Is Palin an Albatross?

20 09 2008

Is Sarah Palin becoming an albatross around the neck of John McCain? Two weeks ago, the thought that we would be asking this question seemed unlikely at best.  Alaska’s own ‘hockey mom/beauty queen’ governor had become the overnight darling of the political world.  She had everything – spunk, principles, smarts, beauty, ethics, and an attitude that was just plain “maverick”.  Right?

Never mind that the hearts of progressive Alaskans (and even some Republicans) were gripped with an icy fear that made breathing alone difficult, nevermind shouting, “Noooooooo!”  The rest of the world loved Sarah.  Lipstick became an iconic symbol of political girl power. Her recent stint as a small town mayor, and her journalism degree from the University of Idaho showed us that “anyone can be president”. Her eyeglass frames were sold out at retail outlets around the land almost instantly.  Pitbulls gained an unlikely place in our hearts. And all of a sudden John McCain didn’t have to grovel, and offer to bus people in from miles away to make his rallies look not so embarrasingly empty.  It was a Disney movie – Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington, Cinderella and The Mighty Ducks all rolled into one.

But now, it’s the morning after, and America  is starting to have some regrets.  Sarah, it seems, has been our “rebound girl” after our escape from a disastrous and abusive long-term relationship with our soon-to-be ex, Dick Cheney.  Rebound relationships are normal, but no one expects them to last.

What was it?  Shooting wolves from airplanes? The pastor problem? Abuse of power? The embarrasing interview with Charlie Gibson? Charging victims for rape kits? Being for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it? Her far-right stance on reproductive rights? Todd’s membership in a secessionist political party? New Earth evangelism? Stonewalling an ethics investigation? Leaving her small town in debt? Her love of earmarks?  Her hatred of polar bears? Who knows?  It may be a little of all of these things, or for some people, one is enough.  But, we’re starting to realize, in the light of day,  that the beautiful shiny image of Sarah Palin that swept us off our political feet isn’t the whole story.  I wonder sometimes if there isn’t a portrait of a hideous, wrinkled old woman hidden away in a closet of the governor’s mansion in Juneau, and we’re all living some unexplainable Arctic version of Dorian Gray.

For the rest of America in the thralls of Sarah-Mania, Alaskans have been trying to be your sensible friend. “Are you crazy?  This will never work!”  “At the risk of our friendship, I have to tell you she is totally wrong for you!” “Do not, I repeat, do NOT move in with her!” 

During the last few weeks of this ‘discovery period,’ Palin’s positive ratings have steadily and rapidly eroded, and according to the most recent report from the Daily Kos (excellent visual below) she can now actually be considered a ‘drag’ on the ticket.  Not everyone is ‘there’ yet, but the trend is undeniable, and there are still weeks to go before election day.


America, on behalf of all Alaskans, and as your sensible friend, I want to thank you for hearing us out.



336 responses

20 09 2008
Ripley_6 AKA Copper Catfish P.

No, Thank YOU Alaskan Muckraker. You are quite entitled to say “I told you so” when it’s all said and done, too.

GObama ’08

20 09 2008

You made it quite easy for us to pay attention and to find all of the crap truth about your wonderful governor. Please please, I hope you keep her in that position and don’t end up giving her to us. I hope you understand.

20 09 2008

The Lower 48 are hoping to give Alaska back their ‘FUNGABLE COMMODITY” on November 4th!

20 09 2008


I want to thank YOU.

20 09 2008

And you didn’t even mention the family craziness: the birth-o-Trig story, the not telling your kids their soon-to-arrive brother is going to be special needs “honesty,” the we’re going to Ohio for a family anniversary deception, the can I ban books question, the nasty community organizer crack…

or just that voice…that voice…

20 09 2008

Our sensible friend! So funny. Yeah, America might be realizing SP isn’t our happy cheerful neighbor, she’s the new boss who comes in and fires everybody in the department without, as they say, blinking.

20 09 2008

Palin is in Florida tomorrow and is expected to draw a crowd of 15,000 to 20,000. Decided to stay away. I’ll link to the local news sites on Monday.

As for the national electoral vote, Obama has tipped back into the lead 273-265 thanks to Pennsylvania. However McCain still leads in Florida and Ohio. I do find it amazing that Obama is polling 33% in Alaska which is better than the last four elections.

20 09 2008

I can haz sensorship?

20 09 2008

i would have to say, quite the opposite: i just wrote this earlier about a palin bashing blog….

Daniel Herringer’s wsj article this morning

is probably the most convincing argument I have heard yet “FOR” McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. As an Obama supporter, that took me a few minutes to mull over before committing to writing this post. Before you jump to any conclusions, there is an enormous problem with the whole premise of the ticket. The title of the article is “Will McCain Waste Palin?” Now I read it, salivating at the thought he would “waste her”, as in dump her for say Hank Paulson. No such luck. But on the other hand, if McCain was wasted and Paulson-Palin moved in, the GOP would most certainly pull this one off. The author asks us the question “will he waste the [Palin] bump?” I think that question has already been answered.

Furthermore, Palin’s reform message, not completely without merit to be honest to all McCain-Palin supporters, is sounding much like a Verizon Wireless commercial “Can you hear me know?” McCain’s advisors and lawyers have hijacked her good intentions and willingness to cooperate with an on-going investigation into her ethical practices while Governor of Alaska. Said investigation was instigated prior to her “Vetting” for the VP slot, notably with a republican majority!

“Reform!” “Transparency!” And a “CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM!” Shouts from the glacier, “Hold me accountable!”, “I have nothing to hide!”, melt, now inaudible, that she back-tracks with stride. Certain political fallout is the CO2 emission trapped within the atmosphere of this campaign. And, in Palin’s defense, I think she might just be capable of doing that “hockey-mom house cleaning” she has often bragged about, but unfortunately her political spouse and those unwelcome U.S. House guests have decided that her place is in the kitchen and she is rather busy preparing a nice big batch of “Moose Stew” for their upcoming grand ‘ole dinner party. They call us “My Friends” , extend a late invite, but I’ve politely declined, saying “thanks, but no thanks, I’m “ordering you out that night”.

I am now convinced that Palin would have been a better Presidential nominee for the GOP than McCain has proved. This lies entirely in the fact that “yesterday’s maverick” has clearly been eaten alive by the elephants in the room of our grand ‘ole House”, formally known as “The Lobby”.

All hopes now dashed, the far-right wing agreed to waste the “pit-bull with lipstick” who can not live up to her “breed”. What? Turn on her owner? No chance in hell will this ever be, for animal control would have “no other option than to put her to sleep”. Inhumanely, of course.

20 09 2008

Thank you AKM for educating us to the ‘Perils of Palin’….

20 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

After yesterday’s blizzard of words about “fungible commodity” and molecules, she certainly must be. I can just see her handlers pounding their heads against the wall after she came out with that statement.

20 09 2008
John Nail

YES – People down in the lower 40 are paying attention.

I have posted on this in several articles:

McCain/Palin’s Favorables Crash Like It’s 1929

Palin as “Ball and Chain”

“New Car Smell” Wearing Off

From new MI poll article:
“About 1 in 4 voters says Palin’s selection made them more likely to vote for McCain, but an equal share said they were less likely to support the ticket with her on it. And McCain’s performance with female voters actually slipped from EPIC-MRA’s August poll; he remained close by improving his standing with men.

By a narrow margin, more voters say Palin is unqualified to assume the presidency. Asked if she was qualified to step in if necessary, 47 percent said no, 43 percent yes.

Interviews with some of those surveyed suggested that weeks of tough media coverage are taking a toll on Palin. “When she first got into the race, I thought, ‘Oh boy, the Democrats have got trouble. What a lovely and capable woman,’ ” said Lillian Myers, 74, of Novi, an Obama supporter who participated in the poll. “Now so much is coming out about her that I don’t trust her.”

20 09 2008

Did Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in his opiumed state, dream of Sarah Palin?

From the Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

…Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks
Had I from old and young !
Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung…

…The Mariner, whose eye is bright,
Whose beard with age is hoar,
Is gone; and now the Wedding-Guest (McCain?)
Turned from the bridegroom’s door.

He went like one that hath been stunned,
And is of sense forlorn:
A sadder and a wiser man
He rose the morrow morn…

20 09 2008

I’d like to thank you, Alaska, for being there for us during this confusing time and abandoning us during our moments of weakness. Now that we see the truth, well, let’s just say we hope McCain is having buyer’s remorse.

20 09 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.


**Toots your horn** (since you won’t do it yourself!)

20 09 2008
John Nail

Sorry – links didn’t come thru

McCain/Palin’s Favorables Crash Like It’s 1929

Palin – McCain’s “Ball and Chain”

Miss Congeniality Losing her Luster

New Car Smell Wearing Off

20 09 2008

An albatross around McCain’s neck and an albatross around Alaska’s neck!

Thank goodness I found this site, otherwise I’d have gone insane these past weeks. It all started with my ceremonial burning of the front page of the Anchorage Daily News, the big photo with “John McCain picks Sarah” or some such nonsense. That was during a lovely camping trip, our last of the “summer” and great conversations with like-minded nearby campers.

Now I’ve found this community of intelligent thoughtful people, educating themselves about the issues, one of them, sadly, being the McSpin re: Palin. She would not have become such a lightning rod if the rethuglicans had not told so many lies. It all comes back to bite you in the ass.

So much good news in one day: Doug is a hero & Sarah is an albatross. Will try to keep the good feelings going for a bit longer by trying again w/the door to door in my neighborhood. Maybe today I will get at least ONE person who is willing to talk about Obama, not say “I’m a Republican (as though that means that you can’t vote for Obama)” and shut the door in my face.

Keep up the good work readers/commenters! We can do it one person at a time, one vote at a time!!!!!!!!!

20 09 2008
Soldotna Sue

I have to admit that I use to be a Democrat that supported Palin. I knew that she could barely keep her head above water while trying to govern our state, but I naively believed in her honest open government claims. What a fool I was! My eyes are wide open now, and I am one mad Alaskan! She is a nothing but a damn liar, with absolutely no qualifications to be VP, much less the President of the United States of America! As someone else said, “She left the state as my friend and returned (for her famous home coming visit) as my enemy!” She is nothing but a hollow shell, an illusion. Really, when you take the lipstick away there’s nothing left but vapor!

20 09 2008

I love that the (lip) gloss is starting to lose it’s shine!

My guess is that, in addition to all your good reasons, the press black-out backfired on her and did her in. McCane gets no crowds alone, and campaigning together with her was great but a bad use of resources, plus she needed/still needs to much time to do her homework and catch up. If press & voters & bloggers don’t have access to new info, we can go find our own and we did. And we found MUDFLATS!!

I’m from NH where we take pride in playing “stump the candidate” and hate when we have no press avail or real open town halls without planted questions. She won’t dare come here and say “ask me anything.” I know elderly grandma’s who’d stump her on their first challenge.

20 09 2008

Looking at the trends and the momentum and, especially, at the physical toll that the last two weeks have taken on John McCain, add to that the sense I’m starting to get that there are huge amounts of people who intend to vote Obama in the privacy of the booth but are flying under the radar and I suspect that this election needs turning over, it’s done.

Florida is going to turn, Ohio may well do the same. I can’t see Sen McCain turning anything blue into red and that’s the game, right there.

Sorry Media. I know you wanted a horse race right to the wire but….

20 09 2008
portland oregon native

Thanks to mudflats and all the mudflatters, we know that she just makes stuff up if she doesn’t have any answer at all, hence the “fungible commodity” comment. I am pretty sure that isn’t even a real word as defined by Webster, at least at present.
The empress has no clothes, metaphorically speaking, as she still seems to be wearing those glasses and the Valentio jackets. The stylists dressed up “Toad” too. It’s gonna be hard to go back to Wasilla in November, but I am hoping that will be the case.

20 09 2008

Soldotna Sue,

20 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

While I appreciate how AKM has helped us and the MSM to understand the reality of Sarah Palin, I think we would be foolish to count her out, just yet.

She has had a taste and a glimpse of that glamor she sought when she went off to see Ivanna Trump (?) at the cosmetic counter.

Further, if she thought her hiring of friends and firing of perceived enemies was power, she really got the feel for power from the McCain operatives who have shown her how to manipulate like a pro.

In addition, she seems to have burned a few bridges ( I couldn’t resist the phrase) in Alaska by breaking her word on Troopergate and unless I’m really wrong, Alaskans ar4e going to be slow to trust her again.

If she’s not going to the White House and she doesn’t look forward to returning to Alaska, we could have a really angry candidate on our hands who has nothing to lose. ..and when you have nothing to lose, there is no rule that can’t be broken.

Watch her carefully.

McCain’s campaign is doing some re-working on her, as we write.

20 09 2008

For me it started and ended the moment her name was mentioned because of my involvement with the anti-aerial hunting program.

Now we have an honest 527 out there.

We have successfully aired the ad in OH and FL to good response. People are horrified. Please contribute what you can, 5-10 bucks to air it in VA MI and WI before the month ends.

Please hit the rating for stars and then go to


20 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀


You only listed a FEW of the reasons not to support Palin as VP! There are sooo many other reasons! And you haven’t even begun to make a list of reasons not to support McCain himself as president!! The scary thing is, there’s still a group out there who are fervently supporting their ticket! I can’t wait for the debates next week! I’m hoping Obama will rise above McCain and that Biden will expose Palin’s ineptitude in the process, but there’s a part of me that worries that Palin will actually GAIN supporters because of that hockey mom image. I think Biden has to be careful not to come across as an intellectual or a bully. That’ll be a fine line to manage. It’ll be so easy for the McCain-Palin supporters to cry sexism or claim ‘tough mom’. These last days before the election will be interesting! I’m hoping for that Obama-Biden ’08 landslide!!!
The list was so so long, I had to cut a lot out to make it ‘readable’! Now, that’s saying something!

20 09 2008

In a way I hope this election doesn’t spell the end of Palin’s career. She is flawed, to be certain, but aren’t we all? In time, and left to the natural progression of her career she may have become a decent politician. It’s unfair in a way what the McCain camp has done to her. They have appealed to her natural ambition and impatience and she, like a premature infant has been thrust into the naked light of day before her time, lacks the maturity to survive on her own. This is painfully apparent as her handlers struggle to keep her alive by suppressing the troopergate investigation. Their bubble of protection can’t save her, only delay her demise.

20 09 2008

Have been reading you for 3 weeks………between you and jnail……..the truth has gotten out to masses and the truth shall consume these bottom dwelling,pond scum,hell-bound,basic chicken-shit……..well….the list goes on forever…….like their LIES!!!!!!!

20 09 2008

I keep wondering what sort of mess you all will have to deal with in Alaska if they don’t get elected. Is her currency going to be devalued so she has to come eat humble pie and say how glad she is to be home, or is she going to be a raging harridan making everyone who crossed her up pay for it.

I’ve wondered this myself. Regardless of the outcome of the election, Palin’s story doesn’t end on November 4. Alaskans are getting MAD. I’ve never seen anything like it before. My guess is she’ll talk about how glad she is to be home AND make ‘haters’ (as she likes to call them) pay if she can. AKM

20 09 2008

The question of what was it.. that is a very interesting question. I was concerned from the beginning about her.

For many people I would say it was the “tone” of her speech when she accepted the nomination. I think the community organiser comment was what upset a lot of good, hardworking community organisers, and I think they’ve been working against her ever since.

It is not a good idea to piss off those people. They have friends in the community. 😉

Absolutely. As a matter of fact, a group of those dreaded ‘community organizers’ is working to put together a series of rallies that should make a lot of noise here in Anchorage! AKM

20 09 2008

@AKMudflats – It is Americans like you who are helping your fellow Americans with facts and information so we can protect our Country. There are no words to thank you enough! THANK YOU! Let’s keep McCain/Palin OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE.

NOW – we still have 45 days to go, and there is a lot of work to do. Do not think the Rovian Party will take this sitting down. It is critical we continue talking facts, connecting dots, and as someone stated on the “Doug is our Hero” post, have a good attitude. We are not going to get everyone, but we have to get as many as possible to listen and hear. The young people are really energized, and I am so proud of them and their love for this Country and desire to see it thrive in the 21st Century. We owe it to their future to help them send Obama to the White House. We have to send a strong message to these extreme right ONCE AND FOR ALL to stop meddling with politics.

Please do not forget: September 28 is the date James Dobson’s ADF has instructed fundamentalist pastors to preach that churches need the right to say what they want about our Country’s leaders and for whom to vote. I encourage everyone (especially those of us deep in the Bible Belt) to make sure we are aware if:
(a) our Churches are going to participate, and
(b) how we plan to respond (alone or with other families).

My prayer is that no one has to go this alone.

For more information about continuing Separation of Church and State, this seems to be one of the more moderate sites:


20 09 2008

Fungible is indeed a real word. Simply defined its an exchangable commodity. The problem is that she used it without understanding the concept.

20 09 2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I knew it would happen: most people aren’t stupid. Yea, she was a novelty, but once she opened her mouth it was o-vah. Alaskans, I feel for ya.

20 09 2008

I haven’t had a drink in almost 3 years, so I haven’t had a hangover in that long either. I hope those Americans who drank up the Republican Kool-Aid can recover from theirs in time to ensure that this team of conniving and lying low-lifes never make it to the White House.

20 09 2008


Thanks for that info about James Dobson’s initiative. Did not know that important fact.

20 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

All thanks to AKM, Alaskan Women, Alaskan Dems and Mudflatters. Now I don’t have to shell out $1500 for glasses to convince show the world that I’m smart. Truth will out.

20 09 2008

I’m with Cassie,

This has all been VERY encouraging news, but it ain’t over until it’s over, and the liar wipes off her lipstick.

Thank you all for this great community – esp. you AKM!

20 09 2008

Wow look at the consistent drop!!!

Thanks for posting this…I had no idea just how much the Palin bubble has popped!!!

Great post..

Check out this post – Should give everyone a laugh in this midst of all this election and financial crisis hysteria!!!

20 09 2008
Tom from PA

When I ask people to give me one reason to vote for McCain/Palin, the common answer refers to Obama’s lack of experience. Let me tell you my thoughts on experience.
I am a registered democrat, although I never look at the party affiliation when I make my decision to vote. I have had to opportunity to engage politicians and movers and shakers on all levels and in both parties. With very few exceptions, I was left very unimpressed. I realized that all these men and women were politicians first and legislators/executives second. They spend more time campaigning for themselves and others, cutting ribbons, attending fairs then digesting the issues before them. Most of the work is left to aides and summarized. Of course, even that becomes subjective.
The # of years in office means nothing to me. What one learns with their knowledge and the people they surround themselves with means everything.
John McCain served our country valiently during those 5 years in a POW camp. The lessson he should have learned is that “War is Hell”. It should only be done as a last resort and with the blessing on the rest of the world. Even then, we need to be fully prepared when going into combat. Bill Clinton understood that lesson and never served. So when our president decided to invade Iraq unprovoked, where was John McCain. When the UN and most allies objected to the invasion, why wasn’t he waving his arms. When most of the evidence of WMD poroved to false…the Nigerian yellowcake documents, the perceived nuclear plants etc, why wasn’t he stomping his feet. Experience means nothing if you fail to learn from it.
In the mid 1980s, the Savings and Loans debacle hit the national scene. The federal government had to step in to the tune of $500 bil. During this time, John McCain was in closed door meetings with Charles Keating. There are several reasons for that collapse but the largest was the de-regulation of that industry during the Reagan administration. John McCain has that experience. Did he learn anything from it? Apparantly not.
That leaves surrounding yourself with good people then. Phil Gramm, Alan Greenspan and 6 more lobbyists?…God help us. Paul Volkert, Summers, Rubin, Buffett…now we’re talking economic genius.
The times are far too tenuous to allow McCain/Palin in the White House and this comes from a true independent.

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

“Her eyeglass frames were sold out at retail outlets around the land almost instantly.”

AKM’s comment caused a flashback in me (and a chuckle) to some blurred long ago time frame like P-Day+5 (30,000 posts on Mudflats ago) when I answered a video Skype call from my screenwriting partner on another continent and of another nationality than American.

I clicked on the button and there she was all made up as a Sarah Palin look alike in front of her video camera in the frame on my computer screen! The piled hair look achieved with bobby pins, the big glasses she already had doctored up to make the frames darker and look bigger, and the over lip sticked Pit Bull look. All this effort just to annoy me! ROTFLMAO! It did bring a huge chuckle! Her grin was priceless!

I guess these little games got played out worldwide as a reaction of sorts to McGoo’s incredible impulsive and utterly cynical Rovian insult to the intelligence of both the American people and the entire world.

I guess it was appropriate for her to do this because all of our film scripts sooner or later end up degenerating into comedy!

It is better to laugh than to cry. Right?

20 09 2008


drinking the kool-aid is all too apt an image. Don’t know how old you are or if you’ll remember this, but it comes from Jim Jones giving his followers kool-aid (actually, flavor-aid, I think) laced with cyanide, which they drank – some of them willingly, some of them having been forced into it.

Some of the evangelical stuff about SP having been “anointed” makes me very uncomfortable. We all need to be wary when we’re sure God is on our side.

20 09 2008


I love the few pictures of the mudflats that you have on the site – and would love to see a whole lot more of them. Such a hauntingly beautiful place (I’m an old geology major, so I fell for them)

Thanks. I’ll try to get some more up soon.

20 09 2008

@TomfromPA –


20 09 2008

Hey Cassie Jeep – you think they are “re-working ” her ? Isn’t that like putting lipstick on a pig ???????? sorry that was too easy !!!!!!!! LOL.

20 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Smitty is right. And may I offer a humble suggestion that the aerial hunting ad be run in PA, if funds permit? We have hunters here, but they are decent and humane.

Frankly, I think the drags on the McCain ticket are huge, first and foremost the economy. Palin is not helping him anywhere that matters; the most she will do is turn out the base of the Republican party, and maybe not even that as conservatives who are more fiscal conservatives than social conservatives face the bad news that the Republicans are closet socialists when it comes to protecting at least one endangered species, CEOs and bankers.

That doesn’t mean anyone should let up for a minute, or that if Obama/Biden win there isn’t work to do. I still ask: who are this woman’s national connections? Who is grooming her for national office? Because there has to be an invisible hand here somewhere.

20 09 2008
Frank aka. Lier Skunk Palin

Just the little bit I do know about our little Sarah. I would have to say, she feels the Albatross is Johnny boy, holding her back. Think about it.

20 09 2008


More information above. They are soft-peddling this, but for someone who has family members in the ministry, this is NOT going to be a soft peddle on the 28th. I have never HEARD of the IRS telling the pulpit what to say, but I can almost dang well guarantee you that the Government would be involved with everything if a McCain/Palin ticket went in. We cannot allow this to happen.

Love my Church. Love my Country. Love the idea of keeping them separate as no good has ever come of “religious wars.”

20 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Tom from PA, you have got it exactly right. It isn’t just experience, it’s knowledge, what the candidates know and what they can use their knowledge to do. And then there’s wisdom: Barack Obama, from his Illinois state senator seat, opposing the war in the first place.

20 09 2008
Manny Mysterio

I’d LIKE to think charging victims for rape kits had something to do with it, but most people still are not aware. The media has been hands off and it’s not even a top topic among bloggers (when compared with other Palingate issues). I’m puzzled, this seems to be the single most politically damaging aspect of Palin’s previous governing experience… I mean just hearing it makes you cringe. I wonder if that’s why people are staying away? The entire country should be familiar with the story by now.

20 09 2008
ignorance is not bliss

Have you all read Borass’s column on Palin’s fundamentalist ties:

I hope this story circulates across the nation, and I for one appreciate that he is identifying Palin as a member of a group of fundamentalist Christians rather than targeting all Christians. One should be careful of generalizations.

When I read this article, the rash firing/hiring FINALLY made sense. It simply never made political sense to me before.

20 09 2008

The country has Mudflats to thank for being a constant source of Alaskan info!

To the poster up top who says that Paulson should have been McCain’s VP: You must be on crack. Republicans are FURIOUS about these bailouts and (rightly) blame Bush and his administration. They want to see justice done, and Paulson is at the top of the list. NO WAY would they accept or vote for one of Bush’s cabinet on the ticket, ESPECIALLY Paulson. Michael Savage has been railing against Paulson all week, and he is just one.

20 09 2008

Thanks for this blog – and everyone needs to vote! And take 5 friends with you! This election is not about what has happened in the past as much as it is about the investment you want to make for your future – and the future generations of PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD!

20 09 2008


Should we start printing those

Impeach Governor
Palin in 2009

Bumper stickers?

Should the AK legislators consider a censure vote?

20 09 2008

I love your blog. I try to remember to come here often! Are you on twitter? If you joined under the name mudflats, you could just update there when you make a new post on the blog. I think you would get a lot of followers on there. Check it out. It is a great way to keep in touch with people who read your blog. Also you can yourself follow different newscasters, the Obama campaign etc. I am not affiliated with them, I just am using twitter more and more! Keep talking Mudflats!

I’ve used Twitter a bit in my ‘other life’. Maybe if I can find a minute…. 🙂

20 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Sarah Palin is a fad.
How sad is that?

Good thing I didn’t invest in a pair of Palin glasses for myself! Oh wait…I don’t have health insurance, and can’t even afford to go to the optometrist.

20 09 2008


I’m with you on this. Love my church, love my country, love the freedom that lets me keep them separate so I can worship God my way and not Sarah Palin’s (or anyone else’s).

The video of SP talking about Muthee praying over her has started to make the rounds. (including on Countdown last night) Some of the criticism has made me nearly as uncomfortable as the video does. Most of us hope to have a sense that we’re living our life in a way that we feel called to live it, but that’s quite a different thing, I think, from thinking that somebody can say a prayer and sway an election. God help us all.

20 09 2008

Thank goodness! It’s about time the bright shiny new object we’re fascinated with has lost it’s appeal.

20 09 2008

Palin’s like a bird forced to fly too young, pushed from her cliff, and her only hope is a soft landing in the sea.

20 09 2008

Did you all see this?

Looks like Palin gets shielded at the debate. What a joke!

20 09 2008

“But now, it’s the morning after, and America is starting to have some regrets.”

The Mudflats “morning after pill” protected me. Thank goodness I found this site. Between our fearless leader and all the posts by those in the know, I never even sipped the Kool-Aid.

20 09 2008

Did you all see this?

Looks like Palin gets shielded at the debate. What a joke!

20 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

It’s MHO that Palin’s handlers will never get her “up to speed” because I don’t believe that she is intelligent enough to absorb it all. Then again, a narcissist believes she/he can do anything.

20 09 2008

Interesting news article. And she even has an Israeli flag in her office!

20 09 2008

Sexist, I say. Sexist!

That Daily Kos chart used the color pink to represent Palin. There is only one reason to use pink — and that’s to let the world know that she is being held to a different standard than red or blue, you know, manly colors. Hrumph. I just won’t stand for it.

Until that Kos fellow shows deference to Sarah Palin by giving her a respectable color, she will not acknowledge any facts represented in the color pink. So there.


20 09 2008

To be fair, I don’t think anyone would be capable of getting up to speed in order to debate the tough issues with any amount of authority in such a short amount of time much less the Gov.

The handlers have now made sure that her debate with Biden is a much tighter format than originally planned for. I believe she’ll still give us a ‘blizzard of words’ in an attempt to answer the tougher questions which may pop up. Biden just needs to make sure he doesnt get too verbose during the process

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Tom from PA (12:33:17) :

“Experience means nothing if you fail to learn from it.”

Spot on analysis and post!

With the rise of the Internet, the stakes are going up for anyone who tries to traffic in ideas and policy like…well…politicians.

The corporate MSM did not do their job in the run up to the Iraq War and now the incredible Wall Street collapse, so now citizens have to do it. It is lead, follow, or get out of the way 24/7/365 now in everyone here’s lifetime. Everyone’s game has to go up now to stay in their professions.

The true Bakunin revolutionary radicals across the world are software engineers and programmers. I love to go to work each day myself in this profession. Look at this wonderful WordPress Blog Template AKM had going when this all hit like a ton of bricks upon us! Look at what our dear Snoskred has now achieved from Australia when she saw the need and acted herself to aid this community from all around the world on the binary photonic carrier wave that essentially circumnavigates the entire Earth seven times a second.

Obama gets it. This is a chance to move the entire world ahead with actual world politics connected by this technology. Everyone here sees the moment. Everyone here see the potential. The Internet changes everything. And the current level of the software is fifth generation and more. It is all here. It is all ready. And Johnny Mac just learned how to send an e-mail just this summer. The Ice Queen apparently did not know how to encrypt her personal e-mail or even get PGP installed on her commercial server. Let the games begin.

I absolutely love every one of you dear people here!

Feel the binary digital love Mudpuppies! Feel it on the photonic wave carrier!

20 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

OMG.. just returned from getting my hair cut, and there are hair pieces now available to copy the Caribou Barbie ‘do. I am so embarrassed for these people. My hair person is grinding her teeth to stubs working in this environment and she will be sending a gift to PP in SWMNBN’s “honor.” The truth will out. really. It always does, most of the time it’s not on my time frame, but people are reading and talking. As my son says, “It’s all good.”

20 09 2008

Why Obama Will Win

I found this on another forum, and I’m feeling lazy so just cut and pasted it. But I’ve been saying this for months: Obama will win because he has more royal blood than McCain. Historically this has 100% accuracy in our U.S. elections.

Another (tangential) point that buttresses this one: In Tragedy and Hope by Dr. Carroll Quigley, Dr. Quigley says that every 8 hours the Powers That Be hand the election to the other party (paraphrased). This has held true in the recent past with the exception of 8 years of Reagan followed by 4 years of Bush ’41.

Now here’s the post, with attribution of the excerpt at the end:

“I think Obama stands a pretty good chance of winning because he seems to have more royal blood in him than McCain. Every single presidential election has been won by the candidate with the most French and British royal genes.

‘This information comes from Burke’s Peerage, which is the Bible of aristocratic genealogy, based in London. Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. Of the 42 presidents to Clinton, 33 have been related to two people: Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of France. So it goes on: 19 of them are related to England’s Edward III, who has 2000 blood connections to Prince Charles. The same goes with the banking families in America. George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same bloodline – the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy, when it crossed the Atlantic. Percy is one of the aristocratic families of Britain, to this day. They were involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament at the time of Guy Fawkes’ -Researcher/Author David Icke, ‘Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center.’

Researchers like David Icke, Michael Tsarion, and Fritz Springmeier, along with foundations like the New England Historical Genealogy Society, Burkes Peerage, the Roman Piso Homepage, and other reliable genealogical sources have documented these royal presidential bloodlines. Actually, by branching out far enough on the presidential family tree, the dedicated researcher will find that all 43 presidents share kinship, belonging to the same general ancestry, often called the 13th Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian line, and/or the Windsor-Bush bloodline.

‘If you go deeply enough into the genealogical research you will find that ALL the presidents are from this line …A spokesman for Burkes Peerage, the bible of royal and aristocratic genealogy based in London, has said that every presidential election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most royal genes. Now we can see how and why. United States presidents are not chosen by ballot, they are chosen by blood!’ -David Icke, ‘The Windsor-Bush Bloodline’

Granted the relationships are sometimes distant 10th or 15th cousins, but in a country with hundreds of millions to choose from, this simply cannot be chance or coincidence. Gary Boyd Roberts, a genealogist at the New England Historic Genealogical Society thoroughly traced these connections in his book ‘Ancestors of American Presidents.’ George W. Bush himself is directly related to 16 former U.S. presidents including George Washington, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Teddy Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford.

Bush is closely related to the king of Albania and has kinship with every member of the British royal family and the House of Windsor. He is related to 20 British Dukes, the 13th cousin of Britain’s Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth. He is 13th cousin once removed from Prince Charles and has direct descent from King Henry III, Charles II, and Edward I of England. Through the House of Windsor and King Henry III, the Bush’s and Bill Clinton are genetically related as well.

‘According to Burke’s Peerage, even according to the official genealogy, Bill Clinton is genetically related to the House of Windsor, the present royal family in Britain; to every Scottish monarch; to King Henry III of England; and to Robert I of France.’ -David Icke, ‘Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center’

In 2004 George W. Bush ran as a ‘Republican’ against ‘Democrat’ John Forbes Kerry – his 16th cousin. These cousins, related to the same British and French monarchs, are also secret society brothers in the infamous Skull and Bones fraternity. John Kerry descends from King Henry II of England and Richard the Lionheart, leader of the third Christian crusade in 1189. He also has links to royalty in Albania, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Persia, and France, but still not enough royal genes to top George Bush. Earlier in 2000 we see the same story – George W. Bush ran neck and neck with Al Gore; another supposed democrat and cousin of the Bush family.

‘Obama has a prolific presidential lineage that features Democrats and Republicans. His distant cousins include President George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison. Other Obama cousins include Vice President Dick Cheney, British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and Civil War General Robert E. Lee.’

McCain also has a lot of royal blood as well, but from my research it seems Obama has more, which means he’s probably going to win this election

This person takes the words right out of my mouth:

‘Now, do you guys still believe you have a real choice when you vote in this joke of a reality show we like to call the presidential elections? Do you guys think these families who keep track of their genealogies and who marry only certain people care about you or anybody else’s lives other than their own? ‘All in the family’ is just starting to turn into one very sick joke, and we are the butt of it.

And all of you saying ‘blah, blah, we are all related, it doesn’t matter’ do not have the slightest idea of what this means because you are not in it. Unless your family is part of the mafia, royalty, or filthy rich, you do not know what bloodlines mean. Well, these people do. They’ve known it all of their lives. Their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents have known it and they all have worked during their own times to make their families stronger, richer, and more powerful.

This mock election is no different than any reality show or soap opera. It’s an illusion. If you can’t see that, then I’m sorry. I’m sorry the American people have been so dumbed down and their IQ’s have been lowered so much that all they can do is live in their little bubbles, in a zombie-like state, waiting feverishly to see who gets voted down on the next episode of Dancing with the Stars.’ – DENISE LAVOIE

20 09 2008

sheesh, all,

I am worried about cheating at the debates, especially by Palin. I am afraid she will have a receiver in her ear such that people hidden can transmit the answers. I seriously want a full body search of ALL candidates before the debate. No electronic devices of any kind.

The problem is I don’t know who to tell so that can be enforced.

20 09 2008

I agree with lis60…Twitter is a great tool to make announcements and get more followers. I just tweeted your blog to the world and my followers. When you sign up for a twitter account, let us all know and we can help you get rolling.

Ok, can I just throw something out for you all?

It is TRUE that Sister Sarah is a joke. We all know that, correct? But it looks like the plan is to take the economy out of the spotlight, and put the war on terror back in…is anyone else seeing this? Yemen, Pakistan? Am I the only one who thinks that Israel is strategically waiting until it gets closer to the election to decide what to do about Iran.

So, while I know Sarah Palin is a lying-bag-of-poop, I am not sure that it is really going to matter, PLUS, there is this whole conservative base in America that doesn’t care who she REALLY is, just that she is pro-life and a woman.

Then there is more stupidity going on, like this possibly Republican fabricated group:
Women’s Group Condemns NOW Endorsement of Obama

So, I am feeling a little jaded today. Maybe because I’ve seen this type of game playing during election year before?

I dunno. I have a headache.

20 09 2008


lol…last night, after listening to the tape of Palin talking about fungible commodities that they dont track the whatever on…I dreamt about it. It was awful….and she is too.

It is so nice to see her favourables taking a nosedive. I wonder…what will John McCain do when that report comes out on Oct 10? Even though they only interviewed a few people…including the woman in charge of workmens comp., I believe the report will be very negative. At the very least, it should serve to wake the rest of the Palin lovers up. Can you imagine if she really did try to get Wootens WCB benefits denied? Nasty nasty woman. Hopefully, Alaska wont be stuck with her for too long.

20 09 2008

Hey,” no Sarah Palin” What is your twitter name? Mine is lisabeth60. Follow me so I have your address!

20 09 2008

Congratulations to Doug and his green sign! May I suggest that you announce your intentions and location the next time you intend to try this caper. Bet you would have company! Maybe not so many threats! Tegarding Palin’s drop in polls, burst bubble, etc. Thank God! May she splatter like the bubble-head she is! They sell bobble-head dolls. I suggest a new line called “Bubble-heads” with Sister Sarah being first off the assembly line, with McShame being 2nd! A real matched set!

20 09 2008
lonewolf a.k.a. Luger Otter Palin

*THANK YOU, AKM, for all you do!!!

A couple good columns from our paper, the Seattle P-I:

But what’s also disturbing is another column by Cathy Sorbo .. written about Palin cancelling her appearance in the Seattle area .. is no longer available on the paper’s website. The link is there, but it goes to:

Page not found
The page you have requested was not found. The link is either incorrect or the page no longer exists.

Censorship??? She’s written the article ‘toungue-in-cheek,’ yes, but with a lot of truth in it.


I’ve written the paper asking if they censored it .. the phone line to the City Desk is constantly busy.

20 09 2008


I dont like what I see happening in Pakistan either, however I will say this. Israel elected a woman who is not a real hardliner (Likud Party) this past week. I dont think she is near as trigger happy as others before her. I guess we will have to wait it out…but I hope this will not become a big issue.

20 09 2008

Oops! Tegarding = Regarding! Eyes are tired from reading and fingers are frozen from clenching fists! Jaw is also tight! Arghhh!

20 09 2008
Julie in Alaska

Two thoughts:

I have thought for a while, this is like Alice in Wonderland, and things just get curiouser and curiouser. Heard a commentor cite the same work yesterday.

Sarah Palin has made a pact with the devil.

20 09 2008

AKmuckraker, on behalf of all Americans, and as your sensible friend, I want to thank you for “filling us in”.

You have been my life raft while sinking in the Sea of Sarah, and my hero when I felt doomed by the Perils of Pitbull-Palin.

Like many others have stated, I have no illusions this is over. However, when I checked today, I liked what I saw!

AKM – THANK YOU from a revived “aging hippie!”

20 09 2008

This came out today in a Canadian paper. It is frightening the vitriol and racism that exists in the rabid right-wing of the Republican party that Ms. Palin has unleashed. A frightening article and what Greta van Sustern and other Fox News (more like fox Infotainment) people said was quite unreal. Anyone speaking like that on a news program in Canada would be off the air so fast, his head would spin. Unbelievable.

20 09 2008
ayerishgrl aka Quarter Granite Palin

Dang, i can’t even finish reading all these comments because i’m laughing at the fungible commodity line and i don’t even know what that is from! (will some other mudflatter please enlighten me?)

As for you akm, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, you rock! i was on this sight last night and read about the whole pastor thing on Keith Olberman and ran to the TV and caught your friend Sharryn! I have learned so much from you and this post and all of my fellow mudflatters Thank you thank you thank you! You must know you are having a huge, nation wide effect on this campaign!

So,,, when the campaign is over, do you think you can investigate some NY politics and tell me what i need to know? 😉 Keep up the great work!

20 09 2008

The responses to my column proved me correct about the extreme right in the United States: they have a great misogynist rage in them,” Mallick said in an interview from Toronto on Saturday.

Above quote is from the link I posted earlier. I think this woman was bang on. The extreme right wing does indeed seem to have a ‘hate-on’ for women. To me it just reveals the sad insecurity of the right-wing men.

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

LJP aka Revolver Trooper (12:38:49) :

…Frankly, I think the drags on the McCain ticket are huge, first and foremost the economy. Palin is not helping him anywhere that matters; the most she will do is turn out the base of the Republican party, and maybe not even that as conservatives who are more fiscal conservatives than social conservatives face the bad news that the Republicans are closet socialists when it comes to protecting at least one endangered species, CEOs and bankers…

How about a viral video or political ad of American families scurrying across the snow pack while investment bankers in helicopters lean out on the rails and shoot at them with high powered rifles? With this we get the voice over of McCain’s and Palin’s insipid economic statements as families scuury and shot after shot is taken.

In a second viral video or political ad, a Jimmy Stuart/Gary Cooper total frontiersman archetype trying to protect his family (how about even a buckskin fringed jacket too!) seeking cover inside a tree line takes steady aim and shoots back at the hunting helicopter with his rifle. The helicopter is hit and starts to stutter out of control. The pilot struggles with the controls. Two investment banker CEO’s smoking cigars holding their rifles say “Hey. Don’t look at us for any help, we’ve got golden parachutes. Hahaha” They bail out to safety as we follow the helicopter into the ground. Voice over. “I’m John McCain and I approve this message.”

20 09 2008


I was pleased to see that Tzipi Livni is in power now. Will hope for the best.

20 09 2008

@fixthebroken (13:12:21) :
I am worried about cheating at the debates, especially by Palin. I am afraid she will have a receiver in her ear such that people hidden can transmit the answers. I seriously want a full body search of ALL candidates before the debate. No electronic devices of any kind.

I truly don’t mean to be a smart-a$$ here, but do you think “THEY” have the answers? 🙂

However, I do agree with NO electronic devices of any kind. No mare Saddleback Forum, snappy answers B.S.

20 09 2008

Then why do I have this feeling of dread?
Yesterday 10,000 plus showed up at the Blaine Mn. airport for the Mccain/Palin Rally.
Mothers with kids in strollers..those who were interviewed are disenchanted woman who love her..
Only 3000 showed up at the counter rally..makes me ill..

20 09 2008

I love this blog. I also read the to see what the other side thinks. His posts get 50 comments, maybe. Some of those comments are anti-palin posts. He also only blogs once a day. This blog gets 100’s of posts, all supporting the cause. I can’t believe everyone out there thinks Sarah is so charming and great. I have to believe the majority of Americans are like, what? Keep up the good work!

20 09 2008

Okay, fine. It looks like we’re just going to have to take one for the team this time, fellow Alaskans. Let’s buck up and prepare for her warm and welcoming homecoming.

20 09 2008

Now I’m mad! Can someone please explain to me why Sarah Palin is receiving special treatment for her one and only debate? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

20 09 2008

fixthe broken said:

Did you all see this?

Looks like Palin gets shielded at the debate. What a joke!
If it weren’t true, I would be laughing. Too bad they won’t announce at the beginning that the format, requested by the McCain campaign and agreed to by the Obama campaign will be…

That would make clear that the debate is slanted toward obscuring Palin’s knowledge, or lack thereof.

What’s next? The McCain Campaign has requested 5 minutes after each question for their candidate to meet with advisers before answering?

So, they’re going to feed her the party line and she will give the same answer over and over. Charlie Gibson answer to the Israel question. Yeah, this is gonna’ reveal a lot to the voter. May it backfire loud enough to reverberate through November 4.

20 09 2008

GiGi (13:34:20) :

“Only 3,000” showed up for the counter rally?? Holy cow, 3,000 people at an anti-Palin rally is awesome.

20 09 2008

NoSarahPalin (13:31:45) :

I was pleased to see that Tzipi Livni is in power now. Will hope for the best.

@NoSarah and Laurie,

The going will still be tough for Livni – possibly her biggest battle is beginning now:

From now on it gets messy for Tzipi Livni, Mrs Clean
She is expected to be the next prime minister, but Tzipi Livni faces aIsrael tough battle just forming a coalition. Then come the Palestinians and Iran

20 09 2008

47…and I remember Jim Jones all too well. I was in total disbelief when that happened. Too bad not enough people remember history.

20 09 2008


Touche. 🙂

But my theory is that her advisers, while maybe not the smartest people in the world, know more than she does, so that is where the cheating might come in.

20 09 2008
Allie M.

Muckraker, your blog has been completely fascinating from the moment I found it, and I added it to my feeds immediately. Thank you for (as you say) paying attention, and talking about just why Sarah Palin is a very wrong move.

You’ve probably already read this, but I thought it was an interesting perspective on “Why Sarah Palin?” David Brooks’ NYT column of 9/1/08 goes over why McCain picked Sarah Palin, and closes with this:

[McCain] really needs someone to impose a policy structure on his moral intuitions. He needs a very senior person who can organize a vast administration and insist that he tame his lone-pilot tendencies and work through the established corridors — the National Security Council, the Domestic Policy Council. He needs a near-equal who can turn his instincts, which are great, into a doctrine that everybody else can predict and understand.

Rob Portman or Bob Gates wouldn’t have been politically exciting, but they are capable of performing those tasks. Palin, for all her gifts, is not. She underlines McCain’s strength without compensating for his weaknesses. The real second fiddle job is still unfilled.

I wonder if the rest of America is starting to tune in to this. :-/

20 09 2008

NoSarahPalin (13:31:45) :

I was pleased to see that Tzipi Livni is in power now. Will hope for the best.

@NoSarah and Laurie,

The going will still be tough for Livni – possibly her biggest battle is beginning now:

From now on it gets messy for Tzipi Livni, Mrs Clean
She is expected to be the next prime minister, but Tzipi Livni faces aIsrael tough battle just forming a coalition. Then come the Palestinians and Iran

20 09 2008


It is a shamockery of democracy, that’s for sure.

I really hope people understand the insanity that is going on here with Sarah Palin.

20 09 2008

An albatross is
much maligned — don’t want Palin
linked with a neat bird.

20 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

MJC (13:36:31) :

Now I’m mad! Can someone please explain to me why Sarah Palin is receiving special treatment for her one and only debate? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

That was my initial feeling, as well. However, it might play in our favor! We just agreed to their terms. If she screws up (which I think we all know she will!) it will look even worse for her! Also, she is horrible at answering yes/no/short questions. It sounds like these debates will be more straight-forward. I guess only time will tell, but I have to believe that the Obama campaign has some insight on this, and agreed, accordingly. : )

20 09 2008

I was DANCING when I saw this graph!! But it really is NOT over yet!

proud2busa- on the Dobson thing:

My aunt just sent this chilling connection. Note that it was written in 1999, but it shows honest, serious Christians looking at this phenomenon almost ten years ago to see whether it is right or wrong, and to what extent which. I think it gives me more understanding of this thing, and what a really difficult decision this is for some people, as OBVIOUS as it is for the rest of us. I hope this can give me a way to begin conversations with those who might not see P’s religious background as being so clearly NEGATIVE as the rest of us do. It’s a lot like living in Alaska for me. I go to town, and I feel like an alien. a not-unusual feeling wherever I seem to go!

HOPE (in spite of it all!)

20 09 2008

fixthebroken (13:40:11) :

Touche. 🙂

But my theory is that her advisers, while maybe not the smartest people in the world, know more than she does, so that is where the cheating might come in.

Hey Fix,
I knew what you meant…simply couldn’t resist! Cheap shot! 🙂

20 09 2008
Cal Al

Check this out. It is funny and on topic!

20 09 2008


20 09 2008

YES! She is an albatross. Or worse. ( to the other side)

But to us…. she’s the gift that keeps on giving.

20 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

McCain advisers said they were only somewhat concerned about Ms. Palin’s debating skills compared with those of Mr. Biden, who has served six terms in the Senate, or about his chances of tripping her up. Instead, they say, they wanted Ms. Palin to have opportunities to present Mr. McCain’s positions, rather than spending time talking about her own experience or playing defense.

Paragraph from debate ruling – This is a joke right? Surely Americans won’t put up with this BS!

20 09 2008

Sarah was like a fling – for some people. Then again, many of us, myself included, could see through her from the start. (but I’ve heard that women are quickly “on” to her.”

20 09 2008

Please have a look at my blog and join the conversation

I’m an independent-minded voter horrified by the disrespect Gov. Palin is showing for the rule of law, and the manner in which she disregards the need for true and open dialogue on significant issues.

20 09 2008

UK Lady… Sarah Palin uses abstractions thrown together in ways that make no sense. To the untutored, she may seem “in the know” and “beyond their ken,” but anyone with sense can see the Dame is clueless as a goldfish!

20 09 2008

I know what’s coming next. The McCain Campaign will request that all questions posed during the VP debate relate only to the New Testament. The moderator will be Palin’s pastor, who will speak in tongues. Palin will be permitted to reply in tongues.

20 09 2008


Earlier this year a commenter on another blog wanted Obama to choose Gen James Jones as his VP, and my comment in reply that I didn’t think that was a very good idea went right past him, totally misinterpreted. It never occurred to me (duh) there were generations who had no idea about Jonestown.

20 09 2008

DeMo, you may not be far off. 😦

20 09 2008


Thanks for taking the time to reply to comments. much appreciated.

20 09 2008

For those of you who did not see this yesterday, here is the Sarah Palin video about “FUNGIBLE COMMODITYS”.

**Pay special attention to Wolfe Blitzards remarks. So Funny!

20 09 2008
Idaho 43

Quoting Portlan Oregon Native :Thanks to mudflats and all the mudflatters, we know that she just makes stuff up if she doesn’t have any answer at all, hence the “fungible commodity” comment. I am pretty sure that isn’t even a real word as defined by Webster, at least at present.

Actually the best synonym for fungible would be interchangeable, exchangeable, or subsituteable.


20 09 2008

@Mike (13:53:10) :
Please have a look at my blog and join the conversation

Thanks for the invitation, but I REALLY like the conversation HERE. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but it sorta seems like you just interrupted our conversation to ask us to join yours???

20 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀


Looks like the hockey mom and the “first dood” left Bristol, Willow AND BABY TRIG at home while she’s been on the campaign trail! According to this CNN article, the kids just flew in from Alaska to spend time with Mom and Dad. There are so many ways I could pick apart Palin with this fact. The woman just makes me sick!

Palin to meet with Karzai in New York

20 09 2008

TheraP (13:54:05) :
UK Lady… Sarah Palin uses abstractions thrown together in ways that make no sense. To the untutored, she may seem “in the know” and “beyond their ken,” but anyone with sense can see the Dame is clueless as a goldfish!

Thus the nickname emerged, “Blizzard of Words!”

20 09 2008


Yes, Exchangeable is correct. That’s why I am looking forward to November 4th so that we can send Alaska’s most valuable “Fungible Commodity” back to them. (that being Palin)

20 09 2008

The whole thing about the GOP campaign manager (Steve Schmidt) saying that Sarah would not give an interview until she was shown proper deference by the media was what made me mad. Excuse me Steve, but elected officials are public servants and they are the ones that should show the electorate and taxpayers consideration and deference.

20 09 2008
Idaho 43

Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

Cassie: I saw that Alaska name generator a couple weeks ago, but did not get my Alaska name unfortunately, can someone please post the link again? Thanks, Ron

I have linked to it in the sidebar of the blog. Be sure to tell us what your Palin name is!

20 09 2008

DeMo (13:54:30) :
I know what’s coming next. The McCain Campaign will request that all questions posed during the VP debate relate only to the New Testament. The moderator will be Palin’s pastor, who will speak in tongues. Palin will be permitted to reply in tongues.

Too funny…but I think Biden will also be mandated to reply in tongues only…and selected questions regarding witch doctors will be permitted!

20 09 2008


You wonder if people were taken in from the start. Well, I spent the first two days after the “announcement,” finding everything I could about SP. From the start, I was skeptical. Forgive the posting of my first blog on her, but see how well this initial impression (of mine) holds up:

From: TPM Cafe, Election Central
The Trophy Running Mate

August 31, 2008, 12:17PM

She’s photogenic! She posed for Vogue this winter! She shoots! She hunts! She fishes. She’s in politics! And she is some amazing politician!

Voters love her – but why not the legislators?

How come they’re investigating her?

How can they do that to a woman politician, who worked right up to delivering? Who postponed medical care to give a political speech after her water broke? Who flew 10 hours to Alaska to deliver her special needs baby at home in the tiny hometown hospital? How dare legislators investigate a woman governor with a special needs baby? How dare they investigate a woman whose oldest daughter was so sick she had to miss months and months of school this winter and spring? How can they accuse a new mother of mixing political power and a family feud?

She’s photogenic! She’s got a special needs baby! She can postpone delivery! She returns to work immediately! And for that the legislature rewards her with an investigation?

Something is fishy here!

But not for John McCain!

John McCain loves a maverick. He believes that this lady, whose own party is investigating her – after only 18 months into her governorship – deserves to be promoted. His campaign was mired. It lacked excitement. Like the CEO who seeks a trophy wife, John McCain has found his trophy running mate. Someone to give a spark to the campaign! Someone photogenic. Someone to generate news! Someone with a story! A story of pregnancy and a special needs baby. A son going off to battle! An embattled governor with family secrets – but oh, so photogenic!

This is a hard campaign to attack. How can you attack someone who’s been tortured? Who somehow survived torture but can’t abide criticism? How can you attack a mother who’s viewed as a saint for having her special needs baby in a hometown hospital after giving a speech and taking two long flights and car ride – bypassing world class medical care for the home town touch?

That’s the problem we’re faced with here, folks: Trophy Running Mate. Aging politician. Needing spark.

Now why is that a problem? Ummmmm…. Aging politician. Trophy Running Mate!

Vogue model “eye candy” is our future, folks! Unless somehow we overcome our reluctance to criticize a prisoner of war and his femme fatale with the special needs baby.

Now, if you read up on the Trophy Running Mate you will find that she is really, really good at connecting with voters. And she loves to fly around and go to meetings. Can even give a speech with her water leaking. But she’s not all that interested in the nuts and bolts of governing. And her legislature, despite the special needs baby, is investigating her after only 18 months in office – for mixing a family feud with politics.

Now, I don’t know about you. But honestly if someone can’t get along with the legislators in her own party and is engaged in a family feud that spills over into politics, and they tend to avoid the nuts and bolts of governing…. that makes me a bit nervous. Especially, when chosen by John McCain, a man of 72, a man with a past history of cancer.

What we need now is to focus on the Trophy Person’s political past. Why is it that the town that elected her as mayor twice is now embroiled in a huge financial fiasco related to a hockey rink she convinced everyone to build? Why is it that she’s changed her story on the Bridge to Nowhere? Is her resume thin? Or are we missing parts of it? Are those missing parts the parts deleted from Wikipedia? Or the info deleted from the state website? And from other websites?

Lots of info and photos have been scrubbed from the web! Related to the Trophy running mate! Why is that? How does it relate to this woman’s biography or resume? Inquiring minds want to know this. It’s like the dog that didn’t bark. It cries out for explanation!

I don’t care whether this post gets much traffic. Because I’m more concerned about lots and lots of posters digging into this lady’s political past. And fast!!! I’m more concerned that people have been side tracked by her family secrets rather than the mystery of why a Trophy Running Mate is being foisted onto the American public. Frankly, it’s like giving us the finger, folks! And if you’re a woman, as I am, it’s insulting to have a Trophy female, rather than someone with a long list of accomplishments, slated for an office which so far exceeds her experience or her political skill, that the whole world is a risk should John McCain be incapacitated.

Leave it to the Inquirer to find the family secrets.

But find every fact related to this lady. Facts. Not theories. And publish. Give links. Critique. You have your mission.

I bet I’m not the only woman that found this Dame to be a vaccuous cliche of a candidate – from the start. And from there, it’s only gone downhill.

20 09 2008

Hey AK,
You are such a good writer!
I almost choked on that rebound relationship thing and “our soon-to-be-EX Dick Cheney”……………haaa, that’s TOO good!
Can you convince your pal at the radio station to file a FOI grievance against the AG and Gov offices?
It’s Freedom Of Information Act and get as many pieces of paper you can get on this woman and start publishing them on this site.
Just a thought.
We would all pour over it….together!

20 09 2008
Cal Al

@ Frank aka. Lier Skunk Palin (12:38:50) :

“Just the little bit I do know about our little Sarah. I would have to say, she feels the Albatross is Johnny boy, holding her back. Think about it”

I agree. I think that the Palins have a whole different take on events. They would like to boot old John out of town. That woman has too much “hubris”.

20 09 2008

Idaho 43 (14:06:09) :

The Palin Name Generator is on this page under “Other Great Sites”

20 09 2008

Thank you Anne in Washington! (lovely state!)

This lady has generated so many “nicknames” (well… maybe there’s another word for that … in just 3 weeks… we can hardly keep up with them!

I’m a psychologist. And I assure you this lady knows very little – except how to BS. Bs. Bs. Bs. That’s her forte! Blizzard of words puts it mildly. Pretense via a blizzard of words would be more apt.

20 09 2008

Bless you! Bless you! Bless you! AKMuckraker! I shall come back to raise my glass of champagne to you when this election is over and Obama has won (PLEASE,GOD!) You gave me sanity in my darkest days, and I have told so many many people about your wonderful site.

I’m going now to see if I can figure out how to donate to your paypal account. You have also provided many laughs, at a time when I didn’t have much else to laugh about. I love your writing skill as well as your ideas.


20 09 2008
Mommy Jane

Excellent post. Thank GOD the bubble is bursting. Well done in contributing to that occurrence.

20 09 2008

Muckraker, Are there any new Alaska opinion polls out about Palin?

Not since the latest subpoena-gate. AKM

20 09 2008

TheraP (14:09:57) :
This lady has generated so many “nicknames” (well… maybe there’s another word for that … in just 3 weeks… we can hardly keep up with them!

I’m a psychologist. And I assure you this lady knows very little – except how to BS. Bs. Bs. Bs. That’s her forte! Blizzard of words puts it mildly. Pretense via a blizzard of words would be more apt.

My undergrad work was in psychology and counseling and I spent years working with many B/S.’ers too. Yow! I had a visceral reaction to this woman, from almost the first moment she started to speak. She’s one scary lady! And I bet a conversation with that First Dood would have me wringin’ my hands too!

20 09 2008

Three generations of women in my family alone THANK YOU and the people of Alaska for standing up and helping the lower 48 understand. We already could see his desperate reasons for picking this lame gimmick as his VP (many of us are NOT fooled) But your blog and honest reporting , and the great people of Alaska standing up to provide a better understanding of all this mess, makes it all the better.

THANK YOU just does seems not enough for helping us (America and the world) to avoid a train wreck that WILL happen if the Mac N P ticket wins this election. Especially since MSM fails to report on the real issues such as the actual meaning of McCain’s real health care plan and who it will DOOM which is just about everyone. This family of 4 barely keeping our heads above water, is forever grateful to you and the people of Alaska that stood up.

20 09 2008

Thanks to everyone for the nice thoughts and thank yous. I’m so glad that Mudflats has been helpful in getting the word out. I never imagined it would, but the fates (and all of you) had other ideas. 🙂

20 09 2008

Fungible commodity is a viable term…what is Sara referring to in her use of the term?

“…Oil and coal? Of course, it’s a fungible commodity and they don’t flag, you know, the molecules, where it’s going and where it’s not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first,” Palin said. “So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it’s Americans that get stuck to holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It’s got to flow into our domestic markets first…”
Examples of highly fungible commodities are crude oil, electricity, precious metals, and many currencies.
Fungibility has nothing to do with the ability to exchange one commodity for another. It has everything to do with exchanging one unit of a commodity with another unit of a different commodity.

Is she trying to find her own “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig” but failed? These darn ‘elitists’ and there big sayins…!

20 09 2008

I think the biggest problem for her right now is Troopergate. It has opened the closet and let the light in. This person who says she is “transparent” is not. This person who said “I will cooperate fully” is not. Other than the Troopergate situation I think that the Republican party’s heavy handed tactics towards Alaska and their politicians is also hurting Ms. Sarah.

Any way you look at it, the bloom certainly is off the rose.

20 09 2008

Thanks, AKM, for showing us the way with your fantastic blog.

Just got back from canvassing in western PA. Since I’ve promised to be pithy in all future posts, I’ll make it short and sweet. The Obama-Biden campaign needs boots on the ground. Canvassing is the best way to make voter contact. (I know we all hate it, but it must be done.) Today, several people told us that it was seeing us out there working so hard that made them swing towards Obama. A few people were downright mean (one woman told me to “shoo,” as if I were a fly), but I was struck overall by how many people are going to “change” up their former party affiliations this time. One person told me that for the past 57 years, he voted for the GOP. But not this time. Now, he said, he was proud to have become a Democrat. In a restaurant later, we still had on our Obama buttons and many people spoke to us, saying they were for Obama.

20 09 2008

Yes fungible commodity is a real word, meaning interchangeable, and it applies to oil like this:

If I sell you a barrel of oil, then as long as you get a barrel of oil, it doesn’t have to be one I owned when we made the deal. I could just sell mine to the first tanker that pulled up, and use the proceeds to buy you one on a tanker near you.

In contrast, if you agree to buy my car, you’re unlikely to accept delivery of a different car, even if it’s the same model and year as the one you inspected and test-drove.

Palin’s quote:
“Of course, it’s a fungible commodity and they don’t flag, you know, the molecules, where it’s going and where it’s not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it’s Americans who get stuck holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It’s got to flow into our domestic markets first.”
seems to imply that she thinks that if you sell a barrel of Alaskan oil overseas, and use the money to buy one from Saudi Arabia (net result: one barrel of oil moved from Alaska to the Lower 48 at no cost) that’s bad because somehow you’ve deprived the domestic market of oil it needs (of course, this is a lie – precisely because oil is fungible). Her solution: ban exports, thus requiring the US to fund the transport of oil from where it’s produced to where it’s needed (net result: one barrel of oil moved from Alaska to the Lower 48 at a low, but not zero, per-barrel cost. Now why would you want that unless you had a vested interest (financial and/or political) in, say, building a pipeline?

Of course, pipelines have other advantages – they lock customers in to the supplier at the other end of the pipeline, which would be (oh, wait) Alaska. Fancy that.

20 09 2008

Well I found out I am Buster Taint Palin – wow. I’m putting this out here first: Here in D.C. I encountered a large group of women drumming – with drums belted on and everything. As angry as I have been regarding this Palin crap I just imagined myself standing there banging on the drum and letting my inner protester out.
I live in Anchorage – anyone out there interested in drumming? I mean with drumsticks and everything. It really was quite beautiful sounding and the people who were banging on the drums looked so powerful.

20 09 2008
Cal Al

The issue of Thomas Muthee and prayer mapping is very disturbing…..I am almost thankful for SP for bringing out into the open. I worry about these so-called Christians. They are losing their ability to think rationally and they have no respect for critical thinking or for science……..
Does anyone else feel like we are slipping back into the middle ages?

The first article I read regarding SPs connections with Muthee was almost funny…..but then I read some of the comments and I was a little freaked out.

20 09 2008

LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Funny you should be from PA. That is where I was born & raised til I moved to SoCal. Now I am in VA until after the election. Hunters in Northeastern PA are the type I grew up with and they have ethics. My Dad had and abided by the “one shot rule” for deer and while not in love with Obama, he loathes and despises Palin.

Write to and ask, as I have, that they put PA next on the list for markets.
Go to and contribute just a few bucks.

20 09 2008

katiebegood (14:29:40) :

Any way you look at it, the bloom certainly is off the rose.

Soon I hope the lipstick is also off the pitbull!

20 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

I want to know when the MSM will admit the McIdiot/Failin duo have jumped the shark.

20 09 2008

—- —- McCain Palin train wreck —- —-

Some people see the cars jumping the track, while others aren’t there yet. Its coming.

I think readers here are ahead of the curve, and others will catch on as more cars pile up.

I think most of us saw it coming, recognized it as it was happening, and are beginning to see others notice it.

Yep I called it a train wreck then and I’m happy to use those words now…

The McCain straight talk express is a train wreck.

20 09 2008

marti (14:32:39) :

I live in Western Washington so I can’t join you – but the idea of DRUMMING together is such a wonderful, inspirational idea. Any other W. WA folks out there who might want to drum? or make music together? I know a music teacher who has a lot of instruments!

20 09 2008

Love your blog and link to it all the time. Wanted to share with you a comment I read on another blog.

The story was that Palin was giving the same speech at every stop no changes, same lies.


20 09 2008

AKM – you are the best!

Marti – I think drumming would be awesome. AKM said something above;

“As a matter of fact, a group of those dreaded ‘community organizers’ is working to put together a series of rallies that should make a lot of noise here in Anchorage! AKM”

This leads me to believe that more rallies are being planned. What kind of drums were they using in DC?

20 09 2008

I watched all the Bush/Gore/Kerry debates and thought Bush was an idiot. Of course, pundits and the public declared him the winner. Who knows how they’ll respond to Palin and Biden? There are times when I truly feel like I’m in an edition of 1984.

There seems to be good cheer here and on other progressive sites—but we mustn’t lose track of the spew and vitriol that is going on with right-wing talk radio, Faux Noise and hateful blogs. There’s still a lot of time for September, October and November surprises and election fraud. How ironic that we send people to monitor elections in foreign countries when we have ours decided by the Supreme Court and boxes of “lost” ballots in Ohio. Don’t “misunderestimate” the Republican machine and the gullibility of the public. The MSM is doing an abysmal job of revealing Palin’s true nature and McCain’s incoherent lies. But then so many don’t get their “news” from the MSM anyway, and won’t believe the truth because it doesn’t fit their mindset. They can’t handle the truth. Now I feel like Jack Nicholson, only without the insanity.*g*

Mudflats has truly been like a sentinel on that wall. Thanks for introducing me to Alaska, its people, radio stations, newspapers and bloggers!

20 09 2008

Cal Al (14:33:10)

I think all religion is a bit weird when seen from a rational perspective.

Thats why it should stay out of government.

Some religions are more dangerous than others, depending how they use it to drive their specific behaviors.
EG: dying for a cause, or killing for it. “We own this realestate”
The golden rule is so sensible smart and wise.
Eye for an eye so barbaric stupid and … oh don’t get me started …

20 09 2008

UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps (14:40:37) :

“I want to know when the MSM will admit the McIdiot/Failin duo have jumped the shark.”

Hopefully when its too late… : )

20 09 2008

“Iran’s nuclear program has been the issue of a hot debate in recent years. Thanks to the media, a nuclear Iran is seen by many Americans as almost as dangerous as al-Qaeda.

Citizens of non-aligned countries, however, may only be able to grasp the extent of US worries with the thought of their own concerns about the dangers posed by US hegemony and Israel – the owner of at least 200 nuclear warheads, according to former US president Jimmy Carter.

On September 15, the UN nuclear watchdog said in its latest report on Iran that the agency had failed to discover any ‘components of a nuclear weapon’ or ‘related nuclear physics studies’ in the country.

Sarah Palin, along with her factually seasoned colleagues, rejected the findings of the UN body.” (Does this sound familiar??…scary!)

Speaking at a campaign rally in Blaine, Minnesota on Friday, she told a crowd of 9,000 supporters that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to acquire nuclear weapons to use them against Israel.

Her declaration comes three weeks after she officially trapped herself as Senator John McCain’s running mate. The neo-conservative team running the McCain camp, under the supervision of Karl Rove, has had a heck of a time schooling Palin, a political outsider relatively unknown on the national stage and clueless about foreign policy.


20 09 2008

I wouldnt worry too much about the crowds Palin is getting. Its obviously not because of any policies….because we dont know hers ….and McCain is not getting the crowds when she is not with him.

I think a lot of people are curious about this enigma. Its normal to want to see someone like her in person…its like you have to see it to believe it. Heck…I would go see her too…hoping she would say or do something really stupid. I mean she does do that….every single time.

20 09 2008
Khaki Salmon

AKM – Are you folks on Twitter? This blog itself could be a Twitterfeed. From time to time, I use Qurl to shorten one of your posts’ URL and send out a Twitter. I follow a lot of news blogs, like Huffington Post, etc., and they in turn usually follow me. ‘Just another way to get the word out. You probably know all this…

I love this blog and am amazed at how quickly your forums have come alive.

Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Khaki Salmon Palin

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

McCain is definitely wearing something new – a SARALBATROSS, with Palin Pink lipstick. Wish I was a better graphic artist to draw this image!

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

McCain is also wearing crazy statements like this:

John McCain: “Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.”

20 09 2008

Is Palin also a tax cheat? You have just got to read this diary that clammyc wrote.

clammyc is a well respected writer…and a tax guy.

I don’t think Ms. Palin has released her income tax statements yet….anyone?

20 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

This is just shameful! We all must take action ASAP!!

Why should the CEO’s and executives who put their companies in bankruptcy be able to keep their salaries and other options??? I say hell no!!! Write your congressman/woman NOW!!!

Hank Paulson To Dems: Not Allowing CEO’s to Keep Multi-Million Dollar Salaries Is A “Poison Pill”

A poison pill? The executives who drove their banks into insolvency won’t let the government save their banks if it means they have to give up multi-million dollar golden parachutes? After they’ve been paying themselves millions a year for the sheer incompetence necessary to bankrupt their companies? Did we step through the mirror and I didn’t notice?

20 09 2008
Jill Oserowsky

Yes, thank you! I’m all for people just finding out the truth and making their own minds up. You’ve been very helpful on that item.

20 09 2008
deb in oregon

here’s a video that needs to go viral

20 09 2008

I hope that Sarah is an albatross for McCain. The whole thing has been so crazy from the start. Those of us who are old enough, remember a very different McCain from the person he says he is. After all, we read all those newspaper articles, when he came home as a POW. He is what he was then. He has not changed. It was unfortunate that Sarah did not do her research before she signed on with him. She may have committed political sucide. She did the one thing I believe the men of the GOP would not do. She became his running mate.

20 09 2008

I think Pastor Muthee is witch hunting her.

Check it out, I have live video.

20 09 2008

Thank you all for the explanations of fungible commodities…really helpful information and well explained…learning as I go here, just like you-know-who.

20 09 2008

I believe the crowds want to see it to believe it………its a Palien !!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀


@Deb in Oregon:

That video clip is really good! I will post it to my blog and pass it along!

20 09 2008
portland oregon native

Thanks Idaho 43 for the fungible definition. I am old and out of most of the loops these days. I had checked my Oxford dictionary, but like me it is old too.
I guess I should just give up real books and go to Wikipedia, but I like the feel of a real book. I am currently struggling with a new Kindle…oh my!
Can Sarah ban those Kindle books too? I doubt JSM knows about them yet.
I seriously doubt if Sarah came up with the fungible phrase herself. Some one else fed it to her on one of those long handled baby spoons.
She scares me….a lot!
BTW my ‘palinname’ is Kringle bearcat which I don’t think suits me at all.

20 09 2008
C from CO

re: DeMo:
“I know what’s coming next. The McCain Campaign will request that all questions posed during the VP debate relate only to the New Testament. The moderator will be Palin’s pastor, who will speak in tongues. Palin will be permitted to reply in tongues.”

….and only a chosen Republican campaign advisor will be blessed with the gift of interpretation.

20 09 2008
Sam aka Blaster Commando Palin

Very nice chart showing the trends! Thanks for the background info and warnings. You have done an amazing and courageous job. Mudflats has been our lifeline, our relationship counselor and a darn good friend. Since we can’t be there in person, please give yourself a few pats on the back for us!

Hip hip hooray!

20 09 2008

You left out the “Beverly Hillbillies”.

20 09 2008

Much thanks to all you Alaskans for your efforts in revealing the “real”
Sarah. In a way her blind ambition has thrown Alaska under the bus. Her pragmatism, her voice, her brain, her glasses, her religion, her snake charming preacher …..ugh. It’s all still unbelievable.

20 09 2008

RE the “fungible commodity” remark. People who really know what they are talking about do not use fancy abstractions (that people are unlikely to be familiar with) when they are answering a question. Instead of talking “down” to someone – and basically saying gibberish – they put their thoughts into language that helps people understand why they are trying to communicate. So, for example, if I were trying to explain something about “how people tick” or “how therapy works,” I’m not gonna get all fancy schmancy in the way I talk. I’m going to try my best to put it into layman’s terms.

Palin clearly has no clue about the things she’s saying. She repeats cliches. It seems to be little else. And she really says nothing. Explains nothing. She throws around terms (like drifting snow… as someone said). Well, the snow can drift till the cows come home. But that’s not how you convince people you know how to solve real world problems.

Palin strikes me as a fake of the first order. Does she realize she’s a fake? I honestly don’t know. Whether she’s an inveterate liar or a person with a swollen head who is in love with the words she can pronounce and the phrases she has memorized (and imagines that means something), I cannot say. But a fake she is. A fake she will remain. And woe unto the voters who are stupid enough to lend her any credibility. I myself would certify her as low in intelligence but high in manipulation. So…. maybe she could be a poor actress – at best!

20 09 2008

Hunger Taller Palin.. what kind of name is that?

20 09 2008

fixthebroken (13:12:21) :
I am worried about cheating at the debates, especially by Palin. I am afraid she will have a receiver in her ear such that people hidden can transmit the answers. I seriously want a full body search of ALL candidates before the debate. No electronic devices of any kind.

The problem is I don’t know who to tell so that can be enforced.

The problem is that technology is so advanced today. There are wireless devices that you can hide in your bra and wireless ear pieces that you would need to look directly into the ear canal to see. Short of a strip search, I don’t know how we could guarantee that Sarah Barracuda doesn’t come into the debate wired.

But, even if she is. It will be obvious that she is not speaking freely. That’s what I thought was funny the time that Bush looked like he was wired. His speech was very stilted and the words sounded canned.

20 09 2008

Here comes my first post to Mudflats from a “born and raised in Alaska” and now living in Redmond Obama supporter. Your site is the first one I go to each morning and the last one I check before dropping into bed each night. Cannot thank you enough for the best “truthiness “source for Missy Palin’s charade.

I’ve sent more e-mails, shared more articles, told more people to open their eyes and ears and to not ignore the lies that are seemingly getting harder for the McCain/Palin ticket to keep straight.

As many have mentioned, humor is so welcome at times like these and I still LOL over these two clips by Lisa Nova…as good as Tina in MHO.

Told my sister in Douglas, I’d consider flying home if there was an anti-Palin rally there…what better way to use AA miles. So to all you fellow Alaskans, keep pounding away at the entrenched McCain henchmen and don’t let them continue being the “de facto” source on all questions relating to government issues!!!

All my friends have asked about the REAL mudflats and I love being able to tell them just how creatively your site design ties it all together. Nothing like exceptional savvy, sassy satire presenting the whole truth to the world!!!

20 09 2008

McCain and Palin need to be “drilled” about McCain’s ties to Peabody coal. Their long running relationship appears to be shaping his proposed energy policy.

Peabody Coal is the largest coal company in the world, and the only entitiy that benefits from Public Law 93-531. The law that McCain still champions which forced thousands of Hopis off their land so that Peabody could obtain the mineral rights to the land. Peabody coal is a holding of Lehman Brothers by the way.

Peabody’s CEO Craig Boyce is one of McCain’s biggest supporters. He has been campaigning with McCain by participating in McCain’s round table discussions on energy. He has “testified” that clean coal will help solve America’s energy crisis.

Boyce’s company has donated +275,000 this year to Newt Gingrichs “American Solutions for Winning the Future”. They are a leading force behind the “Drill Here, Drill Now” campaign

20 09 2008

Your writing and reporting is great. I just can’t tell you what a relief it is to have found this blog. I’ve sent the link to Mudflats to many people I know. I hope that your eloquent responses to these crazy events result in wonderful opportunities for you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

20 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

A few years ago I met a woman who Palin reminded me of from minute one. Full of unwarranted self confidence, egotism, full on self promotion and it has to be said, exhausting enthusiasm.

Within 2 weeks I was diving behind my sofa whenever her car pulled up outside. She must have wondered why my two dogs were always looking with their heads tilted towards the sofa every time she looked in my window.

20 09 2008
portland oregon native

Thank you TheraP, you are spot on in your analysis. And to you Coyotechaser!
OK mudflatters….let’s get the goods on Peabody Coal.
Sarah is a millstone, and hopefully she will take McSame down to the bottom with her, lipstick and all!
Can we prevent the resulting pollution, I wonder?

20 09 2008

I just posted my land, because I have elk in rut and I don’t want hunters running amok with their weapons of mass destruction.

I think the wording was a little off though.

It should have read:

No Palin

Any way we can post the white house in a similar fashion?

20 09 2008
Frank L

Keep up the Palin bashing. Its’s pnly driving undecideds like me to vote Rep.

20 09 2008

“Only 3,000″ showed up for the counter rally?? Holy cow, 3,000 people at an anti-Palin rally is awesome.”

In Minnesota, the Obama rally in downtown Minneapolis was a great success. All the t-shirts, lawn signs, rally signs, and buttons were gone in 15 minutes. I stopped at the Obama/Biden headquarters in St. Paul this morning to get a shirt and some lawn signs. The lawn signs were all gone and the shirts were available in limited sizes. The office was packed with supporters who want to ensure than Obama/Biden win in November.

20 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Political support for candidate and parties from the churches —-

It’s illegal folks! Every church that commits this illegal act should have a complaint filled against it with the IRS. When it is filed, make sure there is plenty of publicity. Even is the Church Ladies get nasty …. it is still illegal and it is about time that these churches lose their tax free status for violating it.

20 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Can I suggest that everybody going to church takes a recorder of some kind. The thought that they may lose their tax free status might change their minds.

20 09 2008

Actually, Frank, lots of undecideds I met today going door to door said Palin scared them.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Frank – we do work in a little therapeutic bashing on this site, but it is mostly PLAIN PALIN facts. If the truth doesn’t bother you, then you can vote for whom you choose. You must not care too much about the crisis in our country and having a hockey mom potentially in charge of the economy, healthcare, war, human rights, our international relations, the constitution, etc. etc. etc.

20 09 2008
Ohio Sue


I agree. I think that the VP debate format is susceptible to shenanigans – SP only has to answer the questions posed by the moderator. She doesn’t need to be prepared for off the cuff challenges or questions by the other candidate. I think she should be frisked before the debate.

Am I now, officially, a member of the tinfoil hat brigade?

20 09 2008

Additionally, Frank, all the polls show that the recent stories on Palin are driving the undecideds away from the GOP. But of course, we want you to vote for Palin if that’s where your heart is.

20 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Don’t fret Bec and anon, It’s great when you catch a troll, you know you are doing something right. They are best left unfed.

20 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin (Wish I were Trout)

avahome (15:00:08) :

Tax returns have not yet been made available. There is a thread on this topic over on the forum (check out the right side of the page and go to forum.)

Come join us!

20 09 2008

My mother has voted Republican her whole life.

My mother is now voting the issues, and is voting AGAINST the GOP because Sarah Palin scares her.

My mother does not want a evangelical, person in office, who practices deceit on a daily basis, no matter their gender. She wants someone in office who will not take care of the economy and address the issues that are facing us all.

I am not sure at what point she decided to cast her vote against her party.

Was it the condescending tone Palin first took, the irresponsibility of traveling to Alaska from Texas, bypassing major medical hospitals to have her special needs baby, her ignorance during interviews, her witch hunting pastor from Kenya, her refusing to cooperate during her ethics investigation, or was it the fact that Palin cannot separate church and state?

Hard to say, but I am proud of my mother…she is voting the issues, not the gender.

20 09 2008

Well crud, that post was all grammatically messed up. (you all knew what I was trying to say, right?)

I am taking a break and before I go, I just want to say:

Thank you Mudflats!

20 09 2008

Food for thought: a suicide blast killed 40 and blew up the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan on the same day that the Pakistani Government (the PM) stated that foreign presence invading their soil will no longer be tolerated:

Coincidence, or a warning shot across the bow? Or a way to get McCain’s numbers up and have the Sunday talk shows be about something else other than the economy and the train-wreck that is McCain’s campaign?

20 09 2008
chloe - Skein Chug Palin

A post above reminded me of my initial reaction. . .back on August 29, I wrote on my blog:

Luckily, I found Mudflats later in the day . . .Look how far we’ve come since then.

Happy Saturday Mudsters

20 09 2008

@arkangel…I spoke about that issue here this morning. I am wondering the same things you are. I feel paranoid…like nobody and nothing can be trusted….and I am not even able to voice it by voting…I am Canadian. Crap.

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

I don’t know if anyone has posted this link yet. This former leader in the “Christian Right” wrote an Open Letter to the Republican Party on Huffington Post:

“We have met the enemy and he is us! When Islamists tried to destroy our country by flying planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Towers, we rightly called them terrorists. When the Republicans in the Congress and the White House set about destroying our country, our standing in the world, our military and our economy, but much more effectively, you called them statesmen. It is time for all Americans — including all you who are patriotic Republicans — to sweep away these putrid earth-consuming, family killing, government bashing “me” worshipping individualistic fools–that or to watch our country be swept away by them. We can’t afford eight more years of this willful ignorance. Obama in 2008!”

20 09 2008

@archangel – unfortunately I don’t think we’ve seen the last of this kind of action. IMHO, the powers that be will be pulling out all the stops to divert attention away from the economy and the real issues here at home to focus on “the terrorist threat” and wouldn’t you know, there is just happens to be a guy with military experience who will be able to save us – and his faithful assistant will be backing him up all the way, AK47 in hand.

We are being governed by fear.

Plain and simple.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I just answered a call from an Obama fundraiser. We gave again for the end of August push and want to wait for the next big push to give again – but I told her to recommend Mudflats to people with questions about Palin. She mentioned the Alaskan rebate check and I told her some folks on here have said they are donating rebate money to Obama. She has been refering people to, but had heard of Mudflats and will hopefully add it to her chat list.

She also asked about volunteering and had all the dates of the upcoming voter registration deadlines, state by state. So they are really pushing that, too.

20 09 2008

Off topic — but this is so sad it is hilarious.

McCain and his campaign have lost their minds….literally.

20 09 2008

I’ve just figured out how to flip Sarah off when it comes to reproductive rights of adults (and teens)… !

Give a honorary donation to Planned Parenthood in honor of Sarah Palin !
A couple of sites have the links and important info needed…

I donated in honor of Sarah and yeah, it felt so good…

take care all and enjoy !

20 09 2008
chloe - Skein Chug Palin

hmmmm, I’ll wait for my comment to come out of the spam filter perhaps.

20 09 2008
20 09 2008
Windy City

Hey, whasup with the map? Has anyone else noticed? I showed my husband the map yesterday and looked at the map today and there are significantly less views. Anyone else notice? What is going on?

20 09 2008

How can this woman have come so far?

NBC Sarah Palin and the preaching witch hunter


“how do you know she’s a witch?”

“she turned me into a newt!”

20 09 2008

Honey, no one looks good under 8 weeks of public scrutiny. And think of it: Only three of those weeks have gone by!

I love your blog. God Bless the Internet!

20 09 2008

Not that the list of things to hate Palin about isn’t long enough, but there was the whole book censorship think too. 😉

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

HamletsMill – that is powerful. I can’t help but think there will be more Repubs to sound that call.

As I understand it – McCain got shot down because he veered off course, early in his Nam duty. Then he was obviously completely out of the loop while a POW. We simply can not allow them to claim all his military experience just because it was in his family. We all know he was at the bottom of his class at the academy.

Anyone need convincing — watch or rewatch this by a fellow classmate and POW of McCain’s:

20 09 2008

Everyone’s asleep in Europe (early a.m. there right now). They could be like me, too, in that they have reached sarah-saturation and are tired of reading about it to a certain extent… I was obsessed and have reached a reasonable middle-ground now and only check this blog out every few hours, not every minute of every day…

20 09 2008

C aka Filter Skate Palin 😀


Olbermann pays $100 to the Alaska Special Olympics for each Palin lie told.

20 09 2008
chloe - Skein Chug Palin

Perhaps it was my bad code . . .try again, sorry if this is a double post.

A post above reminded me of my initial reaction back on August 29 I wrote on my blog:

“Ladies and Gentlemen:

(the photo of Palin w/bikers)

a few blog comments:

“Former mayor of fucking mayberry”
“Geraldine Quayle”
“This is the last desperate gasp of a pathetic, irrelevant dirty old man”
“Well, it’s also cool that she’s a hockey mom. (Which of course qualifies her to be the leader of the free world.)”
“fox news wet dream ticket. ick”
“Don’t underestimate this country’s stupidity.”
“Will republicans really be comfortable with a 70 year old geezer in office if this is his back-up plan?”
“repulsive and offensive pandering”
” it shows political panic.”
“I heard someone say she makes Dan Quayle look like George Washington.”
“If this is McCain’s pick for real, this is going to be interesting! LOL”
“watch this: posted Aug.13

Look how far we’ve come since then.

Happy Saturday Mudsters

20 09 2008

Someone posted this handy little site:

20 09 2008

@Bec – a very telling video…thank you for sharing.

20 09 2008

I think the laundry list of easily provable lies she’s told is one big reasons she’s falling like a rock. The fact that she keeps telling the lies and that these lies are debunked nightly on each of the big three national news casts is certainly hurting her.

The that that she doesn’t appear ready to lead is definitely hurting her. This is evidenced both by a middling performance in her only interview and the fact that she’s only been subjected to ONE real interview.

That said, I believe the article completely missed two of the biggest reasons her negatives are rising and positives are falling.

1. Women are starting to realize that she’s just a gimmick. They’ve quickly seen through McCain’s charade. They now know that the only reason McCain picked her was part of a Machiavellian play for women voters. People don’t like being patronized, this was a patronizing pic.

2. She’s against abortion, even in the case of rape and incest. (AK being the US’s per capita leader in rape doesn’t help matters.)

79% of Americans support abortion in cases of rape and incest. The percentage is even higher among women.

Experience (and the lack thereof)

I think those are the big four.

20 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

It’s funny how every poll taken is showing Obama in the lead, and everywhere you go you see that the country is turning away from McCain and to Obama. Palin’s record seems to have a lot to do with that.
But then you go to AOL and their weekly straw poll has shown McCain in the lead (a big lead) in every single poll since they started, today it’s at 62% for McCain and 38% for Obama, what’s more, they usually show McCain winning in all 50 states. I know AOL is very GOP oriented (it’s my ISP) and they don’t like to post any stories in favor of Democrats, but I honestly think they are not being honest with their polls, even if they are a Republican biased domain, I can’t believe that many people are for McCain just because AOL is their ISP.

20 09 2008

McCain’s Temper:

20 09 2008
White Agate

arkangel, NoSarahPalin et al: The developments in Pakistan are alarming, to be sure. One can only think of Al Qaeda and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, as well. Because of the Iraq war and other things, of course we are all paranoid.

The Obama team is giving a foreign policy forum tomorrow and I am sure some questions will come up. I’ll report back although I probably can’t stay for all of it.

The important thing is to stay focused (patience and steel) and to get the word out. I spoke to someone today who said she couldn’t decide whom to vote for because McCain is too old and Obama too young! What I do is take a notebook around with talking points from both web sites. At the end of the day, I say, you have to decide whose policies will help our country move forward. And then we look at the bullet points and a clear difference emerges.

Have a good night, all!

20 09 2008

I wish there was more press given to her stance on rape victims in Wasilla. Who can ignore the fact that she was making rape victims pay for their own rape kits?

20 09 2008
Cal Al

@ LGW,

OK I will say that Lisa Nova is pretty good but I still think that Rosemary Watson is the best…though unlike her fabulous impersonations of Hillary and Cindy, she is only doing the voice.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I hated the Swiftboating tactics – but I do think people should watch some of these videos about McCain’s military expertise and activities, some by fellow POWs and Republicans. Watch with a critical eye, but do check them out. Here are more I just found.

There are more videos on the above pages, if you want to delve further.

20 09 2008

Funny, “Albatross” is exactly the word I’ve been using in the last several days. It’s like the Republican ticket is dragging around an eight-ring circus wherever it goes. Palin could turn out to be the first one-hit wonder of American politics.

Whatever the reason, between the Palingates and the McCain gaffes, the Republican ticket seems to be sinking pretty fast. Obama is now reaching the advantages he had when Palin was picked.

20 09 2008

I am glad all these things about Gov. Palin have come to see the light of day and are having an affect. However I’d really like to see more of Sen. McCain’s failings hauled out into the daylight for all to see. Hopefully they would be as closely inspected as everything Gov. Palin has been these past few weeks.

It is disappointing to see so much of his record is ignored, swept under the rug or explained away as not applicable to this race for the White House. Too many still believe what ever they are fed by their party of choice and refuse to see/acknowledge the truth that stare them in the face. Somehow the truth must be some sort of Democrat/liberal/pinko-commie-bastard plot to bring down a great man.

Good grief.

Thanks to AKM and others from Alaska and around the nation the truth is being told. The truth is out there, it merely needs to be accepted for what it is. Whether we like what we see/hear/read or not.

20 09 2008

I must say that if Osama bin Laden is still out there watching, he must be pretty pleased with himself. What is happening to the U.S.– military quagmire, a steep decline in international prestige and power, and financial collapse– is just exactly what he thinks he did to the U.S.S.R. and what he has long hoped to visit on the U.S. With walking disasters like Wall Street, who needs suicide bombers?

20 09 2008

daMama (16:36:29) :
I am glad all these things about Gov. Palin have come to see the light of day and are having an affect. However I’d really like to see more of Sen. McCain’s failings hauled out into the daylight for all to see. Hopefully they would be as closely inspected as everything Gov. Palin has been these past few weeks.

It is disappointing to see so much of his record is ignored, swept under the rug or explained away as not applicable to this race for the White House.

I absolutely agree with you. This man has been given a pass – and CHARACTER DOES MATTER!

20 09 2008

Bec. – out of 799………he was 794 in his class.OBVIOUSLY there were others in the class who were MORE qualified to go on to be pilots. Same as Bush……..guess it ALL depends on who your Daddy is……..

20 09 2008
Abdication by Palin | The Ruth Group

[…] there’s this over at Mudflats: Is Palin an Albatross? Sarah, it seems, has been our “rebound girl” after our escape from a disastrous and abusive […]

20 09 2008

You know, in all honestly, I am beginning to feel a little sorry for Sister Sara…NOT!!!

I had a long talk with my cousin in Florida last night, and she said that Palin scares the shit out of her. She is not convinced about Obama, but she will vote for him simply because she can’t stand Palin.

20 09 2008

fixthebroken (16:20:32) :
Someone posted this handy little site:

Thanks for that site – BOOKMARKED!

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Bec in Illinois (16:12:56) :

Anyone need convincing — watch or rewatch this by a fellow classmate and POW of McCain’s:


Thanks for re-posting that link. Many are not aware of that video.

I said on another thread when someone first posted it that I was personally glad to see it. I personally met Phil Butler about ten years ago. He is a very, very thoughtful and spiritual man. I am sure he made this video because he feels it is his duty. He was a POW in the Hanoi Hilton almost eight years. Two years longer than John McCain. I think he was the second longest held POW in the Vietnam War by two days or something. He would be the first to say that that does not mean anything at all. But he is the real deal and his account of the experience and what he learned from it is very different than John McCain’s. Phil became internal spiritual not “organized religion spiritual”. There is a difference. He is a very fine man and I was very glad I got to spend several days in his company.

People should circulate this video link.

20 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

NoSarahPalin (16:30:48)
I KNOW! Besides The Daily Show, I have not seen this issue on the news! She fired the police chief that did not charge rape victims. Only after she hired on the new police chief did the town start charging for the kits. It’s WRONG!

I’ve actually read comments from people who said, “Well, to be fair, they did charge the victim’s insurance”. Um…hello? Not everyone has insurance. I don’t! It’s a pretty mute point anyway, considering the exam could very well…l don’t know…FIND the rapist?

Alaska has the highest percentage of rape per capita in the US. It seems like state officials would be trying to find these criminals, and prevent them from going out and doing it again.

Okay, and lets think about this for a second. In 2000, the state passed a law making it illegal to charge rape victims for their rape kits. They passed this law because of one town, and one town only. The town of Wasilla.

20 09 2008
Mary from TN

I think you are going to love this one from youtube…..McGoo asks and Palin accepts.

20 09 2008

Is anyone else watching the Palin special on MSNBC? First was an hour on Biden, second hour… Sarah…she just made that long trip home, leaking fluid, to give birth to “Alaskan” Trig.

20 09 2008

The creepiest thing of all is that McCain thinks he and Palin are “soulmates.” I think he’s right. There’s the nastiness, the hollow ambition, the pig headedness. And when it comes to pathological lies, the two are near twins.

20 09 2008

I disliked her before it was fashionable. I feel like the little sister nobody would listen to, even though i was suspicious the moment he brought her home.

20 09 2008
20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

After watching this foul-mouthed man (McCain) in the above video, I cannot see how any self-respecting woman (or man for that matter) could ever consider him suitable to head anything, let alone a country. Everything out of his mouth is demeaning to women. I was not aware that the actual pig running for the Republicans was not Palin, but McCain. Absolutely disgusting.

20 09 2008

plwalsh (16:56:02) :
The creepiest thing of all is that McCain thinks he and Palin are “soulmates.”

He looked into her eyes and saw…ummm…KARL ROVE…yeah baby, they’re soul mates!

20 09 2008

Tony Alamo Christian Ministries in Tennessee was raided today. A whole lot of them were arrested in a child sex ring. Nice….just frikken nice.

20 09 2008

@Ky I can’t understand the mindset of SP with regards to, well, anything, but especially rape victims. Insult to injury – literally. What is it in her upbringing that makes her so disconnected from everything? She has no compassion whatsoever for human or animal.

Which is why I think it is so absurd that many women are blindly voting for her because she is a woman.

SP is unbalanced and has a mental illness of some kind. She definitely meets the criteria for textbook narcissism.

Narcissistic DSM IV Criteria

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

(1) has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

(2) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

(3) believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

(4) requires excessive admiration

(5) has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

(6) is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

(7) lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

(8) is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

(9) shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

20 09 2008

The way to get rid of Palin is to go after McCain, well we want him gone anyway. WE have all forgot about the KEATING 5 I know McCain doesn’t want this brought up with the ecomonic crisis we have right now but it would be fun to remind as many about THE KEATING 5 and McCain’s involvment.
Let’s see Sarah talk him out of that one.

20 09 2008

My husband just notified me that I ate my breakfast and lunch in front of this computer…now it’s dinner time…and his point is??? Hey! I truly do need a 12 step program. What will I do come Nov 5th?

20 09 2008

We can get rid of Sarah by bringing McCain down.
Wall street= ecomony=McCain=Keating 5, I think too many forgot about this maybe we should remind them.

20 09 2008

@Anne There was a program on NPR’s All Things Considered.

I know I need to listen to it again!

Talk of the Nation, September 17, 2008 · Obsessed with election gossip? Addicted to pundits arguing on TV? Can’t stop checking political blogs? Meghan Daum, a Los Angeles Times columnist, argues in her article “Obsessed? Addicted? It’s politics” that our political fatigue has been transformed into an outright political obsession.

20 09 2008

@Windy City (16:10:20)

The map does show less than yesterday. There were more big orange +1 in the Midwest and Florida. Troll mechanics?

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

MaryJ – I was right with you in the “Day One Club” on Palin.

NoSarahPalin – I posted that narcissist description here before but it is worth repeating over and over and taking note! Fits Palin to a T.

Annie – I’m right with you. This is ridiculous. I live at the computer for my work – and now — no work getting done. Obsession. But for a reason — THIS IS OUR LIVES AND COUNTRY ON THE LINE!

20 09 2008

And obviously it was Talk of the Nation, not All Things Considered.

It is time I pull the plug on my laptop…but I said that about 2 hours ago!

20 09 2008

I think along the lines of people who are at the bar get drunk and go home with this awesome person and have sex.

The next morning they wake of and roll over to find………………..IT!

Anyhow Palin is now becoming what she should havge been all along.

Not accepted by the American people.

Sure the Hard right wingers who would vote for the devil if he said he was one of them are still hanging on.

But the party is over and the clean up has begun.

20 09 2008

@NoSarahPalin: “She definitely meets the criteria for textbook narcissism.”

I think you should back off on this. One cannot evaluate many of those characteristics from afar. I’ve seen some videos of Palin, such as the “hike” to her governer’s office. She doesn’t seem excessively grandiose in some contexts. And how are we to evaluate empathy without extensive interaction with the individual.

That said, Palin seems creepy to me. Like she could peel off a head mask and reveal the vicious being that she has evolved into.

20 09 2008

As far as the electoral map??

All he needs is Colorado game over.

20 09 2008

I think you are going to love this one from youtube…..McGoo asks and Palin accepts.

Oscarish funny 😀

20 09 2008
chloe - Skein Chug Palin

VP, Flat Earth Society (16:58:37) :

Unfortunately, that video edit is a hoax. The guy didn’t need to add the bleeps, the real thing is just as disturbing.

If I can find the original I’ll post it.

20 09 2008

@Bec I am sure not many mind seeing that description of narcissism again, because it does fit Sister Sarah to a T!

I work online as well, and I am WAY behind…but darnit, I am trying to do what I can to get the word out.

I’ve recommended Mudflats to everyone I know and it is at the top of my own blogroll. I don’t pretend to have stellar insights or writing capabilities like Doug (when is that book coming out Doug?) but I am a good information compiler, so my blog is all news and all YouTube videos.

I don’t know what else to do so I am doing what I can.

Have a good night all…get the word out, talk to people, tell them about Mudflats!

20 09 2008

@protus – not if I can help it!

Kate in Colorado

20 09 2008

No we havent forgotten about the Keating 5 and this week there should be more about that issue coming back into the light.

McCain is toast and they know it which is why they have begun a clearly negative tone as of the last couple of days.

Thank you McCain for picking Failin when you could have picked Romney.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Shilo – loved the political logo on that Keating 5 site — McSame & Failin.

One thing for sure – the McCain-Palin ticket is the pun gift that keeps on giving.

I just heard that a Repub relative loves Sarah because she can kick ass – but does like Obama. Of course the vote goes Repub – but it shows there is wiggle room if you work it. Perhaps the growing list of Palinisms won’t sway these kind of Repubs – but we do need to keep working it – along with the steady McCain critiques.

20 09 2008

NoSarahPalin (17:14:30) :

@protus – not if I can help it!

Kate in Colorado

Good just make sure colorado goes blue and everything else will fall into place.

20 09 2008

There is a special on CNN right now – 5 former Secretaries of State are discussing The Future President and the challenges that will be faced. MULTI-TASKING!

20 09 2008
ratty pilgrim

Palin is an albatross with lipstick on.
Also, I have a question for you who live in Alaska (or otherwise in the far north). Snow machines or dog sledding. Is there difference between those who participate and if so, how would you describe it. If there is a difference, does it say anything about the Palins’ world view, life style, etc?

20 09 2008
A Nana from Alaska

Okay, Frank. Here’s some positive reasons to support Obama.

He will work toward a responsible economy–not drained by Iraq War and Wall Street–trickle-up economics that is more equitable and fair than trickle-down. Tax breaks for all those earning less than a quarter of a million dollars annually.

Obama has concrete plans for a smarter energy policy that is more diverse than “Drill, baby, Drill” and will create lots of jobs!!

Honesty and ethics in government!! Obama actually shares information and has been willing to undergo scrutiny and much worse for the past (how many?) months.

He has specific plans for a health care system that is accessible and affordable for all–and not beholden to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies.

He is hope–not fear! If we all work together. Yes we can!!

20 09 2008
ratty pilgrim

I meant to say, participate in as a sport, not as a necessity.

20 09 2008

Drill baby Drill has to be the Stupidest chant I have ever heard in any campaign by far.

Not only will it not work it has sexist written all over it. 😉

20 09 2008
Cartoon Pig Dog

@ ratty pilgrim (17:16:09) :

For Palin it would definately be snow machines, she would probably shoot the sled dogs and then say: “well,,gee,, they looked like wolves to me.”

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

I still agree with NoSarah on the narcissism – I see many of those points in action. Read more about how she got the name Barracuda.

But I also wanted to respond to NoSarah’s comment about the rape kit funding — I read the very probable reason for no city funds for those — they contained emergency contraception.

20 09 2008
C from CO

NoSarahPalin — what area of CO are you from?

20 09 2008
Soldotna Sue

I Just watched the videos that Flat Earth Society (above) referred to! McCain is a foul-mouthed crazy man! The way he treated the women who were politely trying to interview him is shocking! What a low-class jerk! McCain goes off his rocker if he is challenged about any topic! Scary! Women of the country unite!

20 09 2008

McCains chant “bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb, bomb Iran was the stupidest ever! What an evil little man.

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Here’s the original article in the 1989 issue of the Phoenix Times. McCain seems to have been the most reviled of the Keating Five. I really don’t like liars.

20 09 2008
chloe - Skein Chug Palin

VP, Flat Earth Society (16:58:37) : Here’s the original:

20 09 2008
Grace RN NJ

Thank you Mudflats for the insightful and timely blog on Alaskan politics. I’ve been urging everyone I know to go to your site to learn about Alaskan politics from the people most affected by her governance. (so far)

A McCan’t and Palin ticket would be instituting Stalinism-the few rights we have left will be gone in a hearbeat.

20 09 2008

When I’m not reading the great stuff on, I’m on While reading the latter about McCain showing his ignorance about social security, I noticed some interesting ads pop up for the new movie, Ghost Town. I couldn’t resist thinking about all the lies and bad decisions that are going to haunt John McCain as he makes his futile run to the White House. I also couldn’t resist doing a screen capture of what I saw before I linked on to the article.
First, is there a way I can add a picture (.jpg format) to my comment? If someone can tell me how this can be done, then I could send the picture I eventually came up with and would welcome anyone who might have some captions for the picture . Someone, please RSVP.

20 09 2008

As many of us have said, it seems it would be more productive to direct our energy toward thoroughly vetting John McCain now. Many people who will vote in this election were not even alive when JMc was in the Navy. However, they now seem to know him primarily as a P.O.W.. Slap me upside the head and call me stupid, but I did not know how badly he had treated his FIRST family when I considered voting for him in 2000. There are pictures out there…why aren’t they shown on the MSM?


McCain’s FIRST FAMILY – DESERTED,0,5924926,full.story

20 09 2008
Ky Fork Decoy Palin

Disturbing cuts she made in the budget:
Includes school chalkboards, WIC, tourist facilities (note that the tourism industry is HUGE in AK), fire/rescue trucks, food bank, Catholic Community Resources — counseling and adoption, and more.

Sorry, I don’t think school funding should be cut, ever!

20 09 2008

Wait I minute, I am getting really confused! Wasn’t she a pit-bull? Then she was a pig for a week and now she is an albatross???

Oh, wait she was an elephant there for a while. What comes after albatross?

It is like we are watching a scene from Willow where Raziel keeps changing into a different animal when Willow waves the wand– recklessly…

20 09 2008

Road to Nowhere….

Seems to me like we need an article on the “Road to Nowhere”. From what I can see this was nothing but taking Federal money just to spend it – with no apparent benefit to anyone – except that it provided some jobs. Not that infrastructure projects to provide jobs are all bad – especially in a tough economy, but it seems to me that this is more decoration or superstructure rather than infrastructure. What do the locals say about this? Is this the next issue that Fiscally Conservative Reformer Sarah will have to explain…. Any talk up north on this?

20 09 2008

Info regarding the real reason Monegan was fired. Just some info I found while cyber-snooping today.

20 09 2008

jude (17:26:14) :
McCains chant “bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb, bomb Iran was the stupidest ever! What an evil little man.

With all due respect, if you had a family member flying over or fighting in Iraq (my son, for example), you would be so incredibly frightened by McCain thinking this might be something okay to joke about. I am rambling here ** yelling at my husband to bring me MY DINNER! ** This is NOT a time to make funny about potential nuclear adversaries!

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

One more McCain comment before I really have to go do some work work — On Bill Maher last night, conservative writer Andrew Sullivan, once a great admirer of McCain and now an ardent anti-Palinist, revealed what a verifiable celebrity seeker McCain is in the social circles. He expressed this quite strongly to counteract McCain’s attacks on Obama about his “celebrity.” Like one of McCain’s spokespeople said the other day in an interview about Obama (was it Carly? can’t remember) That’s like the pot calling the kettle black. (And they got bent out of shape over the pig-lipstick comment!)

AKA says Andrew visits Mudflats. Read him at:

20 09 2008

I still think McCain is a evil little man for the gross words that he chanted..EVIL

20 09 2008
Icy Russia Palin

It’s difficult for me to remember sometimes that we, who are political junkies, access a great deal more information than those who aren’t. A friend who watches an inordinate amount of TV/Cable is a fervent supporter of McCain/Palin. When I mention some of the Palin negatives that we’ve discussed ad infinitum here, she’s dis-believing. “If all that is true, they would have talked about it on TV,” she says. Quite a few albatrosses in this country.

20 09 2008
Ohio Sue

A Nana from Alaska,

I think Frank is a troll. Sometimes responding to trolls just eggs them on.

Just a thought.


20 09 2008

I’m watching the CNN program with the former Secretary of States. So far. the all agree that the next President should use alot of Diplomacy from day one with all other nations, including Iran.

Open dialogue with Iran should be at Secretary of State levels, with no initial pre-conditions for the first meeting.

All the Secretary of States said that an Open dialogue with Iran had always been happening until 2003.

They all agree that Georgia initiated the war with Russian. Diplomacy should be used with Russia first and foremost. A rush to judgment should not have been made by one of the candidates. An intelligent asessement should always be made before drawing any conclusions and making hasty remarks.

They say that the next administration should not have a BULLY approach as the past 8 years.

Basically, everything Obama haas been saying all along. McCain is a Bully.

20 09 2008

Chloe – Skein Chug Palin

Thank you for posting the link.

That video reveals a lot more than John McCain losing his cool. It reveals the shameful treatment of POW families by the U.S. government (BOTH PARTIES). They closed the door on the POW/MIA issue without full resolution.

20 09 2008
C from CO

VP, FlatEarthSociety (17:27:00)

Great article, and a good reminder about the Keating 5 incident. It does speak volumes about McCain’s lack of character. Actions do afterall reveal the true character of a person, not the words they say.

Interesting to note, this article was written in 1989, but the following excerpt still applies today, almost 20 years later.

“You won’t let anyone forget that you were a prisoner of war. But you have played that tune too long. By now your constant reminders about your war record make you seem like a modern version of Arthur Miller’s tragic failure Willy Loman.”

20 09 2008
Zim in Oz

What did her in ?

Personally, the first thing that turned me off, watching her at the Convention was her bitchiness (and voice LOL). Ladies we all know women ‘like her’.

Then…we researched her. No matter how old or computer ‘dumb’ (as me) we are, we can all google….what wediscovered was not nice. She was not for our ’cause’ in any way, actually she was setting women back.

Then the lies, all of them caught up with her and JMcC.
With youtube and the internet in todays world you just cannot lie anymore. Gosh even poor Hillary found that out.

I also think in part we, as women set the bar higher for other women in office. I think it is part of our nature to question her mothering or lack of skills whilst she runs for one of the highest office in the land. Remember the odds are 1 in 4 that she could be the President in the next 4 years….!

The final thing is… (luckily for us) is that the Repubs actually got it wrong. They overlooked some very capable older women for a ‘younger model’ thinking that voting women would just roll over ! LOL ! What were they thinking….?

I have a feeling that JMcC feels the remorse many men do after ‘that’ midlife crisis fling and would love to dump the young chick for the faithful….Too late methinks.

BTW…I am an artist, I have my own business, have been self employed for 25 years and reared 2 very stable young men.

She is scarey !

20 09 2008

Anne I am incredibly frightened at anything McCain does…..I pray that your son will be safe.

20 09 2008

jude (17:40:42) :

I still think McCain is a evil little man for the gross words that he chanted..EVIL

Just to clarify, I wasn’t arguing THAT point! Just saying his “BOMBING” joke was BEYOND STUPID!

20 09 2008

I’m embarrassed to live in a country that took Palin seriously for a while, even if it was only two weeks.

20 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Chloe – thank you for correcting that. Although it’s still bad, it’s not as rude as the ‘tampered with’ video. Hair trigger tempers and red buttons to be pushed to launch nuclear wars do not go well together. I think mccain is losing it, seriously. He’s beginning to be a loose cannon. Anyone remember the book “The Picture of Dorian Gray”? – that’s john mccain

20 09 2008

jude (17:45:40) :

Thanks. Prayers are always welcomed. He’s a helicopter pilot who has been on a constant series of rotations for so many years now. I TOO AM SO FRIGHTENED ABOUT A McCAIN PRESIDENCY.

20 09 2008

Anne, if we all work together McCain will lose…If we don’t God help us!

20 09 2008

Zim in Oz (17:45:38) :
What did her in ?
Personally, the first thing that turned me off, watching her at the Convention was her bitchiness (and voice LOL). Ladies we all know women ‘like her’.

I was turned off almost to her IMMEDIATELY by her acceptance speech. Any body who comes on the scene and introduces herself by mocking others has lost me!

20 09 2008
OG aka Tank Dent Palin

I visited my 87 year old mother today. Almost the first thing she said when I arrived was that there was no way she could vote for McCain. She thinks McCain is too old to be President; she remembered too much about his connection with the Keating Five so I really enjoyed reading the link to the 1989 story about that fiasco. Mom said that she will vote for Obama even though he is Muslim – it really made her day when I told her that he isn’t Muslim and never was.

20 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

Don’t know if you’ve seen CNN ‘the next president’ but 5 ex secs of state on. They were just discussing global warming, asked if they all agreed that GW was at at least in good part caused by man Madeleine Albright said ‘except in Alaska’, everybody fell apart laughing, even the other secs. tooo funny.

20 09 2008

Anonymous (17:43:05) :
I’m watching the CNN program with the former Secretary of States. So far. the all agree that the next President should use alot of Diplomacy from day one with all other nations, including Iran.

Open dialogue with Iran should be at Secretary of State levels, with no initial pre-conditions for the first meeting.

That is what what I am hearing also. An audience member just asked if the secretaries thought it would send a powerful signal to the world if our country elected a Black man as president. Jim Baker said he thought it would send a powerful message in OUR country – but he’s supporting McCain…Albright for Obama…Powell, noncomittal – come on Colin! You know you have made up your mind. MAN-UP and give your support to WHOMEVER!

20 09 2008
Whabs, Seattle, WA.


As someone else has said, add Keating 5. Also add the whole women enjoying rape thing. He also called Cindy the “c” word.
I keep trying to point those who would argue back on track and point out the election is Obama VS McCain, NOT Obama VS Palin (even though she slipped and said otherwise)

20 09 2008
UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps

I think Powell is waiting for the go ahead from O’s team, maybe the next sticky patch.

20 09 2008

OG aka Tank Dent Palin (17:56:58) :
I visited my 87 year old mother today. Almost the first thing she said when I arrived was that there was no way she could vote for McCain. She thinks McCain is too old to be President…

OG aka Tank Dent Palin
Needless to say, I agree with your mom. Election over! Obama wins! **SCREAMING at my husband to bring me MY DINNER **

20 09 2008
chloe - Skein Chug Palin

VP, Flat Earth Society (17:49:11) :
Intrigued (17:43:13) :

If you look at the context of what the hearing was about, it’s actually much more frightening than some doctored video to make McCain look like he’s spewing profanity.
His treatment of Delores Alfond was deplorable, and a disservice to the families of MIA/POW.

(steps off soapbox).

20 09 2008
FiredUp AKA Falter Locust Palin

Hey All,

I haven’t had a chance to read through all the posts yet, but I think we should all remember that there are a considerable number of people who just seem to love SP. I talked to my neighbor today (while wearing my Obama O8 shirt, having just returned from a Postcards for Obama party). She is republican, but not particularly political.

Her husband, however, is in love with SP and hopes that SP is able to take over the Presidency shortly after inauguration (he actually said it differently, but I don’t see any need to use that kind of incendiary language).

he would rather see Sarah Palin in the Presidency than John McCain. Scary. She will vote like he votes.

By the way, I live in California! In the Bay Area (I think you may have heard of us referred to as theLand 0f the Fruits and Nuts by more “conservative” folks). So if there are people HERE who think that way, I can only imagine what the red states are thinking.

Speaking of that- my mother (so conservative that it is scary) called me yesterday to tell me that she heard that Barack was going to ditch Joe Biden after the VP debates and bring HIllary on board. I asked her why he would ever do that, I mean, at least Joe Biden can answer questions about foreign policy! I told her I would bet more on McCain ditching Sarah. She was genuinely shocked at the idea.

Anyone else heard this littly ditty from the extreme right? My parents love Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, so I can only assume this is coming from the right wing-nuts on talk radio????

20 09 2008
lonewolf a.k.a. Luger Otter Palin

Ok .. finally got thru by phone and the city editor went and checked .. and my e-mail got thru, too. So .. here’s the other ‘slightly missing’ article from the Seattle P-I by Cathy Sorbo:


20 09 2008

Whabs, Seattle, WA. (18:01:28) :
As someone else has said, add Keating 5. Also add the whole women enjoying rape thing. He also called Cindy the “c” word.
I keep trying to point those who would argue back on track and point out the election is Obama VS McCain, NOT Obama VS Palin (even though she slipped and said otherwise)

TEFLON JOHN…he and the MSM has said from the beginning that this election is a referendum on Obama. I am sorry to say that I think many took that to heart and simply bought McCain’s “fluff” bio.

20 09 2008

UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps (18:02:13) :
I think Powell is waiting for the go ahead from O’s team, maybe the next sticky patch.

UK lady,
I hope you are right. Powell is still highly respected in this country – after being thrown under the GOP bus by the Bush/Cheney/Rove crew.

20 09 2008

chloe – Skein Chug Palin (18:05:22) :

If you look at the context of what the hearing was about, it’s actually much more frightening than some doctored video to make McCain look like he’s spewing profanity.
His treatment of Delores Alfond was deplorable, and a disservice to the families of MIA/POW.
(steps off soapbox).


20 09 2008

I forgot to sign in my name when I posted about the CNN program. I missed 10 minutes of the show while I was typing up my summary.

Who did all of the former Secretary of State’s say they are supporting?

20 09 2008

UK lady AKA turning turtle Palinps,
Darn! I must have missed the Global warming part too!

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Annie – hope you got your dinner! Our frozen pizza was yum.

I wanted to say – special thoughts to you with a son in Iraq. I really have a concern that the war is getting underplayed in the election. And how the Repubs can ignore all the taxpayer money going to the war while crying about Obama wanting to raise taxes. What a total disconnect.

If you get the chance to see Neil Young’s CSNY Deja Vu – it is a beautiful and inspirational film. I had the privilege of seeing the premiere at Sundance with the whole band in attendance. Some huge but conservative CSNY fans can’t handle his peace (no war) message – and he fairly gives them a voice in the film. But his message is powerful. He even features Illinois’ own Tammy Duckworth – an Iraq war double-amputee who ran for and narrowly lost a congressional seat last election. In one of his few stellar moves, our governor (a whole other story) made her head of the veterans dept. instead. But there is strong talk of her getting appointed to Obama’s senate seat when he becomes president. That would be fantastic. Believe me, she could chew up and spit out Palin in a flash. But with total class. Her husband just got back from his own tour in Iraq. That is family dedication.

20 09 2008

MJC (18:17:36) :
I forgot to sign in my name when I posted about the CNN program. I missed 10 minutes of the show while I was typing up my summary.

Who did all of the former Secretary of State’s say they are supporting?

Jim Baker said he thought it would send a powerful message in OUR country if an African American was elecyed – but he’s supporting McCain…Albright for Obama…Powell, noncommittal – come on Colin! The other two didn’t respond – it was a question from an audience member.

20 09 2008

CNN has an article posted on their website about the Road to Nowhere in Alaska being completed

20 09 2008


20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

My 88 year old mother is for Obama. And I know, from heaven, my father is ecstatic to cast his vote for Obama. My grandmother was a dem poll worker into her nineties. I’m truly sad that my father –and Tim Russert — are not here to participate in this election.

20 09 2008
lonewolf a.k.a. Luger Otter Palin

Looks like my message didn’t post ..

Re: the Seattle P-I dropping the link to the Cathy Sorbo column about Palin ditching her Seattle stop .. I finally got thru by phone and e-mail.

The link is back up:

20 09 2008

Bec in Illinois (18:21:55) :
Annie – hope you got your dinner! Our frozen pizza was yum.

I wanted to say – special thoughts to you with a son in Iraq. I really have a concern that the war is getting underplayed in the election. And how the Repubs can ignore all the taxpayer money going to the war while crying about Obama wanting to raise taxes. What a total disconnect.

Thanks for your concern…my real man made a quiche! So, here I sit eating dinner and talking with my Mud-buddies!

I agree that the war is being underplayed during this election, just as it has been underplayed since its inception. Our president told us to go out and shop – keep our economy strong, and let the best VOLUNTEER ARMY in the world do the dirty work. No pictures of flag-covered coffins, no coverage of neglected, injured soldiers (for years), no talk of the families of soldiers who made so little money that they had to apply for food stamps to eat…grrr! LITTLE attention was paid to the cost – in lives, injuries or dollars. This “cakewalk” has been hell for a small percentage of our population…but I’ll get off my soapbox now.

20 09 2008
chloe - Skein Chug Palin

Okay, so just a last note on this thread concerning my thoughts above . .here’s a link to Delores’ sister:

And yes, I’m concerned about this as my Son in law prepares for a 3rd tour in Iraq leaving behind a pregnant wife and 14-month old toddler. I want this war monger and his moose-hunting-end-days “soulmate” to pack up their delusions and go home (sorry alaska and arizona).

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

Annie – my dad died the week the war started. So I can mark how long he has been gone when they count the length of the war. Who would think it would still be going? I skipped out of HS for a day to go to the War Moratorium in 1970 (my dad was speaking at it!) on the local college campus. We need another one of those gatherings – happening natiowide. After the election when I don’t need to keep donating to Obama – I’m seriously going to start focusing my charity on veterans programs. Sadly, the homeless shelters will probably be the hardest hit. And mental health providers. Very very sad.

BTW — my men love quiche!

20 09 2008

Frank L (15:36:35) :

Keep up the Palin bashing. Its’s pnly driving undecideds like me to vote Rep.
Frank L, if you decide to vote for Palin because you feel she’s being bashed (I think her shortcomings are being exposed), then vote Republican. But before you cast that ballot, you might want to consider economic, domestic and foreign policy issues first.

If you are truly undecided, then you might want to decide the issues of importance to you, your family, community and country. Once you decide what your priorities are, find out which candidate’s proposed policy best represents your interests.

If a few nasty words about Palin, which are both the truth and an expression of exasperation and disillusion that she’s on a national ticket, are the sole determining factor as to how you will vote, you’re not exercising your power to vote in a way that necessarily represents your interests. But since all Americans of age have the right to vote, it’s your prerogative to do so.

20 09 2008

Alaska Mudraker,

Thanks for being here. I have been to Alaska, and remember it fondly. I think she could have been a decent governor for you guys, or maybe even the mayor of Medford, Oregon. She is small time. Anndrew Sullivan was right last night. He skewered her, and McCain. This pick makes him totally worthless.

20 09 2008

VP, Flat Earth Society (16:58:37) :

After watching this foul-mouthed man (McCain) in the above video, I cannot see how any self-respecting woman (or man for that matter) could ever consider him suitable to head anything, let alone a country. Everything out of his mouth is demeaning to women. I was not aware that the actual pig running for the Republicans was not Palin, but McCain. Absolutely disgusting.
I am NOT a McCain supporter, but the video is a misrepresentation of the facts. McCain didn’t let loose with expletives. Someone doctored that video, added bleeps and subtitles to fill in the words blocked by the bleep.

Here’s the original video.
McCain is angry, clearly doesn’t want to be bothered with facts he deems lies, but he doesn’t use the language alleged in the other video.

20 09 2008

coyotechaser (15:26:23) :

McCain and Palin need to be “drilled” about McCain’s ties to Peabody coal. Their long running relationship appears to be shaping his proposed energy policy.

Peabody Coal is the largest coal company in the world, and the only entitiy that benefits from Public Law 93-531. The law that McCain still champions which forced thousands of Hopis off their land so that Peabody could obtain the mineral rights to the land. Peabody coal is a holding of Lehman Brothers by the way.

Peabody’s CEO Craig Boyce is one of McCain’s biggest supporters. He has been campaigning with McCain by participating in McCain’s round table discussions on energy. He has “testified” that clean coal will help solve America’s energy crisis.

Boyce’s company has donated +275,000 this year to Newt Gingrichs “American Solutions for Winning the Future”. They are a leading force behind the “Drill Here, Drill Now” campaign
Live and learn…The Republican Governors conference Palin attended when she was in Texas? It included an energy conference with Boyce, John Hofmeister, president of Shell Oil; Robert A. Malone, chairman and president, BP America; Anthony Orlando, president and CEO, Covanta Energy Corp.; and John Somerhalder II, chairman and CEO, AGL Resources.

Drill, baby, drill! Ugh.

20 09 2008
Bec in Illinois

OMG Mudflats people – hope you’re watching Saturday Night Live now – they are doing a skit on NY type press infiltrating Alaska to scope out Palin.

20 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline Palin

Good skit on SNL about NYT reporters being set to Alaska to cover Governor Palin! But, no need, we have AKM!

20 09 2008
Judy Asman

She’s totally his albatross and it serves him right. What happens if they win thanks to the ignorant souls who bought into it and the hornbags in middle America? How’s McCain going to work cohesively with this woman while she continues to demonstrate she thinks she’s leading the show? It will be a rocky road in the Oval Office and we’ll have to pay the price literally and figuratively!

20 09 2008

You continue to be spot on in your observations. And I continue to be amazed at your family of responders. This blog is clear as a bell in factual commentary. You do your homework and the numbers show that. Even trolls don’t seem to lurk here. Too much truth for them, I suppose.
I am hoping that those who jumped on the ‘Caribou Barbie’ bandwagon at the start will wake up in the morning, toss out all the empty tequila bottles and get a grip.
Keep blogging. Our nation needs all the help it can get right now. Hell, I’m too afraid to go to BradBlog and see how the elections are being rigged. You give me hope. A bit trite, but true.

21 09 2008

The top 10 reasons that I can’t stand Palin:
1) no choice, even in cases of rape and incest
2) making women pay for their own rape kits (SO inhumane!)
3) killing animals for sport, even endangered ones, shooting them from helicoptors, even!!
4) lies, lies, and more LIES about EVERYTHING!
5) thinking that she is above the law and trying to get out of being investigated, and ongoing investigations… SOOO BUSHLIKE. If you have nothing to hide, you COOPERATE!!
6) Her notion, which she expressed in church, that the Iraq war is a war where God is on our side…. brings to mind the song “Onward Christian soldiers…..
7) Her putting down community organizing. Yeah selfish Sarah, I can’t even PICTURE you trying to help anyone, including your own daughters when you say that you would even make them carry their rapists seed if they were ever raped, and that is SCARY…!
8) Her EXTREME lack of foriegn experience. Sorry, but seeing Russia from your house just doesn’t count!
9) McCain’s poor health and age…. closer and less ready than any VP candidate in the past. That is just TOO scary for words….
10) The way that she has taken more earmarks than anyone in the past, (lied about it!) and has left Alaska in debt, the hockey rink that was built on someone else’s land and now has cost residents a LOT more than they bargained for and can afford… she is NO economics person!!

21 09 2008

Watching her deny to Gibson that she had ever harbored the slightest doubt about her readiness to take command of the world’s only superpower, one got the feeling that Palin would gladly assume any responsibility on earth:

“Governor Palin, are you ready at this moment to perform surgery on this child’s brain?”

“Of course, Charlie. I have several boys of my own, and I’m an avid hunter.”

“But governor, this is neurosurgery, and you have no training as a surgeon of any kind.”

“That’s just the point, Charlie. The American people want change in how we make medical decisions in this country. And when faced with a challenge, you cannot blink.”

The prospects of a Palin administration are far more frightening, in fact, than those of a Palin Institute for Pediatric Neurosurgery. Ask yourself: how has “elitism” become a bad word in American politics? There is simply no other walk of life in which extraordinary talent and rigorous training are denigrated. We want elite pilots to fly our planes, elite troops to undertake our most critical missions, elite athletes to represent us in competition and elite scientists to devote the most productive years of their lives to curing our diseases.

21 09 2008
Denise Velez

Would like to hear more about how Alaskans feel about the McCain Mafia aka the McCain campaign effectively taking control of your Executive Branch. Down here in the lower 48 we hear that if Alaskans want to talk to their Gov – they get a McCain staffer instead.

We are also told by McCain that Sarah Palin is “the nation’s top energy expert”. We can’t get any answers about her expertise – and her “fungible” remarks on the stump haven’t helped. Comments from those of you who know better would be welcome.

And my 3rd and final question is about the often repeated remarks about her amazing popularity ratings from her constituents. Are there any new polls in AK that document her popularity/ approval ratings?


21 09 2008
Is Palin an Albatross? « Nuclear and Indigenous Items of Interest

[…] Is Palin an Albatross? Posted on September 21, 2008 by gregornot Is Palin an Albatross? […]

21 09 2008

For me, it was the embarrassing Charles Gibson interview. Everyone who supports her should be forced to watch that because she does a great job at making herself look like an incompetent fool. And if after watching that, they still support her, then there is no hope for them. I didn’t like her from the beginning, but I tried to give her a fair chance and an open mind when I watched that interview… and well, she quickly ruined that. My favorite part is how Charles Gibson has to keep simplifying the questions for her and explaining what things mean. He looked like he was so annoyed. I loved it. I feel like I watched the whole thing with my mouth wide open because I could not believe that this woman could be our VP, or possibly, our President.

Please everyone, whatever you do – Vote for Barack Obama!

21 09 2008
Harley Pinocchio Palin :Palins Kick Ass Conscience

updated 11:30 a.m. ET, Sun., Sept. 21, 2008

WASHINGTON – The Obama and McCain campaigns have agreed to an unusual free-flowing format for the three televised presidential debates, which begin Friday, but the McCain camp fought for and won a much more structured approach for the questioning at the vice-presidential debate, advisers to both campaigns said Saturday.


21 09 2008
John Nail

Monegan was headed to DC the day that Sen. Murkowski R (AK) introduced the : Tribal Law and Order Act of 2008,

“a groundbreaking attempt to tackle the complex jurisdictional maze that allows violent crime against American Indians to go unabated.”

He was to travel 7/22 per the ABC document.
Bill was introduced 7/23
Obviously the trip was legit due to the date of the bill and Murkowski’s sponsorship

In this release:

“This legislation is an historic effort to tackle major jurisdictional challenges that allow crimes against Native American and Alaska Native peoples to flourish,” said Larry Cox, executive director of AIUSA. “It will also open the door for Congress to address erosion of tribal authority. It is gratifying that the legislation is receiving bi-partisan support from a wide range of Senators, as this is a tremendous step forward in the fight to improve justice for Native peoples in this country.”

An AK program that Monegan must have been involved in was highlighted in this release as an example:

“The Alaska Senate established a task force to review the Village Police Safety Officer Program. The task force published a report in February 2008 recommending enhanced efforts to recruit and retain officers, thereby increasing staffing. “

More details at my blog:

21 09 2008

Keep banging the drum, like any good friend would – your country will come around after a few more embarrassing dates!


21 09 2008

Just plain awesome. Excuse me…need to put the Obama/Biden sticker on my car.

21 09 2008

You Obama supporters would be laughable if this wasn’t suchan important election. You attack, you lie, you slander, andyou mostly all are just puppets and sheep. You want to raise taxes on the richer and corporations. Who do you think supplies the goods, services and jobs?” Tax them and you will just find higher consumer prices and fewer jobs and fewer American corporations. Grow up and think for yourself, no matter what Oprah tells you.

21 09 2008

First of all, mindlass, those are unnecessary generalizations about Obama supporters. I could just as easily charge McCain/Palin supporters to “grow up and think for themselves,” instead of voting for candidates who remind them of friends and neighbors and will bring us 4 more years of Bush-style politics.

However, I do wonder about the Daily Kos graphic…does that poll only include Daily Kos readers? Last I heard, McCain was favored in the polls. While I don’t think Palin is even almost qualified to serve as VP (or, God forbid, President), I think her nomination has certainly caused a lot of discussion and really brought the McCain campaign to the media’s and public’s attention. Before, Obama was the only one with celebrity status. For more, please visit


21 09 2008
Renn Vara

I realize those of us on the left like to read this type of thing to find comfort. But don’t forget that every election is about middle America’s comfort level with the person who’s running NOT issues. We Democrats keep forgetting that. Stop worrying about Palin and start focusing on the positives of Obama. Get over her. This type of bashing doesn’t help. It just energizes the right. Please stop.

21 09 2008
John Nail

The Daily Kos poll is NOT of their readers.

NOTE:The Daily Kos tracking poll is conducted by the experienced and professional pollsters at Research 2000, and like all media polls, are not influenced by the sponsor. It’s not a liberal poll or a conservative poll, it’s a poll – a snapshot over a three-day period.

The tracking poll has a baseline of 1100 likely voters nationwide.
Results are based on a three day rolling average.
The margin for error is 3% for the overall tracking.
The margin for error is 5.1% for individual day tracking.

21 09 2008

I just finished two days of canvassing for Obama in New Hampshire, and aside from worries about the economy the number one thing I heard was people who felt that McCain’s choice of Palin was the push that took them off the fence and into the D column.

21 09 2008
REBEL CENTRAL » Palin Bump is Dissolving — Help the Effort

[…] From Mudflats: During the last few weeks of this ‘discovery period,’ Palin’s positive ratings have steadily and rapidly eroded, and according to the most recent report from the Daily Kos (excellent visual below) she can now actually be considered a ‘drag’ on the ticket. Not everyone is ‘there’ yet, but the trend is undeniable, and there are still weeks to go before election day. […]

21 09 2008
Alice in Montana

Love that post about Obama having more royal genes… now I know we are distantly related. I’m also descended from Alfred the Great and Charlemagne. Go Obama!

21 09 2008

Let’s hope the trend continues… I have my fingers crossed.

22 09 2008
jean beverly

this is a poll asking ‘do you think sarah palin is qualified to be vice
president?’ and conservatives have organized a yes vote. take a minute
to tell them differently.


22 09 2008

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22 09 2008

As our economy tanks, Palin seems less and less relevant. This pleases me. I try n0t to focus on her qualifications, but it is hard. I want to be president too, someday.

4 10 2008

McCain’s reckless decision to choose Palin as his VP candidate shows what kind of President he would be. Palin doesn’t have one original thought. If asked a question she doesn’t have a script for, she chooses to go off on one of her scripted rants. Palin also proved she has no idea what the constitutional responsibilities of a US Vice Presiden are. Biden had to educate her on live TV. Is this really the type of person you want in the second highest position of our federal government?