become a story with its own legs.

Remember the Kennedy/Mc Cain immigration bill and its down fall? Lets take our Country back and send the message of what OUR change will look like.

5 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

If they supeona Sarah for the real investigation, she’ll simply refuse. Isn’t that the GOP way?

5 09 2008

Among women, the hot topic is not career vs. family, that’ an old issue and only the most fossilized fundies believe that women should not work outside the home . The hot topic is priorities at this moment. She has just given birth to a special needs baby–she hasn’t even begun to deal with Trig’s special needs–and her daughter is going through the most traumatic period in her life. All the women I know–Democratic, Republican, and Independent–think there is something wacky about Sarah Barracuda’s priorities. Being governor in a state where the legislature meets 90 days is one thing, but to choose to enter a presidential campaign and to sacrifice your teenage daughter for your own higher political ambitions is viewed as practically barbaric. This conversation is going on among all women and it is intense. Unfortunately, the media doesn’t know how to handle the topic and the McCain campaign is trying to stifle a public discussion by charging sexism. Four years down the line, she would still be a rising star in the Republican Party with, presumably, a much better track record. It’s her own ruthless ambition that is so stunning. I don’t know any woman who thinks what she is doing is right for her family.

5 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

ok anyone out there know what this is about?

Breaking News…..

We will have breaking news regarding an ongoing story around 10am Alaska time on Friday……

5 09 2008
karen marie

well, while you’re waiting for sarah palin to come out of hiding, go over to youtube and watch part one (of four) of obama’s interview with bill o’reilly. i know, i know, o’reilly is a blowhard, but obama does brilliantly well (what else?) and is in full control — he knows when to ebb, he chooses when to flow, in order for there to be a coherent conversation (as much as that is possible when the other person is o’reilly). in addition to having an obvious grasp on the issues, the interview displays how competent, adult, attentive AND relaxed obama is.

parts 2, 3 and 4 are apparently to air monday, tuesday, wednesday next week.

5 09 2008

Rasmussen Daily shows polls back to essential dead-heat and Palin is viewed favorably. Go figure. Attacks work and that is all the RNC was. Obama needs to plaster Florida with commercials on Jews for Jesus speach at Palin’s church, keep Biden in PA and OH. Spend like crazy in MO.

5 09 2008
Mother Who Thinks

I’m new to the blogosphere but thanks, EVERYONE, for making me feel at home and a little bit empowered. I’m sharing the site below in hopes that this can shore up the reality-based thinking about the McCain/Palin ticket in regard to disability-related issues. While I enjoy the snark/giggle stuff more than I should, the FACTS about the RECORDS of these candidates needs to be widely distributed.

Here’s McCain’s record on disability funding and related issues from “Blogging Down Syndrome,” where I entered the blog stream because I am the Alaskan mother of a 21 year old son with Down syndrome.

Please distribute this info far and wide. Because it originates from the netherworld of disability truth, it won’t get much airtime unless you do. The truth shall set you free!

Governor Palin is running for vice-president. She will follow the McCain platform on all issues.

1. Senator McCain has voted no on every proposal before Congress to increase SSI basic payments to people with disabilities. Right now my 20-year-old daughter gets $471/month. That’s fine while she lives with us. She will get the same amount when she’s 70. He receives a well deserved $60,000/year disability from the navy but has opposed increased benefits to anyone with a disability.

2. Senator McCain supported the reauthorization of IDEA, which is the first ever that cuts back on the rights of families and kids.

3. I realize that for most people on this list The Community Choice Act seems remote. But for adults with disabilities it is the most significant thing to come before Congress in decades. In short it allows us to access Medicare funds to support people to live in their own homes with their own staff and not be forced into communal group homes or nursing homes. Sen. McCain strongly opposes this and has made it clear he will not sign if he becomes President. As I postedbefore he had dozens of chair users recently arrested when they came to his office to talk about this.

4. Senator McCain has opposed all effort to expand health care. If he is elected there is no chanceof anything remotely resembling universal coverage or even affordable coverage. This is a huge
issue for adults with disabilities living on their paltry SSI payment.

5. Senator McCain refused to co-sponsor the ADA restoration act pending in Congress. The act passed the House overwhelmingly in June and is now stalled in the Senate.

6. I was at Walter Reed Hospital in March one week before the Washington Post broke the story of abuse and neglect of veterans. McCain has consistently voted no on increased appropriation for
veterans and voted no on increasing educational opportunity.

7. Senator McCain has voted no on all attempts to increase the federal contribution to special education funding.

8. I and others have worked hard every two years of the Bush Administration to restore funding for the brain injury act. Every year the President has recommended zero funding and Sen. McCain has gone along with that. Until this year we were able to get Congress to restore funding but this time around that funding was in the budget bill the President vetoed and it was not restored in conference committee. Sen McCain, although acknowledging that brain injury is the ’signature wound of the Iraqi War’ has voted against funding every time.

I could go on and on. I don’t know McCain considers himself anti-disability so much as he just doesn’t care. We are not his issue and Gov. Palin is not going to make us his issue.

It is also true that Sen. McCain is the oldest candidate ever for President and has a history of skin cancer. I regard issues such as the collapse of Pakistan, global warming, Iranian nuclear weapons, expansion of NATO, terrorism and the general decline of American prestige in the world as linked to disability issues when I think of my daughter’s well being. If you compares Gov. Palin’s history with that of Sen. Biden I would far prefer Sen. Biden to stare down Vladimir Putin.

While respecting everyone right to vote their own views there is a lot more, in my opinion, to being a pro disability candidate then having a child with Down syndrome.

Michael T. Bailey
Faculty, University of Arizona

5 09 2008
jean beverly

To Athabasca –
I don’t see this as just a “woman” issue. I would be just as dismayed if a male politician put his own personal ambition so far ahead of any sensitivity toward his pregnant, unmarried, teenage daughter in exposing her to the world at this time. How heartless, and unspeakably sad for the daughter.

5 09 2008

So Sarah is on her way back up here already?

Damn I thought it felt a little bit colder this morning.

5 09 2008

Oh and thanks for the hat tip muckraker.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Four years down the line, she would still be a rising star in the Republican Party

Nope she killed those chances when she was Stupid and Uncaring enough to Accept, which was a really Dumb offer in the first place, the offer!

She’s toast now as to National, even though running, down the road, how Alaskans handle her that’s up to them, but my guess is even any close to her will want hands off worried the damage might stick!!

But what’s hitting the fan now would have still been there in the future, so as far as being an intelligent choice she shows she doesn’t even have that moxy!

5 09 2008

If Sarah continues to refuse interviews and press conferences, she risks being defined by the “National Enquiring Minds”, the left-wing blogs, progressive radio shows such as “The Stephanie Miller Show” and “The Randi Rhodes Show” on Nova radio, and one of the few intelligent TV pundits- Keith Olbermann.

On second thought, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. At least they won’t lie to us about her.

5 09 2008

She does a hit job on the democrates and then she doen’t have to
address any questions about her comments? They are afraid that
she is totally unprepaired (which she is) to meet the press.

5 09 2008

bwahhahahah I am streaming 1080 KUDO and they were just talking about how she had to have words spelled out phonetically on the teleprompter….

5 09 2008

Sarah Palin is a non-entity. Appears like even her own Party believes that now. The great news is this gives our media outlets the energy, time and focus to differentiate between the McCain (same old “I voted with Bush 90% of the time; don’t have a new idea, but I need us to Fight, Fight, Fight because I LIKE WAR!”) and Barack Obama.

I am convinced that the Social Issues are the biggest ones of this election. We can fix the economy. We can fix the energy crisis. There are a lot of smart people out here who know WHAT to do – they have to be given the (oh this word!!!) FREEDOM to do it.

What will be harder to fix is the loss of our constitutional rights if McCain gets in? The Supreme Court will be stacked closer than ever to a Police State. Our Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves right now – we cannot let them down. They should not have fought for not. I know I sound dramatic, but McCain’s doctrine and Rove’s behind the scene puppeteering make this fightin’ times. Let Sarah do what she wants – I agree with the earlier posts. Most women, men, kids, PEOPLE I know are horrified that her personal ambition is more important than her newborn AND pregnant daughter. One of those events is enough to sideline anyone for awhile. She has both. Her priorities are in the wrong place – let her go home, pray and think about it. in the meantime, we have a job to do.

5 09 2008

Judith Miller in the NYTimes…always worth reading.

The Mirrored Ceiling

Why does this woman – who to some of us seems as fake as they can come, with her delicate infant son hauled out night after night under the klieg lights and her pregnant teenage daughter shamelessly instrumentalized for political purposes — deserve, to a unique extent among political women, to rank as so “real”?

Because the Republicans, very clearly, believe that real people are idiots.

5 09 2008
phoebe in calif

What if the tables were turned…..what if the Obama or Biden kids were such big losers. McCain & his goons would have a field day with it & yes so would the media. The Repubs always control the spin & the media lets them grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

5 09 2008

BigSlick (02:50:40) posted a link to the letter written by Palin to Julia Grimes, whois the director of the Alaska State Troopers in an attempt to apparently smear Trooper Wooten. What seems odd is she writes the email from a private email account from “ – which ends up being the website for the Matanuska Telephone association. Assuming the letter was real, I would like to know what associaton she has with the Matanuska Telephone Association. Why does she have an email associated with that company? Anyone?

5 09 2008

Does McCain remind anyone else of Tim Allen’s Robot Santa in the SANTA CLAUSE II???

5 09 2008
sauer kraut

Rene’s comment has me laughing… where is she when that call comes in at 3 am? Why… ReneND will already be up because she’s reading the comments on the mudflats blog!!! hahahahaaa…

Why is Sarah Palin going up to Alaska? What is she looking for? Does she think she’s going to find Ted Kazcinski’s cabin up there? What else is she hiding that mudflats hasn’t yet told us about?

Got an email last night from an obvious Sarah Palin fan. Guy goes off about how she does indeed have experience with national issues – particularly as it relates to the problems with Alaska’s alcoholics in the native villages. After looking at several MySpace blogs of Bristol and Levi’s friends (I posted the police report I found on Amber Ingersol’s MySpace – she’s shown in several of the pictures on Levi’s sister’s MySpace drinking heavily), I have to wonder why that guy makes no mention of the heavy drinking in the Palin family circle.

What’s Sarah Palin’s position on all that drinking by young teenagers? Down here in the Lower 48, we consider that to be a big problem worthy of addressing. Does mommy dearest know that the heavy drinking appears to be the prime form of entertainment among Bristol’s closest friends? Has mommy dearest been paying attention to all the heavy drinking (and the sexual activity that usually follows) among the kids Bristol seems to be spending most of her time with?

5 09 2008

@Diva –

They’re gonna try to sell this idea that the aggregate conspiracy of the MSM ans the “angry left wing bloggers,” abetted by the supermarket tabloids, are simply out to take her down via unrelenting character assassination. And any legitimately probing policy or track record questions will, of course, be included in that.

So, they’ll market test this tactic as long as they can. During which time there will be intense background negotiations with the MSM about Palin interview ground rules/limitations. She’ll probably show up on FauxNews first, I would think.

5 09 2008

Chuck: probably because MTA is the telephone and internet provider in Wasilla. So no different than anyone’s “” “” or “” email addresses.

5 09 2008

chunkalove (06:52:50) :

Most likely its her home internet provider.

5 09 2008

A tactic that has been suggested (someone read on Huffington) is that the media should ignore Palin. If only they could totally do that, not cover anything about her – she is irrelevant, she’s unqualified, distracting. show McCain that his pick is not an option for VP. This reality show needs to be cancelled.

5 09 2008

Andrew Sullivan on “Palin in Wasilla”

Or as I like to say, “Caribou Barbie’s in her Godhead”

5 09 2008

Jean Beverly,

In the abstract, it may not be just a “woman’s issue” but in this case it is a woman and the Republicans have made an issue of that. Her family situation is intended by the campaign to underscore how wonderful she is but almost all the women I’ve spoken to are horrified by the choices she’s made. And the key here is that all women–even those not really interested in politics–are talking.

John Edwards, I suppose, is the male version; he left many people wondering how he could run for President while his wife was battling cancer. She helped curb that discussion by campaigning so vigorously for him. Elizabeth, after all, is an adult, not a 17 year old pregnant girl. What Palin did to her daughter–put her up for humiliation–is unspeakably cruel.

5 09 2008
sauer kraut

People: you need to keep in mind that McCain did not pick Sarah Palin as his running mate. His campaign did that. And if he gets into the White House, he’s going to continue not running the show. Or country.

Sarah Palin has a history of attacking those people who are on the ladder above her. If the GOP ticket gets into the White House, McCain had better keep an extra layer of Secret Service protection around him. And he’d better make it clear to the head of Treasury (Secret Service is a division of Treasury) that he won’t fire him or her no matter how much lipstick that inexperienced but power-hungry little pitbull slaps on.

We haven’t heard much from mann Coulter lately. Has Steve Schmidt’s lipsticked pitbull upstaged the GOP’s queen of mean already? Where is Coulter on all this?

5 09 2008

From the Vancouver Sun, in Canada

Pete McMartin: Palin is plucky, takes no guff and her policy’s, er, crap

…’The lady’s a pit bull.

The one problem with that?

That stain she leaves when she bites won’t be lipstick.

5 09 2008

Sauer Kraut has a point. McCain’s last words may very well be, Et Tu Palin?

5 09 2008

Golly, I know I sound like an alarmist this morning – it must be all those Mountain Dews and coffee!! Anyway – just a kind reminder, that that wonderful Patriot Act that Gramps voted on with Bush (90% of the time, remember?) – well, it must be in full force as I am receiving Security Alerts in RED everytime I stay on this blog for awhile. Not a genius, but it could be our Big Brother is watching. . . .


5 09 2008

Ms.Palin is campaigning in Florida next week–in addition toTroopergate, Bridgegate, Fiveschoolsinsixyearsgate, Affairgate., etc. …is there an Anti-Semitic gate lurking?

5 09 2008

LT- JUst the sermon at her church where the pastor said Israel deserved what it got because they turned their back on Jesus.

5 09 2008

@Raingods –

Jesus was a Jew, btw, not a “Christian.”

5 09 2008

I find it strange that she would leave the campaign trail at this point to see her full grown son off. She didn’t flinch when she left her special needs baby a mere 3 days after giving birth. Something is not right with her or her family. They all look like they are hiding something

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Jean Beverly and Athabasca

They were just discussing this on the NPR Diane Rehm show.

A caller came in with this so called double standard, my guess a repug, well it got gently slammed down.

He brought up about when Joe Bidens wife and daughter were killed and he was trying to spin how nobody raised a question about him serving, well they, and I remember as well, flatly told the caller that there was Alot of Discussion and Talk about Biden going into his first term elected office now, there also were statements by Biden as well, and he’s mentioned it a number of times recently.

In the end, as Joe says, his sons sort of helped in the decision, his sister moved into the house to take care of the boys, and Joe traveled home almost every night by train, as we all know.

It was also pointed out that he was entering the Congress, not a Heartbeat away from the Presidency, which is a huge difference than what is the obvious now.

5 09 2008

BobbyG – I do know that.

5 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

I have a feeling Palin does not have a college degree. I really hope somebody follows up on this. Who changes school 6 times in 6 years? Who majors in Journalism yet never worked for the school paper or in the broadcasting department?

5 09 2008

They claim to wiretap our phones, but we can’t look at them, typical “party” from 1984 politics. The elite party can do what ever they want, and then let us eat cake. Time to fight back. This link has t-shirts and merchandise from my blog ‘the fascist watch list’. Thanks for the support.

5 09 2008

The document is probably fake. Where’s the signature?

5 09 2008

I think ProudTBUSA is right.

The Republicans probably think hiding Palin away for the rest of the campaign will be a lot less damaging than letting her talk unscripted. I really, really get the sense that they think (barring the unexpected, which is always out there) that the campaign is over.

The lack of energy in St. Paul and McCain’s really awful speech says a lot about how far down they think they are. Plus how many of them REALLY want Sarah Palin to be vice president? Those rural, Christian right, redneck Republicans only get day passes to the GOP.

The popular vote might swing around in the polls for awhile but the bases are dug in now and the electoral vote count doesn’t look at all good for McCain. A few more hundred thousand votes in the deep south won’t help him at all.

McCain is never going to run again. Palin is going to fade into the Alaskan wilderness. The speeches dumping on Obama at the convention are just openers for 2012 in disguise. From now on, the Republicans are back in the Bushes, taking pot shots, where they always do their best.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


If it was sent as a computer generated PDF or other File form you wouldn’t have a sig, not in someones handwriting and chances are that’s the way it would have been sent, reason for the e-addresses.

5 09 2008

I’ve been bouncing back and forth from this blog to others and I think we have the wrong idea here. Democracy is dead, has been since 2000. We are not going to win this one either. What to do?

5 09 2008

@Raingods –

No offense intended, just being snarky. Lotta religious idiots don’t even realize Christ was a jew.

Once many years ago, a member of the Texas legislature reportedly arose during debate on and English/Official Language bill and thundered “Ladies and Gentlemen, if the English language was good enough for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it’s good enough for the schoolchildren of the great state of Texas!”

5 09 2008

sheldon (07:06:39) :

I find it strange that she would leave the campaign trail at this point to see her full grown son off. She didn’t flinch when she left her special needs baby a mere 3 days after giving birth. Something is not right with her or her family. They all look like they are hiding something

Moose hunting season just opened. (Unit 9B, 17B & C): Opens September 5th, closes September 15th. New

5 09 2008
sauer kraut

One thing about the older son deploying – the campaign is stating that he’s going to Iraq in a week or so. The Army, however, does not do straight deployments on people who are essentially new recruits. Those guys need to get additional training, mostly beyond the standard MOS because going to Iraq means going into a combat situation. Which means Track most likely will end up in Alabama or Mississippi for at least 3 to 6 months, perhaps more because he’s wet about the ears, for additional training.

5 09 2008

There is a big difference between Biden’s situation and Palin’s. Neither of Biden’s children were newborns. Yes, they had special needs but for a finite period of time (e.g. recuperation).

I have a friend who has a Downs child (well, almost an adult now), and what a joy – I wouldn’t take that from anybody, but I can assure you she and her husband have sacrificed A LOT to give Emily all the love she needs to function in society. She is mortified that a baby like Emily is being paraded about like some branded marketing tool. It’s horrific.

For teenage pregnancies, we only have to look at the recent tabloids. This is not an easy time for a young girl with raging hormones, an uncertain fiance, and she’s probably freaking out. Heck, I freaked when I got pregnant at 30…what do we do now? Most people are trying to be as kind and as gentle with the baby and Bristol as possible. In fact, if we wanted to be crass about it, we could say Palin is believing that the Democrats will be there to take care of her kids while she goes and achieves her ambitions. The special programs for continuing education, etc. that we propose are just for this purpose. Maybe it’s time we turn this around?

5 09 2008

Oh, and, by the way, did you know that John McCain was a POW?

5 09 2008

Forgot this Jon Stewart:

Think I read somewhere–yesterday?–that she attended several institutions of higher learning before receiving her bachelors in communications.

5 09 2008

BobbyG-no harm no foul. 🙂

5 09 2008
Multi Medium » Where’s Sarah?

[…] godawful), you’d think the McCain campaign would want her appearing all over the place.  Eh, not so much… Well this is interesting.  Chuck Todd dropped a little bombshell this afternoon. CHUCK TODD:Well […]

5 09 2008

Does POW mean Palin’s Our Woman?

5 09 2008
Laura Jane

Ever since she was announced as his running mate I have been avidly following all the links to try and found out more about her. That whole meme “don’t let her distract you from McCain” has never been convincing because she has a real shot at being president. The way she likes to run things (fire the experts and overspend on personal projects) could have extremely serious consequences for all of us.)

I have read hundreds of links in the last 4 days so forgive me for not linking to the exact one, but there probably is no concrete “list of banned books.” Sarah asked the librarian, “How does one go about banning books?” and the librarian was so aghast that the suggestion went no further, but Sarah fired her.

Right now I’m more curious about the plane. Apparently she lied about selling the plane on eBay. Furthermore when she said she did it to save money for the taxpayers, what does that mean, exactly? Alaskans don’t pay state taxes, right? She runs the state with oil tax money and federal hand outs? So why sell the plane? Grand gesture? Where did the plane originally come from? Assuming she inherited it from the previous Governor, what happened to the money from the sale? Just more money to plump up her coffers or was it earmarked for a special project?

5 09 2008

marti (06:57:22) :

“A tactic that has been suggested (someone read on Huffington) is that the media should ignore Palin. If only they could totally do that, not cover anything about her – she is irrelevant, she’s unqualified, distracting. show McCain that his pick is not an option for VP. This reality show needs to be cancelled.”

I’m inclined to agree with this and the more Palin is spotlighted the less attention is paid to McCain. Biden will vet her in public during the debate and if she doesn’t start making the media rounds without a script, it’s going to become glaringly apparent that she’s just another puppet.

Let’s focus on McCain’s policies ( or lack thereof.) The harder we define the differences in what he’s offering and what Obama/Biden are offering the better.
I also think it’s good to keep attaching him to BUSH. His words and his voting record show they are basically cut from the same cloth and that does not
represent change.

Keep up the chatter folks, push on the issues, push on his age/mortality factor,
push on his embracing of the Bush/Cheney policies- so much so that he’s using their old speech writers, aides and fundraisers.

Sarah is a distraction and to be shunned. She’ll make her own gaffes and
her lack of knowledge on the national and global fronts will become apparent.
All she’s got is her Anti-Choice issue and it’s the only thing that will stir the base for them. The more we stir up the zealots the angrier they get and the more likely they are to get out in numbers to the poles on 11/4.

Shhhh! Let Obama work his strategy here and ignore her.

Donate. Volunteer. Vote.

5 09 2008

@Laura Jane –

Here’s a great link:

This guy is really on top of the major Palin dirt.

5 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

CHOICE?? If you guys have not seen it, an M.D. on Salon has a good analysis of the Sarah Palin/her daughter’s “choice” (get it?) to keep to keep their children. Worth a look:

5 09 2008

Laura Jane: do we know who bought the plane and if they paid a fair price?

The way this blog is expanding, will we see a Mudflats convention any time soon? Say, at the Wasilla sports complex Palin orchestrated? I hear Wasilla needs some revenue to pay their lawyers on this deal.

5 09 2008

My sister and brother-in-law live a block and a half from where McCain and Palin will speak in Cedarburg. I’ve encouraged her to stand in the front row and scowl and give a “thumbs down” gesture while he’s speaking.

I am also friends with a married couple who live in Cedarburg about six blocks from the speech site. They loathe the Republicans. She was Obama’s interpreter for the deaf when he spoke in Milwaukee during the primary campaign, and he has enormous thumbs, so I’m hoping they’ll be photographed doing a thumbs-down, too.

Hope! Hope!

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Actually there isn’t a big difference, Bidens boys were very young, but that isn’t the point, the point is about a ‘Special Needs Child’, been around a long time, know many personally as well as being around them and have one in the extended family, one of my neices has a 1yrplus child, and I’ve made comments as to that here. But the Mother quickly accepting an Offer as big as this is. And seemingly being uncaring about the child.

The other point is the Double Standard argument, each circumstance has to be looked at as to what it is, but as was also pointed out, in this present situation, if Obama had an extremely young ‘special needs child’ and one of his young daughters came home pregnant most people would Expect him not to run.

This is and also was answered, as somebody mentioned above, in the Edwards case!!!

The winger crowd hasn’t anything they say on the issue, Palin should Not Be Running!!

5 09 2008

will this be the first election decided on the bimbo factor?

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

BTW–hi all! this is my new favorite blog. it is a save haven from the hate and ignorance found at almost every other site. thanks again for all the insightful and informative posts. mudflats convention–yes!

5 09 2008

I swear if McCain/Palin ticket wins, I’m traveling on up and living in Canada.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

bwilder :

All I can say to folks posting this type of nonsense is ‘Nice Try’!

Palin is McCain, it’s his First Major Decision, and if they choose her without the Vetting, and they did, than Everything Found On Palin Is Stuck To McCain!!

Not to mention, McCain has been around a Loooong Time, and Alot is Already Known About Him, Including Age, back to Palin on that last as well!!

5 09 2008
CSS moonseeds

I continue to be real grateful for you Mudflats! You are doing great work for America! Thanks so much, keep it coming.

5 09 2008

To bwilder –

couldn’t say it better. Remember Dan Quayle?

My key message right now to McCain supporters is the following:

Q: Did you know that the Bush/McCain partnership (and yes, put them constantly in the same sentence) tried to change our Founding Fathers Bill of Rights? Did you realize that this great country of ours made it through WW1 and (most of) WW2 without invoking the abolishment of Habeus Corpus – wars that were were much greater and direct threats to our shores and national security? If our great Veterans and ancestors could do that then, why aren’t we doing that now?

Q: Do you believe in the Star Spangled Banner when we (at least try) sing: “…home of the FREE….”? Do you know what Francis Scott Key really meant by that when he wrote that song and its relationship to STATE officials (e.g. the GOVERNOR of MARYLAND) trying to preserve our records?

Q: Are you aware that one of our great Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, addressed the separation of Church and State in 1802, that resulted in the interpretation of this in our first ammendment in the Bill of Rights? (And a Baptist Church was threatened by the loss of freedom to worship!)

I just keep hammering away on the foundation of our Country. McCain can have his fear and Caribou Barbie. What Obama represents is something greater than all of us; we have to stay the course and help people reach a logical decision. If they remember grade school at all, they will step back and think about what that Pledge really means.

5 09 2008

Palin is scheduled for 30 fundraisers in 60 days, according to Huffington Post.

I guess she’s going home to lock in her babysitters.

Not only that, I’m sure she has to tell all her friends and family to stop talking to the media, possibly forever!

5 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

The news feeds are all saying both Repubs are going to be speaking shortly in Wisconsin….waiting to see if this is true????

5 09 2008
Jim S.

And on my last, As Long as Their Camp refuses To Answer The Many Many Questions About Palin, the More it Sticks to McCain

5 09 2008

I have been following the story of Keith Olbermann’s statement after a 9/11 Tribute video was shown last night at the convention.

I have posted this video on my blog. This atrocity needs to be shown to the American public. Please link this video out to the blogosphere. The Republicans have done many underhanded things this campaign, but after seeing this video, I have to say that this has been the worse.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

GJ in Idaho :

Speaking is the key word!

she Spoke the other night, others words, Answering Direct Questions is Not what you’ll see or hear!

5 09 2008

OMG – I just got it. All of us are missing the point here. They KNOW she is inexperienced and they want it that way. THEY KNOW she is blinded by her ambition and small town vision of the world. THEY KNOW they can control her. (Well, they are men, and men can be reaaaaallly stupid about conniving wimmen.)

Here’s what I think is going down – Cheney isn’t relinquishing power. He knows McCain is a maverick, but he also knows he’s losing it. So – Cheney is just getting another puppet. I have never thought Bush was smart enough or experienced enough to be Prez. And personally, I don’t think he ever was. The RNC doesn’t care who the person is on stage, because if McCain dies in office, Palin (they think) will be easy enough to manipulate. Feed that huge ego, put her purty little face and low-cut blouses up there on stage, and we’ll take care of the rest, You just don’t mind yer pretty little head about things, darlin’

Hey – it would explain a LOT.

5 09 2008

Leila, Jim S, Swine Princess:

Actually, if you look at all the figures for each of those years (2007 to 2009), the budget for special needs children SPECIFICALLY for SEVERELY DISABLED CHILDREN, it is a mere $2,054.00 for the entire year. It has not increased at all.

That doesn’t seem like much money at all to help the disabled kids for the entire year. That’s just a token amount. It probably just covers snacks or something irrelevant like that. So, exactly how is she helping disabled special needs kids? Why hasn’t she increased the funding?

She made a very strong statement saying that she is a strong advocate for special needs children, but a mere token $2054.00 per year, does not prove to me that she is a strong advocate of special needs children.

5 09 2008

Mudflats convention woo hooo!!!!! sign me up.

I’m with you Victoria’s very nice, we have already decided to retire to Cancun.
We will not be able to afford to live in the States based on our retirement.
Can’t count on social security thanks to the repubs..

5 09 2008

[…Right now I’m more curious about the plane. Apparently she lied about selling the plane on eBay. …]

Actually I mentioned this to my wife after Palin’s speech and she said I was wrong that she didn’t say she SOLD the plane on eBay. So, I looked at the transcript of the speech and my wife was right. What she said in her speech, after she mentioned selling the plane, she said “I PUT it on eBay”. What I, and everyone else, heard was that she was clever and sold the plane on eBay. She is obviously a master of the technical lie. If anyone accuses her of lying she can say I never said I SOLD the plane on eBay, I said I PUT it on eBay. She created a false impression without technically lying. This woman is seriously dangerous.

5 09 2008
An AK republican, no more!

RE: Cynthia and the Air National Guard

You are aware that a ship with tourists showed up in Barrow, AK, unannounced. If you don’t know where Barrow is, please look at a map. This is amazing. Read all about it!

I wanted you to see this. If a ship of German tourists can show up in the most northern part of the state UNANNOUNCED, what else can happen?

She has done a great job of running the Air National Guard. Maybe if she was more aware of global warming she would know what is going on in her state.

5 09 2008

Yes, Rosci – but you need to add Karl Rove and James Dobson to your list. Cheney is the moneybags and Dobson is the mouthpiece, but Rove is the mind behind it all. And you better believe it is a bunch of doddering old men believing they can “control” this election by giving everybody what they think they want. “She’s a woman! Hillary supporters will like that! If they don’t vote for her, it’s because they’re (fill in the blank here: jealous, feminists, stupid, don’t understand that we like WAR< WAR< WAR because it feeds Cheney’s Halliburton connection, which in turn, feeds us!) McCain showed his true “character” when he allowed this Right Wing Fascist Coalition abscond with his base because he is so blind with ambition that he will be President at all costs. at ANY Cost. I won’t go through my Sunday School lesson this morning of the 10 commandments. I won’t repeat myself on the Supreme Court overturning the attempt by Senator McCain to remove a fundamental right of the American people. Bottom line is these people have controlled our country for a long time. We have to start taking it back.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Ahhhhh, don’t know how old you are, but those of us who are oldies knew that about Raygun, than it was daddy bush as cheney, and we’ve known pResident cheney has been running the show, but you could be right about Palin, thing is it won’t be cheney running it but some of the younger Neo-Cons!

5 09 2008

GH (07:55:54) :

[…Right now I’m more curious about the plane. Apparently she lied about selling the plane on eBay. …]

Actually I mentioned this to my wife after Palin’s speech and she said I was wrong that she didn’t say she SOLD the plane on eBay. So, I looked at the transcript of the speech and my wife was right. What she said in her speech, after she mentioned selling the plane, she said “I PUT it on eBay”. What I, and everyone else, heard was that she was clever and sold the plane on eBay. She is obviously a master of the technical lie. If anyone accuses her of lying she can say I never said I SOLD the plane on eBay, I said I PUT it on eBay. She created a false impression without technically lying. This woman is seriously dangerous.

An interesting twist about putting the plane on eBay is that Alaska has put up aircrafts for sale on eBay before she came into office. So it wasn’t her original idea to use eBay to sell it (even if she campaigned on the issue of selling the plane).

5 09 2008

Re: Biden/Palin Childcare Difference

Biden was already elected senator when his family was killed and injured. He was only sworn-in after the accident, so he didn’t choose to run a difficult campaign while caring for young children.

5 09 2008

Sarah Palin… “You are NOT prepared!”
–The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft

5 09 2008
jean beverly

McCain took her for show — not because he has any intention of letting her have any influence on him or his administration except for vote getting. The really horrific thing about that is that he is 72 years old and just may not be immortal.

5 09 2008

Always wanted to visit Alaska, but just can’t get over how out of left field this pick is. ABC News can’t even get it right–in the video they list the Alaska senate guy (Holiss Spence?) as being from Arkansas!

5 09 2008

“Palin is scheduled for 30 fundraisers in 60 days, according to Huffington Post.

Will Joe Lieberman be wispering sweet nothings in her ear, too?

5 09 2008
mr. whipple

What’s the deal on this, Alaskans?

“Todd Palin’s former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Oh God.”

5 09 2008

It seriously scares me that someone like Palin can get so close to the Presidency without talking to the media.

Some guy from Politico was on MSNBC this morning saying that Palin was just doing what Cheney has done over the years and avoided the Media, except for Fox News. That is crap in my opinion. For one thing I’ve remember seeing him go one on one with Russert and Bob Schieffer. And get real – Cheney is a known entity who has been lurking around since Nixon!

So yeah – they may try to hide Palin in an underground lair for two months and only parade her around to the big money at fundraisers, but voters are going to get extremely nervous about that.

5 09 2008

I’ve seen pictures of Sarah Palin exiting from a float plane. Does anyone know if the state replaced the private jet with a float plane that is available for Sarah and Todd to fly up to their hunting and fishing spots. They would have much more use for a float plane than a jet.

5 09 2008

Can this get any more “Dynasty”-like?

Andrew Sullivan at The Atlanta reports that Todd Palin’s former business partner, the one the National Enquirer has linked to Sarah Palin, has filed an emergency motion in Alaska court to have his divorce papers sealed.

We have nothing to hide. 🙂

5 09 2008

Rosci – Jim S. is right on this. If you look at Bush Sr. he had a distinguished career which included a scary stint in the CIA during some pretty interesting times. We’ve always thought that the Bush family meant for JEB to be President, and that this W thing turned out to be real fluke. If you haven’t seen the cartoon floating around the web (and it’s blue, so if this is offensive, sorry) where Sr. says to W while counseling him about Iraq: “…son, i had the same problem with your mother. I didn’t pull out in time.”

5 09 2008

Biden’s son Beau (who looks soooooooooooo much like his dad) is also preparing to be deployed to Iraq. And unlike young Track, Beau Biden has REAL RESPONSIBILITIES!

I can tell Joe is devoted to the job.

5 09 2008

If she is such a advocate for special needs kids then explain the following:

Why did the CDC deny for years that the autism rates were increasing?

Why has the federal government not fully funded the IDEA?

What was her position on all of the imported toys having lead in them? Knowing that unusal lead levels in a child’s blood can lead to developmental disabilites.

What is her position on the immunization debate?

Some people in the autism community think that the environment causes autism. And since the republican’s platform is “drill, drill, drill”, won’t that cause an increase in the autism rates?

What about group homes? Some of these kids do end up in group homes once they get older, because some parents can’t take care of these kids. What is her position on that?

Obama has a position on the autism spectrum disorder at his website. Where is her’s?

According to the easter seals website, Alaska doesn’t have a specific health insurance mandate for autism spectrum disorders. Why not?

Does the state have a grant to help the families that are low income to help with the expenses of taking care of a child with developmental disabilites? If they don’t why not?

These are just a few questions.

5 09 2008

The link to the court records posted by Andrew Sullivan is swamped. It times out.

5 09 2008

Oh crap, she’s giving a speech, is anyone listening to it?

5 09 2008

Is anyone watching Palin speak, right now? She revised the community organizers line, but I missed what she replaced it with. Did anyone catch that? What did she say?

5 09 2008

OMG! Will scandals never cease? This means the National Enquirer was right!

5 09 2008

Sara is still using the community organizer/responsibility line.

There on CNN now. She is reading off the podium. Hope she starts ad libbing.

5 09 2008

Yikes! That 9/11 “Tribute” is really disgusting. Who ARE these people who call themselves Republicans.

Interesting, though, that this clip was the only one I’ve see that had lights up in the back so you could see all the empty seats.

5 09 2008

Can anyone get the divorce papers before they are sealed? Maybe the NE already has these.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

An AK republican, no more!:

Good God, Thanks For The Laugh, can’t stop, that was Great

Which is why nearly everyone in this historic Inupiat community was surprised last fall when they woke up to find about 400 German tourists walking around town. How the heck did they get here?

“Yes, that was a surprise,” North Slope Borough Mayor Edward Itta said Thursday, standing on the Barrow airport tarmac.

But not just for the townspeople. Commanders with the U.S. Coast Guard stationed far to the south in Juneau and Kodiak were surprised as well.

“They said, ‘What Germans? What cruise ships?’ ” Itta recalled with a laugh. “And I said, ‘They’re here.’ “

I just sent the article out with a header about National Security, Palin Style~!!!!!! ;c}

5 09 2008
Walk Away


Ms. Madonna Thatcher Palin is a fundraising/get out the vote ploy. Think how much more attention she is getting than Lieberman, Ridge, Pawlenty, or any of the other VP Candidates who were already know. The more we feed the flames of the story, the more successful the ploy.

The Republicans may be in over their heads with the (apparently) rash decision, although Mr. Gingrich has gone on the record as being part of the campaign for Ms. MTP.

Remember, the Republicans need to “win” the election, in order to govern. No win, no govern.

5 09 2008

on CNN? CNBC? Where?

5 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

OMG, I just listened to the two clips of SP talking to the “commission” grads recently at her childhood church in Wasilla. No wonder she needed a speech writer! And it’s no wonder why the campaign wants to keep her away from any unscripted moments. I’ve heard people at PTA and homeowners’ association meetings sound more articulate. She reminded me of a high school cheerleader… no offense to cheerleaders, but sheeeeeesh! The only thing that’s missing is that she isn’t blond.

As much as you folks in Alaska would like to get her out of there, please, please don’t foist her on the rest of us. We need to recover from the last time some state tried that.

5 09 2008
Laura Jane

Laura Jane: do we know who bought the plane and if they paid a fair price?

OK got it. She made a campaign promise to sell it. “Former Gov. Frank Murkowski bought the jet, which cost the state about $2.6 million, over the protests of the Legislature and used it to fly around the state, sometimes mixing campaign errands with government business.” from The Anchorage Daily News 4/22/07

She made a campaign promise to sell it off but it took 4 attempts to unload it. This is a pretty funny quote: “The state’s definitely not going to give this plane away. If that was the case, then they would have sold it on eBay Heckmann said. […] Meanwhile, the state is stuck making quarterly payments of about $62,000 on the Westwind II. ”


After going unsold for months, the jet was put into the hands of Turbo North Aviation, an Anchorage aircraft broker, which put an asking price of $2.45 million on the nearly $2.7 million jet. It quickly sold to Alaska businessman Larry Reynolds for $2.1 million ($31,000 of which went to Turbo Aviation). Today the Westwind II jet spends its days ushering wealthy hunters around Alaska and Russia

5 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Well, she does deliver…..the same speech…..say it again, so we will all believe it, Sarah….

5 09 2008

McCain/Bush Palin/Cheney ,,great ticket .
McCain asks for “everyone” to stand together ,,after Palin spits on and mocks community organizers , after picking a VP that’s not even a close comparison to Mitt or Rudy (not that like like mitt or Rudy)… He stated he holds his hand out to us all ,,what ?? so he could slap me in the face ???
an outrageous insult ,,
This is from a guy in AZ that has supported McCain (not bush)for 20 years , No more ,no way ,no how !!!!!!!!!!
If he would have told us all to F- off and picked Lieberman I would respect that ,if he would have told us to F-off and picked mitt despite the Mormon thing I would respect that. If he would have said “screw you” I pick Rudy because he has the experience I need I would respect that . But!!! he Say’s I pick Palin to get a vote and I say screw U I do not respect you !!! You lost the support of many an AZ resident .. He never had to run a tv add here to stay in the senate but now has to run them here everyday ..
WWwwwhhheew ,, had to vent so I could get some work done ,, thanks mudflats

5 09 2008

And you can bet when they lose, they’ll throw everything at Obama they can find. If we thought Ken Starr was bad, we ain’t seen nothing yet.

5 09 2008


5 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

OMG….look at that sign over her head…EATER….

5 09 2008

come on, Alaska! Are you really going to let your public officials seal documents that have some damning evidence? (Oh. Wait. I live in NC the home of John Edwards.)

5 09 2008

I can’t believe Palin accepted the VP nod knowing that there were incriminating court papers in a divorce case on file! I guess ambition blinds better than love.

I’ve heard McGovern say many times that, given he was unlikely to win in ’72 anyway, he regretted dumping Eagleton off the ticket. I thought that is what they decided with Palin— more long-term damage with the base to dump than keep her. But if this keeps up, they may have no choice. The party will be a laughingstock for the next fifty years.

Is this what happened to the Whigs?

5 09 2008

She just threw out the “community organizers don’t actually do anything” again. Amazing that the people who have ranted for years about the inability of the government to accomplish anything have taken this absurd attack against those who toil so hard for the less fortunate. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!

5 09 2008

OMG, this is just her speech from the other night, regurgitated!

5 09 2008

If anyone ever read Stephen King’s book, The Dead Zone, Palin reminds me of a female Greg Stillson.

5 09 2008

I still can’t figure out what the deal is with Palin going back to Alaska. McCain is making an appearance tomorrow in Albuquerque. When it was first announced the said that Palin would be there, then on Wednesday I heard on the radio that she would not be there. Then there was an article in the paper this morning that said she wasn’t on the original schedule, that was prepared before her selection, but that they had talked to her and she would appear with McCain. Now, supposedly she is headed back to Alaska.

5 09 2008

WHAT?! McCain just said that Palin sold the plane on eBay (lie), and MADE A PROFIT!

5 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

ok, McLair….just said she “sold it on Ebay and made a profit” in front of 8,000

catch that live now…on MSNBC

5 09 2008

Did you see that ,, she needed notes to read the same speech ,,, great news ,if she can’t remember a simple speech she Joe will have an easy kill in a debate,
the press will take her to task with easy questions ..

5 09 2008

Now Mc Cain lied about the jet/e-bay and claimed it made a profit.

No wounder the economy is up side down, Someone should explain the little – in front of the collom of #s.

5 09 2008
Cynthia, TX


there are not going to let her in front of press…not going to happen.

5 09 2008

Watching the McCain/Palin appearance on MSNBC.
I hope that “first pork-barrel bill” that comes across McCain’s desk (God forbid he’s sitting at that desk) is from…Alaska! Ha ha ha! And the bridge again…

5 09 2008

It was really interesting to me how he added the “and made a profit” line…like a total afterthought. “Oh, that would sound good, I’ll add that!”. If it had made a profit, you know we would have heard about it before today.

5 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Re the comparison between Track’s and Bo’s responsibilities once they get to Iraq… At 19, with no college degree and minimal training, about all Track will be useful for is canon fodder. If he’s lucky, his MOS will prepare him for some sort of maintenance function and thus keep him on base and relatively safe. Unless he’s good enough to be a sniper thanks to all that moose hunting. On the other hand, Bo’s already the Del Attorney General (college plus law school), so it’s understandable that he’ll be with the JAG-corps.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that there are people who are willing to serve and protect the US when needed. But I didn’t raise my own sons to be canon fodder for somebody’s ill-conceived, ill-planned war. I remember Vietnam only too well.

Since this group seems to be quite literate, a read of John Dean’s “Conservatives Without Conscience” would shed light on the nature of today’s GOP and why they seem so willing to adopt SP as their newest BFF. Also, take the time to read Richard A. Clarke’s latest, “Your Government Failed You,” and Naomi Klein’s “Shock Doctrine.”

5 09 2008

It doesn’t necessarily mean anything that the divorce papers are sealed. Even if there’s no truth to the rumors about an affair with Palin the guy of course understands that he’ll be examined by the media. And he can have other reasons for not wanting his divorce papers flying around on the internet, reasons that has nothing to do with Palin or the campaign.

5 09 2008

{WalkAway: “The more we feed the flames of the story, the more successful the ploy.”}

Mmmm – I disagree. The truth needs to be out there. Clearly the more people learn about Palin, the more money they are sending Obama. So “feeding the flames” seems like a good idea right now.

She will have to try twice as hard to raise half as much money. Good luck to the Reps.

5 09 2008

Now let’s see if we’ve got this straight. We’ve been told not to ask about the family that is constantly being used as a backdrop to sure up the “hockey mom” contingent. We’ve been told that we can’t ask questions about qualifications, experience, education, training, etc. etc. etc. because we are sexist. And now we’re being told that just because she is a mother doesn’t mean that she can’t handle the duties of the vice-presidency, but it seems that they’re now saying because she is a mother and hasn’t been home in FOUR DAYS!!!! she’ll be taking time off to spend with her family………..OMFG!!!! If we allow this to go unanswered, we deserve the hell that will be the U.S. in four more years.

5 09 2008

It’s 12:15 now, and Palin is talking again, introducing McCain at a stump in Wisconsin. I am totally shocked that she is ONCE AGAIN demeaning Obama’s experience as a community organizer saying that they have no responsibilities and boasting that she was a mayor of a small town. Now I am fuming enough to finally write to WA Post. CNN was broadcasting Obama’s talk, but — can you believe this — they interrupted it in the middle to broadcast Palin/McCain! I guess the media is not interested in the issues. Only melodrama. They broadcasted 10 minutes of Palin cheerleading for McCain the hero. Did I hear McCain complimenting Palin’s husband??? Is this what America has come down to?

5 09 2008

I’m watching Palin/McCain on CNN, and he just told an….untruth…by saying Palin sold the infamous jet on eBay and made a profit. Hilarious! She put it on eBay, but nobody bought it. Finally a private businessman did and we lost $300,000 on the deal.

Agghhhhh…..not the Bridge to Nowhere lie again! Make it stop…….

5 09 2008
Jim S.

No win, no govern.

Don’t need to govern, if they’ve got the numbers in Congress to Obstruct, that’s all they need, and right now that’s what they’re doing.

5 09 2008

Leila, Jim S, Swine Princess,

Please disregard my earlier post on the budget for disabled children. My information was innacurate.

5 09 2008


5 09 2008

Maybe she is going back to Alaska to pay some people off and finish up some old business:

This is what Andrew Sullivan just reported:

“Todd Palin’s former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Oh God.”

That would be the business partner the National Enquirer was reporting she had an affair with

5 09 2008

Good – sounds like Palin is digging her hole even deeper.

5 09 2008

Maybe she is going back to Alaska to pay some people off and finish up some old business:

This is what Andrew Sullivan just reported:

“Todd Palin’s former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Oh God.”

That would be the business partner the National Enquirer was reporting she had an affair with

5 09 2008
jean beverly

Doesn’t Palin (and McCain, for that matter) not talking to the press kinda remind you of Bush refusing to talk with any country that doesn’t fall right in line with him?

5 09 2008

This site has a hilarious made up photo slide show of McCain’s vetting interview with Palin.

5 09 2008
Laura Jane

I wrote out a whole big comment with web sites and the blog ate my comment. I have to go, but 2 points:

The plane sale was a campaign promise by Palin

After 4 attempts it was sold at a big loss. NOT on eBay. In fact the Anchorage Daily News 4/22/07 article said:

The state’s definitely not going to give this plane away. If that was the case, then they would have sold it on eBay Heckmann said. […] Meanwhile, the state is stuck making quarterly payments of about $62,000 on the Westwind II.

5 09 2008

They can’t even get the E-bay story right!!!

As far as I can tell, the emergency motion to seal the business partner’s divorce papers was DENIED.

5 09 2008

To ProudVolunteer –

Buy the tee-shirt, buy the bumper sticker:

Jesus was a Community Organizer; Pontius Pilate was a Governor.

I bought a slew of bumper stickers last night, and I’ll make sure I wear my tee with pride!!!!! There are a lot of ways to get the message out – if the media wants to roll over to these lies, we, the people, can still get the word out.

5 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Given today’s job figures (unemployment’s now up to 6.1%), anyone still think the economy’s fundamentally sound??? And don’t forget even those numbers are phony thanks to the redefinition of “unemployed” that the Reagan Revolution ushered in. If you want to be working full time but you’re 1) a temp, 2) a part-time worker, 3) if your benefits have run out, or 4) you’ve just given up looking, you’re not counted. Wonder what the REAL unemployment rate is.

Four more years of GOP mis-management of the economy? I think NOT!
No way, no how, no McPain-Palin!

I’ve signed up to volunteer along with my donations. This is way too important to sit back and hope someone else does it.

5 09 2008

Bluedog: who bought the plane? Anyone with connections to Palin?

5 09 2008

McCain being booed in Wisconsin now on CNN. Looks like the word got out for this “rallY’


5 09 2008

He said NOTHING again today, no specifics about his policies to “change” America. if that’s all they’ve got then the GOP (Grand Old Pervert) is in trouble.

5 09 2008

Name of the person Sarah Palin allegedly had an affair with (according to Andrew Sullivan’s blog): Scott Alan Richter

Anybody know him?

5 09 2008

WOW, I can’t believe all of the comments, and here I thought I was getting in early today.
Funny how SP is the new flavor of the month as CNN just cut from Obama’s speech to her introducing McCain. Same speech from the other night with some new smears added in from the FoxNews interview.
Funny though with the 6.1% unemployment rate the highest EVER and is more likely that we will not gain jobs for the rest of this year. They didn’t even talk about that or the fact that the Dow is down again over 300 points.
This is really scary!!!!

5 09 2008

Now this is an interesting little gem. . . Trig doesn’t have a BIRTH CERTIFICATE? HUH?

5 09 2008

So wait, she didn’t change the community organizer line? o.0

5 09 2008

our great leaders at work and the war the defend. for what?

5 09 2008

Where is the website to purchase T-Shirts and bumper stickers?

5 09 2008

The request to make the divorce records confidential was denied. Justice IS at work.

5 09 2008

Proud2B – great news! How did you find out?

5 09 2008

So…if the (ahem) Honorable Governor Palin had an affair with her husband’s former business partner, how solid is the family values/conservative vote come November? Will they rally around her and say ‘ah…we all make mistakes’?

Just saw the post on the Daily Dish re: sealing her husband’s former biz partner’s divorce papers, and well…, once again, I. Can’t. Take. Much. More.

This is insane! Bloody hell!

5 09 2008

I’ve been trying to access the link in Andrew Sullivan’s article about Todd Palin’s business partner’s motion to make his divorce records private. It is overloaded and kept timing out but I finally got through. this is what it says:

09/04/2008 Order Denying Motion Case Motion #3: Motion to Make Case File Confidential
09/03/2008 Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Scott Alan Richter (Petitioner); Case Motion #3
09/03/2008 Motion for Expedited Consideration of: Motion to Make Case File Confidential Attorney: Pro per (0100001) Case Motion #2

That looks like the motion to make the case file confidential was filed on 9/3 but it was denied on 9/4. I wonder if this has anything to do with Halcro’s pending news.

5 09 2008

Wouldn’t it be fun if everyone in the rally had worn one of these? Just for giggles.

5 09 2008
From England

My friends (i know…I really can’t help myself)….Sarah Marie.that you on Kudo right now? You go girl!

5 09 2008

You know if she’s named in those papers, I’d really like to know why she didn’t think of that BEFORE today? I don’t’ know, that would seem hard to believe.

5 09 2008

If dirt is about to come out on Palin, it would explain why she is being hurried back to Alaska.

One thing is for sure: Palin will not be going back to the same Alaska she left. She will be HOUNDED by press everywhere she turns.

5 09 2008
Ana Gama


If you are outraged, but have not yet joined the only legitimate campaign for change, please do so NOW!

Go to and donate, volunteer, something, anything, whatever you can manage and afford in money and/or time! Your complaints may not be enough this time. The time is now to take a stand and get active!

5 09 2008

Nice article about how McCain has filled his camp with Bush advisers……you know, so he can create CHANGE.

5 09 2008

Don’t know fi thi shas been already posted, but it’s so good, it bears repeating, please post this wherever you can on the intertubes

Community Organizers

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
From England

just catchung up on the posts…great discussions folks. This divorce/confidentiality thing sounds VERY promising.

alaskans…keep us informed.

5 09 2008

I read that the plane did not get minimum bid on ebay (maybe listed more than once) and eventually sold for a loss through a broker.

5 09 2008

More details on the divorce records of Scott Alan Richter. Notes say it involves Scott’s wife, Debbie, who had an affair with one of Todd Palin’s advisers and Todd had him fired. OMG! This is so low and dirty!

5 09 2008

RE: Another from England (03:37:02) :

“If they had to keep Palin in a hotel room for four days to teach her a half hour speech, I don’t think six days in Alaska seems too much to ask to learn the theory of evolution.”

This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read….

5 09 2008

Scott Alan Richter filed for divorce 9 months before Trig was born. I have a feeling there is going to be a whole new babygate.

5 09 2008

how do you handle war in your own country? we the american people need to wage war on those in control now. it’s clear they’ve lost all touch with reality and they think by telling us to be afraid we will. what a crock of crap. welcome to a disgraced nation that I and so many now are ashamed of being a part of. There are far to many unanswered 9/11 questions from which this war campaign started from. “We wont let it happen” they let it happen, they let hurricane Katrina happen, and the truth is they would rather be celebrating their own feces than helping this country be what it should be.

5 09 2008
Laura Jane

I lied. I did not leave. But I am soooo late. I just wanted you to have the original link now that Plane/eBaygate is tbecoming a bigger story:

After going unsold for months,
the jet was put into the hands of Turbo North Aviation, an Anchorage aircraft broker, which put an asking price of $2.45 million on the nearly $2.7 million jet. It quickly sold to Alaska businessman Larry Reynolds for $2.1 million ($31,000 of which went to Turbo Aviation). Today the Westwind II jet spends its days ushering wealthy hunters around Alaska and Russia

5 09 2008

fredrik said: It doesn’t necessarily mean anything that the divorce papers are sealed. Even if there’s no truth to the rumors about an affair with Palin the guy of course understands that he’ll be examined by the media. And he can have other reasons for not wanting his divorce papers flying around on the internet, reasons that has nothing to do with Palin or the campaign.

I thought the same thing. Imagine minding your own business, and suddenly because you are aquainted with someone who like Palin your personal life may be tossed to the world. He really is in a bad situation.

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
Mother Who Thinks

I’m an Alaskan mother of a 21 year old who has Down syndrome. I could go on 4-ever about what that means….and Sarah does not have a CLUE about where she is headed with her little prop Trig. More on that later. But for now…..

Brothers and Sisters, we need to arm ourselves with the facts.
What follows is from a Down Syndrome blog. It speaks for itself.

“Governor Palin is running for vice-president. She will follow the McCain platform on all issues.

1. Senator McCain has voted no on every proposal before Congress to increase SSI basic payments to people with disabilities. Right now my 20-year-old daughter gets $471/month. That’s fine while she lives with us. She will get the same amount when she’s 70.
He receives a well deserved $60,000/year disability from the navy but has opposed increased benefits to anyone with a disability.

2. Senator McCain supported the reauthorization of IDEA, which is the first ever that cuts back on the rights of families and kids.

3. I realize that for most people on this list The Community Choice Act seems remote. But for adults with disabilities it is the most significant thing to come before Congress in decades. In short it allows us to access Medicare funds to support people to live in their own homes with their own staff and not be forced into communal group homes or nursing homes. Sen. McCain strongly opposes this and has made it clear he will not sign if he becomes President. As I posted before he had dozens of chair users recently arrested when they came to his office to talk about this.

4. Senator McCain has opposed all effort to expand health care. If he is elected there is no chance of anything remotely resembling universal coverage or even affordable coverage. This is a huge
issue for adults with disabilities living on their paltry SSI payment.

5. Senator McCain refused to co-sponsor the ADA restoration act pending in Congress. The act passed the House overwhelmingly in June and is now stalled in the Senate.

6. I was at Walter Reed Hospital in March one week before the Washington Post broke the story of abuse and neglect of veterans. McCain has consistently voted no on increased appropriation for
veterans and voted no on increasing educational opportunity.

7. Senator McCain has voted no on all attempts to increase the federal contribution to special education funding.

8. I and others have worked hard every two years of the Bush Administration to restore funding for the brain injury act. Every year the President has recommended zero funding and Sen. McCain has gone along with that. Until this year we were able to get Congress to restore funding but this time around that funding was in the budget bill the President vetoed and it was not restored in conference committee. Sen McCain, although acknowledging that brain injury is the ’signature wound of the Iraqi War’ has voted against funding every time.

I could go on and on. I don’t know McCain considers himself anti-disability so much as he just doesn’t care. We are not his issue and Gov. Palin is not going to make us his issue.

It is also true that Sen. McCain is the oldest candidate ever for President and has a history of skin cancer. I regard issues such as the collapse of Pakistan, global warming, Iranian nuclear weapons, expansion of NATO, terrorism and the general decline of American prestige in the world as linked to disability issues when I think of my daughter’s well being. If you compares Gov. Palin’s history with that of Sen. Biden I would far prefer Sen. Biden to stare down Vladimir Putin.

While respecting everyone right to vote their own views there is a lot more, in my opinion, to being a pro disability candidate then having a child with Down syndrome.

Michael T. Bailey
Faculty, University of Arizona”

5 09 2008

ANa Gama is right people ,, cash counts
cash ,cash ,cash !!!!!!!!! work,work,work!!!!!! I donated and will work here in AZ.
OUTRAGED !!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

5 09 2008

{By Palingate: Scott Alan Richter filed for divorce 9 months before Trig was born. I have a feeling there is going to be a whole new babygate.}

And now no birth certificate? omg – what is going on?

5 09 2008

Can the Alaska legislature compel Sarah’s testimony since they can actually lay their hands on her? I know the US House has their own subpoena enforcement capability that is sadly unused, but maybe the Alaskan legislature has more cojones than Nancy Pelosi

5 09 2008
Then Came Bronson

Anyone who’s sold so much as an old LP on e-Bay knows that there is a fee for just listing an item. Listing a reserve item for $2.5 million must have cost a pretty hefty amount. Given that it didn’t sell, there must have been a huge net loss for putting it on e-Bay. But, don’t let the facts get in the way. It’s their story and they can tell it any way they want.

5 09 2008

Chicagoan – I will never be ashamed to be a part of this great Country. That is the exact diatribe they are hoping we’ll say so they can prey on us and take over. NO. Don’t just think you know your rights, because they will twist this at every turn. KNOW WHAT MCCAIN/BUSH HAVE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU OVER THESE PAST 8 YEARS. Please READ this post – once they take this away, freedom of speech is not far behind, and after that, they will abolish the first ammendment (separation of church and state). These ARE important times. We must stay calm and focused.


Last night, John McCain appealed to his audience to join him (well, actually he suggested we “fight, fight, fight…”) in the “fight” for America. On one of the threads yesterday, someone asked why we were so flipping mad at the Republican Party and the last sorry 8 years of poor management. I wrote back that we were losing our fundamental rights that were set forth at the birth of this nation. Here is another one – the loss of Habeas Corpus. This is the right to be innocent until proven guilty and not to be held without cause. You think our Revolutionary War ancestors know a thing or two about THAT treatment, eh? Anyway, here are the salient points: – Keith explains it all in 2006

Gramps McCain voted FOR the abolishment of this consitutional right. Barack Obama (whom he subtly tried to slam over this in his speech last night) voted AGAINST. McCain threw the book at Barack over protecting our constitutional rights, and last night, you heard his sarcasm dripping when he spoke of this. THIS IS WHAT HE REALLY MEANS, FOLKS:



“….the Court quoted Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist No. 84: “The practice of arbitrary imprisonments, in all ages, is the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.”


5 09 2008

Part of a Spinmeister’s strategy is to provide so many potential things to talk about, that it becomes impossible to focus on the critical few. We have to stay focused on the key messages that Obama is articulating, and do what Palin did this afternoon. Give the same message over and over and over and over and over. . .

5 09 2008

About Walter Reed Hospital – I tried to post this earlier today, but something went wrong.

OK, last night when McCain was in front of the ugly green screen? That was part of a bigger picture of a building that was supposed to be Walter Reed Military Hospital. Actually – get this – it was “Walter Reed Middle School” in Hollywood, a building that has been used many times as a movie set.

Someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do about their googling – they got the wrong builiding on the wrong coast and put it on the big screen behind McCain’s head. Walter Reed seems to be built of red bricks, not white, so it’s even the wrong color!

McCain + Google = Fail

Is it any wonder they missed so much in the Vetting process? U.S. News and World Report is calling this a “Spinal Tap Moment.” Yep – these go to Eleven.

5 09 2008

How about this for a sign:

McSame is a-Palin’

For those who can’t see the humor, pronounce Palin as “paw-lin’.

5 09 2008

if obama wins this equals more terrorist attacks “caused by the republicans to strike fear into the hearts of the american people”
if the republicans win this equals more terrorst attacks “caused by the republicans to strike fear into the hearts of the american people”

amazing situation we find ourselves in. now is the time to question everything and stand up for the truth.

and yes “We can handle the truth”

5 09 2008
andrew gregg

The price is rising on Intrade prediction stock that Palin will be withdrawn from the race, probably because she’s going to hide in Alaska. Pretty obvious that McCain won’t dump her now though–she’s his only asset for votes from the base.

Palin an asset–how did that happen so fast?

5 09 2008
karen marie

thanks for the link to “newstalk 1080 KUDO — Alaska’s progressive voice”!

i am in massachusetts and got to speak to alaskans!

it’s a great radio station and i will be listening to hear more about alaska and issues which affect all americans.

right now their homepage is “under construction” but you can click to listen. i’m told they will have a completed homepage soon.

5 09 2008

Mother who thinks —

You know who came through on prescriptions ???? wall mart !!!! 4 dollar prescriptions ,, after that medicare /medicaid crap plan of confusing people into not even signing up . wall mart (yes evil wall mart) did what the government could not .. A simple no card no sign up plan that works

5 09 2008

I heard you on KUDO this morning on my way to work! Thanks for the shout out for Mudflats! I liked what you had to say, too. Great!

5 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Investigation into Palin Now on Fast Track
Sources Tell ABC News that Report Will Be Released Almost Three Weeks Early

ABC News has exclusively learned that Alaska Senator Hollis French will announce today that he is moving up the release date of his investigation into whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her office to get the Alaska public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, fired. The results of the investigation were originally scheduled for release Oct. 31 but will now come almost three weeks earlier, according to sources.

5 09 2008

Did anyone see CNN’s campaign trail coverage this morning? Obama is in Pennsylvania giving an honest, substantive, off-the-cuff talk to manufacturing workers. Palin and McCain are in Wisconsin READING their same speeches from the convention.

Are Americans so stupid that they can’t see through this?

5 09 2008

Karen – Congrats!! What was your message?

5 09 2008

Okay, we all need a scorecard to keep the names straight, but here goes:

Scott and Debbie Richter work for Todd and Sarah Palin. John Bitney also worked for the Palins.

John Bitney and Debbie Richter have an affair, leaving Scott Richter in the dust.

Todd Palin fires John Bitney over this mess.

John Bitney and Debbie Richter get a Marriage license in 2007.

Debbie Ricter signs at least a couple Quit Claim deeds over to Scott Richter on properties that are co-owned by the Palin’s.

Scott Richter filed to make his divorce records confidential, but was denied.

5 09 2008

Shstl — yes ,, not just Americans ,,
A terrifying quote from Adolf Hitler – quote – “It is good fortune for governments that people do not think”

5 09 2008

I think McCain new meaning for POW is Prisoner of Wasilla.

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

That is GREAT news, Cynthia. The truth may just set us free after all.

I can’t even watch that woman on TV anymore, much less hear her speak. Same old useless drivel, and I wish she’d stop acting like she’s been totally oppressed the last week. A WEEK! Ha!

Sarah Palin: Oy! The last few days have been a living HELL!!
McCain: I was stuffed in a box & tortured for 6 years in Vietnam.
Palin: Is that near Iran?

5 09 2008

I’m not ashamed to be a part of this great country. I’ve never been prouder, or had more confidence in the ability of our nation, over the long term, to weather threats to our freedom. I feel such pride in the fact that our nation has come far enough to nominate a person of color for president, and that he most likely will become the first black president of the United States. I’m white, 61 years old, and grew up in the south. I remember the “whites only” signs on water fountains and public restrooms. When I started to college in 1965 in a small town in Arkansas the local skating rink still had a “whites only” sign over the door. By the next year it was gone. How far we’ve come since then. I had tears in my eyes during Obama’s acceptance speech, and even now while writing this I’ve had to stop and wipe my eyes a couple of times. I’m DAMN proud of America. We are a great people and in the end truth and justice WILL prevail. It always does eventually.

5 09 2008

Someone on Daily Kos commented:

“BTW Debbie Richter was a director at the Alaska Permanent Fund, which controls the distibution of Alaska’s oil profits, until at least May 6, 2008, but is now no longer. Her position at the APF seems to be open at the moment.”

5 09 2008

Sign for Political Rally

Maybe something like:



Republicans hate pork. Oink, oink.

5 09 2008

GH, now I have tears in my eyes. 🙂 Thank you for making such a beautiful comment!

5 09 2008
McCain’s Choice, Palin Affair Rumor Explodes - Jack & Jill Politics

[…] we have word that Palin is leaving the campaign trail. Really! The pitbull with lipstick needs time off after one day in the public eye? This is her […]

5 09 2008

mr. whipple (08:06:44) :

What’s the deal on this, Alaskans?

“Todd Palin’s former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Oh God.”

Too late…the National Enquirer already has copies. Will Sarah’s fundamentalist church excommunicate her, or just force her to wear a scarlet robe and write a big red letter ‘A’ on her forehead?

5 09 2008

I checked the DailyKos link DS provided.
Apparently MatSu hospital doesn’t have record of Trig’s birth on April 18.

5 09 2008

A campaign battle? war? cut and run…and study.

5 09 2008

“Richter Scale”gate

5 09 2008

don’t forget troopergate news conference today at 1:00 announced by cnn
new date to be annouced about their decision

5 09 2008

troopergate news conference today at 1pm

5 09 2008

While the stories of affairs may be titilating, they are non-issues, and dangerous distractions. After all, McCain left his starter wife for a richer, younger model. The party is okay with that, and since the GOP is now the advocate of women’s rights, I am sure they will be okay with a Palin affair.

We need to keep focused on the real issues. And there are many.

5 09 2008

GH, I’m there with you. I’m from the South, educated in the North, but I love my home and am so proud that one day, soon, we will get past color, gender, dialect and ensure that people of competence lead us and our Great Country into this century. I am a Hillary supporter, and it even took awhile to get me there as I’m a fierce Independent. (nobody really tells those gals from the hollers of TN what to do) I have been disappointed in how the Parties have treated their candidates and this country, but I have NEVER been disappointed in how our country and citizens have treated them. When one signs up for politics, you are signing up to serve. Somewhere along the way, there must be a real and deep personal struggle for PERSONAL POWER. Some get past that, and some do not. I believe in my heart of hearts that Obama is called to serve. He MUST be our next President if we are to thrive the next 8 years (two terms now!)

5 09 2008

Hello My Friends,

I just returned from the Palin/McCain rally in Cedarburg Wisconsin. All I can say is:


After Obama’s appearance with Bill O’Reilly last night, we are dead in the water. I don’t know how many of you heard their speeches today, but they have successfully reframed every single one of our arguments, even Eye-raq.

If Obama drew 20,000 people last week in Milwaukee, Palin/McCain drew at least twice that in Cedarburg. I am hoping that there will be no arial shots (there were no helicopters), showing just how impressive a crowd it was. Of course, Cedarburg is one of the whitest of the lily-white towns in America. It is also a very rich and priveleged town. Gas was selling for $3.89 a gallon ($3.71 by my house) and many business and homes were selling parking for $10 closer to downtown (their lots were full).

All of the wrinkley old people and their wives (dressed in red,white and blue) where there. There were also ALOT more women. The ONLY two African-American’s I saw were a Policeman (a state trooper, not even a Cedarburg cop) and a school kid that was with his class. (How scary is that?)

I stood in a very, very, very,very, very long line that was not moving for a long time. No one around me knew where the line lead to or whether it was the right line to be in. After awhile, we started noticing other lines forming a block away. When a man and a woman crossed our line and started walking toward the other line, the guy next to me wondered out loud where they were going. I said “I bet their Mavericks.” Another lady asked, “What is stopping us from going over to that line too?” I said, “Herd mentality.” The group around me just stared at me and did not move. I then said, “Let’s all be Mavericks!” No one moved. I left the line and caught up the man and woman and asked them if they knew where they were going. They said no, but there is lots of people over there. The guy joked that he was Secret Service and the wife said she was FBI so they were going to get through. I told them as long as you don’t tell them you are Palin’s brother-in-law, it might work.

Buy the time I worked my way to where I could barely see the top of the bleachers that were put in the street, word that the security checkpoints were closed made its way back to us. A group of school kids were approached by someone who looked like a campaign volunteer and was asked if they would like to get closer. I followed them only to realize we could only get close enough to maybe hear.

Knowing I was not going to get any closer, I decided to at least make good use of my sign. I made two signs, on the outside it said CHANGE NOW, the inside said PALIN TAXES FOOD. Until now, I had carried it with the outside showing. To bet back to my car, I had to walk past hundreds and hundreds of people. I held my sign with the inside Palin comment showing. I was shouted at and told I was lying. I was also told that I was in the wrong city, to which I replied “I am in America!” This crowd was hostile and very, very fired up.

I made it back to my car in time to hear both speeches. Both were regurgitations of the last two days. Palin laughed at community organizing, espoused about McCain and talked to this small town about what it takes to run a small town. They brought up the POW thing again. This is going to be a powerful thing to beat. Each of the speakers at the convention kept explicity describing what John McCain was put through, the dark cell, the beatings, and never giving in. They are using new key words to evoke this frame. If you listen close you can pick them out. Palin said when talking about our enemies in the war on terror and how they are abroad and in “dark places”, an image of a battered John McCain in a small dark cell popped into my mind. I am sure I was not the only one. That image was invoked several more times.

She also hammered on the fact that Obama acknowledged on TV last night that the surge was a success beyond our wildest expectations, and that victory is in sight. The crowd went wild at this. They believe it hook line and sinker.

They also have successfully nuetralized any effect the media (blogs and mainstream) will have in the near future. This crowd booed loudly at the mention of the press, and jeered at the press busses when they pulled out (the buses were empty, but no one knew that). There were many people giving one fingered-solutes, quite a few standing next to children.

I am very worried that even if the truth gets out, not enough people are going to believe it. I am physically ill.

5 09 2008


My new blog post about Obama, O’Reilly, and “the surge” is now up.

5 09 2008

I love this chick, Sarah! She’ll do anything, I mean anything to succeed! Have you seen her lately on the Republican Convention floor? She’s not worried about a thing! She somehow believes that daddy McCain is gonna save her. Yeah, sure! I have stopped watching all soaps. Give me Sarah Palin news any time. This lady has so much dirt under her sleeves that she is more fascinating than any movie or soap ever made. It is a pity though because she is gonna fall big!

5 09 2008
Mother Who Thinks

Suffering Palin fatigue? Excellent antidote here….a satirical site, rich with laffs and irony. Check out the comments after each post, too.

A mental health moment for those of us who really should stop thinking about all this but can’t.

5 09 2008


I am from Arkansas, from a very small town. Population back when I left was around 333. I am a 40 yr old African American female, and have horrible memories of my childhood living there. My dad fell in love with a white lady in the late 70’s and it was hell living there. There were shots fired in our home, and name calling at school. I must say…things haven’t changed too much when I go home to visit my dad. It’s like most cities in Arkansas are stuck in the 60’s. Although much of America has changed, but there are still parts of America that does judge us by the color of our skin.

I must say, I have never been so excited to witness history and apart of this grassroot movement, if/when Obama becomes the first African American President….by heart will definitely sing, and there will be tears of joy for a very long time!!!

5 09 2008

Interesting question…and the answer could be very expensive for Scott Alan Richter, as support costs for a special needs child can run to $200,000 a year.

Is Scott Richter Actually Trig Palin’s Real Dad?
by TBTM Julie
Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 09:55:01 PM PDT

5 09 2008

Read this about John McCains first wife and tell me he’s a hero. Ross Perot paid her medical bills!!!

Here’s a picture of the “Straight Talk Express” now!

5 09 2008
Another from England

RE: Another from England (03:37:02) :

“If they had to keep Palin in a hotel room for four days to teach her a half hour speech, I don’t think six days in Alaska seems too much to ask to learn the theory of evolution.”

This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read….

And on the seventh day, she will rest.

5 09 2008

Big Slick,
Yes, it’s real.

5 09 2008

This just gets odder and odder. What is it about the birth records? What records would have been required in Texas if Palin hadn’t gone back to Alaska.

This threatens to be one of those huge tabloid scandals that dominate the trash news for months. What does this mean for the campaign? It’s made her into a huge celebrity but who benefits from that?

My guess is that it more or less freezes things in place. McCain needs to get out messages about Obama if he is going to have a prayer. But doesn’t Palin suck up all the media time? Even if she drops out of the campaign, the tabloid stuff is going to go right on.

Is there a “liberal media” backlash coming? My guess is that it is here already and only affects the Republican base anyhow. Obama-leaning voters have written the McCain-Palin ticket off already.

Can Obama-Biden just campaign quietly in the swing states while Palin slowly dies of a thousand cuts in the national media? Is there a point at which the conservative base has enough and throws Palin under the bus? At which point McCain can choose another VP candidate.

I’m finding this all pretty hard to predict.

5 09 2008

This is the story that tells Perot paid the bills.

5 09 2008

dmk wisconsin-

okay. you had me enthralled as I read your post. Congratulations on your courage to stand up for what you know is right. I bet if had asked any of those giving you the one finger salute if they were aware that McCain had messed with Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Papers and decisive agreement amongst our Founding Fathers for Habeas Corpus, they would have been struck dumb. Yes, people are in herd mentality. It’s like Night of the Living Dead. It is our job (GET OUT THE VOTE. DONATE. VOLUNTEER.) to get the message out quickly. We must also shore up Barack’s and Joe’s mindset as you know this has to get tough.

Thank you again for all you do –


5 09 2008

Is Palin going to read the same speech over again at each fundraiser?

5 09 2008

DMK – If you start worrying, just watch this:

Ordinary people like you and me WILL elect Barack Obama the next President of the United States.

5 09 2008


Take a deep breath…and remind yourself they were playing to the choir. There will always be people who would rather grab onto cute slogans and get swept into the ra-ra mentality. They refuse to take a closer look at the issues.

Hey, there are a lot of people like me, with no political affiliation and are looking at both sides and candidates. I will be voting Obama this year. This wasn’t the case a month ago.

Yesterday I spoke to a friend who ususally votes Republican. He is torn, as he is not a fundie, yet prefers traditional Republican economics for businesses.

He was considering voting Independent. I told him not to, because he can not waste his vote this year, it is too important.

I explained my belief that economics can be repaired, yet the damage a person like Palin could do to our human rights, constitutional rights and environment would be far more difficult to correct.

He agreed, and decided to vote Obama too.

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA


The thing is… those people were probably already on his side…? The way they react like sheep, I don’t think they’ll be turned by actual facts. They see/hear an image and it’s like a Pavlovian thing, they just start salivating at whatever they’re fed.

Is she *still* mocking community organizers?? What a female pitbull. I wonder how much the Devil offered McCain for his soul.

I needed a laugh so I went to to check out the Daily Show & Colbert. Worth it. Give yourselves a break and have a few laughs. 🙂

5 09 2008

Thank You.

I also live in the south and have become nearly a recluse hiding from the level of ignorance and closed minded thinking that just bombards me every time I attempt to socialize. [(The of ramp sign for MLK boulevard has a disclaimer stating as ‘legislated by state Gov.’ and the street sign at the top of the ramp reads Northern Blvd. not Dr. Martin Luther King Jr) still referred to as ‘That uppity N***r’ by many in these parts.]

I told a friend about this site and told him “No really there are people on there that really do think for them selfs. After 20 years of talking to stupid people I can’t step away.”

We are a great land. Not from the top down, from the bottom up.

I also grew up in the ’60 and remember the struggle and the pain that so many felt. V-nam was on the news every day before I left for grade school. The NG was 3 blocks from my house. There were days when we were sent home because there was to much tear gas in the air.

Then the movement just stopped.

Thank you Rep. party for waking us up.

5 09 2008
From England

@dmk…that’s very very scary.

This election will not be won on issues alone.

I know sad, but it might boil down to info about babygate, affairgate or some such tawdry nonsense to kill the Mcpalin ticket. SO while Obama can get some voters on the issues, Mcpalin can lose some on the non-issues?

5 09 2008

DMK – It’s only because she is new on the seen and people want to see what she is about, and plus…they are already backers of the Repub’s!

Just remember we have the Debates ahead of us, and the Obama/Biden campaign will do their due diligence to inform the public what Sarah is really about.

Don’t forget about Hillary, will be on the campaign trail as well!

We have a lot going for us! I have faith, as well!

Remember….what’s done in the dark, will come to the light!

Obama WILL BE our next President of the United States of America!

5 09 2008

someone subpoena her ass!
how can people respect the law when politicians like her and karl rove dont respect it?

5 09 2008

You lousy bunch of whiners. Let this brave and wonderful real life supermom go back and see her son off before he is deployed in harm’s way. What mother wouldn’t. She’s not ducking or hiding. She give all you no-sayers the “red-meat” you can’t handle in the next 2 months. She’s still a Governor that needs to care of some business. How much business has Obama taken care on in the last 12-15 month? Nada.

I’ve been to the great wonderful state of Alaska. I found the Alaskan people to be warm, real and genuine. Thank you Alaska for sending her to help bring genuineness and honor and integrity to the lower 48…Tim in NC

5 09 2008

@Mother Who Thinks,

Thank you for posting the message by Michael T. Bailey, Faculty, University of Arizona regarding children with special needs. Is there a link you could post online to that blog?

I was very moved by that posting and so many other stories posted by the Mudflat community.

It makes me ill to think that parents, families, and friends who are currently raising a child with special needs are being so poorly represented by McCain’s choice in a running mate. When the time is right, I know Sarah Palin and her wide circle of friends and family will be turning to the very community and support activist groups whom she derided in her acceptance speech. The challenges of raising a child with special needs are too great to go at it alone.

My hope is that the power and veracity of these personal stories will one day gain a new voice of support from Sarah Palin, a voice that is filled with true humility and gratitude, a voice carved by true experience.

5 09 2008

Sarah in Ca…sheep is the operative word. I watched the other night as the attendees at the RNC had thier hands in the air in praise…rocking back and forth…to America the Beautiful. I was stunned. This was a convention to elect someone to the highest office in the land and by extension the rest of us in the world. NOT SUNDAY GO TO MEETING!

Please…I hope nobody takes offense to my capitalization of those words…but for gods sake…what goes on in the minds of the GOP base? I know there MUST be more moderate republicans who can see through the fog those spinmeisters put out.

5 09 2008
Parker CA

This was posted at DU, and I think it is something to really digest and pass on to everyone you know. Link it up and get the word out.

(Originally posted on DU by: President Decider)
Listen up Folks,

I appreciate everyone’s opinions, but let me just say I’m not a big fan of the “I’m so afraid” threads I’ve been seeing here lately. If you didn’t think this was going to be a bitter fight to the end you were either living in a cave or just flat out fucking fooling yourselves. After all, this fight is against the most low down, corrupt, ruthless, power-mongers in the universe.

Now to the few of you I’m speaking to, “Man or Woman-up … and grow a pair already!

Some of you are listening to way too much of the MSM “ball washing” that the pundits have been giving the right during their convention and its causing you to take your eye off the ball and show a weak spine.

KNOW THIS: Regardless of what you’ve been hearing the past 72 hours from the MSM, many are calling the RNC a total flat, floundering, and uninspiring blunder full of gimmicktry. You’re looking at a broken branded party that has NO CLEAR MESSAGE OR OFFERING ANY SOLUTIONS! The talking heads on PBS totally slammed McCain and the effect the RNC as a whole and I know a few other MSM political pundits did as well.

I don’t come here to read how “AFRAID” everyone is ….. sorry, that doesn’t motivate me nor does it inspire much confidence in me that YOU have the fortitude to fight the good fight! It does nobody any good to post spineless threads like this. If you’re that “afraid” …. get off your ass and get out the vote!

Now stop the negative “Debbie Downer” bullshit, put your war paint on, get your game face on, and lets put this God damn ball in the end zone for Barack and Biden.

Are you with me people?


(Originally posted on DU by: Breeze54)
How do you want to get Involved?

Read through some of the most important ways that you can spread this movement now, and get started today.

Election Day is only a few weeks away now, and it is critical that we do everything we can to be the change

that we have been waiting for.

Learn more below about the ways you can help. I’ll talk to anyone!

# Use our online voter contact tool, Neighbor to Neighbor, to talk to people in your community.

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I’ll talk to my friends, family, and neighbors

# Create your own Personal Fundraising Page.… /

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# Spread information: show your friends, family and neighbors Barack’s policy stances. /

I want to help on my own

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Obama/Biden ’08!!!

5 09 2008
Sarah Palin’s Troopergate: An Overview « Nah, Nope, Not Quite

[…] Palin’s Troopergate: An Overview Hat tip to Mudflats (a fellow WordPress blogger and essential reading for information about Sarah […]

5 09 2008

I must have stumpled upon the most-liberal, phony counterpart blogsite akin to George Soros, Michael Moore, Air-America, etc.

God bless Sarah Palin and John McCain. Alaska is the most grandieur, beautiful place I’ve ever visited in God’s Creation. I love Alaska. Governor Palin will be most welcome in the lower 48, refreshing, genuine, itegrity, etc.
Alaska is such a great part of all of the USA. Never forget the American blood spilt by brave men from all parts of the lower 48 defending her against the Japanese: remember the Aleutians? Tim in NC

5 09 2008
Sarah Palin has run away to Alaska « break the terror

[…] and Sarah has to try to get a handle on all of her scandals before they blow up even more than they already […]

5 09 2008


Sarah Palin & John McCain is not the only people God blesses!

5 09 2008
Itchy Brother

Refusing to allow Bailey to testify sounds just like the Bush administration. That’s obstruction of justice you can believe in, my friends.

5 09 2008

msnbc reports that she’ll stay on the trail until sept 11 to see her son off to duty

5 09 2008
Search the Web on

From Andrew Sullivan:

What Ethics? What Transparency?
05 Sep 2008 01:27 pm

If the national press is cowering, Alaska’s paper, which is now indispensable for news about the Palin disaster, is not. Here’s their amazing editorial on Troopergate today:

Gov. Sarah Palin is taking the wrong approach to Troopergate. She should be practicing the open and transparent, ethical and accountable government she promised when running for governor and boasts about now that she’s on the national stage.

Instead, Gov. Palin has begun stonewalling the Legislature’s attempt to get the bottom of allegations that she, her family or staff violated ethical or state personnel rules.

As a result, the Troopergate allegations hang over Palin’s future and cloud her candidacy for vice president…
When this investigation into Troopergate started, Gov. Palin’s response was refreshingly open. Since she became the Republican candidate for vice president, her approach has changed for the worse. America deserves the same openness and ethics from vice-presidential candidate Palin that she promised to Alaska voters in 2006.

BOTTOM LINE: Gov. Palin is stonewalling on Troopergate; the Legislature should issue subpoenas.

Is Steve Schmidt going to describe the Anchorage Daily News as an elite East Coast institution? WIll the governor of Alaska even take questions from her state paper any more?

5 09 2008
Run Sarah Run « A Blog In My Basement

[…] Sarah Run It looks like Sarah Palin is not going to be doing an interview countdown anytime soon, which means our little countdown might be going on for a long while. What […]

5 09 2008

my name changed. Weird.

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

Uh-oh, the conservatives found us and are mad! We must be doing our jobs. 😉

TBaker has clearly embraced his Republican ideals. Both posts have said the same exact thing. Repetition = truth!!

I love Alaska, too! Which is why I’d rather not see it destroyed by a bunch of oil wells.

And yes, I remember the American blood spilled. That blood continues to spill at an alarming rate.

5 09 2008
NY Dem

McCain/Palin were campaigning in Wisconsin today / Obama was in Scranton, PA. The Wisconsin thing was more of the same; McCain and Palin on a podium just reading from a prepared script, that’s all. No questions allowed.

Obama met with a bunch of factory workers IN their factory, sleeves rolled up, and openly answering questions posed to him by the audience. No script, no prepared statement, just an off-the-cuff event.

When are McCain/Palin going to do that ! Or are they going to continue to hide behind their speech-writers ?

5 09 2008

Welcome TBAKER in NC.

I believe we can all agree Alaska is an amazing state, rich with God’s gifts and blessings.

Yet, many of us also have deep feelings for our Constitutions and the rights afforded us by the Bill of Rights.

Things like freedom of speech are important to us. Which is why I, for one welcome you to express your opinions. Yet I do not welcome Palin’s well documented attempts of censorship.

I also appreciate the truth, and do believe it will set us free.

I urge you to fact check. Please do! Focus on Palin’s real reform record, her increase in taxes, including on food, the current ethic’s investigation, and so much more!

Check it out for yourself. Don’t take our word for it.

5 09 2008
Itchy Brother

BOTTOM LINE: Gov. Palin is stonewalling on Troopergate; the Legislature should issue subpoenas.

It is now clear that subpoenas will be required to get to the truth. Unfortunately, we know from several years of the Bush administration that subpoenas mean nothing to an entrenched republican bureaucracy. They will simply be ignored.

5 09 2008
Search the Web on

DMK in Wisconsin

Thank you so much for that post. I am Canadian, so I dont have as much as you to fear. However, our current Prime Minister is in hot water here in Canada, quite often at least…cause he has his head shoved as far up Bushies butt as is possible.

Canadians have always been reticient about our soldiers being in Afghanistan. Its difficult for us to forego our image as peace makers. We like that image, and given our Canadian nature and mindset, it is where we are comfortable.

Ever since 9/11 we have wanted…and rightly so, to show our support for our brothers and sisters next door. Canadians DO love you, and we respect you. However, most Canadians like me…have been much more aware of your government in the ensuing years. We now watch your politics even more than we watch our own. We are afraid. We are losing more young men and women every day too…in a place that does not have near enough troops.

Barak Obama knows this. He knows that the focus has to come off Iraq and onto Afghanistan. Our guys are breaking ground over there…..but they dont have enough troops to hold the line, and when Al Quaeda has built up steam, they and the Taliban push back. Its something that will take a concerted effort like…oh, …perhaps a surge?

The last thing is, Stephen Harper has a minority government. We are most likely going to have an election in October. He is confident….but I dont think he should be too cocky. Canadians are more and more, looking to see what our neighbours to the south are doing, and the anger regarding Afghanistan is starting to become palpable. I live near the base in Shilo Manitoba where the last 3 boys were killed last week. We hear the frustration and the anger.

If Harper doesnt get in, I am not sure where that will leave our involvement with Afghanistan.

I wish I could go out and knock on doors for all of you…write letters or do anything. I cant…and I am afraid.

5 09 2008

Sorry…that post was from me.

5 09 2008

I agree with conservative Andrew Sulivan’s assessment of the GOP now: it’s a full-on theocracy–religion trumps all policy.

Here’s what I don’t understand about the GOPers. The economy is gone. We have made more enemies in the Middle East and around the world in the past 8 years. We are obviously “more stupid” as a culture: they can’t even find a correct photo of Walter Reed Hospital to put behind John McCain at their own big fat party. And they have someone running for VP who thinks the Founding Fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. Obviously they don’t care about family values: their current ticket shows that. I

t’s so obvious: The GOP leaders really don’t like America. No one’s life is better now than 8 years ago, and it will be worse with the current ticket. McCain admits that he doesn’t understand the economy and Palin can’t even pronounce “nuclear” without it being spelled out phonetically on teleprompters. Why don’t others in the GOP see that they have taken our country on this downward spirial–I mean the people whose kids are fighting in Iraq and who have to have three jobs to buy gas? I feel so sorry for them that they can’t think rationally–but only emotionally…That a peculiar “POW and Fundie Moose-Hunter/Mommy” religious narrative matters more to them than the future of their own grandchildren and of their country.

5 09 2008

Generally, it’s best not to feed the trolls. They’re like bears. Once they get fed, they keep coming back.

That said, it is perfectly acceptable to TRY to edumacate them, but generally it does not end well. You know what they say, “It’s no use trying to put lipstick on a pig. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.”

5 09 2008

Thank you PalinGate.

I both needed and appreciated the Youtube video. I forwarded it to my friends.

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

This is pretty interesting:

Regarding McCain’s imagery during his speech. “Walter Reed Medical Center” or “Walter Reed Building at Local CA High School”? You decide! 😉 As someone who grew up in D.C. and now lives within a few miles of N. Hollywood H.S., I find this particularly amusing.

( the actual Walter Reed Hospital. Took me 30 seconds to find on Google.

5 09 2008

To Sarah in Ca:

“Repetition = truth!! ”

It also demonstrates their total lack of originality! 🙂

5 09 2008

Check out my report on Keith Olbermann’s reaction to 9/11 Tribute video. Keep the movement going forward, pass the word on to anyone who will listen.
Obama / Biden 08

5 09 2008

Wooten is going to be on CNN! This is going to be interesting!

5 09 2008


5 09 2008
5 09 2008

I think we can all agree TBAKER in NC is under the control of the succubus palin,
pray for him people ,,

5 09 2008
phoebe in calif

This is the most important election I will ever vote in & I’ve voted in a lot of them. Never have we had so much at stake. It was true in 2000 & it’s true now….if people really voted in their own best interest Obama/Biden would win easily. Repubs have a way of making non issues issues. As Barack says the American people deserve better….jobs, health care, social security etc. these are the real issues….religion, abortion etc are personal choices.

Vote Vote Vote

5 09 2008

For ToddinNC –

Glad you’re here – I proudly hail from NC as well and it warms my heart that we have people in our great state who are excited and engaged in the elections this year. What I’ve found from Mudflats and this group of bloggers: they welcome open, fact-based debate. They do not welcome baseless name calling based on anger, fear, or emotion. This election decides the President for all of us. For many of us participating on this blog, that is very exciting and for all Americans, it is our privilege to have this opportunity to vet our opinions and vote. America has two Parties because it has been demonstrated throughout history that a one party, one religion state is dangerous – to its people and to the World. No one is denying you your voice and your right to believe as you do.

We ARE asking you to take a deep breath because we all agree to disagree, check out the facts, SHARE the facts, and then we can help each other re-build (and that’s McCain’s word) this great Country of ours. Fair?

5 09 2008


5 09 2008
Martini Revolution » Brave Sir Robin Lady Palin faces the Press. . .

[…] Or not: Palin Leaves Campaign Trail. Flees North. […]

5 09 2008
Holing-up in Alaska « The Crone Speaks

[…] Holing-up in Alaska Posted on September 5, 2008 by archcrone I suppose if I ever wanted to hole-up someplace completely out of the way, I’d head north to Alaska. Except, I am an average Jane, who was not just introduced to the American people as the running-mate of John McSame. So, one has to wonder what the hell is wrong, when Palin heads for the hills. […]

5 09 2008

I bet you’re getting a ton of traffic from this. I was hoping Barack would choose Evan Bayh so I could get thousands of Indiana searches to my site. It’s the American way, take advantage while the goings good.

As for Governor Palin, she was the perfect pick and obviously has the Democrat ticket in a quandry, I will agree with other bloggers that Obama may have to force Joe Biden off the ticket and pick Hillary.

5 09 2008

Morning: Small bit of great news, at least for me! My Republican Husband of 31 years watched John McCain’s speech last night and, after about 20 minutes, he turned the volume down and stated “I have seen enough! I can’t stand the lying anymore! I have made up my mind! I am going to vote for Obama!” . Wonderful! Astounding! Miracle! Thank you, Ms. Palin! Thank you, McClan! You have driven a die-hard (and sometimes infuriating) Republican out of your ranks and into the arms of the Democrats. Hopefully, you will be followed by many more. By the way, has anyone uncovered the divorce papers yet? I am wondering if Sarah was named as correspondent? To whom does the baby belong? Maybe that is why hubby seems so lukewarm! Re: Librarian! I bet Miss Sarah never did get specific about which books she wanted removed. She doesn’t seem to like specifics! God help us if she is elected and something happens to McCain. Which with her as a 2nd, seems likely!

5 09 2008

To Barney – we brought that up last night. and that’s just ONE of the many scandals. but thanks for reminding us as that was a BIG deal for those of us who remember. Thanks!

5 09 2008
And the Crowd Goes Mild | Blog of the Moderate Left

[…] but he already had the base. She’ll also rally the other base. At any rate, Palin intends to go hide in Alaska for a while, which will lock down the Last Frontier, but probably not help much […]

5 09 2008

MSNBC just reported that Sarah Palin will be campaigning solo beginning next week. They did not give details. It was a banner under two republican strategists.

So is this devoted mother not going to be there to see her son off to Eye-rac?

5 09 2008

Well, actually, the comment about criminal charges isn’t just about what the aide mentioning the things he’s been reprimanded for – it’s also about the Palin aide’s comment about how the guy mentioning a specific instance where Wooten took sick leave, and was purportedly seen out and about looking ok. And the complaint is especially about the comment that he may have lied about a health problem on his Police application. To paraphrase the words of the Union Chief (too lazy to go find the direct quote): No Governor’s aide should be able to get that – Wooten HIMSELF can’t get it. A State Police job application has psych profiles, background checks, all sorts of things in it. A Governor’s aide has NO REASON to have it. Ever.

Don’t you just love the fact that the person we might get as our next VP merely “suspends (with pay, no less)” a guy who tried to get someone fired based on a confidential & protected personel file? Nevermind the possibility that She, her husband, and other Aides were possibly doing the same thing, they just either haven’t been caught on tape, or the tapes haven’t been released yet. Gee. This is the lady I want in the White house, where she’s oh so close to everyone’s federal records. Goodbye Big Brother… Hello, Big Sister.

I don’t think the guy (Wooten) is totally innocent in this. BUT, most of what we’ve heard against him is coming from the sister of the other party in a bitter divorce/custody case – I’m going to think it’s just a wee bit biased. Not to mention the fact that her story has A) Changed more than once, and B) is rather suspicious. I mean, c’mon:
-She claims her sister called, saying her (then) husband was threatening her… so she drove over, and watched through the window… (WATCHED. Keep that in mind) and somehow heard him threaten to hurt/kill her or something along those lines. Why didn’t she call the cops? How did she hear him through the window? Why was she standing outside watching through the window, anyways?
-She’s complained numerous times that he’s threatened her family while she’s been in office. She’s the Governor, and was a mayor before that. Why is there no complaint filed? Why isn’t she having the state police investigating a threat to a public official? Why isn’t she trying to file charges? Why isn’t she trying to get a restraining order?

As for what he’s been reprimanded for, it’s a closed case, and I have faith in the idea that the Justice system here in America, in the 21st century is strong enough that no union can protect someone who truly deserves to be fired &/or jailed.

5 09 2008
Walk Away

Daltonsbriefs (10:48:00) :
Hoosiers for McCain?

Fascinating. Who is blogging that Obama needs Hillary on his ticket to counter The Governor of Alaska?

5 09 2008
NY Dem

Now that’s what I call a speech !! No teleprompter; no hard copy on the podium in front of him; passionate and strong. I’m talking about the speech Joe Biden is presently giving in Pennsylvania. You can watch live on; and I am sure they will have it archived so you can go back to the beginning and see the whole thing. Excellent !!

5 09 2008

Oh my goodness, this is the best blog ever. I’ve been drooling over all of your posts since Sunday and I just can’t keep quite anymore…

What is this I hear about Richter’s emergency motion sealing his divorce papers? Think that is a peculiar occurance, especially after I see here that Palin is running to the woods (in coming days). Hmmm…

5 09 2008
NY Dem

Here it is in part: Just go to and click on the main story about Obama. Videos are listed on the next page.

5 09 2008

I did not see Joe Biden’s speech, but it looks like they are taking the best sound bites and replaying them on the news along side the regurgitated canned sound bites from Palin/McCain.

(I use Palin/McCain because I actually saw signs at this mornings rally, and the conservative radio host (that I was stuck listening to while on the road) said it that way also.

Also, I am sure that you well informed people have already heard that the story that US Weekly magazine has lost thousands of subscribers because of the Palin bashing stories it is running this week. Contessa Brewer just reported it, but added that they have not confirmed it with US Weekly. If I can scrape together another donation for Obama, I think I can find another couple of bucks to by the magazine…

5 09 2008

Sanity will prevail next week. McCain can have it both ways. He gets credit for having the first female vice presidential candidate on the ticket; but, after still more skeletons fall out of the closet (Palin seems to have a large closet…) McCain will be able to claim that he has decided to choose someone with the necessary experience and nonpartisan credentials, who will put country before party — I give you Joe Lieberman! (Joementum…) Of course it will be a mess — they should have made the switch last Sunday. They have to make the switch, or is this some nefarious ploy to get the sympathy vote for McCain. “I’m having a bad day, please vote for me.”

5 09 2008
NY Dem

Biden on Meet The Press on Sunday (9/7); Obama on Countdown With Keith Olbermann on Monday (9/8).

IF anyone finds appearances on news shows by McCain and/or Palin, could you please post them. Johnny already ducked Larry King, and who knows when they will let Palin out with out a leash.

5 09 2008

She has to go hide. There are so many lies and cover stories and talking points to memorize before those hardball journalists like Fox News and Rush Dumbell get hold of her. She will be only be doing the “darling” press circuit and them undoubtedly one of her children will suddenly need special attention preventing her from participating in any debates. Somehow this is all the media’s fault for attacking her. No one will actually discuss the freaking elephant in the room – if she can’t stand up to the press, how is the hell is she going to stand up to the world. What a disaster for women and where in the hell is Hillary? She should be ripping this imposter to shreds.

5 09 2008
NY Dem

from a blogger on

“Sarah Palin attacks with one hand and hides behind her kids with the other”.

Can’t have it both ways Sarah. You are a candidate for the 2nd highest office in the land, quit your whining and expect to be treated like an equal. If you want to run with the big dogs, nothing is off-limits. Quit hiding behind your skirt.

5 09 2008

“You will potentially be one heartbeat away from being commander in chief of the armed forces. Shouldn’t you be out there telling people why you think you can do that job, and earning the trust of the nation that is turning over their own sons and daughters to fight this war?”

Amen. And keep in mind she has a gaggle of kids, including a knocked-up teenager. Should McCain win, this is only the beginning I’m afraid.

5 09 2008

I simply do not understand how they could pick Palin. There is no way McCain did not know at least a good fraction of all her baggage…

Just wondering: is it possible that Sarah was set out/up to be the scapegoat for losing the election? McCain did not really put his heart into yesterday’s appearance. Then again this cannot make sense either, it would be easier to blame Bush.

5 09 2008

NY Dem, you mentioned “leash” and made me realize why they will not let her close to the press. It is a safety issue. She forgot her lipstick in Alaska.

At least photoopps would be nice now, please.

5 09 2008
Restaurant Fuel » Palin’s Troopergate Explained

[…] It also appears that Sarah Palin has left the campaign trail for an indefinite period of time, heading home to Alaska to see her son Track of too Iraq. Track […]

5 09 2008
Northern Non-Exposure or Things To Do in Juneau When You’re Dumb - John Mccain | John McCain- Sharpy News

[…] her states exceedingly  valuable three electoral votes, Sarah the Obama Slayer has been dispatched back  to Alaska as sort of a "fuck you, come and get me" to the national press. If one were cynical […]

5 09 2008
Chuck Norton

What did the New York Times say about Geraldine Ferraro when she was a young member of Congress with three kids?

What Did the New York Times Say About Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 When She Was a Young Member of Congress with Three Kids?

5 09 2008

@ dmk_wisconsin

McCain says ‘it’s over’ for special interests

CEDARBURG, Wis. (AP) – John McCain and Sarah Palin have hit the campaign trail after the GOP convention in an effort to cast the Republican ticket as a team of determined reformers eager to bring change to Washington.

In Wisconsin today, McCain declared “it’s over” for the special interests. Meanwhile, Palin told supporters at the rally that her running mate “doesn’t run with the Washington herd.”

The Arizona senator and Alaska governor were greeted by a crowd of about 1,000 in the town of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, north of Milwaukee.

5 09 2008

I think you guys have forgotten that she is/was the governor of Alaska. Not an easy task.

5 09 2008

I don’t believe anyone has forgotten that Gov. Palin is, err, the governor of Alaska or that being a Governor is not an easy task. I think many are remembering or not forgetting many things which have been said and done before and during the time Palin has been Governor.

5 09 2008
Balloon Juice

[…] go read this report from Mud Flats regarding Sarah Palin’s ongoing troopergate scandal and her new attempts to subvert the […]

5 09 2008
Northern Non-exposure Or Things To Do In Juneau When You’re Dumb - Palin, Sarah | Sarah Palin - Sharpy News

[…] her states exceedingly  valuable three electoral votes, Sarah the Obama Slayer has been dispatched back  to Alaska as sort of a "fuck you, come and get me" to the national press. If one were cynical […]

5 09 2008
jean beverly

If Palin and McCain don’t want her to be available to the press (and he only limitedly), the obvious thing for the media to do is to stop covering them. Just report without pictures, sound bites, etc.

5 09 2008


For example, if I were to say the sky is “purple”, would you agree?

Easy question.

5 09 2008

Being a Governor is NOT an easy task, but when you accept a position to campaign, you know what comes with the territory typically.

We have incumbent Senators running. Is there job easier?

5 09 2008

So you want her to be remembered ( God forbid ) as the woman who ‘couldn’t be bothered to see her son off to Iraq’ and then something happens him?
Seems like the woman can’t win, figuratively speaking.

5 09 2008

Funny thing is, when you ACTUALLY examine the facts, she did nothing wrong. That is right, no laws broken. Can’t say the same about Barack’s dealing with Tony Rezko, a man convicted on political corruption charges, or Obama’s friend former Detroit City Mayor Kwane Kilpatrick, who will be spending the next 18 months in prison, and 5 years following that on parol.

Nice try, but not even close.

5 09 2008
Whilom Smykket

The Palin nomination may have been smart or may have been dumb. We don’t know yet. But it IS worth it, just to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the Left. Why is it that Lefty men hate women, even the women like Hillary who join them on that side of the ideology bridge, with a hate so visceral that it resonates with fear, dread, phantasmagoria? My theory? The George Lopez syndrome. Mama didn’t breastfeed. That’s where it all starts, right?

5 09 2008


To suggest that anyone would “want her to be remembered (God forbid) as the woman who ‘couldn’t be bothered to see her son off to Iraq’ and then something happens him” is a severe reductionist response which may quite falsely ascribe motivations to some, but, also, more broadly serves to distract from valid questions and established processes as seen throughout the course of all US Presidential elections. All. It’s not so much that it may seem “like the woman can’t win, figuratively speaking” as it is perhaps the woman doesn’t receive preferential -or sexist- treatment.

5 09 2008


Your issue with Obama’s dealings with Rezko is a non-issue. I’m in real estate, and I don’t remember ever taking an ethics class and being told we needed to do a background check on the seller. As for having a friend who turned out to being a political crook, which politician on either side of the aile hasn’t been in those shoes?

5 09 2008


“when you ACTUALLY examine the facts”? Have you done this?

Nice try.

5 09 2008

“If anyone ever read Stephen King’s book, The Dead Zone, Palin reminds me of a female Greg Stillson.”

Yes. I have three ‘lookalikes’ for Palin; Ms Greg Stillson, the Lutheran Gun Club mother from Drop Dead Gorgeous, and Mrs Carmody from The Mist.

She scares the socks off me, not because she is strong and forceful and challenging and all the other things that many seem to see in her, but just because it is clear to me that she is a) extremely egotistical b) a little unhinged and c) a little bit stupid, stupid enough at least to openly misuse her power. It’s not like America hasn’t had leaders like that before, but four more years of international diplomacy that consists of walking softly around the lunatic cowboy/girls in the fear that they might get another message from God is… oh well… not optimal.

5 09 2008

I’ll confess, one reason I don’t want McCain and Palin to win, is because Palin is a Woman.

The thought terrifies me that she could be the first woman president.

And frankly, I really wanted the first woman president to be qualified. I don’t want the first woman president to be remembered in history as some hocky mom that all the guys wore “babe” or “She’s Hot” campaign buttons to promote.

5 09 2008

Liberal Gossip

Repent, for the Kingdom of God [HASHEM in Hebrew] is at hand.

5 09 2008

“Repent, for the Kingdom of God [HASHEM in Hebrew] is at hand.”

That is comforting, because you can’t hide the truth from the big guy!


5 09 2008

Mudflats, I’ve really been enjoying the site. Great perspective filling a genuine need. Add a few gadgets, maybe some fun facts about AK and Mudflats is my homepage until the “movie of the week” comes out. I’m sure hundreds of production offices are getting plastered with working titles on 3×5 cards as I write. But seriously, great work and thanks.

5 09 2008

My Mother just sent this email to Alaska’s Senator French.
I did likewise and hope some of you will too.

Senator, I am writing to encourage you to move quickly with your report on Sarah Palin. Democrats across the country are watching and hoping you’ll do the right thing.

I don’t know why, but something just doesn’t feel right about this person. With Carl Rove in the mix, it just doesn’t feel right. He is a skate to the highest degree.

The whole world is watching us – the whole world is depending on the United States to change its approach to foreign affairs. This election is too important to have a weak, inexperienced, uneducated, dishonest person one breath away from the presidency.

Thank you for your bravery and hard work.
Your Name Here

5 09 2008
Devastating ABC Investigative Report on Troopergate,Palin Leaves Campaign Trail, flees North. « Bilia’s Weblog

[…] Bilia’s Weblog {September 5, 2008}   Devastating ABC Investigative Report on Troopergate,Palin Leaves Campaign Trail, flees North. Palin Leaves Campaign Trail. Flees North. […]

5 09 2008

Hey everyone – did you possibly miss the very best part of Mudflats movie?
Check out Sarah’s lovely kitschy Shamu ear-rings! (at 1:45 – 1:59) They jiggle every time she moves her head …. 🙂 LOL

I have nothing more intelligent to offer. We might as well stop wailing and gnashing (as Whilom puts it), and grab some big bags of popcorn! The circus has come to town – it’ll be here every night ’til at least sometime in November… free entertainment at it’s finest! I guess this beats worrying about the economy, the cost of gasoline and my husband getting the dreaded “pink slip” recently…

5 09 2008

Whilom Smykket,

Is it gnashing of teeth or something else? I don’t know.

Do “Lefty men hate women”? Do Righty men hate women? Do Middle-y men hate women? What about Lefty women? Or, Righty women? Or Middle-y women? What about the “Mama[(s) who] didn’t breastfeed”? Or mamas who did? Which, of course, leads to the children. Do the children, regardless of gender, hate women? Does everyone hate women?

So I’ll ask: Do you hate women? I don’t know about the George Lopez theory, but much is betrayed in your post. It resonates, ironically, a sort of “fear, dread, [and] phantasmagoria” of its own.

5 09 2008
Sarah Pit Bull Palin Cowardly Flees to Alaska « The Good Democrat

[…] Sarah Pit Bull Palin Cowardly Flees to Alaska so much for the attack dog. […]

5 09 2008
Media: The Iditarod Idiot Is Headed To Alaska To Hide | The Patriot Room

[…] is then turned into fleeing from the media and hiding out until journalists forget about […]

5 09 2008

They’re he-e-re. The GOP spin doctors have found Mudflats. Wonder what took them so long.

5 09 2008

Uglier and Uglier

by Charley James –
“So Sambo beat the bitch!” ( Palin’s comment on Obama beating Hillary in the primaries )

OMG if this true, and the page sure looks reputable, then I am beyond disgusted!!!! So sorry to post something so ugly but OMG who is this woman??

5 09 2008
mrc in alex va

Wasn’t she supposed to campain in Michigan after the convention?
Could this have anything to do with the Natl Enquirer account of her affair, which is supposed to be published (at least in part) next week? Are they stuffing her away so they can minimize damage if the story does come out?
…Either that or she’s said some really stupid things in private and needs to be squirreled away from the press until she can learn where Pakistan is.

5 09 2008

Hey JT, it isn’t just real estate. What he did, in essence isn’t illegal, you’re right there, but you ignore the ENTIRE story. The real question is, what did he do to get that house loan, especially after what we know he did for campaign financing…

Once again, DO YOUR RESEARCH. I find it sad that you guys put up these stories. You know it isn’t true, but for some reason you get some twisted joy out of attacking a woman who has done nothing wrong, except not aborting a “mistake” in your opinion. Progressive? Not even close, but pathetic? YES!

P.S. Yes Bystander, I have examined the facts, and so has my buddy Nick Carnes…

5 09 2008

Oh dear, the left is scared. Sarah Palin has stuff to do, that’s all. And you are grabbing for ANY inferred meaning for what SHE does that the Obamessiah wouldn’t do. Come ON November, so we can get this show on the road. Maybe another thing she’ll get done in DC is to insist on TRUTH IN REPORTING to get the leftist fearmongers frying for lying. After she eats your lunch, I’m sure she’ll make sure the waste goes in the trash can.

5 09 2008


I saw that column earlier today on FOX. It is not a “Top” list in the sense of how many, if not most “Top” lists are usually constructed. “Top” in this type of use (“Top 10” typically, or perhaps “Top 100”, etc.), as I’m confident you are aware, refers to to an idea of “most significant”, “most notable”, etc. in an hierarchic order. Here, it is a simple list of 7. Yes, undoubtedly the original source considers the list a fair and balanced Top 7 list of myths and untruths. However, the “Joined a Secessionist Political Party” is hardly the #1 story surrounding Gov. Palin, according to most sources, regardless of party.

Nor, in fact, are the remaining 6 stories on that list of 7. Here’s the list:

1) Palin “Joined a Secessionist Political Party”
2) Palin Supported a “Nazi Sympathizer”
3) Palin “Wants Creationism Taught in School”
4) Palin “Was Nearly Recalled” While Mayor
5) Palin “Opposes Sex Education”
6) “This Picture Proves Palin is …”
7) Palin is the grandmother, and not the mother, of Trig Palin

And why can’t the actual #1, #2 or #3 or such story not be included in a Top List of Myths and Untruths?

You know the answer.

5 09 2008
Palin Leaves Campaign Trail. Flees North.-Top WP blogs report, 9/6/2008 6:50:56 AM « Con đường blogger

[…] Hot post: Palin Leaves Campaign Trail. Flees North. […]

5 09 2008
Top Posts «

[…] Palin Leaves Campaign Trail. Flees North. Well this is interesting. Chuck Todd dropped a little bombshell this afternoon. CHUCK TODD:Well Ron, We’ve been […] […]

5 09 2008


I’m not sure the Left is scared. Is the Right scared? There’s evidence of that. How are the Moderates? What about everyone else in between?

Fear not.

Gov. Palin does have stuff to do.

How can Gov.Palin “insist on TRUTH IN REPORTING” when she isn’t talking to the press? A press release? Who would receive it? More pointedly, have you ever read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights? Familiar with the First Amendment? Does that matter?

re: to get the leftist fearmongers frying for lying

Is this restricted to “leftist” folks or the liars? I mean, say, would Karl Rove be eligible for “frying” if he’s shown (if he hasn’t been) to be a liar?

re: I’m sure she’ll make sure the waste goes in the trash can.

Will she, like she did in Wasilla as mayor and for Alaska, as Governor?
You’ve looked into this, yes?

5 09 2008

Shouldn’t you be out there telling people why you think you can do that job, and earning the trust of the nation that is turning over their own sons and daughters to fight this war?

I think you are confusing things around here a bit. The one who should be campaigning is OBAMA – for he is the candidate for commander-in chief. I will grant it to you that Palin does not have the experience that most would like.

However – it is hypocrisy (or at least AUDACITY) to the MAX to talk about Palin when your candidate for commander-in-chief has comparable experience (or lack thereof) with that of Palin. Don’t you think so??

As far as the interviews, debates etc. Why don’t we wait until those take place? They will take place sooner or later. Maybe you are right – she is clueless etc.

I feel fairly confident that she will handle both the press and the debates very well, and that is what scares all the liberals out there and that is why they are attacking everything about her every way they can.

Unfortunately for you – this woman is not going to cry like Hillary (she is a hunter after all 🙂 – she will fight with grace and dignity to the end and I think that she will win.

But – why don’t we just wait and see the interviews and the debates and then make our decisions???

As far as the trooper story goes. By following this pathetic story for disqualifying a person (for it is very pathetic) – it just shows that you really do not have much on Palin. Don’t you think so? Even if it is true that she is guilty (and this is far from being proved) – is this a story that is supposed to bring her down? You must be kidding. Hilary has been guilty of much much more!

5 09 2008

Until there are interviews with Palin, they should not broadcast her “stump – canned speeches” I’ve completed a brief collection of her blatant lies

5 09 2008
Leila Abu-Saba

I’m interested in the essay by Michael T. Bailey but he is not listed at U Arizona. He published a Parents’ guide to Downs Syndrome in 2006. Please provide more info folks. I’d like to reprint the letter but not without better bona fides.

5 09 2008
Jeremy Buff

Are you examining facts?
You should check out 7 Myths, Lies and Untruths About Sarah Palin that I am sure you have seen and fallen for.. probably wrote about.

The liberal media is not only being unfair to Sarah Palin, they are lying, manipulating facts and making up their own false “facts” about her. I hope you don’t buy into that crap.
My blog:

5 09 2008

I follow Sarah Palin a lot — here is some of my work

Observation: The Power of Palin

Observation: The Power of Palin

Is Obama Scared Of Sarah Palin?


5 09 2008

The sad thing is, Palin’s son is deploying and is a part of our Military which grants you freedom to write the words you’ve written…sad….very sad and very un-American.

5 09 2008


So if you were fired for NOT violating the law, it appears that would be just great in your world. According to Alaska newspaper reports the man that lost his job was held in extreme high regard by all of the troopers. You don’t get that kind of support unless you have earned it with fairness and honor. I worked with Texas state troopers an it is very hard to earn their respect troopers are very very tough crowed.

5 09 2008

Hello All

I have had a very bad day…tried to get ready for fantasy football…but the TV for fill with those right-wing-christain-brainwash…lying crying about unfair treatment of SP..

Well if SP can attack everyone else…if she think she is not going to get it right back…what fantasy world is she living in…well enough of that…

McCain and SP say they are not going to let SP talk to news media unless they feel it is in their best interest…and people want to vote for these “Whopper Lier”

This is McCain and SP new name “Whopper Lier”

So here the first ———”Whopper Lying #1————–

Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs — In amongst all the other blatant falsehoods, Sarah Palin’s speech contained a heartwarming section about her youngest son and his special needs. She told special needs parents around the nation they’d have a friend in the White House if she was elected. With friends like this, they wouldn’t need enemies.

I will be posting regular “Whopper Lying #1 as I hunt them down on the internet, TV…she may be able hide from new media on TV but not us here at “mudflat family” … we will report everything..these too are good at lying

September 04, 2008
Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs Kids 60% in One Year
Sarah Palin is proving to be the Mayor of Liarsville and Governor of the State of Deception. Her speech last night was so full of inaccuracies, falsehoods, misleads, and flat out untruths I’m surprised that she thinks the American public is that stupid and I sure hope the GOP is regertting their crazed applause and support of her speech last night.

5 09 2008

—-For You McCain/Palin Lovers ——

@ evedyhau

Read about the lie your christain loving person told in her speech last night…but don’t act surprise …you already know she is a lier…but you don’t care

because she is against abortion…so in your eyes…she can do no wrong…

But this is a message you can deliver to your cult-of right wings…

McCain/SP made fun of “Community Organizers” in her speech …little

do any of you know…it is going to be the very thing that bring “McCain/SP down

and keep my daughter and others and this country…free from right-wing-cult…

Giver her that message for us..oh you don’t have too …she is already feeling the heat…

5 09 2008

Last I read today, Palin was going home for the weekend and going back on the trail Sunday night or Monday. She’s hardly missing 10% of her campaign time if that is true. It’s funny how quickly people went from knowin nothing about her though to thinking they know everything about her.

5 09 2008

So…the very thing that Republicans have been touting (we don’t know Obama) they add to their own plate. I just want this mess to be over and done with. We’ll only have 2 months to get to know Sarah Palin? We’ve been gettin’ to know Obama for months now…especially under pressure. Where are the 3AM campaign ads now? This just keeps getting better and better.

Palin Propaganda – McCain’s Mix-Up…What was he thinking?

5 09 2008

Wow you have got it a figured out. Just wait until after the election when she is Vice President. If this is the best that you can do it’s very sad. I wonder if would have any heard about this if it was a democrat.

5 09 2008
Midlife Slices

Are you stupid or just ignorant? Maybe both?

5 09 2008

Cedarburg, WI is part of the Republican stronghold “collar” around Milwaukee County. (See Ozaukee and Waukesha counties for more.) Just sayin’.

5 09 2008

Palin will be back on the trail Monday. Doesn’t take that long to order the moving truck and have the kids start packing their clothes – it is a long haul to Washington. I hope she brings her guns – get in some skeet shooting on the South Lawn ….. a little snowmobiling down the Avenue this winter……

5 09 2008

Hey Mil…just a conversation I overheard while sitting with some regulars at a local coffee shop….a customer sitting there is leaving this week for Iraq and he is in the same Battalion as Track. The conversation included comments as to whether Track would actually be sent there or maybe brought back for safety if his mother did become VP. (Let me tell you that sure started a debate (arguement) with all the old guys sitting there that happen to have different opinions on everything in life and aren’t afraid to voice them! ) The other man said, well, he’s in my battalion and we’re leaving this week. Just thought I’d pass that along.

5 09 2008
Runescape Forums

John McCain has failed 0o
i hope obama wins lol

5 09 2008
Runescape Forums

They need a better system, John McCain is terrible, another bush

5 09 2008
Idaho 43

“As far as the trooper story goes. By following this pathetic story for disqualifying a person (for it is very pathetic) – it just shows that you really do not have much on Palin. Don’t you think so? Even if it is true that she is guilty (and this is far from being proved) – is this a story that is supposed to bring her down? You must be kidding. Hilary has been guilty of much much more!”

And Hillary is not running for VEEP

5 09 2008

This woman is a hot mess. She would have recieved alot more support had she not come on the screen as a Bitch. I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. However she is percieved she can thank the GOP and herself. First impressions are lasting. Senator Obama had only said positive things about her. She came out during the GOP campaign and attacked him. If you ask me. This is only a horrible, desperate, last minute ploy by the GOP to keep the White House. Hell Once, if by chance they do win the election he will appoint a different Vice President because she may just be found guilty of this brewing scandle back home in Alaska. DON’T BE FOOLED STUDY ALL CANDIDATES AND MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE, SENATOR OBAMA.

5 09 2008


5 09 2008


5 09 2008


5 09 2008

Ha! After the LOLCatz, there’s… LOLPalinz…

5 09 2008

correction (silly HTML):

Ha! After the LOLCatz, there’s… LOLPalinz

5 09 2008

Poeple I live in Wasilla, AK and have been sick ever since McCain chose Palin. Take it from me, if that ticket wins GOD HELP US! She has been repeating all her speeches & won’t go on any political talk shows because she doesn’t know what the F- – -K she talking about! OMG this is a sad time for all Americans!

5 09 2008

That is funny, you are from Wasilla… and she doesn’t know what she’s talking about! Interesting. I am getting tired of hearing her name!

5 09 2008

@Yourinfo – It is not true what you say about me. What lies are u talking about? I am not aware of any. Also – you do not address the AUDACITY problem – criticize the VP for inexperience and praise Obama? Doesn’t make sense. Does it?

yourinfo (18:36:26) :

—-For You McCain/Palin Lovers ——

@ evedyhau

Read about the lie your christain loving person told in her speech last night…but don’t act surprise …you already know she is a lier…but you don’t care

5 09 2008

LOL. She’s fleeing from the media? Yeah, that’s why they’ve pretty much stopped attacking her since her speech.

….which was phenomenal, IMO.

5 09 2008

Greetings from California,

I am going to keep seeing the glass as half full. I’ve got to imagine that most people who are ever going to become Palinists have been converted, and that Palin doesn’t have momentum. Palin-love is “love at first sight”; she doesn’t sneak up on you. (If I’m wrong, we’re in trouble.) I think a lot of the remaining undecided are going to start to slowly realize what’s at stake.

The electoral college math is good for Obama. His advisors decided to focus on 18 battleground states.

Alaska is now a lock for McCain. Obama is pulling out of Georgia.

Let’s look at the states that Kerry took. Most are currently safe. New Hamp. is razor thin, but I’m guessing Palin hurts here. (And it’s only worth 4 EVs)
Wisconsin has been polling +5% for Obama for months. I hope this makes dmk_Wisconsin feel better. Minnesota consistently +something. Assume Obama plays defense in Michigan and Pennsylvania, that’s Kerry’s 251 EVs. currently gives this a 67% chance of happening.

Now onto the new states. Iowa and New Mexico appear to be locks for Obama, even with a Palin bounce. (The Repubs are pulling funding for the Senate race in NM.) That brings him at 263 EVs.

Then Obama needs just 7 EVs from Montana, North Dakota, North Carolina, Colorado, Nevada, Missouri, Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Indiana. I think Palin may help a little in many of these states, except Florida. In many cases, Obama may just need 1 of these states to fall into his camp to win. McCain still has to thread the eye of a needle.

What worries me both short-term and long-term is that millions of people in my country are now behaving like they belong to a cult. Overnight, we went from disparaging unplanned teenage pregnancy to embracing it as a badge of honor. And for the true Palinites, she really can do no wrong–she’s covered with super-Teflon. People who are comments on this blog keep waiting for her to gaffe, which she inevitably will or that her Alaskan ethics problems will explode and make her look bad.

But for people following a cult, there is no wrong. If she does no interviews with the media, her followers will find some way to justify it. Same with book banning, ethics violations, or running a dysfunctional family. If we find “proof” of adultery, so what? To the Palin voter, it will be an untrue smear. If during the VP debate, Palin can’t find China on a map, well the Palin voter will rationalize and say “I can’t find it either–you go, Sarah, you’re like me!” People continue to believe that Obama is a Muslim, right?

We need to work hard to stop McCain/Palin at 269 Electoral votes. But even if we do, I worry about the long-term mental health of this country.

If Palin has a momentum effect, then all bets are off. I’ll be optimistic now, but holding my breath for about a week.

5 09 2008

If Palin is such a political non-entity, and an inexperienced woman, what does Obama have to worry about?

6 09 2008

If McCain’s judgment in “vetting” a VP is this bad, can you imagine how he’d respond to the 3 a.m. call from Iran, Russia, North Korea, etc.? The prospect of this occurring scares me stiff!!

We can’t let the slimy GOP off the hook! Presidential candidates along with their VP candidates must face the people (that’s us) and answer all of our questions.

McCain blew it, and he has no way to weasel out of his decision. Perhaps Rove could arrange for Palin to be abducted by aliens? That’s the only way McCain can get out of this mess.

I feel jubilant–he’s cooked his own goose.

6 09 2008

This just hit the news wires, Barack Obama has been caught in a Sex Scandal check it out at this wordpress blog.

6 09 2008
The Iditarod Idiot Is Headed To Alaska To Hide : “7.62mm Justice” ™

[…] is then turned into fleeing from the media and hiding out until journalists forget about […]

6 09 2008
Nebraska Native

Thank you so much for this site! I may actually be able to sleep tonight! 🙂

6 09 2008

Folks, I’m tired! I want to believe that good will win out in the end ,but it seems the evil just keeps winning.
How can Palin’s religious supporters ignore the lies Palin spewed from a speech?. Is she not the church lady? What happened to “Thou shall not bear false witness”?
But I do have an Idea! I hear Alaska is sparsly populated,If MCain wins, those of like- mind can move to Alaska and start all over again by suceeding,Is’nt that how the new world was born>People left the Old World because they did not like the ruling class? ….Sigh, Just a thought.

6 09 2008
Not to Worry « Just Above Sunset

[…] News’ Chuck Todd reported the same thing the previous day, saying Palin will “hole up in Alaska” and we “may not see her on the campaign trail for a little while.” It seems she […]

6 09 2008



Hello, my name is Johnson

I was watching C-span Saturday morning at about 10:45 and a man by the name of Cliff Kincaid,

was on there sprewing lies about Obama being a communist and many other bad names..

Please investigate this information at the website :

or both

Click to access hawaii-obama.pdf

Please send a reply that you receive my important email. I will also
be checking Obama website for additional information.

The GOP is starting a swift-boat smear campaign and a attack on the new media…

I hope Obama/Biden will speak with strong voice …not softball responses

Please help me to find answer to this trouble information

Thank you

Please send a email to Obama at

I have send him one email and I will keep sending it everyday at least 5-10 times a day until I get a reply…

6 09 2008
What McCain and Palin Are Afraid of | Comments from Left Field

[…] not ready for prime time, engaging not on a hard hitting tour of the country, but instead running back to Alaska while Team McCain attempts to inject a little knowledge in her (paradoxical, I […]

6 09 2008
John Nail

Picture of Bristol and Levi with Trig. Does this look a sister and brother in law’s love to you:

6 09 2008

@ AnneinWA (09:00:02) :

yourinfo (08:41:09) :

Are you sure you want to draw attention to this wacko’s website? His and many other smear sites are out there.


AnneinWA…. you are so right … lack of sleep the last few days … is taking toll on me …

I will try to take a short break for fantasy football …. but I don’t know how I can…

McCain/SP are so crazy….thank you again…I will post this message everywhere….

6 09 2008
mrc in alex va

Josh Marshall wrote:

Isn’t Palin supposed to move to Cheney’s undisclosed location after she gets elected, not before?

6 09 2008

Oh what I wouldn’t give to see Palin for the full hour with Tim Russert!

6 09 2008

She’s dangerous! Almost as dangerous as McCain…

6 09 2008
Sarah P

oh puleeze! Can’t anybody talk about the hurricanes!

6 09 2008

Hawhawhawhaaha,she is kicking your woosey ass and you can’t stand it,hawwahwaha

6 09 2008

I haven’t read other blogs a while…

She wants ban books now?

Give me a list!

6 09 2008

Quick apologize.

Some lists after quick searches. I feel I’ve seen them before:

Stop Sarah Palin! The Books She Wanted BANNED!

Swear words, n-word, magic, all that.. Now I really I fear the future if McCain is chosen.

You can’t ban swear words and bad acts from the life by banning “Catcher In The Rye”.

6 09 2008

The American Tradition of Fair Play is completely dead. What a sad nation we have become.

Is your personal history so clean that you could still credibly look down your nose at others if the worst thing you ever did was a YouTube video?

By spending our days concentrating on being hateful to each other and trying to be the next Woodward on digging up the dirt on someone, we are falling behind the cultures that choose to do something productive with their lives.

We truly deserve the third world status that we are sinking to because we now create NOTHING of real value.


6 09 2008
Morgan Green

Please check out
You will be convinced at least that McCain and Palin are not your guy and gal of choice.

6 09 2008
6 09 2008

“I wonder who will get the first interview?” Because obviously, questions need to happen.

Well if you are a voter, most likely you will get the first interview! The people first is their slogan.

6 09 2008
Just a married couple conquering the conventional

[…] Link here […]

6 09 2008

Just curious. Regarding this woman who “nobody’s ever heard of,” why are you so eager to find something wrong with her? And what does that say about your politics?

Wow, I am so different from you. Coming from the GOP side, I gave Obama a real looking at. I was disappointed to learn about his association with Bill Ayers. I don’t understand the motives behind trying to cull Ayer’s crowd, but it shows poor judgement. And when I learned about Obama’s stance on the “born alive” legislation when he was an Illinois State Senator — well, that was it for me. I think abortion is bad enough, but I treated a box of found kittens with more humanity than Obama would treat a premature child from a “failed” abortion.

These are principled views. Or do you only value ideas that are identical to your own and your party’s?

Still, I think Obama is a decent guy. He has, no doubt, never seen one of those infants whose fate he tried to seal. And his dalliance with Ayers can be written off as extreme naivete and even youth — too young to know what the Weathermen really were. The biggest blot on his resume is that he hasn’t done anything. At this stage, that qualifies as arrogance. Why should be presume to the presidency. “Audacity” was the right word.

Palin has more experience than Obama. It is not experience that would make her a candidate for the presidency, but she isn’t running for that. And in no era of American history has the vice president been considered a president’s surrogate. The old joke about the vice president used to be that nobody knew who he was. Try naming some of them from before 1945.

Nobody knows who Palin is? They sure are finding out in a hurry. A lot of people like her. Not long ago Obama was a complete unknown. Now he’s God, a big Dem celebrity. If that’s all it takes, celebrity, you should embrace Palin more readily since she’s gotten there faster! Instant fame. Because she’s female? Would anyone care about Obama if he didn’t look black?

But Palin has more genuine experience than Obama. Significantly, though, she’s at the bottom of the GOP ticket. Not the top. She doesn’t have enough experience yet for the top.

Is she “holed up” to avoid the press? Let’s see your evidence for that claim. As a mother, I have no trouble accepting that she might want to time to spend with her Iraq bound son. As an ordinary person who cherishes ordinary life, I have no trouble with the idea that she might seek refuge from the press in order to think and prepare for the next stages. That would be a wise move on her part.

The role the media plays in modern politics is vastly over-rated. The media’s credibility is vastly over-rated. It gets harder and harder to tell “news” shows apart from things like Oprah and Entertainment Tonight.

Genuine governance is something apart. That’s one reason I’m voting for the GOP because I believe they know that. They are more attuned to reality. They have eschewed the glizt factor.

So, there you go.

6 09 2008
Palin as a Representative of the Real « Annsnewfriend’s Weblog

[…] I left a comment at Mudflats: […]

6 09 2008

I am willing to bet you lots of money that Sarah Palin is running back to Alaska to try to hide some major diert on her! I’d be willing to put my life on it! All one has to do is look at that woman really well and you will see lots of arrogance!

I have no doubt that in terms of her having given “it up” to another man is true! Why would the guy make a mad dash to try to cover up his divorce papers? Because that affiar is listed as one of the reason for the divorce!

In the next week or so, we will start to hear just how really screwed up her family is and the “Secrets” that the State of Alaska is hiding about little Ms. Sarah!

6 09 2008

I just can’t believe how catty and cruel some of your comments are. Can’t you wish someone well? This is a fantastic opportunity for Sarah Palin! What was she supposed to do when John McCain asked her to be Vice President….say no?? There is not a person among us who doesn’t have some skeletons in their closet!!

6 09 2008

I was a big fan of Barak Obama’s in the beginning but I’ve done a complete 180 since then. He just seems so “plastic” to me….I mean, he’s brilliant and charming and an eloquent speaker, but where are his friends? His collegues? People who have known him for years that can vouch for him? Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers used to be his friends but they’re out of his life now….(it concerns me even more that these were the people he chose to associate with). Don’t you find it odd that he has no one besides his wife to give a personal testimony? No one to say, “Hey you can trust this man because I do!” John McCain at least has fellow senators or war buddies that can personally vouch for him. Barak Obama is like the mysterious Jay Gatsby!!

6 09 2008

I’m tired of the biased media saying Obama and his family have been given a “free pass.” Walk the miles in the man’s shoes for the last 19 months with Islamophobia, Michelle’s distorted love America comment; Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, his community activism (what is that? Republican’s ask); his brown skin, and other straight to the heart lies and then tell me if he’s been given a d*mn free pass.

If their child doesn’t make the honor roll, have the same kind of clothes kids are wearing, isn’t popular, Susie doesn’t make a team or pass a test, these same people are at the school trying to change the rules. I’ve had it with this nonsense and these kinds of people and their temper tantrums.

6 09 2008


Obama has friends, but he is really smart as to not hang out with many people! All of the many State policticians and US Senate and Congress have all state officially who Barack is. John McCain is the plastic one.

The ONLY thing he has going for him is that he served as a POW, which does not mean that the American people owe him our votes! I’m am sick and tired of him always talking about himself and his Vietnam ordeal, which is nothing but a ploy to gardner sympathy and compassion so as to bring about votes.

I promise you that while many Americans respect John McCain and his service to the Country, that will not be enough to vote for him in november! The simple truth is, John McCain is too old! When he and Barack stand side-by-side during the debates, the American public will notice that like never before!

With all of the scandals of Sarah Palin on the horizon, things don’t look good for McCain. Bill Clinton was correct in talking about when he was only 45 years of age, he was on the right side of history. He went on to say “Brack Obama is on the right side of history.” I really believe that too!

7 09 2008


Just curious. Regarding this woman who “nobody’s ever heard of,” why are you so eager to find something wrong with her? And what does that say about your politics?

Good question, of course it’s politics. The is a profound change in this year’s election. People are less interested in experience, and more interested in the economy and change. Joe Biden ran against Obama and lost, and he had a lot of experience. Hillary who had similar political policies to Obama lost even though she had more experience.

Palin did something things which is rarely done, a person who started as a PTA member who eventually became mayor then a commissioner of regulating oil and gas in Alaska, who the governor of Alaska at the time tried to fire her, then she challenges the governor and WINS!

She took down the good old boys power structure in Alaska which is like a PTA member taking on a 3 term governor. McCain taking into account the Obama situation (as a sign people want no blood rather than just experience), he added Palin as someone who is like him in a way, and someone who is not part of the good old boy power structure.

7 09 2008
independent woman

To the McCain supporters that have found their way to this site.

Feel free to read with an objective mind. It’s obviously not about what is important for this country or for your future because the GOP voters have been voting against their own best interests for years.

You look at helping people as hand-outs. What we are talking about is hand-ups. Pulling someone up when they have fallen because this GOP presidency over the last eight years HAS FAILED US ALL!

Sarah Palin is like “new P*ssy”. It’s new, fresh, smells different, looks good. You have a whirlwind romance and you just impusively jump right into bed with her RAW, no protection…..

Then BAM! you start to itch (that’s nothing a little poison ivy I guess, she abused her power in Alaska but she won’t do it as VP)…

Then your “Willie” starts burning, ( Oh I have to cut back on all that pork I’ve been eating like the $27 mil in pork Sarah got for her “small town”),…

Now you need to see a Doctor, ( but damn you don’t have medical insurance so you go to the emergency room, No Gas , it’s too high, so let’s call John to give me a ride and guess what you can’t afford your prescription either)

Then you start losing weight, (oh I needed to go on a diet anyway like the miillions of hard working people who have to choose between luxuries like FOOD and HEAT just so they can get to work everyday for that check that no longer covers their cost of living)…

Ooops, You’ve got an STD ( So Terribly Stupid, for not protecting yourself from this woman I know nothing about that McCain “pimped” on you, well she looked CLEAN and GOOD on the outside but you should’ve got to know her better before you stuck your “Willie ALL IN!)

Now you Have HIV/AIDS( How I Voted/ Ain’t I Double Stupid because you didn’t do you due dilligence and check her out, you thought her Pimp McCain had her checked but was as careless as you were)

Then you’re DEAD, ( Because those COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS that used to help people no longer have any way of helping you now that YOU need it, but your happy because you voted for McCain/Palin and kept that Black Dude in his place, too bad your family can’t afford to bury you because you dropped your insurance so you could buy a couple months worth of meds, you’ve lost your house but SO WHAT you’re gonna die anyway and after your gone John or another Pimp like him will be pimping your daughter on Main Street)

We lost 84,000 jobs last month, that is well over a half million this year alone.
Do yourself a favor and ask McCain what he is going to do to change that. Are you next? Because there are alot of people who never thought they’d have to make diffucult choices like whether to eat lunch everyday or actually get to work, who SAVE in order to take their family to McDonalds or the movies. Things they used to take for granted. Those people are ACTUALLYLISTENING to what John McCain has to say about how he is going to turn this country around and they are hearing a whole lot of nothing.

If you aren’t living paycheck to paycheck then I hope you have a year’s worth of income in the bank. Because you are an illness or crisis away from devastation and or death. It is those that see it happening all around them to their neighbors that are questioning what is McCain’s plan to CHANGE things FOR US ALL!
Quite frankly YOU KNOW in your heart that he really doesn’t care.

Obama/Biden 08

7 09 2008
independent woman

And YES I called him a PIMP! Just don’t be a “TRICK”

SP is a good “ESCORT” because she does just enough to get a TRICK to vote. She promises “FULL SERVICE and you wind up the one getting F”cked.

My concern is that you will still actually like it. it’s been done already, Bush ’00 and ’04. Did your pink slip COME yet!

Stop being a TRICk and a MARK, take your “Willie” into your own hands and give this woman a thorough “SCREENING” before you sleep with her and eventually the FISHES!

7 09 2008

@for your info

“Read about the lie your christain loving person told in her speech last night…but don’t act surprise …you already know she is a lier…but you don’t care…”

Again – Read WHERE??? I am not aware about any lies, but I would like to know what you are talking about.

Having said that – I find it amusing that the party of Slick Willie (who lied under oath) is so concerned about Palin lying :):)

7 09 2008
Rebecca Burt

She reminds be of Lynn Spears or Diane Lohan – shamelessly putting her daughter in the spot light for self promotion! She has allowed her daughter and her boy friend Levi to drop out of their senior year of high school to become her pro-life poster children!

How can she be ready to lead if she is not even ready to give an interview?

She has next to no experience in government. When ask about national security back ground or knowledge regarding foreign affairs the best Ms. McCain could come up with was “she lives right by Russia.”

She has only traveled outside the country twice in her life.

She was associated with to a 3rd party which among other things supports allowing Alaska to secede from the United States and feels the only thing wrong with the John Birch Society was it was to liberal! Her husband “First Dude” was registered as a member of this party between 1994 and 2004!

She tried to have a local Librarian fired for not banning books. She used her political office to try to have fired and smear a state trooper who is in a custody battle with her sister. She is being investigated for this and is worried enough about the outcome to have recently “lawyered up.”

Palin currently has pretty messy family issues. She recently gave birth to a son with Downs Syndrome and has a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant. Ironically she has fought sex education in the schools and availability of contraception for minors. I am glad she was able to make the choice to carry her disabled son to term…we all need the right to make our own choices!!!

She believes that for 9 months a woman has no right to control what is happening to her own body and is basically nothing more than a baby container. She does not believe in a women’s right to choose to end a pregnancy, even if she has been raped.

She does not believe human pollution has anything to do with global warming (even Bush has had to back down on this one). Is so in bed with big oil she is willing to watch as the polar bear and beluga whales become extinct, rather than slow the possibility of drilling. She would open up one of the last great wilderness on earth to exploitation by oil interests.

She laughed when hearing a fellow Republican woman being called a bitch in public (she and the woman had disagreed on several issues) I guess this does make her on par with McCain who thinks it is alright to call your wife a cunt in public.

She has been repeatedly described as stubborn with a vicious streak – even by family and friends. (nick name Sarah Barracuda)

Has an undergraduate degree in Journalism for a small obscure university. It took her 6 years and at least 5 colleges to accomplish this!

She did fund raising for Sen. Ted Stevens (think major Alaskan corruption) and also accepted money from the same sources as Sen. Ted Stevens. She pushed for the “bridge to no where – the flipped when convenient to do so.

She has been named Sen. John McCain’s VP selection for the Republican ticket. Sen. McCain is 72 years old and has reoccurring cancer as part of his health history.

One can not help but question Mr. McCain’s judgment regarding her selection. John McCain has made a calculated politcal choice in selecting his VP in an attempt to court the Christian Right. Unfortunately putting an undereducated, inexperienced right wing nut case a “heart beat” away from becoming President at a time when our Nation faces some of the most complex and volatile issues it has in decades.

7 09 2008

THIS is an interesting picture about her “stance” on the bridge to nowhere .

8 09 2008
Mccain-palin: Playing Media Chicken With The Public’s Interest | Politics - Sharpy News

[…] But now?  Chuck Todd says she’s planning to hole up in Alaska.  Palin’s apparently teh awesoooome for words. Literally. […]

8 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

Re: william ayers. obama only knows him because they both served on the same BOARD of a nonprofit. dick cheney is on the board at mayo clinic. should all of the doctors at mayo be considered to have “close ties” with cheney? ayers is a distinguished COLLEGE professor. what is wrong with knowing a college professor? oops…i forgot the republicans hate smart people.

9 09 2008
Maverick™ Straight Talk™

[…] Everybody’s talking about Original™ Mavericks™ John McCain and Sarah Palin, as the duplicitous duo take their Straight Talking™ message of Change™ to “McCain™ Street USA™“! […]

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