‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! » rally6


3 responses

18 09 2008

Re: reject Palin rally – So happy to learn I’m not crazy – there are really people out there willing to use their own minds. If McCain/Palin win, the U.S. will look so ridiculous to the rest of the world. How do we get mainstream media to present the honest whole picture of what is going on regarding our politics?

22 09 2008
Sally Oesterling

The most frightening thing about Palin is her cruelty to animals and her promotion of it. Take a look at the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund website and you’ll see a video of defenseless wolves and bears being shot in Alaska with high powered weapons from airplanes. Try looking at this without crying! Also, she is suing the government to NOT have polar bears on the endangered species list because it will interere with gas and oil development. Also, she has promoted so-called “safari”, hunting, which includes trophy hunting of polar bears. Imagine such a person having influence at the Interior Department!!!! Heaven help us.

22 09 2008
Sally Oesterling

The most frightening thing about Palin is her cruelty to animals and her promotion of it. Take a look at the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund website and you’ll see a video of defenseless wolves and bears being shot in Alaska with high powered weapons from airplanes. Try looking at this without feeling heartbroken at how low some humans have sunk in relationship to other living beings. And then, GET OUTRAGED AND TAKE SOME ACTION AGAINST HAVING THIS WOMAN AS VP. What’s more, she is suing the government to NOT have polar bears on the endangered species list because it will interfere with gas and oil development. Also, she has promoted so-called “safari” hunting, which includes trophy hunting of polar bears. Imagine such a person having influence at the Interior Department!!!! Heaven help us.

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