Obama – The Last Frontier Strategy

17 06 2008

Chris Weigant at Huffington Post makes an excellent case for what we here in Alaska have known all along. I’ve been squawking for months now about Obama coming to Alaska, and how Begich and Berkowitz would benefit from the Obama bump. (No, not the ‘terrorist fist jab’ kind..the increase in poll numbers kind).

My neck is sore from nodding through the entire post, in which Weigant clearly spells out the advantages of a visit to the Great Land.

  • He might actually WIN here.
  • He would significantly improve the chances for Begich and Berkowitz.
  • He would force John McCain to come too, and stand shoulder to shoulder with Stevens and Young who are not only the earmark kings, but are up to their eyeballs in federal investigations. His only other alternative would be to stay home and let the chips fall where they may.
  • So far Howard Dean’s ’50 state strategy’ appears to be working, and Alaska is actually one of those 50 states.

And come on….would you want to have to work with those jokers for four more years??

Great to see this broader coverage, and that the idea has had a trickle-up effect. Obama camp, are you listening?

Obama in Palmer…in Spirit.

25 05 2008

Barack Obama was at the Alaska Democratic Convention in Palmer….if only in spirit.  Below is a recorded message that played at the convention.  The fact that he had this message well thought out and ready to go once more shows that his roots as a community organizer will take him far.  The Obama campaign is polished and thinking of details.  He diplomatically thanks Patti Higgins, Democratic Party Chair and staunch Hillary supporter, refers to Mark Begich as the next senator from Alaska, and says he’s confident that either Ethan Berkowitz or Diane Benson will be the next Alaskan member of the House.  Berkowitz has been getting lots of coverage lately, so it’s good he acknowledged it’s still a two person race.  Enjoy!

Obama IS Coming to Alaska!

19 05 2008

Wow. If I knew my wishes would come true this easily, I’d have done it before! Obviously someone out there in Obama-land has been picking up on the vibes from the north! The Daily News has just reported that Obama will be in Alaska for ‘a brief campaign stop’ in the fall, if possible and a longer visit after the November election. While the Obama campaign still leaves a little wiggle-room about the pre-election visit, I hope they make it happen. For good reasons why, see my previous post. Alaska Democrats, and Democrats nationally need the Obama bump to clean house and send Stevens and Young out to pasture. Their priority needs to be before, not after November 4th.

Thank you, Hillary!

18 05 2008

Take a good look. This is why we should all be glad Hillary Clinton has stayed in the race. Granted there is a fine line between being ‘a fighter’ and being completely delusional, and there have been times that she has leaped over the line, laughing all the way.

But looking at this picture makes me think again. When was the last time 75,000 people showed up at a political rally for a candidate? I remember…it was NEVER! The inescapable fact is that we actually have an engaged citizenry. I’ll resist the urge to ask, “Where the hell were YOU in 2000 and 2004” and focus on the here and now, which is very very good. Had Hillary called it quits, this would never have been possible.

The picture is mindblowing, and it’s impossible to imagine what the view looked like from Barack Obama’s eyes. I believe he said it best. Even the most eloquent man on the planet was reduced to the opening words, “Wow. Wow. Wow.” Yup, that about sums it up for me.

So…think we could fill up the Park Strip if Obama came to Alaska?