Palin-Palooza Wrap Up.

4 09 2008

Part of me really didn’t want to watch last night. Several of my friends here in Anchorage couldn’t bring themselves to do it, and I understand why. Doubtless there are many others in Alaska who were glued to their sets. I knew Palin would deliver the speech well, considering her sportscasting experience. I knew she’d look good, and have an air of sincerity and straight talk. But I also knew she didn’t actually write the speech, so this was going to be more a test of delivery rather than a thoughtful dissertation full of policy details. But I watched anyway. It was kind of like a personal test of strength. I passed.

The stunner of the speech for me? “I said thanks, but no thanks to that Bridge to Nowhere”. Frankly, I was surprised she said it the first time, shocked she said it the second time, but again? Almost incomprehensible. This must be her test to see if that old George Bush theory that if you say something enough, people will just believe it, is true. No other explanation seems possible. This is easy to fact check. Really easy. Palin decided she didn’t want the bridge when she learned that Alaska would have to pay too much for it. If Stevens and Young had been able to pull it off, we’d be motoring to Gravina Island right now.

The nastiness of the speech surprised me a bit too. I had imagined that she’d be playing the Mom card – sensitive, caring, tough when she had to be, but the feel-good human side of the Republican party. It would have made it much more difficult for Joe Biden to flay her in the debate without looking mean. But time and time again, she stuck it to Obama with relish, and not on policy either. She talked about elitism, lack of ‘executive experience’, did the whole “parting the waters and saving the world” snark, mocked the use of the dreaded columns at Mile High Stadium, and criticized the Obama logo. Are we really reduced to logo bashing? McCain has been on the wrong side of so many issues that matter to people in this election, there’s obviously nothing left. And that’s what gives me comfort.

But the cherry on top was her sneering, snarky comment about how being a mayor was like being a community organizer, only with “actual responsibility”.

A commenter on this blog summed it up so well: (hat tip MH&

“Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor.”

Can we cram that all on to a bumper sticker, or will we only be able to make t-shirts…

The fact that this derision of community organizers was met with rousing applause by the delegates did nothing but cement the fact for many viewers that this is really the opinion, and the spirit of the Republican ‘base’. What did all the good-hearted Republican community organizers out there watching the speech think, not only of the comment, but of the reaction from their own party? Whoever the speech writer was, it became apparent rather quickly they were going for zingers, barbs, and clever one-liners, and not really thinking much about how the non-bloodthirsty segment of the viewing audience would feel about it.

Sarah Palin was the Hail Mary pass of the GOP. The McCain campaign is counting on voters being dazzled by the package, enchanted with the newness, and pumped up by the fightin’ spirit of this unusual political figure. And they are also counting on the fact that most people will go no deeper than that.

Soon the Republican convention will be wrapping up, and we’ll be ready to move to the next phase of the campaign. How will Palin fare in an actual interview? What will happen in the debate with Joe Biden, who just said he would be “unrelenting” in his challenge of Palin? What will Hillary Clinton have to say about this? Stay tuned.



341 responses

4 09 2008

It was hard for me to sit through as well. She’s exactly like Bush. She’ll have it her way, lie to the public, and remove everyone in her path.

Your either with her, or against her.

4 09 2008

this blog is wonderful, i feel like i dug up some gold in Alaska; you akmudracker, you are….quite a community organizer !!!!! Kudos to u ! just look how everyone ( the virtual community ) is coming to your blog, learning facts and then trying to do everything they can in order to bring upon the change we badly need !

folks keep on going ! you are all amazing and inspiring !

4 09 2008

Can we share this on our blogs? I’ll take it off if not.

A commenter on this blog summed it up so well: (hat tip MH)

“Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor.”

4 09 2008

Thank you SO MUCH for this “Wrap up” – I too watched it last night, and have a red mark on my forehead from slapping it so much. I really enjoy your points & arguments/statements, and look forward to reading along for the rest of the election season. Go, Mud!!

4 09 2008
Memphis, NY

can the person with the link to palin scandals repost it I CANNOT find it
Loved it

4 09 2008

Great wrap up. I didn’t want to watch the speech as well. As a matter of fact, I turned on the TV hoping I missed it. Grrr. Tonight, I promise that I will not watch McCain’s speech, because everytime he says “My friends”, an angel plummets to its death.

I really enjoy your blog and I am looking forward to reading your blog after the Nov. 4th election.

4 09 2008

Oh, Yeah, Can we repost as long as we provide a link & credits?

4 09 2008

It’s hard to believe she mocked HIS experience with a straight face. She is one nasty woman and a perfect addition to this Republican campaign. There is no doubt she will crash and burn, but it’s like she putting a cigarette out in a puddle of jet fuel. I would have thought by now, these idiots would realize they are going to have to inject some sort of issues into these Dem attacks, but no, the same old Bush politics. LIE, LIE AND THEN LIE SOME MORE.

4 09 2008
Kathi D

Oh, I love your blog so very much and I am so glad I found you!

I watched the whole thing too, but damn, it was hard. Even with a barf bag handy.

4 09 2008

I don’t see her being “allowed” to be interviewed anytime soon. I see her failing miserably during a debate with Biden.

I am surprised that she was so negative during her speech but I am sure that speech was written for a male VP pick not knowing the Brittney Spears family was on their way to the White House.

4 09 2008

sorry akmuckraker, i misspelled your name earlier

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

The slam to community organizers is going to come back to haunt. I’m seeing lots of comments around the internet, and have heard quite a few people here at work today take umbrage with it – even a few people who will be voting for McCain.

I don’t think the Repubs realize the kinds of people they insulted. Volunteers of all varieties: fire fighters, community pantry workers, first responders, neighborhood action groups, church volunteers, the list is long, and from what I can tell, there are a lot of hurt feelings.

4 09 2008
Kathi D

P.S. Congratulations on the nomination of Sarah! At least it means your blog shoots straight into the stratosphere! I am kind of glad McCain picked her because you are so good at what you do! (Let’s not get crazy, now. I don’t want her to be ELECTED or anything.)

Kind of like the comedians prefer to have a doofus Prez like GWB because he is easier to mock.

4 09 2008

Obama is on O’Reilly tonight, this should be interesting.

4 09 2008

“I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities.”

YUP, Sarah, CO’s do have actual responsibilities too.
Some think being a CO is soup serving.

CO Standard Job Description:
administration, planning, policy decision-making, program and leadership development and action implementation, public relations activities, and service activities.
But CO work takes form within the dynamics of community and struggle, requiring organizers to have an extraordinary range of competencies.

Roles and Responsibility of CO:

challenge people to act on behalf of their common interests

develop new relationships out of old ones – sometimes by linking one person to another and sometimes by linking whole networks of people together.

creating opportunities for people to deliberate to reinterpret these circumstances in ways that open up new possibilities for action.

People are recruited, battles fought and organizations built through highly energized, intensely focused campaigns.

Build community by developing leadership.

Mr Giuliani says “it’s his first problem on his resume”.

Not true, ‘Barack for America’ is a study on Community Organizing expertise. Your mocking Sarah is ill-informed!

Like Mr Giuliani said, “this is no time for on-the-job training”.
YUP Gov Sarah Palin VP nominee.

4 09 2008

Thanks for the hat tip, but it’s not mine! Full cite:

Or, you know, maybe someone needs to remind Sarah Palin that Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 8:54 AM on September 4 [25 favorites]

It’s from — which is now thousands of comments long and one of the longest threads ever hosted on that very active forum. If you don’t have time to read 5,000 plus posts, just run a “search the page” and key in “organizer” for highlights of the discussion on that particular piece of nastiness … penned by GEORGE BUSH’S SPEECHWRITER and delivered with uncritical relish by SARAHCUDA.

What a maverick she is, for standing up to Bush’s speechwriter and saying, “You know, I think I’d rather not deliver this speech you were polishing up long before I was selected, with all its divisive lines. I’m going to be genuine, and warm, and reach beyond our base.” NOT!

Obama.Wrote.His.Own.Speech! GEORGE BUSH’S SPEECHWRITER wrote hers. You know, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-at-the-Convention?

4 09 2008

Here in the 50th State we also reluctantly turned on the Linda Lingle speech, Palin’s new soul-sister. However, cringing soon turned to snoring– it was by far the most boring, most pathetic speech I’d ever witnessed. She actually had to wait for the audience to figure out when it was time to applaud. OUr local paper headline says “Why Not Lingle” for the nomination. Yeah, right. But wait, maybe there’s good reasons why Lingle didn’t get there:

The notion that a small town mayor turned Governor means that “everything’s on the table and there’s full accountability” is laughable. I hope someone at the Associated Press will dust off the file folder from Lingle’s troubles last year when her Chief of Staff had to resign amidst the blackmail scandal. The public never did learn what really happened in the Philippines, how old the girl was when he was doing the dirty thing with her, or why all the emails pertaining to the events remain sealed by the court, or why the names of the other “prominent businessmen” who accompanied Lingle and her Chief overseas were never known. AP sued to see the emails, they were denied. Mark Niesse, AP, are you out there? All went silent, and now there she is, touting the open political system and accountability in the Aloha State.

4 09 2008

Pay it forward.

4 09 2008

Her speech was so infuriating, mostly due to the petty substanceless zingers, gimmicks, and glaring inaccuracies, that for the first time I donated to the Obama campaign. I now feel that I have a vested interest in preventing this women from attaining office.

4 09 2008

YUP, Gov Palin I think u jumped the gun on this one.

“And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves”

Obama wasn’t belittling your experience as Mayor in Wasilla. He was comparing the executive experience between you two. Contrasting the size (constituents and budgets). He has a legitimate argument.
Mr. Giuliani said, “Barack Obama has never led anything, nothing, nada,”
But he has.
Obama for America is the largest organization Obama has ever run.
Obama runs a tight ship with a drama-free campaign. Can u say the same Gov Palin?

Obama was drawing a comparison with his executive experience of leading a very successful campaign. Millions of constituents, payrolls, budget, scheduling over a 50 state strategy. His community organization experience (that u Sarah derided) has helped develop the foundation of his pragmatic, political style.

Obama’s early decision to hire political professional campaign operatives rather than surround himself with capitulators has been an unexpected success for its efficient functionality.

Palin has cited her mayoral work as a central part of her qualification to serve as governor. But at the beginning of her term, asked by the local newspaper how she would run the city without experienced department heads, she made the job sound like no big deal: “It’s not rocket science. It’s $6 million and 53 employees.”

“my understanding is that Governor Palin’s town of Wasilla has 50 employees, we’ve got 2500, in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. we have a budget of about three times that just for the month” BHO

4 09 2008

I’m thrilled to see that your blog is now showcased on the Huffington Post!


4 09 2008

Someone at the DNC needs to go through that speech, line by line, and pull out the lies, the misrepresentations of Palin’s record and Republican “achievement,” and use them to craft issues-driven campaign ads for Obama/Biden. For example, Palin is proud to proclaim that she cut government spending: truth is (isn’t it?) that Wasilla town government had a budget surplus when she took mayoral office and millions in debt when she moved on to gubernatorial office. Palin uses new son Trig as evidence that she supports families with special needs children: truth is (isn’t it?) that as governor she reduced state spending on special needs children’s programs by more than half. Truth is a precious commodity these days, as precious as gasoline, but I say we drill deeply for it and then spread it around as widely as possible.

4 09 2008

Last night seemed surreal. She really did look and sound like a PTA president and a hockey mom, no offense intended to said groups. This was the first time I’ve heard her speak, my first impression of her ‘live.’ Politics aside, I couldn’t help but sense she enjoyed the low blows, took relish in sticking the knife and had no problems smiling while twisting it, to mix my metaphors. At least George pretended to be a compassionate conservative. As I reflect back on the speech, it seems to my memory, that I was watching a local school board speech, and the petty nastiness of local politics, rather than someone introducing themselves to the nation as the possible future president of all the citizens of our great nation.

4 09 2008

“and he’s worried someone won’t read them his rights.”

YUP, Gov Palin.

I am too!

Try and imagine Sarah, that Track is taken and held prisoner at a place like Guantánamo, he is considered an enemy combatant, but he has no rights to disprove this. Tortured under interrogation. Without international human rights law to protect him. Or allow him the right to protest wrongful imprisonment, that’s habeas corpus (what u mocked Sarah). After 61/2 years he is released. What impact will the injustice of Track’s, wrongful imprisonment have on family, friends and relatives? Injustice is a passionate emotion we can all relate too, regardless of race or creed.

Probably nothing has done more to tarnish America’s reputation in this area than the current administration’s decision to combat terrorism without regard to US obligations under international human rights law.

Gov Palin, your mocking of human rights and the rule of law is alarming.

Don’t u have to sure of your target before you shoot?

4 09 2008

The comment from one of your bloggers really hit home with me and I have passed it along to Roland Martin (Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor). I could not believe it when Roland came to do his CNN interview with red eyes, tears freshly wiped. He explained that his parents were community organizers and the the Palin speech comments were an affront to all of the great people, male and female, that are and have been community organizers. This woman through her lies and scarcasm has just spit in the eye of Jesus and all of us that believe in him. She moved the Jews down to the bottom rung of humanity. May God have mercy on her soul.

Question for those of you who live in Alaska………do you think the majority of Alaskans will vote for the McCain/Palin ticket out of some sense of Alaskan pride or will they vote Obama/Biden in order to save the country?

4 09 2008

Yes it was difficult to watch and I have to admit I had to use the mute button more than once. Ugh… nonetheless, on the previous post Cat posted a link to an article on Tikkun and it bears repeating here…

<a href = “″ title=”The Palin Choice
The Reality of the Political Mind”

the upshot of the article is this:

“Democrats, being Democrats, will mostly talk about the realities nonstop without paying attention to the dimensions of values and symbolism. Democrats, in addition, need to call an extremist an extremist: to shine a light on the shared anti-democratic ideology of McCain and Palin, the same ideology shared by Bush and Cheney. They share values antithetical to our democracy. That needs to be said loud and clear, if not by the Obama campaign itself, then by the rest of us who share democratic American values.”

this is a call to action… we are all smart and articulate writers. Perhaps we do not have the platforms that some have, but as this particular blog shows platforms change, even when they are built on mudflats.

If you don’t have a blog, get one. Write about McCain & Palin = Bush & Cheney. Write about their assault on the democracy we all hold dear. Forget the “FACTS” for a while. Facts like the US is a republic and not a democracy, or that Palin and McCain lie when the truth would do better. Hammer in to the symbolic worth of our shared Democratic Values, cry out “Extremist” when you see an extremist. Ask who would better serve the American Dream? Sadly, it is not “facts” that win elections – otherwise Al Gore would just be leaving office and this would be a vastly different race, not to mention country.

We have a voice. We must use it. Not just here, where it is safe and we mostly all agree… but, to use the Alaskan vernacular we’ve all learned so recently, “outside”.

4 09 2008

ps sorry — don’t know why I can make the links work properly!

4 09 2008

I might add that in small towns, we do know what to make of a candidate who looks us in the eye and attempts to mislead us. We call them liar, regardless of their gender.

I told the Congress ‘thanks but no thanks’ for that Bridge to Nowhere.”
But Sarah, that opposition came only after the plan was ridiculed nationally as a “bridge to nowhere.”

YUP We small town folk like leaders who are good for more than talk.

“championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress”
Yet, Sarah as mayor of Wasilla, u hired a lobbyist and got earmarks for the town totaling $27 million.
As governor for 20mths, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation.

YUP Palin speeches are just a ‘cloud of rhetoric.’

4 09 2008

As much as I want the Obama camp to attack her, I don’t want to see them stoop to her level.
This is getting ugly. No, actually after last night- it is ugly.
But heck, I guess they (the Banana Republics) are getting desperate.

4 09 2008

I think she did good teleprompter but she was snarky and snied. Politics as usual. I was sickened by her devotion to special needs children when she was responsible for cutting 62% of the state funding for special needs. This might be petty, but did anyone notice her daughter Bristol’s bust size looked like it increased 3 sizes since Friday?

4 09 2008

I liked Sarah Palin’s speech.

One of the important safety rules of shooting, (one of Sarah’s accomplishments) is to be sure of your target before you fire.

She misfired on so many facts.

The speech is a goldmine of inaccuracies and the mocking and sarcastic tone is going to make the exposure of distortions very satisfying.

Take a claim and answer with facts.

4 09 2008

people… get out the vote! 5 new voters each week

4 09 2008

I am still dying to know what books she wanted taken out of circulation at the Wasilla library.

4 09 2008

The 2006 Democratic “vetting” of Sarah Palin’s political career prior to her election as governor is available as a .pdf file from at this address:

“Memphis, NY,” I don’t know if this is the information you’re looking for, but it’s very interesting all the same.

4 09 2008

Another good read !

” What will Hillary Clinton have to say about this?”

She’ll be out with plenty to say. She is not going to let
this newest Bush/Cheney/Rove puppet speak for her or other
women. Hillary will not let this happen to her party either.

Palin has not nor can she make any additional cracks in the
glass ceiling. She is more inclined to spackle them back together
and women and Americans in general are just too pissed now to
let it happen.

Donate. Volunteer. Vote
Obama 08

4 09 2008

lol…I am going to get fired. I cannot stay away from this blog! I am so glad you said Joe Biden stated he will be unrelenting…as he should be. Any decent woman who truly believes in equal rights, would be insulted otherwise. Please …keep your writing coming.

4 09 2008

I want to thank you for your blog, too. I have finally come down from my M&M high and have been able to think more logically and less emotionally. I’ve been glued to my TV and my laptop since all this begun. I began to dream about Beezlebub hopping up my front steps and slapping a mark on my head after the RNC showboating last night. Thank you, Mudflats and all of those who post who are keeping me sane. No doubt neither Obama nor McCain were my first picks – our country is in such a complicated mess right now and we really need a real LEADER, someone who can look at things logically, calmly and with his (in this case) well-versed and tenured expertise, and bring us together after these 8 years of fear and reprisal. McCain has selected someone who is way to the right of Bush. That is scary for the American people who have asked for a mandate of change. Even the RNC talked about “reform” and “change” and I just cannot understand why someone, anyone, would think that moving more to the Right is the right decision for America. Sarah Palin gave a good act. She read her lines well. Sarah Palin is so inexperienced, and unfortunately, and apparently, so much in love with herself that she is blind to the Handlers around her and their ability to turn her in to nothing more than their puppet and mouthpiece. I kept trying to put my finger on what was making me so sad (not mad – I knew that part straight up) about this decision, and now I know. The woman VEEP candidate is being used, and she, in her excitement and naivte, doesn’t understand that. On November 4th, it will be interesting to see if the American people really champion the mandate for change they’ve so loudly proclaimed or if our government is allowed polarize the USA even more from our global neighbors and continue on the downhill spiral into fanatiscm and fear. Bless all our volunteers and Community Organizers!

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

I thought it was really odd that they had her take those low shots in her very first national address.

I’ve seen a few commentators say that the Obama campaign should just simply ignore her, pretend she is not there. Keep aiming their arrows at McCain, and make her a non-event. That might be effective. Might also be fun.

4 09 2008

“Someone at the DNC needs to go through that speech, line by line, and pull out the lies, the misrepresentations of Palin’s record and Republican “achievement,” and use them to craft issues-driven campaign ads for Obama/Biden.”

I’m pretty sure their strategy is to pack everything she says with so many lies that there isn’t enough time in the day to debunk them all.

And, so far, mission accomplished.

4 09 2008

I went back and forth between america’s funniest home videos and the RNC. Seemed to have the same level of mocking and content. I did have to mute Palin though. And Lieberman. Ugh. So slimey.

Word to the wise guys: I have a family friend that is deeply Republican and she still thinks we are all drinking the ‘koolaide’ (her words not mine) after I gave her several reliable links. There are some out there that will never believe the truth.

4 09 2008

The speechwriter was Matthew Scully, who wrote a book titled “Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy.” He’s a vegan, like myself, and an animal rights activist. Or he was because we in the movement are not too crazy about that sarcastic, vicious speech he wrote for a woman we’ve been fighting for months!


4 09 2008

This has been bugging me all day.
Jesus was a Community Organizer. (very true.)

But along that same train of thought….
If you look back, long before America became what it is now…
Before there was a President…

Our founding fathers were community organizers by definition.
Community organizers create popular movements by building a large base of concerned folks, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved.

Granted, the times were different, but it was the same idea.

4 09 2008

Thanks for this blog as well! I’ve been reading it since the first Sarah Palin article and regularly check it several times a day. It’s very well written.

I agree-the “community organizer” barb was the low point for me as well. Talk about elitism and condescension! It just shows how out of touch the Republican party is to those Americans who don’t fit into their particular demographic. If you’re a city-dweller, or a minority, or a blue collar factory worker, or someone with an education, or someone who has travelled abroad, or been disqualified from medical insurance because of a pre-existing health condition, or who is young and pregnant with no family support, or does not belong to their brand of Christianity, forget it!–The Republican Party is not for you! Those were just some of the groups who were subtly scorned through her critiques of Obama and the Democrats.

The outright twists and lies were coming so fast and furious it was hard to know where to start in refuting them. It blew my mind how Romney went through some of the problems of the past eight years like over-spending and a deficit and then blamed it on–are you ready for it, folks?–LIBERALs!!! when it’s been Republicans in charge almost the whole time. I mean, how is it even possible to have a conversation with someone like that when they call up, down and down, up? You have no basis for a discussion. And the thing that just bothers me so badly is that when Republicans talk about cutting spending, it’s not focused on getting the heck out of Iraq, where we are spending 12 billion per month, it’s focused on cutting domestic programs that we all use and depend on.

But, hey, why am I so worried? After all, Sarah is a power-house of foreign policy, having lived next door to a sparsely populated part of Russia and all.

4 09 2008
John Doe

I can only hope that Obama/Biden play by Chicago rules from now on (“they bring a knife to a fight, you bring a gun”) and that they forget the notion of “taking the high road” during the debates. By the way, do you suppose her handlers will use Palin’s hair-bubble to hide the radio device that Bush wore during the debates?

4 09 2008

Obama should completely ignore Saracuda. McCain WANTS the Dems to go after Saracuda, it is a great distraction from the issues and they don’t want to talk about the issues. If she doesn’t give any interviews or press conferences and the dems ignore her, then she won’t influence the race… except as a constant reminder of McCain’s very poor judgement.

4 09 2008
White Agate

Get over to Cafe Press and print it on all kinds of media! Perfect.

We need to reframe the narrative…how would that best be done? What would you do if it were up to you and you worked for Obama? Because we are all in this together at the end of the day. We are all ‘community organizers’ if you will.

4 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Devastating ABC Investigative Report on Troopergate

4 09 2008
4 09 2008
deal junkie

You need to get ugly to win elections, and that’s how the republicans win. Obama needs to play offense, not defense. A true leader knows when to strike.

4 09 2008

On the books that she wanted banned, I read somewhere that it was Stephen King’s books. Since the daughter’s boyfriend was such a fan of his book. Assuming it is true, you really don’t want to tick off Stephen King’s fans.

4 09 2008

Obama just did a beautiful job on CNN. He was exuded confidence and calm, and was very articulate. He did not take the bait from the media or the RNC – way to go, Barack! 🙂 He basically said he was not surprised by the attacks since they don’t have a platform and can’t speak to the issues, and that he had been called worse in basketball games. He wouldn’t even give Palin the pleasure of hearing her name roll off his lips. . . he said HIS job was to help the American people see the difference in the CHANGE and HOPE he is offering versus McCain’s same old 90% voting record with George Bush. Excellent job!

4 09 2008

Gene: Alaska pride will take it. As this blog has stated in the past Alaska is very detached form the rest of the country. Economically it’s even more distant. There was a good chance of the state “going blue” but the familiar face ended that.

4 09 2008

This is a must read letter from a resident of Wasalia who has know sarah palin since 1996.

4 09 2008

To think it took Palin to get me back on the Democratic ticket. What the hell ?

4 09 2008

About this pic:

Wouldn’t it be better to use a pic where he’s community organizing?

4 09 2008


I saw Roland Martin being interviewed last night, and he was truly upset! He is the only commentator who spoke out loudly about what Palin said. The rest of them kept throwing around stupid things like “a star is born”. This isnt the movies MSM…its real life, with real people who will pay the price when this is all said and done.

4 09 2008
in a valley further south

Bush was definitely not the creator of the:

say it enough times and people will believe it is true scam.

But, clearly he practices it just as Ms Palin does because he is a fundamentalist and we covet that which we see every day.

here is the other explanation for the prevalence of that practice in this group of people, the one you could not think of:

the keep repeating it as often as possible with a smile on your face strategy
is essentially the foundation of organized religion.

that’s why there are ‘church services’ every day of the week if you like.

exemplified these days and in context here by

the ‘passion’ to move the creationism fantasy from the comparative religion class into the physics or biology or earth science class.

if it was left where it belongs, the pure absurdity of it (compared for instance to the old, the world is held up by a giant turtle and it’s turtles all the way down story) would be just as immediately apparent to anyone with a brain as it actually is. But when put up side by side with mathematics or chemistry or any other discipline that can be used to actually understand real phenomenon, it gains by default, the ‘aura of truth’. hahaha! and it works.

santa claus, the tooth fairy, etc. etc. etc. globally accepted mind control/fear mongering. been around for a couple of thousand years. it works for a time.


CNN is running a ‘report card’ where you can grade the speech.

I thought that they would allow you to comment but they do not.

The question of course is pointless without some context. Like, delivery, content, substance, truthfulness, authenticity, eye contact with the audience, religious symbolism content.

Anyway, you rate it and see the results here

about 28,000 votes so far overall average C so clearly again split down the middle on the ABCDF scale for those who voted.

Oh, and if you want to completely dissolve your incredulity on this fact/truth business, watch last nights Daily show

where they show Rove, the king of spin do exactly the same thing.

Completely contradict himself on tape. in two different sound bites. it’s hilarious

but, it’s a fact, these people are deluded. They believe that if they say
anything it is suddenly made fact. Just like their hero and their favorite
book…’s true because it says it’s true. if you can not get your mind
around that then you give away the fact that you are not in sales.

and my apologies to any vets or families or friends of any vets who may actually now be missing limbs i put another post up here that might be offensive to people without legs. apologies for the lack of compassion.

4 09 2008


I think she was trying to ban books on evolution. I read somewhere, maybe on one of the threads here, that her inquiries on banning were prompted by her church members. Also, there was a comment (again maybe on a different thread) by someone who as was a student in Wasilla at the time that mentioned evolution.

4 09 2008

I always thought of a mayor as someone who sits up in an office and attends meetings, while a community organizer takes it down to street level and mingles with the homefolks.

A mayor is elected by popularity, while a community organizer works by choice to do some good. It’s not political, maybe that’s why Sarah didn’t understand it.

I’m praying that Obama is working on his “This is what a Community Organizer Does” speech right now.

I know some of you were asking on the other posts why the media is saying Palin won’t have to do interviews – that’s just not true. The media is playing nice until tonight is over, and then the gloves are off.

She will have to do interviews, but the Republicans are postponing it until they can get her out on the road and do some more mind control on her talking points. Frankly, with that mouth, I doubt they can control her very long. You know how those pit bulls are!

By the way, Congrats on Huffington Post!!! That’s awesome! 🙂

4 09 2008

I urge everyone to read this article about Barack Obama’s quaint stint as a community organizer.

In one year, his outfit registered 600,000 of Chicago’s poorest and most under-served residents to vote–astounding by all accounts–and changed the face of politics in the city and state. 600,000, that would be the equivalent of about every man, woman and child in Alaska.

Also, does anyone else find it ironic that meat and potatoes Republicans are turning to the governor of what can only be described as the only socialist state in the union? 80 percent of the Alaska state budget is a naked redistribution of wealth from the rich to everyone else. Not that I disagree with it, but how do free-market fanatics reconcile this untidy fact?

4 09 2008

Didn’t book banning go out with McCarthism? Oh wait this is the Bush administration, which is slowly taking away our constitutional rights.

Back on the special needs comment she made last night, she unleashed a firestorm. I just talked to the Obama campaign and they said they are getting alot of calls on that alone.

4 09 2008

Speaking of Hillary, I wish we’d hear a little more from her. She’s been very quite through all of this.

I think she should be the person to go line by line through Palin’s speech.

4 09 2008
Hello all

I urge everyone to read this article about Barack Obama’s quaint stint as a community organizer.

In one year, his outfit registered 600,000 of Chicago’s poorest and most under-served residents to vote–astounding by all accounts–and changed the face of politics in the city and state. 600,000, that would be the equivalent of about every man, woman and child in Alaska.

Also, does anyone else find it ironic that meat and potatoes Republicans are turning to the governor of what can only be described as the only socialist state in the union? 80 percent of the Alaska state budget is a naked redistribution of wealth from the rich to everyone else. Not that I disagree with it, but how do free-market fanatics reconcile this untidy fact?

4 09 2008

So just came from a blog where the wing-nutz are having a field day…
I feely dirty and icky.

I have read blogs and comment boards since blogging began.
In the war of Right vs. Left and all things political, there is a marked difference in the comments and replies and it became crystal clear to me a few minutes ago.

The visual for that clarity is amazingly simple. It is embodied in
the words of Sarah Palin (or whoever wrote that speech she
read so well) and in the words of Barack Obama.

She’s snotty, snide, and mean-spirited and even giggles when she
delivers lies and her rightwing rhetoric. Now hold that up to any
and all of Obama’s speeches. He may have called McCain to the mat
last week but he did not have to resort to childish bullying tactics or
by mocking McCain’s accomplishments.

He spoke with his ‘grown up’ voice. Sarah- she spoke with her
junior high ‘mean girl’ voice. You remember the mean girls don’t you?
The ones who thought they were better than eveyone else. The ones
who named called, mocked and picked on the other kids just to feel
better about themselves. Pathetic.

OK- I feel much better now !

My new favorite quote:
“Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor.”

4 09 2008

Palin pulled in 37.2 million viewers across broadcast and cable networks, according to Nielsen Media Research.

And From Nora Ephron:

Then of course, there are the Republicans, and I always forget them too. I forget how white they are, and mean-spirited, and thin-lipped. I watch them and I think, is anyone buying this?

But the Republicans do it better. They present a united front. They wait for the applause, they don’t roll over it in the interests of keeping the speeches short and on time. They ride the news cycle, they twist the truth, they stick to their talking points, they blah into the wind, blah blah blah blah blah, and in the end, they’re still standing.

Now what?

We have been warned by the Alaskans. Do not underestimate her or Rove. Get out the Obama vote and donate, donate, donate.

Give Obama a Palin bounce–in the coffers.

4 09 2008

@fredrik (11:55:31) :
About this pic:

Wouldn’t it be better to use a pic where he’s community organizing?

Perhaps. This is more to the point, though.

4 09 2008

It took about a 1/2 a bottle of Jameson to get through Palin’s speech. It really didn’t make any sense, not even political sense. The people this nastiness would appeal to are already going to vote for these bozos. The people they need to get on their side are going to see this for what it was, petty and vindictive.

She didn’t come across very appealing at all. She was just another sarcastic republican partisan that can read a teleprompter. I really think this is going to hurt them way more than it helps.

BTW – when she was running for Governor what were the main campaign issues? Anybody know?

4 09 2008

And now for something entirely different: the DOW is down 350 points…..yikes.

4 09 2008
Andrew Gregg

Palin is big news now, but she won’t be soon. It will shift back to McCain and people will start questioning his anger and derisiveness. Palin dug down as deep as she’s going to get last night. She’s a one-trick gimmick–I suspect that there ain’t no more there. How many speeches has she officially given now, since being named the running mate? Two? Three? Her caterwaul is to attack and lie, lie and attack, then pretend to be as sweet as a small town girl can be. That’s it–her whole repertoire. Can’t stretch it much further. The real show will be to see what Biden does to her.

But what’s most important is that as of tonight it’s Obama vs. McCain. Hilary beat Obama up good–he can take it. That will just make McCain angrier and that will be what kills him. And then Sarah can limp back home with her satchel full of lies. She’ll then look into the mirror and she won’t be able to say she’s a governor anymore (will she?), she won’t be able to say she’s a vice president–but she will be able say “Holy Crap! I’m 44 and I’m a grandma!”

4 09 2008
Jim S.


Great Job On The CO Description, and as others have noted, She Pissed Off Alot Of People, and the ones that didn’t get it at first (R), Will!!

4 09 2008

To Sandra –

Wow. What a letter that is. . . more of the same then. FEAR. I feel so bad for these people who are scared to cross her path. Sometimes, that is a necessary evil for the job one is in at the time – rarely, do world-class leaders do this. I am dismayed and you are driving me to drink, take Prozac and look at the potential of a mass exodus to Canada. My question is someone very powerful has to have been behind Sarah for a long time to allow this kind of behavior. Who has been protecting her up ’til now? i agree that even if/WHEN the Republicans lose in November that the RNC will “owe” her and set her up for life. But until now. . . . ??? That would help to connect some dots.

BTW, any more validation on that extramarital affair issue?

4 09 2008

Why did Sara give a “shout out” to the folks with developmentally disabled kids? Why did they wave poor Trig around like he was some sort of “I understand your plight” banner. Eunice Shriver must be spinning. Raising a special needs child is certainly more complex than shaking him up and down to the beat of the applause at the RNC. Talk is cheap Sarah. What is your record on Special Needs in Alaska?

4 09 2008

They just updated and Obama’s polling went up slightly. Go Sarah! Can we get an encore?

I’m curious, how many people ran to their computers after Palin’s speech and donated more money to Obama. I did.

4 09 2008

I have to agree with @Groundhogday. Obama does not need to lower himself to competition with the governor of a state whose population is less than that of the city where I live. Let Biden flay Palin…by being so nasty herself last night, she opened that can right up.

Obama should focus on running against McCain, and framing his arguments in terms that resonate with average Americans.

4 09 2008

Anonymous: That’s what I’ve been trying to tell my friends: The Chicago Metro area has an enormous population – 9 million or so people – and he was their Senator. That’s alot of constituents!

To compare, the largest metro area in my state – Metro Nashville – most of which is rural farmland, has 1,521,437 people, which is still more than all of Alaska.

Also, here in the small-town South: we don’t play much hockey. *lol* No ice.

4 09 2008

Jon Stewart and the Daily Show skewering conservatives that are singing a different tune now that Plain is out and about.


4 09 2008

Hey, I want credit for Mcthuselah/ Palinpalooza 08 LOL

I say Scarcuda is bringing down the stock market.

4 09 2008
Community Organizers and American Values « The SwinePrincess’s Weblog

[…] Ok.  Now that you are up to speed, let me say this, and my apologies to anyone who already read my comment on Mudflats: […]

4 09 2008

I liked hearing Obama say, when asked about SP, that he was running against McCain, not McCain’s vp pick. That is a telling remark. Were he to lower himself to her level, it would probably serve the R’s strategy. So good on him for not doing so.

Isn’t the final job of our troops in Iraq all about community organizing – getting the citizens to take on their own destiny.

What the pick has done is draw that bright line between Democrats and Republicans. If we were ever unsure of what the “base” of the R’s was, we can now see it is fear: of the world, of “others”, of modernity, of development of the human condition.

4 09 2008

One of the first things Sarah Palin did after being elected governor (because of the sh** that hit the fan when she asked for resignations and loyalty oaths, and forbid anyone from talking to the press without her permission) was to hire a deputy administrator to run the Mayor’s office.

This freed her up to travel to DC once a year to check up on the lobbyist she hired to get earmarks for the town.

Someone should point out that she insulated herself from responsibility instead of taking hold of it, contrary to the impression she tried to lay last night with her “community organizer except that you have actual responsibilities” snark.

4 09 2008

Thank you Cynthia from TX for the youtube link. What I find funny about “troopergate” is that the Palin family didn’t report anything that they claim he did wrong until the bitter divorce battle. Most of the things they claim he did were from years earlier. He shot a moose while his father-in-law was with him yet it wasn’t wrong until the divorce? Hmmmm

4 09 2008

Set your Tivo for Saturday Night Live. Tina Fey is the guest. Yeah.

4 09 2008
Jim S.

ps sorry — don’t know why I can make the links work properly!

A quick look seems you didn’t close the url at the title { “> }

4 09 2008

Alright, now I’m over my stock market shock (I can feel retirement slipping away….). Celtic Diva’s written a interesting blog about why the Alaska MSM have been a little hesitant in the past to report about “sensitive” Palin stories. Apparently, Palin and her office (not surprisingly, I guess) engage in punishing journalists, newspapers, etc. for being perceived by Palin as unfavorable to her. Mudflats has a link to the right.

4 09 2008

Nebalaskan (12:06:26) :

Why did Sara give a “shout out” to the folks with developmentally disabled kids? Why did they wave poor Trig around like he was some sort of “I understand your plight” banner. Eunice Shriver must be spinning. Raising a special needs child is certainly more complex than shaking him up and down to the beat of the applause at the RNC. Talk is cheap Sarah. What is your record on Special Needs in Alaska?


She did cut the special ed budget by 62%. That is so helpful!!! (sarcasm)


Wilber (12:06:32) :

They just updated and Obama’s polling went up slightly. Go Sarah! Can we get an encore?

I’m curious, how many people ran to their computers after Palin’s speech and donated more money to Obama. I did.


I think I did it during her speech. Oh and now I see Todd is staying in Minneapolis for a snowboarding event??? So her daughters will be taking care of the special needs infant?

4 09 2008

I want to quit my job and volunteer for Obama full time. This truly is a culture war. I like Andrew Gregg’s prediction – she sure as heck won’t be welcomed back by this Alaskan –

4 09 2008

OMG, Rene! Saturday is my bday, and I can think of no better gift! XD I’m staying in, this year!

4 09 2008
Jim S.


Hillary and other women in Government especially, will have to come out, this girl is Really setting things back for any women to run again for the Pres and do as well as Hillary, she’s leaving to many questions in her wake, and she doesn’t seem to give a damn!!

4 09 2008

{From ReneND: “Set your Tivo for Saturday Night Live. Tina Fey is the guest. Yeah.”}

God’s in his heaven, all’s right with the world!!!!! 🙂

Bring it on, Tina Fey!!! You were born to play the Caribou Barbie!

And may she win an Emmy and all good things!!!

4 09 2008
An Alaskan Republican
4 09 2008

Uck… my post of 12:10:59 should’ve said, “One of the first things Sarah Palin did after being elected Mayor…” not governor. Sorry for any confusion.

4 09 2008

Why no one in the McCain camp will be able to talk to the press until after the election, if ever:

Q. Senator, did you know about Governor Palin’s relationship to the Alaska Independence Party before you chose her as your running mate?

Q. Senator, as you know, Senator Obama has been asked to condemn some of the views expressed by his former pastor and he has done so. Are you aware that some Americans find the religious views of Governor Palin’s pastor as offensive as Reverend Wright’s views? Are there views expressed in or by this church you would like to condemn or distance yourself from?

Q. Will the McCain campaign be following through on its treat to sue the National Enquirer? Why or why not?

Q. Senator, does Governor Palin’s views on Creationism reflect the position of your campaign?

Q. Is the McCain campaign aware that many people in Alaska consider Governor Palin’s reversal on the “Bridge to Nowhere” a betrayal of her campaign pledges to get the bridge built with federal funds? Do you know that they are accusing her of pandering to them for political gain?

Q. Senator, are you aware that, as mayor of Wasilla, Governor Palin attempted to ban books from the local public library? Do you know which books she wanted banned? Do you consider this an appropriate use of political power?

Q. Does the McCain campaign feel it was appropriate for Governor Palin, as mayor of Wasilla, to fire the chief of police, in part, because “he looked at her in a very stern manner?”

Q. Senator, why did virtually the town administration of Wasilla either get fired or quit during Mrs. Palin’s first term as mayor? Is this an example of her “reforming agenda?” If so, what exactly was she reforming?

Q. Does the McCain campaign support Governor Palin’s views on sex education and birth control?

Q. As you know, there are many negative things being said right now, in the main stream media and the blogisphere, about Governor Palin’s past performance as a mayor and as a governor. Are there any of these allegations that the campaign would particularly like to dispute?

Q. Senator, many people have said that for Governor Palin to claim, on at least three different occasions, that she said “thanks but no thanks” to the “Bridge to Nowhere” is an outright lie. Do you refute that allegation?

Q. Does Governor Palin wish to condemn the speech, made at her church, that Jews deserve terrorists because they have not converted to Christ? Does the McCain campaign support this point of view?

and so on.

The media have to ask at least a few of these!

4 09 2008

Oh Bobby G – Use a nice Sermon on the Mount, or even raising Lazarus from the Dead, because that is about where we stand today!!!

4 09 2008

Re: Dow Jones today.

The only sign God has left to send the Republicans this week is a plague of frogs.

4 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

@ Kiwi
Thanks for your insight and your profound comments. I’ve been fuming about the community organizer comments as well, but posting the job description and necessary skills was brilliant. It really speaks to how condescending the comment was.

I also loved the quote from Obama comparing the managing of a national, 50-state campaign with all its employees and budget with “managing” Wasilla.

We all know and understand the truth, but we also need to bone up and become experts in marketing our cause to the lizard brains out there.

4 09 2008
Jim S.


On the Seals, it figures, Orson Swindle is tide to the Swifties, who as everyone knows, went after Kerry, a brother ‘Nam Vet, he and O’Neil have been around a long time and play on Stupidity like that, no freakin brains, all trying to enrich on blood monies!!

4 09 2008

Plwalsh: Love the questions.

4 09 2008

This hole SP thing calls for a letter drive to all the Repb Representatives of your state. They cant all be moral voids. There has to be one of them that is more moral than republican. And flood the Mc Cain offices and call him on his BS.

Dear Sen Mc Cain;
For a proud American to repeat “I would rather lose a campaign than Lose a war” I find it sad that you hold your self respect in such low regard. I will not be able to support you after your call and promise to run a clean campaign only to resort to this underhanded tactic of a typical Carl Rowe style campaign is shame full. I expected much more from you.

Though I respect your Military service I have lost all respect for you and In the harts and minds of millions of loyal Americans your legacy will be that of a dishonorable panderer.

4 09 2008

Thanks Sue. I just hope they get asked!

4 09 2008

Like any good Republican (or politician for that matter), her words need to be carefully parsed.

Re: the bridge — “Thanks (if it’s really going to be a huge windfall for us!) but no thanks” (when I discovered that it would be more trouble than it’s worth)

So, technically she did say thanks but no thanks.

Unfortunately, that’s how they think, that’s how they work.

4 09 2008

I can’t help it. I have to comment on the “I drive to work” thing. I can see the gov’s mansion (house) from my living room window (literally) and the lights are seldom on (gives a whole new meaning to the old cliche). Does anyone know how much it costs the state to fly the gov/family back and forth from Anchorage/Wasilla to conduct business? That’s one heck of a carbon footprint. I bet she also donates her Alaska Airline frequent flyer miles to charity.

4 09 2008

Unfortunately the Palin message is being received as if it is the greatest moment in American political history in some areas. I moved back to a very rural area of Alabama to take over the family business a few years ago and I am stuck right in the middle of a mass of people that now believe Palin to be not only the perfect role model, but the perfect candidate. There is little talk of any scandel or lies, and if you dare mention it even in the most delicate ways you are scolded from all angles. Alabama is of course no swing state and McCain would have had to do something monumental to lose this state and it’s minor electoral vote. I worry however that this will be the feeling in much of rural parts of our country and that true swing states will be tougher for Obama. I worry that the religious right will galvanize behind this woman and pressure anyone they are affiliated with to throw support to the Palin/McCain ticket (using her name first because that is essentially what the Reps have turned this into). I grew up in a Pentecostal church, probably one much like Palin and can tell you they are as far from compassionate conservative as it gets. My father is still heavily involved with the Assembly of God Church but has lost many friends because he is open to voting for Obama. The religious right is at times the most tenacious and scary group of politically active people that I’ve come across.

Palin’s speech, along with the words from Rudy G and Mitt made me sick to my stomach for two reasons……first it is the type of moronic rhetoric that the Karl Rove minions have used to make a mockery of the American people. Scare tactics, blatant lies repeated over and over from idiots that were meeting just weeks after 911 to figure out how to gain political dominance using the tragedy to their advantage….secondly, this junk actually works. Walk into small town America today and listen to people talking politics. They eat this stuff up because the Rove’s of the world got inside their head years ago and haven’t let go. They fabricated the idea that the Dems are weak on terror and they are tough on it literally out of thin air. I’m yet to see one bit of proof from them that the Dems would have responded in a negative way to 911 or that an Obama presidency would be seen as an open season on the US by terrorists. They literally just made it up and used it to win 4 years ago and are going to do attempt to do it again. I’m half expecting to see ads with the falling Twin Towers in the background or pictures of Osama bin Laden in the next Palin/McCain ads.

One other thought I had after reading of her views that the war in Iraq was “God’s war”……if God intended for us to go to war in Iraq to do “his will”, does that mean that part of “God’s plan” was for us to get hit in 911? Not sure how you can say one is in his plan without saying the other is since we wouldnt be at war in Iraq without that terrible day (even though Iraq had little/zero to do with it). I highly doubt Palin wants to get on stage anywhere with that statement.

4 09 2008
Moons in Leo

I couldn’t watch the speech last night. It was too late on the east coast and I had to get up early and I know I would have had nightmares if I’d listened to it.
I just made a donation to Obama’s campaign and signed up to work on his anti-smear campaign.

4 09 2008

Sorry I meant Anchorage/Juneau.

4 09 2008

Plwalsh (12:24:51) :

Re: Dow Jones today.

The only sign God has left to send the Republicans this week is a plague of frogs.


Or another hurricane or two.

4 09 2008

I agree with Tammy – it’s creepy the way they tote that poor baby around like a prop – the only one who showed any genuine tenderness or concern for that kid was the younger daughter. Todd held him for about a minute when the cameras were pointed at him, and Cindy McC dove at the chance for a photo op, but y’know, since McCain called her, I haven’t seen a signle photograph of Sarah holding or feeding or playing with Trig. Maybe she’s waiting for him to be big enough to play hockey or shoot moose.

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

About “Jesus was a community organizer, Pilate was a governor,” it’s a great line…..BUT…..

It gives the opposition the opportunity of pointing to us as seeing Obama as the Messiah.

4 09 2008


CNN is saying that the “swing states” are more and more “leading to Obama states.” Obama is 15 points ahead in Iowa, for example, and slightly ahead in Colorado and Ohio. They are saying it is starting to look very difficult for McCain to find enough electoral votes to reach the magic 270.

4 09 2008

McCain is obssessed with wars. Vietnam War, Iraq War, Iran War.
And now Culture Wars. It’s never peacetime in McCain’s world.

4 09 2008

From Drudge:

PALIN RAISES MONEY — FOR OBAMA! **Exclusive** Obama scores $8 million since Palin’s speech from over 130,000 donors – on pace to hit $10 million by the time John McCain hits stage, campaign says… Developing…

Woohoo!! My hubby and I donated $100 after watching that b–ch speak last night.

4 09 2008

Just read this on the Kansas Democratic Party web page quoting Kathleen Sebelius (Kansas Governor and Dem VP shortlister):

“I live in the American heartland, and have been a governor [here] for six years,” she said. “I don’t know any mayor in any small town in Kansas — and we have a lot of mayors of small towns — who hires a lobbyist and goes after earmarks the way Sarah Palin did.”

4 09 2008
Memphis, NY


I have seen that but what I am looking for is someone had a link to a page of all the scandals and links to the newspapers reporting then
it was called “IsMcCainInsane”

4 09 2008

Again, I felt like I was watching a KKK rally and Sarah was lighting the fire on the burning cross.

4 09 2008

That should have been “leaning to Obama states,” i.e., the pale blue ones.

4 09 2008

Although Palin is (certainly) not Jewish, I think she (or the speechwriter) should get the All-Convention Chutzpah Award for REPEATING the Bridge to Nowhere lie after it has already been debunked, even by the AP. This instance of taking credit for something she did not do is so well-documented that I believe even some Republicans that she is “fibbing”. It may seem like a relatively small thing, but I am going to put together a small package to document what she actually said and did, versus what she now says, for distribution my more “righty” friends and relatives.

I don’t expect it to instantly change minds, but among those who respect truth it may plant a seed of uneasiness. Some of them, e.g., eventually got tired of Cheney’s “Mohammed Atta in Prague” lie.

4 09 2008


O.K. I’m sending him another 25 bucks.

4 09 2008

From Obama today:

You wouldn’t know that this is such a critical election by watching the convention last night. I know we had our week and so, you know, the Republicans deserve theirs. But it’s been amazing to me to watch. Over the last two nights, if you sit there and you watch it, you’re hearing a lot about John McCain – and he’s got a compelling biography as a POW. You’re hearing an awful lot about me, most of which is not true. What you’re not hearing is a lot about you.

I mean, you haven’t heard one word about how they’re going to make the health care system work so that if a union’s negotiating with a company, it’s not all just a discussion about higher premiums, and you can actually start talking about higher wages and benefits. You haven’t heard one word about how we’re going to create more apprenticeship programs like the ones that we have here or give other people a chance to train in new trades. You haven’t heard a word about getting serious about green and alternative energy, the kind of work that is resulting in all the expansion and additional hiring here. You haven’t heard a word about how we’re going to strengthen unions so that working people get a decent stake. You haven’t heard a word about how we’re going to improve math and science education so that we can hire more engineers to create more products in green technology. You haven’t heard a word about how we’re going to deal with any aspect of the economy that is affecting you and your pocketbook day-to-day. Haven’t heard a word about it. I’m not exaggerating. Literally, two nights, they have not said a word about it. They’ve had a lot to say about me, but they haven’t had anything to say about you. And the thing that I’m insisting on in this election is that we can’t keep playing the same political games we always play.

4 09 2008
Ana Gama


Who is the elitist now????

Cindy McCain’s $300,000 Outfit

Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

4 09 2008

IndieJ – Palin/McCain – terrific.

It reminded me of the story of the scorpion and (I think) the turtle. The scorpion gets the turtle to take him across the river, promising not to sting the turtle because it wouldn’t be in the scorpion’s best interest. But the scorpion does sting the turtle halfway across and as they are BOTH sinking to the bottom the turtle asks “Why did you do that?” and the scorpion says “It’s in my nature.”

4 09 2008


good to hear. I just know what it felt like in my world this morning and I have lots for friends in Ohio and Missouri as well that are now Palinites and seem like they’ll do anything for this Palin/McCain ticket. I come to this site now to get a sense of what is going on with logical, thinking people because apparantly here, I am surrounded by the simple minded drones that the Republicans have been manipulating for years. Got any links to these new polls yet so I can find more to brighten my day?

4 09 2008

so sorry about the bold print on the last post……

4 09 2008

Does anyone know if the species of Assembly of God church that Palin attends do the speaking in tongues thing? I know in the Florida stix, where I am, they certainly do.

This is one former and repentant Republican that is SOOO glad he saw the light and left his portion of whacko nut job Koolaide for the true believers. Having a Bush governor and a Bush president was just too much for me to take.

I’ve spent the better part of today reading this blog and I just happened upon it today…excellent stuff.

4 09 2008

Ana Gama:

Some people are saying the earings are only worth about $60K though…

4 09 2008

Ana Gama thanks! so much for the cloth-coat Republicans

4 09 2008

Ana Gama 12:36:33

Being independently wealthy ? PRICELESS

4 09 2008

Ana Gama (12:32:42) :

About “Jesus was a community organizer, Pilate was a governor,” it’s a great line…..BUT…..

It gives the opposition the opportunity of pointing to us as seeing Obama as the Messiah.


There is that but………………..doesn’t the bible say the meek shall inherit the earth? Wasn’t Jesus about helping the poor and disenfranchised? And does anyone believe that Jesus would be a republican?

Bill Maher said “If Jesus came through an airport he would be arrested.” And the republicans would place him on the No Fly List.

4 09 2008

Good link to the ABC report. I wish they would highlight the actual *timeline* of events more clearly.

My understanding from reading here and at the Anchorage newspaper website is that Wooten was reprimanded for his actions BEFORE Palin took office. SHE’S the one who asked Monegan to look into things AFTER the fact to see if something more could be done. He couldn’t, because Wooten had already been punished and the case was closed. She fired him out of frustration with a lame excuse that doesn’t make sense. I wish the media would make things a bit clearer, because then it becomes more obvious that she had a personal vendetta against Wooten (perhaps understandably, nevertheless, you don’t abuse your position that way).

Also, I read in several places (here, I think) that Palin actually kept the dead moose that Wooten shot illegally in HER garage freezer and partook of the thing! Everything blew up afterwards and then, the moose became part of her litany of complaints against him.

Like many people here, this all scares me. She’s a narcissistic liar who’s stoking her own ego with all the attention and the opportunity to take cheap potshots at Obama. Not only has McCain exhibited appallingly poor judgment in selecting her as his running mate, SHE has also shown appalling judgment in considering herself worthy of the job AND subjecting her poor family to such intense media scrutiny.

What a piece of work. If the country falls for this stunt, we are indeed in trouble.

4 09 2008

Rolltide (10:18:02) WROTE: :

“That’s ok Wiz, I have several in my family who also voted for W who plan on voting for Obama this time around. Hubby almost made me faint this morning over breakfast. He asked if I knew where our board of elections was located so he could change his party affiliation. (He’s Republican)
I smiled and asked “changing to Independent?”

He scowled shaking his head and said “nope, Democrat”

Hubby has been Republican his whole life…..I’ve been smiling all morning!”


If you and hubby ever get up to my beloved City of Pittsburgh I am taking both of you to dinner in the famous Strip District and buying you both a Terrible Towel.

In return: Go Tide! Roll Tide!

4 09 2008

The problem for the Republicans is Palin has set off the culture wars again and inflamed BOTH bases.

This is not exactly what McCain promised to do when he started his campaign.

How many moderates and independents are going to keep on believing these Republican “I’m a uniter, not a divider” lines? They can’t win elections and govern by telling half the population to move to Canada.

4 09 2008
Miemaw from Texas

We have the Dow dropping about 350 points, and we are going to get the hurricanes, too. Kharma. (Or Wall Street is not impressed, or is worried by the Republican prospects.)

McCain, according to Huffington Post has cancelled a planned event with “Habitat for Humanity”. One of those “community organizing things.

Check out the video that accompanies the story, in which a young woman gives the Good Governor a primer, in “community organizing.” Great story, outstanding video.

4 09 2008

I love it that Obama is raising so much money since last night! 🙂 I hope the Republicans choke on that fact.

We are on a budget with kids in school and college, but I think Obama’s going to get a donation from us every week until the election.

4 09 2008

Political cartoons for the massively stressed:

They and this blog ahve been keeping me sane. 🙂

4 09 2008

RE: Mayor of Maui vs Mayor of Wasilla = President in waiting niminee–
Nyah, nyah! Alaska won!

Several things struck me during the evening’s theme, but one major one was the attack twice (at least) on Michelle Obama, one by SP (“always proud of America”)

“SP: Victory in sight” should be linked to “light at the end of the tunnel” to close the Vietraq theme.

theme of independence yet the taunting regarding Guantanamo violates the Bill of Rights and the independence from foreign oil flies in the face of
1) Alaska produces the refined petroleum for which we pay $6 to 18 gallon
2) the state’s contribution to US energy independence is a gas line plan to be developed by a foreign firm

I do hope Palin’s nomination forever dumps the menopausal women crap

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Are any of you folks listening to Randy on the Radio, I’ve got the Alaska Station streaming, they’ve got a good discussion goin on Palin!!

4 09 2008
Gym Rat

Well it looks like Cindy and Grandpa canceled out of a visit to a Habitat for the Homeless site this morning in St Paul because it is a community outreach organization.

My God the knuckle draggers have managed to politicize Habitat for Humanity.

Look out community food banks and Toys for Tots you’re next.

4 09 2008

Watching Palin’s speech reminded me of watching a high school speech. I really don’t understand why the media was raving about how well she did.

I also thought the applause was weird. At the DNC people would applaud and then the speaker would pause. When Palin spoke she would pause so people were forced to applaud.

4 09 2008
Miemaw from Texas

Sorry “Mudflatians”, should have provided the link.

4 09 2008

The only interviews will be with Faux Gnus.

4 09 2008

Thank you for this blog! It’s good to know the Sarah Palin doesn’t represent all of Alaska and that there is intelligent life up there.

Most of us woke up Friday morning wondering who the heck is this Sarah Palin? All of us are going to wake up tomorrow, unfortunately now knowing exactly who she is and also knowing that it’s up to us to put an end to this disgusting reign of lies, lies and more lies

How telling and appropriate that Sarah’s introduction as the VP candidate began with a lie. She personifies everything I hate about Republicans – hypocritical, self-righteous liars.

Keep up the good work! It is very appreciated down here in the ‘lower’ 48.

4 09 2008

The comparison of Mayor to Community Organizer is wildly unequal by choice.
Why take offense at the comparison?

To be only a little more ridiculous than Palin,
I was a mayor and you were a boyscout once.
Apples and apples please.
In order of size, At each level of elected office, Obama’s duties affected more people than Palin’s.

And Big town Rudy, Obama has gotten more votes than you ever did…

4 09 2008

Please , everyone be thinking of a way to do something for your local Obama group.
Money is great and I gave last night. But I also called locally and asked what I could do to help. Nothing beats boots on the ground. I’m actually thinking of helping next door in Minnesota because It may make more of a difference.

4 09 2008

Reading this letter (thank you Sandra):
and from all the evidence from the gates, the speeches, the way the children are being used in all this, I get the impression of a pathological narcissistic personality – the blatant lies, even if the truth is clearly proven, using people for your own goals as if they are your personal chesspieces and simply changing the rules when that seems to be more rewarding (the children and all those local people Anne Kilkenny writes about) etc etc. Including being able to behave very likeable and charismatic.

I’m no psychiatrist, but having to deal with someone in my personal life, I know a lot about NPD. It is all so terribly familiar..

From my personal experience I know what harm these people can do. And to my utter frustration, I saw in my environment how difficult it can be to really recognise this type of behaviour when you haven’t experienced it yourself: to many people it simply is very convincing. Therefore, I also saw how difficult it is to dismantle them, since they are totally without any scrupules – they lie, they change the rules, they thrive on powerplay and manipulation, they love to humiliate their opponents – and somehow, they manage to come away with it, no matter how much lies and scandals are involved.

Watching all the daily news items simply leave me horrified by the idea of her being in the WH. Here in Holland, our leftwing national newspaper more or less enthusiastically claimed she did a brilliant job with her speech. Well done, well received – a real threat to the Democrats. OMG..

4 09 2008

New CBS NEWS poll says Obama has lost his national 8 pt lead, race now tied 42%-42%. SP smears and lies are working.

Folks – Keep beating the drum about the inaccuracies in her rhetoric. McCain must not win.

4 09 2008


Yes, you are right on the Wooten chronology.

The way the story reads to me is that, when her sister divorcing Wooten, they came up with all the dirt they could to get him fired (including, according to court documents, one time when Sarah herself drove over to her sister’s house with her 16-year-old son to listen to an argument through the window).

The judge in the divorce said he thought it was a bit counterproductive to get the trooper fired if they wanted any child support out of him

The trooper was reprimanded on the charges and suspended for ten days. When the union raised a fuss, the suspension was reduced to five days.

She started the latest round when she became governor but no one could do anything because the troopers have a union contract, the earlier charges had been dealt with, and there had been no new ones.

This firing thing seems to be a pattern with Palin, going back to her first days as mayor. I suspect that the whole “reform” thing against the Alaska Republican party “old boys” was vengeance for not appointing her to Murkowski’s unfinished U.S. senate term when he was elected governor (Murkowski’s daughter got the nod). Later, she just realized it was a good political ploy given Republican corruption in the state.

Seems like anyone who looks at her or her husband cross-eyed gets canned.

4 09 2008

I will watch McCain tonight for symptoms of throat problems. He is uncomfortable speaking to large crowds, odd for a man who would be President. But I wonder if his face tumor is pressing inward making speech difficult, what lengths would they go to hide it?

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Alaska National Guard faces personnel crisis

The Alaska National Guard, which Republicans are pointing to as an important national-security credential for vice presidential choice Sarah Palin, has personnel shortages that make its aviation units the most poorly staffed in the nation.

4 09 2008

Ana Gama,

I hear you on the way it could be twisted. But I like it regardless, if only because it’s easy to refute. “No, Republicans are the ones trying to USE JESUS’ NAME FOR A SMEAR. Obama’s the one who’s living according to Jesus’ principles.”

Or, as follow-up to the Palinistas, “Please take that WWJD bracelet off your wrist. If you don’t see which side is insulting Jesus and which side is following him, clearly, it’s cutting off the blood flow to your brain.”

4 09 2008

You sum it up perfectly. I wish I had a way with words like you do. I get so steamed up that I come across as everything I claim to hate. Thank you, it’s calming and refreshing to read this–you’re making sense without sounding foolish. I find myself saying out loud, “Yeah, yeah! Exactly.” My husband likes you too.

Giuliani’s speech was like a diatribe and Palin’s was incredibly snarky. All three major speeches, including Romney’s, were jeering and went beyond the pale. It felt like someone slapped me in the face three times and then stomped my foot for emphasis. I don’t think I can watch tonight. I would have been better off not watching last night.

It makes me wonder, how can someone who wanted Hillary so badly still openly feed this Republican machine after last night?

4 09 2008

insidelookingout (12:37:56)

It would be very hard for me to believe that her church didn’t believe in “speaking in tongues”. A very high percentage of the Assembly of God churches do and in fact I’ve never been in one that didn’t. Some may make it more of a practicing part of the chuch than others however. I do doubt that she allows herself to be linked to that church or it’s entire doctrine. She’s already seemed to have gone the “Independant Bible Church” route. I can tell you from growing up in that type of church that you don’t have a moderate reaction to it as you get older……you either decide to accept it fully and make it part of your adult life, or you reject it totally and find the set of beliefs and doctrine that you are more comfortable with. It is normally too extreme of an environment to be allowed to approve of some parts and not others….probably the most judgemental, harsh environment for those that question parts of its teachings.

4 09 2008

Great blog! Thanks so much for your insight and giving this Texan your local view of Palin. I’d give you my local view of little Bushie, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn’t return to Texas.

4 09 2008

Fake video footage of soldiers at RNC. Repugs act as if they own patriotism.

4 09 2008

The new CBS poll suggests that some voters are getting pissed off at the whole campaign, as well they might. Obama came down 6-8 points but McCain didn’t come up at all.

I wouldn’t put too much significance into one poll, though. They have been all over the place since last June. Obama has been pretty consistently tied or ahead and McCain has never broken 45%. The electoral vote has always trended Obama as well.

I’ll be interested to see where the polls go after McCain speaks. One thing Palin seems to have done is put his age squarely on the table whereas it was a taboo subject before. Among other things, she makes him look tired and ancient.

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

I’m posting this everywhere! Copy and use if you wish!

I want to here and now profusely thank Sarah Palin for her speech last night. She was very clear in her thoughts, and effective in her delivery.

But the unintended consequence of taking such a low road in her first national speech is that she has energized Democrats and centerist independents. Cash and new volunteers are flowing into the Obama Campaign as we speak at a remarkable rate. Yes, she also energized the fringe Republicans. But unfortunately for her and John McCain, nearly everyone else is running away.

Great job, Sarah! Thanks!

4 09 2008

Wow! The letter was an eye-opener.

I agree also that this woman has an extreme narcissitic personality. Even her own children are just pawns in her game.

“She kept her most recent pregnancy a secret from her children and parents for seven months.”

How sick and twisted and just plain ‘weird’ is that? Now I do believe she didn’t tell her chidren she was running for VP until she was announced in Dayton!

This woman scares me! And this is who McCain picked as his ‘soulmate’. He scares me too.

4 09 2008

Oh MY – The Congressman from Georgia, Lynn Westmoreland called Barack “uppity”


4 09 2008
Ana Gama

Gallup Daily: No Dent in Obama Lead So Far
Obama holds 7-point lead in latest results

PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama continues to hold a lead over John McCain, 49% to 42%, in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update.

The results are based on interviewing conducted Sept. 1-3. The vast majority of interviews on Wednesday evening were conducted before Sarah Palin gave her much-anticipated convention speech. However, the data do indicate that the initial first two nights of the convention — the slimmed down Monday program in deference to Hurricane Gustav and Tuesday’s speeches headlined by former senator Fred Thompson — have, so far, done little to change voter preferences.

4 09 2008

You are neglecting the possibility that neither Palin nor McCain will give an unscripted interview again. Didn’t McCain already cancel with Larry King because someone was too tough on a campaign aide? Are they really going to risk letting Palin flounder like that same aide did?

4 09 2008
4 09 2008

Jesus wept. If she
don’t beat all. Liz Lemon
should run for the veep.

September 4, 2008

4 09 2008

Here’s the bumper sticker you’re all asking for! Click my name or go here:

Jesus was a Community Organizer
Pontius Pilate was a Governor

4 09 2008

I really hate how the Republicans are acting like children.

It’s like that sweet looking little girl or boy that if you don’t give them what they want they instantly throw a temper tantrum and say that you hit them. The one that lies just because they are so good at it and look so innocent while doing it. Disgusting.

Obama/Biden 08/12!

4 09 2008
SoCal Calling

I wonder how many of us have watched the video showing Gov. Palin speaking in her former church in Wasilla? I believe the occasion was around three months ago and the audience recent graduates of a seminary. That speech was the source of her “God’s plan” for Iraq remark. If one was able to stick it out to the end, and it wasn’t easy to do so, Palin took the microphone from the pastor of the church to tell a little story. It seems that, when Palin was running for the office of Governor of Alaska, the pastor prayed over her. He didn’t ask that Palin God win the office, but instead that God “make a way” for it to happen. And He did. She surely believes, from relating this remarkable tale, that she is doing God’s work, fulfilling God’s plan for her. In her mind, the opportunity to run for VP of the United States is another step in God’s great plan for her and for the country. She absolutely believes she must make any sacrifice, whether it be family, friend or distorting the truth, to attain that goal. She appears to be a religious extremist, a delusional fanatic, every bit as dangerous to the safety and well-being of America as the Taleban or the very dead and buried Osama bin Laden’s rag-tag organization ever was or ever could be.

Watch the tape, if it’s still up. Make your own conclusions. I find her terrifying.

4 09 2008

Muckracker – it seems as though your 15 minutes are here. When they run out, I will be more than happy to offer you mine. In fact, based upon the response to your blog, we could take up quite a collection. Keep up the great work!

4 09 2008

Pat Buchanan is blowing a gasket because Chris Matthews wants
the McCain campaign to have Palin speak to the press in person without
a script ! How the nerve of Matthws. Who by the way is feeling seriously
dissed and is totally pissed!!

4 09 2008
Half Sigma

I am very disappointed by the comments at this blog. (The blog itself is great. The author good writer and knows his Alaskan politics.)

Most commenters, while accusing Palin supporters being too stupid to see the truth, are themselves too stupid to see the world in any other way besides Republican=BAD, Democrat=GOOD.

I too am disappointed that McCain felt the need to select this inexperienced white trash woman to be his running mate, but I have been told that the average American doesn’t trust a smart person to lead the country.

I will be voting AGAINST Obama this fall. I’ve given up on the idea that I can ever find a candidate that I truly would like to vote for, but I know that Obama is the candidate I would like to vote against. Sure he’s smart and a great public speaker, but so was Hitler. He stands for the destructive philosophy of the Left (which I see that most commenter here have unfortunately bought into, please wake up and think for yourself for a change) which will ultimately lead to national ruin. It’s not about Evangelical Christianity vs enlightened reason, but rather Evangelical Christianity vs some new religion-like cult involving dietary restrictions (eat organic), end of the world myths (global warming), and worship of Mother Nature instead of Jesus.

4 09 2008

I am watching it too

Go Chris !

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

GO DEBBIE!! (She’s got a bit of pit bull in her, too!)

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hammered a similar theme to Sebelius, saying that Palin “had a real problem with the truth last night” and adding that “even her hometown newspaper said she stretched the truth.” (a reference to Thursday’s Anchorage Daily News headline: “Some Of Palin’s Remarks Stretch The Truth.”)

Schultz also suggested that Palin had simply done a good job of robotically delivering an address she had little hand in crafting herself. “Whenever I have had to give significant speeches, I’ve spent a lot of time with the people assisting me in drafting remarks, adding my own voice,” Schultz said. “Last night, I only heard Sarah Palin’s voice [through] negative partisan attacks, with no substance or vision of where she thinks the country should go.”

On Palin’s effort to position herself and McCain as reformers, Schultz asked, “Where is the beef? Where is the evidence? Sarah Palin is not a reformer, she is under investigation in her home state for the abuse of power in trying to get a state trooper fired… If her best example of being a reformer was trying to sell a plane on E-Bay, that is not my definition of reform.”

Shultz also questioned Palin’s readiness to lead. “To say that her experience as a mayor of a town of 7,000 people … makes her qualified to have her hands on the pillar of American foreign policy, if God forbid anything happens to John McCain, to suggest that is frightening,” she said. “What kind of experience does Sarah Palin have to sit across the table from negotiators of the dangerous countries of this world?”

4 09 2008

I just realized something.

There used to be a huge number (like 20) McCain signs on the right side of the road just before I get on the Internet. It’s private land and the owner often makes “statements” there.

Yesterday the signs disappeared.

4 09 2008

lol Plwalsh, I think that’s happening a lot today.

4 09 2008

What has the reaction been to the fact that Gov. Palin apparently cut State funding to pregnant teens by over 20% and cut special education funding by over 60%. What happens to the families of pregnant teens and special-ed parents who do not have the financial capacity to deal with these issues on their own? What has the impact been on schools and families from these cuts?

Have special ed parents spoken out about the cuts to programs for their children? And what is Palin’s position on fully funding the federal IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) that has been shortchanging local school districts for decades?

Between that and her call for teaching creationism along side evolutionary theory in public schools when we need a more science literate society it makes me wonder what a Palinized America would look like!

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Half Sigma :


And Peace To You!!

4 09 2008

You know, I REALLY wish people could come up with some label for politicians they don’t like besides “like Hitler.” It really, really trivializes what Hitler did.

How about Generalisimo Franco for a few years? Then we could move on to Stalin and Genghis Khan. Or, in the case of women, Lucretia Borgia and Lizzie Borden.

At least it would add some variety.

4 09 2008

@Half Sigma (13:09:57)

Condolences to you. Do the world a favor on Nov 4th. Stay home.

4 09 2008
Ana Gama


I live in a rural county in southwest Michigan that has been traditionally red, but moving (slowly) to blue the last couple of years.

I have seen scant few McCain signs this year, but after Obama’s acceptance speech, quite a few of his have popped up. Warms my heart!!

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Half Sigma :

Oh and no offense ;c}

But where’s the other half?

Could mean two things, the question, you choose!

4 09 2008

if you don’t want to use Jesus as an example of a CO, think of some other ones…I’ll start:

Mother Theresa
Our founding fathers (Some one had to organize the Union)
Jane Addams (Hull House founder in Chicago)
Dorthy Day
Jesse Jackson
Harriet Tubman
Susan B. Anthony

Some community organizations (nationally known):
Meals on Wheels
Habitat for Humanity

Feel free to make your own list or pass on mine, I’m sure there are many more out there!

4 09 2008


All I would like to tell you is this.. I believe, from the bottom of my heart, that Obama TRULY wants the AMERICAN PEOPLE to own his campaign. I believe that he means it when he says that change can ONLY happen from the Bottom up. Obama knows he can’t do it alone. I take personal offense to the fact that you are comparing him to Hitler. Obama is somebody that I, along with millions of others, trust to make the decisions that will be best for my life, best for the lives of my parents, for the lives of my unborn children. He has been up front and honest, and that is why he has my vote. Between the 2 conventions – which candidate do you think showed the most dignity and respect?

4 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Ok what’s the scoope on this guy in alaska? He seems to be a republican that fights on both sides of the fence. Is he trustworthy?

Andrew Halco

4 09 2008

“but I have been told that the average American doesn’t trust a smart person to lead the country.”

Well then Half Sigma, THANK GOD, this blog PROVES, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that most Americans, are FAR ABOVE average and are NOT willing to settle anymore.

4 09 2008

Sarah Palin, with an ax
Gave Obama forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done
She gave Joe Biden forty one.

4 09 2008

@Bethany –

4 09 2008

How Biden, with a calm, but forceful voice, could respond to Palin:


“To quote Margaret Mead, a truly great scholar and accomplished writer and speaker of our time:

‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact it’s the only thing that ever has.’

I repeat: ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact it’s the only thing that ever has.’

The Obama/Biden campaign is unrelenting in our belief that you….community groups, church groups, volunteer firefighters, neighborhood watch teams, student activists, mothers and fathers of PTAs across the country….you… committed citizens of the United States of America are the true strength of our nation.

We will never doubt your efforts. We will never doubt the magnitude of your accomplishments. This is our covenant with the American people.

4 09 2008

Half Sigma, I have to say… compared to the right wing diatribes I’ve been subjected to… this site’s comments are mild.

I have a family friend who thinks I drank the ‘koolaid’! Come on, at least most of us are willing to admit that we just have different views. But don’t come on here and complain. It makes you look… whiney, as Palin would put it.

And voting against something never gets what you want. Voting for something does. So if you are going to vote for McCain at least have the cojones to own it.

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

BETHANY!! Bingo!

The founding fathers were community organizers!!

I am going to use this one. I like the Jesus / Pilate thing, but I really think religion and politics should be separate!

4 09 2008

I have found a very interesting video on youtube from a young “Community Organizer”, which I have posted on my blog. Let’s pay this forward as well and get it to all of blogdom, then maybe the MSM will pick it up.

4 09 2008


Sarah Palin, with an ax
Gave Obama forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done
She gave Joe Biden forty one.


lmao, I have to tell that to my mom tonight. She was born in Mass. and actually got named Beth instead of Elizabeth because they were still singing that song up there. XD

4 09 2008

Andrew Halco ran against Palin for governor on an independent ticket. He came in third with something like 20,000 votes. He is now one of her most public enemies.

Incidentally, most people in Alaska voted AGAINST Palin. There were five or six candidates in the race and she got less than 50% of the vote.

4 09 2008

Another good video condensing quit

4 09 2008

sorry… there is a typo in my link: it should read

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

Kind of ironic… wouldn’t you consider the PTA to be community organizers?

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Hmmmm, ‘cojones’, hadn’t thought of that in my question, so ‘half’ has Three choices now to pick from.

4 09 2008
Carol Hussein in San Antonio

Great blog!!!

Check out, which shows Obama winning by 71.8% of the electoral vote:

Olbermann had the guy who runs this site on Countdown, he’s a genius statistics nerd who honed his statistical modeling methods by predicting sports.

Palin is playing to the base, the super fundie Republicans like the ones at the convention, who want to institute a theocracy here. She will be no help in garnering any more moderates or independents to McCain’s side. In fact, it seems clear that she is being most successful at galvanizing OUR base! None of the states she will play well in were in any danger of going to Obama anyway.

I think Peggy Noonan got it right. It’s over.

4 09 2008

Oh look! A right-winger has found the blog. Hallelujah. Bring it on.

4 09 2008

Well written blog that makes some great points about Palin using her kids, especially Trig as product placement.

4 09 2008

Muckracker – just cause I’m a hopeless geek, would you mind posting a graph showing your daily traffic, starting say 2 days before SP got tapped thru today?

Wondering_Lake – Hope you warned CafePress that they are going to get hammered with orders.

4 09 2008


“All in One” why McCain showed poor judgement.

Anyone up for getting Nader/Gonzales in the debates? Gonzales would treat her like she treats a moose in season. Nader would show how FAR to the RIGHT the Republicans are. It may be the best way to expose her.
I’m just sayin…..

4 09 2008


One other thing… I have voted Republican since I was old enough to vote. This will be my first time casting a Democratic Ballot. I am not doing it because I’m “”too stupid to see the world any other way”, as you said. I am doing it because I trust Barack Obama to lead the country in an honest and upfront manner, and do do what is in the best interest of the American people. I know I can’t be the one to make decisions for everybody, so I’m choosing the person I think is best suited to do it.

The way Palin sat there last night and threw mud at the person MILLIONS of Americans have already voted for was UTTERLY disrespectful. How many votes has SHE gotten to get where she is?? NONE.

4 09 2008


Gang, I was the first to cross-post the “Jesus was a community organizer” meme here but this is BETTER. “Jesus Plus” if you will, but it won’t fit on a bumper sticker.

View and forward THIS!!! It needs to be an Obama commercial NOW. Anybody good at Flash??? I swear this could be done overnight by somebody with the skillz.

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Incidentally, most people in Alaska voted AGAINST Palin. There were five or six candidates in the race and she got less than 50% of the vote.

Interesting, Thanks, hadn’t thought about looking into that, might be a great topic for MudFlats unless he did it already and I missed seeing it.

4 09 2008

I agree with an earlier post. My news is also showing Obama has lost some footing this week. We have to remember not everyone WANTS to be well-informed and voting for change is akin to getting a tooth pulled without novacaine. If we really want to stop Pops and Caribou Barbie, we are going to have to get organized like the Religious Right does. They represent a minority in this Country but they are powerful because they are organized, have money, and know how to make everyday a day at the Big House. The big question is – what are WE going to do in each of communities to get the points across? At first, I thought I wouldn’t bother with the Republicans, but after last night, I now believe it is critical to nothing short of national security that we start painting the picture, and paint it vividly for people. So, I’ve started talking about my elderly parents who worked at the same administrative jobs for years (one was a State Worker) and now they don’t have enough money for their medications and have to choose which ones to take. I send them a little bit of money to cover this each month, but it is sad and scary. One of my neighbors talks about her fear of moving to a Welfare Mom at one point in her life, and she is now a (very) successful lawyer. We are using these examples to show that Obama is NOT about hand-outs, but hand-UPs. We need to bring it home. Make it real.

4 09 2008

I love this blog. Thank you so much!!

I am almost ashmed to say this, but want to know HOW Sarah Palin was able to be a good mother to her children while she was in Alaska. I’m a feminist and a working mother and I know how hard it is to balance work and motherhood. I’ve just found it so irritating that she doesn’t mention that difficulty or need for balance, and I also find myself being oddly illogically upset that she’s running for VP when she has the little little special needs baby and her other children.

I believe a woman can be president and anything she wants to be, but I also believe that, since we now (for a while anyway) have a choice as to whether to have a baby, we should put the baby first.

I wouldn’t be concerned about this if her children were older, but I know I also would not say it if she was a man.

Am I being a bad feminist or a realist here?

4 09 2008

For other community organizers, how about the League of Women Voters, the Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club, the Elks, the Odd Fellows, the Boy Scouts, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Salvation Army, the Combined Jewish Philanthropies, the United Way, the Boys and Girls Club, the board of your local public library, the Red Cross, and the YMCA?

4 09 2008

MH – that’s great, thanks for posting!!!

(and I’m a HUGE fan of the Jesus comment. Emailed it to all my friends when I first saw it!)

4 09 2008

Agreed, ocliberal! Who would hide a pregnancy from their own children? And why?

And thanks for the information, Plwalsh.

And to nadabrahma from Denmark, I also have dealt with a clinically-narcissistic personality, and you made some good points about their audacity — and people’s general unwillingness to call them on their sh** out of fear of reprisal and simply, the paralysis of amazement!

I’m going to make another donation to Obama (last night was my first donation). This is re-energizing Democrats, so at least one good thing has come out of this fiasco.

Also, if Palin does end up taking a fall from something actually sticking to her (such as new evidence coming to light about the ethics investigation or proof of an affair), I have to admit, it will be gratifying to watch her turn tail and crawl back home. She won’t have much to return to either, because her tricks are all out of the bag.

4 09 2008


Palin voting statistics are in her Wikipedia entry.

4 09 2008

I AGREE WITH MH: SOmebody with creative skills needs to put this into a video. I’ll TRY to do it, but can’t guarantee anything!!!

(Obama campaign – you out there????)

4 09 2008

The NYT is reporting that Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is taken in $8 million over the Internet since Mrs. Palin’s speech, in which she tore into Mr. Obama.
GOOOOOOOOO mudflats!

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Am I being a bad feminist or a realist here?


especially as to the ‘Special Needs’ child, the others are old enough for her to be able to hold the office of VP, but President, I would rather see them older.

But the Offer should never have been made and she should never have accepted, not with the child so young and ‘ Special Needs’, in a few years and with no medical problems, common with many ‘Downs’ children, and if not such a ‘shark’ I’d give her a look as to holding office.

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Thanks PL, haven’t had time to get to stats yet, I’m trying to get some advocacy work done, while popping in here, and keeping up with the New News on this palin.

4 09 2008

I must be really dense…for all this time I wondered why the GOP called Obama an elitist, considering his non-elitist background. I always saw him as a well spoken, educated man who worked hard to make something of his life. It wasn’t until I read about Congressman Lynn Westmoreland calling Obama “upity” that I realised it was a race thing. (Yes, I AM slow). After reading the article, where some accused the term “elitist” to translate to “upity” (a term only used for a man if he is black, which translates to Upity N****r). And considering the congressman is from the south, he knew darn well what he meant by those words.

I had thought this country had progressed. Initially I was not even for Obama (I consider myself an independent), but I am voting for him this year.

Suddenly I see last night’s Palin speech in a new light: a KKK ralley. Don’t members of the KKK also claim to be great Christians and for the family?

4 09 2008
Jim S.

You Got It JT!

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

Obama Campaign Raises $8M In Less Than 24 Hours
04 Sep 2008 04:28 pm

An Obama aide passes this news along:

$8 million raised since Palin’s speech from over 130,000 donors – on pace to hit $10 million by the time John McCain hits the stage tonight.
The Palin pick energized Republicans…… and has given a jolt to Democrats, too. (The RNC has raised $1m since Palin’s speech.)

“Sarah Palin’s attacks have rallied our supporters in ways we never expected,” says Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton. “And we fully expect John McCain’s attacks tonight to help us make our grassroots organization even stronger.”

Thanks Sarah!! We got $8m, you got $1m. LMAO

4 09 2008

Using John McCain’s logic (aka “McLogic”) Howard Dean actually has more foreign policy experience than Palin from when he was Governor of Maine.

Augusta, ME is closer to Moscow than any other US state capital…200 miles closer than Juneau.

In fact, all other Blue New England’s capitals (Concord, Montpelier, Boston, Hartford) are closer to Moscow than Juneau is.

4 09 2008

honestly i know jesus, but i had no idea who pontias pilates was. i had to google it (i’m not a christian, thank god…)

4 09 2008

@JT –

I raised a mixed race “black” kid, in the deep south (‘m white).

I can tell you all about racism up-close-and-personal.

Lotta these knuckle-dragging bigots are completely grossed out by the prospect of a “nig***” family in the White House.

4 09 2008
AZ Michelle

Is anyone listening to Hardball? The Repub old guard are all actually saying that neither Palin nor McCain should be expected to talk to the press.

4 09 2008

@AZ Michelle

Imagine my surprise.

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

Andrew Sullivan says: “McCain makes George W. Bush look prudent.”

4 09 2008

Question to Nebalaskan- I take it you are saying that she (they) did not move into the governor’s mansion (house) to govern? She commutes by plane? How far? Sorry, I do not know your geography well but I will look it up. 🙂 So did her family stay put when she took office and the kids stayed at their local school, etc?

On another subject, as a mother of three, I would NEVER give up a chef if I had a job with huge responsibilities, a husband who also works outside the home, and four (recently five) mouths to feed? Unless I was not really living at the house where the chef is employed, I guess.
Not many women I know who cook for their families every day would give up a chef, whether they work outside the home or not…Well, I digress and now it is time to go cook dinner. What shall we do with the chicken tonight?

4 09 2008
John Henry

“Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor.”

I’m no bible scholar, but its a good comeback – not that it would have any effect on a reptilian brain.

I’ve always thought though that Jesus would be demonized by the so-called Moral majority. He associates with prostitutes, would probably be for healthcare reform, and he’s not sufficiently pro-Israel.

4 09 2008

Speech was difficult but necessary to watch and observe a position shared by the few but powerful… and scary…


1. potential disaster: a potential and usually unanticipated disaster or difficulty

2. disguided hole acting as a trap: a deep concealed hole in the ground intended as a trap

Read ‘From Pitbull to Pitfalls’ if you wish…

4 09 2008
ted disante

That old George Bush Theory is really the brainchild of Adolf Hitler’s erstwhile Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels who said: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

This is just more proof that the Neo-Con Republican Party is proto-Fascist.

4 09 2008

Well he gets another 25.00 from me right now, as I intend to blog on here whle watching the Football Season kickoff at 7 Pm

4 09 2008

Half sigma speaks like a true Palin-drone. Repent!

4 09 2008

Bobby G –

Unfortunately, he’s right. There is a lot of fear in some of the churches down here – OMG, “they’re taking over!!!” So, instead of looking at the candidates’ character and platform, they take color. This is the scary, scary truth. They would rather take Armagaedden over an African American in the White House. We have to organize.

4 09 2008

‘McFucked’ fits nicely on a bumpersticker with large letters.

It seems to me that the women Dems (and perhaps some Rs) will be taking on the fight. And you can bet Michelle Obama will (Love her!). This could turn into one interesting cat fight. I can’t wait for Hillary’s response.

Does community organizers include church volunteers ladling soup, hospices, battered women’s shelters, and institutions such as Red Cross, blood donors and sand baggers? What does Jimmy Carter, that darned do-gooder have to say?


fyi: I think SNL with Tina Fey is a repeat.

4 09 2008

$8 million raised since Palin’s speech from over 130,000 donors – on pace to hit $10 million by the time John McCain hits the stage tonight.
The Palin pick energized Republicans…… and has given a jolt to Democrats, too. (The RNC has raised $1m since Palin’s speech.)

Gotta Love it!!!

4 09 2008

@Proud2BUSA –

Yep. I worry every day about Obama’s security. It would not surprise me at all from some redneck to try to take him out.

4 09 2008
one backward glance

Mudflats is referenced on Andrew Sullivan’s page now:

4 09 2008

riverside; the banned books ?
This isn’t fact checked but someone sent it to me in an e-mail

4 09 2008


Do not feed.

4 09 2008

woo hoo go Mudflats !!!

4 09 2008
Jesus was a community organizer « The Hard Facts–Abel Harding

[…] 4, 2008 · No Comments Mudflats:  “Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a […]

4 09 2008

Chicago (13:55:31

“Does community organizers include church volunteers ladling soup, hospices, battered women’s shelters, and institutions such as Red Cross, blood donors and sand baggers? What does Jimmy Carter, that darned do-gooder have to say?”

Pretty sure it does. Palin’s claim was that mayor’s “actually do something” and that to me implies that community organizors and volunteers do not? Lame
and she is getting pay back in dollars today. Obama raised 8million since her speech and McAssHole raised 1million. Obama is shooting for 10million before McDickHead’s speech is over.

4 09 2008
4 09 2008

Just so everyone knows: I work at a “community” here in FL where Rove owns a house. For someone who apparently hates gays and lesbians he seems to have the same problem as Cheney when it comes to his own family. Check out his son some time. Roves’s wife is a peach, but both Rove and his son have issues with working people, also.

4 09 2008

just invited all my Obama Blog friends here too

4 09 2008

Andrew Sullivan quoted Mudflats years and years ago, i.e, last Friday or Saturday.

4 09 2008


4 09 2008

Jesus was a preacher of the word of God … not a “community organizer” … I’m an atheist and even I know that …

Jesus also whipped the false prophets in the temple …

4 09 2008

Community organizers and soup kitchen volunteers are not the same thing … nice try though …

4 09 2008
Kevin in Sebastopol, CA

I just don’t understand how the right can take things that seem to me to be positives, (intelligence, hard work, a good education, local volunteerism) and try to spin them into negatives. Are there really people falling for this?
Great blog.

4 09 2008

Edie (14:07:34) :

Take a look at this

Excellent and keep the anger up people. It wins elections is the one thing
we can learn from the GOP.

4 09 2008

Jeff (14:11:18) :

Jesus was a preacher of the word of God … not a “community organizer” … I’m an atheist and even I know that …

Jesus also whipped the false prophets in the temple …

And we will whip some Republican ass in Nov hopefully…
a good old fashioned can of good ole boy whoop-ass

Why would a lady like me say that one may ask?

Because they need an ass-kicking so we can save our country.

4 09 2008
Jim S.

“Does community organizers include church volunteers ladling soup, hospices, battered women’s shelters, and institutions such as Red Cross, blood donors and sand baggers? What does Jimmy Carter, that darned do-gooder have to say?”

It includes Anyone who does Service for Community or Country, or Advocacy, or needs Activism to correct, and yes Service even means the Military!!

4 09 2008
All I Saw

I kept asking myself why Sarah is so angry – her wildest political dreams have come true!

The Republican party has been in charge of Congress for 12 years, 8 of it under the Bush Administration – who are they blaming for America’s problems?

I saw a speech demanding One-Party-Rule, the kind that has absolute power, calls dissent unpatriotic and gives rise to Fascism of epic proportions.

4 09 2008
4 09 2008

It seems to me Jesus got his community so well organized it has lasted for 2,000 years.

4 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

The “banned book” list isn’t reliable — publication dates of some of the books, noteably Harry Potter, are after the event in question. However, the list generally does look like required reading for any culturally literate person. Guess that’s the problem. Interesting that there’s even a version of the Bible on it, plus the dictionary.

4 09 2008

If one believes politics is nothing more than a team sport and that the Palm d’Bitchslap is the hightest honor one can receive, I can see the allure of Sarah Palin. If, on the other hand, you feel that functional government is more important than cheap entertainment, though, I am not sure why anyone would vote for the McCain-Palin ticket. Hopefully Americans are feeling a little more serious this year.

4 09 2008

Hi Everyone!

Please don’t forget to tell your friends, family, and neighbors as soon as McCain starts to make his acceptance speech to go to and make a donation.

CNN is getting ready to talk about: Palin Speech = Cash for Obama

4 09 2008

CNN just broke the trouper gate story in a full segment, to include the ‘Phone call’ recording and that Wootens files were miss used.

4 09 2008

Why would she want to ban Huckleberyy Finn, Little Red Riding Hood, Walt Witman, Maya Angelo, To Kill a Mockingbird?

As for the Catholic community organizing thing, I wonder how Mother Teresa would have reacted to Sara Palin’s comments? Mother Teresa, was the best community organizer in the world, in our lifetime!

4 09 2008

Just donated another $20 and it feels so good !!

Give now till it hurts or it’s gonna hurt a whole lot more for
four more long ugly years.

4 09 2008
Jim S.

All I Saw:

You got the twelve right, of which they didn’t do much of anything, check both houses sites, but only six under bushy, though they do have a minority position which makes it extremely easy for Obstructionism, one of the main reasons for Congressional Low poll numbers

4 09 2008

Has CNN confirmed that Wooten’s files were rifled by Palin?

4 09 2008

The lack of light in the winters in Alaska have rotted all your brains. Get a life.

4 09 2008

Jesus was a community organizer?

So are you saying that Obama’s purpose is to be crucified for the sins of the world?

I realize you think he is a god and you have lost all ability to reason but sheesh do you really think this ‘arguement’ will fly? Are you that clueless about christians? I sure hope so, the more you guys pontificate the better November looks.

4 09 2008
Zen Bonobo

This is a first response to a “quilt pattern” site.

I must applaud your “community organizer” creation, MH&. It is perfect. I find that knowing the scripture of the situational(y) moral is vital in dealing with their ideation.

Ok, now to bookmarking this page which came to me by way of reddit.

Zen Bonobo is a Lantern Bearer

4 09 2008
Jim S.


Ahhh and a ‘Nobama’ graces the site with it’s wit!!

Why aren’t you serving??

4 09 2008
Ana Gama

Nobama, get a clue.

Most of us are lower 48. We’re probably your friends, family, co-workers and acquaintences.

4 09 2008

I still am very curious about which books were so objectionable that the mayor had to get involved personally in trying to run the library.

True, trying to get the Wasilla librarian to take books off the shelf can be cited as decisive executive action on Mayor Palin’s part.

But my goodness, to then FIRE the poor librarian over it.

I guess the “reading them their rights” line showcases her experience in fighting terrorist librarians-

America, you cannot say that we were not warned.

4 09 2008

Catholic Charities USA is possibly the largest charitable organization in the country. As social justice is a huge aspect of modern Catholicism, it will piss off people aplenty.

“Our members—a network of more than 1,700 Catholic Charities agencies and institutions nationwide—provide help and create hope for more than 7.8 million people of all faiths a year.”

And that doesn’t include ANYTHING international!
Yup, great way to piss off a voting block but that’s ok–Catholics aren’t ‘christians’ by their definition, anyway.

4 09 2008
Jim S.

And a visit from a ‘Pharisee’ as well, the intellectual are coming for some teachin!!

4 09 2008

The Christian Right has some odd ideas about which books are inappropriate, but Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird both use the “n” word fairly liberally, Walt Whitman was gay and wrote fairly explictly gay poetry, Little Red Riding Hood includes an animal very much like a witch’s familiar, and Maya Angelou has been seen writing while Black.

4 09 2008
Richard Rhodes

All the above shows me is that there are a whole lot of incredibly dense stupid people living in Alaska too. Bush is so terrible that al queda no longer exists, we have not been attacked since 9/11. Gas prices are so high because people like the corrupt disgusting arrogant Obama thinks ethanol and a tire gauge will solve all problems. Just ask people in a lot of third world countrys think about ethanol. Just ask a lot of people in Kenya think about Obama. Especially in the town where his family lives. They named a school after him and he promised them money that he never delivered of course. He doesn’t want to drill for new sources of oil but would rather use Jimmy Carter’s solutions. And you want to create a scandal against Palin. I got a real one that all of you are too damn lazy to even bother to investigate. Two as a matter of fact Obama and Ayres and the Annenberg project and Obama and Rezko. And of course the wonderful Michelle and her 300,000$ a year job that was created for her at the Chicago hospital where Obama gave 2 million dollars in taxpayers money. I got another name instead of Hitler for Obama try Satan. And of course so many of you want to become his disciples. There are an incredible amount of stupid people on the internet and a lot of you are right there at the top. You can’t even give a reason why Obama should be president or what he has done to deserve it. And a as far as his community organizer role went. Yeah he helped Rezko organize real well. Rezko had all most all of his properties in Obama’s districts. The guy was slum lord. Obama did not give a damn about the people who lived there. They held protest rallies against him when he ran for state senate. The guy hired a staff for the purpose of trying to eliminate his competition on the ballot when he ran for state senate. One of the people he did this to was the person who mentored him through the political process. She became a major supporter of Hillary Clinton. So find out about Alice Palmer. Everyone Obama has been around he tries to screw over. I for one do not want this corrupt garbage doing it to me. You people are pathetic.

4 09 2008

To continue: what do you expect from a party that will go to Bob Jones University?


4 09 2008

Obama campaign raised 8 million dollars last night! LAst I heard he was also 15 points ahead!

4 09 2008
Jim S.

Ana, shhhhhh, don’t let on, let it keep it dreams, all it has left!

4 09 2008


Take a few deep breaths, please.

No, we do not think Obama is Jesus Christ and no, the stage set in Denver was not meant to suggest he is Zeus come down from Olympus.

Jeez, this country is really getting pretty warped if this is what people actually think of their fellow Americans.

4 09 2008

I realized after listening to that pathetic, painful speech that Sarah Palin is ALSO a P.O.W. now. The Republican Party has captured her, put a collar around her neck, and (literally) retooled her into parroting meaningless slogans, lying about her own record and philosophy, and adopting a sneer and a snarl that I’ve never seen her use up here. Maverick my ass. She’s one of them now, through and through.

From the moment McCain picked her, I had this terrible sinking feeling. As an Alaskan, how could I not want her to represent us well? But as an Alaskan, how could I possibly cheer her on into the White House? What’s embarrassing is that now I know much more about the real Sarah than I did when she was here. I didn’t vote for her, but until Troopergate, I figured Anybody But Murkowski was an improvement. I don’t think the parody we saw last night could have been elected governor here. At least, I’d like to think so.

I did enjoy sending Obama more money last night, though…

Thanks for a great blog. I’m sending all my friends and relatives who want to know more about our Stepford Governor here.

4 09 2008

Bobby G – Don’t give any radical ideas. The bottom line is that Barack Obama is an AMERICAN FIRST. The thing that differeniates Obama from McCain is Obama’s demonstrated commitment to ALL AMERICANS regardless of gender, color, education, or financial status.

Obama’s comeback about Community Organizer is priceless: “…what are THEY advocating? Is this not relevant to the Presidency….?”

The RNC has done nothing but a lot of saber-rattling and try to re-write history this week. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Terrorist Level go to Code Orange a few weeks before the election.

Kudos to Barack’s mom for what she taught her son. . . WAIT. . . wasn’t she in social work and community organizing? Don’t mess with mama!

4 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Darn, they’ve arrived. I spoke too soon.

4 09 2008

I thought Palin’s speech and her demeanor came off as awfully smug for someone who 99.9% of the U.S. population had never heard of until less than a week ago. Yet here she was bashing someone – Obama – who has been in the public eye nationally for eons relative to Palin. Where does SHE get off saying some of those things about HIM? Give me a break!

Should we collectively back off on our scrutiny of everything about Palin because she and her handlers may complain about privacy or because they cry “sexism”? Absolutely not!!! Obama has been fully vetted by the public over the last several years. We have two months to do it with Palin. Let’s get at it. Nobody knows who she is or what she’s about. It’s time we find out, don’t you all agree?! And if she wants to put her kids right out in front of her and run on a message of being a mom, then her kids and their issues are fair game. Perhaps Mom should have considered that before irresponsibly throwing her hat into the ring. Nice to know she’s putting her kids’ interests first in her life. Or not.

4 09 2008

You know who I want to hear more about — TODD Palin.

Sarah has CC’d him in on Alaska Government e-mails. Sarah fired her own legislative liaison who was with her all through her run for Governor, ostensibly because Todd Palin was upset that the liaison was dating the soon-to-be ex-wife of his friend.

Todd calls himself the “First Dude” and even though he is supposedly a fisherman AND works for BP running some sort of equipment, he really hasn’t been working for some time.

He seems to have a pretty strong influence on what Sarah does. What do we know about this “First Dude?”

4 09 2008
Palmdale, CA

Please don’t insult the millions of Christians who don’t happen to agree with you. Until just recently, the comments on this site have been thoughtful and respectful, even when people have disagreed. Are you doing unto others?

4 09 2008

Richard Rhodes: please go back to your faux news blogs. This group of “community organizers” doesn’t care to hear your drivel.

4 09 2008

Pharisee (14:27:02)

“Jesus was a community organizer?

So are you saying that Obama’s purpose is to be crucified for the sins of the world?

I realize you think he is a god and you have lost all ability to reason but sheesh do you really think this ‘arguement’ will fly? Are you that clueless about christians? I sure hope so, the more you guys pontificate the better November looks.”

What’s being said is that Jesus was a community organizer. That Palin not only insulted every one of us that serve our communities, she also insulted the greatest of them all- at least the greatest one in her chosen faith. What Would Jesus Say about that?

4 09 2008

to Richard Rhodes –

I thank you for your opinions and comments because this is what makes our Country great. I understand your points. Barack was not my first choice. I am reduced to voting to the candidate who will do the less evil for America.

1) I am patently concerned about freedom of speech. I work in an industry that is intimately involved with the Patriot Act, and although I cannot divulge the extent companies can now go into your privacy, let me just say it is substantial. They can track emails, phone calls, photographs, money exchanges, etc. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
2) I am patently concerned about a One Party Country that promotes one religion and one interpretation of the Bible. I am active in my Church; however, in the community I was raised in the upper mountains of the South, it is a religion based on fear, hate, reprisal and cruelty. One of our founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson spoke specifically to this in 1802 when he advocated the separation of Church and State, which was then included in our Bill of Rights’ First Ammendment. For known adulterers to stand on a national stage and parody and act better than folks who may have had to make difficult decisions or may have needed some government assistance, and for the sheep in that Party to not only laugh but loudly applaud, is nothing but scary. I come from a place where I truly believe: “…judge not lest ye be judged…” and I come from a place where Jesus was a GREAT social worker (and yes, he was more, and no, no one I know is trying to compare Obama to the Messiah except the Republican Party because they are trying to incite fear.)
3) The war is a failure. I have relatives over there. I have a son who may be going soon. I had relatives in Vietnam, and it was a failure too. We can be PROUD Americans but still acknowledge the truth. The reality is, remember, the FBI in Minnesota had warned the current administration of the potential terrorist threat and they didn’t listen. There is a very deep and known family connection between the Bushes, the bin Ladens and the Saudis. The bin Ladens in the United States were allowed to fly out of this Country while the rest of us were grounded in an airport.
4) Energy. Alternative energy sources exist today. Brazil REQUIRES

4 09 2008

Just donated another $20 and it feels so good !!

Give now till it hurts or it’s gonna hurt a whole lot more for
four more long ugly years.

4 09 2008
Jim S.

the stage set in Denver

Was very similar to what bushy and those that call themselves repubs used!!!

Funny how there seems to be little memory cells in some!

4 09 2008

…sorry, hit the wrong button. . . .

Brazil REQUIRES American Auto Manufacturers TODAY to manufacture vehicles with multiple fuel sources. I don’t understand this whole thing about on-shore drilling. We’re not a socialist country. We will not get the benefit of this. The Big Oil companies who are making record profits will benefit from this. What does it buy you? A couple of more years of reliance on oil. Oil is great, and we need it, but we have to look at other sources. Take a good look at T. Boone Pickens’ sites – granted, he’s going to make money, but there’s a lot of interest in solar, wind, and geothermal energies. There is a tremendous opportunities for Americans to retool themselves and get into these industries.

Finally, the Republicans have owned the White House AND THE SENATE for 7 of the last 8 years. McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time. For his campaign to promote CHANGE is hypocrisy. Give me anything but hyprocrisy in my President.

4 09 2008

I don’t quite understand why some of my fellow Republican christians can have so much hatred spewing out of their mouths like venom. He even called Obama “Satan.” That is not very christlike brotherly love. Jesus would be ashamed.

But it would make good reading for the Huffington Post. America could get a first hand look at hatred in action, all in the name of Christ.

4 09 2008

Proud2BUSA– well said!

4 09 2008
Jerry Dahlke

Well she got the viewership but also did good by getting more independents, undecided on board. Yes, I gave more than twice my total giving to date and I am not currently employed. The letter from that wonderful woman in Wasilla and her blog site is superb. Hooray for ABC News for the troopergate story. Sara needs to learn that by pissing off the mainstream press and by acting like a pit bull she shredded her “sexism shield” that had protected her the first five days. McCain has bought the Faustian deal with the “end of day” club and she will now intimidate and threaten McCain the way she has done up in Alaska. Since she wants to be a foreign policy leader I am sure Putin would welcome her or maybe Cheney can use her in Georgia and Central Asia to get a good gas pipeline deal. It would appear she wants to launch a modern day crusade, a “speaking in tongues” jihad against the world.

And yes, her community organizing tirade got me to give after getting the late night email from the Obama campaign.

We are all looking forward to Hilary’s role out. I applaud the governor ok Kansas who is very effective to talk back to the Sarah pitbull. Hmm, I wonder what her favorite color is?

Yes to those who are concerned with the new baby as a prop. I have worked with families with developmentally disabled children and I know they are very upset with this nasty and insincere exploitation.

Yes we all love mudflats. You will be very busy here for the next 60+ days.

Horray to all of you who are writing some lucid and compelling comments.


PS. I was raised outside of a small town of 900 in northern Wisconsin and I found through my wonderful teachers the wide world that Sarah was deprived of. I feel sorry for her sad state of affairs, and all that anger and vindictiveness. Something does not ring true about her life. She seem, can I say it, “bitter”.

4 09 2008

I am VERY curious about which books were so objectionable that the mayor had to get involved personally in trying to run the library.

True, trying to get the Wasilla librarian to take books off the shelf can be cited as decisive executive action on Mayor Palin’s part.

But my goodness, to then FIRE the poor librarian over it?

I guess the “reading them their rights” line last night showcases her experience in fighting terrorist librarians-

America, you cannot say that we were not warned.

Please get out and vote. Frozen in fear in not an option this time around.
The stakes have just gotten sky high.

4 09 2008

I’ll give you my take on Palins speech now I have had time to digest it (with the help of some tums) I am a 47 year old woman who runs a farm, also the widow of a vietnam vet who died from agent orange exposure. I have two children who I raised through part of their childhood and all of their teens by myself. I have always voted independent. I imagine I am the kind of person John McCain is looking to gain. If this is the case he picked the wrong person to be his VP. In her speeh last night Sara showed everybody in rural america what she really was a sneering small town bully. Every town has one they use inuendo, gossip and sometimes outright lies to try to keep people in their “place”. People are nice to them usually because they are scared of them. They are always small minded, sneering at every new idea no matter how good unless of course it’s theirs, if it’s theirs they sneer at any sugestion that it may not be perfect or could be made better. I truly hope our country is not stupid enough to vote these two into office, I know I won’t be voting for them in fact I have just made my first ever campaign contibution, to Obama. I hope the rest of you rural americans out there will stand up and let John Mccain know we are not as stupid as he thinks we are.

4 09 2008

Just one question. were there, or shall I say are there any african american people at the RNC. I am white and believe we are all created equal, I just think it’s time that these rich, white, out of touch, lying, old, fear spreading, terror threatning, war loving, haters need to get out of the government. The “my shit doesn’t smell card” wore off a long time ago for this party and it’s players. Sarah palin is a pawn in a giant game of chess backed by corporate america and by our current president. And I along with a whole lot of america who can actually process a thought past “duh” as well as the media have a right to know who this woman is. I mean, if you are genuine, true, and kind people will pick up on that, but if you are not the populous will tear you and all you know down. Which in this case should happen. Why are we still in Iraq? Where are these Weapons of mass destruction? Why are there so many unanswered questions about 9/11? And if sarah palin thinks the south side of chicago is a cake walk than I as well as the great city of chicago welcome her. Come and see what it really feels like to try and change a community in despair, see what it’s like where people are actually suffering and can hardly afford to live. I put my money on it that she wouldn’t last one day. She would stand out like a ghost against a black wall. It must be exciting for sarah palin and john mccain to know that their very election into the highest post of our nation would continue the worlds negative view of our country. continue wars that are farses, and straight out avoid the true issues that affect us as americans. I say we all have a giant fist fight and see what happens. without your guns, without your planes, or the people you pay to wipe your ass, mono e mono i’m pretty sure we could kick the crap out of every single last one of them.

4 09 2008

The hypocrisy of this woman is breath-taking. She is a devout Christian yet has no qualms about gunning down helpless animals with high-powered rifles from a helicopter. She is adamant that ANY child be born into this world, whether it be into a life of abject poverty or hopeless physical deformity. The environment is of no consequence, Drill Baby Drill. She shamelessly showcases her Down Syndrome baby on national TV and promises all mothers with special needs children she will watch over them like the angel of mercy – then cuts funding for special needs in her own state. It is “God’s will” that the Alaska pipeline be built. She’s never even met Barack Obama yet mocks and savages him on National TV. No discussion of any real issue, just attack like a pit bull.

Her record as mayor and governor appears to be one of intimidation, mis-truths, and petty domineering – very similar to Bush.

The whole thing just makes me want to throw up – why is so little of this being discussed in the MSM? This is a seriously dangerous woman and I can’t believe she isn’t being exposed. These are all fair game issues, no sexism or bullying involved.

4 09 2008

“This must be her test to see if that old George Bush theory that if you say something enough, people will just believe it, is true.”

Actually, that’s from Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Chief of Propaganda:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Or there’s Vladimir Lenin: “A lie told often enough becomes truth.”

Great, isn’t it, that the GOP are following these courses of logic so ardently?

4 09 2008

“We don’t take to kindly to your kind around here”

Just one question. were there, or shall I say are there any african american people at the RNC. I am white and believe we are all created equal, I just think it’s time that these rich, white, out of touch, lying, old, fear spreading, terror threatning, war loving, haters need to get out of the government. The “my shit doesn’t smell card” wore off a long time ago for this party and it’s players. Sarah palin is a pawn in a giant game of chess backed by corporate america and by our current president. And I along with a whole lot of america who can actually process a thought past “duh” as well as the media have a right to know who this woman is. I mean, if you are genuine, true, and kind people will pick up on that, but if you are not the populous will tear you and all you know down. Which in this case should happen. Why are we still in Iraq? Where are these Weapons of mass destruction? Why are there so many unanswered questions about 9/11? And if sarah palin thinks the south side of chicago is a cake walk than I as well as the great city of chicago welcome her. Come and see what it really feels like to try and change a community in despair, see what it’s like where people are actually suffering and can hardly afford to live. I put my money on it that she wouldn’t last one day. She would stand out like a ghost against a black wall. It must be exciting for sarah palin and john mccain to know that their very election into the highest post of our nation would continue the worlds negative view of our country. continue wars that are farses, and straight out avoid the true issues that affect us as americans. I say we all have a giant fist fight and see what happens. without your guns, without your planes, or the people you pay to wipe your ass, mono e mono i’m pretty sure we could kick the crap out of every single last one of them.

4 09 2008

Thanks, Chicago! There are many more reasons that are too numerous to mention here, but that is at least a start. We are all Americans, and thank GOD FOR DIVERSITY!!!!!!


4 09 2008

MJC (14:52:23) :

I don’t quite understand why some of my fellow Republican Christians can have so much hatred spewing out of their mouths like venom. He even called Obama “Satan.” That is not very Christie brotherly love. Jesus would be ashamed.

But it would make good reading for the Huffington Post. America could get a first hand look at hatred in action, all in the name of Christ.

That ugliness is really one of biggest differences. Thin lipped, hatred spewing “I know what God Thinks” types who aren’t content with their own lives and want to run mine. They do not want to help the “least of them” but they do want to tell them what they can do with their reproductive organs.
The one thing they have is ANGER. Unfortunately anger often wins elections so I am taken a page from their play book this year and stayed good and pissed off at the situation I find my country in. I am channeling the kind of anger that comes when someone tries to harm one of my children- that intense and powerful anger. Because if we let them win this time, they will in fact bring harm to my kids and yours. Supreme court changes, no health care initiatives, higher prices, lower incomes, few job, and more taxes.
That’s enough to piss me off and I’m going with it. On November 5th I will
get back to my happy and optimistic ol’ self.

Donate. Volunteer. Vote
give till it hurts or it’s gonna hurt for four more long ugly years.

4 09 2008

Everyone here stay strong! I’m sick of the Republican Party meme that says only Republicans can be patriotic and everyone else who is not a Republican are traitors.There are soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines of the United States of America on this site. There are veterans here. There are citizens here. We are all Mudflatians now as our unit. We are now going to take our country back in the name of our fathers and mothers that went before us. I’ve had enough of this corporatist Fascist baloney.

Remember this day as you talk sense to as many people as you can.

4 09 2008

Jerry Dahlke
“PS. I was raised outside of a small town of 900 in northern Wisconsin and I found through my wonderful teachers the wide world that Sarah was deprived of. I feel sorry for her sad state of affairs, and all that anger and vindictiveness. Something does not ring true about her life. She seem, can I say it, “bitter.”

Yes you can say it and I agree. She’s that angry ‘mean girl’ we all went to
junior high school with. The clique that always looked down on others and
still do.

Donate. Volunteer. Vote

4 09 2008

GO DEBBIE!!! You and I have a lot in common. I’m a fierce and PROUD Independent and want my Country back. I want what my uncles, nephews and relative fought and lost their lives for. . . even the Country singers are out of touch with average Americans today (I never thought I would say that. . . ), e.g. they sing about tractors, but have they ever had to fix one???? 😉 It’s the same with the two Parties and Candidates. Obama (with his elitist degree no less!) has REALLY gone into a gritty area that really needed help and support. Not glamourous. Not sexy. But needed. McCain has flown around as a Senator and lived off his second wife’s inheritance for how many years now? It’s time for REAL CHANGE.

4 09 2008
Anyone watching Sarah Palin's speech? - Page 17 - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] Posted by Fluffy Palin-Palooza Wrap Up. Palin-Palooza Wrap Up. Mudflats THAT WAS AWESOME!! Thanks for posting. […]

4 09 2008


I believe the Librarian was one of the many people Palin tried to fire upon taking office as Mayor. As you know, she was demanding that her city leaders and staff sign an “Oath of Loyalty” and the citizens of Wassilla revolted. I think the Librarian threatened to sue, so she was not fired.

Bush/Cheney tried to force some folks to sign a “Loyalty Oath” some years ago as well. John Daily did a nice little skit on his show about it. Take a look.

4 09 2008

HamletsMill –

I am present and reporting for duty, SIR!

4 09 2008


First, my sincere sorrow in the loss of your spouse. But you have eloquently stated the essence of what I saw last night with the Palin speech. My hope is that there are many of you out there in rural and small town USA who feel the same way and will turn out in droves to vote Obama/Biden in November.

I’ll be dropping another $50 in the Obama coffers after the close of the RNC tonight.

4 09 2008
Shawna R. B. Atteberry » Faith-based community organizers respond to Palin’s insult

[…] a commentator over MudFlats perfectly sums up the difference between community organziers and people like Gov. Palin: […]

4 09 2008

I have been leaving this link on as many comments as I can get to at all the news sites. We must keep up the fight and post as much as we can on all our blogs so we can keep the links on going. Kudos to Mudflats for landing on Andrew Sullivan’s site.

I have many stories linked to my blog. Spread the word.

4 09 2008

Vahanna asked for someone to go through the speech and rebut the lies of Palin. Here’s the Obama camp rebuttal:

4 09 2008

I completely agree with the last part of your post – I actually just got off the phone with my mom and she expressed the exact sentiment you are speaking about. She’s voting for McCain and said she liked Palin because she’s feisty. We talked about it and I told her about Palin’s record in Alaska, the contradictions in what she says and what actually happened, and my mom completely ignored it, instead she just repeated the feisty comment.

I feel like I’m in the twilight zone – when did assumptions and feelings become more substantial than fact?

4 09 2008

Mr. Rhodes…my good heaven. I couldnt even bring myself to finish your post. Are you stunned? Or perhaps you are baiting us? Reptilian brain is right you fool. Al Qaeda is gone????!!! Gone where? They never left those caves you nut. If you cant be a little smarter than that…go where your level of intelligence is most appropriate and appreciated

4 09 2008
Richard Tarzan

Wow, Plwalsh (12:20:56):

If only, if only.
Proud2BUSA (15:12:10)
(quote)”Obama (with his elitist degree no less!)”
elitist? Twenty-six of 45 presidents have had law degrees
By the way it was Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s Propaganda Minister) who said, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”
Why do we laugh at a man in a clown suit, and not a clown in a man suit?
(or woman)
You can take it to the bank I’m going to be watching tear ’em up Tina on SNL.

4 09 2008
Richard Tarzan

Not intended as a bash, Proud2BUSA, you and I are basically on the same wavelength.

4 09 2008

Your blogs are a breath of fresh air.

It’s something I had originally thought Alaska would have in abundance, but given the Palin performance … I’m not so sure any more.

At any rate, if you ever need a place to stay in the Show Me state – I got a spare room, and you’d be more than welcome.

4 09 2008

Thank God for this blog. I emailed the link to ABC News today (from their link asking if readers know any news) just in case someone hasn’t already done that. I appreciate your calm demeanor and matter-of-fact statements (the right approach) about who this imposter really is. It is a relief to know that you and other Alaskans aren’t going to let McCain/Palin dupe anyone other than those who are completely gullible and willfully blind. I’m from Texas and wish we had done a better job of getting the word out about Bush and his utter lack of any qualification whatsoever for higher office. We’ve come a long way since 2000 in being able to get the word out through blogging and websites, so maybe there is real hope this election cycle. Keep up the excellent work, and thanks!

4 09 2008
Half Sigma

“this blog PROVES, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that most Americans, are FAR ABOVE average and are NOT willing to settle anymore.”

Most of the people I spoke to LOVED the Palin speech. That a few hundred people are reading this blog proves nothing about “most” Americans, and most of the people here are hardcore liberals who would have found reason to HATE whomever McCain picked. Even super-smart and very presidential Romney was attacked on this blog.

Believe me, I am saddened that America has turned into a country that prefers to vote for someone who attended five colleges in six years and graduated with a degree in journalism without any evidence that she ever actually wrote anything, but that’s the country we live in, and Hollywood is probably more to blame than Republicans or Democrats.

4 09 2008

Half Sigma,
You are smart, keep thinking. Keep the conversation going. I am sad too and I don’t know who is to blame. However, it doesn’t have to be that way, we don’t have to see it that way, that’s Obama’s point. It is divisive politics and it needs to stop. We have many voices, and we need to come together to solve our country’s significant problems.
It is not elitist to struggle in the lower middle class, with few opportunities and then with your own hard work and your own smarts you make it into a top US university. That is the American dream. It is not elitism.

4 09 2008
Adrienne Zurub

Thank you for the information and perspectives you have provided throughout your blog.
Thank you for the courage of your voice in a town and area where this ‘pitbull’ is off the chain. You have contributed greatly to informing the public … and/or savvy bloggers.

Adrienne Zurub

4 09 2008
I Don't Like You Either

Palin’s “Community Organizer” Slur…

by The Puppet Mistress | From the Alaskan blog, Mudflats: A commenter on this blog summed it up so well: (hat tip MH “Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor.”…

4 09 2008
thought for the week. at Left Side Out

[…] Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor. (h/t Mudflats) […]

4 09 2008

I too was shocked at the viciousness and hatred emanating from “Mama” Palin…it sent shivers down my spine. (She’s already been dubbed Stalin Palin). Thank you for speaking out…now where are the others? We’re waiting for the real dirt on Sarah. For other disaffected Alaskans (like the librarian she tried to fire, the brother-in-law’s sacked boss) to come forward and bring to light the dark, dirty side of her down-home, folksy spin. I gather Juneau (let alone Wasilla) is a small-town kind of city…people must know a lot.

4 09 2008

Maybe we can get Palin to go up to the melting North Pole and let her fight a polar bear for the last pieces of floating ice there is. She should become the Ice Queen. Maybe she already is and that explains why she is so cold.

4 09 2008
Obama To Palin: What's Wrong With Being A Community Organizer? - Gossip Rocks Forum

[…] Michelle, can I borrow Barack for awhile, PLEASE? Lucky woman. Palin-Palooza Wrap Up. Mudflats Some good comments you guys should read […]

4 09 2008

Okay, so this “Jesus was a community organizer” comment has me seething. Hmm… and here I thought he was a teacher. Don’t compare Jesus to … well, anyone! None of us has the credentials.

4 09 2008

As an independent and a middle-class single woman, Sarah Palin offended me with her accusation of “attack” by us independents (who republican mouthpiece accuse as being planted campaign workers) This is what I would say to her being offended by this Independent woman’s attack-
I AM on attack here, not because of anything anyone has TOLD me to say, or PAID me to say, but because of what you yourself say and have said, and because of what the Republican MACHINE continues to “say” to the American people.
I attack here because I do not have the influence of BILLION dollar oil companies, drug companies, war machine companies, or earmarks from the federal government. I attack here because I cannot THREATEN big MSM to print what I want them to print. I attack here, because unfortunately this great country of ours where free speech, and fair reporting historically has been bragged about and encouraged, has become a country run by the “haves”, and us “have-nots” have very little say.
I attack here because we see less and less “transparency” from our politicians who threaten, lie, and control what comes out in mainstream media.
Sarah Palin, I attack here because we ARE the community organizers (be it liberal or conservative) We are the ones moved to do things differently. We are the PEOPLE!
So, Sarah, be offended, if you like…but I will continue to state both my opinion and what I learn along the way about you and your political leanings and values. If elected to be vice-president, you would be MY public servant, and as such that entitles me to some degree of attack. This is only practice for that, Sarah.

4 09 2008

oh…and if some “maverick” in mainstream media picks up on what of WE THE PEOPLE are saying and happens to print it……can we all cheer for the MAVERICKS????

4 09 2008
Exasperation in the Heartland « Just Above Sunset

[…] here’s the best comment – “Jesus was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a […]

4 09 2008
Lawyers Guns and money

Thnks for the laughs. I am from australia and have urged all to read this back home. I think she misplaced her hockey stick somewhere maybe her mouth?

5 09 2008
A Short List » Undiplomatic

[…] quote of yesterday, perhaps of the entire convention season, came from a commenter on the Mudflats blog: Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontius Pilate was a […]

5 09 2008

“Sarah Palin’s Line Item Vetoes, The funding axe falls against small communities.”

In a PDF at the Alaska OMB website is Sarah Palin’s line item veto record that shows that she not only ridicules “community organizing” but makes small community efforts for libraries, schools, hospitals and seniors a focus point of her budgetary axe. For background work…..

The hyperlink to Alaska OMB data is here:

Veto Spreadsheet PDF hyperlink:

“In a keyword PDF search it was revealed that over 44 community organizations were denied funding, over 62 schools denied funding, over 13 youth organizations denied funding while her home town received $12,000,000 in earmarks from the federal government and Alaska was awash in oil revenues.”

“The Veto document seems to illustrate that Sarah Palin may be at war with small town needs and community interests in Alaska.”

Download the PDF and be amazed yourself…..

5 09 2008
T-shirt slogan « My Point Exactly

[…] Mudflats, a blog by an Alaskan who observe’s that state’s politics, has a great idea for a T-shirt: Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a […]

5 09 2008

Thanks for all your links and information; it’s great to get the on-the-ground reports! I’ve been compiling the accumulating Palin scandals on my blog here, with no ‘baby-bashing’:

McCain-Palin News Round-Up

McCain-Palin News Round-Up

Palin’s Policies and Scandals

Palin’s Policies and Scandals

and ongoing ’08 election coverage here:


5 09 2008

Go to hell Palin. Community organizers represent the true spirit of democracy. If you are a fiscal conservative, you should love their work as they provide many of the services that you don’t believe government should- childcare, foodbanks, etc. You should be praising their sacrifice for their communities, not belittling people who are actually trying to make a difference.

I’m so sick of conservatives seeing things through the scope of their “us vs. them” mentality. Community organizers bring people together and give a voice to the disenchanted who might not otherwise be involved in the political process. That is exactly the kind of person who should be leading this country- someone who has seen things through the eyes of the marginalized and the elite. I don’t understand how this is a flaw???

6 09 2008

As a mom, strong in her faith I’m proud to be a community organizer and feel Sen. Obama is the forward thinking, compassionate leader he is because of the “real experience” that comes from being a community organizer. Here’s a man who lives his faith and doesn’t just talk about it. I’ll take one of those bumper stickers please!

6 09 2008
Who was a community organizer? « Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

[…] them, or insist on ignoring the problems.  I made this bumper sticker after reading the quote on Mudflats, one of the best Democrat blogs […]

6 09 2008



Hello, my name is Johnson

I was watching C-span Saturday morning at about 10:45 and a man by the name of Cliff Kincaid,

was on there sprewing lies about Obama being a communist and many other bad names..

Please investigate this information at the website :

or both

Click to access hawaii-obama.pdf

Please send a reply that you receive my important email. I will also
be checking Obama website for additional information.

The GOP is starting a swift-boat smear campaign and a attack on the new media…

I hope Obama/Biden will speak with strong voice …not softball responses

Please help me to find answer to this trouble information

Thank you

Please send a email to Obama at

I have send him one email and I will keep sending it everyday at least 5-10 times a day until I get a reply…

6 09 2008

@ AnneinWA (09:00:02) :

yourinfo (08:41:09) :

Are you sure you want to draw attention to this wacko’s website? His and many other smear sites are out there.


AnneinWA…. you are so right … lack of sleep the last few days … is taking toll on me …

I will try to take a short break for fantasy football …. but I don’t know how I can…

McCain/SP are so crazy….thank you again…I will post this message everywhere….

6 09 2008

Family Values-the catch term for the Republicans-elicits a real reaction from me! Sarah Palin-what are her family values? As a full time mother who worked to educate herself, then go to work outside of the home every day, I am insulted by this woman and the audacity of the Republicans. At the end of the day, it is the family who educates, soothes, teaches, and mentors their children…which requires the PRESENCE of the mother and father. How does SP expect to care for a four month old infant with multiple issues, a dtr who is pregnant, and two other children while she is gallavanting around the country?? Not to mention her total lack of qualifications to even be the VP? Family Values??? You need to be WITH the family to fulfill all those needs-she is arrogant and egocentric! What a sad commentary for our country-whatever happened to equality-she is no representative for working women in my world.

6 09 2008

Truly upset by all of the lies. I just really hope everyone voting this year will truly look at the facts and see the lies she blatantly told the other night. Headline News just broke a story on a few of them. Obama has been so polite gracious and eloquent!

6 09 2008

Interesting… What ever you do, vote with your conscience…

7 09 2008

I understand that once elected, VP Sarah Palin is seriously considering selling Air Force 1 on eBay too.

7 09 2008

Jesus brought about change. He took a old religion and changed it, BUT, that brought bloodshed that continued on for two thousand years – the crusades, the inquisition, the belin trial etc.
At least, Pontios Pilate had control over his country. At least he kept the disagreements between Jesus and the old-school rabbis to just that – a disagreemant and not bloodshed!

7 09 2008
Tom Dockery

Sarah is the heir to Lincoln,Roosevelt and Reagan.Obama is the heir to Hoover.Which one do you want?

7 09 2008

Sarah is the heir to Lincoln,Roosevelt and Reagan.Obama is the heir to Hoover.Which one do you want?


Where does McCain fit in? The Presidential election is between McCain and Obama.

8 09 2008

Love your blog! Thank you for the great insights!

8 09 2008

Bystander: well done! (And Hoover?! Puh-lease!)

8 09 2008
The No-So-Daily Muse 09.08.08 « re:examine all

[…] a community organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a governor. –A commenter on the Alaskan blog, Mudflats. […]