Palin’s Revelations. Repent! The End is Near.

15 09 2008

If you’re wondering why I wasn’t compulsively posting yesterday, it’s because I got a wonderful invitation to attend a dinner for some of Alaska’s greatest bloggers, and other members of the community. Also invited were a freelance writer who’s doing a piece for The Nation, and a film crew from the UK, working on the Sarah Palin story. So, off I went on a beautiful drive to the Mat-Su Valley, through the golden fall foliage that has suddenly emerged in the last two weeks while I haven’t been looking.

It was great fun to talk with this fascinating group of individuals over some of the best fresh local foods I’ve had in a long time. For someone who has been glued to the screen, and eating cereal because it’s easy, this was a lovely treat – fresh pesto potato salad, beets & goat cheese, copper river red salmon, and communicating without using a keyboard. What a novelty!

In addition to bloggers and media, were other dinner guests I didn’t expect, a local baptist minister, the Rev. Howard Bess, and his wife Darlene. Bess is responsible for writing one of the books that Sarah Palin wanted banned from the Wasilla Public Library while she was mayor. The title of the book? Pastor, I am Gay. The book is so bold as to suggest that gay people are not sinners, nor are they diseased. Well, they don’t like talk like that in the Valley. After the book was written, Rev. Bess was targeted by conservative churches, his book was rejected or pulled off the shelves by bookstores, his long-running column in the local newspaper was terminated, and mayor Palin tried to get the book yanked from the shelves of the public library.

Palin now denies that she wanted to censor library books, but Bess insists that his book was on a “hit list” targeted by Palin. “I’m as certain of that as I am that I’m sitting here. This is a small town, we all know each other. People in city government have confirmed to me what Sarah was trying to do.”

Bess was able to tell his compelling story to the film crew for use in their upcoming project. They also spoke with local bloggers including yours truly. They wouldn’t let me put a bag over my head, so after some desperate negotiating, we settled for a shot from behind, silhouetted by the backlighting of a window, and voice distortion. It made me laugh. Mudflats’ Deepthroat Moment!

Bess was not the only man in the room who has had firsthand knowledge of how Palin’s evangelical views color her world view and therefore, potentially, her policy-making decisions. Phil Munger, our host and author of the Progressive Alaska blog is also a noted local musician and has had many dealings with Sarah Palin in the past.

[He] says that Palin also helped push the evangelical drive to take over the Mat-Su Borough school board. “She wanted to get people who believed in creationism on the board,” said Munger, a music composer and teacher. “I bumped into her once after my band played at a graduation ceremony at the Assembly of God. I said, ‘Sarah, how can you believe in creationism — your father’s a science teacher.’ And she said, ‘We don’t have to agree on everything.’

“I pushed her on the earth’s creation, whether it was really less than 7,000 years old and whether dinosaurs and humans walked the earth at the same time. And she said yes, she’d seen images somewhere of dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them.”

Munger also asked Palin if she truly believed in the End of Days, the doomsday scenario when the Messiah will return. “She looked in my eyes and said, ‘Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.'”

As the days go by, more and more brave and principled people are standing up and speaking out. Every time someone does, it involves some measure of courage. Alaska is a small town, and opinions that go against the powers that be are not always welcomed. Everyone in that room last night recognized that suddenly, speaking out about Sarah Palin has become an act of sobering and great importance.

David Talbot of was supposed to have attended the dinner last night, but was unable to make it. His article that came out today is mandatory reading, and the source of the quotes above. The article goes on further to discuss Sarah Palin’s personal involvement in heated anti-abortion protests that physically disrupted the practice of a local physician.

The convention euphoria is wearing off and the can of worms is being opened.

After you read the article, have fun browsing the guest list of our bloggers dinner:

Progressive Alaska, The Immoral Minority, Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis, Shannyn Moore, Alaska Real and What Do I Know?



323 responses

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

We welcome your posts and your opinions! Forget the others they don’t count!!!

15 09 2008

I’m carrying this forward from the last entry:

Those of us who are supporting Obama need to really step up the mobilization efforts. I am convinced that the poll numbers are not reflecting the college vote which I believe to be overwhelmingly in support of Obama/Biden. The question will be to make sure that those voters are registered and that, on election day, they vote or have mailed in their absentee ballots by the deadline should that be necessary. To that end I have signed up to volunteer at the voter registration event at the University on Sept 30th and will man phones between now and then to specifically target that population. My time is pretty limited as I suspect is with most of you who work FT and have families but this is vital work. Whatever you can do to get that vote out will be crucial, especially for those who are in swing states. Lets make this happen.

15 09 2008
Danny Guam


Bet you never thought you’d see that.

15 09 2008

All the negative press on Palin seems to be having an impact.

This is from Research 2000 as reported on Kos. Watch the approval numbers drop and the disapproval numbers climb:

Approve Disapprove No Opinion
9/11: 52 35 13 +17
9/12: 51 37 12 +14
9/13: 49 40 11 +9
9/14: 47 42 11 +5
9/15: 47 43 10 +4

It’s not pretty. Check out the rest of the post here:

15 09 2008
Danny Guam

Hey, my old gravitar of JP Patches is showing.


15 09 2008
Danny Guam

I type too slow.

Ya, thanks for keepin it comin.

15 09 2008

I’ve been losing sleep, trying to think how to express something true about what’s in my heart and mind and gut. Don’t know that this totally does it, but it’s all true so far. This latest revelation is the worst of all! So here goes!

I’m done with giving the best of myself up to a symbolic political lie.  It’s the current lie that “pro-life” means something it doesn’t mean.  Currently it has come to symbolize everything that pro-life DOESN’T mean. And I’m done letting anti-everything-but-what-I-want OWN that term, and with it take everything away from those of us who actually do love life and each other!

I’m pro-life!  ALL of it!  The whole profound, prolific profusion  of  life on this planet! The life that IS this planet, this solar system, this whole creation!  I only know how to concentrate here where I am, and I don’t know much about that, but I want to learn. Because I’m pro-Life, and I can feel it slipping away.

I am pro-Life! All of it!  I am pro the Life that is this planet that we all live on. I’m pro the joyful chaotic diversity, profundity, fecundity and lavish abundance that astounds any sentient being who stops for a second to notice. I’m pro the catch in my throat when I stop even for a second to notice.  I’m pro the way it is so intricately, powerfully, beautifully alive from the tiniest molecules and cells to the splendor of the galaxies. The rocks themselves rise up to proclaim the wonder of this creation – this Life of which each of us is a tiny particle!

I’m pro-life! All of it!  I’m pro every man, woman and child having access to good medical care. I’m pro education and understanding and freedom to grow.  I’m pro the vision that all humans are created equal and are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights.  (To me, giving anyone permission to torture anyone seems to go against this vision.) I’m pro the United States of America, One Nation.  I’m pro freedom.  I’m pro human being – whether those humans are Americans or not. I’m pro peace.  I’m pro kindness. I’m pro doing unto others as I would have them do unto me.  I’m pro-life!

I’m pro-Life! All of it! Families!  Grandmas and Grandpas, brothers and sisters, parents, children, babies, Great Aunties, generations that have gone before us, and those yet to come! Friends, lovers, neighbors, communities! I don’t know anyone who isn’t in some way connected to the past, the present, the future.  I am pro kids having plenty of food, a loving, safe home, and schools that open up all that life potential in each one of them!  I am pro moms and dads having meaningful jobs that pay enough to provide that loving, safe home with time to spend with their children. I’m pro the Grandpas and Grandmas and Great Aunties having enough from their long lives of work to enjoy their retirement and their families in their old age.  I’m pro people who make way more than they could ever use or spend paying their part of the taxes with gratitude for their good fortune, and not a grasping desire for those less fortunate to give more than they can do without.  I’m pro financial fairness.

I’m pro-life! ALL of it! Not just people –  I’m pro animals and birds and fish and clean air and pure water and plenty for everybody and mountains and oceans and waterfalls and beaches and plants and bugs and redwoods. I’m pro finding and working HARD to stop and reverse the human-caused environmental damage to this planet that endangers its very existence. I’m pro finding ways to work together with all people and all faiths and all nations to make this Life possible and better for everyone and for the system itself.  I’m pro stewardship.   Because I’m pro-life!  All of it!

That’s why I’m Pro-Obama.   It seems America has been given a choice between Hope, or hype – between a sincere effort to learn and change together, or dirty political tricks and sleight-of-hand and BLING lies – between working together for Life, or taking a gleeful pleasure in its destruction for ego and money – between a meaningful Future, or an accelerated rape of  this planet (and, for Heaven’s sake, in the very name of the Creator!!) and all that has been entrusted to us as humans –  this Gift of Life.  I’m pro-life!  ALL of it!  That’s why I’m Pro-Obama. He’s leading that way.


15 09 2008
Jackie Lee

Resistance movements have always kept nations’ hopes alive and thwarted forces of domination. You are getting a great deal of attention in the lower 48 because of your courage and action. I know it is no joke–Palin has shown a penchant for retribution as all dictatorial types do.

You are setting an example for all of us; we are watching, wishing you well, and following your lead!

15 09 2008

I’m sure that the human footprints that she saw inside the dinosaur’s were HERS!

15 09 2008
Sarjo aka Mullet Troll

Sounds like a great dinner party…though you didn’t tell us about the WINE!! My local boozer flies a flag saying “Wine a bit–you’ll feel better!” I find this site serves as my “whine,” usually vicariously as so many like-minded commenters usually state my thoughts for me. I sadly chatted with a very nice Republican neighbor this afternoon; though I knew we would disagree, I was shocked at her views. she pulled out the sexism cudgel and said that my calling SP “inexperienced and unprepared” would never happen to a man. Regardless of any (NON sex-based!) arguments, she just repeated herself and said “oh, well, different opinions make the world go ’round.” I wasn’t talking opinions! FACTS!!! Arrgh. I was literally trembling when I left. As more and more details have emerged, I had hoped that reason would prevail. Now I’m back to thinking “Whatever. Some people are too rigid to change.” (Except really I’m thinking they too f***ing STOOPID)

I still took advantage of matching monies at the Obama site (yes, shame, my first contribution!), but I’m feeling pretty pessimistic.

15 09 2008
John McCain

My godless enemies set up a new “website” (whatever this is) to slander me.
Was that your idea?
Obviously you think you could ignore my genius VP Sarah.

You will lose, you lefties!

15 09 2008
Another from England

The Abortion Clinic demo is very promising.
But only if theres a photo

15 09 2008
Leila Abu-Saba

Thanks Mudflats for helping shine the light on Sarah Palin. You and your Alaska colleagues are doing a great service for the country. Hope it works to change the media infatuation with this empty suit with cute pumps.

15 09 2008

WE need to work and mobilize so the republicans cannot hi-jack this election ever again. Remember 2000. Volunteer , phone bank, send money , blog, send e-mails do whaatever you can to support Obama. No How, No Way….NO McCain/Palin

15 09 2008

Anyone hear about this – Palin installed a tanning bed in the gov mansion?

15 09 2008
NY Dem

Never made a political donation before – will do it tonight — $100 to Obama.

Would also like to make a $100 donation to Mudflats – where can I do that ?

Any Mudflats t-shirts available ?

15 09 2008

You are the true media, it seems. Thanks for all the efforts you are making, and the time and energy you are donating. It’s very important and we all owe you, big time.

15 09 2008
White Agate

The New York Post article was addressed by the Obama campaign today, saying they never had those conversations. Source was Fox News, so, go figure.

That Salon article just crystallized things for me in terms of the volunteering, etc. It’s hard to not check in here but I will have to find a balance, only so much time in the day.

The financial stuff today is really crazy, but it’s really chickens coming home to roost. Also for some reason FEMA got the rescue goods to TX, but thought local services would distribute them, but that was not made clear. So the supplies have only just gotten to those poor folks. Sheesh. More chickens.

The polls are confusing…basically the country looks like a giant blue and red sandwich, with the red in the middle except for a few enlightened upper midwestern states like my own (!). But different sources show different totals and electoral totals, so…

…I guess it’s too early to tell. So back to volunteering.

15 09 2008

The republicans have already hi-jacked this circus… just look at the headlines – even this blog. Good or bad, as long as S. Palin hogs the headlines we don’t have a shot in hell.

The real question is how does Obama take back the spotlight???

15 09 2008

Anyone have info on how to obtain email address lists of newspapers across the country to spread the word about the Anti Palin rally in Anchorage this past weekend? A lot of commenters to my blog are saying they had NO idea Sarah didn’t have full support in AK and I wanted to spread the word.

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

I see the John Mccain troll decided to show his face since his buddy Gramm sold the american people out in 1999. But, mccain thinks he would make a great secretary of treasury!!! —————>WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

15 09 2008

Another from England (13:33:01) :

The Abortion Clinic demo is very promising.
But only if theres a photo

Newspaper archives should be checked for that date.

15 09 2008
Political Amazon

[[I’m sure that the human footprints that she saw inside the dinosaur’s were HERS!]]

I’m convinced she is a loon… a dangerou, psychotic loon who sees things and thinks she is God’s right hand.

15 09 2008

Economy, Economy, Economy, stupid. Are you better off today than you were eight years ago?? That’s how Obama wins.

15 09 2008


Whenever I hear the lie that calling SP “inexperienced and unprepared” is sexist and would never happen to a man, I always correct them and reply that yes, it would. And, if fact, HAS happened.

Does the name Dan Quayle ring a bell?

15 09 2008

I just got back home from the grand opening of the second Obama campaign office in Santa Fe. It’s the 35th Obama office in New Mexico. McCain has 5. This office is on the south side near where I live so it will be a lot more convenient for volunteer work. Gov. Bill Richardson was there and spoke. When he mentioned how McCain is still saying the same things about the same failed policies I shouted “you can’t put lipstick on a pig” and everybody laughed and applauded. Here is a link to a few pictures.

Obama will be in northern New Mexico on Thursday. Tickets will be available at 9 AM tomorrow. I plan to be the first in line.

15 09 2008

Hello to all. I missed a lot yesterday. Had a power outage that started about 5 seconds after the Steeler game (8:15 ET) and went all night. Many people still don’t have power in SW PA–Hurricane Ike’s last gasp blew through here yesterday. Anyway, Hamlets Mill aka Rat Pipeline and HickTown in W PA, I am all up for getting together anywhere in the Burgh metro area. HickTown, you are living somewhere near my original hometown, up where the Clarion meets the Allegheny.

My head hurts today with all the news–Hurricane damage, economic disaster, the continuing beatdown on McCain for all the lies. And the new per diem and tax return and email scandals. Gov. Palin can never be outdone.

The good news is that the Obama campaign has started the next phase. Having been decent and deferential, now he has McCain where he needed him to be: right out there peddling lies and sleaze, therefore ceding the only thing McSame had going for him, his “media base” and his honor. There’s no turning back now. He can’t run on the economy, he can’t even say it’s a disaster because they he was WRONG five minutes ago. He can’t run on real change because his lobbyist/corporate handlers won’t let him. He can try Iraq and the surge, but watch Obama tie that to the economy. We can’t continue to spend $10 billion a month and bail out all of these banks and Fannie and Freddie and fix Houston and New Orleans. Think, too, of how many people affected by these hurricanes are going to be thinking that –uh, global climate change might be real. Because when has anyone seen a hurricane as big as Texas?

The chickens have come home to roost. The Bush/Rove/McCain party lives and die by “creating reality,” but they can’t control nature or the effects of their own greedy and uncontrolled behavior. It’s sad that everyone else has to pay the price of picking up after them.

15 09 2008

Use this League of Women Voters site to check out your voter registration status.

Pass along to college kids to encourage them to register and to vote! Pass along to anyone who has changed addresses and thinks they are registered but may not be. Pass along to anyone in a battleground state!

15 09 2008

Her religious affiliations have scared me from the beginning. Google End time, Prophetic, Prophecy, Visions Dreams, Revealatins Chrisian Blog. This is Sarah’s philosophy….very scary

15 09 2008

Dear Mr Mudflats.

What will you do after the election? Assuming Obama does win – is that it? or do you continue your expose of Sarah Palin but with a smaller audience. Or assuming by some Mugabe like conspiracy she gets in as America’s newest No. 2. will you be continuing for 4 more years?

Steve Lowton.

15 09 2008

I want a “mudflats” T-shirt with a big, fat, yellow boot smushing a big lipsticked pit bull! AKM: Where can we see a pic of your butt? Hey, ater weeks of McShame’s negative ads, they are now whining about how negative the campaign has become when Obama puts out a few of his own! What hypocracy! (Did I spell that right?) Oh well, you know what I mean. Go Obama!

15 09 2008

terrific blog terrific post!

15 09 2008


Remember who Obama met with last week? No doubt old Bubba said, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

15 09 2008

Hope…I think you have hit on something.


McCain hijacked the “CHANGE”, it is time we hijcked PRO-LIFE.

Because they really mean “pro-fetus”

But pro-life is SOOOO much more.

ANd it definately is not part of McCain’s agenda.

15 09 2008

Just wanted to re-post this for all to see:


Even Karl Rove had to admit yesterday that the McCain campaign’s lies and negative attacks have gone “too far.”

John McCain is running the most negative and dishonest campaign in modern presidential history. He has demonstrated that he’d rather lose his integrity than lose this election.

It’s right out of the Bush-Rove playbook. Unfortunately, as Karl Rove knows better than anyone, these shameful tactics have worked in the past.

This year, we can’t let that happen.

Our goal is to bring 50,000 new donors into our movement by Friday at midnight.

And if you make your first online donation today, your gift will go twice as far. A previous donor has promised to match every dollar you donate.

Double your impact right now. Your matched donation of $5 will become $10 if you donate today.

The culture of corruption and dishonesty that has hurt America so badly the last eight years is playing an even larger role in McCain’s campaign.

Just this past week, John McCain hired a Washington super-lobbyist to fill positions in a potential McCain-Palin White House. At least 177 lobbyists have been on McCain’s campaign staff, and apparently he hopes to run the White House the same way.

Also this week, the McCain campaign continued to repeat a number of outrageous lies, even after watchdogs in the media called them “shamelessly misleading,” “thoroughly dishonest,” and “a toxic mix of lies and double-speak.”

They also lied about the crowd size at one of their rallies — reporting 23,000 attendees when there were only 8,000.

McCain’s campaign — run on lobbyists and lies — is no match for this unprecedented grassroots movement. More than 2,500,000 people have stepped up to own a piece of this campaign.

But if we want change, we must continue to grow this movement and put an end to these dishonorable political tactics. And we have just 50 days left to do it.

Right now, a previous donor — an ordinary person just like you — has promised to match your donation if you step up today.

Double your impact to combat McCain’s dishonest campaign tactics — make a matched donation of $5 or more today:

Thanks for all you do,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager

15 09 2008
laura (13:48:24) :

Anyone have info on how to obtain email address lists of newspapers across the country to spread the word about the Anti Palin rally in Anchorage this past weekend? A lot of commenters to my blog are saying they had NO idea Sarah didn’t have full support in AK and I wanted to spread the word.

I’d recommend when contacting each one that you note that your letter or email has been copied to all of the above and it may put some pressure on them to publish because no one wants to be left behind in the news cycle.

15 09 2008

“David Talbot of was supposed to have attended the dinner last night, but was unable to make it. His article that came out today is mandatory reading, and the source of the quotes above.”

The real question is how do you get the 11 percent of women who have shifted to McCain to read it.

15 09 2008

I AGREE! THE ECONOMY! How could voters send more of the same to the WH – we are apparently in for what is perhaps a depression…not a recession, after all.

15 09 2008

Its foolish to attack Palin’s as a religious nut. I understand the spiritual ideas she references and so does large parts of America. Many of the ideas she refers to are commonplace concepts in black churches for example. Progressives decry this stuff because it cuts against a secular world view that embraces gay marriage and abortion. It plays with the left, but middle America is not frightened by it. To be effective, the focus should be elsewhere.

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Obama will win. We are on the verge of a depression, and McCain’s economic advisor, Senator Phil Gramm, was a lobbyist for a bank at the center of the housing credit crisis. While in the Senate, he sponsored a bill that resulted in the removal of that last Depression Era banking law that would have prevented what is happening now and created the “Enron Loophole”. Yet he nastily went on to declare recently that we are a nation of whiners having a “mental recession”. McSame/Pain

15 09 2008

It is freaking amazing that the McCain campaign is now saying, literally, the “Change We Need” in their stumping now.

I am not sure whether to find this sad or funny.

The McCain campaign is trying to run like the Obama campaign, going so far as to even agree with some of the Obama campaign policies (but they don’t say it explicitly — e.g., government regulation).

This is crazy — why are people buying into the McCain insanity?

Obama said it best today “Instead of stealing some of my lines, [McCain] needs to steal some of my ideas” 🙂

15 09 2008
Redwood Man - Boulder Creek, CA, near Santa Cruz

Hi laura. I gave you a suggestion on the previous thread, but I guess you missed it. Here it is again:

laura (12:56:59) : Anyone have an idea how to get a mass email list of newspapers across the state to send links to?

Hi Laura. You can go to the site below to find any newspaper you might want to email to. You could then compile a list of email addresses for papers you want to send links to. Save the email address list and send additional links as needed to all newspapers on you email address list.

15 09 2008

AKMuckracker, can you confirm anything in this article?

I think the MSM would find it fascinating that your thrifty Governor bought a tanning bed at taxpayers expense as well as upgraded the Governor’s mansion to acomadate it.
One of Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin’s First Actions as Alaska Governor Was to Equip the State Building with a Tanning Bed

Palin’s Private Tanning Bed in the Alaska Governor’s Mansion

By Al Giordano and Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin
September 15, 2008

The story is familiar: a politician emerges, we are told, from humble roots and pledges to restore America’s small town family values and represent the common man and woman. Late last month, the Republican Party offered the United States just such a leader in Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, or so they said. “Mother. Moose hunter. Maverick,” announced the video with which the GOP introduced this candidate so far unknown to the rest of the nation.

Governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has a darkening secret in the Alaska Governor’s Mansion.
It’s the same Cinderella story line that Democrat John Edwards had hoped to ride to the top: the son-of-a-mill-worker from the Carolinas, embodiment of and friend to the just-plain-folks, with all-American good looks and a postcard perfect family in tow. He was going to be a contender… until the smallest little fact began to claw at his authenticity: that he paid $400+ per haircut to his Hollywood stylist to maintain the shine in his bouncy mop.

The $400 haircut became emblematic of Edwards’ inauthenticity problem. It fueled suspicion and critique that he wasn’t quite the sincere man of the people that his campaign had projected, and added a “vanity vs. substance” narrative to everything he did and said. Sometimes it’s the small things that unravel the thread on big truths. But can you imagine the surprise had the public learned that Edwards had also installed an expensive tanning bed in his mansion?

Former Senator John Edwards’ $400 haircut began to raise issues of his authenticity as a populist.
Actually, he didn’t.

But guess who did?

The Republican nominee for vice president, Governor Sarah Palin, it turns out, is a pioneer of the Great Indoors:

“The governor did have a tanning bed put in the Governor’s Mansion,” Roger Wetherell, chief communications officer of Alaska’s Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, confirmed to this newspaper. “It was done shortly after she took office [in early 2007] and moved into the mansion.”

The home tanning bed in the Governor’s Mansion in Juneau adds a trivial fact among the many, big and small, coming to light about the right-wing’s latest celebrity, McCain’s gamble to try and wrestle the election away from Democrat Barack Obama, but one that – tug the thread – leads to other questions about elitism, ethics, public health and the insufferable phoniness that plagues politics and politicians.

The Alaska Governor’s Mansion in Juneau.
After receiving a tip from a reader who reported some interesting claims about the governor, including that her mansion counted with its own private tanning bed, Narco News dialed those Alaska officials that should be in-the-know and received nervous replies that would not confirm nor deny, at first, that the Alaska Governor’s Mansion now includes a private tanning bed.

Erica Fagerstrom, manager of the 96-year-old state mansion, for example, was not in a talking mood.

Fagerstrom eagerly told us about all the contracting work being done to keep the mansion up to code, the plumbing and “water issues” for the family now living on the third floor. But asked repeatedly whether a tanning bed was also part of her charge, she responded only that, “a tanning bed is not part of the ongoing projects,” and pleaded that she had to hang up immediately as her workday had come to an end.

Artificial Light as Metaphor

An expensive, specialized machine, unaffordable and out of reach to most American homes, utilized to artificially enhance one’s appearance, provides an apt metaphor for political image-making in campaigns. In fact, such an energy-hungry appliance, in most cases, requires a dedicated circuit, a voltage regulator and 220 volt wiring (and for some deluxe models, a hardwire connection to the power source) — a set-up not found in 96-year-old homes.

Republican presidential nominee John McCain recently said, of Palin, “she knows more about energy than probably anybody in the United States of America.” That kind of hyperbole can be expected from the guy who picked her out of relative obscurity, but so far both McCain and Palin have claimed that Alaska supplies “20 percent” of the United States’ energy, when, according to, that figure is “not even close… Alaska’s share of domestic energy production was 3.5 percent,” and just 2.4 percent of total domestic energy consumption. Okay, so Palin may not know more about energy than other national leaders, but the revelation that her newly re-wired Governor’s Mansion includes a tanning bed may indicate that in this time of high oil prices forcing most Americans to conserve energy, Palin consumes more energy than the others.

Tanning beds of the kind used by tanning salons can cost upwards of $35,000 each.
Asked whether taxpayer funds were used to equip the Alaska Governor’s Mansion for Palin’s tanning bed, Public Facilities spokesman Wetherell confirmed that the mansion’s electrical system had been upgraded early in Palin’s term. He insisted that the electrical work was not prompted by the extra needs of a tanning bed, but, rather was part of a project undertaken to bring the historic mansion’s wiring up to current building standards.

Since governors (and vice presidents) are generally expected to be healthy role models for the nation’s youth, Governor Palin’s darkening secret raises Edwardsian questions about her habit, which medical professionals and organizations have identified as a threat to public health, a cause of skin cancer, and a problem of abuse and addiction among teenagers and others through a condition that they call “tanorexia.”

A Cancerous Habit

Tanning salons are an absolute fad, especially popular among high school and college students, most of whom can’t afford to own such a machine – which can cost upwards of $35,000 – at home. But that’s what the spas and salons provide: An average indoor tanning session will set you back about $7 in Alaska — though special packages can run up past $20, according to Alaskan tanning salon operators interviewed by this newspaper. A 2004 survey sponsored by Wolff System Technology, a major manufacturer of tanning bed parts, found that the average age of those clients is 32 and that it’s increasingly a passion of men, who now account for about 30 percent of all indoor tanners.

The industry trade publication, “Looking Fit,” says there are some 20,000 “professional indoor-tanning salons” nationwide, dozens of them in Alaska.

“The U.S. indoor tanning industry is generating $5 billion annually through the provision of controlled tanning sessions to more than 30 million Americans,” the publication states in 2008 report about the “state of the industry.”

“It gives you a lift, makes you look and feel good, and it relaxes you,” says Erin Wiese, manager of Color Me Tan, which operates two salons in Anchorage.

But medical authorities, including the American Academy of Dermatology, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) actively warn that tanning beds increase the risk of skin cancer.

Some individuals do turn to tanning beds to treat chronic skin diseases, such as psoriasis, but even in those cases, most dermatologists only recommend that course of action as a treatment of last resort — since tanning beds emit far more damaging than healing energy in the UV light spectrum.

The American Cancer Society is quite clear on the matter, and warns that skin cancer is a bigger public health threat than lung or breast cancer, and that it regards tanning machines as in the same category as cigarettes:

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types. There are more than 1 million skin cancers (melanoma and non-melanoma) diagnosed each year in the United States. That’s more than prostate, breast, lung, colon, uterus, ovary and pancreas cancers combined. Unfortunately, the number of skin cancers has been on the rise steadily for the past 30 years…

Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps

Many people believe that the UV rays of tanning beds are harmless. This is not true. Tanning lamps give out UV rays. Health experts advise people to avoid sunlamps and tanning beds.

The cancer risk is deemed especially acute for teenagers who use tanning beds, according to this 2006 New York Times story:

“In the last two years, the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Dermatology have labeled tanning beds as the health-peril equivalent of cigarettes. All have urged prohibiting their use by minors.”

Gov. Palin’s use of a mansion-based tanning system even goes against the judgment of her state’s own public health agency, which issued a report, called the Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2005-2010, that describes cancer as “the leading cause of death in Alaska,” and specifically calls for encouraging “regulations warning consumers about tanning beds and the risk of skin cancer.”

“Tanorexia” and Youth

Missouri University recently became the latest school to attempt to ban tanning beds on campus, due to the health risks for students.

Other health organizations warn of young people becoming addicted to tanning bed sessions, and label the condition as “tanorexia”:

Researchers at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia examined the tanning habits of 400 college students aged 18 to 24, using the same framework that defines substance addictions. They found that 27 per cent showed signs of “tanorexia,” based on answers to questions like “Do you think you need to spend more and more time in the sun to maintain your perfect tan?” and “Does this (your belief that tanning can cause skin cancer) keep you from spending time in the sun or going to tanning beds?”

Then, of course, is the fact that Palin’s running mate, presidential candidate John McCain, is himself a survivor of skin cancer and has been active legislating and advocating for its prevention. In 2001, he wrote a cover essay for Newsweek: “My Battle With Skin Cancer.”

So while McCain is out there campaigning for cancer prevention as a public health issue, appearing at joint forums with cancer survivor Lance Armstrong and such, his own vice president’s tanning bed habit could undercut that message, particularly to the nation’s youth.

It should be noted that not all tanning bed users are in it to bronze their skin: There are also those that utilize tanning beds as a kind of self-medication for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of mental depression thought to be related to the relative lack of daylight in the winter months, and more prevalent the farther from the Equator one lives:

“According to the American Psychiatric Association, for a diagnosis to qualify as SAD, it must meet four criteria: depressive episodes at a particular time of the year; remissions or mania/hypomania also at a characteristic time of year; these patterns must have lasted two years with no nonseasonal major depressive episodes during that same period; and these seasonal depressive episodes outnumber other depressive episodes throughout the patient’s lifetime.”

However, that, too, is a matter of controversy in the medical community. The American Academy of Family Physicians, for example, warns: “Tanning beds shouldn’t be used to treat SAD. The light sources in tanning beds are high in ultraviolet (UV) rays, which harm your eyes and your skin.

(Governor Palin has not released her medical records for public view.)

For the Elite: Home Tanning Beds

Color Me Tan manager Erin Wiese and Ashley Mensik, owner of the 11-year-old A Touch of Sun tanning salon in Fairbanks, both say it is not at all typical or ordinary in Alaska for individuals to install tanning beds in their homes.

“I don’t think it’s normal for people to have a tanning bed in their house,” Wiese says. “It’s expensive,” adding that it can cost up to $35,000 for one bed— and that doesn’t include the cost of spare parts, like bulbs, and the expense of special electrical wiring for the beds.

Mensik agrees with Wiese’s assessment, but adds that it is possible to get an “entry-level” tanning bed for a salon for about $10,000.

Mensik also says the cost of tanning equipment in Alaska is enhanced because of the shipping hurdles.

“It’s hard to get large equipment up here,” she explains. “There’s a lot of shipping issues in general. … And then there’s the maintenance on top of it. There are no [tanning-bed repair] experts here [in Fairbanks].”

Still, Mensik says it’s a good business that generally attracts two types of clientele based on her experience in the business. In the first group, she says, are individuals who use indoor tanning as a type of “light therapy” during the dead of winter to ward off the arctic blues. The other group, she explains, are those individuals planning vacations south of Alaska.

Mensik concedes the obvious: that there is a “vanity factor” involved as well, since no one likes to look like a ghost on the beach. She stresses, though, that the typical indoor tanning customer base in Alaska includes both males and females.

“I’ve had clients who are Alaskan construction workers with beards who know they will be working long shifts and then going home to sleep,” she says. “So they will find a way to cram in a tanning session in between because they know they won’t be seeing much sun.”

Who Paid for the Governor’s Tanning Bed?

Alaska has a very strict ethics law governing public officials. In the case of the governor, the Alaska attorney general, who oversees the state’s Department of Law, enforces the ethics laws.

Judy Bockman, an Alaskan assistant attorney general who administers the states ethics act, says the governor is mandated to disclose any gift exceeding $150 in value if that gift is in anyway connected to her official position or if it is intended to influence the performance of her public duties. And a gift is defined, she says, “as the transfer of property to a public official at less than full value.”

Bockman says she was not aware of Palin’s tanning bed. That fact would seem to indicate that the governor did not list it as a gift, since such disclosures are to be filed with “a designated supervisor,” which in the case of the governor is the state’s attorney general.

Wetherell of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities confirms that fact as well, indicating that he was informed by the Governor’s Office that Palin purchased the tanning bed “with her own money, so there was no need for an ethics disclosure.”

Wetherell says that Palin bought the tanning bed from a health club, adding that it was not a brand new machine. The fact that the tanning bed was acquired from a business also seems to indicate that it was a commercial model — which can command a hefty price tag as Wiese and Mensik point out.

Wetherell was not able to provide the name of the health club, the model of the tanning bed, nor the price Palin paid for the machine, which means there is no way of verifying, at this point, if Palin did, in fact, purchase it with her own money, and if so, whether she received a discount off market value exceeding $150 in deference to her position as governor.

If, in fact, the tanning bed was donated to Palin or her family, or provided at discount exceeding $150 as a favor due to her position, based on Bockman’s explanation of the state’s ethics law, it would have legally had to appear on her state ethics disclosure filings.

Bockman also explained that it is incumbent on a public official to disclose a gift in any case where that official suspects he or she received special treatment.

“There is an absolute bar against taking any gift that is inappropriate,” she says.

In any event, the examination of a potential ethics violation is handled on a case-by-case basis based on the particular circumstances of the event, Bockman adds.

“We don’t judge the appearance of impropriety,” Bockman says. “We look at the facts.”

The name of the health club that allegedly sold the tanning bed to Palin, its model and cost, form of payment, and that of the state contractor who did the electrical upgrade work at the Governor’s Mansion, are subject of continuing reporting by this newspaper. (Have a lead or a tip? Send it along to

Stipulated: that the Alaska Governor installed a personal tanning bed is hardly on the level of importance of her policy stances and record in public office. But like a previous national office aspirant’s $400 haircut, it’s the sort of fact that can become emblematic of a larger narrative about inauthenticity, insincerity and overblown claims of “everyday people” street cred that have been floated by the McCain-Palin campaign about its newest member.

On the bright side, the long overlooked “tanorexic lobby” – the industries that make the machines, their representatives and lobbyists in Washington – may finally be able to step outdoors and into the non-artificial sunlight, having one of their own through which to promote their product to a new generation of youth, a celebrity endorsement that could end up a heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States of America.

15 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

Oh congratulations Mudflats!!!! This is wonderful news! Listened to Ed all the way down in NE this afternoon and thought I “recognized” some of the speakers as Mudpuppies. We all want to leave a legacy, make a difference, have a voice, and you are making it happen! Heartfelt thanks for all you do!

15 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

Um… doesn’t the tanning bed sort of go against her protect against skin cancer thing?

15 09 2008

Oh my was just browsing like I do & ran across this gem. Tucker Brounds gets owned by Fox.

15 09 2008

So, first McCain was a copy-cat to Bush, and now he’s a copy-cat to Obama?
I knew people like him in grade school…what a lemming!

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

McCain’s economic advisor, from wikipedia:

Later in his Senate career, Gramm spearheaded efforts to pass banking reform laws, including the landmark Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999, which served to reduce government regulations in existence since the Great Depression separating banking, insurance and brokerage activities.

Years later, critics of Gramm point out that this same legislation may have been pivotal in encouraging the corporate practices that led to the 2008 mortgage crises in America.[5]

Between 1995 and 2000 Gramm, who was the chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, received $1,000,914 in campaign contributions from the Securities & Investment industry.[6]

Later, as lobbyist for Swiss bank UBS, Gramm pressured congress ease it’s restrictions on predatory lending tactics by mortgage brokers. For his efforts, Gramm received $750,000 from UBS in a one year period starting in 2007.[7].

Gramm was one of five co-sponsors of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000[3]. One provision of the bill was referred to as the “Enron loophole” because the House Agriculture Committee drafted it and it was later applied to Enron. Some critics blame the provision for permitting the Enron scandal to occur.[4] At the time, Gramm’s wife was previously on Enron’s board of directors.

And more: He was John McCain’s presidential campaign co-chair[8] and his most senior economic adviser[9] from summer 2007[10] to July 18, 2008.[8]

While advising the McCain campaign, Gramm was being paid by UBS to lobby Congress about the U.S. mortgage crisis. During this time, “the mortgage industry pressed Congress to roll back strong state rules that sought to stem the rise of predatory tactics used by lenders and brokers to place homeowners in high-cost mortgages.”[11] According to, Gramm had input on McCain’s March 26, 2008 policy speech on the mortgage crisis.[11]

In a July 9, 2008 interview explaining McCain’s plans in reforming the U.S. economy, Gramm downplayed the idea that the nation was in a recession, stating, “You’ve heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession,” and “We have sort of become a nation of whiners, you just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline.”[12]

Gramm’s comments immediately became a campaign issue. McCain’s opponent, Senator Barack Obama, said, “America already has one Dr. Phil. We don’t need another one when it comes to the economy. … This economic downturn is not in your head.”[13] McCain strongly denounced Gramm’s comments.[14] Gramm later attempted to clarify his comment, explaining that he had used the word “whiners” to describe the nation’s politicians rather than the public, stating “the whiners are the leaders.”[15] In the same interview, Gramm stated, “I’m not going to retract any of it. Every word I said was true.”[16]

On July 18, 2008 Gramm stepped down from his position with the McCain campaign. However, he often accompanies McCain during the campaign, and continues to be an unofficial adviser on economic and financial matters.[17]

15 09 2008

The Republicans have lied to us for eight years. We cannot afford four more especially with even the slimmest chance that Palin could be in the WH. She is more of a wack-a-doodle than GW and not as bright. We must do whatever we can to elect Obama. This should be a no-brainer considering what has transpired in the past eight years. ECONOMY!!!!Donate now !!!!!

15 09 2008

Just received the following e-mail. They requested it be forwarded to as many women as possible. It’s very interesting. Please take a minute and post your comments:

Maybe this might interest you. If you are so inclined, respond and forward on to as many women as you can!

Two more points. She is a gun rights avocate. She kills inoecent wolves from airplains, why doesn’t she just drop a bomb on them? She believes in a war where billons of dollars are spent and our children are killed each day. Pro-Life, I think not.

This e-mail does not even mention that she says in every speech she makes “I said, thanks but no thanks to congress”….but never mentions that she was for the “bridge to nowhere” for 2 years, and took the over $200 million from congress. How many more lies does she want to brag about?

Friends, compatriots, fellow-lamenters, We are writing to you because of the
fury and dread we have felt since the announcement of Sarah Palin as the
Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. We believe that this
terrible decision has surpassed mere partisanship, and that it is a
dangerous farce-on the part of a pandering and rudderless Presidential
candidate-that has a real possibility of becoming fact.

Perhaps like us, as American women, you share the fear of what Ms. Palin and her professed beliefs and proven record could lead to for ourselves and for
our present or future daughters. To date, she is against sex education,
birth control, the pro-choice platform, environmental protection,
alternative energy development, freedom of speech (as mayor she attempted to fire the librarian who stood against her), gun
control, the separation of church and state, and polar bears. To say nothing
of her complete lack of real preparation to become the second-most-powerful
person on the planet.

We want to clarify that we are not against Sarah Palin as a woman, a mother,
or, for that matter, a parent of a pregnant teenager, but solely as a rash,
incompetent, and all together devastating choice for Vice President. Ms.
Palin’s political views are in every way a slap in the face to the
accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers so fiercely fought for, and that we’ve so demonstrably benefited from.

First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She does not
demonstrate or uphold our interests as American women. It is presumed that
the inclusion of a woman on the Republican ticket could win over women
voters. We want to disagree, publicly.

Therefore, we invite you to reply here < ;> with a short, succinct message about why you, as
a woman living in this country, do not support this candidate as
second-in-command for our nation.

Please include your name (last initial is fine), age, and place of

We will post your responses on a blog called ‘Women Against Sarah Palin,’
which we intend to publicize as widely as possible. Please send us your
reply at your earliest convenience-the greater the volume of responses we
receive, the stronger our message will be.

Thank you for your time and action.

Quinn Latimer and Lyra Kilston
New York , NY

PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY!* If you send this to 20 women in the next hour, you
could be blessed with a country that takes your concerns seriously. Stranger
things have happened.

15 09 2008

Thank you so much for your site. In my office in St. Paul, we’ve been avid readers since the day Palin was announced as McCain’s running mate and we found your site during our first searches about her. Your reporting is invaluable!

15 09 2008

Ann, I am optimistic that Minnesota will maintain its tradition of Democratic victory, no matter what the polls say.

Are you?

15 09 2008
aka Mustache Warthog

Oy, please just post the link to an article here, not the entire text of an article or posting somewhere else. My scrollie finger is so darn tired.

Most of us have already seen what you are referring to – if we’re hanging here, we’re hanging at all the usual suspects online too, and are seeing everything you are seeing. And if we missed something juicy – a link is all we need. Otherwise you’re going to break this lovely place and we’ll all be crying sad that we can’t load the page or something.

Please be courteous to all of us here who are trying to keep up. Thank you. Just a public service message.

15 09 2008
Anonymous AKA Blaster Commander

@Sarjo AKA Mullet…In regards to your neighbor charged of sexism, and saying they never would lay the “inexperienced” charge on a man….hello. Perhaps you might get her up to spead on the GOP smear campaign on Obama and Biden.

Perhaps when you see her again, you should just try the “economy” on her. If you try the “economy” for six weeks, maybe she might get it. For some people, repetition of a meme is the only way….

15 09 2008

I, for one, would prefer posters to offer a link to articles, and maybe an excerpt, instead of copying and pasting the entire article. I understand the desire to make all the info immediately available to everyone, but it creates pages that are enormously long and tedious to scroll through, especially for those of us who have already seen the information elsewhere (usually because we found the link on Mudflats).

We’re pretty used to following links here, since most of us like to immediately check the veracity of statements made.

15 09 2008

Thanks, Redwood Man, I will get right on it.

15 09 2008

Do put up a donate button, please.

15 09 2008

The Alaska Dept. of Labor publishes a monthly Economic Trends magazine – the focus this month is on AK’s oil/gas industry – much of the facts contradict Palin/McCain claims — Please Please Please check it out~~ link is listed above.

15 09 2008

Hey….I came up with a new campaign slogan!

“The Republican party…’s that working out for you?”

15 09 2008


On Hardball today, someone suggested for Obama

“They broke it; we’ll fix it”

I sort of like it 🙂

15 09 2008
more cowbell

First – so glad you got a break and a wonderful meal.

Second, thank goodness for people like Pastor Bess. I appreciate him taking a stand.

The fanatical extremist zealotry contingent in any religion is frightening — it’s terrifying when someone like that has their finger on the button, as they could believe it’s God’s will for the End Times. If you believe Jesus is literally on his way down for the Rapture, I’m thinking you’re not too awfully concerned about Earth’s future.

15 09 2008

I am moving this post over from the previous thread:
Here is a video with clips from the 2000 presidential campaign that show George W. Bush espousing his philosophy and how he would govern, if elected.

Compare that to the reality of what happened. And then think about how what we are being told by the Republicans in the current campaign is likely to compare to reality, if they are elected.

I got this video link from

15 09 2008

Also be sure to watch this video–Palin’s end-times religious beliefs:

This is really really really chilling.

15 09 2008

You are sustaining me until election day. I look forward to some commentary on one issue not covered so far. That is Palin and the general Alaska body politic and the native American tribes. I received a long interesting and thoughtful letter from an Inupiat (sp?) with his reaction to Palin’s selection to be VP Surely other tribal members have a comment or two to add. P.S. I can forward the letter on to you, if you wish.

15 09 2008

Folks, I just have a hard time understanding Obama. Today, as we feel the financial loss on Wall St. Obama states that he does’nt blame McCain. Why not. His hands are all over bad financial legislation these past 8 years. His economic advisor Gramm is directly responsible for the deregulation of Wall St, and look where we are now. Why is it so hard? I’m a 69 year old Obama supporter and this financial mess is hurting me badly. Yes, it hurts everyone of us. I’m starting to feel some despair

15 09 2008

Obama now speaking in Pueblo, Co. I think he just read my earlier post.

15 09 2008

If we could just keep religion out of goverment – the way our forefathers spelled it out in the constritution, we wouldn’t have to worry about religion playing a role in elections.

This should be an election about the economy and the wasteful war – period!

hope: Excellent post. I agree with you 100%

15 09 2008

Egads…I just figured it out….

the end of the times is near….and the False Prophet?

Yep, SP

15 09 2008

Hey to all you mudflatians, mudpuppies, whatever it is we call ourselves. I just finished watching 30 minutes of Joe Biden speaking in Michigan today. He was on fire. The best line of the speech is thus: a sequel is ALWAYS worse than the original. LOL!

If you need a boost of spirit, a thread of hope to hang onto..go watch Joe give em hell!


15 09 2008

The idea that the end times will come in my life-time was shared by the very first Christians, and a great many others over the last 2000 years. For those who made it past the first heady decades after Jesus’ teaching It is, to be blunt, a matter of being self-referenced – a narcissistic view that I and my group are special, and that whatever is described in the Bible applies to me – and not in the sense of Jesus or the prophets telling us how to live.

What is really dangerous about having a vice-president or president who thinks ‘Yes, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.’”? How about the temptation to help God along a little and bring about the end times through your foreign policy.

(Sorry if I’m repeating what dozens of you have said. Haven’t read all the comments yet)

15 09 2008

fix the broken, I’m not Ann but I can assure you that Mn will come through.

The current polls are nothing more than a reflection of a slight home town bounce from the RNC convention.

I just came in from talking with my neighbor who is a staunch Republican in his 70’s. He literally knocked me off the stoop when he told me he was voting for Obama. It’s the first time he has ever voted Democratic in his life but the McCain campaign has left him totally disallusioned with his party and their ‘lack of integrity’. According to him, he knows many Republicans who are feeling the same way, but he’s doesn’t know if they will vote for Obama or just stay home..

15 09 2008

pvazwindy: Obama is blaming the failed policy of the Republicans for the economy – the same policies that McCain wants to repeat.

I think Obama is wise. Don’t make personal attacks – attack the policy. If you wrestle a pig you both end up with mud all over you. If he starts attacking McCain personally it becomes personal. And McCain could argue the HE (personally) wasn’t responsible This isn’t personal. This is how the Republicans economic policy has systemically weakened our ecomony over the last eight years. And McCAin is part of the machine that made that policy.

The only thing McCAin (and Bush) can say right now is, “Hey, what me worry? It’s not so bad. It’s not like it’s a full-scale depression! (yet)” (Seriously I think that is what they are saying.)

I expect the polls to start taking a serious turn in Obama’s favor again very soon. Even religious zealots and bigots will realize they need their jobs worse than they need Roe vs Wade overturned right now.

15 09 2008

Obama generally takes the high road. He knows that in order to bring folks together he must give them the benefit of the doubt. Let them save face. He is a classy smart individual. McSame talks about changing Washington and goes around lying and pissing everyone off. How is that going to bring about change. Keep it on the Economy and bringing home the troops.

15 09 2008

Hello all….

Rally against end times…heh! If you haven’t heard about it yet, there will be a rally called a Million Doors For Peace: “You and activists from dozens of other national and local peace groups are truly going to be a beautiful sight out on the street THIS SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th, when we go knock on a Million Doors for Peace together.”

More info here:

15 09 2008

To email newspapers simple type the name of the state and the word newspapers into google. The top listing is usually a list of all the papers in that state along with links to their web page. Go for it.
The nice thing about this is that you can write one really good letter and email the sme one to a multitude of papers.

15 09 2008

would someone PLEASE tell me why that idiot GeeDubya, who CLAIMS to be a Texan, is not in his parent’s so-called home town… to figure out why there is still a problem taking care of storm victims 3 years after the lessons of Katrina?

this is the best he has to offer:

“After his latest briefing at the White House from emergency officials, he promised the federal government will do all it can to assist the victims of Hurricane Ike.

“We obviously watch this recovery very carefully because the federal government is playing a crucial role in helping the people of the devastated areas recover,” continued Mr. Bush.”

Yesterday morning, the first responders at the staging area for the entire Southeast Texas area had no water, no food and no portapotties. The congressman (a Republican) who’s district the staging area was in, stopped by basically say “hi” and found the place in turmoil. He made phone calls and got portapotties in and then made a plea on air (TV/Radio & Streaming) and asked for people who had “extra” water and food to bring it to the football stadium so that these people, who had come to help, would have water and food. These fine people of Houston, with tree limbs on their houses, no power, and a boil order for their water, rallied and responded immediately with all the water and food they could spare.

What is it about “We’re here to help” does the Bush administration not get?

sorry — I know this is off topic — I am just a little hot

15 09 2008


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15 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

I will not speak to “the end of times” issue at the top of this thread, but I have to interup this message to ask every woman in america to tune in right now to the Oprah show, if they want to know why chargeing women for rape kits in Ak, matters!

15 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

I should have said, danger! This program could make you sick to your stomach!

15 09 2008


Great to hear! Thanks. 🙂

Go Minnesota and all other states!

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Are you interested in John McCain’s medical records? I know I am. Please sign the petition linked above, and watch the 5-minute Greenwald film on the topic…

15 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Play these images against M/P who haven’t got a clue about sex education in the world.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Obama was here in Colorado (over on what we call “the western slope” -more rural). Report are that there were close to 5,000 people there, which is a nice crowd for there. The big issue here in Colorado is water (we’re high desert) Ken Salazar (D) was elected Senator last year, and he got hispanic vote as well as lot of the rural vote. Still have my fingers crossed that our rural communities can keep Colorado blue, despite the strong presence of the religious right. (Actually Palin was here also today, but I haven’t read how her appearance went…she seemed to stay closer to the conservative neighborhoods, rather than venturing out.)

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

We’re almost shutting down this site with posts. Great to see the activism!

BUT let’s make it better. Can we please have a section devoted to press & blog links? A section for truth links? A section for economic links? A section for rape kit links, etc., etc. Oh, and DEFINITELY a section for First People/Native American links. And when trolls come on those links and gum up the communication flow, just delete ’em.

There is sooo much good info, but when I try to find it later, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

15 09 2008

With 5 kids, I think Palin has the sex part down pat 😛

15 09 2008

Regarding the latest hurricane debacle, the Bush administration doesn’t believe in government. So they use government only as a political tool–as a way to stack the deck for what Rove hoped would be a “permanent Republican majority.” Sounded to me at the time like a goal that was pretty un-democratic (small “d” there, or perhaps more accurately, totalitarian. Notice that the levees in New Orleans are being built back to Cat 3 strength (that worked so well three years ago.) The train accident evidently could have been prevented with a high-tech system that would involve billions of dollars, but why build American infrastructure when you can send $10 billion a month to Iraq–which is really an occupation, not a war.

On a more positive note, here’s link to Joe Biden’s terrific (just terrific) speech in Michigan today. It runs about 1/2 hour and appeared on the dailykos site.

15 09 2008

Please copy these lists (be be aware that some of these may no longer be valid, I haven’t checked them all- but for mass mailing your thoughts, they work well)- :

Television News media,

15 09 2008

Today toddler & I walked around the neighborhood with my list. One person opened her door, said they were voting Republican when I asked, but said “good for you going out & doing something about things!” So, that ended on a positive note. Another answered the door at a home and said he was undecided. His primary concern was Obama’s plan for the military. I told him that I’m not the most knowledgeable about it, have read his blueprint for change and also more specifics about it but that it would be a very lengthy conversation on his porch if we were to discuss, so he took a flier that I’d written the proper link info on and said he’d look it up as soon as he could. Maybe one more vote for Obama? As I explained to him, my husband was raised in a military family, traveled all over the world, was voting for McCain before the Palin add to the ticket, so military issues are big in our house too.

When I got home (no other answers at doors to report), a neighbor was walking by who I have spoken with on many occasions, so I called him over and asked him to be my guinea pig. Joy! Turns out he’s riding the fence! So, hubby & I were able to talk to him a lot about issues, I was able to give him a flier & web info about Obama’s plans Re: military issues (also his primary concern), and I trust that he & his wife will look the info over and have some discussion about it. Possibly 2 votes for Obama??? Hubby & I were able to get some licks in about the Palin thing in that we’re both oil company employees and have seen first-hand how her raising taxes & pipeline deal have affected Alaska. I felt really uplifted after those conversations even though I can’t definitively say that I changed any minds. I do think that by staying away from calling Palin all of the names that I’d really like to call her I came across as a better rep for Obama…

On a really positive note: My teen & I stopped by the local Obama office to get bumper stickers and THEY WERE ALL OUT!!!!!!!!!!! Got some signs for vehicle windows and some buttons, but will have to go back for a bumper sticker. So, have hope Alaskans! There was a call while I was signing papers, someone wanting bumper stickers, they were quite upset not to be able to get one! Keep the faith everyone! Turning Alaska to the bright side one vote at a time!!!!!!!!!

15 09 2008

Can someone remind Lou Dobbs, Obama/Biden they have been on all the News Shows, like Face The Nation, Meet The Press, and a host of other shows. Sarah Palin has not, only the one which was a flake with Charlie Gibson.

He gets on my nerve. He seems so angry!

15 09 2008

Thanks for the link to the piece on belief. I wrote about this early on, but having this additional personal information from someone local is, indeed, instructive.

15 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Hope,
You expressed eloquently what I’ve been feeling. We need to reclaim the life issue. Life may (or may not) begin at conception, but it surely doesn’t end at birth.

15 09 2008

does anyone remember an event in the 80’s where peoples across america joined hands at one time?
i cannot remember why we did that, only that it was so very moving.
we should to that as women for obama.

help me out with this memory someone!

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

I actually came here to post links to the article about Howard Bess and this article on about the resurgence of the Culture War.

Why am I not surprised this is already being covered here? =)

The tide is turning back folks. The MSM is latching on to the ludicrousness of this insanity. For the first time in 2 weeks I’m starting to get a breath in here and there … there’s still along way to go, but faith is slowly coming back to me.

15 09 2008
Sarah in CA

Anon — it was Hands Across America, in ’86.

“This nationwide event, called Hands Across America, was intended to raise money to fight hunger and homelessness.:

15 09 2008

This just popped up in my mail box from Factcheck…

They have just given an in depth analysis on the book “The Obama Nation”
Here are 2 quotes from FactCheck about his book.

“In Corsi’s case, we judge that both his reputation and his latest book fall short when measured by the standards of good scholarship, or even of mediocre journalism. ” & “A comprehensive review of all the false claims in Corsi’s book would itself be a book. Our review touches only on a few of the more blatant examples.”

If you want to read the full article here it is:


15 09 2008

Anonymous (15:38:03) : “does anyone remember an event in the 80’s where peoples across america joined hands at one time?”

well, there was that little event called Live Aid in the mid-1980’s when we were all optimistic about solving world hunger.

15 09 2008
Sarah in CA

P.S. I like how there still managed to be protests over HAA. Heh.

15 09 2008

Woooo! The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally video is on the front page of CNN!

I am so proud. =)

15 09 2008

As the first Monday nite football game is upon us……….remember how Don Meredith would sing the Willie Nelson standard ” Turn Out the Lites, the Party’s Over ” ??? Keep punching—-but McCoward/poodle are hasta la vista baby!!!! like I say—-keep stomping!!!!!!

15 09 2008

The rally made the front page of!

I’m so proud!

15 09 2008

Um…having trouble posting. =/ The rally made the front page of! It’s one of those video link things.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

“This nationwide event, called Hands Across America…”

Great, now I have the long forgotten theme song from that event stuck in my head.

Time to fire up iTunes.

15 09 2008

I hope it works, this time! I’m so proud, and I need to gush!

15 09 2008

I remember HAA, in fact I still have the 45 of Do They Know it’s Christmas? that started that whole world hunger awareness blitz. I miss those days sometimes.

15 09 2008

The meeting held in Anchorage with George Shultz put on my KUDO and CC was by all accounts very good. I am listening to CC right now, and they are furious as NO media attended.

The last laugh will be on the media and Palin, as George Shultz next stop?,,,,,Larry King live …tonight. CC says he will have a lot to say.

15 09 2008

Print media (again, some may no longer be valid)-,,

PHEW! That’s it for now.

15 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon
15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Bless you, bless you, bless you! It is people like you and the others mentioned in your article that are going to literally save the world. Screw the cheerleader, this time it’s “Save the Bloggers, Save the World!”

15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

And that’s what John McCain was looking for, somebody who shared his values, shared his vision, basically a maverick, like himself, somebody who passed landmark ethics reform.

15 09 2008

To paraphrase Sarah Palin… “I did not try to censor any book that was not on my list, but I can see Russia from my house!!”

15 09 2008

Burke suspensions for giving out phone numbers

15 09 2008

landmark ethics reform… well, as with John McCain (once Charles’ Keating’s favorite paid-for Senator), what Sarah Palin is trying to sell us on her own role in “ethics reform” ain’t worth a load of amish road apples.

15 09 2008

I truly need someone to enlighten me why churches still enjoy tax free status.

15 09 2008
A Nana from Alaska

A Joker Gone Wild

McCain’s addition of Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket has definitely affected the dynamics of this year’s presidential election in the West. While Obama may have had an Ace in the Hole with Montana’s Messina, Palin has become McCain’s Joker Gone Wild.

As for guns, it is important to note that Barack Obama who has clearly stated “I believe the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms” and that he is endorsed by the American Hunters and Shooters Association. The gun issue is basically a non-issue.

The real question regarding Palin is this: “Is she the reformer the McCain campaign purports her to be?”

Palin puts close friends in important positions and fires those who do not support her agendas, personal or otherwise. When Mayor of Wasilla, Palin pushed for the termination of the town librarian when the librarian refused to support Palin’s suggestion of removing books from Wasilla’s library, Palin is under investigation by the Alaskan Legislature for “abuse of power” in a case referred to as “Troopergate for firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan who refused to fire Palin’s former brother-in-law when pressured to do so by the Palin family.

Patti Higgins, Alaska’s State Democratic Party Chair, states, “While we can appreciate the attention to Alaska, Governor Palin is not the reformer that McCain claims she is. When she was Mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbying firm to secure federal earmarks. As Governor she has continued to seek and accept federal earmarks.”

She was for the “bridge to nowhere” when she ran for Governor, and may yet resurrect it. She has turned down no federal money for Alaska’s pet projects and shells out state money to Alaska’s communities based on personal favors to those who share her political agendas.

Despite the clearly expressed will of the people in Alaska, the Palin administration has cut funding to the Alaska Marine Highway system, safe public transit that provides many state jobs, in favor of building a “road to nowhere” in the upper Lynn Canal. Her tax “reforms” for big oil still allow big oil to take huge deductions for advertising and PR of the companies’ agendas.

Even though the people of Alaska voted twice to ban the aerial hunting of wolves, Palin as Governor reinstated this measure. In Alaska’s most recent primary, her Lt. Governor Sean Parnell deceptively worded a citizen sponsored ballot initiative in order to support the Palin agenda on aerial hunting of wolves. Palin also opposed the citizen initiatives for election reform and for clean water.

Her administration has gone to court to oppose the listing of polar bears as an threatened species. She seeks federal funding for the impacts of global warming in Alaska, as Alaska’s coastal villages tumble into the sea, but doesn’t believe in addressing the man-made contributions to global warming. Her mantra of “Drill, baby, drill” is in sharp contrast to Obama’s “We can’t drill our way out of this energy crisis. We need to look to the long-term by investing in alternative energy systems in order to create new American jobs and relieve our dependence on oil.”

The Obama/Biden team remains the best choice for Alaska and the West because of their actual detailed plans to create healthy, sustainable economies within our communities and our nation based on a smarter and more diverse energy policy, a more equitable distribution of income and taxes, for their leadership credentials and ideas in world affairs and relating to national security, for for their plans to maintain a sound Social Security system and create a health care system that is affordable and accessible for all Americans, for their work on behalf of women’s issues, and for their demonstrated records on behalf a healthy environment on which our cultural traditions, lifestyles and economies depend.

A Nana from Alaska

15 09 2008

ok. I have tried to grasp as many of the posts as possible over the past several minutes as I had to work today.

1) What are all the email and addresses for? What am I supposed to be doing? Is there a standard letter, message, format – so we all get the same message out? Hey, I’ll stay up til 2 AM if I have to, I just need to know my task.

2) About that pesky thing called Palin’s religion. Someone, AARON?, on the post wrote that her religion would resonate with middle America and more conservative religions. Well, as many know by now because I am sure not shy about this, my Southern Baptist upbringing is being tested to the limit with the nutbugs this year. I go to a Church that hasn’t changed hymnals since the Printing Press was born. No, we don’t speak in tongues. We don’t wrestle about in public. And we don’t scream. We have an organ and a nice choir with shiny blue robes. Alcohol is not allowed on church property, and I think only once or twice has a gun been in the parking lot (in a truck’s gun rack, y’all. It was deer hunting season). But NEVER, NEVER, NEVER has our Pastor preached the vermin I’m hearing about Palin’s church.

These people are extremists and have lost the very reason they were called to the pulpit in the first place. I won’t go into all my Bible verses, I promise. But I will give you the links again:

TIM RUSSERT: So we could have two wars at once?
SEN. McCAIN: I think we could have Armageddon.
— John McCain, on the Iran crisis. April 2nd 2006, “Meet The Press.”

Founder of the CUFI (Christians United for Israel) Pastor John Hagee stated:
“the United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West… a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ.” (Guess who endorsed McCain, and guess which Pastor in Alaska is a member of this lovely organization?)

Very few people regardless of religion, believe God is waiting on US (humans, people, the United States) to start Armageddon on His behalf. We CAN Stop this. We MUST stop this.

15 09 2008

galwho… I like how they say it’s not even “mediocre” journalism. that book is a piece of road apples contrived and supported by matlin and snake eyes carville. If that book has done anything, it is to show how little substantive value matlin and carville have in terms of political wisdom or pull. That’s one husband-wife team that ought to just cash in their accounts and move to Venzuela.

Or maybe Palin can rent them a bedroom at her house, from which they can spend their time looking at Russia.

15 09 2008

OK, so I am behind the times on matters of importants…

did you know:

The Bush administration has drawn heat over revelations that more than 80 White House aides, including senior Bush adviser Karl Rove, used private GOP e-mail servers for government business. The controversy surfaced during congressional investigations into White House contacts with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and into the firings of U.S. attorneys.

this was in the ADN article:

So she’s “only” doing what comes naturally for the Republiars. Just when I think it isn’t possible to be any more angry…

15 09 2008

make that “importance”

15 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon

In October 2006 I visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. for the first time. One of the displays that really sticks with me is the display of banned books piled up, ready to be burned. In other words, the HMM didn’t just have newspaper articles and info posted about what happened – they had an actual pile of books. And even though I knew about the Nazis and banning books, when I saw that heaped-up pile of books, including books published in the USA, I understood banned books in a whole new way.

After that experience, every time I have taught about this time period, I emphasize this early step in the Nazi takeover. I talk about how “this is where it had to stop.” To me, anyone who even broaches the subject of banning books has gone too far.

15 09 2008

Kimber, amazing! Thanks!

15 09 2008

After that experience, every time I have taught about this time period, I emphasize this early step in the Nazi takeover. I talk about how “this is where it had to stop.” To me, anyone who even broaches the subject of banning books has gone too far.

Exactly, the first thing they get rid of is the intellectuals. They can’t kill them in this country but they can mock and breed contempt for them.

15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Kimbers re: media cintacts

Thats great and it’s already going out from here to others!

15 09 2008
David Halliday

Brought up a Catholic I can remember the two groups of people most reviled in our religion classes. The first was the heretic. The second was the fallen away Catholic. Sarah Palin was brought up Catholic and as I understand went to a Catholic Church for some years before she changed ship. She has every right to do this. What I wonder is what the Catholic Church thinks of this and how Catholics will react to it.

15 09 2008
Political Amazon

[[I want a “mudflats” T-shirt with a big, fat, yellow boot smushing a big lipsticked pit bull! ]]

Make mine a double!

15 09 2008
David Halliday

Sarah Palin claims that she could see Russia out of kitchen window. Maybe it was Canada. How would she know the difference?

15 09 2008

It is so crucial that those is red states get out the vote. I can barely watch MSM anymore. I get most of my news from blogs. Saw Chuck Todd’s electoral map today & it was depressing. Thank all of you Alaskans for your time & effort, you are the ones that know the “real” Sarah, which the McCain Campaign is hiding from the rest of us. Marshall McCulhan was right …”the media is the message”.

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Mudflats, you genderless, faceless writer you! You have provided such an invaluable source of real information on a woman that most of us had no familiarity. I am constantly amazed and appreciative of the info you provide as well as what has been supplied by the others on here. Your blog is apparently being viewed worldwide. Thank you again. I do wish you had something on here to indicate the location of your visitors.

As for the tee shirts, great idea. I would ask that your design include a fake “hello” name tag so that the shirts could be individualized in Sharpie with our Palin baby names! This would also satisfy the numerous requests people have made to donate to your site.

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Kimber, yes, thank you – what a lot of work.

So good old Frisco Eddie has been suspended – THIS week? This is what his station manager said in defence of him LAST week:

“I don’t think Eddie told anybody to harass anybody; he just said, ‘Hey, call and give your opinion,'” said McDonald.

And now a week’s suspension without pay? B -o-y-c-o-t-t !!! 😉

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

and I’m thinking the tanning bed is for John McCain

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

btw, anybody see that covered the rallies (please ignore if this is old news–been working all day)

15 09 2008

ATTN Kimbers and anyone else from Minnesota …

Where are you? I’m in Minneapolis near Bryn Mawr. Any talk of an “Alaska Women Reject Palin” redux for Friday when McCain/Palin show up for their rally? I’m game.

BJA in Minneapolis

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Anonymous (15:38:03) :

does anyone remember an event in the 80’s where peoples across america joined hands at one time?
i cannot remember why we did that, only that it was so very moving.
we should to that as women for obama.

help me out with this memory someone!

It was spirit looking for leadership.

Four years later I was the MC at Earth Day 1990 in Pittsburgh. It was a huge 12 hour Rock Concert of local talent with speakers between acts and many activist organizations having information tents and booths. It was held at “The Point” of the Confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers to form the Ohio. There were 17 people of all backgrounds on the Executive Committee. It was the single hardest sustained thing I ever worked on in my life. It took months and months of work to organize. When we started we thought that if a thousand people came it would be a success. We thought if 5,000 came it would be a very great success. As we went along through very hard and relentless work, word spread of what we were doing. The City of Pittsburgh came on board. Then the local PBS station WQED. Then the local ABC affiliate WTAE. We were just 17 people mobilizing every contact and every activist organization we knew. We had a major local TV personality lined up to be the MC but it fell through at the last moment because of a scheduling conflict. So the Executive Committee picked me to be the MC. I walked out there onto that stage to 85,000 people!!! We had never dreamed such a thing could happen! It was an incredible experience. Even today, 18 years later, tears well up in my eyes thinking about what it was like that day. What I saw out there was the great longing for people to try to do good for their country and their world. There were entire families and their kids all sitting together to the horizon. There has been no pure leadership of that spiritual longing for so long in this country now that it is hard to remember it is still out there. We all now see again that we have a moment when this country could be mobilized again for social justice and change. Bless the strong women of Alaska for the Anti-Palin Rally! There were very strong women on that Executive Committee and they said “Craig, get your ass out there and run this Concert!” I was very, very honored to do so. I did my job and kept everything going as the MC. But now looking back I wish I would have abused my position, delayed the schedule, hogged the stage, and played a song myself!!! Maybe a nice Dylan tune or one of my originals! Then I could have a nice photo me me playing to 85,000 people with the camera over my shoulder! But I was a good soldier and got everyone else out into their slot on time. We had so much local talent on hand that I had recruited that we had to put an unknown group on one of the other side stages because it was their very first public gig ever. That band was named “Rusted Root”. The rest is history…

The spirit is out there to change the world. It is still there. Waiting for the call.

I love every one of you here my Mud Brothers and Mud Sisters!

15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Off topic but you have to look up the film of Karl Rove trying to say the word “truth”.

I’ll search fir it!

15 09 2008

Hey there Muckraker- we are so proud of you all up there- the alaska bloggers that have done an amazing job covering all this Moosegate…Great Work keep it up….this week I am doing another Alaska Round Up….Your Courage and your Truthspeaking is admired by us down here in the lower 48….Keep it up….and we’ll keep sending bloggers and readers your way 😉

15 09 2008

Abortion & books have one thing in common — choice. If one takes away the right to read a book because some”one” does not agree with it, one takes away the right to choose to read the bad book. there are many books I choose not to read. some of my reasons are good, some are really bad. An example of “really bad” is that I have chosen not to read War and Peace… too long… and yet I have read Stephen King’s bloated, unedited re-release of The Stand (a book I loved in it’s original edited version). I didn’t say that choices had to make sense or be good. The point however, is that if some”one” chooses to take a book off a shelf because s/he wishes to choose for me, I have a problem with that.

I wish I could say that the subject of book banning is a dead subject which we have beaten beyond recognition. At least we are not still trying to find the list.

15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

Evangelicals and social conservatives have embraced McCain’s vice presidential pick for what they call her “pro-family,” “pro-woman” values

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Anonymous (15:38:03) :

does anyone remember an event in the 80’s where peoples across america joined hands at one time?
i cannot remember why we did that, only that it was so very moving.
we should to that as women for obama.

help me out with this memory someone!

It was spirit looking for leadership.

Four years later I was the MC at Earth Day 1990 in Pittsburgh. It was a huge 12 hour Rock Concert of local talent with speakers between acts and many activist organizations having information tents and booths. It was held at “The Point” of the Confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers to form the Ohio. There were 17 people of all backgrounds on the Executive Committee. It was the single hardest sustained thing I ever worked on in my life. It took months and months of work to organize. When we started we thought that if a thousand people came it would be a success. We thought if 5,000 came it would be a very great success. As we went along through very hard and relentless work, word spread of what we were doing. The City of Pittsburgh came on board. Then the local PBS station WQED. Then the local ABC affiliate WTAE. We were just 17 people mobilizing every contact and every activist organization we knew. We had a major local TV personality lined up to be the MC but it fell through at the last moment because of a scheduling conflict. So the Executive Committee picked me to be the MC. I walked out there onto that stage to 85,000 people!!! We had never dreamed such a thing could happen! It was an incredible experience. Even today, 18 years later, tears well up in my eyes thinking about what it was like that day. What I saw out there was the great longing for people to try to do good for their country and their world. There were entire families and their kids all sitting together to the horizon. There has been no pure leadership of that spiritual longing for so long in this country now that it is hard to remember it is still out there. We all now see again that we have a moment when this country could be mobilized again for social justice and change. Bless the strong women of Alaska for the Anti-Palin Rally! There were very strong women on that Executive Committee and they said “Craig, get your ass out there and run this Concert!” I was very, very honored to do so. I did my job and kept everything going as the MC. But now looking back I wish I would have abused my position, delayed the schedule, hogged the stage, and played a song myself!!! Maybe a nice Dylan tune or one of my originals! Then I could have a nice photo me me playing to 85,000 people with the camera over my shoulder! But I was a good soldier and got everyone else out into their slot on time. We had so much local talent on hand that I had recruited that we had to put an unknown group on one of the other side stages because it was their very first public gig ever. That band was named “Rusted Root”. The rest is history…

The spirit is out there to change the world. It is still there. Waiting for the call.

I love every one of you here my Mud Brothers and Mud Sisters!

15 09 2008

excuse me… I did not mean “bad” book… I just didn’t get it out as I was editing my thoughts… there are no bad books… only books that are chosen less often because of their content

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Anonymous (15:38:03) :

does anyone remember an event in the 80’s where peoples across america joined hands at one time?
i cannot remember why we did that, only that it was so very moving.
we should to that as women for obama.

help me out with this memory someone!

It was held on May 25, 1986. You can look it up in the Wikipedia.

It was spirit looking for leadership.

Four years later I was the MC at Earth Day 1990 in Pittsburgh. It was a huge 12 hour Rock Concert of local talent with speakers between acts and many activist organizations having information tents and booths. It was held at “The Point” of the Confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers to form the Ohio. There were 17 people of all backgrounds on the Executive Committee. It was the single hardest sustained thing I ever worked on in my life. It took months and months of work to organize. When we started we thought that if a thousand people came it would be a success. We thought if 5,000 came it would be a very great success. As we went along through very hard and relentless work, word spread of what we were doing. The City of Pittsburgh came on board. Then the local PBS station WQED. Then the local ABC affiliate WTAE. We were just 17 people mobilizing every contact and every activist organization we knew. We had a major local TV personality lined up to be the MC but it fell through at the last moment because of a scheduling conflict. So the Executive Committee picked me to be the MC. I walked out there onto that stage to 85,000 people!!! We had never dreamed such a thing could happen! It was an incredible experience. Even today, 18 years later, tears well up in my eyes thinking about what it was like that day. What I saw out there was the great longing for people to try to do good for their country and their world. There were entire families and their kids all sitting together to the horizon. There has been no pure leadership of that spiritual longing for so long in this country now that it is hard to remember it is still out there. We all now see again that we have a moment when this country could be mobilized again for social justice and change. Bless the strong women of Alaska for the Anti-Palin Rally! There were very strong women on that Executive Committee and they said “Craig, get your ass out there and run this Concert!” I was very, very honored to do so. I did my job and kept everything going as the MC. But now looking back I wish I would have abused my position, delayed the schedule, hogged the stage, and played a song myself!!! Maybe a nice Dylan tune or one of my originals! Then I could have a nice photo me me playing to 85,000 people with the camera over my shoulder! But I was a good soldier and got everyone else out into their slot on time. We had so much local talent on hand that I had recruited that we had to put an unknown group on one of the other side stages because it was their very first public gig ever. That band was named “Rusted Root”. The rest is history…

The spirit is out there to change the world. It is still there. Waiting for the call.

I love every one of you here my Mud Brothers and Mud Sisters!

15 09 2008

Please forgive if this has been posted, but Buzzflash has a good article on Palin’s $27 million Road to Nowhere. Excerpt:

Governor Palin was introduced as McCain’s choice for VP several weeks ago in Dayton, Ohio. Her speech that day included her claim that she told Congress “Thanks but no thanks to that Bridge to nowhere. If the State wants a bridge, we’ll build it ourselves.” She repeated the line when she spoke at the convention and at virtually every campaign rally since then. Sarah Palin has never mentioned her $27 million road to nowhere because she and McCain don’t want anyone to know about it.

15 09 2008
Amused and Bewildered

@grunherz LOL!!! I can’t believe you remember the song — the people who wrote it are friends of mine. I even have a t-shirt. 😉 Oh my. You REALLY brought me back!

15 09 2008

As for the tee shirts, great idea. I would ask that your design include a fake “hello” name tag so that the shirts could be individualized in Sharpie with our Palin baby names!

DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike,


Ammo Canal.

15 09 2008
Susan in Atl

Re: the Salon article….very scary.

I heard from a friend today who told me about all these people he works with who just LOVE Sarah Palin and think she is a “breath of fresh air.”

I emailed that article to just about everyone….got to get the word out.

15 09 2008

This is why I scream at both sides.
McCain says the fundamentals of the economy are GRAND!
So what’s the obvious response?
Sure! For McCain’s elite base ( top 2-5% )who have taken all the profits off the backs of hardworking Americans and middle class investors.

But you don’t hear that, just weak rebuttals. So I yell at the TV. Thanks for listening. Dems have to learn to take these McCain brain farts and use them to their advantage.

15 09 2008

Hi all,

A bit off topic, but has anyone heard from MadSkillz lately? I know there was some concern about hurricane Ike. Hope everything is ok.

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

I can’t really see Russia from my house Charlie…I just think I can ok!

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

Cassie Jeep, did you notice I responded to your question as to whether we are twins? Or, are you like me and having an extremely difficult time keeping up? As a matter of fact, I didn’t see your question to me until much later.

15 09 2008

So, what’s the deal with Palin using public funds to install in the governor’s mansion all those things on her wish list? And here I thought her idea of governance was only about retribution, bad ethics and vindictiveness. Silly me.

And if she’s getting all these bells and whistles installed, why did she put in 300+ days of per diems for time she spent at her $500,000+ house up on the hillside? Well, besides spending all that time looking at Russia from up there.

15 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon

I had to craft the following post in answer to an email friend – I thought I’d share it here in case anyone else needs help responding to rabid commentary. It is taken from the last part of a page, found at
I excised it, because the original page is so long, I don’t think people (certain people) would read down to the most pertinent part.
The last paragraph is mine – if you like it you can use it as much as you like.

(From the snopes page referenced above:)

. . . As for the (subjective) issue of whether a church with an 8,600-member black congregation that espouses a “Black Value System” and urges commitment to the “Black Community,” the “Black Family,” and “the Black Work Ethic” is a church that is dutifully attending to the needs of its congregation, or one that is advocating a form of separatism or racism, Chicago Sun-Times journalist Monroe Anderson tackled that subject in a piece about TUCC back in March 2007:

(quoting Anderson’s article) “…If a white presidential candidate’s church had a similar statement and ‘you substitute the word white for black, there would be an outrage in this country,’ [Sean] Hannity preached. ‘There would be cries of racism in this country.’ True and Catch-22. If a white church plainly and proudly pronounced its whiteness, Hannity, [Tucker] Carlson and company would be right. But if it was the Holy Trinity Polish Church on Chicago’s North Side, proclaiming its Polishness, who’d care? This is how African Americans find ourselves in a trick bag. We’re defined racially even when we’re acting like any other of this nation’s ethnic groups. Issues knee-jerkily become black and white when in reality they may be African American and Irish American. Or Serbian American and African American.”

The New York Times also noted:

“…[The TUCC pastor] preached black liberation theology, which interprets the Bible as the story of the struggles of black people, who by virtue of their oppression are better able to understand Scripture than those who have suffered less. That message can sound different to white audiences, said Dwight Hopkins, a professor at University of Chicago Divinity School and a Trinity member. ‘Some white people hear it as racism in reverse,’ Dr. Hopkins said, while blacks hear, ‘Yes, we are somebody, we’re also made in God’s image.’

Liberation theology does speak to different groups differently, as it is based on reading the Scriptures through different cultural lenses. South American liberation theology and feminist theology do the same thing. And I might point out that white Americans read the holy Scriptures through our own cultural lens. It does not change the reason for reading Scripture, which is, for whatever group, to bring people to a realization that they are part of the Body of Christ. A starting point for learning about theological differences is Campolo’s article in the Washington Post:
(last paragraph mine)

15 09 2008

heard from a friend today who told me about all these people he works with who just LOVE Sarah Palin and think she is a “breath of fresh air.”

I emailed that article to just about everyone….got to get the word out.

I spent the afternoon with school moms who outright lauged when I said we’ll all be required to carry guns soon. I mean like not even considering her a serious candidate. And a couple were wealthy.

15 09 2008

Regi – don’t pay any attention to McCain saying the “fundamentals are strong.” That’s just Johnnie misunderstanding real economics again. Ya’d think someone like Carli Fiorina would spend her time teaching him some basics on economics instead of complaining about how Tina Fey’s rendition of Sarah Palin was sexist.

Yanno… it was pretty funny to read that Sarah Palin has dressed up as Tina Fey… maybe I should dress up at Sarah Palin! What a hoot that would be… I’m sure pleny will do so, but I’ll be the only guy in my neighborhood with the burgundy lipstick on the pitbull.

15 09 2008

In the various discussions that people posting here are having with friends, neighbors, co-workers about the Palin-McCain (oops I meant McCain-Palin) ticket, it is important to talk about the story highlighted here in the Alaska Real blog about Adak and the energy crisis that small community is facing. This is especially important when the Republicans are trying to market Palin as one of our country’s foremost experts on energy. As many of you have noted, Alaska is rolling in money. “Saying that Palin is a fiscal conservative is like saying Donald Trump lives within his means” (quoting someone I know who I think said it first). It is criminal that with all that money Palin’s leadership in this state is so poor that a number of communities that are not Wasilla are facing this huge crisis. We see her campaigning in parts of the country affected by recent or soon to come hurricanes but we sure don;t see her doing her job for the people of rural Alaska. And this is how the rest of America will be treated if she gets elected. Anyone that votes for Palin-McCain will indeed get the “change they deserve”, and it will be a change for the worse!

15 09 2008

I’d love to see a “Bush as a success”campaign/satire come up in this thing. Bush and McCain, a successful eight years… for oil companies (show some of those homes in Maine being heated with kerosene last year), CEO’s, Palin (she rode the wave of Republican oil prices),corporations (show some fatcats living large next to photos of closed up factories)

15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

Appearing on Morning Joe today, Chase expressed his disappointment that Tina Fey didn’t go after Sarah Palin harder in her SNL impersonation. Chase wanted to see Fey “decimate” the Republican VP candidate.

15 09 2008

sauerkraut (16:38:11) :

Regi – don’t pay any attention to McCain saying the “fundamentals are strong.” That’s just Johnnie misunderstanding real economics again. Ya’d think someone like Carli Fiorina would spend her time teaching him some basics on economics instead of complaining about how Tina Fey’s rendition of Sarah Palin was sexist.

Believe me I don’t. That was my point, when McCain says that he’s talking about the people HE knows. And the pundits hand him “well he’s talking about workers producing”??! Um no why aren’t they shouting that to McCain the economy is doing well because the only economy he knows is the economy of the extremely wealthy. We don’t see enough of him claiming 5 million is the threshold for middle class.

15 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Regi,
Moyers put the 6.1% unemployment rate into people… over 9.4 MILLION of them. In my area, population about 300,000, there are over 12 thousand houses at some stage in the foreclosure process. That means over 12 thousand families affected, possibly significantly more because some of those affected both an owner and a renter.

If we’re going to make the economics argument work, we need to talk about people, not statistics. Numbers tend to be mind-numbing except to the wonks. They don’t mean much to average people who might be aware of trends but not in terms of people. We need to make it understandable to the person on the street, and we need to talk to them in person.

I’m far from an economist — took Econ 101 in college nearly 45 years ago. I keep trying to talk to one of my kids who has been well-schooled in laissez-faire econ. He talks theory. I talk people. Don’t know if it’s working, but it’s all I can do. Wish I had more info on the number of people affected. I can tell him that the value of my house has declined 40% since the housing bubble popped and how much value my IRA has lost, but unless I can get him beyond theory… I figure he’s hopelessly overdosed on the official Kool-Aid, but not everybody is. I can’t put the percentages into people. Maybe raingods or some other Mudpal can to help the rest of us.

How many hours at minimum wage does it take to fill your gas tank? Can you even still afford to fill it? How can we make it real to the people who are still hanging on and only having to give up extras? How soon before it hits them with necessities?

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

sauerkraut: “Ya’d think someone like Carli Fiorina would spend her time teaching him some basics on economics instead of complaining about how Tina Fey’s rendition of Sarah Palin was sexist.”

Not sure Fiorina is up for the job. According to Walter Hewlitt, when they were searching for the new CEO, he said they didn’t want another CEO who required on the job training.

Fiorina and Palin have a lot more in common than just being women and their desire to run the world!

15 09 2008

so why can’t we do the same thing, hamletsmill .
why can’t we hold hands for obama…across the states.

15 09 2008

Read this post about the energy crisis in Adak, a small village in rural Alaska. The Republicans are marketing Palin as one of our countries foremost experts on energy and that is so far from the truth it is absolutely ludicrous. We see her campaigning in the hurricane zone, but we sure have not seen her doing anything in rural Alaska, including doing her job, working for the people in her state that truly need help and assistance. This is criminal especially in a state that is rolling in money. (“Calling Palin a fiscal conservative is like saying that Donald Trump lives within his means”). Many of the state’s residents live in abject poverty and since they have no voice and no power and do not pray to the right god (apparently) they will get no assistance from a Palin administration. That will be the story for the rest of the country if she and John McCain are elected.

As you talk with friends, neighbors, co-workers around the country point them to this blog. It tells the story of what Palin’s leadership is really about really well.

15 09 2008

Just sent a few $$ to Defenders of Wildlife to get the aerial wolf hunting video on TV. If you can afford it, send a few bucks. It will move women in the suburbs who might be infatuated with Palin (for now).

Also, on Countdown, Chuck Todd still has Obama ahead on the electoral map. He speculates that the continuing deterioration in the economy may (possibly) move Florida back–if in fact it is trending McCain.

15 09 2008

raingods – palin may have the sex part down, but the education part seems to have eluded her. not surprising considering she attended at least 6 colleges.

15 09 2008

They should probably drop the tanning bed, in Alaska that could be physician ordered with the latest news on Vitamin D.

15 09 2008

I don’t know where my posts keep going. I apologize if they suddenly appear multiple times.

15 09 2008

Read this post here about the energy crisis in Adak, a small village in rural Alaska. The Republicans are marketing Palin as one of our countries foremost experts on energy and that is so far from the truth it is absolutely ludicrous. We see her campaigning in the hurricane zone, but we sure have not seen her doing anything in rural Alaska, including doing her job, working for the people in her state that truly need help and assistance. This is criminal especially in a state that is rolling in money. (“Calling Palin a fiscal conservative is like saying that Donald Trump lives within his means”). Many of the state’s residents live in abject poverty and since they have no voice and no power and do not pray to the right god (apparently) they will get no assistance from a Palin administration. That will be the story for the rest of the country if she and John McCain are elected.

As you talk with friends, neighbors, co-workers around the country point them to this blog. It tells the story of what Palin’s leadership is really about really well.

15 09 2008

Breaking news.

Palin won’t meet with “Troopergate” investigator.

Oooh, this is getting fun.

15 09 2008

Read this post here about the energy crisis in Adak, a small village in rural Alaska. The Republicans are marketing Palin as one of our countries foremost experts on energy and that is so far from the truth it is absolutely ludicrous. We see her campaigning in the hurricane zone, but we sure have not seen her doing anything in rural Alaska, including doing her job, working for the people in her state that truly need help and assistance. This is criminal, especially in a state that is rolling in money. (“Calling Palin a fiscal conservative is like saying that Donald Trump lives within his means”). Many of the state’s residents live in abject poverty and since they have no voice and no power and do not pray to the right god (apparently) they will get no assistance from a Palin administration. That will be the story for the rest of the country if she and John McCain are elected.

As you talk with friends, neighbors, co-workers around the country point them to this blog. It tells the story of what Palin’s leadership is really about really well.

15 09 2008

palmdale sez:

“If we’re going to make the economics argument work, we need to talk about people, not statistics. Numbers tend to be mind-numbing except to the wonks. They don’t mean much to average people who might be aware of trends but not in terms of people. We need to make it understandable to the person on the street, and we need to talk to them in person.”

Excellent idea!

15 09 2008


If we’re going to make the economics argument work, we need to talk about people, not statistics. Numbers tend to be mind-numbing except to the wonks. They don’t mean much to average people who might be aware of trends but not in terms of people. We need to make it understandable to the person on the street, and we need to talk to them in person.

Again, that’s the point. What a better way to show people what the Republican’s are all about than by showing them hard cold images of WHY McCain would think the economy is so good. Show Cindy’s 300K earrings while having McCain claiming how great the economy is doing. Again, weak rebuttals just aren’t effective against people used to imagery and showy talking points to get it.

15 09 2008

BJA- That’s a great idea!! I live close to downtown. I have to be in Minnetonka on Friday until about 11 but then I could head to Blaine (since these rallies never start at the appointed time).

15 09 2008

Regi – I have a ton of relatives in Maine and I worry about them with the cost of heating oil so high and supplies so crimped. McCain, however, could give a crap. He only sees Maine thru the eyes of the Walker-Bush compound down in Kenneebunkpaht.

15 09 2008

Very true Sauerkraut. I’m curious why she went to six different colleges though? did she keep getting kicked out?

15 09 2008

I can tell him that the value of my house has declined 40% since the housing bubble popped and how much value my IRA has lost, but unless I can get him beyond theory

We bought 6 years ago and for a while our house doubled in price. I didn’t pay an ounce of attention to that, anyone who couldn’lt see that bubble bursting would’ve lost money somewhere else anyway. It sucks to think you’re suddenly 150k or more in the hole but unless you bought high that was phantom equity.

15 09 2008
fawnskin aka clipdragon palin

i just realized that my posts are saying i’m anonymous…but i’m not!
i just changed computers and forgot to reregister.
no wonder i can’t find my posts or the responses.

duh moment caused by palin stress syndrome

15 09 2008

My last post of the day. Again, to AK you are one superb gal! Thank you for giving us a community to fight the good fight! This is by far the best place to be in these trying times. Obama stumped in Colorado today. Here are a few photos of Grand Junction (5,000 there to see him).

I am off to do something so far away from politics for now. My brain is fried!

AKA Slap Spear Palin

15 09 2008

sauerkraut (16:54:15) :

Regi – I have a ton of relatives in Maine and I worry about them with the cost of heating oil so high and supplies so crimped. McCain, however, could give a crap. He only sees Maine thru the eyes of the Walker-Bush compound down in Kenneebunkpaht.

So why aren’t we seeing this in ads? Why aren’t dem pundits talking about this when McCain mentions the economy? It’s almost verboten, and often makes me wonder if they’re all working for the same team. I’ve watched all day and they are despairingly weak in their responses to this stuff.

15 09 2008

Better watch this clip before Disney has a cow and makes them take it down. Light entertainment for us anti-Palins.

15 09 2008
MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin

grunherz (16:48:57) :

Breaking news.

Palin won’t meet with “Troopergate” investigator.

Oooh, this is getting fun.

So what now? I thought she had nothing to hide. And if they can prove, as the article says, that he was not fired for refusing to fire the trooper, then why not meet with the investigator and give him the proof? Doesn’t seem to make sense. Smells like guilty to me.

15 09 2008

I wrote a long post that keeps not showing up. But what is boils down to is READ THIS

This is how a Palin administration helps its citizens.

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Anonymous (16:46:03) :

so why can’t we do the same thing, hamletsmill .
why can’t we hold hands for obama…across the states.

Maybe that, in a way, will be Election Day on November 4th, 2008.

15 09 2008

BJA, I’m posting your idea on every blog I can think of- especially the local ones. : )

15 09 2008

I want a mudflats t-shirt with those yellow boots (can buy them at home depot – the boots, not the t-shirt) with the words:

m u d f l a t s
reporting the news
before the media does

wordpress ought to give you a free upgrade.

15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

AKM–Re; Rev. Bess

While I concur with many posters here about the plethora of complaints about Sarah Palin from the absolutely sublime to the incredibly ridiculous, Rev. Bess’ experience is the one that is, for me, the most important.

Although the “book banning” incident has been woven, spun, re-worked, de-bunked, and reborn only to be buried again, it remains, for me, the pivotal issue. The “circulated list” of books, was clearly a straw man as evidenced by the inclusions on it.

But central to the issue is not necessarily what book(s) were targeted, but that ANY book was targeted.

My husband and I just computerized a list of our books upon our retirement and move. As we typed, dusted, and keyed in almost 3500 books, we encountered many that had covers almost destroyed from use during my husband’s 39 year teaching career; many others whose endpages had long since fallen along the way; several with puppy chewed edges; others with crude “crayon letters” which were first learned by our four children when the reading parent was distracted for a moment. I’m sure you recognize each of these books.

My point is that many of our books should, rightfully, have been reverently laid to rest years ago. Neither of us could bear to do so. Our respect for thoughts, ideas and the written word is so deep that neither of us could ever discard a book.

That said, an even more heinous act would be to ban a book. The fact that Sarah would even consider doing so, immediately conjures up TERRIFYING images in my mind. Obviously there are many books which I find personally objectionable and I exercise my right to refuse to read them. But a reasonable understanding of history clearly indicates the inherent danger in any attempt to ban a book…or the disasters that ensue when this is practiced. Even if Ms. Palin is unable to digest the historical/political ramifications, surely, SURELY she could understand it in a religious context. Does she believe that Judeo/Christian writings were POPULAR when they were written? Well received? Lauded? Has she any understanding that they could have been lost, even to her, during the dark ages?

I fear this woman, I really do.

15 09 2008
MissSue aka Barrel McRaven Palin

SMR (16:56:41) :

Great clip! Thanks for sharing.

15 09 2008

The last (#1) story on Countdown is about Paline refusing to cooperate on Troopergate. Howard Fineman of Newsweek just argued that we need to continue vetting–made the observation that Palin hires high school cronies. Fineman also said that the media should pay attention to Amy Poehler (as Hillary) saying the media ought to grow a pair.

HamletsMill, I don’t remember the rally you describe, but I was in grad school at the time and don’t remember much going on outside the Cathedral of Learning. Whatever you want to do, count me in. Rusted Root. Great band.

15 09 2008

Soooo many posts.. so little time! 🙂

AKM Please do add a donate/paypal thingy. These bandwidths can get costly, and you are doing an invaluable service to liberty.

I for one plan to haunt this place even AFTER Obama and Biden are elected. I like the vibe. I like the level of intelligence, the passion, the involvement and the general humor. This is a newly beloved place for me! and we gotta make sure our guy does all the things he promised.. he is a politician too, after all

I also have to agree- IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID!! even when it is Iraq, that is the economy too as we are hemorrhaging our wealth and the future of our country in that direction. I think Obama needs to stay off Palin and ON THE ISSUES! I agree that some ppl love her for reasons I could never understand or explain- we don’t change their minds. It will ever be thus- but when the candidates speak of the issues, it gets through and McCain and Palin have NOT spoken to the issues!

I wish Obama would challenge McCain to a debate/news conference FRIDAY on the steps of the Stock Exchange on the issue of WHAT IS HAPPENING and what they will do to help!

This lack of regulation by the Govt (and I am for smaller govt whenever possible- but not to the edge of insanity) this LACK of oversight has given free reign to the captains of GREED! and they have gutted the fatted calf of our economy to their personal gain. Enron? Bush/Cheney and friends; Fannie Mae and Freddie? HUGE payouts to the CEOs for FAILING! and now no money to bail out WAMU, Wachovia and the rest- nor should they be bailed out.. but, honey, WHAT if FDIC has no money to cover our savings? Our IRAs and KEOGHS- WHAT THEN!

This is a depression.. and Obama needs to hit the issue hard!! We need the tourniquet and we need it STAT!

so my dear friends of the Mudflats- I love you all. You challenge, enrage and enlighten me. I am here for the duration- however long that is til the rapture… 😉

15 09 2008

raingods – when I think of people I know who went to several schools, it tends to come down to a couple of things:

1) not very bright.

2) do not do the work.

1 + 2 are related.

But we will never hear the story from her. I keep hoping that people who knew her will come out of the woodwork, but she apparently left no impression upon anyone. There is a question about the first school she attended; it’s possible that she attended classes without paying for them, but was kicked out because she tried to freeload.

Someone who posted here regularly the past couple of weeks did a run-down of her collegiate history, but I don’t think she’s posted for a bit. If I can recall who it was, I’ll post a link to her blog.

15 09 2008

Remember the law of Watergate: It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup that nails people.

15 09 2008

NoCalGal… I have a great dislike for the word rapture (song with that title is likeable). Any chance I can talk you into using the word orgasm instead?


15 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

I want a t-shirt too… and Rachel is on now, continuing KO’s 1-2 punch… We ARE getting through! Walt M. is a guest… turn on tune in and donate!

15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike—-My twin! Yes, thank you, and yes, I’m just keeping up, like you!

15 09 2008

Re: the photo of dinosaurs with man footprint.

That has been proven to be a fake, it was supposedly found at Glenn Rose, Tx.

15 09 2008

So, I’m curious. Any Alaska republicans offended by this latest development? I’d like to believe I would be.

15 09 2008

raingods – when I think of people I know who went to several schools, it tends to come down to a couple of things:

1) not very bright.

2) do not do the work.

1 + 2 are related.

I think of people that can’t handle diversity and social challenges. Palin needs to fit her surroundings to her very narrow, ignorant, limited world view. I could easily see a person that runs from a different culture than try to get along. She bailed on the ethics post because she coudln’t handle it and from what I’ve read only nailed Reudrich on the insistence of the attorney general. I saw an article that said she was uncomfortable tapping into his computer files but did so under pressure. She’s so full of it.

15 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

So, blutxn, are you implying that Sarah Palin is also a fake and a fraud???? 😉

15 09 2008
Nebraska Native AKA Froth Moonshine Palin

@bluxtan… Texas, of course. 🙂

15 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Walt Monegan will be on Rachel Maddow show (MSNBC) momentarily.

15 09 2008

Sauerkraut,,, lol..

I put “rapture” (did I say RAPTOR?!?) cus I could not spell Armageddon…


15 09 2008

Somebody posted a reference to Hands Across America, somewhere in this wonderful, growing forum. (It’s hard to keep up!) That’s really not a bad idea.

I’ve believed all along that this “movement” is not only about Barack Obama. It’s about the millions of Americans who have stepped up to demand change in this country.

How amazing would it be to launch something like Hands Across America, in which a mass of people come together all at one time. It could be very, very powerful – and it would certainly get the attention of the media.

This election IS about issues, though so many Americans will not see that. They will vote for silly, emotional reasons….she’s “just like me.” Well, let’s give them emotional. Let’s give them patriotic.

Let’s stand together – in public – and say WE LOVE AMERICA SO MUCH that we cannot possibly allow the past 8 years to repeat. Let’s flood this country with so many good vibes and warm fuzzy feelings that people can’t help but get caught up in it. (I was moved by the 1,400 women in Alaska. Just imagine 14 MILLION of us!)

Any ideas, anyone? It could be something as simple as everybody doing the same thing at the same time, wherever they are. I will personally commit time to organizing something, but I can’t do it alone.

Will anyone join me?

15 09 2008

“raingods – when I think of people I know who went to several schools, it tends to come down to a couple of things:

1) not very bright.

2) do not do the work.

1 + 2 are related.”

goodness. kind of a massive generalization here. you made me feel sad and ashamed because I went to several schools.

15 09 2008
Sarah in CA

Ah, dinosaurs & humans, living together. Riiiight. These people amaze me with their ignorance.

As Eddie Izzard says, “If man was made in God’s image, dinosaurs must have been made in the image of Uncle Fred.”

15 09 2008

@sauerkraut (17:03:29) :

I want a mudflats t-shirt with those yellow boots (can buy them at home depot – the boots, not the t-shirt) with the words:

m u d f l a t s
reporting the news
before the media does

wordpress ought to give you a free upgrade.

How’s this?

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

NoCalGal said “I for one plan to haunt this place even AFTER Obama and Biden are elected. I like the vibe. I like the level of intelligence, the passion, the involvement and the general humor. ”

I agree NoCal (aka ? where’s your baby name?). I think this is a great group and I feel so in touch with all of you. When I first ventured into my research of Palin through the newspapers, I began to feel so frightened and so dang alone! Then I found Mudflats–who I love–and then all of you. I was so moved by the anti-Palin rally and the fact that even though we may all be separated by so much distance, I felt such unity and closeness. I may as well have been right there with my fellow Alaskans.

15 09 2008
fawnskin aka clipdragon palin

me, me, me …i suggested a hands across america. i really want it to take off.

15 09 2008
fawnskin aka clipdragon palin

oh, is rachel gonna talk about the rally?

15 09 2008

I know this is off topic. We need to combat McCain, not only the McPalin ticket. I sent this to Anheuser-Busch.

“I was a loyal, committed, ‘only Bud’ beer drinking die hard, no other beer surpassed fan of your product. That was, until I found out Cindy McCain’s fortune came from selling your product. I used to joke ‘I need to own Bud stock!!!’ (Due to the amount I sent to your company on a regular basis!) I now have chosen to boycott your product. I refuse to potentially put any possible stock profit into Cindy’s pocket. I cannot afford a $300,000+ outfit for the Republican convention!”

1-800-DIAL BUD


“The struggle took on global overtones late yesterday when Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said it would be “a shame” for foreign owners to take over the company, which itself makes beers in more than 100 countries.

John McCain, meanwhile, stands to reap a huge windfall if the deal goes through. His wife, Cindy, is the heiress to a multimillion-dollar beer fortune composed of a major Anheuser-Busch distributor and company stock.”

I know, I am just trying to find a way to combat the combat veteran…

Thank you Mudflats for the lift I get daily visting this site. There are still sane people in America!

15 09 2008

Now the McBush44 campaign is refusing to let Sarah Palin cooperate in Troopergate.

15 09 2008

Here’s a link to the page on the Washington Post dated September 9 that blew the lid off the questionable per diems that SP charged the people of Alaska:

They also say:

“The governor also has charged the state for travel expenses to take her children on official out-of-town missions. And her husband, Todd, has billed the state for expenses and a daily allowance for trips he makes on official business for his wife.”

Really? Gosh, I didn’t know Todd worked for the government. This is the page that has the breakdown of payments her family received for Bristol, Piper, Willow and Todd:

And this is a copy of one of SP’s actual Travel Authorizations where she states she was staying in her own residence. She later deleted the phrase “own residence”:

15 09 2008

I thought she said she had nothing to hide???

15 09 2008

wolphy – nothing personal just my personal observations as to people I knew/know.

Why did you change schools? Same reasons as Palin?

AME – IE seems to get hung up on that page you posted; same thing happens when I try to load up the comments section from a few entries ago. “no virtual memory” is what I get. Is this a graphics problem on my end? Cannot locate the original disc and cannot find “virtual memory” when I do a systems search.

15 09 2008

This is called winning over Mn Republicans one at a time….

I just received a call from someone close to me who is now going to vote for Obama because ‘ the “First Dude” will be talking to the press tonight before Ms. Palin herself’.

I had to stifle a giagantic guffaw when I realized by ‘press’ my friend was talking about Greta van Susteren.

Hey, anything that opens up someone’s eyes is ok with me! : )

15 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon

Cassie: Thanks for sharing this.
“…many of our books should, rightfully, have been reverently laid to rest years ago. Neither of us could bear to do so. Our respect for thoughts, ideas and the written word is so deep that neither of us could ever discard a book.

That said, an even more heinous act would be to ban a book. The fact that Sarah would even consider doing so, immediately conjures up TERRIFYING images in my mind. Obviously there are many books which I find personally objectionable and I exercise my right to refuse to read them. But a reasonable understanding of history clearly indicates the inherent danger in any attempt to ban a book…or the disasters that ensue when this is practiced.”
This is exactly why I posted about my Holocaust Memorial Museum visit. (16:10:24)

“After that experience, every time I have taught about this time period, I emphasize this early step in the Nazi takeover. I talk about how “this is where it had to stop.” To me, anyone who even broaches the subject of banning books has gone too far.”

15 09 2008

sauerkraut– i was poor. i put myself through school bit by bit wherever i was as i could afford it. do you know what palin’s reasons were?

15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

oh my God watching the republicans defend her is unreal! Ed Schultz is on with 3 others and they say we are up in roar cause we wanted hillary/they wont believe ed/ i need a cigarette!

15 09 2008

NMJ – seems someone needs to do a post on Palin needing to reimburse the taxpayers of Alaska for money inappropriately spent to ship kids/hubby all over the place. Yet more evidence of Palin’s lack of understanding the need for ethical behavior in her position as governor of Alaska.

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

McCain campaign says Palin won’t talk to Troopergate investigator.

The McCain campaign said tonight that Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) “won’t speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner” in the controversy known as “Troopergate.” The campaign declared the investigation to be “tainted,” despite the fact that the five-member committee is composed of three Republicans and two Democrats. Palin had previously agreed to cooperate and thus was not subpoenaed. Reporting the story tonight, Keith Olbermann said, “It is like installing a giant neon sign over her head saying, ‘I’m hiding something.’”

15 09 2008

something to pass on to the MSM… more fact checking…

Biden slams McCain Palin in Michigan speech. Transcript, prepared remarks.
Lynn Sweet
on September 15, 2008 10:31 AM

15 09 2008

ok- I don’t think I know how to post a link.. can someone enlighten me please?

15 09 2008

Mudflats friends:

I am writing up the list of the mcshame tour stops here, I will be sending letters to the editorial page of the newspapers in all of the towns ASAP. Please join me in inundating these papers with letters prior to the mcshame rallies. I am also copying my letter here. Comments (constructive) are welcome, although it looks like the trolls are going away since they’ve been starved…

15th Jacksonville, FL
16th Tampa, FL
16th Vienna, OH
17th Grand Rapids, MI
18th Cedar Rapids, IA
18th Green Bay, WI
19th Blaine, MN

And here’s the letter I’ll be sending:

Alaska has been defrauded, and now the rest of America has the opportunity to join us! The Sarah Palin that Alaskans thought would govern us with truth & transparency has turned her back on integrity to further her own agendas and those of the Republican Party. Her Bridge to Nowhere? Supporting that Bridge was how she garnered votes in her run for Governor. Governor Palin did not give the bridge money back to Washington; she used it for transportation projects in areas where she could get the most votes during the next election. Taking on the good ole boys of politics? Only when she wasn’t throwing & attending fundraisers for them! If Alaskans had not been so disgusted with former Governor Frank Murkowski’s unethical behavior there is no way that the “Mayor & CEO of Wasilla” – yes, that’s how she billed herself during her campaign – would ever have been elected! The gas pipeline? Give me a break! She rode in on the tail end of a project that had been in the works for decades, then turned it into a crisis, a battle between herself and the oil companies that became a boon for TransCanada. The $500,000,000.00 that Alaska will have to reimburse TransCanada should this deal fall through – and it is far from a done deal – will be a crippling blow for Alaska and the rest of the U.S. You think we’re getting a lot of pork per capita now? Well, that’s nothing compared to what we’ll need if her golden pipeline deal falls through.
I am not a disgruntled Hillary voter. I am an Alaskan who has historically voted Republican in all Presidential elections, much to the disgust of my family. But, to borrow a phrase from Obama, one that has since been hijacked by McCain/Palin: “Enough!” I love my country, and Sarah Palin is not the real deal. She will not be the maverick that you want her to be. She will not single-handedly reform the values & morals of Americans or the D.C. Political Establishment. I would not ask her to do so, and I would not call upon Obama to do so either. I want a leader who will address the very real Economic and Military crises facing our country, crises that worsen with each passing day. Those are the issues that are most important to me, and if they are important to you this Alaskan voter asks that you educate yourself regarding the policies & plans of Obama; it will then become clear that he has the energy, intelligence & integrity to effect positive change.

15 09 2008
schlock and flaws

This was published by the AP about 30 minutes ago. I have a question about the emphasized passage below–has anyone heard ANYTHING about Monegan’s “insubordination on budget issues” having to do with this situation?

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – A campaign spokesman says Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won’t speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

McCain campaign spokesman Ed O’Callaghan told a news conference Monday that the governor, the Republican nominee for vice president, will not cooperate as long as the investigation “remains tainted.” He said he doesn’t know whether Palin’s husband would challenge a subpoena issued to compel his cooperation.

The campaign insists the investigation has been hijacked by Democrats. It says it can prove Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan was fired because of insubordination on budget issues — not because he refused to fire a state trooper who had divorced Palin’s sister.

15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

misskae aka khaki salmon (17:36:06) : Re: book banning and the reality of its logical conclusion.

I know, I know…it’s why we do what we can do, isn’t it?

15 09 2008

wolphy (17:36:14) :

sauerkraut– i was poor. i put myself through school bit by bit wherever i was as i could afford it. do you know what palin’s reasons were?

Hawaii – she said she missed the seasons and said finances were also an excuse. But it seemed she was a F/T student who graduated in a reasonable amount of time, not a struggling F/T worker trying to piece together an education. It struck me as a sheltered girl needing to find something that fit her worldview. She found a school closer to her brother. She did stay within the same university so it could’ve been a matter of convenience also. I’ve yet to find a place to live where I feel I “belong” but am settled enough for the kids, there’s no shame in it, but for a woman who obviously abuses power to suit her own needs it’s telling.

15 09 2008
Penny Moeller

For the person above asking about good newspaper sources, a good website is called News Voyager. For people who like to write and I’m assuming that most of you on this wonderful site do, a really helpful way to help the campaign is to write one great letter and submit it to a lot of the newspapers in the swing states. That could only help. Thank heavens for this website. It’s like a support group.

15 09 2008

more fact checking to pass along to the MSM


Biden slams McCain Palin in Michigan speech. Transcript, prepared remarks.
By Lynn Sweet on September 15, 2008 10:31 AM

15 09 2008

wolphy – I do not know why she changed schools. When I first read that she went to a place in Hawaii, my first thought was that she followed a boyfriend there. That appears to not be the case. But she did at some point claim to have attended two schools there before returning to the pac-nw.

I was like you – poor and worked my way thru. Except that I got a bit lucky with the athletics thing and had friends who simply would not allow me to quit. I worked 3 jobs at times in addition to following a D1 sports routine. How I ever found time to drink and get drunk is beyond me.

But that’s the type of background that a candidate typically crows about. You work hard, you have tough times but you don’t ever quit.

That should be Sarah Palin’s story. But it isn’t. Her story is like the people I know. Not very bright and don’t do the work.

She’s the candidate. Not you. Wasn’t meant to be a slam on you and I apologize if you took it that way.

15 09 2008

laura (13:48:24) :
Anyone have info on how to obtain email address lists of newspapers across the country to spread the word about the Anti Palin rally in Anchorage this past weekend?

This is a cool little utility that will allow you to enter your zip code and then choose papers you want to send a letter to the editor to. They make sure they go out as individual letters so they won’t be disregarded as spamming. You can just enter zip codes for each state and work your way across the USA. Sounds like a fun thing to do some day when you are bored.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

LOL I give up.. I cannot get my links to post.. sorry for the uhm empty posts..

ah me. I think I will go home for now..

15 09 2008

NoCalGal (17:47:10) : To post a link:

1. Go to the page the link refers to
2. Click once in the address bar at the top of the browser to highlight the link address
3. Click on Edit/Copy
4. Come back to this page
5. Click in the comment box
6. Click on Edit/Paste


15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

Whatever you’re doing, you can listen to Joe Biden’s excellent speech today from Michigan while you’re doing it.

15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

I think that my unwillingness to take special action against her former brother-in-law was not well received”
she seems more like a pirahna!

15 09 2008

Saukerkraut –
it may well be an IE thing … I use Firefox, myself

Does this work better for you?

15 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

i have one question

are things so bad in alaskan gov that people chose to have her as governor rather than expose her for what she really is?

i applaud the bravery of those now coming forward, but her political career shouldve died 2 years ago

this woman is totally batshit

she saw a pic somewhere of dinasour and human footprints together so that means man and dinasour existed together?

15 09 2008
White Agate

Another posting from MN, SE (per Kimbers, above):

DFL office is bumping here. They have had tons of volunteers and everyone is canvassing by phone or by foot. They did something like 1400 contacts over the weekend, the size of the AK rally! That’s a lot of people in a small town, as we have learned.

It makes a big difference to talk to people they tell me, as you might imagine. Case in point, I live in a traditionally ‘red’ area that is now ‘purple,’ and I did a neighbor-to-neighbor print-out and found there are lots of folks on there. I called some and they were surprised there were other Obama supporters nearby. And so it goes…

…I wish the Obama campaign could use that AK rally as a commercial unto itself, great signs and compassionate, passionate women saying what’s on their minds.

I like the hands across idea, maybe also a film or linked video, of people joining hands and saying what they feel about change and then linking to the next person. ‘Real change for real people.’ Maybe it would go viral like that man dancing everywhere around the world. The physical hands across America would be cool, how do you organize something like that?

At 7 p.m. there’s supposed to be a conference call or something with Biden and Clinton (Hillary), I think. I hope I can make it.

I asked about polls and the general wisdom is, it’s too soon, they don’t reflect how the electorate will really turn out, and they don’t call people who are cell-phone only, who tend to be younger and a very energetic part of the electorate. So things are close but there is still a ways to go and every donation and call counts, is what I’m being told.

So if Gov. Palin is not speaking to investigators, will she be subpoened, too? That’s great, subpoened while running for VP. Excellent.

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

NMJ and NoCalGal, there’s a difference in browsers, eg my old browser needed the copy and paste done with a left-click, but the new browser wants a right-click …. 😉

15 09 2008

Sauerkraut –
It may well be an IE issue … I use Firefox …
maybe this will work better for you?

15 09 2008

third attempt to post this – my posts keep disappearing!!

@ Sauerkraut

It may very well be an IE issue – best way to know for sure would be to try a different browser – I like Firefox, myself

Here’s a condensed link, it may possibly work better for you

15 09 2008

NoCalGal – when I try to put in a link, I type in whatever message I want to convey first and then type the whole kit-n-kaboolde right from http thru the com at the end. The more clever among us can do it with just a word; perhaps they’ll share the secret.

Cynthia – when I first listened to the newscast on her refusal, I thought I heard something about her invoking the 5th to the investigator. But it’s not a criminal investigation, is it? Will it lead to criminal charges? Is that something the investigator can do? I dunno, but it seems like she just stamped “subpoena me and make me testify under oath” on both her forehead and butt cheeks.

15 09 2008

4th try at posting this, we’ll see if it shows up …


I would not be surprised if it is an IE issue – do you have the option of trying another browser?
I like Firefox, myself
Here is a condensed link, maybe that will work better for you?

15 09 2008

5th try at posting this, we’ll see if it shows up …


I would not be surprised if it is an IE issue – do you have the option of trying another browser?
I like Firefox, myself
Here is a condensed link, maybe that will work better for you?

15 09 2008

Hi all,
Not sure if I am repeating info or not but wanted to post some info that was sent to me from the ladies at Women Against Palin. The best link to finding events where Sara and McCain will be speaking is below. Additionally, it might not be a bad idea to show up in force to positively support Barack Obama and his events are on this same calendar. Once again, the link is below and I have included this weeks dates and locations for Sara Palin.

Sara Palin Events Week of 9/15

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

* 1 p.m., Rally in Vienna, OH.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

* 4:30 p.m., Town Hall in Grand Rapids, MI.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

* 8 a.m., Rally in Cedar Rapids, IA.

Friday, September 19, 2008

* Noon, Rally in Blaine, MN.

Women Against Palin are asking to be notified of any rallies, peaceful protests etc that get planned so they can pass the info along. Here is their link:

Thanks so much to you all for inspiring me to not just get myself involved but bring those I care about with me so we all have a say this election!

15 09 2008

6th attempt at posting this, we’ll see if it shows up this time …


I would not be surprised if it is an IE issue – do you have the option of trying another browser?
I like Firefox, myself
Here is a condensed link, maybe that will work better for you?

15 09 2008

7th attempt at posting this, why doesn’t the board like me tonight?


I would not be surprised if it is an IE issue – do you have the option of trying another browser?
I like Firefox, myself
Here is a condensed link, maybe that will work better for you?

15 09 2008
Ohio Sue

I had to stop back one more time before I went to bed. If you get a chance, please read Anne Lamott’s article at It, like all things she writes, will give your spirit a lift.

15 09 2008

You can hyperlink words like this. Just replace the { and } symbols with the angle brackets.

{a href=”http://link_address_here”}The Link Text Here{/a}

Hopefully these symbols will work when I post… 🙂

15 09 2008

Aussie Puck Mule (18:01:26) :Actually, I use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+x and Ctrl+v. I gave directions, however, for using the Edit menu, which is usually easier for people learning things for the first time.

15 09 2008

Gina (16:32:42)

MadSkillz like approximately 2.1 million metro-Houstonians is most likely still without power. As of this afternoon only about 500,000 customers had their power restored, and most of them are inner core Houston. As I recall MadSkillz said he lived in far West Houston. That part of town actually fared pretty well, decent drainage because of newer infrastructure. The congressman I saw was from that area and said things were going well in his district as far as damage, water and accessibility. Lots of places are going back to work tomorrow (although people in some parts of downtown probably not —

15 09 2008

Ok the lesser-than and greater-than angle brackets didn’t show up in my post. But you can find them above the comma and the period.

15 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

Here is an important post on ThinkProgress. I have been wondering why we aren’t seeing footage of rescues, storm damage, etc. in the way we saw it after Katrina. Seems somebody (?) pulled the plug on the coverage.

Read and learn. It’s disgusting. I’m sending this on to Rachel Maddow, who has an email address for her show, and contacting the NBC and CBS in hopes they will cover THAT part of the story.

15 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper
15 09 2008

I just received a call from someone close to me who is now going to vote for Obama because ‘ the “First Dude” will be talking to the press tonight before Ms. Palin herself’.

I had to stifle a giagantic guffaw when I realized by ‘press’ my friend was talking about Greta van Susteren.

Okay, seriously? This whole Todd thing is freaking me out! Am I the only one? Why is this man so involved? If he was a wife, would this go unquestioned? He was not elected by Alaska! Why is he giving interviews before Sarah? No, I don’t consider the Gibson act an interview. It was more like a monologue. Also, we’re not supposed to be concerned about the whole AIP thing, because Sarah’s husband was the member, and not her. BUT Todd is SO involved with everything she does, how can people possibly ignore this?

Everyday, she proves to me that she is not the independent, strong, pro-woman, woman she pretends to be. She is a puppet. Except that I love puppets, so she is just a paper plate on a stick, with a crayon (not Crayola, the Dollar Tree kind) face drawn on.

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike

sauerkraut said “I thought I heard something about her invoking the 5th to the investigator. But it’s not a criminal investigation, is it? Will it lead to criminal charges? Is that something the investigator can do? I dunno, but it seems like she just stamped “subpoena me and make me testify under oath” on both her forehead and butt cheeks.”

Exercise of the 5th Amendment can apply in civil actions as well.

(!!! I thought you were a lawyer? You posted the other day that attorney/client privilege came up in all litigation even though this lawyer has never once in all her days of litigating had the issue of attorney/client privilege brought up!)

15 09 2008
Arizona Blue

good letter do you think it will reach honest hands.. i hope so

15 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Could someone please post directions for tinyurls. I’m constantly having problems in emails with long URLs wrapping and then not working.

Might also help for things like YouTube links here. Thx.

15 09 2008

8th try at posting this, WTF? …


I would not be surprised if it is an IE issue – do you have the option of trying another browser?
I like Firefox, myself

Here is a condensed link, maybe that will work better for you?

15 09 2008

Actually, SP did advocate censorship. Read the excellent expose by the New York Times here:

Here’s an excerpt:

But in 1995, Ms. Palin, then a city councilwoman, told colleagues that she had noticed the book “Daddy’s Roommate” on the shelves and that it did not belong there, according to Ms. Chase and Mr. Stein. Ms. Chase read the book, which helps children understand homosexuality, and said it was inoffensive; she suggested that Ms. Palin read it.

“Sarah said she didn’t need to read that stuff,” Ms. Chase said. “It was disturbing that someone would be willing to remove a book from the library and she didn’t even read it.”

Looks like the NYT has been digging deeper than anyone!

15 09 2008

try this, Palmdale

15 09 2008


try this:

15 09 2008

Okay, seriously? This whole Todd thing is freaking me out! Am I the only one?

Yup, just you ! 😉

15 09 2008


15 09 2008

SwineP – I have a cousin who lives just west of Houston in Katy. When I spoke with her this afternoon, she said there was a very large area from Houston and points west that had no power and wasn’t expected to get any power for at least 3 more days. Fortunately, church groups from around the country (but not from Palin’s church) are sending work crews to help get things back to something resembling normal. My cousin cautioned me to not make any David Koresch jokes. …

15 09 2008

Okay, Palmdale

15 09 2008


We need a gallon-of-milk-moment from the Bush the First re-election campaign when he didn’t know how much one cost… I had hoped the how-many-homes w/McCain was it, but noooooo. Until McCain shows how hopelessly out of touch the are, the economy thing is going to have to be one person at a time…

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

NMJ, it’s not possible on my current browser to use the left-click method that you’re proposing is all I’m saying. That’s why I have to right-click after I’ve highlighted the address – to bring up my own edit/copy/paste menu – which I didn’t find out for some time. Maybe NoCalGal has the same browser as me and is just sitting there wondering why the usual stuff isn’t working. 🙂

15 09 2008

Jeep Pike – perhaps invoking the 5th works in civil matters in Mississippi but it sure don’t work in massachusetts or pennsyltucky. Not in USDC here, either. Maybe your local rules allow it? Any idea what the practice is in Alaska?

15 09 2008

damn, I am unable to post anything with a link!!!
Palmdale, try this:

go to

http colon fwd slash fwd slash pho dot se fwd slash

15 09 2008

What’s really freaking me out is the media being blocked from covering Ike and the possibility that it’s the federal government doing the blocking. They can cover that up for only a little while, but they can’t cover up wallstreet. People are starting to see just how horribly the last 8 years have destroyed out economy and made our government unable to cope with anything beyond the most mundane issues.


From LJP aka Revolver Trooper (18:16:42) :

15 09 2008

and Sauerkraut …

it may well be an issue w/ IE

can you try in a different browser?

I like Firefox, myself

anyway, the point being, it is very very easy to create shirts at Zazzle dot com, and Mudflats herself could make them if she wanted to, to support her blog

15 09 2008

Haha! Oh Regi, you totally calmed me down with that comment, thank you!
And if my bf knew about the rant he came close to hearing, he would thank you, too!

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule

@Ky (18:17:58) :

… a paper plate with a wide lipstick grin 😉

15 09 2008

New post peoples. 😀

15 09 2008

maybe we should all go to our respective Halloween parties as AKMuckraker… “I’m AKMuckraker.” “No, I’m AKMuckraker.” “No, I’m AKMuckraker.” “No, I’m AKMuckraker!”

15 09 2008

Aussie, she’s getting petroleum-free lip balm! XD

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike


In Mississippi, we rely on the authority of the United States Supreme Court which ruled that the 5th can apply in both civil and criminal and applies equally in the state and federal courts.

I’m assuming that Alaska recognizes the U.S. Supreme Court.

15 09 2008
DownInMississippi aka Jeep Pike


Why do your federal courts in Mass and Penn not recognize the holdings of the United States Supreme Court?

15 09 2008

Aussie Puck Mule (17:57:38) :

Bidens speech was on NPR tonight…it was so good to hear him speak after a hard day.

15 09 2008

I wanted to re-post this, because I think it’s important:

CNN Presents did an hour on Joe Biden this week (I’m sure they’ll repeat it). I didn’t really know the man, and now I’m really impressed. Just before he was sworn into the Senate, his wife and their three children were in a tragic automobile accident. His wife and daughter were killed and his two sons were critically injured. He was left with two very young boys to raise. He commuted 100 miles (200 miles round trip) by train to work and home every day to be with his children at night. He said in a press conference:

“If in 6 months or so there is a conflict between my being a good father and being a good senator, which I hope will not occur, I will contact the governor-elect and tell him we can always get another senator but they can’t get another father.” – Joe Biden

Now those are family values!

15 09 2008

Woo hoo, congrats. Will be looking for your “Deepthroat” cameo 🙂

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Ky – you gave me an idea 😉

15 09 2008
Blue Idaho

CNN is reporting that McCain’s camp is accusing Obama of orchestrating the trooper investigation. Will they just spew anything out? Anyone up there seen any proof of Obama’s people anywhere in the news? I’ve only heard of McCain’s people interfering.

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

Blue Idaho (18:36:47) :

That was only to be expected after last week …. but they were always going to succeed in having it covered up until after the election anyway.

15 09 2008

Joe Biden: St. Clair Shores, Michigan

As others have noted, this was a strongly delivered speech. This is what I think of when I hear or read the phrase “breath of fresh air.” He puts a lot on the table. It screams “authenticity”, which means a lot to me in any election, but especially so in this election.

Ammo Canal

15 09 2008

Haha! Aussie, your new name is outstanding!

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Bystander (18:41:55) :

My vote for best quote from an excellent speech is

[after 8 years of Bush] we have a culture where the very few wealthy and powerful have a seat at the table – and the rest of us are on the menu

…. chew ’em up and spit ’em out …..

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@Ky, can you see it from Russia?

15 09 2008

‘This whole Todd thing is freaking me out! Am I the only one?’

Ky, now that you got me thinking about it further, it is very disturbing that it is not bothering women in every walk of life more….

: (

15 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon

Anne Lamott mentions Froth Moonshine in her article!

15 09 2008
KTN aka Wood Corps Palin

C.N.N. is leading this story with the ANTI palin rally!!!!!

15 09 2008

SMR, great for Op-Ed pages. Break it up into paragraphs. That’s really my only comment.

15 09 2008

It does not surprise me one bit that Palin believes in the End of Days, or that she will live to see the Messiah’s return. Everyone I have ever met who thinks of the Iraq invasion/occupation in terms of a task from or will of God has been quick to follow with claims that the war is Biblical prophecy. To them, this is the dawn of Armageddon – the beginning of the end they pray to see.

They are very dangerous, and there are more of them than I want to believe.

15 09 2008

I think I’ve heard everything! While Palin avoids MSM the hosts from Entertainment Tonight are traveling with her on their plane. So maybe the tabloids are true…….

15 09 2008
Uncle Joe Mccarthy

Blue Idaho


obama is a prophet then, because the investigation began weeks before palin was picked

and talk about reaching across party lines…the ak legislature is controlled by the republicans…who authorized the investigation

he is the one

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

This just interrupted me at

15 09 2008

Just testing something here…

and this would ideally be some code

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Can someone please tell the blogger who writes these articles to see if he can try to post his stories on CNN ireport or try and send the stories to all the journalist such as ny times, washington post, msnbc etc.? I think a lot of these places don’t get the full story of truth on sarah palin therefore I wish there was a way that these articles can be post more so elsewhere. Besides, I think a lot of people especially the old folks in small remote towns are not hearing the truth about Palin that is why there are still a lot of McCain/Palin supporters still out. But then again there are those who are just simply ignorant in supporting McCain/Palin not matter what. I hate to see this country go down the wrong path again for another 4 year of bush term if McCain/Palin gets elected. I’m especially angry when it comes to someone who clearly doesn’t deserve to become leaders of this country when they lack experience and run a dirty politic such as McCain/Palin.

15 09 2008

“By what Grace have we earned such Redemption? Ten million Saviours, Angels of Man” -Todd Rundgren, “Shine”

The Awakening has started. Keep the faith, keep on writing, keep on organizing, keep on proving that the Human Spirit is indomitable and unconquerable when we stand together!

No matter what happens in this election, we must NEVER surrender what we are finding within ourselves and within our fellow brothers and sisters at this time. It is important that with each little victory we understand that we are bringing light to the world and pushing the darkness further away.

It’s not just about this election. It’s about Humanity.


15 09 2008

well… leave for a few minutes and all sorts of new stuff appears.

AME – your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th attempts all worked!! hahahaaaa… blame it on McCain cuz you know the fundamentals are strong! Well, all least that’s what his Cindy lookalike policy advisor pfotenhauser is saying on Hardball right now. She doesn’t understant economics either cuz she sounds more like Hoover than Hoover probably ever did.

15 09 2008

*DROOL* Copper River salmon…oh my goodness I miss Alaska! I’m so jealous!

15 09 2008

@ vena- welcome to the party. Where do you think they have been getting their bits from? Go back about 15 days ago and you will see that we tend to be 3 days to one week ahead of MSM. A lot of hard work, thoughtful process and genuine love for our country has driven this special place. Of course our fearless leader started this “mudmovement”, Go AKM!

15 09 2008

Opps! That last post to vena was from me. My computer crashed under the Palinpile weight earlier today. Oh well, the “mudmovement” continues anyway!

15 09 2008

Anyone have info on how to obtain email address lists of newspapers across the country to spread the word about the Anti Palin rally in Anchorage this past weekend? A lot of commenters to my blog are saying they had NO idea Sarah didn’t have full support in AK and I wanted to spread the word.

go to

15 09 2008

It’s the Economy!!! Which of course mc cain says is basically strong. Lehman Brothers goes belly up today. Freddie mac and fanny mae go broke last week. Bear Sterns is out of business. One more, I cannot remember. All of the ceo’s walked away with their golden parachutes. The stock market fell over 500 points today. Kitco, Comex and other metals dealers have no – I repeat NO physical gold or silver to sell – my silver dealer says he will have a few one ounce bars of silver in a few days but will be selling it at 5.00 over spot price which is approximately 20 percent higher than what the international charts are saying for value. Alan Greenspan states that mc cains economic plan is a disaster. My sister’s bank in Arkansas just closed. Estimates are that there are another 1200 banks that will go down in the near future. We have only seen the beginning. If you look back at events leading up to the depression you will see that exactly the same things were happening. We are currently on the brink of depression and no amount of saying that the basics of our economy are just fine as mc cain repeats over and over is going to change the fact that our dollar is becoming worthless(China just dumped a pile of our dollars) (hang on to those pennies – they are worth 4 cents on the copper market) and our economy is quite trashed – unless of course you are one of those middle-class people making only 5 million a year. And gasoline is approaching the 5..00 a gallon mark in Chicago.
Better stock up on food, plan for your garden, get a wood stove and prepare to barter. Another group of displaced workers (25,000) just hit the labor market. Are we having fun yet? A couple of deer in the freezer isn’t going to hurt either.
We are so screwed! Another 4 years of Bush economics only worse??? I think not! It will take years to dig out of this economic disaster if ever. I am so pissed. In the last 8 years my entire world has been decimated.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

btw, considering what’s happening on Wall St, I do hope the Obama team make a campaign ad made up solely of clips of John McCain talking about how he doesn’t know much about the economy and economics. 🙂

16 09 2008

aloha,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i just want to shared my blog out to you ,,,,,,,,,,and i hope to you,that you will visite to my blog,,,,,,,,,,We are the group of poor boy (but we have good capability in art skill) , who wants change the life, and wants change the bad statement about us.

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16 09 2008

dinosaur human footprint issue.
Even abandoned by some creationists! Now THAT is saying something!

Come on MSM, she even believes stuff CRAZY PEOPLE have abandoned!

16 09 2008

There are intelligent people who: believe in creation, separation of church and state, and that voting Republican isn’t what Jesus would do. Could you at least sound somewhat respectful of those beliefs? Palin doesn’t represent Christ or his teachings.

16 09 2008

I’m sorry, I can’t respect people that believe things that have been PROVEN wrong by science. It’s fine to believe that God created the world (the big bang could very well have been God-created), but believing the earth is 8000 years old is just ridiculous. if you get vaccinated you are accepting the product of evolutionary theory.

I don’t accept Scientology or Mormonism or any -ism. They are all ludicrous. What KIND of God says these folks are going to heaven and these folks aren’t. just because Hindo & Buddhist babies were born to Hindu or Buddhist parents that never even HEARD of Jesus. That is a dangerous belief system.

16 09 2008

You people are nuts, completely off your rockers. Please, for all our sakes, get back into the real world, people.

16 09 2008
From England aka Spoon Archer Palin

OOOoooh…brown bags over heads! – two weeks ago would you have ever guessed that life would become so exciting….’taint (as in tainted…’taint) the same as it woz, is it? (apologies for the brit humour:{)

16 09 2008
Why I dislike Sarah Palin »

[…] Palin’s Revelations. Repent! The End is Near. […]

16 09 2008

Aaron, you wrote “Progressives decry this [religious lunacy] because it cuts against a secular world view that embraces gay marriage and abortion.” But look at Steve’s post, above. These cultural wedge issues don’t matter to him, or to me FWIW. What we care about is the indescribable ignorance in which you must wallow to believe some of this stuff. The first humans appeared somewhere around 100,000 years ago, give or take a few millenia, and the dinosaurs died off 160 million years ago. Approximately. If anyone has seen a fossil indicating togetherness, it was manufactured.

And speaking for myself, but not for Steve, I don’t care how ignorant Sarah Palin chooses to be, but I don’t want someone with her attitudes, her rigidity of mind and her total obliviousness of world affairs anywhere near the nuclear trigger or the conventional one for that matter. We have more than enough experience of government by the benighted already.

Allowing same-sex marriages does not require “embracing” them, any more than permitting each individual woman to control her own reproduction requires one to “embrace” abortion. If you can think clearly enough to operate a computer, you certainly can understand these simple distinctions. If you choose not to, I don’t want you anywhere near the trigger, either.

16 09 2008
No, I’m Not Done Questioning Palin « West Coast Grrlie Blather

[…] entitled “The Pastor Who Clashed With Palin” by David Talbot.  Mudflats original post Palin’s Revelations. Repent!  The End is Near – […]

17 09 2008


This was forwarded by a friend. She donated and is urging you to
consider doing the same. The smallest donation is $5: The cost:

Make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin’s name. When you
make a donation to PP (secure site) in her name, they’ll send her a
card stating the donation was made in her honor. (Not that I’m into
avian homicide, but this is like killing two birds w/ one stone: it
financially supports beleaguered PP and protests the threat to female
rights by one of our own.)

Here’s the link to Planned Parenthood’s website:

Open ‘Donate’. Click ‘Honorary or Memorial Donations’. Fill in your
info and donation, then scroll down to ‘I would like to give to’: fill
in ‘Sarah Palin’ and use the McCain campaign headquarters address:
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202

Please consider forwarding this to others, and urge them to do the same.

Viva la elección!

17 09 2008
Karen from Golden, Colorado

Your website is great–I ran across you about a week ago looking for more details on the rape test kit stuff. Sounds like you’re overwhelmed by everybody showing up on your doorstep. It’s that basically Palin has burst on the scene here in the lower 48, totally overshadowing McCain. No one knows anything about her and it’s been like a bad tv reality show. Then, lo and behold, I came across you again today. I liked your new stuff on Palin’s Revelations, and also liked the link. Also, I sure hope your stuff on book-banning gets national media attention, because Gibson sure let her put that one away in his interview. In hindsight, I would say that I have to admire her capacity to lie her butt off.

I really hope that even more info comes out on Palin–fast. She definitely has a cult following now! Her packaging has been really slick. That’s why it was great surfing back to your site. For example, it’s pretty absurd Obama got huge flak for his association with Wright (with whom, ironically, I do not exactly disagree), and nobody’s getting on Palin for her religious beliefs and affiliation. But that’s just one issue out of dozens, and what’s really awful is that when you get immersed in little details you lose sight of the big picture, which is that she does not seem to possess the character, the judgment, and especially not the experience to potentially run the country.

It was encouraging to see the poll numbers start changing today, and it’s too bad it took an entire economic meltdown to start bringing at least a few people to their senses. I hope, that as more information on Palin comes out, that we see a hell of a lot more blue states. You might wonder why I’m not talking about McCain. As far as I can tell, he’s irrelevent. I believe that with Palin off the ticket, he might be in a jam (especially if he only had Romney, our JC Penney catalogue underwear model, going for him). But the more important reason to try to figure her out as much as possible is that she has a disproportionately high chance of becoming President.

So keep it up! (I must comment that while it sounds really good that you got somebody to help you manage your website, maybe you can turn the internet into a profession because you have a really good one. Think about this becoming a watchdog site on all questionable politicians. You’d have to hire a staff of hundreds! Then, if you stick some ads on [like I really want to know where Cindy McCain got that fabulous green and orange outfit], you’d be able to turn a tidy profit!)

And, for all Palin fans out there, could you please reconsider? You really want this woman–who might need to someday stand up to Putin? She couldn’t even talk to Gibson without her voice shaking. She’s like a candidate in a high school student council election. She is not Presidential.

18 09 2008
Gloria in WA

Hope, Thank you for your wonderful pro-life statement. You have beautifully expressed what many of us feel. Since the RNC I have felt the need to reveal to folks that I am both a conservative Christian and a political liberal. Both revelations come as a shock to most! The thing is, I can’t let Palin represent me in any way! I long for the good ole days when religion was a private matter and everyones’ belief’s were protected by the notion of the wall of separation between Church and State. The weakening of this wall threatens the religious freedom of all and compromises the ability of the State to act without prejudice. When the State becomes the enforcement arm of the Church the result is things like the Inquistion. Extremism is dangerous regardless of its brandname!

18 09 2008
The Palin Prophecies: Apocalypstick Dreams « Ken Arnold Books.

[…] I was thinking about the Kingdom and how it’s gonna be when the people of God get the power. I just know I’m going to see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime. And I want to help make the country ready. There’ll be no more abortion. Women will do their duty […]

19 09 2008

Keep it coming, Mudpuppies.