‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! » rally2


13 responses

14 09 2008

Thank you for all you guys are doing. Just sent a link to Huffington Post.

15 09 2008
Lady T

Why isn’t the main stream media reporting on this

15 09 2008

The mainstream media is owned and operated by wealthy people. Their job is to distract, which they apparently do quite effectively.

The liberal media is a myth, perpetrated by the same liars who said Obama was calling Sarah Palin a pig.

15 09 2008
Carroll M. Young

I am a white 74 year old well educated southern woman, and I absolutely REJECT Palin. Thanks for the news of the rally. I needed something good to think about! CMY

16 09 2008
Martha, Austin, Texas

Thank you for providing us invaluable information on Sarah; I can’t imagine what would have happened without your work! And thanks for the news on the rally!

17 09 2008
Peg Ross-Talbot

Alaskans; Thank you Thank you Thank you. I am sending a link to all my northeast American friends because from down here all we get is how much Sarah Palin is absolutly LOVED by her home state.The way it is told, your state is behind her 100%. According to the press we see, there is NO ONE that is opposed to her in Alaska. I didn’t even know that there was a movement like this, let alone how large it is. Where the hell is the mainstream media. How could you guys be so systematically ignored. It’s a disgrace.Keep up the good work-maybe, just maybe some reporters will have the guts to give you the coverage you deserve as Americans. Peg Ross Talbot, Pennsylvania

17 09 2008

I’m circulating this post on my own blog, and in the town of Durango, CO. You guys rock!

-Single Mama for Obama

18 09 2008
Jennifer Jewett -New York

I kind of figured we weren’t getting the truth when watching FOX news or other powerful news people! I knew I couldn’t be the only one getting what really is going on! I believe there is enough hard working American people who want Obama’s change! Thank God we can get through to millions with the computers! I’m sending this to all the people I know! Keep up the good work! I’m 61 and disabled or I think I would join you!

19 09 2008

Thank you thank you! I will forward this to everyone I know. Any way we can get this to CNN or any other news coverage?

19 09 2008
Carol Donile

This presidential race is not only about the upcoming vote for who will run our country for
next 4 years, but it has also beecome a matter of who should not serve as Vice President.
I am a woman, who strongly favors women’s rights. It is unfortunate that we have to have
a woman like Palin to supposedly is put on the Republican ticket to say that a “woman has equal opportunity to reach the status of Vice President of the United States.

Sarah Palin is not for Women”s rights! She would set women’s rights back to the 1960’s

KEEP her out of office!!!

21 09 2008
72 Year Old white woman for Obama

You guys rock.

22 10 2008
June Tucker

I’m a 75 year old mother and grandmother, and I am proud of your work.

22 10 2008
June Tucker

I’m a 75 year old mother and grandmother, I think you are doing good work.

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