This is Getting Ugly. New Palin Rumors Fly.

5 09 2008

It’s hopeless. Just when you think you’ll get a few minutes to eat, or work, or have a life, more cars on the train wreck that is the McCain-Palin ticket derail.

The latest story the National Enquirer is working on is that Palin had an affair with Todd’s ex-business partner in an Anchorage Car Wash venture. This was an interesting twist because it was also rumored that Todd Palin had an “Edwards problem”. Maybe he has an Elizabeth Edwards problem. I generally try to resist getting too caught up in the smarminess, unless it becomes impossible. It just did.

Two days ago, Todd’s ex-business partner filed an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Yesterday the motion was DENIED.

Buckle up. I’ll post updates and links…unless the entire intertube network collapses first.



473 responses

5 09 2008

Do we have name, picture of business partner so we can decide which one we would have gone for, all other things being equal?

5 09 2008

It’s too early for a headache of this magnitude!

5 09 2008
From England

my friends…I can’t take anymore! …….I need to peel myself away and go pour myself a glass of wine. I’ll be back.

5 09 2008


5 09 2008
From England

@raingods…thank goodness it’s 7.30pm for me…phew!

5 09 2008

I cant wait for Michael Moore to make his next movie. Not sure what it is but pretty sure it’s coming of age with all of this. Boooooyaaaaahhhh

5 09 2008

They could devote an entire issue of the National Enquirer to Sarah Palin….uh…make that a DOUBLE issue….

5 09 2008

All the currently known details of the alleged affair are detailed here:

5 09 2008

let’s all take a breath and repeat after ourselves:

“i am an intelligent person with an active life.i am an intelligent person with an active life.i am an intelligent person with an active life.i am an intelligent person with an active life.i am an intelligent person with an active life.i am an intelligent person with an active life.”

5 09 2008

All the current known details of the alleged affair are detailed here for anyone interested:

5 09 2008

i am an intelligent person with an … ooh something shiny. Dang it, I tried!

5 09 2008

Oh, boy.

5 09 2008
From England

I am an intelligent person with an active life…..which I’ll have to resume when all this blows over

5 09 2008

Looks like the the convention is over.

CNN just announced a Sara P all night special. I missed the times but that should be easy to find.

5 09 2008
Rob in Florida

Please stop – please stop now – I mean it!

I am trying to get some work done here & this blog is stopping me from doing it! I can’t stay away from here! 😉

I guess I’ll have to make another trip to the store because I ran out of popcorn and it sounds like I could use some more.

Palin needs to step aside. Once this happens all the world will see how Reckless the “Mavrick”(mispelling intended) truly is for his non-vetted, shoot from the hip, reckless choice. I can’t believe the world is watching this slow motion car/train/water plane wreck.

5 09 2008

Not Sarah & Todd…aren’t they part of the family values and ethical party?

5 09 2008

From England — our day of catching up and watching in horror is almost over (It’s 9.30 where I am). I’ve not gotten much sleep this week. What do you say, meet here tomorrow morning for the morning briefing?

AKmuckracker — you da man (or woman)!

It’s a good thing that Gov. Palin isn’t any older than she is. Can you imagine how many more scandals there would be to sort through?

5 09 2008

Oh yeah Fawnskin. I tried that and I’m still here and I’ll bet you are, too.

5 09 2008

I actually hope this slows down a little or we will be looking at a switcheroo with Romney.
The drip, drip is better. Hoping the blowup is later in the game.

5 09 2008

Lord knows I should be working…but this site has got me sooooo addicted!!!! I’m glad it doesn’t cost anything….I would be in trouble!

5 09 2008
Patrick Alcatraz

Photo of Palin’s alleged lover at:

5 09 2008

well it’s cost me about 100 dollars in contributions to Obama! Not complaining, just saying ;P

5 09 2008

My head might explode
from the Palin Effect — it
can’t get much better.

September 5, 2008

5 09 2008

Wow. I just discovered this blog three days ago. I’m spending way too much time here. Keep up the good work.

5 09 2008
A retreating pitbull…with lipstick | Davison Online

[…] Palin’s husband may have a “John Edwards” problem. Not disqualifying for her in a political sense, but adds another argument to the “she never […]

5 09 2008

OMG fucking GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Palin was just now 2pm EST Friday on MSNBC from somewhere in Iowa with
McDickhead and she repeated it word-for-word!

Community organizers vs Mayors… actual responsibilities!!!!!

These people are complete and total idiots. The very fact that they
have REPEATED those words tell us all that they are not paying attention
to “the series of tubes” IDIOTS and it’s going to bite them in the
ass in a very big way. The MSM will catch up with us in a couple more
days and this is going to rain down a big ugly shit-storm on their
little alternate universe of a world!!!!

Stay Angry !!!

Going to apartment complexes tomorrow with other volunteers for
a voter registration drive. Get involved locally in any way you possibly

Donate. Volunteer. Vote.

5 09 2008

Man am I glad I found this site.
You are in serious danger of becoming my home page.

5 09 2008

The Name of the Movie Michael Moore would make?

Northern Exposures

5 09 2008

According the court docket, the man in question is Scott Alan Richter and the reason for the request is that Todd Palin, Richter’s friend and business partner, had Richter’s ex-wife’s new husband fired (my God, it sounds like a bad soap opera even just repeating it). The request filed in court does not appear to be related to a Sarah Palin affair, but to another vindictive firing courtesy of those strong Christians, the Palin’s.

Don’t know about the Sarah Palin affair rumor, but this request does not sound like it’s related to that.

5 09 2008

Fox news just announced “breaking news involving GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin after the break”…keep your fingers crossed!

5 09 2008
From England

my friends….just had a thought to help me manage my mudflatitis……I’ll connect my DH’s projector to my laptop at home. That way I can chat with husband, and at the same time glance at this on my kitchen wall to keep up with what’s going on.


5 09 2008

One good thing about this mess. It has brought your blog to my attention.
You use the same wordpress template that I do. My slogan is ” pretty pictures and ugly opinions”. You have my permission to borrow that.

5 09 2008

This is like a soap opera … better still its like those old blockbusters … Dallas or Dynasty.

The one is called Governors Mansion, set in snowy and piney mountainous state. Beautiful young wife is elected governor ….
small town couple move into Governor’s Mansion … FLASHBACK: former lover business partners…. sister divorces beastly husband, subplot as the family plot revenge… beastly brother in law’s boss fired, but political enemies latch on to the case …. offer of VP job comes … AAAGH! young daughter pregnant! … triumphant visit to meet Party chiefs and delegates … AAAgh! skeletons leap from closets – former lover hounded by reporters … tune in next week… honestly, you couldn’t make this stuff up.

5 09 2008

The guy on the link above is named Brad Hanson, but the guy who filed, unsuccessfully, to have his divorce file sealed is named Scott Richter.
Mudflats, please help sort this out!

5 09 2008


It’s probably going to be…she is speaking in Iowa! Probably nothing!

5 09 2008

From CNN

Americans drove 50 billion miles less since (?)

The Nat. Highway dept is requesting 8 Billion in emergency relief for lost revenue.

Wounder what that $ figure would be if Obama had not spoke up. Good call on the Summer gas tax plan John!

5 09 2008

SOS = SoapOperaSarah

Or does it mean the SinkingOfSarah?

5 09 2008

Todd’s business partner, Scott Alan Richter, divorced his wife Debbie and recently asked to have divorce records sealed.

Brad Hanson, a Palmer, Alaska City Council member, is Sarah’s former lover.

Already I have Scott Richter and Brad Hanson mixed up! Arghh!

5 09 2008

the November surprise is gonna have to be a biggie to surpass this

5 09 2008

So much for the vaunted McCain vetting process. If the NE can find dirt on someone, a blind pig can find truffles. So much for the vaunted Repugnican family values. We could have stopped with Bristol’s pregnancy. So much for the vaunted Republican spelling prowess. After all, they spelled “Maverick” correctly in “Top Gun” didn’t they?

Foot in place: ready; aim…

5 09 2008

Is it possible that there were two separate requests for file sealing? Not surprisingly, the Alaska Court Docket page has crashed, but there are a lot of sites reporting a request from Brad Hanson (Sarah Palin’s alleged lover) too. Are they just confusing the players or is there a rush on the courthouse to protect Sarah Palin from herself?

5 09 2008

Michael Moore is on Larry King tonight. This should be

5 09 2008

DS (10:47:54) :

Todd’s business partner, Scott Alan Richter, divorced his wife Debbie and recently asked to have divorce records sealed.

Brad Hanson, a Palmer, Alaska City Council member, is Sarah’s former lover.

Already I have Scott Richter and Brad Hanson mixed up! Arghh!

No wonder no oner can find the kid’s birth certificate. The list of possible fathers must be running to five or six pages by now.

5 09 2008

Hillary needs to have a “American Woman ” symposium and roundtable and invite Sarah…….she won’t show……….she is a chickenshit.

5 09 2008


Yep…they are taking their time with this (but a girl can dream, can’t she?). I’m ready for the nightmare to end.

5 09 2008

I too am supposed to have some sort of life that doesn’t involve attaching myself to my computer with a bungee cord…Oh well…fun is fun….

5 09 2008
Mother Who Thinks

Need a laugh? Can’t tear yourself away from the trainwreck? Go here:

Don’t miss the Bridal Registry for Bristol ‘N Levi! Or the comments after each entry.

5 09 2008
Miemaw from Texas

Radioactive — for sure. Yup. Yup.

Hanson is the one who (cad) kissed and told??????

I need a score card to keep up with the players.

5 09 2008

Oh, Michele (10:51:16) . How delighful.

5 09 2008

Does anyone know how a Canadian can donate to Obama? The website says I have to be an American to donate. Looking forward to more fun…….on America’s newest soap opera!

5 09 2008

yep, still here and reporting for duty.

5 09 2008

I think what a lot of educated liberal miss is that mainstream america does not like smart people. Clinton was successful b/c he could “awe shucks, I’m just a poor hick from Arkansas” with Bubba. Obama is constitutionally incapable of sounding stupid or folksy. The rich Repubs are ok with dumb candidates b/c it allows them to control the govt from behind the scenes.

5 09 2008

You are a breath of fresh air from the Alaska homeland. You have a blog that is addictive and not just a load of crap-slinging half-truths. 🙂


5 09 2008

Play out all the options in your mind….. two males loved each other and Sarah had their baby?

5 09 2008


not to be ugly

but if the website said you have to be american…………… duh

i am sure Obama appreciates that you would like to support him but that the rules.

even if you found a way to send money to him……… he would send it back
they check it closely because there so many “trolls” out there

5 09 2008

Elie: you cannot donate money to the Obama campaign, but maybe you can volunteer — send the campaign an e-mail to find out

5 09 2008
5 09 2008


AFAIK, foreign nationals cannot contribute to US candidate campaigns. There was a bit of a scandal surrounding President Clinton with a foreign national contributing in a round about way (can somewhere verify the specifics? I don’t remember them all).

I’m not sure that there is a way to contribute for you…:( If there was, I’m sure loads of $$$ would be flooding in from across the globe for Sen Obama!

5 09 2008

Could it be that she uses family values to gain power? Oh surely not Sarah. She’s a hockey mom and they only tell the truth. Maybe Trig is the lovechild of Mr. Carwash and Sarah. She’s making all of this a little too easy.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


You could find out, through the site, where Obama stands on working with etc. Canada, short of that if you post on Canadian sites or even American, if you have strong feelings of the Need and See It In Barack you can Write those down.

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

How is a mayor NOT also a community organizer? For f**k’s sake. Why do people think it’s OK to mock community service?

I want to drop Palin in South Central at a housing project and see how she does there, if she’s so good with “responsibility.”

Hockey mom, my ass. No one who’s a parent should be so cruel, deep down inside. It’s disturbing. Hillary needs to start ripping this woman a new one. Right now. If she doesn’t it might end up being Palin V. Hillary in ’12. Hhhhhhh.

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Alaska Court System TrialView is “offline”. Couldn’t look up Brad Hanson’s speeding tickets if someone (certainly not me) wanted to.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Biden goes on ‘Meet The Press’ Sunday, exclusive interview, thought I’d pass that along.

5 09 2008


I absolutely agree. That is the explanation, I think, for the ridiculous “she has foreign policy experience because Alaska is close to Russia” nonsense. Mind-boggling that seemingly otherwise intelligent people could repeat that *%* and keep a straight face (including McCain!). They are counting on the fact that half the country is unable to find the USA on a map, much less grasp the notion of “foreign policy” (after all, that phrase doesn’t pop up much on American Idol). However, even the most illiterate of redneck yahoo’s (probably) knows that Russia is a FOREIGN country and that does have the same word in it as that other term that all those guys in suits always talk about, so–there you go–proof of her experience. Tragically, it works–more’s the shame.

5 09 2008

Wow! The woman hasn’t been on the spotlight a week and already we’re getting more and more derailed cars. Gotta love these Republican hypocrites! I love it.

5 09 2008

Elie (10:56:29) :
Maybe you could donate to or somewhere similar?

5 09 2008

its a wonderful thing to see all the libs scratching and clawing around for something negative on Palin. you people are scared to death. by the way, i’m holding my bible and clutching my bible.

5 09 2008

I know it has occurred to some folks here, and it keeps coming back to me sort of like bad chili, but… if this is “too easy” maybe the whole thing is deliberate… (I know conspiracies abound!) I am just suggesting that the reason the Obama campaign wants folks to concentrate on what the Republiars are saying in their speeches and NOT the background white noise is because the white noise is distracting from the real reason we are here — elect Obama. If we keep getting bogged down in the latest turn of the world-o-Sarah, we aren’t remembering to argue against her saying that mayors are more important than community organizers (or whatever other idiotic things pops up on a teleprompter near Sarah)

5 09 2008
All I Saw

The Islamic Extremists hate us for our freedom… to be hypocrites.

5 09 2008

I think the Rovian strategy w/Palin is for her to mock him so mercilessly that he loses his cool and gets angry and mocks her. And then she can be the poor white woman scared by the scary black man.

Stay cool and focused, Barack.

5 09 2008

Huffington just posted that the troopergate decision will release three weeks earlier than the original 10/31 date.

5 09 2008

No. They hate you because you are not Muslim. Death to the infadels.

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Better watch it fool, that bible might just get ya for using it as a prop, seen as how the belief isn’t there.

Oh and ‘We Searching’, better just Recheck, the News is Breaking into tubes from Palin, no need to search!!!!

5 09 2008

could mudflats be the reason the Dow is dropping? No one has any time to do any real work!

5 09 2008

From – this is in response to John S. McCain telling people at this mornings rally that Palin “Sold the plane on Ebay and made a profit.” Lies….

After going unsold for months, the jet was put into the hands of Turbo North Aviation, an Anchorage aircraft broker, which put an asking price of $2.45 million on the nearly $2.7 million jet. It quickly sold to Alaska businessman Larry Reynolds for $2.1 million ($31,000 of which went to Turbo Aviation). Today the Westwind II jet spends its days ushering wealthy hunters around Alaska and Russia.

5 09 2008

Prospero (10:42:10) :

Man am I glad I found this site.
You are in serious danger of becoming my home page.

Made it my homepage days ago


5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

I’m holding and clutching my Constitution.

5 09 2008

why is Palin the poor white woman now vs. Clinton (elitist).

5 09 2008


I’m clutching my bible right now, praying God doesn’t let the like of your party in to the White House!

Of course, it could be the end of days…if they do!

5 09 2008
All I Saw

To: akdafool

Then you must hate me for my atheism.

How sir does that make you different from Islamic Extremists?

5 09 2008
Patrick Alcatraz

What’s the consensus here: was it Richter or Hanson having the affair with Palin?

5 09 2008

akdafool (11:12:20) :

clutch your bible somewhere else —

5 09 2008

Interesting Palin business partners comments on this blog (watch out for the other content on the site, however):

Sarah Palin – Blog Comments from Alaska – Business Partner Scott Richter and More

5 09 2008
All I Saw

akdafool (11:16:31) :

“why is Palin the poor white woman now vs. Clinton (elitist).”

I think you mean Obama is black.

5 09 2008
UK lady

I know that Americans think quite rightly that their elections are their own business, but please, seriously, the rest of the world is scared witless at the thought of that ridiculous woman as leader of the biggest military in the world. This must be a joke.

5 09 2008

To Bahamas (you don’t happen to be in Cat Cay, do you?)

This is a reminder of the start of McCain’s political career – it started with a small political maelstorm called the KEATING FIVE. Focus on McCain and wonder why this has never caught up with him – is it because he continues to pander to Big Money? Is it because he will do anything to be elected? Palin is a non-entity. This was one of the largest S&L disasters in our history, and cost American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. IF SOMEONE IS THUS WILLING TO STAND UP AND TELL ME HOW HEROIC AND PATRIOTIC THIS BEHAVIOR IS, I’M WILLING TO JOIN THE DANE ON A NAKED DANCE DOWN CENTRAL AVENUE.

McCain has known Keating since 1981 when the two men met at a Navy League dinner where McCain spoke. After the speech, Keating walked up to McCain and told him that he, too, was a Navy flier and that he greatly respected McCain’s war record. He met McCain’s wife and family. The two men became friends. Charlie Keating always took care of his friends, especially those in politics. McCain was no exception.

In 1982, during McCain’s first run for the House, Keating held a fund-raiser for him, collecting more than $11,000 from 40 employees of American Continental Corp. McCain would spend more than $550,000 to win the primary and the general election. In 1983, as McCain contemplated his House re-election, Keating hosted a $1,000-a-plate dinner for him, even though McCain had no serious competition. When McCain pushed for the Senate in 1986, Keating was there with more than $50,000. By 1987, McCain had received about $112,000 in political contributions from Keating and his associates.

McCain also had carried a little water for Keating in Washington. While in the House, McCain, along with a majority of representatives, co-sponsored a resolution to delay new regulations designed to curb risky investments by thrifts such as Lincoln.

In Worth the Fighting For, McCain wrote that he remained “a little troubled” at the prospect, “but since the chairman of the bank board didn’t seem to have a problem with the idea, maybe a discussion with the regulators wouldn’t be as problematic as I had earlier thought.” McCain concedes that he failed to sense that Gray and the thrift examiners felt threatened by the senators’ meddling.

McCain also adopted the blanket defense that Keating was a constituent and that he had every right to ask his senators for help. In attending the meetings, McCain said, he simply wanted to make sure that Keating was treated like any other constituent.

Keating was no ordinary constituent to McCain.

On Oct. 8, 1989, The Arizona Republic revealed that McCain’s wife and her father had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators.

The paper also reported that the McCains, sometimes accompanied by their daughter and baby-sitter, had made at least nine trips at Keating’s expense, sometimes aboard the American Continental jet. Three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating’s opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay.

McCain also did not pay Keating for some of the trips until years after they were taken, after he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln. Total cost: $13,433.

When the story broke, McCain did nothing to help himself.

“You’re a liar,” McCain said when a Republic reporter asked him about the business relationship between his wife and Keating.

“That’s the spouse’s involvement, you idiot,” McCain said later in the same conversation. “You do understand English, don’t you?” He also belittled reporters when they asked about his wife’s ties to Keating. “It’s up to you to find that out, kids.”

At a news conference after the story ran, McCain was a changed man. He stood calmly for 90 minutes and answered every question.

McCain had to explain his trips with Keating and why he didn’t pay Keating back right away. McCain admitted he had fouled up. He said he should have reimbursed Keating immediately, not waited several years. His staff said it was an oversight, but it looked bad, McCain jetting around with Keating, then going to bat for him with the federal regulators.

“I was in a hell of a mess,” McCain later would write.

Meanwhile, Lincoln continued to founder. In April 1989, two years after the Keating Five meetings, the government seized Lincoln, which declared bankruptcy. In September 1990, Keating was booked into Los Angeles County Jail, charged with 42 counts of fraud. His bond was set at $5 million.

During Keating’s trial, the prosecution produced a parade of elderly investors who had lost their life’s savings by investing in American Continental junk bonds.

In November 1990, the Senate Ethics Committee convened to decide what punishment, if any, should be doled out to the Keating Five.

Among the Keating Five, McCain took the most direct contributions from Keating.

Lincoln was the most expensive failure in the national S&L scandal. Taxpayers lost more than $2 billion on the bailout. TWO BILLION FOLKS.


5 09 2008

I am an itellig….do you know HOW many times I checked the site today BEFORE lunch? Guess where I am now? At home, at lunch, and at mudflaps.

5 09 2008

I dont hate anyone for their beliefs or lack there of. but remember that this country and its constitution were founded on religion.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

if this is “too easy” maybe the whole thing is deliberate

Not to easy, some just can’t grasp the technology, and if one makes enemies those enemies can Very Quickly lead others to the Sources of what normally wouldn’t look at or care about. Everything is Archived, can’t really even scrub a site, the stuff is out their someplace.

And when you’re as seemingly as Shallow and In Want of Stardom, as this Palin seems, enemies are made even within her Best Friends!!!

5 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

so Mccain is pimping out Palin flower with 30 fundraisers in the next 60 days!!! my god!! this is crazy

5 09 2008

kdafool says, “…by the way, i’m holding my bible and clutching my bible.”

Hmmm……both clutching AND holding the bible?

Maybe he’s holding something else while he clutches his bible? Or visa-versa? Just wondering……

These bible-thumpers really bewilder me! 😉

5 09 2008

I’ve lost count of how many days and nights I’ve been reading this blog (and how many glasses of wine I’ve consumed).
It just keeps getting better. Thanks muckraker.

5 09 2008
Ana Gama

Apparently, ABC News has what Andrew Sullivan calls a “devastating” report on Trooper-gate. Check it out at

5 09 2008

I wish Tim Russert were around right now to get his chops in her

5 09 2008
All I Saw

No one has mudflaps in Alaska whabs, oh… if my windshield could speak.

5 09 2008


Top 7 Myths, Lies and Untruths About Sarah Palin




5 09 2008

I am an American Citizen living abroad.

You CAN donate from another country IF
you can prove:
#1. Your American Citizenship
#2. Your U.S. Passport Number

That is really all you need for donations if you live abroad.

To Vote:

5 09 2008
All I Saw

This country was founded on removing the grip religion held on public policy.

5 09 2008

Sorry, I meant to add:

So if John McCain will just pay back that little $2B USD plus interest to the American people, I think Barack Obama will have more than enough to support the programs to help get America back on its feet.


5 09 2008

What’s the difference between Palin and Obama?

Well, one is a well turned down, good looking, and let’s be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye candy!

The other one kills her own food.

What’s the difference between Sarah Palin & Dick Cheney?


5 09 2008

akdafool (11:19:52) :

I dont hate anyone for their beliefs or lack there of. but remember that this country and its constitution were founded on religion.

actually Mr/Ms Fool, it was founded on the idea that one could be free to practice the religion of ones CHOICE. A difficult word for you folk, CHOICE.

This is neither a religous nor a non-religious country; it is a country that was founded on the notion of respect for your and my religion. I do not use a “Holy Bible” in my religion and fortunately, I still have the freedom to CHOOSE not to use same.

5 09 2008

akdafool (11:19:52) :

I dont hate anyone for their beliefs or lack there of. but remember that this country and its constitution were founded on religion.

“The stupid” doesn’t end!

America was founded to be FREE from state-run religion!

5 09 2008

So glad I found this blog! Keep up the good work. I know that people outside of the country can’t donate, but I think I read that you can buy products (t-shirts, etc.). However, I also think they separate sales made from those with local addresses vs. those with foreign addresses. They seem to be upholding not breaking the rules very well. Might be one angle to explore.

5 09 2008
connecticut man1

Squeaky clean Hockey Mom’s purported lover?

A local Palmer politician and…
A hockey coach.

This is comedy gold that writes itself. lmao

5 09 2008

akdafool—the founders of this country set out a form of government which ensured the separation of church and state. that is, you may hold your bible wherever you choose. but, it has no business in government. perhaps you would be wise to remember that.

5 09 2008
All I Saw

I need a job rewriting history. It seems quite lucrative.

5 09 2008
Ana Gama

HA! here’s a funny:

Oprah: Sarah Palin Can Come On My Show After The Election

5 09 2008

lol, i love see all ye seekers of the truth just make things up out of thin air. one minute saying we don’t know anything about Palin and yet you know enough to compare her to Cheney? laughable.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

this country and its constitution were founded on religion

Good God an Empty Head has arrived, what is it You Fear and why aren’t You Serving!!

But to get to your Idiotic Point, No It Wasn’t, It Was Founded By Those ‘Escaping Religious Persecution’, and Reason Religious Beliefs, something you don’t understand bible or no bible, stays Out Of Public Ideology, and a racist, which you are, isn’t going to get the change you seek, to many Aren’t!!!!

5 09 2008

I’ll never get any work done this week!!

But somehow, it all seems worth it. You just keep on keepin’ on, and thank you your fantastic blog.

5 09 2008

Dear akdafool:

[its a wonderful thing to see all the libs scratching and clawing around for something negative on Palin. you people are scared to death. by the way, i’m holding my bible and clutching my bible.]

No, we’re not scratching and clawing for anything negative. We’re just trying to keep up with the hourly revelations of the ongoing investigations and outright lies.

One question for you … if Hillary Clinton had been in the middle of an ethics investigation during her campaign, would you have been as forgiving as you are of Sarah Palin? Didn’t think so.

Now go away.

5 09 2008

This is all very disturbing for Alaskans and deeply embarrassing for all Americans.

How can someone like Sarah Palin make it this far? What a sad, sad, commentary on American education, American Politics and American culture.

5 09 2008

mmmm me thinks this blog is blossoming !

Keep up the good work AK and all you lovely posters who
link to this site everywhere you post like I do.

This is my way of ” volunteering ” for Obama
since i can not be in home state and country at this time.
I’m lovin it!

5 09 2008
Ulla Lauridsen

This must be Gods plan in making the earth round: I can get some work done in Denmark while the muckraker sleeps. Praise be to the Lord!

5 09 2008

wow. i’m a racist b/c i believe in JESUS. you guys a making my day better than ever.

5 09 2008
NH Blogger

I am thanking my stars that I found you and your blog. Well done. Thank you so much.

And keep this coming. You’ve been great so far, and I am loving every minute of it. But I do need to get some work done…

5 09 2008

to akdafool –

Our country was founded on the FREEDOM TO WORSHIP AS WE PLEASED. It was not founded on religion as some of our Founding Fathers were atheists. It was founded on the FREEDOM to worship.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III

No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment VII

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


5 09 2008

One question for you … if Hillary Clinton had been in the middle of an ethics investigation during her campaign, would you have been as forgiving as you are of Sarah Palin? Didn’t think so.

Hillary had more “ethics” investigations than Bill had bad smelling cigars. lmao.

5 09 2008
UK lady

lover a hockey coach, hmmm, no wonder she was keen to take the kids to training!

5 09 2008

rpahk – Here’s my little rhyme for why the Dow dropped:

Sarah spoke.
The bear awoke.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

akdafool (11:25:25) :

Is there anything up there that would help you in explaining your point before typing and hitting ‘submit’, that one was a dousey.

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

akdafool wrote: remember that this country and its constitution were founded on religion

Yes, and the freedom to practice your own. If you’re familiar with the Constitution, check out the 1st Amendment, specifically the part that deals with the Separation of Church and State.

Your insistence upon repeating the religion angle leads me to believe that this is the only issue that matters to you, which is unfortunate, but maybe you are in good financial standing, and believe the last 8 years were awesome. But the truth for many Americans is that the Bible won’t pay their medical bills or send their kids to college, or get their house out of foreclosure. And neither will Sarah Palin & John McCain.

5 09 2008

wow. Just found you guys. What a great site!

5 09 2008

Wow, how prophetic of our dear AKMuckraker to have titled this segment “This is Getting Ugly…”

please leave now fool… i see you no more

5 09 2008

And NO!! I do not think you are a racist at all!!! I’m a Christian (Southern Baptist) as well. It’s just a desire to keep one of the basic and most important tenets of our Country intact, and that is the separation between Church and State.

5 09 2008

“right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

just a little thing for you to remember.

5 09 2008

If this does come out it will be nothing, best thing Dems can do is beat up on McCain.

Palin is already etched as a American Hero.

5 09 2008

And is ANYONE in Alaska going to tell me if it’s true about Levi Johnston???? God, this is killing me!!!

5 09 2008

Don’t feed the trolls folks.

5 09 2008

As scintillating as all this scandalous affair stuff is, the real reason we need to have that ticket lose the election is not because she’s a hypocrite – they all are. It’s because she’s so far into the religious right that it’s not even on the map. The map of theocon fanaticals didn’t even draw her in yet because she’s so far into right field.

We’ve had plenty of time to see what having one power hungry religious group dictating our government and policies look like, and it isn’t pretty. Nor does it represent the will of the people — all the people. We are a much more diverse crowd than that room of hating old white men stuffed shirts we saw this week.

Ron Paul was able to draw a crowd of 10-12,000 people at the Target Center this week, while the much smaller venue where the Republican convention was held was clearly not full. They were desperately trying to fill the seats with people for Grampy McSame’s speech night. Pathetic.

The numbers on are the Democratic side, if only the people would get out and vote. Government and politics are not just side shows, they really do affect the way we live day to day. Or if we even get to live, and not die in the emergency room because we don’t have health care coverage. Or have all our children sent off to foreign wars and die in battle to save the oil profits for the mega oil corporations.

5 09 2008
The Logician

How quickly will people be able to get hold of the divorce records? Enquiring minds want to know!

5 09 2008

Even if she goes down in flames because of all the gates she’s set for life. The money she can make on book and movie rights must be enormous. This is life imitating art.

5 09 2008

akdafool, no, fool, it was started for freedom of religion, amongst other things like no taxation without representation. Are you pissy about that one also?

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

LOL, so now fool moves onto something else when its clear s/he has no real argument. Just like Palin & McCain.

5 09 2008

akdafool (11:28:11) :

wow. i’m a racist b/c i believe in JESUS. you guys a making my day better than ever.

I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal saviour.
I also believe that every person has a right to believe in Jesus or not to believe in Jesus.
I have NO RIGHT to force my belief system on ANYONE.

I also am a Pro-Life Democrat in my belief system.
However, I do not now, nor will I ever support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade.
For my self I am Pro-Life.
For all other people I am pro-choice.
It is up to INDIVIDUALS to decide, not any religious fanatic or government.
I also do not believe lies about Mr. Obama.
He is a good, decent Christian man.

I have not called you a racist.
Now go away.

5 09 2008
UK lady

PJ is what true about Levi Johnson?

5 09 2008
Jim S.


Nice try Nate, but Palin is Attached to McCain, No Separation, bad news stick like glue!!!

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Lets play a game.

Every time akdafool types “Jesus”, replace it in your head to say “POW”.

5 09 2008

First of all, many thanks for your eloquent, articulate blogs. I am a Canadian living in Toronto. I know that unlike Vegas, what happens in the USA doesn’t stay in the USA, so I have been digilently following the presidential election . Granted, we have reached the “Young and the Restless” state, but like Obama, I have faith in the American People to see through all of this GOP garbage. Sarah Palin, while a smart cookie, unlike Tina Fey, is not ready for prime time.

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Amen Harley.

I too am a pro-life, (more atheist than Democrat).

I think outlawing abortion will make the problem worse not better.

5 09 2008
another from england.

McCain thought he was getting the Flanders family.
Actually its turned out to be the Spucklers

Even the names bear a resemblance.

Children: Brandine, Gummy Sue, Tiffany, Andie, Gordon, Lizzie, Jackson, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumer, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Rubella Scabies, Kendall, Caitlin, Noah, Sasha, Morgan, Kyra, Ian, Lauren, Q-bert, Condoleezza Marie, Phil, Birthday, Crystal Meth, Dubya, Incest, International Harvester, Jitney, Witney, Mary, Stabbed in Jail

5 09 2008

akdafool – Put the Ammendment in its entirety or it is intepreted out of context. I know Americans love sound bits, but we have to take what our Founding Fathers so thoughtfully and carefully wrote.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

“right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

just a little thing for you to remember.

Really?? Thought you just posted you believe in ‘JESUS’, where oh where is That In Your Bible, never been in mine, maybe you ought to read it sometime!!!!

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Found this comment on

“She is Awesome and we’re so glad Alaska breeds AWESOME and FANTASTIC conservatives that we desperately need to change Washington.”


I have a friend that says when you can’t convert any one else, just “breed” your own believers.

5 09 2008

Jim, my point exactly.

I am a huge Obama supporter, but seriously all the attacks can back fire. Seriously not many voters care about her husband problems 10+ years ago.

They need to start blasting her voting record, her lies on the bridge to nowhere, get her on her energy plan.

5 09 2008
Gwen in OKC

I have a question for Alaskans who are in a position to know.
I read the transcript of the original investigator’s interviews of both Palin and Wooten. Wooten alleged that the moose incident was the result of patriarch Heath having always encouraged the females in the household to get permits and tags which he ultimately utilized. So my question is: Has Sarah Palin ever actually shot and field dressed a moose? Or did the GOP decide it would make good press while explaining why licenses and tags have been obtained in Sarah’s name?

5 09 2008

Jesus – you could call him a POW. He did spend a night in jail anyway.

Plus he was a community organizer.

Yup, as you suspected, that’s why they put him in jail.

Who put him in jail? Why the governor, of course!

Who was that governor? Pontius Pilate

From those two “governor words” you can rearrange the letters to spell Palin. Hmmmm

5 09 2008

Hey! I heard that McCain-guy was a POW! Who knew?

5 09 2008
Jim S.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

These trolls never put that in, especially the ‘chickenhawks’, don’t want to be reminded we have what is called the ‘National Guard’, citizen militia, but many of them aren’t and haven’t been National, they’ve spent repeated tours in the Theaters of Occupation!!!!!

5 09 2008

Ok, I think I might need a 12 Step Program if this keeps up…my husband is begging me to go back to my “old” addiction of reading and watching Lord of the Rings over and over again. I can’t!!! This Palin stuff is totally feeding my obsessive-compulsive side. She’s like the “gift that keeps on giving!”

All smut aside…I don’t like the McCain/Palin ticket because it’s more of the same old GOP hypocritical garbage and I can’t stand her radical right Christian conservatism. This is the first time in 8 years that I feel like things might change. I have hope again!!!

5 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

You might also want to read the Treaty of Tripoli, approved UNANIMOUSLY by the US Congress. I can’t find a copy online in a quick search, but here’s a discussion of it by the manuscript specialist for the Library of Congress.

There’s also a Wiki article on the treaty, along with an image of it. Note PARTICULARLY Article 11, which states:
“The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity, against the law, religion or tranquility of Musselmen [Muslims]; and as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious considerations, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”

Note particularly that the treaty explicitly states that the United States is NOT a Christian nation.

I’m not going to demean your beliefs, but please don’t try to confuse them with facts.

5 09 2008

Just want to share my name for the show:

All My (Grand)Children.

(Feel free to use it. Just let them know that a crazy blogger from Austin is trying to keep up with the goings on in the Pine Valley, PA of 2008 and *adores Mudflats* for keeping her posted.)

5 09 2008

The repubs were all sour grapes about how Obama was a “celebrity” with nothing behind it. All he did was give pretty speeches.

So then they get themselves a pistol-packin’ mooseburger eatin’ babe who is what now? a celebrity. Who has only given ONE speech. One empty and rather mean speech. Written by George Bush’s speech writer. And she needed to practice it in a closed bunker for 3 days to learn how to pronounce nuclear correctly.

But by gum, they sure are happy with their new little rock star, aren’t they?

5 09 2008

The Real New World Order:

5 09 2008

AKDAfool, I have to agree with the other comments posted. The basis of our Constitution was written by Religious men who understood that their rights to think and chose how they lived were not something that government should be part of. The point in question here is “CHOICE”. If you don’t want to do something then DON’T…. but DON’T tell me that I should do what YOU want me to do. It is as simple as respecting someone else’s CHOICES!!!

5 09 2008


I just came out to play, but I don’t have time to read this whole thread. First–I heard on Diane Rehm this am that there is something coming out about her attending more than one institution of higher learning before she graduated, like several in addtion to the vaunted Idaho State. Does anyone have any info on this? Also on the same show our new favorite quote “JWACO, PPWAG” was emailed by a self-described “Christian” listener. I did a fist pump.

OK, next, there was something about her speech that I couldn’t put my finger on–it was like deja vu–and then it hit me! High school student government elections! OMG she was soooo the head cheerleader taking on the nerdy National Merit Finalist! Has anyone here seen the movie “Drop Dead Gorgeous?” If not, rent it! If so, please watch it again and see if Denise Richards reminds you of anyone (and Kirstie Alley might be what we have to look forward to if the insurance actuaries are remotely close) Watch the movie, you’ll know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

5 09 2008
Sarah in CA

I like how with all that’s going on in our country, the Conservative base is able to cut it down to simply that there are too many abortions happening, and that’s why you should side with the Right. Forget the economy, forget the War in Iraq (’cause we’ve already won that, right?), forget all that (read: we don’t have a plan for that stuff). What it really comes down to is abortion, yes.

Now, after the kid is born, of course, it’ll fall through the cracks of the system and never called upon again until the Draft.


5 09 2008


It’s just this sort of comment that goes to what I don’t understand about the GOP now. Why is it cool to be so uneducated and so proud of it, “clutching a Bible”? Every sixth grader is taught about America’s separation of church and state.

I know “timc” was trying to explain the “mainstream American” mentality earlier. I keep trying to understand those defending the GOP ticket. Is it because if you are stop thinking, it proves that you are a “sheep” and can be “lead to the rapture” on “blind faith”?

It’s not that McCain and Palin are “regular Americans. McCain has been a very very wealthy Senator in D.C. for 25 years and how anyone could relate to Sarah Palin is beyond me. A mom with very strange, incomprehensible values ( with a newborn special needs child AND a pregnant teenager AND 3 other kids, in ongoing legal trouble on her regular job, and STILL will run for national office)….honestly, I don’t know any mothers like that, so I can’t relate to it at all. I don’t understand why or how the very peculiar “POW & Fundie Moosehunter/Mom” narrative plays with regular Americans.

5 09 2008

akdafool (11:19:52) :

“….remember that this country and its constitution were founded on religion.”


Um, NO they WEREN’T! The Founding Fathers were largely deists and would be HORRIFIED by how the rightwingnut fundies are trying to inject religion into the government.

You really shouldn’t spew your nonsense in this discussion, since you are clearly uninformed and ignorant. (so you can educate yourself and maybe grow a little as a citizen)

5 09 2008

Maury Povich DNA test is waiting for Todd Palin!

5 09 2008


Lawmakers to issue subpoenas in Troopergate

(ANCHORAGE) – Legislative leaders today announced that a joint House and Senate Judiciary Committee hearing will take place on Friday, September 12, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. in Anchorage to issue subpoenas in the ongoing investigation into the events surrounding the termination of former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. They also set a date of October 10, 2008, for the completion of special counsel Stephen Branchflower’s report.

This week, seven key witnesses informed Mr. Branchflower through their attorneys that they would not provide depositions. Their depositions, which had been agreed to and scheduled earlier with Mr. Branchflower, were cancelled within the last 72 hours. Additionally, the Governor’s lawyer has stated that he represents the Governor and the Governor’s office, and has forbidden any contact by Mr. Branchflower with any member of that office. Mr. Branchflower wishes to depose some of those employees. The issuance of the subpoenas is intended to get at the truth and to expedite the completion of his report to the public.

House Judiciary Chairman Jay Ramras, R-Fairbanks, said that the reason for the earlier completion date for the report is to avoid the appearance of a last-minute ‘October surprise,’ and to give both sides plenty of time to respond to the contents of the report. “I met with Mr. Branchflower on Wednesday, along with my vice-chair Representative Nancy Dahlstrom and Senator Hollis French. We agreed that an earlier completion date was achievable, and that it was fair to all sides. We are satisfied that the report can be finished by no later than October 10, 2008.”

Representative Ramras expressed confidence in Mr. Branchflower’s ability to produce a timely report. “I just met the man for the first time Wednesday. I was impressed. He is organized and task-oriented. He says he can get done ahead of schedule. I believe him.”

“We also discussed and agreed amongst ourselves that no subpoena will be issued for the Governor,” said Representative Nancy Dahlstrom, R-Eagle River. “She has told the public that she intends to cooperate with the investigation, indeed, she has told the public that she welcomes the investigation and I have every faith that she means it. If necessary we can send Mr. Branchflower to wherever the Governor is, or she can give her statement to him over the telephone, whatever is most convenient for her. We recognize that her schedule is extremely busy, and we want to accommodate that.”

Under Alaska law, a subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness before a standing committee may be issued by the chairman of a committee when authorized to do so by a majority of the membership of the committee and with the concurrence of the Senate President or of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“We had scheduled and then cancelled a joint House-Senate Judiciary hearing for Aug. 18, 2008, because at that time every witness that Mr. Branchflower contacted agreed to sit down and give a statement,” said Senator Hollis French, D-Anchorage.

Senator Charlie Huggins, R-Rural Mat-Su/Chugiak, the vice-chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also expressed his support for an earlier report. “Clearly it is in the best interests of everyone to get the job done ahead of schedule,” said Senator Huggins.

5 09 2008

akdafool (11:32:29) :

“right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

just a little thing for you to remember.

Does that right involve assault rifles that kill innocent animals from the heights of a small plane, or does that involve someone’s right to protect themselves and properties from someone that choses to do them harm.

There is a BIG difference here between the two. You GUN toting assholes need to understand the differences.

5 09 2008
All I Saw

The Right to Bear Arms is most important when it comes to the need to throw out lying, doublespeaking leaders.

That was my understanding of it anyway. Personal protection is great, preserving democracy is way more important.

5 09 2008

akdafool (11:12:20) :

You obviously haven’t read what God said about your candidate. God might need that Bible you’re clutching to smack you upside the head with.

5 09 2008

Well, the bottom line on this is anyone who could nominate someone for Vice President with THIS much baggage would be a nightmare of a president!

Can you imagine who he might pick for Secretary of State? Can you imagine any McCain appointed secretary of state going anywhere in the world without having to listen to muffled guffaws at every state dinner?

The rest of the world must be falling off their chairs by now!

If McCain gets more than 10% of the vote after this, the U.S. will never be able to live it down.

5 09 2008

What about the right to arm bears? Those polar bears could use some help.

5 09 2008

@Plwalsh –

The 4 most terrifying words in the English language:


5 09 2008

This in from an article on and I find it very damning. This is a woman who will be able to deal with the world’s most powerful leaders?

“When I met with you in private,” she continued, “instead of engaging in interactive conversation with me, you gave me short, uncommunicative answers and then you would sit there and stare at me in silence with a very stern look, like you were trying to intimidate me.”

The letter was released as part of Stambaugh’s wrongful termination and discrimination lawsuit against the city, in which his lawyer wrote Stambaugh, who stood over 6 feet tall and weighed more than 200 pounds, “had been informed that Mayor Palin felt intimidated because of his size. The Mayor never discussed this perceived problem with Stambaugh. However, Stambaugh, being sensitive to the Mayor’s concern regarding his sex, size and height, made particular efforts to sit in a chair whenever discussing matters with mayor Palin and talk in a quiet, soothing voice to the mayor.”

5 09 2008

My husband and I were just invited to a BBQ in Lachine this evening,
which means I now have to separate myself from Mudflats as it is
3:49 EST here in Montreal. The need to prepare for the evenings event
takes precedence. I also have to get the recorder set to record
” Countdown With Keith Olberman ”
Would not miss a word. !
I am happy to be seeing friends, but they could have
picked a better day darn it ! LOL
My darn local Canadian loved ones, they forget I am in the midst of political
drama here ! LOL
You guys will keep me informed I am certain when I return later.

5 09 2008

Hey folks,

Can we ignore the troll and stay on track here? Minds will not be changed so it’s a bit of a wasted exercise (not to mention alot of posts for our brethern to wade through to get to the meat!)


5 09 2008
Plutonious Monk

Watch the clip from Palin’s Big Nite when The McNasty was introduced to the Baby Daddy. Old Gramps pawed the boy’s arm several times and finally reached below the belt to —? Was he trying to pay homage to the crotch from which the Wonder Baby was spawned?. Perhaps Grumps was acting out some weird sexual fantasy from his much celebrated 1600 days as a POW way way back in the Vietnam era. After all he did refuse treatment for his PTSD when he ditched his disabled wife to screw around with and later marry the beer heiress Cindy..

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Let’s get off the trash and back to the real issues, like maybe the economy and how the candidates differ. Here’s a great factsheet on the REAL issues of this campaign.

Hopefully, as the MSM picks up on more of the various Palin problems, and she’s shown to be a “bit” of a fraud, we can get back to the real deal. Time is short.

Take a look and see which candidate is really looking out for real Americans, be they from big cities or small towns.

5 09 2008
Patrick Alcatraz

Gist of ABC Troopergate report on:

5 09 2008
All I Saw

The protection against rightwingfucknuts is called the Establishment Clause.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion….” Together with the Free Exercise Clause, (“…or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”), these two clauses make up what are commonly known as the “religion clauses” of the First Amendment.

In my atheistic mind “establishment” also means “fund”.

Congress shouldn’t be funding religion.

5 09 2008

Jim S – you’re my kind of guy. We think alike and that’s a treat!!!

5 09 2008

Please, please, have mercy! I need to take a shower and wash my hair. I need to go to the store to buy food. I need to pay bills. I need to exercise my voracious appetite for this blog!! No, wait, that came out wrong…

5 09 2008
From England

@all I saw…LOL!! my friends….Jesus…drill BABY (babies?) drill!!

Welcome to all our new friends, this site is really blossoming…

to akdafool (if the name fits), we on this site are a community of mutually respecting, enlightened individuals. Please do share your point of view, we’re thirsty for different view points and info that will make all this seem normal to us….. do more than just irritate us by spouting meaningless drivel.

To my fellow UKers…..don’t Gordon “Broon” and friends and friends just pale!!

5 09 2008

I’m still hoping more comes out in the MSM about her apparent fiscal mismanagement as Mayor: running the town into debt, shifting the tax burden to a regressive sales tax, etc. Much more damaging to her supposed credentials, harder to argue with the facts on the ground. Or, maybe Biden’s saving it up for the debate. Thet would be worth the wait.

5 09 2008

i’m posting just to see my icon.
duh…i hadn’t noticed them before.

resume your regularly scheduled program.

5 09 2008

If you use Firefox, you can use the edit function and “find” – then put in the troll’s name and make sure you get it to “highlight” all that was “found.” Then just skip anything that is highlighted.

Plus… don’t feed the troll… or then your post could get skipped too.

5 09 2008

oh, cute.
are they random?


5 09 2008
All I Saw

Sarah Palin to be withdrawn as Republican VP nominee/candidate before 2008 presidential election

moving upwards today.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

cut it down to simply that there are too many abortions

Why does their base cut it that, it’s easy, they are being used on talking points/phrases only. They don’t want to hear ‘Choice’ as to abortion but they want the Rights to have the ‘Choice’ to purchase and bear any type of guns, that nobody is threatening to take away but rather to control what shouldn’t be in the hands of the irresponsible and those arms of firpower not needed by a civilian for any purpose, but they still want that ‘Choice’.

What they should be thinking is those they keep hiring had the control of congress for 12years, for 6years they controlled Washington, and What Did Their Hired Reps Get Done In That Time, Especially As To The Abortion Issue, of which these same anti folks use in many cases as a birth control method.

The Clowns Have been used and Used and Used………………………………………., and the circle goes round and round!!!!!

5 09 2008

Claims McSame’s speech was watched by 500,000 more people than Obama’s!

5 09 2008

Remember the Truman Show…..this is the real deal. We have become the audience in the Truman show.

5 09 2008
Miemaw from Texas

This is from CNN –

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) — Alaska lawmakers Friday moved up their deadline for finishing an investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin’s firing of the state’s public safety commissioner and warned they will begin issuing subpoenas for witnesses next week.

The report into Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan’s dismissal had been scheduled for October 31. But now that Palin is the Republican nominee for vice president, lawmakers want to avoid an “October surprise” that could sway the November presidential election, the investigation’s managers said.

“We are satisfied that the report can be finished by no later than October 10, 2008,” state Rep. Jay Ramras, the Republican chairman of Alaska’s House Judiciary Committee, said in a statement announcing the decision. Meanwhile, investigators said they plan to issue subpoenas next Friday — but have agreed not to subpoena Palin herself.”

Does this mean that she agrees to voluntarily give a statement, or a deposition, (under oath)?

Enquiring minds want to know.

5 09 2008

Marti (11:58:28) :

I’m still hoping more comes out in the MSM about her apparent fiscal mismanagement as Mayor: running the town into debt, shifting the tax burden to a regressive sales tax, etc. Much more damaging to her supposed credentials, harder to argue with the facts on the ground. Or, maybe Biden’s saving it up for the debate. Thet would be worth the wait.

I agree. As far as I understand every Wasillans part in the municipal debt that Palin ran up during her time as mayor must be in the thousands?

5 09 2008
Fred B

To Prairiesong above:

It looks like SHP attended Hawaii Pacific College her freshman year, transferred to North Idaho College (a community college in Coeur d’Alene) for her sophomore year, then on to the Univerisity of Idaho (which I believe sits on the Washington sate boder across from Wazzou in Pullman, WA) for junior and senior years…

[“The University of Idaho was her longest stop as she worked toward a
college degree. She started at Hawaii Pacific College in 1982, said
Bird, and transferred to North Idaho College for the 1983-84 school
year. She transferred again to the University of Idaho in fall of 1984,
and spent her final semester working as an intern for the NBC affiliate
KTUU in Anchorage.” [from the article below][

5 09 2008

Well, the issues pretty soon are going to boil down to just one:

“Is John McCain a senile old ding bat or what?!?!”

Can you image that question at the debates? Can you even imagine the debates? Can you even bear to imagine the vice presidential debate?

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Jim S.

Guns are fun and make someone look wicked cool holding one.

Babies smell and cost a lot of money to maintain.

5 09 2008

Todd Palin has cancer?

5 09 2008

Please America get rid of these fanatic extremists and vote Obama. The world is counting on you to do the right thing! No more withholding money from African nations if they practice birth control and destroying countries like Iraq.
This woman supports aerial shooting, lovely woman isn’t she.. the harsh hard lines in her face of a fanatic extremist nutbar! Your country is getting close to fascism.. time to get very worried.
You simply must put your foot down this time!!
Thank you for this blog
And so must we with our mini-me dubya freak of our own. If you don’t get rid of these people then the world is lost.. it is that serious.
(from Canada)

5 09 2008

McCain got half a million more viewers than Obama for his acceptance speech!

Boy, is that bad news for McCain. Wonder how many stayed awake until the end?

5 09 2008

change of topic – can we talk about the Keating Five as I believe that is a little sore spot Gramps and with all the liquidity crisis in the market these days, a little S&L debacle just seems . . . appropriate. . . to talk about. . .

Are any of you wondering how someone can last so long with so many obviously (and indicted) crooked things in their past? I understand that public figures get sued and accused of things all the time. I (most of the time) trust that our Judicial System will get the truth out, so I don’t worry myself about Caribou Barbie. I am worried about a President who last night told me these things:

1) If you want reform, vote for me! (Did I tell you that voted with W 90% of the time?)
2) If you want your consitutional rights taken away, oops, sorry, if you want MORE of your constitutional rights taken away, vote for me! (Your little Patriot Act and Habeus Corpus that you tried to smear on Obama last night – no wonder the market is down! Alexander Hamilton is positively swirling in his grave)
3) I like WAR, WAR, WAR – WAR, WAR, WAR. MORE! FIGHT WITH ME! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! WAR, WAR, WAR. (Did I tell you I was a POW and that I committed adultery on the wife that stayed by me while I was a POW? Did I tell you I married Homewrecker Barbie and she financed my campaigns which led to the KEATING FIVE)
4) I don’t have any new ideas (that’s why I’m so excited that I have a woman VEEP for the first time in the Old Party’s history – never mind that the Democrats did that 20 years ago), and I don’t know what to do (Did I tell you I voted with George W. 90% of the time?), but I want change, so I’m going to listen to Obama because he has good ideas.
5) I’m a man of character and principle. (Did I fail to tell you about the Keating Five. . . oops. . . sorry. . . did I fail to tell you about my philandering ways. . . well. . . )

I’m befuddled. WAR, WAR, WAR and POW made him a man of principle who came and cheated on his wife and then stole $2B from the American people.

5 09 2008

Real Time with Bill Maher should be interesting tonight.

5 09 2008

Jim S: the repugs can’t overturn roe v. wade. how else will they string the evangelical base along in future elections??

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Guns are fun and make someone look wicked cool holding one.

Oh I know guns, was a Gunnersmate in the Navy, all shore, and by the time I left ‘Nam, the last year of my 4yr tour in ’71 was considered a small arms expert, had gun manufacturers wanting to hire me but I’d had enough of that, went with my first want construction and never looked back.

One thing about gun owners, guys especially but I’m sure some of the women are similar, they get this weird look when clutching and you almost see them creamin in their jeans, the more power the weirder the look and probably the more cream!! ;c]

5 09 2008

I agree with Plwalsh. The more people who watch that the better for BO. The people at my office were all making fun of his bizzare gesture and creepy smile.

5 09 2008

and madbluedog – that’s all they want. They want to overturn a ruling from 1973. . . don’t mind that they lie, cheat and steal – a 12 year old who has been raped by her uncle can’t get an abortion because that’s GOD’s will. . .Get those coat hangers out, ladies, because we’re gonna need them (sorry, I know that’s crass, but it WILL come to this.)

5 09 2008

Some how, I think it has to be that people fell asleep in front of their TVs with them on… how could more people have actually WATCHED the speech? Has anyone seen how much money they made during the same period of time? or how much they made during the equivalent speeches during Dem Week?

5 09 2008
Susie from Jersey

Colleges: allegedly 5 in 6 years:

5 09 2008

What most people forget is that when the Second Amendment was written, the term “to bear arms” meant to serve in a militia, in other words, to join the military (a right you still have today). This was written because the British had dissolved all militias so the colonies couldn’t fight back (they hoped!).

It said nothing about individuals owning guns for personal use because it wasn’t an issue. Most families at the time had guns for protection, and because they hunted for food.

5 09 2008
Patrick Alcatraz

HEART asks GOP not to use the band’s song BARRACUDA in connection with Sarah Palin.


5 09 2008
Jim S.

the repugs can’t overturn roe v. wade. how else will they string the evangelical base along in future elections??

That’s easy, keep playing them!!!

Just think of all the distracting things brought up to change the talking points, reason they also push the fear buttons, and just look at this administration and the previous congress, Terry Shivo (sp) etc. and now if they need the fear, alQaeda, Fools are Fools and can be easily controlled, they’ve been doing it for years!!

5 09 2008

TheraP (11:40:20) :

Jesus – you could call him a POW. He did spend a night in jail anyway.

Plus he was a community organizer.

Yup, as you suspected, that’s why they put him in jail.

Who put him in jail? Why the governor, of course!

Who was that governor? Pontius Pilate

From those two “governor words” you can rearrange the letters to spell Palin. Hmmmm

And if you use all the letters: SPITE PALIN OUT

5 09 2008
Parker CA

AH!! MSNBC is dishing big time on the Trooper-Gate issue in all of its details.

Even noting that Palin would prefer the Personnel Board to cover this while she is the person in charge of appointing members to the board!! NICE!

Word is McBush/Palame are saying they think this investigation is “too political” and that it should be ignored. Fat chance!

Obama/Biden ’08!!

5 09 2008

If God is sending a message about who to vote for, what do you think it is?

Dems have a perfect convention, unify, give great speeches, get great weather for the acceptance speech, even though Christian conservatives asked people to pray for rain.

When Repubs start their convention, a hurricane strikes New Orleans almost exactly three years after the city was devasted by Republican incompetence.

Several more hurricanes circle the ocean, threatening to land in the U.S.

The stock market drops a massive amount. National Enquirer annouces it is doing a cover story on the VP pick’s “dark past,” a leading Republican calls John McCain “McBush” on a national network right after McCain gives his acceptance speech, which is also called “shockingly bad” on a national network.

The day after the convention, the jobless rate unexpectedly hits a five year high and the mortgage foreclosure rate sets a new record.

Do you think that message might be WAKE UP YOU IDIOTS!!!

5 09 2008

yeah proud i get what you mean – but i still feel that they would have DONE something by now. the majority of republicans support choice. they just use it as a wedge issue to move their base – and really, the moral majority is just the loudest, not the largest. i think all of the talk about it in the RNC may actually turn off moderate republicans (yes there are some out there).

btw _ did anyone else find it absolutely disgusting that bush talked about respect for human life in his speech? when he invades iraq and kills thousands of innocent civilians?

5 09 2008

It’s a little hot in that all righteous kitchen, eh? the media (free press) cannot let up.

5 09 2008
VA Democrat

I know…the college thing…oy. But the crazy base doesn’t CARE how many colleges she went to, and they don’t care if she went to college at all! I had a conversation with a very intellectual friend yesterday who is leaning toward McCain/Palin, and she gave me the liberal elitist line. But we kept talking, and we came to the agreement that neither of us cares so much about the candidate’s education as their intellectual curiosity. To me, George Bush’s total void of curiosity about the world makes me tear my hair out. In what I read about Palin, she seems to share his worldview – not curious, not intellectual. Contrast Bill Gates – didn’t graduate from college, but he seems to be very engaged in the world intellectually voracious. I’m pretty terrified of anyone who doesn’t want to learn more. Palin terrifies me for this reason, among many others.

5 09 2008

Mccaine says it’s over for special interests. Is that a policy position? Just like we will balance the budget by 2013. No roadmap or plan. Just a hollow statement but people can understand it.

5 09 2008
Parker CA

I’ve read more than a few editorials this morning on various sites where the MSM is speaking up on this obvious attempt by the McLiar’s to cover their cat crap in their little box.

MSNBC says Palin is to begin campaigning on her own next week. Should be interesting.

5 09 2008
All I Saw

I’m not a gun nut. But I’m not anti-gun. To each their own.

The Sunday after they announced Palin’s nomination for VP a 6 year old in rural Alaska shot a 7 year old to death with a high powered rifle they were playing with.

I’m just irritated that people distort the Right to Bear Arms to threaten people.

Don’t fuck with Palin, she’s a lifetime NRA member – common talking point this past week.

Don’t fuck with me, I’m not scared of going to hell.

5 09 2008
The Logician


5 09 2008

ohhhh madbluedog… excellent point!

This applies on the subject of equal rights, various disease research, drug abuse prevention, etc. as well. These things will always be with us because multi-million dollar industries have sprung up around them… if they “go away” because we fix the problem, then there will be lots of folk who will lose their jobs… we could apply the same logic here … it is far too good of a rallying point… lots of poor folks are actually pro-life single issue voters. Eliminate the issue and the poor will vote their pocketbook.

5 09 2008
Parker CA

NIIIICE. MSNBC is cutting right into these BIG issues. Debt, trooper-gate, etc…


5 09 2008

My husband has me shouting at me from his office for days, “Go to mudflats!” Today I said, “ok, ok…”

WOW! New homepage!

5 09 2008

not to mention the thousands of lives affected by lack of health insurance!

oh and here’s some news… unemployment hits a 5 year high.

drink up!!

5 09 2008

Turn on MSNBC so you can watch what you already know with people who already feel the same way you do? Not to disparage but I think the Nat Enq. carries more weight with swing voters.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

evangelical base

Oh and as to these so called religious base folks, that ones easy too. There’s wealth and or power to be made, as well as Vanity, by those that Lead that base, just like the radio talking heads, preachers who make fame, Vanity {which by the way used to be a ‘sin’}, keep on building on that and more cultists grab on to have someone besides themselves do their thinking for them.

5 09 2008

All I Saw, I agree completely! Don’t you get tired of people trying to use the Second Amendment for something it wasn’t intended?

5 09 2008

Divorce documents are available right after the divorce. They are public court records.

5 09 2008

She tells these lies with such ease, knowing that, as Karl Rove preached, if you repeat a lie over and over, it becomes the truth. This, of course, relies on the intimidation of the press and ignorance of the voters. As I type this, I hear a Republican talking head saying she is “very, very capable.” Capable of what is the question – carrying on George Bush and Karl Rove’s legacy. From

Not selling on eBay

Sarah Palin, in her speech, told a carefully stated — but accurate — story of putting a state-owned jet up for sale on eBay.

Palin did not, as the ADN reported at the time, succeed in selling it on eBay; she tried and failed.

She didn’t actually claim to have though:

While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the governor’s office that I didn’t believe our citizens should have to pay for.

That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay.

And she did put it on eBay, which seems like a good piece of symbolism and a clever stunt, even if she wound up selling it through more traditional channels.

But McCain, retelling the story, misstated it today:

“You know what i enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on eBay — made a profit,” he said, introducing Palin.

Well, no. And the state sold it at a loss of half a million dollars.

5 09 2008

So far as I know, they haven’t cut Vanity from the Seven Deadly Sins yet.

5 09 2008
From England

my friends…just came off reading politico and comments…it is scary.

I sound like a broken record…but this election will NOT be won on issues alone. I know that all of us here are concerned about terrorism, economy and the key issues facing America (and they’re interlinked to us here).

But when you read the comments, it’s clear that there is that section of voters who are ecstatic with Mcpalin….they feel that the MSM talks down to them. They love the family stuff, the “80%” approval rating, the executive experience and so on. THese are folks who are sold.

So to recap…..there are Obama voters, Independents (majority of who will lean towards Obama), and then the repubs who with the injection of Miss Sp in the race are energised and ready to fight rather than think.

Let’s be vigilant! I’ll be in touch with all my American friends….

5 09 2008

VA Democrat, I agree the college issue isn’t that big of a deal and as you state, her desire to continur learning after all six of those colleges is more important and doesn’t seem to be happening. Too often extremist (from either side) make up their mind and stop paying attention. Stagnant minds using stale arguments.

And Rob Riggle said it best last night, “I want a leader who’s like me, or worse”. That is the mentality to be very, very afraid of.

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Jim S.

They were previously called televangelists – today they are more accurately referred to as “Prosperity Christians”.

If you pray on it then God gives you permission to use him as a surrogate to win your argument or war.

5 09 2008

Wha? Half a million people watched Grumpy McSame standing in front of a green screen of an obscure middle school in California last night? That’s mind-boggling. Really. The musical interludes weren’t nearly as good even. Well Gretchen Wilson is probably than Sheryl Crow, but Stevie Wonder?

Color me confused. Did they think they were going to hear something new? Or they just wanted another little peep of what Sarah would be wearing and how she styled her hair? Or was it re-run night on Project Runway and folks wanted to critique Cindy’s fashion show again?

Who own’s Nielson ratings? It took a couple of days to hear Obama’s numbers after the speech. And it took a day and a half to hear Sarah’s. But they already had McCain’s numbers out this morning. Do they use those voting machines from Florida and Ohio to count the numbers? Because nobody in my entire life has counted what I watch on tv.

Well, unless they’ve found a way to tap our cable tv lines like they do our computers and phones . . . gulp. *furtively looks around for spies*

5 09 2008

oh my! Fox News says McCain’s commercials are outright lies??? I really do need a drink.

“…McCain’s TV commercials assailing Obama’s tax policy contain serious distortions, if not out-right lies.”

5 09 2008

Face it, those people who are energized by Palin are those people you can fool ALL of the time.

5 09 2008
Jim S.

Mccaine says it’s over for special interests.

Added to his talking points by the ‘special interests’ in his camp, same ‘special interests’ that have been around with some young blood thrown in!!

Don’t buy his ‘Change’ crap, they use it like they do the talking points issues!

5 09 2008

UK Lady, I have been told that Bristol Palin IS NOT the first girl that Levi Johnston has gotten pregnant. My understanding is he got another girl preggo when he was in the 8th grade. I don’t know if this is true, but I was told that it is common knowledge in their hometown.

Is the National Enquier on the trail?? We want to know!

5 09 2008
All I Saw


I guess Obama’s meeting with Rupert Murdoch was fruitful.

Murdoch doesn’t want the right to win, he wants to profit off the winner. period.

That winner is looking more and more like a black man from Hawaii who earned his chops on the South Side of Chicago.

5 09 2008

okay – just two great posts. I have to work and get ready for Hannah!!

1) The Religious Right is the smaller of the majorities in the Republican Party. The problem is that the moderate Republicans don’t ever speak up. Trust me. I was one. (Independent now) The Moderates believe if you will give us fiscally conservative policies so we can continue to make money, we will let you have your social issues that Rove/Dobson care so much about. The Religious Right are incredibly well-organized and well-funded. And frankly, I don’t get it. Neither Rove nor Dobson are women, so all this craziness about so concerned about my personal decisions are a bit weird.
2) The Republican Party has to pander to the FAR Right. But we have to understand that the Democratic Party has to pander to the FAR Left. It leaves very little room for the majority – the moderates.
3) People are driven by fear – it’s a powerful weapon.
4) Republicans are selective. Again, they are the ones who have the known adulterers on the stage. I am going to keep bringing up thx to BAHAMAS – they have the indicted member of the Senate with the KEATING Five. Oh, and they have Caribou Barbie.
5) Bush doesn’t care about human life, if it is inconvenient. If he did, he would never had left the people of LA, Mississippi and Alabama stranded after Kristina; he would have never promised mothers that their children were going to fight a “smart war” and to be prepared to be “shocked and awe’d” and he would have given Cindy (Sheehan?) more time.

5 09 2008

Thanks, for the college info! And for Parker CA, “too political”? Thats a good one. Aren’t they in a “political campaign”? And no one’s s’posed to get “too political”? What a joke!
And this is the Party that gave you purging the federal judiciary! All them chickens comin’ home to roost!

5 09 2008

WOW…maybe Billo has seen the error of his ways. Maybe, just maybe, he let down his guard long enough when Obama was with him, to really see what this fine man has to offer. Maybe….I’M just sayin….

5 09 2008

I think this is perfect: “McCAIN-PALIN: A BRIDGE TO NOWHERE”

5 09 2008
Memphis, NY

McSAMEOLD got better ratings because we all watched to see if he would crash and burn same with Palin

5 09 2008

No…I don’t mean to call you a lie…but did Fixed News really call McShame’s ad a lie?!?!?!?

5 09 2008

When someone says that McCain represents Change, will you please be so kind to remind them that (and all together now):


5 09 2008

Curse you, Parker CA! I had finally managed to turn the TV off, gradually weaning myself away from the deluge of Palingate; but no, it wasn’t enough that I was now (unsuccessfully) fighting to dislodge my mouse from my hand. Now I have to start all over with the TV!

Well, MSNBC is talking about hurricane Ike. Do you think they’ll make it to hurricane Sara this season?

5 09 2008

Ok, I’ve collected my thoughts about the ratings thing. It’s half a million more people because that’s the actual number of repubs that tuned in.

The democrats watched both speeches, because they are the ones who care about the issues and are concerned about the election. The republicans don’t care about any of that, watched football, and will vote for anybody wearing their team color red. Doesn’t matter what they say or do, if they are red, it’s all good.

So that’s the difference in numbers, right there. Lots of us watched all of it. Just a few on the other party tuned into their own snoozefest during ad breaks.

5 09 2008

Right on Proud – great post.

5 09 2008
Memphis, NY

I have too many comments
And I hate LONG posts so excuse me for many posts
I can’t believe the phrase coined 2 days ago is already t-shirts on coldpress?

When do we get bumperstickers Mudflatians for Obama
Can a Corporation be set up to accept foreign donations to Obama?

5 09 2008

Yeah – let’s not forget that a lot of us watch the RNC in disgust.

5 09 2008

When this first broke, I noted a bet that it was to do with the failed car wash. Now perhaps we know why it failed.

Honestly, I’d ordinarily say that people’s sex lives are their own. I don’t honestly care…politicians spend so much time figuratively screwing people that I figure most of them are doing it literally as well. But…

Palin has been _so_ preachy, and _so_ overwrought in her declamations of family values, and her acceptance speech was _so_ mean-spirited and content-free — well, at this point I have to think she deserves what she gets. I just feel sorry for her family.

If she had an affair, I really hope it comes out. The only one caught up in this I have good wishes for is Bristol Palin. I hope her baby is born hale and hearty.

I also pray that it’s born gay and black.

5 09 2008
Parker CA

CNN dishing big on Palin now too!!!

NICE! Dig, dig, dig!!

5 09 2008

Miemaw from Texas (10:54:03) wrote :

“I need a score card to keep up with the players.”

Try this one! Palin Bingo!

great concept, needs updating, though, LOL
… too many new scandals have broken since it first was published three days ago …

5 09 2008

@Memphis, NY:

I’m working up the following bumper sticker:

“Jesus was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor.”

5 09 2008
Memphis, NY


Thank you for saying that so more eloquently than I did

5 09 2008

YupYupGoose you posted exactly what I was thinking about the speed that the ratings numbers for last night came out.

I used to know someone who, when cable first came out believed that it enabled the government to watch what he was doing in his home. He was convinced that there was no way it was a one-way transmission and whenever he was not watching TV he would turn his telly towards the wall and advised anyone who would listen to do the same thing.

Now granted, this person had issues but allowing myself to wallow in my general distrust of our current governing body for a moment, I have to wonder if he wasn’t just ahead of his time.

5 09 2008

Mad blue dog:
I was most offended when Bush (who was suppose to be talking about foreign policy) said that McCain will stand up to the “angry left”. Which to me, means that Bush does not care about ALL americans, just the right wing.

VA Democrat:
As far as the Extreme right wing Evangelical’s are concerned, she has their vote no matter what truth comes out about her between now and the election.

As for everyone else in America, I think it does matter to most of us if Palin lied about a College Degree.

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
From England

@madblue… Thank god faux is picking that up, just had a look…because great as the editorial in WAPO and info in other MSM outlets…the people who don’t already know that these are lies don’t necessarily read WAPO and others……

Mccain needs to be called out for being a less than honest, manipulative, and integrity starved politician.

Ok…I’m being peeled away from my computer by DH……Muckraker, you really should do text alerts so that we can keep up:)

5 09 2008

CNN stated that she has exaggerated her record.

The pipe line she insinuated was being built is still in negotiation and may not start till 2013 (?)

The ethic reform, her bread and butter, was started before she took office and the language was crafted buy………………………….DEMOCRATS.

5 09 2008


Have to disagree with you about the founding of this nation. According to Sarah Palin’s standards, most of the Founding Fathers would have been considered East Coast elitists. They would not have passed her sanctity test.
The Founding Father’s were deists-almost to a man. Yes they believed in God. No they did not believe in your brand of Christianity. Many of them (Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, etc) did not even believe in the trinity. And they certainly were in solid agreement that religion had NO place in governance, which is why freedom of (and from) religion was a primary focus of their initial governing documents. It is misleading to say this government was founded on religion, as I suspect you know. Yes, the founding fathers mostly believed in God. Yes, most of them considered themselves Christians. Would they recognize or endorse what passes for Christianity today as being what they believed in? Absolutely not. In fact, representatives from the middle and southern states found the rigidity and intolerance of the New England Quakers to be obnoxious, and the Quakers didn’t hold a candle to some modern day “Christians” in those areas. Please consider reading history from sources other than those provided by your church. Repeating this misleading information might make you feel justified in trying to inject religion into our government, but it is entirely contrary to what the Founders intended and constantly repeating it won’t change that.

5 09 2008

First time post, but I’ve been reading this site since Sarah was invited to join the McCain ticket. I join the others in agreeing that mudflats is an addiction. LOL
To timc, I don’t know how McCain can say it is over for special interest when he surrounds himself with lobbyist and has a VP candidate with a record for earmarks. That seems to be rather contradictory.
Doesn’t it seem also, that Palin, who has jumped in bed with the way Rove/Bush/Cheney does business by now refusing to be disposed in the investigation going on? Rove refuses to testify, Meir refuses to testify, Palin refuses to testify, same ole, same ole.
So what exactly would be different in a McCain/Palin administration?
Same people in the administration as are there now, nothing new on the Republican platform, etc.
These and other points are what needs to be brought to the forefront in the MSM.

5 09 2008

while we are on the subject of adulterers. . . let’s talk about Rudy since he was so hateful the other night. Maybe he can explain for us where all the 9/11 donations have gone. . .

yep, yet another Republican “I CARE FOR THE PEOPLE” ROUTINE when it is all about money, money, money.

5 09 2008
Memphis, NY

Will the proceeds of the sale of t-shirts on coldpress go to the Obama Campaign?

Brian (12:43:13) :
will the proceeds of the bumpersticker fo to Obama Campaign

5 09 2008
An AK Republican, no more

There are new posts…
Can we move over there? I can’t keep up. I am coming back and forth.

5 09 2008

I can tell you why people tuned in to McCain last night.

Because they WANTED TO BELIEVE him. Because at one time (for a brief shining moment in time), he WAS A CRAZY MAVERICK WHO stood for something. This went away when he started hugging and kissing Bush’s head after 9/11, and continued when he snuggled up to Rove/Dobson/Cheney. He’s lost his way.

The Old Republican Guard wanted to believe that he had a real message to give – that he had some substance around Change – that he would tell us/them HOW he planned to achieve it. He would talk about how being a POW (did y’all know that?) was a low time in his life, that he wouldn’t wish that on anyone and that he would do anything in his power to help our children avoid that fate.

Instead, he chose the tired Bush refrain of WAR, WAR, WAR. From the reformed I’ve talked with today, they are sad FOR him. It’s sad – this is a doddering old man who cannot let go of his dream to be President (and sometimes I believe this is Homewrecker Barbie’s dream and she is buying it with Daddy’s money) and will be sad FOR America if he wins. He does not have the intellect to reform the economy (he’s admitted he doesn’t understand it ???!!!!!???? and we ask people to feel safe investing with us????), he doesn’t have the vision to get us out of a failed War; he doesn’t have the energy to go find bin Laden. The hope was Caribou Barbie would kinda give him a “boost” with the young crowd. We would “feel her energy” and she would be in touch with America.

It is sad, and I’m okay if we grieve for him, but I don’t think we should ELECT him.

5 09 2008

AK Repub: haha – i see what you mean. i’ll move over to the latest post.

5 09 2008

To Brian,
“I also hope it’s born gay and black.”
A perfectly good mouthful of wine ended up on my screen after that comment! Didn’t see it coming.

5 09 2008
5 09 2008
Ana Gama

Memphis, NY

Proceeds from Obama merchandise sold from his site go to the campaign and count as campaign contributions. T-shirts and whatnot from other places do not go to the campaign unless the person selling them donates the proceeds.

5 09 2008
Leila Abu-Saba

The MSM is trying to ask follow-up questions of McCain spokepersons! Not fair! The MSM is reporting facts that contradict Sarah Palin’s speeches! Sexist! The MSM is biased against a Christian feminist mom! Liberals hate women who have lots of children! LIberals hate families, Christians and America! Stop picking on Sarah Palin! You have your facts wrong, and even if you don’t, you are interpreting them wrong because you are all mean, evil liberals who want to SELL AMERICA TO AL QAEDA AND THE LESBIANS!


5 09 2008

akdafool (11:32:29) :

“right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

just a little thing for you to remember.

I made the same mistake about Obamas Poisson on the 2nd when he sead some thing about taking AK47s from the inner city youth. (a legal issue not a constitutional one?) He has since debunked that rummer, may be lying and we will see as this all develops.

I will use my guns to defend your right to the bible you are clinging to as well as my guns. The gov that bans either is only American in name and will receive no allegiance from me.

Now please check your party and decide if you are a republican or an American.

5 09 2008
Rhett O'Rical

Laurie: re bill-o. remember murdoch said he was going to vote for obama because he “sells more papers.” i imagine the same logic applies for television–more people will watch.

here is a link (sorry if this has already been posted like 5000 times!) to the story re the meeting w/ murdoch and ailes:

5 09 2008

NMJ (11:56:58) posted:

“Please, please, have mercy! I need to take a shower and wash my hair. I need to go to the store to buy food. I need to pay bills. I need to exercise my voracious appetite for this blog!! No, wait, that came out wrong…”

It is so funny that every 5th post is someone saying, “Oh, good lord, I’m going to get fired!”

I am laid up at home with a broken leg, theoretically telecommuting. I guess the reason I am not getting too much done this week is because … um … I feel kinda queasy …

5 09 2008

thank goodness i have been on vacation all week. there is no way i could work with all of this going on…and the mighty mudflats (the MMFs) blogging. Mercy!

5 09 2008

CNN is reporting about jet on ebay distortions.

5 09 2008

Cnn has intervioew with troopergate trooper ex broter-in -law; and are revealing the truth of the plane sale on e-bay!

5 09 2008
UK lady

PJ thank you so much for possible info on Levi. By the way, I read an article about Obama having a meeting with Murdoch and apparently Murdsochs family all love Obama. Murdoch really loves his family and has been getting very embarrrased about Faux News. When Obama said “they don’t know what they’re up against” I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the tone would change from O’lierry & co.

5 09 2008

Wake Up America! The fate of the world does depend on you. Seriously.

Donate. Volunteer. Vote.

Obama/Biden 2008

5 09 2008

(snark alert!!)
Now look what all you evil, nasty, rumor mongers have done. All this time chasing those rumors that Trig is not hers and it’s totally false. Trig is totally hers.

The problem is …. he ISN’T TODD’S!!!!!!

5 09 2008

I’m a conservative-independent Obama supporter,

Unfortunately, the strident, insulting, condescending, virulently anti-conservative tone adopted by the posters on this blog does not serve the Obama candidacy. It simply turns off undecideds and independents. Your assumption appears to be that anyone who is religious or supports gun rights is dumb. This works against you. But you are too smug to realize that those who think different are not stupid.

Palin is clearly unqualified and appears to be willing to do and say anything to advance her career but you cheapen your case by insulting those who have a difference of opinion on social issues. The Democrats cannot win this election without the support of independents and some conservatives.

Let’s stick to the facts and cut out the anti-religious and anti-conservative insults.

5 09 2008
Blue Idaho

” I going off the rails on a CRAZY TRAIN” everybody sing!

5 09 2008
Blue Idaho

Who was the Crazy Palin-bot on CNN? I just caught the end of it. She was going off!

5 09 2008

I posted this elsewhere but it’s worth repeating. My lovely Republican husband of 31 years turned off McCain in mid-speech, saying “Well, he made up my mind for me…..I am going to vote for Obama”! I have never been so proud! Wolfe Blitzer just interviewed a Palin aide who essentially siad she ealks of water! Ugh! Did finally acknowledge the truth about the much vaunted e-bay sale of the jet. No sale! Did go through broker and sold at a loss. Said SOS was most ethical person she had ever met! Arggg! To quote lots of folks and Popeye! Any clarification on the affairs yet? Gee, I am glad to see Patrick Alcatrax posting here and obviously reading. He is very good! Check out BadChili.blogspot. Also worth reading but, Mudflats, you have my heart! Thanks so much for making me lose so much sleep! Helen in Texas

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Being anti-religious is not an insult to the religious, they only choose to take it that way in order to claim “persecution”.

I am a conservative, just not a Jesus conservative.

The Republican Rapture Party has allowed the far right extremists to dictate candidacies and policies for far too long.

They need to be called what they are.

I need not agree with someone’s policy to want that person as a leader, the religious right has exemplified that with George W. Bush’s reelection.

I choose to set aside my own personal fiscally conservative agenda in the hopes that a once-in-a-lifetime leader has the intellect to at least CONSIDER my position on such things.

I’m not in this for me. I’m in this for my children.

5 09 2008

My Mother just sent this email to Senator Hollis French.
I have done so too.

Let’s see if we can fill the Senator’s email box. Pass it on!

Senator, I am writing to encourage you to move quickly with your report on Sarah Palin. Democrats across the country are watching and hoping you’ll do the right thing.

I don’t know why, but something just doesn’t feel right about this person. With Carl Rove in the mix, it just doesn’t feel right. He is a skate to the highest degree.

The whole world is watching us – the whole world is depending on the United States to change its approach to foreign affairs. This election is too important to have a weak, inexperienced, uneducated, dishonest person one breath away from the presidency.

Thank you for your bravery and hard work.
Your name Here

5 09 2008

Sarah’s former aide was just on CNN…anyone catch her name? Wolf actually asked some good questions. Funny how she repeated that the three person board that Sarah wants to oversee the ethics violations charges was appointed by the previous Mayor and not Sarah…oh, except for the one that she “reappointed” (guess that doesn’t count). What really matters, according to her backtracking, is that “Alaska State Law” really dictates that the three person board take charge. If that was so, why wasn’t that done in the first place? Round and Round we go…

In the spirit of full-disclosure, can we just get a straight answer?

5 09 2008

Re: McCains high numbers from last night–it’s hard to avert your eyes from a slo-mo TRAIN WRECK!

5 09 2008

Oops…edit to say “appointed by the previous Governor”…my eyes are so tired!

5 09 2008

“The Republican Rapture Party has allowed the far right extremists to dictate candidacies and policies for far too long.”

There are those who would say that the Looney Left Democratic Party has allowed the far left extremists to dictate candidacies and policies for far too long.

Within the Left’s ecosystem, everyone’s a dittohead; few or no dissenting views; all PC-certified all the time. The result is the Left is, for the most part, out of touch with the country and that’s why the Democrats have lost elections they should have won by landslides and why George Bush is a two-term president.

So continue insulting and belittling the rest of the country and continue to lose elections. Really sad because we could really use a change. Unfortunately, the Left’s holy warriors seek to wage jihad on all nonbelievers. Keep turning off potential supporters. Sad.

If Obama loses this election, lefty arrogance and PC purity will be partly (mainly?) to blame.

5 09 2008
Rob in Florida

I agree with Ms. Anon. Surely there’s enough room under Obama’s umbrella for different social views.

5 09 2008

I just have one thing to say about how stupid the Republicans are; or I’m sorry, not Republicans, but Sarah Palin. If you are going to slam a group of people in the opposite party, why in God’s green earth would you choose COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS? I mean seriously, why would you want to get a group of people that live for organizing people into voting blocs mad at you?? 60 days before the election??

5 09 2008

Geez I am going blind reading all this. Corrections to entry above. Person I was welcoming is Patrick Alcatraz (not Alcatrax) Also regarding the aide comments on Blitzer (whose name I did not get either) she essentially said SOS walks on water. Did not type “walks” or “said” properly! Sorry, guys! I forgot! Republican husband also donated $100 to the Obama campaign last night! My Gawd! Oh, I do love him! Also, Obama/Biden! VOTE!

5 09 2008

“why in God’s green earth would you choose COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS?”

Because “community” is code for left-leaning voting blocs (so is organizer – e.g. union organizer). Ever hear of conservatives (or centrists/moderates) talk about doing or saying anything “for the X community”? Or “working with the X community”? Or organizing any non left-leaning groups?

Community organizer is not a term that applies outside of the Left so it was a safe attack line. Still don’t support Palin but it was a smart line.

5 09 2008

Holy S**t! I spent four hours this afternoon tracing out FTP and FTPS logs and XML configuration files and finally found and fixed a $25,000+ error from an automated data crash at 2AM this morning where I work. I missed lunch and everything. So I go and make some coffee and take a break to write a post on Bookgate here on Mudflats to relax. I talk with another colleague to help him with a problem. Then I write a couple of e-mail replies so my boss can know we have solved some other issues so he can relax and have a nice weekend.

Some time has passed since i last reloaded the Mudflats home page in my Firefox 3. And I see this! Two more topics have happened and there are nearly 260 posts on a new disaster! Somebody make it stop! Puuuuhleese! And there is dangerous stuff happening out there in the world. I am doing my job in society. Why aren’t these people thinking of us? They are supposed to work for us.

I hope my programs work over the weekend and don’t lose track of millions of dollars! They have worked for a couple of months now. Everything was looking good. But maybe the Earth has now passed through the tail of a comet and every thing is different now? Maybe the laws of physics and the cosmic laws of the behavior of electrons are breaking down? I have a dull headache. I really should go to bed early tonight. I am not well.

I just wrote about avoiding alcoholic consumption as self medication in all this. But now it really is starting to look like the best solution. And this is ONLY SEVEN DAYS into this…

5 09 2008

“Community Organizer”, in Republican-speak, is a dog whistle for black, urban voters

5 09 2008

UK Lady, Christian Evangelicals may accept one out of wedlock pregnancy, but two?

5 09 2008

HamlestMill- November 4 can’t come soon enough!

I just hope this doesn’t go into over-time! 😉

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Yes “community” is a dirty codeword.

I can tell you my “community” council is a far left organization here in Wasilla, Alaska – intent on pushing their “pinko-commie” agenda on all the “god-fearing” good folks of the Valley. All that talk of road upgrades and safety signage is really just an effort to push their “socialistic” agenda on all the “god-fearing” residents who don’t need roads, road signs, spring clean up days or government at all to live in their neat little suburban oasis with regular garbage pickup and snow-plowing.

Give me a break.

Your tired diatribe about being religiously persecuted isn’t going to work anymore. Even truly religious people aren’t buying the doublespeak anymore.

Obama won’t say these things – kind of like John McCain won’t say that the reason he supports more belligerence in the Middle East is to provoke the Second Coming of Christ – which would certainly boost his approval rating with the super-duper-born-agains.

5 09 2008

Hello to All –

Just saw the comment from “numb (11:18:41)” and had to chuckle. I’m feeling a little like Sarah Palin. You bloggers are so so ugly to us little white PTA mommies. boo hoo

Here is numb’s comment, “Interesting Palin business partners comments on this blog (watch out for the other content on the site, however):”

Okay numbie, there really isn’t any objectionable material on our website. We use the name “2 Lesbos Goin At It” because we are a couple of unionized and civilzed moms raising our son and doing what most normal ball-and-chain couples do – we argue – “go at it” – on a regular basis. In fact, we’ve given up most, if not all, of our pre-union hobbies to devote more time to our arguments.

We do feature a page with well-known and/or celebrity female couples (“Lesbo Photos”) who either are lesbians or so close that you can’t get a sheet of 10# paper between them using a hot crowbar to pry them apart. We also have “Lesbo Videos” which are funny videos with or about lesbians. And, if you look really hard you might find the link (not the video) to the cigar commercial “rolled with love” which is very witty but shows a little too much female skin for underaged viewers.

All in all, we are a couple of politically incorrect lesbian moms who often agree with Dr. Laura, love to poke to fun at lesbians, anit-lesbian creatures, and wacky / naughty librarians like Ms. Sarah, VP Barbie, and we throw in some we are lesbians hear us roar civil rights stuff now and again, when our straight readers aren’t paying attention.

You elite uppity bloggers are just so dang mean but in the words of our next VP, “that’s cool.”

Love and kisses – great blog over here,

One Lesbo

PS – numb, please come over again and see 2 Lesbos Goin At It, you are all encouraged to watch 🙂

5 09 2008
jean beverly

First, let’s get off the criticisim and mocking of religious conservatives — remember, this is a country of religious freedom. Those people have a right to their beliefs, too.
An attack on them does no good for Obama.
Next, we cannot count on the National Enquirer to dig up the truth about Palin. Remember, that paper is owned by Rupert Murdoch who also owns Fox as well as other tabloids, all of which favor Republicans. Some other entity should be checking out the facts.

5 09 2008

I guess the truth will
come out in the (car) wash — and
the court documents.

5 09 2008

hi lesbos…i thought your site was quite entertaining. i have it bookmarked now.

5 09 2008

Marzapan (11:14:23), I was thinking the very same thing about the VP debates. mcmoosekiller is gonna cry that the big bad man from Delaware was mean to her. Waaaahhhhh – he wanted to discuss REAL issues! That’s sexist! Waaaaaah – he said I’m prettier than he is! He’s sexist! Waaaahhhhh – only MY party can even mention RNC campaign slogans like “coldest state/hottest governor”! If those leftist liberals even THINK it they’re sexist!

But I digress.

As a woman, I say if she’s gonna throw the first punch, she’d better be prepared to be hit back.

obama/biden ’08/’12

5 09 2008

Looks like the divorce records are going to be, um, a dry hole.

This dirty little secret is NOT an affair between Sarah Palin and her husband’s business partner. It is that Sarah’s husband got her to fire an advisor because he was dating his business partner’s soon-to-be ex-wife.

A nasty and sordid little case. But alas, not nasty or sordid enough. Darn!

5 09 2008

Uglier and Uglier

by Charley James –
“So Sambo beat the bitch!” ( Palin’s comment on Obama beating Hillary in the primaries )

OMG if this true, and the page sure looks reputable, then I am beyond disgusted!!!! So sorry to post something so ugly but OMG who is this woman??

5 09 2008
Dish it

Yikes, over 200 comments – I can’t read these all right now to find out, but in the main post, I think there’s an error.

The person who tried (and failed) to have their divorce papers sealed is Scott Richter, who owns some properties with the Palins.

The carwash co-owner is Ray Wells — unless Richter is also a co-owner of the carwash? Anyone?

5 09 2008

How many here donated to Obama?
How many here watched the RNC last night?
How many here are going to vote for McCain Pailin?

5 09 2008

Patrick Alcatraz (11:16:59), sounds like it could have been BOTH! I followed a bunch of juicy links to get to this blog so I have no idea how I got here, but I was reading the stories along the way, and it turns out:

Hanson was the business partner of the husband in a car wash venture back in the 90s. Apparently Sarah & Hanson were doing the nasty and hubby found out and dissolved the partnership. Hanson has since divorced his wife.

Richter was a hockey coach and a city council member, and it apparently was common knowledge that they flirted a lot. However, both deny anything beyond that. Meanwhile, Richter recently made a request to have the divorce records sealed, and his request was denied.

Someone above described the whole thing as a giant soap opera and laid out the subplots. I gotta tell ya, this is even better than one life to live (no offense to OLTL)!

On a serious note, we’d all better keep our ear to the ground, because I’m afraid PNAC, Halliburton, Blackwater, and their flying monkeys in D.C aren’t interested in relinquishing authority on January 20, 2009, and something even more insidious than 9/11 is already in the works.

5 09 2008

oh, avenger, i wish you hadn’t said that. i still had part of my head in the sand.

5 09 2008
All I Saw

Um. Isn’t Debbie Richter (Scott’s wife or sister or something, certainly business partners) the Directer of the Permanent Fund Division of the State of Alaska Department of Revenue.

The same Department of Revenue that moved up the distribution date of this year’s Dividend by a month, which was unprecedented?

Lots of Alaskans were pretty pleased today to hear the Dividend this year will be $2069, in addition to the $1200 resource rebate for a total of $3269 for each man/woman/child that qualifies.

That’s $13,076 for a family of four.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining – I can accept bribery, I’m not a public official.

5 09 2008

Okay, I’m not buying the nudie shot of Sarah Palin at the “hotties in the news” website.

It looks to me like Julia Louis-Dreyfus. (Boy, is she gonna be ticked off!)

5 09 2008

Pat (14:35:51) :

How many here donated to Obama? Numerous Times
How many here watched the RNC last night? I did
How many here are going to vote for McCain Pailin? NOT ME!!!

5 09 2008

bwilder, don’t take everything on the internet at face value. : a purely satirical spin on hardcore fundamentalist Christianity. : a wikipedia-styled database of all things internets. Crass, vulgar, hilarious.

The above sites come off as completely professional until you dig into the content. Just because a website looks legit doesn’t mean it really is.

5 09 2008
UK lady

PJ Thanks for insight to evangelicals, they are certainly entitled to their views, doesn’t make much sense to me – why is 2 worse than 1? As to BWiler 1.58, if that is fact then WOW, this lady has some serious character flaws, don’t they do phsyche tests for such an important job?

5 09 2008

Prof. Akmuckraker,

Is there some way we can apply for and get a graduate degree in Palinontology? Is Mudflats University an accredited institution?
With the present job market being what it is, I’m thinking this might have promising career potential.

5 09 2008

You can donate if you’re an American or a permanent resident of the US. I’m the latter and have donated to Obama. Can’t vote yet and if McCain gets in I may put that US citizenship application on hold!

I don’t care what either of the Palins did in this area, but if it’s true I would prefer they not lie about their great family values.

5 09 2008

KCGII (15:07:32) :

The above sites come off as completely professional until you dig into the content. Just because a website looks legit doesn’t mean it really is.

I’m a fairly skeptical person and fact check heavily. The site also has
the Anne Kilkenney letter up and she is for real. Not sure who Lucille the
waitress is but am working on that. At this point there is nothing that
leads me to think the site is not legit.

5 09 2008

Elie, I’m also Canadian and following the USA politics closely. We have to now because the two countries are so involved in each other’s worlds.

Elie, if you want to help avoid people like McCain/Palin getting elected, I know the Liberal Party of Canada could use some money. Please donate to THEM. It will only help all of North America. If we can get Harper out of office at the time Shrub gets turfed, it can only help us all.


5 09 2008

KCGII (15:07:32) :

bwilder, don’t take everything on the internet at face value.

Should mention that I am a self-employed and locate people for a living….so
I am in fact checking details and am not a novice on details.

5 09 2008

As an Alaskan following this it really is like a soap opera but they are just starting to scratch the surface. My child who went to school with Bristol told me weeks ago that Bristol was pregnant. This same child has been maintaining for the past two years that Track had substance abuse and behavioral issues and was “sent away” we get breaking word that there are skeletons in Track’s closet. I think I will start asking my kid what else they know about the Wasilla Hillbillies.

5 09 2008
UK lady

AKMom just the same as the UK, it’s the kids that know everything – out of the mouths of babes – and they are not scared to talk.

5 09 2008

True enough…if it IS fact, then yeah, it’d be quite the blemish on her record. But with all the rumors, half-truths and flat-out lies being thrown around on all sides it’s hard to keep up with it all, let alone figure out what’s honest.

And I can see the conspiracy theory gearheads thinking away on this one…”The REPUBLICANS are starting all this nonsense to make the voters THINK it’s the Democrats!!”

5 09 2008
UK lady

Didn’t Carl Rove say that if you told a lie often enough and with enough conviction it would become the truth – or something like that, why should the repugs have all the fun!

5 09 2008
Johnnie Bee

My nephew went to school with Bristol & Levi. He went over to the Palin’s to smoke out on several occasions, and just told me that Levi’s old BFF (until Levi found out he hooked up with Bristol too) is going to dish out the news…

5 09 2008

that does kinda look like palin in that picture. it bares a striking resemblence to her daughters now.

5 09 2008

I can see why Scott Richter would want his records sealed for privacy, even if they had nothing to do with Palin. It just may be some stuff that would embarrass him personally. And he knows the plethora of sleuths swarming like piranhas will reveal his personal information because he fits the Enquirer profile (business partner of Todd Palin).

One wonders if the real juicy truth will out. I’m not getting my hope up.

5 09 2008

MsAnon…I hear you. I will say though that I find this blog in particular to be one where the posters are mostly respectful. We have had a few people come and post with opposing views….and they were pretty vitriolic as well.

The issues are what is important. I think we all agree on that. Many of us have been here every spare minute…we are writing letters…we are talking to other people. People I believe, are just stunned at the pick of SP with no vetting…and we do know her views on policy. There is anger I am sure, and it comes from having felt beat up by John McCain and the people he had speak on his behalf.

The “right” side, sure didnt feel very welcoming to me.

5 09 2008

CNN is debunking the “I sold it on Ebay” and the “Bridge to Nowhere”

5 09 2008

This blog has saved my sanity, and my surroundings—I would have torn everything to shreds by now, thinking that I was the only ‘sane’ person out there, if I had only relied on MSM reporting. I have never really been a part of something like this as I try to keep my opinions to myself but when I went and started googling the new VP pick, I came unglued and got really really frightened. I grew up in a very fundamentally religious house and have watched and listened to how much hate there can be for those who don’t drop the ‘Jesus bomb’ every few sentences.

I have my Obama buttons, my signs in the yard and in the window, and have donated online but I am not brave enough to even put a bumper sticker on my car as it would be damaged for sure. My town is approximately the same size Wasilla was a few years ago and VERY conservative. We are the red part in a blue state. So I know how important it is to ‘hide out’, keep your head down, not speak out, etc…it is about self-preservation!! My kids would have suffered if I ever were to say anything ‘left-leaning’ as even their teachers don’t hesitate to share their religious (“Christian”) beliefs.

So, while I BELIEVE in separation of church and state, it does not exist here, and evidently not in any number of other places. If you want a good job, or good grades so you can get into college, you stay quiet! That is the rule. I have gone so far as to wear a visible cross necklace in order to get a job. I don’t think that people who live in larger towns understand that at all, or really get what is at stake with this Republican political party/movement. I stay silent while fascism spreads and the Christians are dancing in glee.

Here is the latest unemployment numbers: If the Republicans continue this push, and they will, you may all have to carry your Bible and wear your biggest cross necklace to keep/get a job. Do NOT think it is going to be easy to dismiss SP with the innuendo and FACTS. This scary movement may just be able to make her VP/President. Obviously, they have been planning this for some time as there are reports, articles, etc. more than a year old, saying she was on the trail of the nomination. I have finally decided THEY ALREADY KNEW about her and they still believe she can get them in office AGAIN.

You all here have helped me so very much, and at first I thought, oh hooray, now ‘they’ will know and it will be over. But looking at the MSM’s fear of covering this trainwreck and hearing Keith Olberman seem to be gushing over her (THAT was a huge shock for sure, KO say it ain’t so) and the others getting in trouble for asking a simple question that we here all know the answer to, well I am again very frightened. See, facts never really matter for these folks. I was one of those righteous ones, forgive me, who stood up in high school, in a BIG city school, and ‘lectured’ our science teacher about why the devil was turning us from the ‘truth’ with evolution and that we really were only 6000 years old—satan was responsible for ‘mistaken’ carbon dating results.

I would not have fought anyone for this belief back then, but I think this USA of 2008 has become a scary place with Christians ready to fight in any way for their own agenda of total control. I stepped in to stop a bloody fight in a public square between a ‘Christian’ and someone else that was denying ‘Jesus’s message’. The Christian tore into the other guy with his fists, for debating that the Dalai Lama was not evil and of satan. At least I could do something then. It was in a very liberal city.

The reactions from the ‘religious’, to SP, continues in glowing faces and insistance that we evil libs must be ignored. It tells me we need to work very very hard and this blog is important for sure–I just had to get all serious here for a minute as all this mess of hers doesn’t seem to be slowing them down at all!! It could even be solidifying their support. HOW??? They truly do believe that they are “in tune with the will of God”. Scary, huh. The mental wards used to be full of people like that. But hope springs eternal, while I sit here for hours and hours, neglecting all else, sending emails everywhere, and just HOPE!! Thank you allllll for sure. In this economy, I cannot afford a trip to the ER because of the stress…

5 09 2008

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels.

“A lie told often enough becomes truth” Vladimir Lenin

5 09 2008
UK lady

I’m thinking of gambling on line for the first time in my life on the Intrade site – Palin to be withdrawn before election gamble.

5 09 2008

Reminder: We Dems can’t take anything for granted. Remember 2000? Ugh.

It is vital to get large numbers of people registered to vote, especially in swing states.
Here’s a couple of sites that keep track of the Electoral votes for states:

to see the voter drives already planned in your area. And if you can, travel to a swing state and meet cool like-minded people!

We need to thump McCain/Palin. It really is important for everyone’s future that they do not win. Take nothing for granted. Don’t count on someone else to do the work. We’re all in this together.

Yes We Can – and we must.
Donate. Volunteer. Vote.

Obama/Biden 2008

5 09 2008

Thank God for Campbell Brown. She just had Paul Bugala..and Bay Buchanen on. Bay flipped on Campbell crying big bad medai. Paul brought up the 62 percent cut to special needs kids. He asked why the media wasnt reporting that lie.

Campbell and Bay were going at it…it was kind of funny

5 09 2008

Troopers dub Mat-Su area the meth capital of Alaska

5 09 2008

To Kem

Your post nearly made me cry. You know I dont believe the MSM is going to let this go so easily for her. Every hour they seem to be getting more angry. Every time a repub talking head says they dont have to let reporters talk to Palin..the people like Campbell Brown…KO…and dare I say it..Chris Matthews are getting angry. I see it happening. Campbell was just on…and she even raised her voice. lol

5 09 2008

Laurie (15:47:20) :
Campbell and Bay were going at it…it was kind of funny

She’s been prety fiesty with the Palin people hasn’t she.
They’re gonna be pissed at here AGAIN LOL

5 09 2008

Yes, they media won’t lay down this time. They did for the run-up to the Iraq War and they WILL NOT do it again.

5 09 2008

I will go watch them then. Campbell Brown already got in trouble but evidently she is going to keep trying to ask the right questions and ‘demand’ the truth. Thank you, Laurie. I am a hopeful kind of person but it has been strained of late! THANK YOU all.

5 09 2008

Elie…I too am Canadian. I have been saying the same thing to my friends. Donate and volunteer for the Liberals. Not the NDP…that just throws the vote away this election. Harper needs to go…he is just as bad and McBush.

We will probably have our election if there is to be one…next month. We can help make a difference that way.

5 09 2008

Rachel Maddow….she is going for blood

5 09 2008

Rachael Madow is subbing right now for KO and going strong.

5 09 2008

UK Lady, one out of wedlock pregnancy, that could be attritbuted as a “mistake”. Or God’s will.

But getting another girl knocked up a second time, well, that’s just being stupid and foolish. And it opens up the door to alot of other questions, like tghe lack of parental guidance. We already know what Bill O’Reilly thinks of parents who “let” their teenage girls get pregnant. They are pinheads.

5 09 2008

AK Mom, ask your daughter if it is true that Levi got another girl preggo in the 8th grade.

5 09 2008

McCain-Palin = Nixon-Agnew, With Some Buchanan For Seasoning

This venerable GOP game plan – practiced by such Republican luminaries as Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, Roger Stone and Charlie Black — seeks to turn the election into a choice between two fundamental visions. On one side are — as described by Palin on Wednesday night — good people, with clear implications about the ‘other’ people:

5 09 2008

I LOVE Rachel!!!!

Calling it what it is: Lies and Lying!!!

5 09 2008

“Gov. Palin can’t have it both ways,” said Bethany Lesser, spokeswoman for the Alaska Democratic Party. “Palin claims to spearhead reform in Alaska, rooting out corruption. But so far she has stood steadfast by indicted Sen. Stevens’s side. Alaskans and the nation deserve to know once and for all – where does Palin stand on Stevens for Senate?”

5 09 2008
SD Surfchick

Thank you for not having ads on your site. Just one of the many reasons I’m grateful and maybe the biggest reason after your writing ability, humor, intelligence that I trust what you have to say. The media love Palin because she sells. We all know that the public is bored and just want to be entertained. This is entertaining, but at least you do it out of the goodness of your heart.

5 09 2008

first time rachel watcher here….amazing!

5 09 2008

Dead on surfchick. The MSM mgmt teams love this scenario. Close race with racism, sexism and all the rest is going to be a ratings bonanza.

5 09 2008

fawnskin (16:27:51) :

first time rachel watcher here….amazing!

she just got her own show! HONEST and STRAIGHTFORWARD it’s
kind of bizarre to watch isn’t it?

5 09 2008

new ad playing in Michigan

5 09 2008

definition MAVERICK

1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.


5 09 2008

DTD SAYS: If your pastor rails against inequality in the United States of America, you’re an “extremist.” If your pastor welcomes a sermon by a member of Jews for Jesus who preaches that the killing of Jews by terrorists is a lesson to Jews that they must convert to Christianity, you’re a “fundamentalist.”

5 09 2008

Muckraker, do you know if there is a “well-known” rumor to this effect? Remember how all the locals already knew about Brisol? What’s the local scuttlebutt, or perhaps you haven’t heard yet?

5 09 2008

Just now on Larry King, Michael Moore managed to get in the ugly “joke” McCain told years ago about Chelsea Clinton. He said he firmly believes minor children are off limits and has felt that way ever since McCain made that remark – he went on to repeat the remark. I’ve always wondered why the Clintons forgave McCain – he apologized to them but there’s no way to take that back.
The public should be made aware of McCain’s bad history with women.

5 09 2008

Karen (16:05:44) :

Rachael Madow is subbing right now for KO and going strong.

I will be watch her for now on…some of other new person … are backing down to the GOP’s tactics

Hello All

I have had a very bad day…tried to get ready for fantasy football…but the TV for fill with those right-wing-christain-brainwash…lying crying about unfair treatment of SP..

Well if SP can attack everyone else…if she think she is not going to get it right back…what fantasy world is she living in…well enough of that…

McCain and SP say they are not going to let SP talk to news media unless they feel it is in their best interest…and people want to vote for these “Whopper Lier”

This is McCain and SP new name “Whopper Lier”

So here the first ———”Whopper Lying #1————–

Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs — In amongst all the other blatant falsehoods, Sarah Palin’s speech contained a heartwarming section about her youngest son and his special needs. She told special needs parents around the nation they’d have a friend in the White House if she was elected. With friends like this, they wouldn’t need enemies.

I will be posting regular “Whopper Lying #1 as I hunt them down on the internet, TV…she may be able hide from new media on TV but not us here at “mudflat family” … we will report everything..these too are good at lying

September 04, 2008
Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs Kids 60% in One Year
Sarah Palin is proving to be the Mayor of Liarsville and Governor of the State of Deception. Her speech last night was so full of inaccuracies, falsehoods, misleads, and flat out untruths I’m surprised that she thinks the American public is that stupid and I sure hope the GOP is regertting their crazed applause and support of her speech last night.

5 09 2008
NY Dem

Rachel is da bomb !! Great job calling it like it is ! Can’t wait until Monday when Keith and Rachel are on back-to-back 5 days a week !! 2 straight hours of NO republican spin !!

I lost track of how many lies Palin/McCain have been caught in – and their ticket is less than a week old.

Barack and Michelle, you might as well start picking out the White House china right now, because you are a shoe-in !!

5 09 2008

LOL – I’m hooked.

5 09 2008

you know, i’m one of those who want BabyGate (or, as it’s otherwise known, Broken WaterGate) investigated to the utmost, because I believe that if someone who would lie about a baby being hers instead of her daughters, who would falsify public documents, and repeatedly deceive the public, then it should be known, as a reflection on her character. But as for extramarital affairs, I really don’t care. I mean, unless she lied under oath, or stole money, or did it while the person’s wife was in a coma or drug rehab center, or other such thing, I really don’t care if she had an affair with some guy.

5 09 2008

Wow, has anyone got confirmation that Palin is an out and out rascist? This article ““racist-sexist-vindictive-and-mean”>Incendiary Sambo remark?

This blog is like crack so I need some confirmation.

5 09 2008

When I read “Little Black Sambo” as a child, there was no racial connotation at all since I was raised in a completely color blind way. Sambo tricked the tigers who chased each other around the tree out of greed and ran so fast they turned to butter to be served on a delicious meal of pancakes. It was a delightful story.

Come on folks. If progressives try to get leverage by characterizing opponents by their non-PC talk, Obama is gonna friggin lose the election.

Obama has to come out strong right now on health care and reviving the economy. Not many people can be clean fairies who never blow off steam in off-color remarks. If we were all so correct, we would be living in a borg cube. I used to be like that myself, but now believe that in the modern context such things are not a one-way street. Screw all the ass-clowns who think you can win an election by micro-mining verbalizations of the opponent for every little banal expression.

5 09 2008

OMG – I finally reached the last entry – and its 16:31:02 lol how many more have posted since I started ……

Pat (14:35:51) :
How many here donated to Obama? Yes
How many here watched the RNC last night? Yes
How many here are going to vote for McCain Pailin? Never

Am curious – could that “tax rebate issue for every man / woman / child which are Alaska citizens” be the reason she flew home from TX to deliver Trig?

Rachel is great – am looking forward to her show debut next week after KO interviews Obama !!!!

5 09 2008

Let’s not forget to add Moose Slayer to her resume.

5 09 2008

If the MSM isn’t making someone angry, then they aren’t doing their jobs.

Before Katrina, George Bush and company were not being held accountable for anything, and it took a major disaster to see that the Emperor wasn’t wearing any clothes. Even Fox News reporters rose above politics and became “journalists” for a few months, coming down hard on the same administration they had propped up before that.

So “journalism” isn’t about writing what people want to read, but asking questions to get at the truth. A Free Press is the basis of free speech in a democracy.

I’m sure Campbell Brown will keep asking hard questions because that is how a true journalist builds a career. Rachel Maddow and Keith O. are the same type of people. People think they are just slanted to the left, but that’s just the pendulum swinging back from the right, People said that Edward R. Murrow was being unpatriotic when he attacked McCarthy, but he just called a spade a spade.

Sarah Palin should go read “All the President’s Men” or at least watch the movie if she thinks she can’t be held accountable. It’s happened before and it will surely happen again when journalists do what they do.

5 09 2008

Palin said she put the jet on E-bay, she did not use the word “sold”

I hope somebody in Alaska is still trying to investigate Bristol and the birth of Trig as well as the “Broken Water-gate” scandal from Palin’s Texas trip.

6 09 2008

There should be a DNA test to determine paternity of Trig. Is the real father Brad Hanson or Scot Richter?

If you back track from April 18th, 2008, when the baby was born, conception had to occur during fishing season when Todd was away.

6 09 2008

I generally try to resist getting too caught up in the smarminess…
Really? Have you read your last dozen or so posts? Please. Get a grip on reality. You are a rabid Democrat with too much time on their hands.

6 09 2008

Love your site! Added it to my blogrolls. One can only hope that The Enquirer has real facts, they wouldn’t make a claim like this without them right?

6 09 2008

Kem, I took your entry and posted it on my pages, this is sooo scary and sad. Hope the tolerant and clueful Americans will win, this time round, that’s what the world needs and what the US of A needs.

6 09 2008
þetta hræðir mig « tölvuóða tónskáldið

[…] er hér og þetta komment frekar neðarlega, eins og […]

6 09 2008
this is scary « computernerd composer

[…] is scary Published September 6, 2008 politics Was reading mudflats and came across this […]

6 09 2008

What’s the big Deal about it? Barracudas are allowed to mate too…

The big thing would be if the famous-by-now “Little Trig” is a result of this affair…

O my…

6 09 2008
Unknown Nobody

When did she have time to be fooling around with other men? She is always pregnant.

6 09 2008

Give me leadership, not bullship.

Let me know when this election starts to be about important issues like foreign policy or economics as opposed to best hair styles, lapel flag pins and which candidate is a bedwetter.

“the mark of ‘the Beast’ is just a bad haircut”

6 09 2008

I linked to your site. I don’t mind telling you that I am more than a little concerned that these two are somehow going to make it to the Whitehouse…rumors withstanding, we all know how the Republicans can ‘fix’ things.

6 09 2008

I’m so sick of all this crap, November can’t come soon enough!

6 09 2008

Important or not the dirt and celebrity type talk of Palin certainly distracts
from the biggest theft in the history of the world during the last 8 years,
who is responsible, how it affects our future,
and the possibility of economic collapse today.

Rome is burning- lets talk dirt instead of putting out the fire, shall we?

6 09 2008
Rob Gokee

Thank you for making my morning. I love the blogsphere and how it’s fueling the Palin Train Derailment.

6 09 2008

My I link to your posts here, and at my livejournal account? This news needs to get OUT.

6 09 2008
The Locust Fork Journal » Blog Archive » New Palin Affair Rumors Fly

[…] it has recently come to our attention that a cool blog to watch for Alaska politics, Mudflats, carried a story on it, so here’s the key nugget. As I’ve already indicated, I […]

6 09 2008
Palin, Palin Everywhere « I love

[…] Did she sleep with Todd’s ex business partner? Did she  have secrets that she withheld? Stay tuned for the next episode of As The Politician Turns and you will find out! […]

6 09 2008



Hello, my name is Johnson

I was watching C-span Saturday morning at about 10:45 and a man by the name of Cliff Kincaid,

was on there sprewing lies about Obama being a communist and many other bad names..

Please investigate this information at the website :

or both

Click to access hawaii-obama.pdf

Please send a reply that you receive my important email. I will also
be checking Obama website for additional information.

The GOP is starting a swift-boat smear campaign and a attack on the new media…

I hope Obama/Biden will speak with strong voice …not softball responses

Please help me to find answer to this trouble information

Thank you

Please send a email to Obama at

I have send him one email and I will keep sending it everyday at least 5-10 times a day until I get a reply…

6 09 2008

You Democrats are so judgmental and prudish. You’re giving this woman a full gynecological examination simply because she disagrees with you on how to govern.

So let me get this straight. Democrats are the party that supports women, wants them to be strong leaders, and wants them to be successful both inside and outside the home? And above all else, Democrats will vigorously defend the sexual and reproductive choices of that strong woman, but only if that choice is to kill her unborn baby because it’s deemed to be defective? And it’s also the duty of the government to protect all of the children and people with special needs and people who simply cannot or will not provide for themselves? But if those people can be identified prior to exiting the birth canal, they should be killed? And all big oil companies are evil and we should do everything we can to hurt and weaken them, unless they are owned by foreign interests which hate America, then we should try to understand what we have done to offend them, find a way to make it better, and pay them whatever price they want for oil? And the only people who should have guns should be the government so that if some rich oil company executive (or Charlie Rangel) doesn’t pay 70 percent of his income into the coffers to support the rest of us, the government can easily go to his house with those guns and confiscate his ill-gotten assets?

Man it’s too much for my simple, bitter, fly-over country, small town, clinging to religion and guns mind to understand. Will one of you smarter than everyone else Democrats please reach out and help me by fully explaining it in very simple, logical terms?

Ah, that will make life easier. Now I can just wait for the Democrats to take care of me. I’ll close my business, fire my 70 employees (tell them that’s what the Democrats want me to do), cease to be a productive tax payer, and suck off the teat of the other poor, stupid saps who work their asses off to pay for my cable TV, cigarettes, and beer. Yay Obama!!!! Hope and change! Excellent plan! You guys are geniuses!

6 09 2008

well, we can close this thread now. all rumors have been debunked.

anybody out there have the time to debunk the debunkers!!!!

6 09 2008

This is just another pathetic attempt from the left to destroy Palin. The sad thing is that the mainstream media also has been reduced to the level of the National Enquirer.

6 09 2008

i can’t find my original post re:

this is what i said:

“we might as well close this thread because all rumors have been debunked:

then i asked, “does anyone have the time to debunk the debunker”?

6 09 2008

are our comments disappearing?

6 09 2008

well , that one worked…sooooo….

i’ve tried to post this twice re someone here needs to debunk the debunker:

6 09 2008
6 09 2008

troll alert

6 09 2008

i’ve tried four times to post this:

6 09 2008

yeah, baby! you KNOW that the lefties are SCARED TO DEATH of sarah when they start depending on the national enquirer to do their dirty work.

HA! i laugh in their faces!

i LOVE the smell of panicking moonbats in the morning!

6 09 2008
6 09 2008

more trolls

6 09 2008

Sarah Palin is like a drug….but we have to win this thing. I’m giving away money to people who dispel the lies spewed at the Republican Convention

And Fawnskin…how perfect. You made me laugh so hard I almost choked on my coffee…

6 09 2008

Whatever truth comes from the National Enquirer stories, the MSM will jump on board.


6 09 2008
Indiana Pearl

The left won’t destroy Palin. Her stupidity will.

6 09 2008
Cindy Brown

The fact that this rumored affair is being reported by the National Enquirer practically guarantees that it is NOT true. Come on folks, get real. Don’ believe everything you read. I’m a Democrat and even I think this woman is being treated unfairly in the blogosphere. React to the facts, not to the rumors. I don’t think Palin is a suitable running mate and I certainly hope that she would never be president, but have a little decency here.

6 09 2008
John Nail
6 09 2008

@ AnneinWA (09:00:02) :

yourinfo (08:41:09) :

Are you sure you want to draw attention to this wacko’s website? His and many other smear sites are out there.


AnneinWA…. you are so right … lack of sleep the last few days … is taking toll on me …

I will try to take a short break for fantasy football …. but I don’t know how I can…

McCain/SP are so crazy….thank you again…I will post this message everywhere….

6 09 2008

Why do people waste so much time on this crap instead of on the issues that are important?

An aside to ‘chicagoan’ who was “laughing loudly in the face of Republicans”: are you still trying to relieve yourself of the embarrassment from the acts of the last president elected from your party?

6 09 2008

Will someone in Alaska check out this rumor: (it was removed from Yahoo answers about an hour after someone posted it, I copied it from the cache) But more important, check out the Frontiersman’s story link from 12/05.

Was Sarah Palin’s son “Track Palin” arrested for vandalism?
Most recently there is discussion that Track Palin, then 16, was one of the 3 boys arrested for vandalizing 44 Mat-Su school buses – an incident that forced the Mat-Su Borough School District to close schools for a day on Nov. 29. Furthermore, one of the “alleged” outcomes as a result of the arrest was Track’s agreement to enlist and when he turned 18. Apparently a judicial insider claims this story will break officially to the media. Does anybody have more information to either verify or discredit this?

If any of this is true, this woman’s ambition and the damage it has done to her children is what is criminal!

6 09 2008
6 09 2008

Umm, whoever believes the Babygate has been satisfactorily resolved may not be very sensible of the signs before their eyes. I am not satisfied given the ample precedents of Sarah Palin’s untruths on other matters, including her initial attempt to suppress disclosure of her daughter’s more recent pregnancy, and the generally weird vibe that wafts off this family in waves. No, this is not prurience; this is an inquiry into the question of Palin’s basic honesty her exploitation of her family in her narrative makes an examination in this area completely fair game. So, when did Todd Palin get back from the Bristol Bay fishery in 2007, anyway? Anyone in Alaska know?

6 09 2008

wow, thank you for this site! i can see why you’re all addicted.

i can’t believe this palin, she’s the gift that keeps on giving! what an absolute fraud she is


6 09 2008

Ahh the democrats know how to toss the mud well.

6 09 2008

It never ends, does it?

–The Wow Jones Report

6 09 2008

@natehobbs: Am from a long line of die-hard Repubs, however began breaking with that idealogy in the 1990s, formally in 2004. Just so you know, back in Jan. 1998, I couldn’t break away from the breaking Clinton news long enough to get my work done….

But this Palin problem takes the cake!! Toss the mud?? Are you kidding? Even my own father — a lifelong Republican party member — will admit privately how horrible this situation is!!!

6 09 2008


Sarah Palin calling Barack Hussein Obama a Sambo and Hillary Clinton a Bitch??? Sheeeeesh…

–The Wow Jones Report

6 09 2008

maybe they have an “open” marriage

folks that live in a state like alaska tend to be outside the norms of regualr society-and before I get ranted on watch its Tougher in Alaska -even urban dwelling Alaskans put up with stuff the avg American would riot about before living with on a daily basis.

6 09 2008

Hi from across the pond. GB calling.

What in the name of goodness is happening to you lot over there. Right wing Jesus freak president, weed smoking muslim leftist candidate.

Sheesh, wake up America. Mc Cain for president !!

6 09 2008

I know that I am seriously in the minority here in the comments section of this blog, but for some idiotic reason, I’m posting anyway.
First of all, folks, this country was founded on Judeo Christian principles! Yes, we do have the consitutional privilege to worship, or not worship, if that so be your desire, but please do not ever forget that this country’s backbone is Judeo Christian principles that our forefathers brought to this great nation!
I find it interesting that the majority of information coming out to discredit Sarah Palin is personal and not relevant to her ability to govern!! Yes, she has a knocked up 17-year-old daughter. Yes, she has personal issues. I would like to see just half of this BS have come up in the media for Democratic candidates!! Do not even begin to tell me that Obama and Biden are good family men who have never sinned in their lives. I just find it sad that the media can stoop so low when it comes to a Republican candidate and not for the pro-“choice” crowd.

6 09 2008

Why can’t all you democrat/liberal bashing people go play somewhere else? You’ve had the country for the last 8 years–why can’t we have our happy little blog here without you beating on us? It’s not bad enough you want to tell us
1.) how to practice out religious beliefs
2.) enter our bedrooms and tell us what we ought to and ought not to do there.
3.) tell women what they may or may not do with thier bodies (I’m not talking abortion but contraception, the latest attack on women)

But then you have to come and bash us every place we congregate, even in the cyber world. Why are you such busybodys, anyway? I really do think you people have way too much time on your hands.

I’ve been enrolled as “independent” since I was 18. And I have voted Republican in the past. This year I’m officially becoming a Democrat. I’m tired of my government preaching to me. And I’m sick to death of the Republican verison of Freedom, which is basically The Freedom to Force Christianity and Other Beliefs Down Everyone Elses’ Throats.

6 09 2008

Amen, Dee!

6 09 2008
6 09 2008

You know… something was familiar about all of this stuff…. oh, yeah! When someone mentioned “train wreck” I thought of “The Runaway Bride” with Richard Gear. It all has the same tone, humor, and just the right touch of seriousness. Our country does not need another scandal like this…. I used to not believe all this stuff especially from the Enquirer, until I saw so many of these scandals end up being the truth.

6 09 2008
6 09 2008

It just keeps getting better.

Either Palin “withdraws” her name from consideration within a few weeks or McCain loses this fall. It’s that simple.

6 09 2008

This just shows how much fear the liberals have of Palin and the strength in which she has taken on the nation with a huge following. Rather than focusing on the election, the “issues” (as Obama himself claims the focus needs to be on), his campaign is busy trying to find marital problems between a happily married couple. A couple who just had their 5th child. Gosh, I guess things are going really badly for the couple, huh?

The more the liberals dig for things that are family related and personal, the more they will turn people off. American people have families and they have problems too – so they certainly can relate to things of that nature. Attacks on someone’s family, is just another attack on another American family.. a family who will be voting in November.

I find it highly ironic that when conservatives research Obama’s past – and let’s face it, his past is extremely creepy, if not downright terrifying – they are creating a smear.. when I think that the American people have a right to know that one of the presidential candidates *coincidentally* has a past filled with anti-American, communist-spreading, crime-causing friends. Of course, those findings are denied every time..without validation.. but believe me, it makes a lot of us Americans wonder how many coincidences we can accept as just that.. a coincidence.

6 09 2008

To thewowjonesreport:

LOL! Have you read the source?!

C’mon folks.. We better listen to “Lucille”, the waitress!! Who is too chicken to use her last name.

“According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.”

6 09 2008

Democrats are so envious of Palin’s quick popularity, that they are trying to bring her down.

If she’s so terrible, then it would mean an easy win for the Democrats, right?

Well, the Democrats know she isn’t terrible – and actually, is rather perfection for a VP candidate.

Don’t you guys forget what Biden has said of Obama, prior to becoming his running mate. It just shows that Obama and Biden are milking each other to get into the White House. They don’t give a crap about each other.

6 09 2008
Top Posts «

[…] This is Getting Ugly. New Palin Rumors Fly. It’s hopeless. Just when you think you’ll get a few minutes to eat, or work, or have a life, more cars on […] […]

6 09 2008

You dems are losing your minds right now! I love that you guys are trying ANYTHING to get your tax-raising, global health care-providing, flip-flopper elected. But don’t you worry! Keep on trying to find dirt on McCain and Palin! You have to do something because your candidate can’t stand on his issues OR his experience alone! Call me if you need a razor blade to get that Obama08 bumper sticker off your car when he loses. Just don’t use it on yourself … he’s not worth it!

6 09 2008
Bec Thomas

Tell me you don’t actually take the Enquirer seriously. There are many important issue actually worth discussing like engery policy and your to busy worrying about flase rumors that the Enquirer puts forth, these are the same people that are sure bot boy breed with and alien.

6 09 2008

Its Gettin Hott In Herre!!!

6 09 2008

Don’t miss visiting

6 09 2008
Carolina Maine

Can we all just stop using “train wreck” to describe something/someone gone wrong. That is driving me NUTS!!!!!!!!!

6 09 2008
Carolina Maine

Oops ? after wrong–

6 09 2008


Republicans are so envious of Obama’s quick popularity, that they are trying to bring him down.

If he’s so terrible, then it would mean an easy win for the Republicans, right?

Well, the Republicans know he isn’t terrible – and actually, is rather perfection for a Pres. candidate.

Don’t you guys forget what Palin has said of McCain, prior to becoming his running mate. It just shows that McCain and Palin are milking each other to get into the White House. They don’t give a crap about each other.

How’s that?

6 09 2008

We all know the National Enquirer is the only paper you can trust nowadays. J/K

Very informative blog, even if I don’t always agree. 🙂

6 09 2008
web tasarımı

Loudly in the face of the republicans.

6 09 2008

Here, here!

The desperation and panic shown by liberals squandering and bending over backwards to find any potential dirt on this woman is the best entertainment I have seen in years.

Pushing as much mis-information and ‘alleged’ stories out as fast as they can… painting her as a heathen… hoping people will be silly enough to believe most or all of these stories.

As a college student studying journalism (with no political affiliation and no registered party) I can only hope my professors are right when they say the American public is becoming ever-savvy and able to distinguish between spin and rhetoric. Shame on the journalists who claim to be unbiased and giving fair and balanced coverage. This is a media circus. This is the silly politics of silly bloggers who push their personal agenda with no responsibility what-so-ever.

You want to clean up Washington? Clean up yourselves. Quit lying to yourselves. Where is the dignity and integrity. I, for one, am disgusted. This is precisely why I find so many young people are discouraged to take part in politics and to vote. The quality of journalism today is not only in jeopardy, it is well on its why to becoming extinct.

I am discouraged to tune into any media outlets until this garbage is past.

6 09 2008


The desperation and panic shown by liberals squandering and bending over backwards to find any potential dirt on this woman is the best entertainment I have seen in years.

What are you paying attention to? Also, you left out something: squandering what? Squandering “potential dirt”?

Pushing as much mis-information and ‘alleged’ stories out as fast as they can… painting her as a heathen… hoping people will be silly enough to believe most or all of these stories.

Are you whining “sexist”? Journalists shouldn’t do that. A news cycle is 24-7, you know. Misinformation bears out or does not. “Alleged stories” are fleshed out, to one end or another,…or somewhere in between. You know, Karl Rove did what you are apparently attempting to outline, including the part about “hoping people will be silly enough to believe most or all of these stories.”

Look it up.

As a college student studying journalism (with no political affiliation and no registered party) I can only hope my professors are right when they say the American public is becoming ever-savvy and able to distinguish between spin and rhetoric. Shame on the journalists who claim to be unbiased and giving fair and balanced coverage. This is a media circus. This is the silly politics of silly bloggers who push their personal agenda with no responsibility what-so-ever.

Red herring.

You want to clean up Washington? Clean up yourselves. Quit lying to yourselves. Where is the dignity and integrity. I, for one, am disgusted. This is precisely why I find so many young people are discouraged to take part in politics and to vote. The quality of journalism today is not only in jeopardy, it is well on its why to becoming extinct.

That is the question, in part: Who is lying and what are the lies? Indeed, where is the dignity and integrity? With what are you disgusted? “Silly bloggers”? Or your party’s strategy? Yes, you do have a political affiliation, whether registered or not. Your post indicates a great sense of your values and ethics.

The quality of journalism is ever-evolving. It’s not a one-way drive. Do your part.

Or, are you?

6 09 2008

You bothered to go to the trouble to post this based on a potential National Enquirer bit??

Thanks for stealing ten minutes of my life for entirely no reason whatsoever.


6 09 2008


How do you reconcile “the best entertainment I have seen in years” with “I am discouraged to tune into any media outlets until this garbage is past.” ? Are you on the edge of making a decision, but can’t quite finalize the choice? How deeply discouraged are you? It’s “garbage”, right?


There are Liberals here, definitely.
But there are also Conservatives.
There are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents posting and reading here. There are also a few truly politically-unaffiliated posters and readers.

6 09 2008


Do you not accept personal responsibility for your choice of reading matter?

6 09 2008

But the National Enquiry has zero credibility. Sure, they got *some* of the details right about John Edwards, but with stuff like Martian babies and Oprah giving birth to Elvis’ kid? Come on.

6 09 2008
6 09 2008

To all my Democratic friends in the USA. There is a political system that combines and defines all the dreams of the great society you are trying to establish for us. It has universal healthcare, jobs for everyone, allows abortion, eliminates God from everything, and taxes everyone uniformly. The system is called “Communism.”
Electing McCain brings Sarah Palin a heart beat away from the presidency, but voting for Mr. Liberal brings us a heart beat away from Communism.

6 09 2008

I thought a general comment was okay, but I am flattered by your thorough break down of my post. And, perhaps, an attempt at undermining my intent and message therein.

No, I do not find it necessary to humor you and make reference in great detail every article, video package, blog post, essay, and headline with which I am reffering to. But I think it is great you picked my post to ask that of. Thank you. But you go ahead and “look it up”. Or turn on the television… or read any Palin headliner… or open a liberal blog… or…. hih hih hih… see how silly this gets? I think you understood me. Media circus was pretty all-inclusive I thought.

And I’m glad you pointed out my blog DOES have a great sense of values and ethics. If you could only see how red I blush. “Awwww shucks.”

And I do well realize the industry is ever-evolving. My post wasn’t predicting the final Armageddon of journalism. It was a reflection on how desperate and pathetic the current state of affairs in the media is however.

Well, much to your credit, you didn’t once refer to the liberal demigod and fact manipulator Michael Moore… and your post certainly didn’t have the standard comment feel of “YAY high-five other liberal friends!!! Knock it off and BOOOOO conservatives- we don’t want any exposure to any agenda beyond that of our close-minded platform although we’d like to think we’re something of progressives and the champions of change and acceptance but anyone and anything that comes in the way of our Obama must be crushed, no matter the consequences.”

No, I had not decided who I will vote for. But every time I spoke of Obama’s acceptance speech and how choked up and wonderful I felt it was (and how much of an incredible leader and energizer he has been) now makes me regret feeling open-minded and willing to give credit to a party who is showing such tasteless and upsetting representation of their opponent right now.

I was raised on the principle you gotta give credit where credit is due and to always be willing to lend an ear to the other team.

Or… wait… *clear throat*… were you?

6 09 2008

After clinton turned the oval office into the oral office we are worried about this?

6 09 2008


Wouldn’t this be better addressed to not only Democrats, but Republicans, Independents, et al, too, in the spirit of an open and free election?

But, regardless, your correlation of “Mr. Liberal” to “Communism” is flawed.

To be clear, though, you are proposing that, should the Obama/Biden ticket be elected, the U.S.A. will be “a heart beat way from” states such as, for example, currently, China, Brazil, and North Korea?

Biden would bring that?

6 09 2008

Not Haiku
What is it that you believe?
Glass houses, thrown stones

6 09 2008

The haiku come back.

I didn’t see that coming! Surely. your intellect and wit is limitless.

…now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to light some candles and meditate. Heaven forbid you come up with a sonnet. I might have to take you seriously!

6 09 2008

Cricket, is that you?

6 09 2008

Know what I heard? I heard she invented the internal combustion engine at the behest of George BusHitler in order to speed the death of our planet, and that she slept with every member of the Alaska State Senate in one night in her bid to become the first walking sperm bank, and the FACT that she has had not five but FIFTEEN children and has drunk the blood of the first ten in order to remain immortal as a she-vampire.

But I’m sorry. We’re feminists. We’re dedicated to the advance of women everywhere. Unless of course they don’t tow the Democratic line to a “T” or God forbid, actually think for themselves.

Honestly, after watching the shameless (albeit non-sensical) attacks by the left on Sarah Palin, I wonder how anyone could possibly vote for a Democrat ever again. Care to enlighten me?

6 09 2008

A few comments from a PALEOCON (not a neocon) who is REAL conservative and more conservative than you Repugs:

* Everyone interested in Palin’s tawdry past is NOT a “liberal” or a “Democrat”

* Character DOES matter; that is why if this woman has pulled off a huge hoax faking the “fifth pregnancy” to protect her daughter OR has had an extramarital affair then we all need to know about it. I don’t want a KNOWN LIAR in the President or Veep slot; hell, I don’t want a KNOWN LIAR as my town’s dogcatcher. Troopergate is bad enough. My vote will be for a write-in candidate so I am not supporting Obama-Biden. Meanwhile I will continue digging for the TRUTH since it doesn’t appear we will be getting any TRUTH about these issues from the Palin camp.

So you slobbering Faux-News-Watchin’ RINOs can kiss my ass.

Now, back to the news:

Levi reportedly fathered a child when he was in the 8th grade. That girl was 13 or 14 at the time. She bore Levi a son named Connor. If any Alaskans can verify this, we would appreciate it.

According to this, the Palins investments are worth ~$9 million.

6 09 2008

Well I’m Alaskan. Writing you from IN Alaska. And I’ll tell you. That sounds like a bunch of bull shit.

Now let me ask you this. If I had said yes, would that have been verifying it? You would just take my word for it?

…You can kiss MY ass.

6 09 2008

-And if you are referring to the fake myspace page an adult (and fake) created to parody the situation of Levi Johnston, you have no business running around asking for people to verify things.

This is exactly what I get at when I say journalism is becoming a household JOKE.

Slobber on that. 🙂

6 09 2008
6 09 2008
the RWT

This really IS juicy!

If Palin was such a horrible choice by Senator McCain, Barry Obama & his moonbat followers would not be spending so much time & effort trying to smear her in every vile way possible – you all would simply allow the ticket to fall of its own weight. However, according to a recent poll, almost as many people believe Governor Palin is as qualified to be President as the “Messiah” is … and she’s not running for President until 2016!

Good to see so much consternation on the lib side – should be an interesting race to the finish. Don’t forget, Hillary’s dirty tricks squad is still out there looking for pictures of Obambi in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.

6 09 2008

Unbelievable the crap everyone is talking about Palin, why don’t all of you people take a look at Obama?

Take a look at the church he was going to for years and years…..take a look at the house he bought from a criminal for around $160,000 that is worth around $700,000. It sure is easy for people to forget to look at their own choice for president and get caught up in slamming the other guys. Obama the community organizer should not have never been chosen to represent the Democrats. He will lose in November and you democrats will be wondering what the hell you were thinking not picking Clinton, or at least talking miser Obama criminal lover to pick her as his running mate. You have no chance at winning with this guy. I can’t wait until the debates when your master speech giver has to think for himself on every question. He WILL be exposed and he WILL lose. I can’t wait.

6 09 2008

With everyone’s first impression of Palin being attractive, maybe she’s a little too hot if you catch my drift.

7 09 2008

Attractive by political standards = hexagon headed harpy by normal standards.

7 09 2008

How come the Palins are so rich?

The Palins say they had to elope 20 years ago because they had no money.

Todd said he could not finish college because of money problems.

The Palins tried but failed at a car wash business.

In her big speech, Sarah bragged that her husband is a union worker (implying that he is just a hard working “9 to 5” kind of guy).

But, Todd has been a stay-at-home dad for about a year, which means he had no employment income.

Don’t forget, that the Palins have been raising a bunch of kids, which, of course, is expensive to do.

Sarah started working in politics around 1996, when she became a mayor.

But, somehow (according to this web page the Palins have amassed a net worth of about NINE MILLION DOLLARS.

How is that possible?

Where did all that money come from — considering that for most of the past 20 years Tood has been a union worker and Sarah has been a public servant?

Someone needs to investigate this, no?

Big oil responsible for the Palins amazing wealth??

7 09 2008

“Send in the trolls. Where are the trolls? Don’t worry, they’re here.”

It’s hilarious that all the trolls are here now, saying “Boy, you ‘libs’ are sure worried about losing. Stop picking on our little gal. And by the way, your guys are communists, too.”

But you can’t defend your candidates or their positions. No, that’s too hard to do. Defend Palin’s political positions on Iran, China, the economy. What? I can’t hear you…

7 09 2008

Oh, my.

First: Totally not surprised.
Second: Why are the Republicans here so indignant when someone raises questions or points out something that their candidates have done wrong? They certainly have no difficulty in going there when it comes to Dem candidates.

Here’s what I think:
We are so used to dealing in surface perceptions, we no longer bother looking at actual issues. And when actual issues are raised, they force us away from those comfortable surface perceptions. A war hero. A beauty queen turned hockey mom turned governor. Deeper? A senator who claims to be anti-lobby, yet is in the pocket of the telecoms, and used a Bill Clinton line (“I did not have sex with that woman!”) in order to hush up the fact that he took millions from her company. A governor who pats herself on the back for saying no to congress on the “bridge to nowhere,” yet is KEEPING THE MONEY! A woman who was vetted by an ultra right wing religious organization, believes creationism should be taught as science, and would overturn Roe V Wade…. and is trying to woo Hillary Clinton voters, even though she’s the antithesis of everything Hillary stands for. As if there’s no real difference between women, any uterus in office will do.

I think perception has done enough to our country over the past eight years. I’m done with the “guy you can have a beer with.” I WANT someone in there who’s smarter than I am. Who understands the economy and foreign policy and the issues without having their dad’s CIA buddy explain it.

7 09 2008

Sigh. I just don’t see us Conservatives ever convincing you Liberals to agree with us. And the reverse is just as unlikely. It’s very unfortunate.

So I think we should all just work out here on this blog how to divy up the country. Obviously the Libs will get to keep California. But how will we handle all of the other states?

I have mixed feelings about that though. As much as I enjoy the thought of living in a country with only people who work hard, produce, take personal responsibility, punish criminals, protect the innocent, and defend ourselves. I would worry about what the Liberals would do once they figured out that all of their support programs, their freedom to act out any adolescent fantasies that pop into their minds, and their protection from the world’s real religious fanatics who would see them as the ultimate evil which must be eradicated was all being paid for by us. I imagine they would react very poorly to that realization and then we’d just have another mess on our hands.

Sigh again. I guess we’re stuck with them.

7 09 2008

Wow, Lee. Nice straw man.

7 09 2008
UK lady

What is the reality of Levi Johnsons life right now? can he make or receive unmonitored phone calls? Textmessages? e-mails, can he freely go on-line? Is he smart enough to know he is being handled? Does he know his life is no longer his own and won’t be for a very very long time?

7 09 2008


Your link doesn’t show anything specific about the $9 million value of the Palin’s investments, but it does bring up a good point – has she disclosed her income tax returns and completed the financial disclosure forms?

7 09 2008


Yea, I’d like to know if those are estimates or where exactly those figures came from. That “article” looked FAR from reliable. How about you do your own research first before trying to pass this information off as a credible source? What merit does that “writer” have?

You have yet to prove anything. This is just one more piece of work on top of the growing pile of rhetoric and spin on Sarah Palin. Your contribution has been noted.

7 09 2008

I found my earlier post

To cricketcarlson :

I’m not trying to prove anything, nor is it my job to prove anything.

I did not cite the link and claim that it was reliable, just that it was the source of the information about the Palins supposed wealth. I agree the source does not appear to be reliable, because there is no link to verify anything about the Palins financial situation, just an unverified statement that the Palins have $9 million. So, it is unfair to state that I tried to “pass this information off as a credible source.” You read way too much into my post.

The story that I linked got me thinking that the Palins have not released their tax returns. I wrote my post just to get others thinking about the Palins financial situation as well — especially if it is true that they have amassed a sizable fortune.

The Palins should release their tax returns and we should be complaining about that until they do. If and when they do we can all figure out if their wealth is legitimate or not.

7 09 2008


Had you done two seconds of research, you would have found out that the tax information was released September 2.

Tax return information is 100% a relevant aspect of Sarah Palin’s life that we should know about (and yes, should demand to know about. You are very correct.)

But it took my no effort or digging to find this information. Now, theres one less thing to complain about.

7 09 2008

An example of a reliable source: The Alaska State Government official web page.,%20Sarah-08.pdf?pof

7 09 2008

Cricket: Your unnecessarily snotty response strongly suggests you are working for McCain/Palin or the Repubs. I’m underwhelmed.

Obviously, your desperately trying to bury the issue of the Palins’ financials as quickly as possible. Why is that? Something to hide? Like $9 million dollars in assets for a union worker and a civil servant?

I don’t know what “tax information” was released on September 2nd. If you have a link to the actual tax returns of the Palins, please share it.

The link you provided is not to any tax returns, but to the Alaska Public Office Commission’s “Financial Disclosure Statement,” which is similar to the very vague disclosure statement required of U.S. Senators. But that vague disclosure statement was not good enough for the public. We asked for and got the actual tax returns from the candidates.

So, please don’t try and placate the public with just the “Financial Disclosure Statement.” It is wholly inadequate.

7 09 2008

The unsealed divorce papers of one Jack Ryan of Illinois handed Barack Obama a landslide victory in the 2004 Senate race. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

7 09 2008

My “snotty” response suggests I work for somebody?

Get real. I have to laugh. Relax.

8 09 2008

it seems to me as i look over these threads this morning that the one place that sarah is really vunerable is the story on her son, track.
has anyone found anymore info on the bus vandalism incident and his enrolling in the army?
please, anyone in alaska. can you tell us something.

8 09 2008

So….this has basically devolved to “oh, you stupid libruls”? Really?

1. John McCain is 72, and would be the oldest person elected president for his first term. Sarah Palin, therefore is undergoing close scrutiny. This isn’t “jealousy” or “sexism.” Sorry, but vetting candidates and asking them hardball questions has been going on for centuries. NOT asking questions of a candidate based on their gender (“you’re being meeeeeeeeeeeaaan!!”) is sexism.

2. Sarah Palin has accepted that “bridge to nowhere” money and isn’t giving it back. Again; not “jealousy” or “sexism.” Bad public policy.

3. She hasn’t any experience in foreign policy. I don’t care if she can see the Kremlin from her desk; it doesn’t make her a foreign policy expert any more than Bush’s going AWOL from the National Guard and then crashing a jet made him a pilot.

4. Her policy on abortion (not even in the case of rape or incest) and creationism (it’s as much a scientific theory as evolution) make her a non starter for many Hillary supporters. That McCain thought he could throw any old uterus at us and think that’d be good enough just goes to show how out of touch with women he is.

5. Her deficit spending hardly makes her a “fiscal conservative.”

6. The only way Dems will lose this election is if we actually start listening to conservatives who say we’re going to. They’re scared. And they should be. They went into this contest under the impression they’d be up against Hillary Clinton; someone they could beat even if their candidate was a turnip. So they chose McCain. The question is not “why isn’t Obama beating McCain handily?” The question is “Why is McCain, the elder statesman, the one with all the experience, not wiping the floor with Barack Obama?”

8 09 2008
NY Dem

Palin jokes about a bridge to nowhere… while keeping the money for the failed project. Cuts funding for single mothers in Alaska.. could it be irony that her daughter is single, pregnant? What about the daughters of hockey mom’s that don’t have the money that she has. The woman actually states, “I don’t even know what a vice president does”. All are proof that McCain is just as bright a light bulb as our current monkey running this country. Stop the madness folks.. vote for Obama or she may be our next president.

8 09 2008

Does the “rumor” going around several blogs about Track Palin’s reason for going into the service have any “legs”? According to the blogs, Track and three of his friends vandalized some school buses in Wasilla a couple years ago when he was 16. Seems he moved to Michigan to finish his senior year in high school and then enlisted in the army upon graduation. The story goes that the judge gave him a choice of enlisting or serving some time for his crime. Is there any truth to this rumor? If so, it looks like Sarah has another blot on her parenting skills.

10 09 2008

Honestly, if there was a good 3rd source this year I would probably vote for them. I don’t like McCain at all. Palin is a liar, right now I am not hot on Obama and think he regrets taking Biden over Hilliary.

18 09 2008

Leave Sarah and Britney alone! I luv Track and want him to give me a “dirty sanchez”.

8 10 2008

I don’t think Obama regrets not picking Hilary at all and Bill Clinton said she didn’t want to be VP. She is not the type to be second fiddle. I started out for her and came to really like what Obama was saying more and we need a fresh outlook on things. We have had a Bush or a Clinton in the White House for the last 20 years. Time for some new blood. A new outlook.

9 10 2008

Sarah; Be careful what you wish for. The new outlook is “OLD” disguised in smooth rhetoric. BO seems to have a hypnotic effect on young people. There is a motivational recommendation to hang with a leader if you want to be a leader, or with a rich guy if you want to be rich. Please take note of who BO is hanging with to decide what he wants to be.