Palin Refuses to Cooperate with Ethics Probe. What a Surprise.

15 09 2008

This one didn’t surprise me.  The Associated Press is now reporting that Sarah Palin will no longer be cooperating with the Troopergate investigation.  Actually, I’m not sure if she ever was cooperating with the Troopergate investigation.  So far her cooperation has involved:

  1. Saying she was going to cooperate.
  2. Reiterating that she was going to cooperate.

and….that’s about it.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – A campaign spokesman says Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won’t speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

McCain campaign spokesman Ed O’Callaghan told a news conference Monday that the governor, the Republican nominee for vice president, will not cooperate as long as the investigation “remains tainted.” He said he doesn’t know whether Palin’s husband would challenge a subpoena issued to compel his cooperation.

The campaign insists the investigation has been hijacked by Democrats.

And I have yet to have anyone explain to me how a Republican dominated Legislature could have voted unanimouslyto proceed with the investigation by special investigator Stephen Branchflower, and have been “hijacked by Democrats.”   That story may cut it with her new-found friends in the Lower 48, but it’s not cutting it here in Alaska.  I think that this move lost her a lot of respect with Alaska lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, and with a lot of Alaskan voters.  There are plenty in Alaska who are caught up in Sarah-mania, and will defend her no matter what she does, but not everyone.

The only reason Palin was not issued a subpoena, is because the Legislature actually believed her when she said she would cooperate.  They actually took her at her word.  (Patting Legislature on head) Oh, you trusting souls. 

Alaskans know corruption.  They know what it feels like to be kicked in the teeth by their elected representatives.  They recognize the signs of guilt, and the twisting and squirming, like a bug on a pin, that our corrupt politicians display when the heat gets turned up.  This is not new.  We’ve danced this dance more times than we care to admit in the last two years. But this one was supposed to be different.  THIS one was supposed to be “clear and transparent.”  THIS one stood up there in her lipstick and her red blazer, and her mantle of change and said, “Hold me accountable.”

We know what’s tainted this investigation, and ‘taint the Democrats.

OK, Legislature.  The ball is in your  court.  Dust yourselves off, because it’s your play.




312 responses

15 09 2008

Oy, Palin is going down in a spiral of flames and smoke. The longer she puts this off the pissier the public will get….

Obama/Biden 08/12!

15 09 2008

Is Todd simply a private citizen in this whole mess? And as such can he be afforded any kind of protection, assumed or otherwise?

Let’s stop pussyfooting around and hold these people accountable, as is Palin’s wish.

15 09 2008
Mad Skillz

Man, talk about transparency. I tell you, this could be the Dem’s October surprise. Any legal experts? What happens if she is found guilty? Will she be fined? Jail time? Muchas gracias.

Skillz, heading back to H-town in the a.m.

15 09 2008

Why can’t she be subpoenaed?

She can be subpoenaed. The only reason the Legislature didn’t do it is because she said she’d be happy to cooperate, and they took her at her word. It may have looked combative if they had issues a subpoena while she was being cooperative. We’ll see what happens now.

15 09 2008


Thanks for the update.

Oh well, seems like business as usual.

15 09 2008
Mad Skillz

Oh yeah – gotta love how she had folks during her mayor stint and I am sure during her governor days of using private e-mails that would be private and not subject to being subpoened. I wonder – any legal experts in the house?

15 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Technically, from what I have read, Todd is just a private citizen – not on the Alaska state payroll. Therefore, he has not executive priv., and since the emails were sent to other persons at the same time, no spousal priv. either

15 09 2008

Great update AKM! The plot thickens….

15 09 2008

Oh, I forgot.. If you guys are using hard numbers to differentiate between the two candidates on their tax cuts, here is a CNN breakdown. Let people know who say they don’t know where they stand on this issue.

It’s there in red, white and blue

15 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

I worked & slaved all day today…. there is sooooo much to read and sooooo little time

Haven’t finished the last two threads ….

Oh my ! 😦 I need to catch up

15 09 2008
Mad Skillz

I hope the Alaska Legis grows a pair. If not, Hillary has a set she can loan them. Justice is justice. So, the GOPers have an adulterer – twice, a holy roller who said Iraq is a task from God, an economy in midst of a metdown (the l melted) and Obama is still behind in the polls? I need to use the tactics they are using for my small biz.

15 09 2008

These people never have to pay, Rove is walking free and so are most of the Bush crooks and liars..

15 09 2008

Wasn’t this board in place before Palin was nominated for VP? I really hope the National Press is reading this! Thank you for your outstanding work, AKM!

15 09 2008
Catherine Howard

Who protects the citizens of Alaska from these tactics? If there are any legislators who are reading this, pay attention. There are more of us who will not support anyone who stands behind Sarah. I understand Party Politics. I understand why Randy Reuderich is organizing Palin rallies. I understand when republicans say they’re supporting Sarah. What I don’t understand is why these people are not supporting the great state of Alaska. If we impeach Sarah, no sane person will want her as the VP. She lies and cheats and plays the cover up game. That Bailey phone call was damning evidence of her continual vindictive power plays. If she is removed from office and disgraced, she won’t be a threat to any AK republican ever again. McCain can only do so much, before she becomes a liability to him.

15 09 2008
Sarjo aka Mullet Troll

OMG, the shock of it all. But what next if, upon being issued a subpoena, she and/or Todd refuse to cooperate, citing the “tainted” nature of the investigation? Can they force an “investigation” into whether or not the (Repub-initiated, LOMA) inquiry in impartial?

Not to mention, do youse guys know what a TAINT is?

Oh, dooodz!

15 09 2008

This is all looking suspicously like business as usual in DC, with Palin playing the Bush administration.

I think resisting this inquiry could turn out to be a mistake– like the Clintons with Whitewater. That turned out in the end to be nothing, but the Clintons’ obstucting behavior made it look like a big deal.

If the Troopergate inquiry came out against Palin, what is the worst they could say? She used her office a bit too much to press a personal matter? That looks pretty minor compared to the Constitution-shredding behavior other Republicans have been getting away with lately. But the more she puts off the day of reckoning, the bigger the story becomes and the more attention it gets.

15 09 2008

McCain-Palin self destruction in progress….

T-minus 49 days (until election day or subpoena, whichever comes first)!

Go Obama-Biden! Be sure to volunteer or donate to!!!

15 09 2008
FiredUp AKA Falter Locust Palin

In what way is this different than what the Bush Administration is doing regarding the DOJ attorney firings? Oh- it is not. So the next move, mark my words, will be that Todd will fight his subpoena (he won’t have any legitimate grounds on which to do so, but that won’t stop him); then, when Alaska finally subpoenas Sarah, she will simply refuse to show up. Why shouldn’t she? Nobody close to Bush has gone to jail for refusing to show up, so clearly there is nothing to fear.

Wait for it people- this will play out EXACTLY the same way and until we start actually punishing people for ignoring subpoenas, this is the way it will continue to play out.

15 09 2008

Fellow Mudpuppies, take a breath and have a giggle…

Conan O’Brien said: “Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has many views. She says she’s opposed to same-sex marriage. Did you know that? Yeah, Palin says everyone knows marriage isn’t for gay people; it’s for pregnant teenagers.”

Then Jay Leno weighed in with: “Well, it’s a very strange political campaign. I mean, out on the campaign trail, John McCain and Sarah Palin are talking about how they stood up to the Republican party, they fought the Republican establishment, and they battled Republicans. Their message: vote Republican.”

and then there’s Conan O’Brien again with:

“Sarah Palin has been getting briefed on what she needs to know to be John McCain’s vice president. The first thing they taught her was CPR.”

But the award must go to Jimmy Kimmel for this one:

“There are only 56 days until the election. I saw that they’re selling Sarah Palin action figures. Sad incident at Toys R Us today – a Sarah Palin doll shot My Little Pony.”

15 09 2008

sigh. Just when I hoping we could stop talking about Palin in the press…it’s annoying.

15 09 2008

I can’t wait to see who finally takes down Palin, makes a name for her/himself as a “reformer” and here we go again in 2012 !

15 09 2008
Blue Idaho

CNN reported today that the McCain camp is accusing the Obama camp of interfering. Have you heard if Obama has people up there checking out the situation?

Obama does NOT have people up here interfering. As far as I know, the first to arrive was the National Enquirer, closely followed by a team of McCain lawyers, and then the mainstream media. Nobody has seen any Obama people. This is coming second hand from the people working with the records that everyone is lined up to copy. No, I wouldn’t bet my life, but up here, we would know if Obama had sent the supposed ‘team of 30’ people.

15 09 2008
Sarjo aka Mullet Troll

PS “inquiry IS impartial”


“subpoena” is a very hard word to spell!

15 09 2008

Min, maybe this is one of those reverse psychology tactics. She does this on purpose in order to keep her name in the press — thus keeping the election off of the real issues.

15 09 2008

Now I hear she’s stonewalling the Trooper-gate investigation.

Doesn’t it kind of remind you of Karl Rove, or Scooter Libby, dodging and weaving around the truth!? Facing contempt of Congress charges, all the while proclaiming their innocence?

Sheesh – I knew politicians were corrupt, but here we have a scandal even BEFORE they (hopefully not) get into office.

The audacity! And Still, armies of morons see them as “mavericks.” Go figure.

Fool me once and shame on . . .
Heh, heh! Wait! How does that go now?

15 09 2008
More from Alaska on Palin Shenanagins « roger hollander

[…] More from Alaska on Palin Shenanagins September 15, 2008 Posted by rogerhollander in Political Commentary. Tags: Add new tag, Alaska political corruption, Alaska politics, election 2008, McCain/Palin, Palin corruption, Palin Ethics Probe, Palin Subpoena, Palin Troopergate Investigation, Sarah Palin trackback Palin Refuses to Cooperate with Ethics Probe. What a Surprise. […]

15 09 2008

And how surprising that Palin decided to bury this story the night of Black Monday, hoping that it would bypass the MSM.

15 09 2008

What’s happening to this society? I remember when Geraldine Ferraro had to drop out because her husband wouldn’t release his tax records. There was no hint of impropriety, he just said it wasn’t relevant. She agreed, saying he was a private citizen and it was his right not to release them. But that’s all it took to cost her the election. BTW, it is completely beyond me why she is endorsing SP; I’m so disappointed in her.

Actually, I don’t think they need to talk to SP. It’s my understanding that you can even convict someone of a felony, if the evidence is there and they have fled the country. Any lawyers want to weigh in on this? Her refusal to speak to the investigators just makes her look more and more guilty, and makes people wonder, what else is she hiding?

I predict people will start distancing themselves from her, lest she drag them down with her.

15 09 2008

An attempt at giving out a little optimism…hopefully the link works!

(It’s a music video about the obama campaign, btw)


Hang in there everyone! We CAN and WILL take our country back!

15 09 2008

fixthebroken (18:49:22) :

Min, maybe this is one of those reverse psychology tactics. She does this on purpose in order to keep her name in the press — thus keeping the election off of the real issues.

I think so, it’s all a bunch of bullshit. I thought she’d be gone by now but she’s a money maker. I still believe they fully intended to do this with the intention to have her resign when the public said no way, they’re probably surprised by the support,however freak show like, she’s getting. Yet Dems are being admonished all over the news not to call the ignorant, ignorant. It seems they don’t like that @@

15 09 2008

P.S. the link is my screen name, click on it…otherwise…one more try…

15 09 2008

The AK legislature needs to show the rest of the country how it is done.

15 09 2008

What is fair is fair. If Sarah were a Democrat you can bet your boots they’d (Republicans) would be going after her tooth and nail. Screaming all the way about how corrupt the Democrat party is…. ya ya yadda ya… You know the song and dance. Remember Bill and Monica? Good lord what did Ken Star and the Republican run government spend? $50 Million? or some such foolish amount.

Subpoena Sarah, her hubby, ALL their email accounts. I do believe that using PRIVATE accounts for PUBLIC business is a major NO NO as well.

15 09 2008

She is OUTRAGEOUS! Is it possible to IMPEACH her now as Governor of Alaska?

What a travesty she is. NOTHING but LIES and HYPOCRISY.

15 09 2008

Oh thanks Mudflats… I wondered if she’d been offered special protections or something. I say subpoena her! 🙂

Wow, I checked back only 2 minutes later and you went from 4 comments to 30! You’re on fire man!

Get a donate button, pronto! 🙂 You’ve been a lifeline to so many…

15 09 2008

Have been following along (lurking) here again. This is just SOOOOOOOO “more of the same” of the Republicans. Let’s hope the Obama campaign (or SOMEONE!!) jumps on this QUICK and jumps on it hard! Simple enough…show the headline about her refusing to cooperate…and then “SO MUCH FOR MCCAIN/PALIN “transparency” “

15 09 2008

You are exactly right Catherine Howard!! It’s all up to Alaska now. I’ve been to alaska, my son was stationed there for 8 years, I loved it, just loved it. Ironic now that most americans who have never given a thought to your state or seen it’s beauty, are now praying that Alaskans can stop the insanity in this election. I am not only praying that you can, but I believe that you can, I believe that you will. Show America the truth Alaska!! Show America that truth prevails !!! Go Alaskans Go !!

15 09 2008

I am still waiting for Bristol’s “wedding” date to be set or her “miscarriage” to occur. C’mon Sarah, the public is waiting to see how you slither out of your faked pregnancy….

15 09 2008

Well, if the Rovians are on it….emails can suddenly just “disappear”. Sound familiar?

15 09 2008

McCain has made this whole election a farce.
Palin is pretty on the outside and blank and empty on the inside.
Can you imagine if they get elected.
McCain is crazy, I think he has dementia, appointing someone who is under ethics investigation. He probably said, “don’t worry about the investigation, we’ll take care of it. We’ll spin it and blame it all on the democrates and the media.”
She reminds me of a Politcal-Fundalmentalist Stepfordwife. She will lie, say and do anything to get another four years of same, hateful, racist, misogynistic Bush administration. Maverick reformers my ass! More like coverup, lie and do anything to get elected.

15 09 2008

Isn’t there a terribly clever hacker out there reading this that knows how to hack these things? I mean, someone hacked into China to find that info on the Chinese gymnasts… surely someone could find and print her hotmail/yahoo/gmail account!? *insert evil emoticon here* Lol…

15 09 2008
The Siberian Candidate

Palin says Monegan fired for insubordination:

Burke suspended for one week:

15 09 2008

Apparently when you wipe off her lipstick what is revealed is not a pitbull.

Just another crooked Republican politician.

15 09 2008

Campaigns are like courtships.

The Democrats are being perfect gentlemen, speaking truthfully, offering the American voters a couple of well-educated, clean-cut, serious, experienced men to ‘marry’ for the next four years.

The Repubs are just f*cking up, showing their natural behinds… and they still expect us to walk down the aisle with them. Not gonna happen.

15 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

Are their pants on fire yet? (as in “Liar, Liar). McCain and friend have really out-sleazed even themselves.

15 09 2008

Excellent! Pass it on!

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline


Maybe you didn’t see my PERSONAL POST to you on the “INFILTRATION” thread!

Now you have covered so many OTHER things so well ALSO!

Each day is a new wonder to behold of your investigative reporting skills.

As I have repeatedly said, no matter what happens, after November 4th, 2008 you have a future. We will stay with you. Hell, I’d make an annual subscription payment to your future site to make you our investigative-reporter-at-large-in-the-entire-currently-incredibly-poorly-run-dip-shit-world.

The story of Johnny Mac going off the deep end and picking this hapless woman to be his running mate must have whiskey sales and Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor prescriptions up world wide because it is so amazingly reckless. I consider her to be THE FIFTH PLANE he crashed.

Anyway, this is what i wrote to you in awe struck praise!

HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline (14:26:56) :


Good work! Good move on the badge. This kind of maneuver is absolutely necessary sometimes in the path of cutting edge journalism. Always the first rule of journalism is NOT to get beat up so you can fit in and get the story. Some over zealous goons from the Wasilla Bible Church may be functioning as axillary plain clothes crowd control police in Alaska so kudos on your quick wits. Also, nice observation and reporting on the Springsteen usurpation. That is a sacred chord progression and the policy should be HANDS OFF to anyone not of Springsteen’s actual politics or, at least, not personally from North Jersey. I consider that from the Pine Barrens to the outskirts of Hoboken. Along this standard I am supplying a version of this anthem that perhaps you can listen to tonight as you unwind from this hard day of investigative journalism for the benefit of your worldwide audience. I, myself, have been know to do my version of the tune in this same innovative style to the amusement of my co-workers. And, yes, for you also, imbibing some Jack Daniels might help take the edge off as you relax tonight and review your journalistic adventures of the day in your mind. Try this version of “Born to Run” as the anthem for today’s Great White North episode: The Homecoming of Johnny’s New Squeeze in this new reality TV show as you take to your grounding muse.

Enjoy for a job well done!

Thanks, HamletsMill aka Mudflatterer. 🙂 I didn’t catch the first post. Sometimes they get ahead of me! I appreciate the sentiment. All in all, it was a pretty good day.

15 09 2008

pbear (18:57:16) :
She is OUTRAGEOUS! Is it possible to IMPEACH her now as Governor of Alaska?

Citizens of the world….look towards California…we are the masters of recall elections!

15 09 2008
The Siberian Candidate
15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

Let me see..

Mc Cain Camp tells Palin (re: Troopergate)
YOU don’t have to talk to them
We’ll handle this for YOU( we’re experienced at it)
Cooperating is for the little people
YOU are too busy for this little stuff

……………..and they say Obama is “The Chosen One?” Am I crazy, have I spent way more hours thinking about these things than people should????

15 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

It didn’t take long for this fauz Bird of Paradise to become this year’s Gutter Snipe. “Oh what a tangled web we weave………..”

15 09 2008
White Agate

Comment in the People magazine with the McCain family on the front (few weeks ago)…Gov. Palin speaking about her husband, “Still waters run deep.” It was in the waiting room for a kid class I was at today. Hmmmm. Seems like a co-executive situation, and I always wondered how professional politicians walk that fine line. It seems some of them don’t.

15 09 2008

Enjay aka Turbine Yukon (18:37:21) :

I feel your pain!

15 09 2008

Deb (19:00:39) : Well, if the Rovians are on it….emails can suddenly just “disappear”. Sound familiar?

True, but Monegan stated he had copies of emails proving abuse of power. Matter of fact, I have a copy of one myself. Oh, wait! You can have your very own copy! Not quite as damning as the ones Monegan has, I bet:

Click to access 071608-palin-wooten-email.source.prod_affiliate.7.pdf

Of course, the Repugs are probably busily scrubbing the Palin family computers even as we speak…

15 09 2008

So, they announce this on a day when the stock market is big news, thinking no one will notice????

15 09 2008
White Agate

Also, that CNN spot on the difference between McCain’s and Obama’s tax plans is very misleading, she only mentioned a few brackets…there’s a really good graphic out there somewhere, here it is:

I think this is as accurate as they can make it, with the info they have. It works well graphically versus just a few numbers on a page.

And a great post from Andrew Sullivan the other day, ‘Scales–Eyes–McCain.’

15 09 2008

So what happens if the legislature subpoenas her and she still refuses to cooperate?

15 09 2008

don’t miss john stewart the daily show tonight Monday, it was AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 09 2008

maybe they’ll lock her up and throw away the key till after the election? wishful thinking here.

15 09 2008
Kathi from New Jersey

Just so you know, those of us down here in the lower 48 aren’t buying this crap either. Anybody with half a brain could see right from the get go she was just another dirty politician…we’ve been wondering why she was so well liked up in Alaska!

15 09 2008

Alaska’s Constitution

Article III
SECTION 16. GOVERNOR’S AUTHORITY. The governor shall be responsible for
the faithful execution of the laws.

Article II
SECTION 20. IMPEACHMENT. All civil officers of the State are subject to impeachment by the legislature. Impeachment shall originate in the senate and must be approved by a two-thirds vote of its members. The motion for impeachment shall list fully the basis for the proceeding. Trial on impeachment shall be conducted by the house of representatives. A supreme court justice designated by the court shall preside at the trial. Concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the house is required for a judgment of impeachment. The judgment may not extend beyond removal from office, but shall not prevent proceedings in the courts on the same or related charges.

15 09 2008
Chuck Norton

Guys, a little reality check. Palin said she would cooperate, she never said that she would cooperate to the point of exceeding the law or breaking excecutive priviledge which is a legally recognized right.

Those who give Palin advice don’t have to testify. If they had to it would mean that congress could yank in every one of the presidents advisors and make them spill all under oath. How much candid advice could a president get under such circumstances? The same applies to the governor. Seperation of powers applies even in Alaska, which is why Palin’s people said that the legislature might not have the legal authority to investigate it.

The guy served at the pleasure of the governor, so firing him, even if French’s allegations are right, it is still pretty small potatoes. Think about it, Clinton’s Whitewater scandal cost people millions and people really got hurt in the mess and in the end that was not considered a big deal. So it is important to keep a little perspective.

Palin did release emails today that supported her position on the issue.

Her exact words were “I welcome the investigation.” So why isn’t she answering questions? Answering questions does not by definition exceed the law or break executive privilege. And what about the emails that don’t support her position? The Legislature may investigate whatever it chooses. She knows how bad this looks, so she must expect cooperating will look worse. Not rocket science. AKM

15 09 2008

Sometimes I get the weird idea that McCain is tryinig to throw the election, by spinning out of control. Seeing how far he can push the envelope before all the dazed Republicans wake up and see the Emperor is standing up there buck naked.

Almost like he is settling some vendeta with the Republican party, by giving them everything they want, until suddenly they realize this is not what they were bargaining for.

ANd while I don’t think a healthy and rational McCain would do this….and I am serious here folks….it is entirely possible that his physical and mental condition is such that it is warping his judgement.

The year before my dad died (he was very ill for about a year and a half) he did some MAJOR wierd shit, totally out of his character. He behaved in ways that he would have never done, during the healthy years.

15 09 2008
Either Relevant or True » A Venti Head Into a Grande Hole

[…] when speaking to ABC on the matter.  Palin has also announced that she will not meet with the state investigators, even though she hasn’t been subpoenaed and they just want to talk to her.  Palin’s […]

15 09 2008
Wired Differently

I am shocked, shocked to find that uncooperation is going on here.

Wait, what? Geraldine Ferraro is supporting Sarah Palin? Holy Mudflats! The world has truly gone mad.

Hey, anybody remember my comment about talking to my mother last night (about 3,000 comments ago)? Well, I broached the topic oh, so carefully (after the aspic and before the roast beef – jk) and you know what she said? I quote: “I have always thought John McCain was too old.” And my dad, the WWII vet, chimed in: “You can’t be a pow and not suffer, not only physical damage, but mental as well.” (Did you know, by the way, that John McCain was a pow?)

Well, color me gobsmacked. I didn’t even have to play the grandchildren card. Just out of curiosity I asked Mom a little later if she believed that Obama was a Muslim. She looked at me, raised her eyebrows, and said, “Pfffsht.” I took that to mean no.

So, I hope you all take a little heart from that. Old school, non-evangelical Republicans, according to my small sample of 2, aren’t going to vote for McCain. I’m not saying they’re going to vote for Obama, but I’ve got a couple months to work on that.

15 09 2008

thanks chuck, for the reality check. But, the question still bothers me…if she’s under investigation for an “ethics” question…and McCain picks her anyway….on a platform of “reform”, doesn’t the American voter smell something a LITTLE fishy???

15 09 2008
White Agate

JT: Agreed, even over the past 2 weeks he has looked very different. I was wondering about that myself. There was that fellow navy vet whose video was posted a few weeks ago speaking of the hardships McCain has endured and the health problems that inevitably result. That, and the pace of the campaign, have wrought some changes, I think.

15 09 2008

NMJ said:
“What’s happening to this society? I remember when Geraldine Ferraro had to drop out because her husband wouldn’t release his tax records.”

Ferraro didn’t drop out. She and Mondale lost.

suchanut, thanks for the laughs. Humor never hurts and the late night hosts are good.

GOBAMA, thanks for the tears of joy. Great vid.

15 09 2008

White Agate (19:12:22) : Thanks for the links. These are great!

15 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

CHUCK NORTON – unless you are talking about a private balcony, the word you are groping for is PRIVILEGE.

15 09 2008

JT.. it’s not the “old” McCain…it’s the new “Roved” McCain we are seeing! I would love to have some other explanation…some hope that this will all go away, but it’s STINKS of Rove!

15 09 2008

This is Hollis Fench’s email address, -flood his inbox with emails DEMANDING that they force Palin to be deposed BEFORE the report is done on October 10 and make her come forth or try to hide behind more “trickery” and lies so that America will see what our friends in Alaska have really been dealing with for the last few years!


15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Surprise, surprise, surprise!! Did ya really think she was going to cooperate once McSame and Crew got involved? Subpeona her now!

15 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

J T – yes, I agree. He is beginning to look quite addled and confused. And I worry that he’s going to lose control of his famous temper. Someone had posted a link to an article about “McCain’s Temper”, and it has now vanished. Click on it and it has ceased to exist. These are busy times for the people manipulators of the Banana Republicans. – not enough time in their days to handle all the damaage.

15 09 2008

I think McCain lost it starting about a year ago. He is just throwing everything he can at the wall to win the election. Sometimes when he “lies” about Palin he sounds just like an old guy embellishing some old stories about a broad he knows.

15 09 2008

DeMo (19:19:21) : Thanks for the correction. But many of us felt that the controversy over the tax records was a big part of that.

15 09 2008

Rachel Maddow recently said that we hear two noises from the Palin campaign. One is the crackle of electric excitement from Republican base, and the other is a steady drip, drip, drip of revealed corruption. If that dripping ever hits all that exciting electricity, somebody will be in for a shock.

Let’s all hold our virtual hands and pray that Todd Palin is the drip who shorts the circuit.

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Wired Differently (19:18:01) :

Hey, anybody remember my comment about talking to my mother last night (about 3,000 comments ago)? Well, I broached the topic oh, so carefully (after the aspic and before the roast beef – jk) and you know what she said? I quote: “I have always thought John McCain was too old.” And my dad, the WWII vet, chimed in: “You can’t be a pow and not suffer, not only physical damage, but mental as well.” (Did you know, by the way, that John McCain was a pow?)
Good job! Did you see my post to you on that thread all those posts ago…in just a day?

15 09 2008

Didn’t this investagation start BEFORE she was nominated ???

15 09 2008

Senator Hollis Fench’s email address is Flood his inbox with messages DEMANDING that he issue a subpoena for Governor Palin immediately which will force her to either come forth and be deposed or use more GOP “trickery” and “Rovemachinations” to avoid the TRUTH coming out!

15 09 2008

CNN forgot to mention that

15 09 2008

McCain has already lost it a few times in the last month or so. Like the time he said Palin was a “member of the @#$@$ PTA!” The blowups just haven’t made it into the MSM except for one interview I remember (McCain got so weird the interviewer finally said “Do I know you?”). I’ve seen many an interview when he came right to the edge. You can always tell because he starts giving very, very short answers. Then he shakes hands with the interviewer and walks away.

It WOULD be funny if he lost it in the middle of one of the debates.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Remember this is about McCain’s choice.

McCain chose someone unprepared to be President.
Its not about experience, executive or otherwise.
Its about being prepared, being ready being able.

McCain chose someone who is not prepared or able.
McCain is not ready to lead.

15 09 2008

Check out this link:,15202,164859,00.html

Dr. Butler was a POW with McCain, and the piece is titled “Why I won’t vote for John McCain”. It seems a number of ex-POW’s feel the same, and it has to do with the years of stress and suffering they endured, and how it affects the human body and mind years later.

15 09 2008

I don’ t really have any respect for Cindy McCain, but I feel sorry for their kids. I wonder if any of them are looking realistically at their dad, and wondering if he is falling apart before their eyes? Are they blinded by a child’s hero worship of a parent, or they thinking….WTF, how do I stop this train wreck??

15 09 2008

Butler says McCain was crazy BEFORE he was a POW (he lived across the hall from him at Annapolis). The POW experience had nothing to do with it.

15 09 2008

Chuck Norton (19:15:21) :

Guys, a little reality check.

This sort of thing will certainly make more thinking voters take a closer look at Palin as leader of the free world. Clinton may have had some shenanigans in his closet but he was a proven, capable, intelligent, experienced leader more than willing to work with the press. That can compensate for A LOT of shortcomings. Palin is nothing BUT shortcomings, everything has a back story, she’s as opaque as you can get, that’s not going to instill confidence in anyone.

15 09 2008
John Henry

We know what’s tainted this investigation, and ‘taint the Democrats. – LOL. Love it!

Remember this:

Hollis French, who was just interviewed on KUDO progressive talk radio in Anchorage said, “The governor says she will cooperate, and we have no reason to disbelieve her. She’s said it 6, 7, 8 times. She’s said it so many times, it seems illogical that she wouldn’t show up.”

Didn’t I tell ya! I bet you there were Legislators passing by Hollis wearing the ‘Where’s Sarah?’ buttons just as Hollis was saying we have no reason to disbelieve her.

15 09 2008

Palins tax returns will be the end of her. I do hope someone starts asking for them soon or it might be too late.

Remember the attention for the Clinton’s tax returns, the refusal to produce the returns was actually bigger news than the numbers in the return. Not here, not with this one. The Clintons didn’t want to admit they were rich, the Palin’s don’t want to admit something.

The sword is on the downward slash, and it really will leave its mark on the voters.

Transparency and accountability.

15 09 2008

Okay….speculation here…

If McCain does go over the edge, and he, one way or another is removed from the ticket, who would the party run??

The idea of him spinning totally out of reality is not that unrealistic.

Then what?

15 09 2008

just went to try to find numbers for the Palin rally here in Colorado. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of reading some of the comments on the blog/site. Disgusting racial comments about! I feel ill.

15 09 2008


I think Palin’s supporters don’t WANT to look behind the facade. Her detractors already have and have made up their minds. I think there’s just a few people who can still be reached for whom this will make any difference.

15 09 2008

oops about Obama*

15 09 2008

“The papers were filed in support of the governor’s request that the Personnel Board drop an ethics complaint Palin herself lodged requesting an investigation into whether she fired Monegan because of the family feud.”

From the story at ADN.

Now I am totally confused.

She was for her ethics complaint before she was against it???

15 09 2008

What is the max downside if Palin & The Palinites are found to have abused authority & conspired to improperly influence to terminate government employees for personal reasons? Is this a criminal offense? Letter of reprimand from the ethics committee?

Second question: Does anybody have Palin’s college transcripts? Perhaps five colleges in six years to get a four year degree is not a good thing? But is it better than graduating 894 in a class of 899? Do you really want either of them controlling the nuuuQular button?

15 09 2008

I don’t think you can remove a presidential candidate from a ticket for any reason. There’s no precedent for that, nothing in the Constitution about parties, let alone how to get rid of a candidate who’s gone off the deep end. If McCain couldn’t be persuaded to resign, I think the Republican Party would have to reconvene and re-do the nomination.

15 09 2008
Mullet Troll Palin

What does it mean when the governor, who is in charge of executing and enforcing the laws of the state, declares herself above them?

Impeach the b****!

15 09 2008
Wired Differently


I think you recommended 3 Cups of Tea? Probably not Mom’s cup of tea, although I have a copy around here somewhere…

The best thing was opening up a line of communication that had been closed because of GW D***wad.

15 09 2008

lol @PJ “she was FOR the ethics investigation before she was against it”
that’s why she is so RIGHT for this ticket i.e. shoot first, ask questions later (even though she doesn’t KNOW it, that IS the bush doctrine! lol )

15 09 2008

plwalsh (19:38:54) :


I think Palin’s supporters don’t WANT to look behind the facade. Her detractors already have and have made up their minds. I think there’s just a few people who can still be reached for whom this will make any difference.

No her supporters don’t, but there are voters who are still just ignoring the whole matter and the more this stuff comes out the better. A lot of people vote blind, I can’t tell you how many people I speak to that aren’t following anything too deep, don’t really watch the news, just are busy going along with their lives. They’ll vote her in on McCain’s coattails. Really it’s way too soon to start thinking it’s too late, the lines have been drawn, this stuff doesn’t matter.

15 09 2008
VP, Flat Earth Society

When running for office, the VP candidates always talk about what their President will do or what “we” will do. I’ve noticed a few times that Paling has talked about what “I” will do once in office. Does she not realize that she is just going to do what she is told – she is not the one running for President? I think she believes that she is the “heir” and not the “heir presumptive”. She is beginning to derail.

15 09 2008

Also plwalsh (19:38:54) :
Don’t forget about those voters that’ll go with an independent or not vote at all. I have to say back when I was a kid I went with Perot because I was so disgusted with the stuff coming out aobut Clinton. My husband tried to tell me Clinton was the vote to go with but I was swayed by the trashy Flowers stuff. Independent votes traditionally hurt Democrats, so any that can be swayed to Obama just out of outright fright of Palin as President is great.

15 09 2008

VP, Flat Earth Society (19:50:21) :

When running for office, the VP candidates always talk about what their President will do or what “we” will do. I’ve noticed a few times that Paling has talked about what “I” will do once in office. Does she not realize that she is just going to do what she is told – she is not the one running for President? I think she believes that she is the “heir” and not the “heir presumptive”. She is beginning to derail.

I’ve been saying McCain better get a soup taster since the day he nominated her.

15 09 2008


It’s true there are people who haven’t tuned into more than the most glaring parts of the Palin story. Probably most of those still won’t tune in, others will decide on their prejudices about liberals and the elite media, but some will actually pay real attention sometime before they vote. Those are the “few people” who can still be reached. They could decide the election so they are certainly worth making a play for.

On the Republican side, I think Palin is pretty much played out. All the good press stuff is out already and is starting to get a bit stale. But she will continue to fire up the Democrats from here on in, especially as more news comes out. So it’s hard to say which camp she will benefit in the end.

There are signs that the election is slowly turning back towards Obama. If it is, it is hard to see what cards are still in the deck that McCain hasn’t already put on the table.

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

@GOBAMA! (18:53:40) :

Great video, thanks!

Did you read the all the info on Youtube about it? That was great, too.

15 09 2008

cnn is saying the McCain “bounce” is over….the candidates are now neck and neck..that’s GOOD news….we’ve got Obama and Biden and Hillary and Bill out there… the way I keep reading something about an “October surprise” from the Obama campaign? Any ideas?

15 09 2008
deb in oregon

The problem with Troopergate is time…. lawyers know how to string things out…. all the repubs need is to pass the finish line, Nov 4…. that’s what their eyes are set on…. how can we make this viral where mainstream starts asking the question…. What if there isn’t a resolution on Troopergate before Nov 4? She’s being accused of abuse of power folks….. don’t “we the people” deserve an answer, is she guilty or not???? She is running for the 2nd spot.

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Very good analysis of the banking crisis:

I wonder of Johnny Mac and his Psychological Squeeze NeoCon Klaus Barbie are up to speed on this?

15 09 2008

hmmm…just occurred to me…(maybe just because I just read an article about it LOL) maybe it’s Colin Powell!

15 09 2008

Who do we turn to for late breaking news?!?!? Yet again, it’s Mudflats

15 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

I keep hoping that the old line Republicans will be so disgusted with the nature of McCain’s campaign and so turned off by the prospect of a Pres. Palin that they’ll just decide not to vote the top of the ticket or stay home altogether — all those folks who just can’t bring themselves to vote for a Dem (or a 3rd party), but who can’t bring themselves to vote McCain either.

Not counting on it, but it could be a factor. Sitting home instead of voting McCain is as good as a vote for Obama by those folks, isn’t it?

15 09 2008

alright already — i got one of those dang baby palin names…..

Still Hardrock Palin

i don’t even want to know what THAT reminds them of…..

about three blogs ago and three hours of reading (i kid you not) someone asked about the TransCanada pipeline deal and some legitimate sites to read up about it.

On P-Day (that was posted a ways back there and i love it)…. i started out by going to the alaska legislature website to read the bills that were proposed by palin for her two years in office — mainly to see what all she “got passed”….. that is in iteself an interesting read.

but if you want to learn more about TransCanada – you need to read the legislation AGIA – Alaska Gas Incentive Act. i have the bill numbers house and senate at home (i am on the road wifi-ing it) but it is fairly easy to find. you should end up on a gov page that lists the exhibits and testimony for when AGIA was considered and passed (this last session right AKM?).

i also recommend googling Point Thomson – which is the gas field directly west of ANWR coastal plain (aka Section 1002 land) and read up on the lease dispute between Alaska oil and gas commission and Exxon/Mobil.

the gas field that is not tied to ANWR has not been even dallied with since the 1980’s mostly cause the price of natural gas isn’t worth the hastle … and there is more natural gas in the gulf and texas and wyoming and colorado…….so why drill drill drill? it only makes sense for alaska and i think they should pressure the big oil to put up or shut up — but don’t tell the rest of the country (and the world) that alaska is going to save us from foreign dependence.

but i digress

back to the gas pipeline. if you google AGIA and All-Alaska pipeline then you will run into two different views on any gas pipeline for alaska. the All-Alaska is proposed by the three big oil companies (aka Denali if i am not mistaken – which is kinda funny considering the secret service designations posted elsewhere – and how do you guys KNOW these things? wow)

anyhoo TransCanada knows how to build pipelines – but they don’t own any gas – so they have to have agreements from the three big O’s – who i would assume are still a bit peeved that their idea of All-Alaska hit the dumpster.

anyway – my prediction is about 5 more years of posturing and this can be a topic in the next election cycle. and alaska will have to pay TransCanada 500 million dollars for the pleasure of holding a permit to do nothing.

hope that helps. you can also hit some of the earlier P-blogs and do a search for trainwreck and find my original post on the topic with links to various reading materials.

Still HARD-Rock Palin

also a woman and engineer, whos humbly request an honorary membership in AWRP so i can put a sign up in my yard.

15 09 2008


Supposedly McCain made a statement about the banking crisis this morning and it was pretty incoherent. I didn’t hear it myself but the stories made it sound like Sarah Palin discoursing on the Bush Doctrine.

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX


the Obama camp is pressing Mccain camp for her tax returns now. So, hopefully they will keep up the pressure. Sen. Biden released his this past week.

15 09 2008

NMJ (19:26:55) :

DeMo (19:19:21) : Thanks for the correction. But many of us felt that the controversy over the tax records was a big part of that.

NMJ, so not trying to start an argument, and definitely don’t want to hijack the thread over this, but Mondale Ferraro were running against incumbent Reagan. They sort of different have a chance, though I voted for them. For the record, she released her records. The controversy was about her husband’s. (They filed separately.) When he did release his, it showed nothing. Mistake on their part not to have done it sooner because it was an issue at the time.

If the Palins have nothing to hide, release tax records, speak to investigator. Y’know, the transparency thing McCain Palin are touting. Maybe it’s a do as I say and not as I do scenario?

15 09 2008


From what I’m picking up, the old line Republicans ARE disgusted with the McCain-Palin ticket. The October surprise could be a bunch of them endorsing Obama. I heard Colin Powell interviewed today and he, significantly, said he hadn’t made up his mind who to vote for yet, although he knew both candidates “very well.” He went on to say the main thing we needed to do now was “get off this lipstick nonsense.”

Isn’t that interesting?

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

Wired Differently (19:44:45) :


I think you recommended 3 Cups of Tea? Probably not Mom’s cup of tea, although I have a copy around here somewhere…

The best thing was opening up a line of communication that had been closed because of GW D***wad.
That was someone else. I wrote a long account of my brother-in-law and oldest sister in Afghanistan over the last seven years. I thought it might sway you dear Mom to think about what the situation is there.

Anyway, I am glad it went well!

My Dad passed in 1992. He spent 18 months in the Pacific in WWII loading invasion ships. He loaded the hospital ships and MASH units for Tarawa among others. I salute your Father.

I enjoy your thoughtful posts.

15 09 2008

Oh this is perfect!!

Heres she is talking about cleaning up government, but she wont even answer to her own state about her behavior.

I beleive this one issue will sink the Palin ship.

Refusing to cooperate after she said she would is a BIG MISTAKE!!!


15 09 2008

Oh, I heart Alaskan bloggers! I was listening to POTUS 08 on XM radio a few months ago when her name was brought up and the REP strategist said, “Well, she’s done a really great job up there, but there’s that ‘Troopergate’ thing, which might not be anything at all, but still. An investigation is an investigation and McCain would be best served to stay away from the perception of another embattled administration.” Now, it WAS months ago…so the ACCURACY of that quote is questionable, but hand to the universe, it was along those lines. So when her name was tossed out, I knew for certain this was window dressing on a desperate campaign. I read over at Alaska Real that Adak is in an emergency energy crisis. Isn’t SOMEONE manning the store at the governor’s office??? Or are they all too busy getting their tan on over at the mansion?

Well, you, and many of your blogging friends, are now on my list of daily rounds. I enjoy your writing tremendously. I listened to the Ed Schultz town hall this morning (thanks to you, my shopping didn’t get done). And I loved, loved, LOVED all of those fantastic signs at your ANTI-Palin rally. Oh, you keepers of free speech/demonstration…God bless you!

15 09 2008

BTW, there was a big segment on CNN about the Anti-Palin rally with lots of interviews with participants.

15 09 2008

I really wish Chuck Todd on MSNBC would stop showing his map of red and blue states – ack! He talked about Obama “losing” Oregon and Washington twice today on both Hardball and Countdown, but then corrected himself both times by saying he meant that Obama would still win the Pacific Northwest by single digits instead of double digits. *eyeroll*

People hear crap like that and get discouraged, and then they think their vote is worthless. Dems in red states stay home because what’s the point? Don’t fall into that trap.

I hope people realize that Obama will surely win the Pacific Northwest, no matter how many hockey moms there are or how close it is to Alaska. Don’t give up yet!

Chuck Todd has also written off Florida and Georgia for Obama, which I don’t understand. Is he basing that on these *&*&^(*() Polls that have been extremely wrong from the beginning? The other day I saw an interview with someone from the Gallup Poll organization who said the only thing he knew was that the election was going to be “close.” That’s so scientific it made me want to throw up.

15 09 2008

Cynthia, TX

Do you know if the McCain/Palin camp has made a statement regarding her returns?

Is it sexist to ask a woman to see her tax return?

I bet they blame the MSM for asking. “We were going to release them, but since you didn’t ask nicely, now we are not going to until after the elections, if we feel like it.”

15 09 2008

I have had this vision that at the last hour, there will be major endorsments from respected leaders, from both sides of the aisle….that realise the GOP ticket is insane, and they can’t for the sake of the country, keep quiet.

Of course, I am an optomist.

15 09 2008

I heart both Alaska and Arizona! Now, will you both please take your politicians back?? j/k

15 09 2008

it’s only sexist if you ask Cindy McCain…who isn’t gonna budge!

15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck (19:58:44)

Re: Gas pipeline–
Wow! You did that sooooo smoothly..I am impressed!
So in any case, Americans, as well as Alaskans will be dealing with this for years to come..ah, the blessing just keep coming!

15 09 2008

What I have heard is that the state polls are even less accurate than the national ones and are often done by pretty marginal organizations. In my state, the polls didn’t pick up the Democratic swing (they end up taking everything that wasn’t nailed down) until the very end and even then the magnitude of the victory was barely glimpsed at (the biggest Democratic swing in more than 100 years). The state polls were often wildly off during the primaries.

15 09 2008
Uganik Homesteader

I don’t think the legislature is going to stand for her not being questioned if
they so request it. They were being civil and respectful to her by not issuing a supoena. I think this will change in the next few days. This is a slap in the face to these folks, and it really doesn’t matter if they are Republican or Democrat.
You just don’t tell the Alaska legislature to screw-off. Dear Sarah said she would explain and now she has decided to go against that original promise. Folks in Alaska trusted her. This behavior just isn’t going to be tolerated by the state’s legislators or residents.

15 09 2008
White Agate

Agreed about the time frame, deb in oregon. That’s my concern, too. Classic GOP strategy they’ve used so many times!

Can someone just stand up in a room, preferably Obama or Biden, and just say, really loud: ‘This is what happens when you completely deregulate financial systems and de-fund and gut the government! People lose their homes and their life savings! Community tax bases are eroded and the very fabric of those communities is undermined! Our future and the future of our children is dimmer! No one can run FEMA worth a damn in an era of climate change! We have no energy policy! We have no health policy! We have endless war and endless war profiteering, as well as torture becoming a major US export! And the power brokers ride this tide to their offshore accounts while we the middle class picks up the pieces! That’s what this election is about! Reasonable government that actually does a goddamn bit of good for all of the people! This isn’t socialism or communism, you morons, it’s the only way this country might actually survive for another 250-odd years, if that long!’

That’s what we need to be saying, maybe in a nicer way. If I hear one more ‘this is the market correcting itself’ crap statement, I don’t know what I’ll do. What is going on in this country is absolute garbage, and if the fundamentals are sound it’s because of the thinking, reasonable Americans like the people on this blog who have survived in spite of all of the above s***. I’m not afraid, I’m angry that it’s come to this. This whole situation is just shameful and it can’t change a moment too soon. All of the brainpower in this country and we have 4-5-6 major financial institutions failing within a week? How embarrassing is this? This should not be happening. No talking head in the financial analysis news is going to change my mind.

For me, the way forward is clear. I don’t understand how the polls can be so close. Are they really?

A rant before bed, the end.

15 09 2008


I don’t think your vision is necessarily crazy. I’ve been picking up lots and lots of hints from prominent Republicans that they are scared of the McCain-Palin ticket. Trent Lott has said absolutely nothing about Palin to date, for example.

15 09 2008

Darlin, I love ya. Keep posting; it’s better than anything on the tube (if I had television) and so much toothier than the papers….keep up the good work! Soon I’ll be outa the interior – can’t wait for November!

15 09 2008

Bloody hell. I’m sick of this woman. Ugh.

So, I made a blog… it’s a work in progress and it’s not about Palin, but had to get the domain –

15 09 2008

The Chuck Todd playing on MSNBC was taped this morning before John McCain talked about the fundamentals. I think everything changed today regarding the maps. McCain repeating the fundamentals are basically sound while Merrill, Lehman and AIG swirl the drain is proof of being “Out of touch”. Give the polls a day to tally again

15 09 2008

White Agate:

It is true that under free-market capitalism does eventually “correct itself.” The problem is the process can take years and you might end up in not such a great place after that.

The argument reminds me of a boss I once had who did not like making decisions. He used to say “If you just do nothing, everything will resolve on its own.” True, but not necessarily in the way you want it to.

15 09 2008

I don’t know if anyone’s gotten this email, but I love it:

“I’m a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight…..

* If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you’re
“exotic, different.”
* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.

* If your name is Barack you’re a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you’re a maverick.

* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you’re well grounded.

* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the
first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter
registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years
as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator
representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of
the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years
in the United States Senate representing a
state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on
the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s
Affairs committees, you don’t have any real leadership experience.

* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city
council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000
people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people,
then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while
raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you’re
not a real Christian.
* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your
disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you’re a

* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including
the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
* If , while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no
other option in sex education in your state’s school system while your
unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant , you’re very responsible.

* If your wife is a Harvard graduate laywer who gave up a position in
a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city
community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family’s values
don’t represent America’s.
* If you’re husband is nicknamed “First Dude”, with at least one DWI
conviction and no college education, who didn’t register to vote until
age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession
of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

OK, much clearer now.”

Pass it on.

15 09 2008

Yes, Deb. Stealing Molly Ivins’ comment about Texas: Alaskan Politics is like Bulgarian wine; it don’t travel well.

15 09 2008

Have faith; we have just under two months to convince America that McCain is going senile, has Acute PTSD (which he WILL NOT ADMIT), and a hair trigger temper. He does not have the TEMPERAMENT to be President. THAT is what Obama should also be focusing on in addition to the economy. McCain’s poor judgment was reflected in his choice of Palin.

The shine is starting to wear off the Ice Princess, and she’s melting fast with each passing day. If the Legislature subpoena’s her and she refuses to testify, it will look even worse. If the Legislature *doesn’t*, then they look like total cronies of Rove & Co. so they’ll have no choice but to require her presence. You can’t say they didn’t try the nice approach first; they took Palin at her word and they believed her.

I think that’s one of the things I am noticing more and more of: Alaskans seem to be terribly disappointed in the way Palin is really just like the rest of the Republican Establishment. I predict full out Alaskan anger if she refuses a subpoena. She will have become just like the rest of Washington has…imperial and thinking that They are better than us. THAT is something that will TRULY prove that McCain is more of the same.

You can probably expect our Rottweiler, Joe Biden to be on the attack BIG TIME beginning tomorrow. Between the Palin revelations and the crumbling economy the tide will turn in Obama’s favor. Have faith. As they say on “Babylon 5″…

Faith manages!

15 09 2008

VP, Flat Earth Society (19:50:21) :

When running for office, the VP candidates always talk about what their President will do or what “we” will do. I’ve noticed a few times that Paling has talked about what “I” will do once in office. Does she not realize that she is just going to do what she is told – she is not the one running for President?
She’s a megalomaniac. This isn’t about supporting the president. It’s not about the country. It’s about Sarah.

15 09 2008

The talking heads, the polls, radio, tv, newspaper – all benefit when the outcome is perceived to be close. Don’t buy it, the Palin factor is a blip, soon you will not be able to hear the name Palin without it’s associated verbs: back paddling and flip flopping. My electoral college prediction for November: OBAMA 288, mcsame 250.

15 09 2008

JT- I somewhat agree with your premise about McCain throwing the election.
My first thoughts were that before we knew anything about Palin. If she bombs they will get her to resign and blame it on the family problems then Mccain will sneak in Libermann in the 11th hour. She will have been in the spotlight enough to carry the mantle for the repugs the next time around.

15 09 2008
Cassie Jeep Pike Palin

OK, I’m off to sleep, perchance to dream (NOT) of this….

Four years of hearing her say “OUR OPPONENTS…”
In the senate
in congress
in the Dept. of Justice
in the Middle East
on the Supreme Court
in all classrooms

15 09 2008

when I look at the electoral map, my guesstimation is similar to your, liz
now that I look at what obama is doing here, and some of our issues, I’m thinking colorado is going to go Obama.

15 09 2008
HamletsMill aka Rot Pipeline

bPoint (20:16:46) :

The Chuck Todd playing on MSNBC was taped this morning before John McCain talked about the fundamentals. I think everything changed today regarding the maps. McCain repeating the fundamentals are basically sound while Merrill, Lehman and AIG swirl the drain is proof of being “Out of touch”. Give the polls a day to tally again
Supposedly 700 billion dollars in pension funds have evaporated so far in the sub-prime melt down since Bear-Sterns forward. When will people start to understand there just isn’t going to be a pension retirement for them even though they paid into it all of their life. When will they begin to realize that they will be flipping burghers using canes to make ends meet to their dying day? When are the people out there across the land going to start to understand what is happening?

Supposedly Sarah Palin is the Neocon Manchurian Candidate. Bill Kristol’s and Karl Rove’s “Trojan Moose” w*t dream right out of the worst written Pod Movie imaginable.

How could people be this dumb? How?


15 09 2008

I also think that McCain looks very bad these days. Watch his body language always wringing his hands. Looks nervous and unsettled. Maybe serious health issues or mental. Looks like he is having a hard time keeping it together.

15 09 2008

Simply amazing – I guess if you can lie to the public and stonewall other investigations for 8 years, you begin to think you can finesse anything. Karl Rove’s gift to America. I almost feel sorry for John McCain – he drank the Rove-flavored kool-aid and rolled the dice with an out of the box nominee.

OK, it’s late on the East coast and if this doesn’t make any sense, it’s b/c I’m tired and off to bed. But couldn’t do that w/o first having my only mudflats fix of the day.

Thanks for the timely reporting, insight, and analysis, not too mention all those informative links (too many to check out!) and the great writing.

15 09 2008

Palin needs to say “I did nothing wrong”, explain it, and keep going.

Blaming everything on the democrats in the Alaskan congress who are trying to make me look bad is absurd.

McCain had to clear his name in the Keating 5, Biden with the plagiarism, and Obama with Ayers and Rezko. What makes her think she is any different?

15 09 2008

i’m off to bed as well…take care, mudflatians, and thanks for ALL of your insight and news!

15 09 2008

Reading and reading, and getting a little punchy, but KLAUS BARBIE? Ahahahahahaha! Oh, gosh, I’ve scared the cat.

15 09 2008

Why won’t Paling give a press conference? Why won’t she release her tax returns?

What is she HIDING?

15 09 2008

Thank you, Erin,

15 09 2008

I agree that McCains comments about our fundamentally strong economy while the stock market dropped almost 500 points will be his undoing. Talk about being out of touch.

15 09 2008
Wired Differently

Palmdale: Yes, I think my parents’ position (stated above) actually is representative of the old school Republicans we all kind of miss now that they’re endangered. And I think there are others out there just like them.

HamletsMill: Yes, I do remember your Afghanistan story. I’m sorry, it’s getting hard to keep track of everything.

And to Dems Are Not Afraid: Lose Washington State? No way. The big, blue population center (aka metropolitan Seattle) will prevail. Can’t speak for Oregon. Outside of Portland they’re a bit wacky. (Sorry, Oregonians)

15 09 2008

A couple things:

1. Does anybody have that link for sending postcards? I can’t find it!

2. Does anybody know how I could send an email to Obama or someone in the Obama camp that would actually read it? I want to invite him to come up to Alaska. I really think that we could give him a warm welcome. Wouldn’t Sarah love that?

3. What can we (Alaskans) do to bring her down? I’ve read lots of comments above about how it’s our time to shine- how we have to take Sarah down from up here. Any good ideas?

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

bPoint (20:09:39) :

no it is not sexist to ask her for the returns

and yes, the obama camp is pressuring her to release them and I don’t think there has been a response yet from the Mccain camp.

15 09 2008

Sarah Palin is in the news so much that McCain is not going to make it for another 7 weeks… poor guy, curling up on the floor like that. Ya’d think that old POW was hit in the gizzard from the way that thing hit him out of the blue.

But will the sympathy vote get President Palin beyond her misunderstatementandingringerdingerheiner thingie that we know as State of the Union speech?

Oh! And I am so looking forward to her telling us she can see Russia from her house!!

Poor old John McCain, tho. Too bad she didn’t let him live to see it.

15 09 2008

Carly Fiorina is on all the networks calling SNL’s portrayal of Sarah Palin sexist.

Today she was worried about Sarah Palin and not about the economy, because she doesn’t care about our economy, Fiorina has made more than 21 million dollars(Her severance for leaving HP) helping other countries with their economies. While the severance for the thousands of men and WOMEN who lost their jobs beginning with Bear Stearn until the Lehman, Merrill and AIG’s today who may have lost everything.

I hope Carly finds something better to discuss tomorrow.

15 09 2008


Palin is a fraud. She’s a lying bushwhacker. She may have conned her way into Alaskan politics with her bullsh*t but the lower 48 will see through her. I hope sooner than later.

15 09 2008
no more

Check out the diagram board (photo in this ABC article). McCain spokespersons OCallaghan and Meg Stapleton (from Channel 2 news casting-ex Palin press sec fame) are apparently trying to show Obama’s links to no other than Juneau Rep Democrat Kim Elton and Walt Monegan. Look at the threads linking everyone together. What the heck is going on!!!

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

OMG!!!! look at what they are doing to Monegan now accusing him of rogue mentality!!!!

Palin’s lawyer: Monegan fired for ‘rogue mentality’


Published: September 15th, 2008 06:39 PM
Last Modified: September 15th, 2008 06:40 PM

Walt Monegan lost his job as public safety commissioner because he resisted Gov. Sarah Palin’s budget policies and ultimately showed “outright insubordination,” say papers the governor’s lawyer filed today with the state Personnel Board.

The filing includes a slew of e-mails from top Palin aides, including one from her budget director, Karen Rehfeld, saying she was “stunned and amazed” that Monegan appeared to be working with a state legislator to seek funding for a project Palin had previously vetoed.

It was Monegan’s “rogue mentality” on budgeting and other policy issues that got him fired in July, not his alleged refusal to dismiss a state trooper who was involved in a messy divorce with the governor’s sister, the filing says.

15 09 2008

Here is some good detail on how a McCain aid made 21 millions dollars.

15 09 2008

Good reading! Goodnight mudflats…until tomorrow! I can’t wait to read the next headlines!


15 09 2008

Erin (20:36:36) :

A couple things:

1. Does anybody have that link for sending postcards? I can’t find it!
Erin, ask and ye shall receive. This is from the Obama site:

15 09 2008

i don’t know where he got this article, but my very fiscally conservative, socially moderate, and former mccain supporter, young son just sent this to me via email. perhaps, it will be in the nyt tomorrow. this is his absolute favorite columnist/thinker:

ds states,”Sorry for the mass email. I thought this was a fantastic column from someone who probably could never have imagined voting against a mccain candidacy only a year ago. ”

Why Experience Matters

Philosophical debates arise at the oddest times, and in the heat of this election season, one is now rising in Republican ranks. The narrow question is this: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be vice president? Most conservatives say yes, on the grounds that something that feels so good could not possibly be wrong. But a few commentators, like George Will, Charles Krauthammer, David Frum and Ross Douthat demur, suggesting in different ways that she is unready.

The issue starts with an evaluation of Palin, but does not end there. This argument also is over what qualities the country needs in a leader and what are the ultimate sources of wisdom.

There was a time when conservatives did not argue about this. Conservatism was once a frankly elitist movement. Conservatives stood against radical egalitarianism and the destruction of rigorous standards. They stood up for classical education, hard-earned knowledge, experience and prudence. Wisdom was acquired through immersion in the best that has been thought and said.

But, especially in America, there has always been a separate, populist, strain. For those in this school, book knowledge is suspect but practical knowledge is respected. The city is corrupting and the universities are kindergartens for overeducated fools.

The elitists favor sophistication, but the common-sense folk favor simplicity. The elitists favor deliberation, but the populists favor instinct.

This populist tendency produced the term-limits movement based on the belief that time in government destroys character but contact with grass-roots America gives one grounding in real life. And now it has produced Sarah Palin.

Palin is the ultimate small-town renegade rising from the frontier to do battle with the corrupt establishment. Her followers take pride in the way she has aroused fear, hatred and panic in the minds of the liberal elite. The feminists declare that she’s not a real woman because she doesn’t hew to their rigid categories. People who’ve never been in a Wal-Mart think she is parochial because she has never summered in Tuscany.

Look at the condescension and snobbery oozing from elite quarters, her backers say. Look at the endless string of vicious, one-sided attacks in the news media. This is what elites produce. This is why regular people need to take control.

And there’s a serious argument here. In the current Weekly Standard, Steven Hayward argues that the nation’s founders wanted uncertified citizens to hold the highest offices in the land. They did not believe in a separate class of professional executives. They wanted rough and rooted people like Palin.

I would have more sympathy for this view if I hadn’t just lived through the last eight years. For if the Bush administration was anything, it was the anti-establishment attitude put into executive practice.

And the problem with this attitude is that, especially in his first term, it made Bush inept at governance. It turns out that governance, the creation and execution of policy, is hard. It requires acquired skills. Most of all, it requires prudence.

What is prudence? It is the ability to grasp the unique pattern of a specific situation. It is the ability to absorb the vast flow of information and still discern the essential current of events — the things that go together and the things that will never go together. It is the ability to engage in complex deliberations and feel which arguments have the most weight.

How is prudence acquired? Through experience. The prudent leader possesses a repertoire of events, through personal involvement or the study of history, and can apply those models to current circumstances to judge what is important and what is not, who can be persuaded and who can’t, what has worked and what hasn’t.

Experienced leaders can certainly blunder if their minds have rigidified (see: Rumsfeld, Donald), but the records of leaders without long experience and prudence is not good. As George Will pointed out, the founders used the word “experience” 91 times in the Federalist Papers. Democracy is not average people selecting average leaders. It is average people with the wisdom to select the best prepared.

Sarah Palin has many virtues. If you wanted someone to destroy a corrupt establishment, she’d be your woman. But the constructive act of governance is another matter. She has not been engaged in national issues, does not have a repertoire of historic patterns and, like President Bush, she seems to compensate for her lack of experience with brashness and excessive decisiveness.

The idea that “the people” will take on and destroy “the establishment” is a utopian fantasy that corrupted the left before it corrupted the right. Surely the response to the current crisis of authority is not to throw away standards of experience and prudence, but to select leaders who have those qualities but not the smug condescension that has so marked the reaction to the Palin nomination in the first place.

15 09 2008
Wired Differently


Yes, I’ve got the postcard information. brb with it.

15 09 2008

Just saw this on CNN web site. Video on the women of Alaska including some on the anti-Palin rally. Finally getting some airtime.

15 09 2008

Watch Ed Shultz on Larry King.

15 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

bPoint (20:38:19) :

I call her Carly “FLIPorina” because she flips on just about everything that comes out of the crazy mouth of hers!!! She is useless to me! I can’t stand to hear her talk. I mute the TV or turn the channel.

15 09 2008
Wired Differently
15 09 2008

Good article about an excellent campaign strategy for Obama/Biden:

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

OH they must really be grasping at straws if that’s the worst they can say about Monegan.

15 09 2008
Independent in AZ

SP not cooperating with investigation IS McSame 8 years of Bush/Cheney standard operating procedure of obstruction of justice and NON transparency.

Doesn’t pass the smell test when this information is released same day as 500 point market drop…

go figure.

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

I can find NOTHING about Geraldine Ferraro supporting Palin. I can find statements that she is pleased that another woman has been nominated for VP. Here is her statement on a Faux Blog, in which she doesn’t even mention Palin’s name:

15 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Wow — think I am mostly caught up

Now a couple thoughts to “entertain” you
RE; NMJ 18:52 & DeMo 19:19
NMJ said:
“What’s happening to this society? I remember when Geraldine Ferraro had to drop out because her husband wouldn’t release his tax records.”

Mz Cindy McCain has NOT released her complete taxes either.

TY Alice — good thing I read fast !! 🙂

Altho its difficult to find and track back comments you want to review a later time. I keep an index card nearby and writed down the name & time of those links or comments I want to review. ( I know it’s being a very type A personality – but my boss loves the fact I’m a stickler for details)

And many of you are right – Sarah has said several times what “HER POLICY” is – thought it was just me or not catching “their” correctly. And McCain doesn’t appear well – if you go back to earlier in the year with debate pics – he looks tired & worn out. With 50+ to go

15 09 2008
LJP aka Revolver Trooper

After that Brooks article appeared, I wrote him a long email arguing he should come out for Obama, that conservatives need a time out to get together an agenda that would benefit the country. We need to get out there and make our case to these mainstream media people. They don’t know how many of us there are, or how seriously worried, scared, and p****d off we are.

Anyone who reads this blog would have to wonder, what’s with all these weird names? I personally envy Mullet Troll. Goodnight, mudflats puppies. Let’s hope we don’t hear worse news tomorrow.

15 09 2008

View slideshow from Anti-Palin rally this Sunday in Anchorage, AK

go to:

15 09 2008
Wired Differently

Dems Are Not Afraid: I went back and read your post more carefully and felt a little silly, because it wasn’t questioning the win, but the margin. I guess these guys (and women like Carly dumbass) are going to continue to mess with our minds, but I’m here to tell you my state is going blue big time. Yes, gasp, even double digits. So take that, Chuck Todd.

15 09 2008
15 09 2008
Average Whitebread Woman for Obama

Fine people of Alaska,
Please know that the lower 48 do not hold you accountable for Barracuda. You are loved and respected despite this non-sensical aberration.

I am an average whitebread woman for Obama and I approve this message.


15 09 2008
Wired Differently

Lani, Thanks for the research on Ferraro. I’m reassured.

Just put my name through the Palin Name Generator again. Whaddaya know?

Rogue Mentality Palin

15 09 2008

Wired – that is perfect, yes?

15 09 2008




15 09 2008

Michael, you meant Saturday, right? Was there another one I Sunday that I missed? 🙂

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Wired – Love it! How about Wired Rogue Mentality?

15 09 2008

Obama and McCain in a football pose. Who’s an elitist?
Football Pose

15 09 2008
Blue Idaho
15 09 2008

antiAnti (20:56:53) :

mat-maid makes it to the MSM

FINALLY! This is the moment when I started doubting her leadership. Check out this action:

“She then sacked the creamery board and replaced it. The new board, headed by one of her childhood friends, ordered the creamery kept open. Six months later — after the business racked up more than $800,000 in additional losses, according to state officials — the new board ordered it closed again.”

Sound familiar? Firing those she disagrees with and replacing with her buddies? You betcha.

15 09 2008

Wired Differently/Dems Are Not Afraid.

Here is one big problem outed regarding polling numbers….I don’t know how the others are doing it, push polls and mixing variables to create news instead of reporting news.

15 09 2008

I swear, if Obama wins and you guys throw Palin out of office…I might just pick up the family and move up there. From all the footage and pictures I’ve seen over the past few weeks, Alaska looks *stunning*

Just the kind of quiet life I’d like to have too, after 47 years in the NYC Metro area.

15 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA


I think it is significant that the most hard hitting, best researched articles are coming from the WSJ. That means they are putting a lot of money in this and want her exposed.

15 09 2008

I truly believe we are almost past the insanity.

We all need to catch up on sleep, chores, kids, etc…

Take a breath. Let it out slow. Smell the dank soil of the Alaskan fall. Inhale that strange and lovely scent. Remind yourself that you are part of the oneness of everything.

It is what it is.

Let’s struggle, but let’s not forget to love.

15 09 2008


Thanks for the WSJ article…Finally making MSM.

WSJ is credible though Murdoch is beginning to tilt it further to the right.

15 09 2008
Enjay aka Turbine Yukon

Am watching the Fox Greta interview with the first dude – she asks him why Sarah decided to run (for Gov. of AK) – he said she believed the voters should have a choice !!!

Yea Right – but women can’t make a choice

15 09 2008

I think it is significant that the most hard hitting, best researched articles are coming from the WSJ. That means they are putting a lot of money in this and want her exposed.- Hick Town in PA

And just think…Rupert Murdock owns the WSJ now, so *something* is REALLY wrong if he’s on to something.

PS>I wish these Blogs had a quote feature…my fingers are killing me, LOL 😀

15 09 2008

I have always thought of Alaskans as the people on the last frontier; hardy, self reliant and not prone to accepting BS.. so with the Gov. now stonewalling and seeming to go back on her word, not to mention characterizing the bipartisan investigation as something cynical and tainted I should think they will not take kindly to it all… I could be wrong, but I think Alaskans will be right irritated and the legislature, which is just doing its job, will move forward anyway. And I bet they do not wait.

As for Todd Palin- I too have pondered this unusual arrangement. Too close to the executive branch. I suppose that most ppl confide in their spouses (Bill did in Hillary I am certain, Barack does in Michelle) so on the one hand, it seems the most natural thing in the world.

But I think SP will have to be careful about HOW prominent he figures, or it will imply that she is not the stand alone strong woman she wants to be perceived to be. Surely the sharing of executive information is probably highly questionable and possibly improper.

When I see her- I think Stepford candidate.. or Manchurian Candidate.. and that is troubling. Plus how is it he can travel with her for the next two months… where is the baby?? Who is minding the dhildren?? I do not expect her to HAVE to do so- but one of the parents usually does.

Fawnskin- THANK YOU for the post/letter. I thought it very well written.

Everyday there is something new. I still want Obama to stay on message.. what is that old adage when your opponent is destroying himself, stay quiet and get out of the way… they will implode.

I also wonder about the cynicism of releasing the news on Black Monday.. and I wish some supporters at Obamas next speech have signs that say IT’S THE ECONOMY- etc. they can underscore the issue..

15 09 2008

Erin — I’ve asked the person who organized the party that I went to on Saturday to forward me the paper that she had re: writing & sending postcards. I’ll put the info here once I get it.

15 09 2008

arkangel3, come on up! There’s plenty of space for everyone…

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

“Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the investigation has been “hijacked” by “Obama operatives”… The Obama campaign described Stapleton’s charge as “complete paranoia.”

15 09 2008
Wired Differently

bPoiny – Yeah, it’s become pretty clear that the polls are a crock. Just more phony ‘information’ to justify Gallup’s and others’ existence. I am not worried about the numbers, I am, however, very worried about voter caging and other underhanded methods of disqualifying voters. I don’t think it’s much of a problem in my state, but I think there should be observers (hey, maybe we can ask for UN election observers) in Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and other states where this has been a problem.

Just us left coasters and the Alaskans left online tonight. But the Australians will be getting up soon. As the Blog Turns.

15 09 2008
portland oregon native

And remember everyone that Hewlett packard is laying off 25,000 people and Lehman is firing another 25,000, and the industrial out put is down 1.1%,which was not predicted.
It is “the economy stupid”. All of this will sink in to the average voter.
good night all,

15 09 2008
Wired Differently

Oops, forgot our friends in Hawa’ii Nei. You’re just pau hana!

15 09 2008

@ Hick Town in W PA (21:11:00) : “I think it is significant that the most hard hitting, best researched articles are coming from the WSJ. That means they are putting a lot of money in this and want her exposed.”

NewsCorp owns WSJ. And NewsCorp also owns FOX News, New York Times, Barrons, Market Watch, to name a few media corporations. And who owns NewsCorp? Rupert Murdoch. You may want to Google ‘Rupert Murdoch’ when you have time.

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

hey! it’s mid-afternoon here – Tuesday! we are not napping!!!!


15 09 2008

Postcard shortcut:

I sent 20 out to Ohio today…it is a really easy way to help.

Mine said:

Dear Fellow Voter,

I am voting for Oback Obama because he has the integrity and character needed to lead our country through these tough times. Barack is thoughtful, intelligent, serious and decent. He is what our country needs right now. Barack is the hope for the future of America and Americans. I hope you will vote for him too. Sincerely, My Name, Anchorage Alaska.

15 09 2008

Everyone please watch the Obama interview on .

Obama is a very bright and thoughtful man who is able to hold forth for 15 minutes on the causes and ramifications of the Wall Street problems, and address potential solutions. Very reasonable, very knowledgeable, very presidential.

15 09 2008
In the Land of Disbelief

On behalf of all (ok some) Alaskans let me apologize for letting this lunatic out of our state. Wasilla, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

15 09 2008

I live in NYC and when I read that the state is going Red, I just rolled my eyes said that the New York Post for ‘ya.

Then I read this and understood…

Remarkable isn’t it?

15 09 2008


NewCorp does NOT own the NY Times

Just a little fyi, they are mortal foes.

15 09 2008

AKMuckraker – can you use your sources to find out what the real story is with the strange polling thingie that is going on? Something is not right in the state of Denmark. I know that the WWW is changing everything, but it seems that no one will stand by their polling numbers. Is there any reliable polling happening?

15 09 2008

Thanks Erin. My wife is an RN, so there’s no problem with a job. I’m on SS Disability (thank you, 9/11) so I’m the “Domestic Warrior” a/k/a Stay At Home Dad of the house and writing my blog and a memoir. Everyone loves the cold weather except me, but I went to school for two years in Vermont and two years in upstate NY (both just south of the Canadian Border and within an hour of Montreal)…so I could handle it. It’s a “dry” cold after all, LOL 😀

I fear that a Draft might be coming though IF McCain/Palin win, no matter what they say…so Canada might have to be an option. There is no way in hell I’m sending my girls off to war…because you know that if there is a Draft, sex won’t matter (as I’m writing this I have my iTunes on my Mac set on Genius shuffle and Rush just came on, LOL! Gotta be a sign.) I speak French fluently too, and I love Canada.

But I want to take my Country back. I cannot believe I was spared on 9/11 only to witness the fall of my beloved nation. I want to stay here because I am an American and I love what my country stands for, and I despise the bastards that took away our integrity and cheapened our grand history. I want to see us get back to our greatness as a people; our generosity of spirit; and our belief that the impossible can be conquered.

Like Bill Clinton said, “Other Nations are impressed by the power of our example, rather than the example of our power”

15 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Ohio isn’t isn’t an exclusive Republicans club any more. I don’t think there will be quite the level of voter fraud.

It’s not just the economy per se …. it’s Wall Street vs Main Street. There is some real anger about this. And it will get bigger.

And on that note I’m off to bed, thankful that in the 90 mph winds last night we didn’t lose electricity or trees. Ike is a real money maker for the tree guys!

15 09 2008

Well I am just shocked. Shocked. Not transparent Sarah?

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the investigation has been “hijacked” by “Obama operatives” ….

The Obama campaign described Stapleton’s charge as “complete paranoia.”…
Gotta love it!

15 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

I know about Murdock. He made kissy-kissy with Hillary so who knows what he is about except he probably doesn’t think McCain/Palin is good business.

15 09 2008
Aussie Puck Mule Revlon Red Palin

from the tnr link

If McCain is trying to flip Michigan, he’s going to do it on the back of suspicious should-be Democrats, and the two groups that jump to mind are the Jews in the north and northwest Detroit suburbs and the blue collar voters in northeast and south suburbs. Both groups are susceptible to false McCain campaigning that will attempt to tie Obama to the unpopular/corrupt (Kwame) black and Muslim communities in Detroit.

Maybe someone there will see this.

15 09 2008
Hick Town in W PA

Just remember Barry Goldwater.

15 09 2008
Catherine Howard

I was disappointed that the WSJ article on the Mat Maid fiasco did not list Sarah’s long time friend, Franci Havermeister. You recall that Sarah said Franci’s qualification for sitting on the new creamery board was because she had a love of cows.
I’ll just bet there are a lot of old classmates, trying to hook up with Sarah nowadays. They’re learning that long term friendships might equal a 6 figure job in their future.
Did I read that Sarah’s next interview was cancelled due to the Hurricane? Is this an upcoming hurricane?
Doesn’t the decline of our economy trump the hurricane?
I am beginning to fall for some of that crazy religious rant about Sarah being the Anti-Christ. Criminy. The woman is practically golden.
Oh how I hope the taxman brings her down.
Is it despicable of me to want to see her fall hard and fast? NEVER to get up again?
If McCain loses this election, you can bet your bottom dollar, she’ll feel entitled to run for president in 2012.

15 09 2008

She cancelled the interview because they had to rewrite her memory. The McCain/Palin know that Hannity now has to ask about “Troopergate”.

15 09 2008

MONEGAN SPEAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DEMAND IMPEACHMENT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 09 2008

Erin — RE: Postcards

Here’s the info regarding sending postcards to undeclared & women voters:

For those who do not like phone banking this is the event for you. Obama Supporters across the USA AND THE WORLD are writing postcards explaining why they support Obama. This is an inexpensive way to help our candidate win the swing states and undecided voters. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT IF YOU WILL BE SENDING POSTCARDS OUT. WE ARE TRYING TO KEEP A COUNT.
Write as many postcards (10 or more) as you would like and place postcard stamps on them. 4×6 postcards = $.27 stamp. Any postcard larger than this is $.42 stamp. POSTCARD INSTRUCTIONS: 1. We request at least 10 postcards (that represent your city or state) from each person. 2. Write a sentence telling why you support Obama and another sentence asking for their support. Example: Dear Fellow Voter, I voted for (or I am voting for) Barack Obama for President because I believe that integrity and character has a place in American politics. He has the type of leadership we need right now. I hope that you will vote for him too. Sincerely, (Sign Your Name) phone, address, and e-mail are optional 3. Put stamps on each postcard, leaving the return address and mailing address areas blank. Then put them in an envelope and mail them to:
WFO Post Card Campaign 193 E. Rich Street Columbus, OH 43215
The postcards must be appropriate pictures not babies butts, nudity, thongs, or any picture that would offend the voter. Remember, you are representing Barack and his campaign. Over 100’s of postcards were not sent out for the primaries due to those reasons and more. Again, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help with this event.
Lynn Branco — Postcard for Votes Team Leader ARE YOU FIRED UP AND READY TO GO? I KNOW I AM! Yes We Can! And We Can’t Wait!

Here’s one of the postcards that I wrote while waiting for my 101-page list of voters to contact print:

Dear Fellow Voter,
Our country is facing many challenges today. The state of our economy, worldwide diplomacy and military are of concern to us all. I believe that the Obama/Biden ticket has the energy, experience and integrity to effect positive change, change that the U.S. desperately needs. I hope that you do too. Sincerely, blah blah blah.

I have small postcards (will get bigger ones next time) so didn’t write much on that one, but you get the gist.

Anyone interested in going to a postcard writing party in Eagle River?

15 09 2008
Wired Differently

She may feel entitled to run for president in 2012 (which is the perfect year, lining up with the apocalypse), but the way she’s pissing in her cheerios at home she’ll need to carpetbag herself on down to another state. Anybody want her?

Aussie Revlon Red – sorry, I’m very time zone challenged.

15 09 2008

MONEGAN SPEAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


15 09 2008
15 09 2008
15 09 2008

Well then the Legislature needs to step up, issue the subpoena and hold her accountable. She obviously has no honor or integrity. I am sure that McCain promised her that this issue would ‘go away’ when he asked her to run. No way that this wasn’t planned in advance. Everyone saw this coming.

Good blog, thanks for speaking up!!

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

Huh? My posts aren’t showing up!

“Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will not cooperate with a legislative investigation… accusing supporters of rival Barack Obama of manipulating the inquiry for political motivations. Obama’s campaign described the charge as “complete paranoia.”

Gotta love the Obama response!

15 09 2008
Lynne Sauve

I was absolutely sickened tonight when I saw the news about Monegan “ignoring Palin’s directive” That is total and complete crap! This guy is as straight and narrow as they come. If he was given directives he would have followed them. Any discipline action that happened would be in his state file and I hope to GOD he has his file because I would not put it past her to smear his file post-termination.
How awful that the campaign is saying the Democrats are “smearing” when there were only 4 of them on the investigation committee and 8 Republicans. Do the math McCain. Any respect that I had for Palin is thrown out the window. What a disgusting display of lies. American CANNOT be this stupid to swallow this!

BTW – Thanks for having this blog

15 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

I see M/P spin doctors have taken the transpancy and cracking down on insiders out of the news clips tonight…oops that red pen of McCain is linking all over his white shirt, and is disappear as it bleeds all over Palins red suit.

Did anyone actually believe she would wilingly testify in this Troopergate investigation? She said she didn’t do anything wrong and the public just has to trust her. She was just for transparency, now she is against it.

Come on, once she left AK, no one is going to get her back to testify or open her uncanned mouth until after 11/4. She found out that there are people in AK that know what she is doing all along and willing to show up in public even while she is in town. Now that you have ralled against her, the spinning drilling oil moble have already blamed the investigation on the Dem’s and news reporters who are hounding her unfairly. When she’s out of state she’ll be to busy running around giving canned speeches blameing government for the mess it got us into -not the government that she and McDoubleSpeak woud have us elect them to -but that other government, the one they want us to fear and hate, who ever may be running it.

Besides now that America is in such deep trouble on WallStreet, in Texas and all over the global with war pending, her little scandal will be very small fish to fry. Even if some real news reporter manages to stick a microphone in front of her face they aren’t going to be wanting to ask her about Troopergate.

15 09 2008
artelizabeth really have it in a what can possibly be done with this double-spin to turn it on its ear? Some logicians out there need to come up with a “strategy” to show truth as fanfare

15 09 2008

I was reminded today why I am voting for Obama

I too am obsessed with this blog…now I have to dig deep and make my first phone tree calls.

Ring ring 🙂

PS Our best response is to get Obama Biden elected!

15 09 2008

I decided to donate $10 to Obama each time McCain or Palin told a new lie or did something despicable. I’m out another 10 bucks. These two are going to put me in the poorhouse by Nov. 4th.

The worst part is that the McCain camp is disrupting the lives and smearing the reputations of a lot of people in Alaska who never asked to be dragged into this mess. If Palin is allowing this to happen, she should be ashamed.

15 09 2008

Erin, I got this after trying to send a message to Obama. Maybe these links will help.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting Senator Barack Obama and Obama for America.

Barack is gratified by the overwhelming response to his candidacy, and we appreciate hearing from you. Please note, though, that we are now replying only to emails sent through our webform. You may resend your message through the webform here:

We also encourage you to submit your policy ideas through the My Policy feature of our website, here:

We have also created the Answer Center, an easy-to-search database of questions and answers that lets you find information on a wide range of subjects from volunteering to policy positions. Try it out here:

The webform and other technologies help improve our ability to communicate with you and efficiently read and respond to the thousands of messages we receive every week. Please note that you can use it to cut and paste large messages and links to other websites.

Thank you for using the webform, it helps us improve the process of communicating with you.


Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America


15 09 2008


Go here to read, and follow the link to the AP article…

Really interesting.

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

OK, I’m really pissed off. My posts aren’t showing up! has an front page article on troopergate, in which Palin’s crowd accuses Obama of causing the investigation. Yep, telling really BIG lies. Thank goodness, Obama’s campaign has responded strongly, calling the stupid accusation: “complete paranoia”. LOL

Go to cnn’s main page, click on troopergate. It was the lead news item, but was just replaced with a global warming catastrophe article. (Oh, wait, that’s not man-made. Just G*d hugging us tighter!)

15 09 2008
Lani aka Bash Budweiser

BOBBIEG!! Are you around? Are you ok? It was a rough day – hope you survived!

16 09 2008

I feel like I’m in the middle of the fall of the Roman Empire circa 2008. Lies by our questionably elected officials being overlooked for years, a lying, self-centered hockey-mom seriously being considered as VP, stock market down >500 points, Karl Rove saying someone was too deceitful??. I’m sure Putin is laughing his perogis off. Since Sarah’s so fond of looking at Russia how abouot we send her there. Maybe she could continue her political carreer there and someday there could be a PUTIN/PALIN ticket……No he’s too smart for that.
WAIT, where’s Rod Serling cause I know I’m in the “Twilight Zone”
Seriously, I pray daily that, yes, we are better than this… we can do better. I don’t understand how a proclaimed Christian can continue to stand before America and lie to it’s people. That’s not the kind of Christianity I was taught. I try really hard not to judge people because I’m no saint either but some times it just jumps out at you. I don’t understand how so many people don’t see how manipulative and deceitful she and ……..who is that old guy?……oh yea, McCain, have become. Come on America, we can do better, we are better than this.

16 09 2008

Michael (20:50:54) : This is a wonderfully entertaining and well put-together video, Michael. Did you make it?

16 09 2008

Lani aka Bash Budweiser (20:48:06) : I didn’t read about Geraldine’s support of SP; I saw an interview with her on TV. I wish I could remember what channel I saw it on. I don’t think it was on one of the main channels. I believe it was about SP’s rise, and it cut to Geraldine 2 or 3 times and each times she said more about what a good job SP would do, etc.

I was horrified. I’ll try to track it down for you. It was probably late at night, so hopefully, I was just hallucinating.

16 09 2008

GJ in Idaho (22:45:44) : Come on, once she left AK, no one is going to get her back to testify or open her uncanned mouth until after 11/4.

Actually, when they thought she meant it when she said she’d cooperate, they said they could just talk to her on the phone, so she was never going to be required to go back. Guess she changed her mind (or had it changed for her).

16 09 2008
no more

Cenk Uygur’s “Give the Money Back” campaign. Everyone should also know its not just one bridge but two bridges (Gravina Island and Knik Arm)

16 09 2008


Monegan Speaks on Huffington, SAYS PALIN LIED TO ABC IN INTERVIEW

BTW – Global Warming just caused 55 inches of rain to fall on Taiwan in less than 4 hours

The Mayan Calendar predicts Doomsday comes in the form of — you guessed it – catastrophic flooding.


16 09 2008

Monegan Speaks on Huffington, SAYS PALIN LIED TO ABC IN INTERVIEW

BTW – Global Warming just caused 55 inches of rain to fall on Taiwan in less than 4 hours


The Mayan Calendar predicts Doomsday comes in the form of — you guessed it – catastrophic flooding.



16 09 2008

Lani aka Bash Budweiser (20:48:06) : I can find NOTHING about Geraldine Ferraro supporting Palin. I can find statements that she is pleased that another woman has been nominated for VP. Here is her statement on a Faux Blog, in which she doesn’t even mention Palin’s name:

You’re right, she doesn’t mention her name. It’s actually worse than that. Geraldine Ferraro had a fundraising position in Hillary’s campaign, until she made statements where she publicly stated that if Obama wasn’t black, he wouldn’t be where he is now. She is currently a FOX News Political Contributor, so I probably saw it on FOX. She backs McCain because wants a woman to be VP and she thinks SP will bring a lot of Hillary’s supporters to the Repubs. Totally gender-based. Disgusting.

The announcement that she’s resigning from Hillary’s campaign, and why:

A brief interview – Ferraro: ‘Wonderful To See Woman On Natl. Ticket’

Another interview she gave on how wonderful it is to have a woman on the ballot:

16 09 2008
King Baeksu

Caribou Barbie is running from the press and running from the investigators.

In other words, she is running from the people.

What kind of fools would vote for such a person? Monarchists? Is this not a democracy?

16 09 2008

Sarah Palin’s lawyer went to school a the Arizona College of Law

16 09 2008
Karrie Jacobs » Blog Archive » Still More Bunnies

[…] This bunny thing is supposed to be distracting me from politics, but it’s not working. Return to Top Blog […]

16 09 2008

and McCain is now doing push polling and he seems to be starting with the jews…

In case you didn’t push polling is basically a lie. They call you up pretending
to take a poll but then they figure out your background and who you are voting for and then they start into “would it make a difference if you knew {some lie about Obama related to the issue}?” in order to get out smears without making it seem like they are smearing. This is what Bush did to McCain in South Carolina – “would it make a difference in your vote if you knew John McCain fathered an illegitimate black child?” (McCain and his wife adopted a Bangladeshi child). McCain seems to have lost his integrity and his honor as he is campaigning in ways he once condemned.

16 09 2008

NMJ, you refer to the message you got from Palin about Wooten.

That message seems pretty damning to me, actually.

Three densely typed pages full of accusations (which have for the most part been found to be unsustained when they were looked into) amount to quite a bit of pressure, and the message is very clear, without needing to spell it out: get rid of Wooten.

Monegan told Rachel Maddow yesterday that Palin never used the words ‘fire him’. He presumably got the same kind of messages you got (full of accusations and how Wooten should not be allowed to represent troopers, etc.). Monegan stated that he believed that Palin and her husband were aware it would be wrong to tell him explicitly to fire Wooten, but the pressure was, he said, an ‘ongoing thing’, and it was obvious what they wanted him to do.

So the copy you have is probably a fair reflection of the sort of pressure that was put on Monegan.

16 09 2008
Grace RN NJ

What magic makes the Republicans seemingly look like gold when they crawl out of a pile of crap? As a woman, who worked her butt off to get everything she has, I am both ashamed and angry at the mindlessness of the Palinators looking to elect a soccer mom to VP!

Nothing against soccer moms (I was a very vociferous Marching Band Mom in my day) but there’s a difference between the other team’s coach, and say, Putin? Like one is mouth and the other has nuclear capability? The differences in balancing the fundraising sheet and this LOUSY economy are staggering.

We need the right candidate in the right place at the right time, and there is only one capable to moving us in the correct direction.

Go “O”! Obama/Biden 2008 for a better America.

Let’s leave the last 8 years in the dust.

16 09 2008

someone should just hack those emails and get them out to the public once and for all…

16 09 2008
16 09 2008

NY Obama
support waning according
to Siena poll.

Why are people so
stupid? At times I want to
go live in a cave.

September 16, 2008

16 09 2008

Wow … From the Repubs defending Palin – saying that Monegan was dismissed because of budget disagreements:

“The last straw, the McCain campaign said, was in July, when Monegan planned to travel to Washington to seek federal money for a plan to assign troopers, judges and prosecutors who could exclusively handle sexual assault cases — one of the state’s most intractable crime problems.

In a July 7 e-mail, John Katz, the governor’s special counsel, noted two problems with the trip: The governor hadn’t agreed the money should be sought, and the request was “out of sequence with our other appropriations requests and could put a strain on the evolving relationship between the Governor and Sen. (Ted) Stevens.”

Ummm … Would that be because SP thinks rape victims should be charged for kits, or that rape victims should not be allowed to have an abortion, or that the sexual assault problem in Alaska (2.5 the national average – and higher for minors) is not a problem?

Does this woman have no shame? “The governor hadn’t agreed the money should be sought”. Is this a surprise? HIT BACK the rethugs.


16 09 2008
misskae aka khaki salmon

(from the AP article referenced by Cany at 23:25:24 – thanks!):
“…The current trip is her first outside her home state without McCain, and the schedule was relatively light, with only a speech in Colorado and a fundraiser in Ohio. The governor has had only one substantive media interview since joining the ticket, and she and her husband, Todd, ignored reporters’ shouted questions throughout the day.
Aides went to unusual lengths to maintain her privacy aboard her chartered campaign jet, pulling a curtain across the center aisle to separate the Palins and their top aides from the rest of the passengers.”

Ignoring reporters – closing curtains on the plane – (now if she had the baby and was feeding him, I could see closing the curtains, although I wouldn’t have!)
Is she traveling with the baby?
Not that I want to spend time on this.
It’s much more important for people to read and send the NYT op-ed on “McCain’s Radical Agenda” about his proposed taxing of healthcare benefits.


16 09 2008

I fail to see why husband Todd was copied on E-mails in volving this scandel. I have read that there may be as many as 1200. If my Govenor involved her husband in State business I would be the first to seek impeachment. I hope the national press picks this up and let the chips fall as they will. Lets see, the press cannot get an interview because they are tainted, fine stop covering her. If she appears with her grandpa which I know she will be tomorrow in the town I work in (I’m one of the lucky ones to have a job) don’t cover it until she starts giving one on one interviews. The campaign (Karl Rove) wont let he cooperate with the investigation because it is tainted. Why are all the outside forces tainted? Could it be that she is corrupt and not experienced to even be a capable mayor of a small town. I found it interesting that she forced this small town into $22M debt. She must have taken the same economic classes as her grandpa (McCain). Alaska, please keep her. The Nation economy cannot afford her.

16 09 2008
“A New, Ethical Government” …Sarah Palin? « kavips

[…] What plays out in the lower 48, does not play out in Alaska….  She just pissed off her constituency…. […]

16 09 2008
Audrey in Oregon

Just like Amy Poehler’s Hillary said on SNL of the Press, the Alaska legislators need to “grow a pair”. If not, I’ll lend them mine, as I’m sure many of my sister and brother muddies would!

16 09 2008

Well it seems clear that they will have to subpoena her. My question is…is there any movement toward impeachment? And yes, they can borrow my pair as well. They’re made of brass 🙂

16 09 2008
Chicago Sue

Mudflats – you’re the greatest. I just want to remind everyone to watch Obama speak via live-stream, because the press just doesn’t ever broadcast his speeches and townhalls. (And of course, then the press falsely tells everyone that Obama isn’t discussing the issues enough!)

Obama is about to speak in Colorado in a moment or so. The live stream has already begun at

Please watch with me!!!

16 09 2008
Stepper Choke aka pradicchio

Don’t believe the Siena polls about NY losing support for Obama — yesterday has pretty much put paid to our downstate economy — 20% of Wall St jobs, including lots of blue collar & clerical will probably be gone by the end of 2008. Check out ABC GMA’s whistle stop tour (and I’m no fan of TV), yesterday in high-unemployment Massachusetts former mill-towns, today in Western NYS where mill closings and loss of an AF base has produced crushingly bad local economy. People DO get it, it’s the ECONOMY (and lots of nice cushy corporate welfare on my tax dollar, thank you very much)!!

16 09 2008

Regarding the current economic situation: Has anybody read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein? This is just like the situation in Chile in the 70’s, as well as Argentina. It’s the effort to bring “pure” capitalism to this and other nations. HOWEVER, Milton Freidman is dead, and his hate filled economic theories should die with him. This has been going on since Reagan. Hello-Trickle Down Economics DOES NOT WORK.

16 09 2008
Chicago Sue

Mudflats – you’re the greatest.

Obama is about to speak in Colorado in a moment or so. The live stream has already begun at:

Please watch with me!!!

16 09 2008

george (05:31:47) :

Wow … From the Repubs defending Palin – saying that Monegan was dismissed because of budget disagreements:

“The last straw etc.”

You put your finger right on it buddy. This woman could care less about basic governance and she seems wierdly unconcerned about crimes against women. There is reporting that Monegan couldn’t get a word out of Palin about her law enforcement goals. This correlates with reporting that other Alaska officials, including municipal leaders, simply could not get a word in with Palin (guess she was too busy conspiring against Wooten and others or having the tanning bed installed). In other words, Palin was asleep at the switch so if anything was to be done, Monegan had to do it at his own initiative. Then Palin attempts to cite his attempt to do his job against him! What a typical workplace backstab! This petty, vindicative person is unfit for public office at any level. In fact, she cannot be trusted even to run her own family properly, as we have seen.

16 09 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

I love it: ” we know who tainted this and ‘taint the Democrats.”!
Keep up the good work! Maybe people here in the rest of the country will clue in.

More and more I think they[the Repubs] chose her because she’ll do what they say and they can boss her around.

16 09 2008

This is the guy who replaced Monegan, another fiasco.

And if Monegan had such a “rogue mentality”, why the hell did she offer him another job?

16 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Keep up the good work AKM and a huge thank you to you and all of you Alaskans! I am addicted to this blog and have followed it since the day the Repugnants announced this lipsticked, lying, empty headed moose-shooting polar bear hating right-wing nut job! I am spreading the link to everyone I know and have been scrutinizing not only every story about her and McBush, but also the MSM reactions or non-reactions. As an educated professional forty-year-old woman, I am completely outraged (for lack of a better non-profanity laced term), at the glassy-eyed sheep who actually support McBush and Pawn. I have posted a link to this blog in our local Sarasota Herald Tribune when I just had to post a comment on their interview with some hockey moms (yes we have them here in Florida) who were quoted as saying “I vote with my heart and not my head” in their support of Palin. AAAAARGGHHH!!!!!

16 09 2008

From the CNBC interview (‘What does a VP do?’ video), Palin said Monegan was fired because Palin wanted “new direction” regarding “bootlegging and alcohol abuse problems in our rural villages..”

NOTHING about insubordination. This smells very bad.

Watch it yourself:

Palin: “And it’s cool. I want them to ask me the questions. I don’t have anything to hide. And um, didn’t do anything wrong there. And it is a Governor’s prerogative — a right — to fill that cabinet with members whom she or he feels will do best for the people whom we are serving. So I look forward to any kind of investigation or questions being asked, ’cause, got nothing to hide.”

[Why did you fire him]: Palin: “I never tried to fire a former brother-in-law who’s been divorced from my sister for quite some time. No, it was the Commissioner that we were seeking more results, more action to fill, uh, vacant trooper positions, to deal with bootlegging and alcohol abuse problems in our rural villages especially. Um, just needed some new direction, a lot of new energy in that position. That is why the replacement took place there of the Commissioner of public safety. It had nothing to do with an estranged brother-in-law — a divorce that had happened some years ago.”

“It shouldn’t disqualify me from anything, including progressing the state’s agenda here towards more energy production so we can contribute more to the US. Nor should it, uh, dissuade any kind of agenda progress in any arena because again, I haven’t done anything wrong, and, and, through an investigation of our lawmakers who are kinda, uh, lookin at me as a target, we invite those questions so that we can truthfully answer the questions. But as to the VP talk all the time, I tell ya, I still can’t answer that question until someone answers, for me, what is it exactly that the VP does, every day? . . .”

16 09 2008
kate aka chin duststrap

Oh, and I know I repeat this but: I’m a permanent resident becoming an American and can’t vote yet, but I can donate to Obama. And I did, again, yesterday.

16 09 2008

Listening to my local progressive internet and I hear this.

“Wonder Woman Speaks Out on Palin”
“Don’t get me started. She’s the anti-Wonder Woman. She’s judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how they’ve got to live their lives. And a superior religious self – righteousness … that’s just not what Wonder Woman is about. Hillary Clinton is a lot more like Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn’t she?

No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this country, to force your own personal views upon the populace — religious views. I think that is suppressive, oppressive, and anti-American. We are the loyal opposition. That’s the whole point of this country: freedom of speech, personal rights, personal freedom. Nor would Wonder Woman be the person to tell people how to live their lives. Worry about your own life! Worry about your own family! Don’t be telling me what I want to do with mine.

I like John McCain. But this woman — it’s anathema to me what she stands for. I think America should be very afraid. Very afraid. Separation of church and state is the one thing the creators of the Constitution did agree on — that it wasn’t to be a religious government. People should feel free to speak their minds about religion but not dictate it or put it into law.

What I don’t understand, honestly, is how anyone can even begin to say they know the mind of God. Who do they think they are? I think that’s ridiculous. I know what God is in my life. Now I am sure that she’s not all just that. But it’s enough to me. It’s enough for me to have a visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.

People need to speak up. Doesn’t mean that I’m godless. Doesn’t mean that I am a murderer. What I hate is this demonization of everybody but one position. You’re un-American because you’re against the war. It’s such bullshit. Fear. It’s really such a finite way of thinking about God to think that your measley little mind can know the mind of God. It’s a very little God that way. I think that God’s bigger. I don’t presume to know his mind. Or her mind.”

16 09 2008

Well of course this investigation is tainted. If it wasn’t tainted on the second day someone would have said, “Governor Palin is inocent.” Everyone one in the state would have nodded yes like bobble-headed dolls and the legislature would have passed and she would have signed a proclamation that no one would ever question any of her actions again. Now that would be something that she could stand behind.

16 09 2008

Palin said that she has nothing to hide.

“We would never prohibit, or be less than enthusiastic about any kind of investigation. Let’s deal in the facts, and you do that via investigation,” Palin said.

It’s not just Sen. Lyda Green who wants an investigator to look into this — other members of the Legislature are saying the same thing. In fact, they say they will likely take up the issue when the special session resumes in Juneau next week.

16 09 2008
Susie in Jersey

@VP, Flat Earth Society

“I’ve noticed a few times that Paling has talked about what “I” will do once in office. Does she not realize that she is just going to do what she is told…”

By her own admission she doesn’t (or didn’t) have a clue as to the job of the VP. I’ve said all along that she is going to be one unhappy lady when (if) she gets in there and finds out that, basically, she is taking orders from others. She’s accustomed to running the show – it won’t be her show to run.

16 09 2008
mary b

Has anyone done a poll, updated, on Palins popularity in Alaska now that she has gotten caught in so many lies and taken back her word on Trooper-gate?
It would be very intresting for all of us citizens in the lower 48.

16 09 2008

Such hostility towards a woman who at the very most made an error in judgement regarding “troopergate”. It is all smoke and mirrors by the Obama people that are afraid. very afraid. Regarding the firing of the DPS commisioner. Commissioners are employed “at will”. The governor does not have to give a reason they fired one. Here is something I found on Wiki:

“In a letter to DPS employees announcing his termination, Monegan wrote that he was an at-will employee and knew his dismissal was “a possibility ever present”, and that he had been advised that the governor wanted to take DPS in a “different direction.”

Very interesting that the guy this is all about wrote this. Seems to me this is much ado about nothing.

16 09 2008

Just checked my IRA account. My shares went down by 33 cents each since Friday.

Remember this great video of Nobel Prize Economists supporting Obama’s Economic Plan?

Digg this and send it to everyone you know!

16 09 2008

In the words of Elizabeth Haslbeck of the “The View”, an ardent Republican, what does she have to hide, when comparing Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama. Now it seems that Sarah Palin will not speak with investigators concerning Trooper Gate. What does she have to hide. There have been story after story coming out of Alaska regarding her cronism. There have been many firings and replacements with friends and classmates. The joke is look at her class book, you will see her Cabinet members. Something really stinks and the good people of Alaska are walking around with blinders on. All of this information which is easily verifiable. It amazes me that people would turn a blind eye and a deaf ear and continue supporting this clearly unethical person. How could anyone with an ounce of sound judgement want this unethical person in the White House and that close to potenially being the President of the United States. I have heard many woman, who are supposed to be the more intellegent of God’s creatures, say that like the fact that she’s a hockey mom. What on earth does that have to do with politics, foreign policy, the economy? The frivolous nature in the way some people are making their selection is quite scary to me. I’m do not condemn you selection of Sarah Palin, only the reason for the support. Please do your research before making such a serious decision. Do not take this matter so lightly. We cannot afford four more years like the last eight. John McCain is the one running for President, not Sarah Palin. That is what your vote should be based on. John McCains knows at his age this is the last possible chance for him to become President. He will say and do anything to get to the oval office. His vile lies, that even Karl Rove said he’s gone to far, should be an indicator that this man is a man not to be trusted. He is starving for power. John McCain is a warmonger who would like to go to war with Iran or Russia. Please people do your research. All the negative information is not generated by the Democrats, some perhaps, but not all. The facts are the facts. After 26 years of being a do nothing seat warmer he now wants to work for the people. This country has been run into the ground by old White men. It’s time to let a young Black man try and get us out the mess we’re in. From John McCains own mouth, he said he did not understand the economy. Why would anyone even consider putting this man in office? Can we continue to see American jobs go over sea? He has no plan to stop it. He would have you believe Barack Obama will raise your taxes. I personally would rather pay higher taxes than to have no job at all. You do the math, can we afford four more years.

16 09 2008

Justlivin – read between the lines. I personally know Walt Monegan, and he is a cool, sincere, intelligent, good-hearted individual… and a true public servant in Alaska. That’s why the Republican controlled legislature voted unanimously to support an investigation.

and that he had been advised that the governor wanted to take DPS in a “different direction.”

Hmmmm…. what is the “different direction.”

16 09 2008
Palin Refuses to Cooperate with Ethics Probe. What a Surprise. « Nuclear and Indigenous Items of Interest

[…] Palin Refuses to Cooperate with Ethics Probe. What a Surprise. […]

16 09 2008

Monegan has said quite a lot of other things about Troopergate, including asserting that he felt pressured to fire Wooten and that his refusal to do so was one of the reasons Palin got rid of him.

Then she put another many in the office who had to step down after only ten days.

This episode would probably be pretty minor except for the fact that Palin is stonewalling the investigation. This puts her in the same class as all the Bush administration folks who have avoided accountability in Washington. People DO have a right to ask elected officials to account for their decisions, even the legal ones.

The whole episode suggests a serious of bad judgments on Palin’s part. For one thing, if she wasn’t happy with Monegan’s “direction,” why did she appoint him in the first place?

16 09 2008

She is a maverick and a renegade. From the truth and the law.

I’m fairly sure that Sarah and the truth are strangers.

If The Todd has been this involved in her job now, imagine if he was in DC.

Hey justlivin…you are damn right we are afraid. Afraid that the country will be duped AGAIN, and we’ll be stuck with an administration that is again inept at best, dangerous at worst.

Even the appearance of impropriety is enough to question Palin. And there is more than an appearance here…

16 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Who does Palin think she is, “the fourth branch of government?” Her obstructionism is straight out of the Bush/Cheney’s “Government for Dummies” playbook.

16 09 2008

@Justlivin –

I would have been “much ado about nothing” if she had taken her attorney’s advice and apologized when this whole affair started. She didn’t. Says something about her judgment.

I’m curious how Obama knew to send people up to get a Republican dominated legislature to start an investigation BEFORE she was tapped by McCain? This probe didn’t start after she was selected.

16 09 2008
16 09 2008

@justlivin….are you serious??? Please…dont talk nonsense. This woman is a dangerous fraud. No ifs ands or buts about it. Yes…Monegan was an AT WILL employee. That does not give Palin a right to lie…yes lie. That is what the issue is here. She abused her power and then lied. That is wrong and you darn well know it. If you dont…I feel sorry for you.

16 09 2008

I love this site, look what a few alaskan women started, the rally, then got the rally on main media, keep going alaskans, DEMAND a subpoena for Palin, Demand a subpoena on the emails, DEMAND the investigation go forward on time, DEMAND it!!! I’m putting all my Hope & prayers in Alaskans now. Alaska can put Barrack in the whitehouse. And to Sarah Palin I say: Thou shall not bear false witness.

16 09 2008
Carol Dechamps

Palin is lying, again, on CNN. She said, the Democrats are the ones investigating, when it’s the State Alaska Senate Republicans, that started it. Carol

16 09 2008

This is a good one, Carly Fiorina, McCain’s surrogate, just admitted that Palin wouldn’t be able to run her old company!

Carly needs to take her golden parachute and fly off the Bridge to Nowhere.

16 09 2008

OK, I admit to a certain amount of ignorance here. First of all, what can happen to her if she refuses to honor a subpoena? And, what’s the worst that can happen if she IS found guilty of ethics violations? Can she be removed as Governor? Would that then force McCain’s hand to remove her as the VP candidate? Can all of this happen before November 4?

Also, why is she refusing to honor the subpoena? If she has nothing to hide, she should want to get this out of the way.

Thanks in advance for helping me with this.

16 09 2008
angry lefty

can she be compelled to testify and if she refuses can she be impeached? the US congress has failed to compel testimony by Harriet Myers and Karl Rove and others. This lack of respect for the rule of law seems to be working for the republicans when the people who vote them into office see their lack of cooperation as something to be proud of.

there is something rotten at the core of the republican party, and it isn’t just their leaders.

16 09 2008
Iben hakenluggis

I smell fear … And methinks the smell is coming from all you left-wing whackos defecating in your shorts. PRICELESS

16 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Once again Dear Sarah is for it after she was again it… her spin doctors are telling us she wants to cooperate with the council she apponted…oh, what a gal, let’s hear it for clear transparancy…now tell me can she really write the laws to suit her situation? If you love me I’m for you if you’re not so sure you like me, I’l appoint a committee to show you guys….how much you are picking on me.

16 09 2008
GJ in Idaho

Darn I wish I knew how to get to CNN feedback link, I would of dearly loved to have that reporter ask her latest spin doctor who was saying she would cooperate with the committee she appointed, but not the legistature she can’t control….I just have to get faster on the computer to play catch up with these things….I’d like to be talking into those cute new ear piece all these talking heads are wearing these days….anyone care to guess what God is saying to Palin now…that she is “likely not coporate with the truth?”

16 09 2008

Oh breaking news — she has file suit to stop the investigation….

16 09 2008

At the end of the day the whole thing does show her strong “experience”. She has done variations on the lies and betrayals as a major as well, governor (and probably also at the PTA and as a hockeymom).

Congratulations, Sarah, you passed the Rove test (critical for a modern leader)! Rove started criticising McCain because he will no longer be needed…

Could someone find a job for SP back in media just like Rove did? Please, media folks, COUNTRY FIRST! Just make sure you give her plenty of lipsick.

p.s. Did you know she saw Russia without a passport? How many of you can claim this? Clearly, she is also a visionary.

16 09 2008

Sexy, it’s not Palin who has filed suit to stop the investigation, it’s several Republican state senators…I hope our Mudflats Queen can shed some light on this, if it’s a valid suit, and what boots on the ground in Alaska think about this latest Palin stunt.

16 09 2008

Lots of stuff happening!

16 09 2008

Lost in all the Palinbaloney….the Alaskan Permanent Fund lost over $770 million on Black Monday.

16 09 2008

Let’s see her and Todd’s tax returns, college transcripts, AND medical records. All the other candidates have released theirs.

16 09 2008
Kim in Florida

Not a blogging pro here, but I am pasting this link from Newsweek where they say that Palin’s favorability ratings are starting to drop and there are some good stories by the press discussing the lies of her and McBush. Guess you have to copy and paste to get there. This is the best news I have seen this week. There is hope that people will finally get it. The mainstream media is slow to catch up, but hopefully the dam will now break, and it will become impossible for the Republicans to continue to pretend these candidates are even remotely appropriate or good for our country. Right, when you see a lipsticked pig fly.


16 09 2008

Click to access 9-15-08%20Alaska.pdf

See the news release from Liberty Legal Institute who is filing suit against
AK Dems.

16 09 2008

Hey look folks…
(sorry if this has been posted this comment thread is crazy and I may have missed it because refreshing takes ages)

Palin to Visit the UN.

Palin to Meet Foreign Leaders at U.N.

Monica Langley reports on the presidential race.

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will meet with foreign leaders next week at the United Nations, a move to boost her foreign-policy credentials, a Republican strategist said.

Republican candidate John McCain plans to introduce the Alaska governor to heads of state at the opening of the U.N. General Assembly, although specific names weren’t yet firmed up. “The meetings will give her some exposure and experience with foreign leaders,” the strategist said. “It’s a great idea.”

McCain and Palin are expected to visit the U.N. on Tuesday, when President George W. Bush will address the international body.

Since her nomination, Palin has energized the Republican base, drawn huge crowds and propelled fund-raising. However, Democrats have attacked her as weak on foreign policy experience. Even on last week’s “Saturday Night Live,” actress Tina Fey spoofed Palin’s assertion that she is familiar with issues involving Russia, noting that Alaska is nearby. “I can see Russia from my house!” Fey-as-Palin said.

But McCain advisers hope her U.N. visit will show how quickly Palin can make key connections and become well-versed in foreign-policy issues.

I really apologize if this is mean, but GMAB. This is one of the funniest things I’ve read all day. Talk about stretching for a strategy. “Oh look, she can talk to people, and grasp things quick, she’s an expert”. I’m sorry but one totally staged media event and photo op does not an expert make. Will people actually buy this stunt?
I’ve been to the UN, even met some pretty important people too. Had some interesting conversations. Can I be VP please?

16 09 2008
Palin Takes Her Troopergate Notes From Cheney And Rove - Sarah Palin | Sarah Palin - Sharpy News

[…] The folks at Mudflats are shocked, shocked, I say: […]

16 09 2008

Mark my words: Obama will win Georgia. Not by a lot, but win it he will. The most recent poll for Georgia came from a company run by right wing nutjobs. The owner of the company used to work for Gingrich and is always writing freaky OpEd pieces slamming Democrats. Also, the poll used an unusually small sample size and completely excluded Libertarian Bob Barr, who is FROM Georgia and very popular here.

I have NEVER seen so many bumper stickers for a Democratic candidate here in my life.

Times are a-changin’. Don’t believe these bullshit surveys. Get your butt to the polls on election day! (Or earlier, if your state has early voting.)

16 09 2008
Sarah F.

I am so furious over the recent news that Palin’s allies have decided to sue to stop the Troopergate investigation. (See:

According to CNN, the lawsuit alleges “are conducting a McCarthyistic investigation in an unlawful, biased, partial and partisan political manner in order to impact the upcoming Alaska general and national presidential elections.”

The kicker is that the Legislative Council decided to investigate back in July, long, long, long before anybody knew that Sarah Palin would–surprise, surprise!–be the VP candidate. This makes me dislike her so much more.

16 09 2008

I am absolutely loving this hysteria that is surrounding Sarah Palin! Now the far left and most liberal among us know how moderate and conservative Republicans felt when all of a sudden this sharp, intelligent, black community organizer with absolutely little experience in Federal affairs, all of sudden becomes the Democratic Presidential Nominee. What comes around goes around I guess! K

16 09 2008
John McCain

Probes are always from Dems. They are of no use other than slandering honorable Americans.

16 09 2008

I’m a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight…..

* If you grow up in Hawaii , raised by your grandparents, you’re ‘exotic, different.’

* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.

* If your name is Barack you’re a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.

* Name your kids Willow , Trig and Track, you’re a maverick.

* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.

* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you’re well grounded.

* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senaterepresenting a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, you
don’t have any real leadership e xperience.

* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you’re not a real Christian.

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you’re a Christian.

* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state’s school system while your unwed teen daughte r ends up pregnant, you’re very responsible.

* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family’s values don’t represent America ‘s.

* If you’re husband is nicknamed ‘First Dude’, with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn’t register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

OK, much clearer now

17 09 2008

I have 2 serious questions:

(1) How can she credibly claim that Monegan was insubordinate when she previously praised his work and offered him another job on the Alcohol Control Board (ABC)?
See KTVA 8-15-08 article, “Governor and staff’s latest explanations leave more questions”
(But weeks ago she praised Monegan for his abilities to solve those same issues when offering him a job as the director of the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. “I recognized Frank Bailey, Boards and Commissions Director that Walt’s interests and strengths could be put to good use as he could concentrate exclusively on a couple of issues that were his interest, that be bootlegging and alcohol problems in rural Alaska,” said Palin on July 17th.); see also Gov. Palin Press RELEASE No. 08-122 (7/17/08).

(2) How can she claim she fired him because he wasn’t doing enough to combat bootlegging and alcohol abuse problems, yet offer him a new job in precisely that field?
See KTVA 8-15-08 article (“I was concerned also that we were not doing enough on continuing alcohol abuse issues that I wanted to see tackled, including the bootlegging issues in rural Alaska”); See also CNBC interview (‘What does a VP do?’ video) (“it was the Commissioner that we were seeking more results, more action to fill, uh, vacant trooper positions, to deal with bootlegging and alcohol abuse problems in our rural villages especially. Um, just needed some new direction, a lot of new energy in that position. That is why the replacement took place there of the Commissioner of public safety.”)

There are only 2 options here:

(A) She is lying, and in the process willing to playing politics with state procedure and to smear the reputation of a well-respected police chief (not to mention lying about ever contacting or pressuring Monegan about Wooten);


(B) She is not lying, and she is so irrational that she offered a job to a guy to head up the ABC — a task force she thinks is important (alcohol abuse/bootlegging, etc.) — even though she claims she fired that same guy for failing to control alcohol abuse/bootlegging AND who she now accuses of insubordination.

Which one is it?

17 09 2008

Oooh, ooh, let me put on my surprised face – Palin flip-flopped and refused to do what she agreed to do? No way!! She is a liar.

18 09 2008

Hi, I’m ‘down’ here in the lower 48, and the news we see from Alaska–is that they love Palin!! Is it true? I keep wondering why she’s using yahoo for government business; also, WHY is her husband sitting in on meetings and intervening in employment issues? Also, what’s with this ‘firing’ people wherever she goes, and replacing them with sycophants? Didn’t she ‘fire’ people when she was a small town mayor? GOD, poor Alaska–first Ted Stevens–now HER!

19 09 2008
Palin Takes Her Troopergate Notes From Cheney And Rove | Politics - Sharpy News

[…] The folks at Mudflats are shocked, shocked, I say: […]