Sarah Palin’s Preacher Problem. End Times Coming?

2 09 2008

Good Lord. Another ‘gate’. Just talked to one of our local progressive radio talk show hosts (yes, we have them in Alaska!) and she said her head is spinning. Mine is too. No one knows where to turn. Keeping up with the tidal wave of what’s hitting the fan in Alaska is fast becoming a full-time job. It feels like that old-time video game “Centipede”. It’s easy at first to blast those little centipedes as they work their way down the screen, but the longer you play the faster they come and bigger they get, and the more you have to work to keep them in check.

There’s fundraising for indicted senator Ted Stevens’ 547, not actually knowing “what the VP does all day”, her affiliation with the secessionist Alaska Independence Party, earmarks after earmarks for her small town projects, zero international experience, Troopergate, Babygate, Dairygate, Bridgegate, Toddgate, and now…..Churchgate.

I’ve picked this particular centipede today, (shall we call it the Jesus-pede?) because this is something that crosses the line between a candidate who is unqualified, and a candidate that is not using the same play book as most of the rest of us.

I did a drive-by of Palin’s church when I was traveling through Wasilla yesterday, not realizing the furor that would be churning the blogosphere less than 24-hours later about a speech Palin delivered there only three months ago. Here’s what she said regarding the war in Iraq.

“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

Let that sink in a minute. A task that is from God. Sarah’s war is a holy war. It’s not, apparently from the God that says “turn the other cheek” or “I am my brother’s keeper” or “the greatest of all these is love”. It’s not about diplomacy, international relations, figuring out why we are so despised in the Middle East, keeping Israel secure, revamping how the U.S. deals with its unsustainable dependence on foreign oil, combating poverty and desperation that leads young men to terrorism. Nope. This war is God’s will. It’s God’s holy war. She went on:

That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.

So the plan is to pray for a plan? Perhaps it would have been better to pray for a plan beFORE we went to Iraq. Better still to sit down and create a plan – a thoughtful, intelligent, human-type plan.

Knowing that Palin has only been out of the country once, in 2007, to visit the Alaska Guard in Kuwait, we rightfully wonder what might influence her international policy. How will her decisions be made? What is her style of governance? Well, folks, this might just be it. Pray for a plan and hope it’s the right one.

Beyond that one speech she made in June, what else do we know about Palin’s church? Good question. Anchroage residents, who comprise the vast majority of the population in this region of Alaska, know that Wasilla is the heart of Alaska’s Valley Bible Belt. This is evidenced by the dozens and dozens of roadside churches, the Christian schools and bookstores, and how many people are wearing crosses in the local supermarket. But I, and most others I know really don’t know much more than that. But, the press, bloggers, and curious citizens are now McCain’s post-facto vetting team, and they are opening can after can of worms.

Let’s break the vacuum seal on that latest can, shall we? (giant sucking sound, behold worms) This is from Ed Kalnins, the senior pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God. Palin attended here for most of her adult life, until her new affiliation with a similar church in the state’s capitol, Juneau:

What you see in a terrorist — that’s called the invisible enemy. There has always been an invisible enemy. What you see in Iraq, basically, is a manifestation of what’s going on in this unseen world called the spirit world. … We need to think like Jesus thinks. We are in a time and a season of war, and we need to think like that. We need to develop that instinct. We need to develop as believers the instinct that we are at war, and that war is contending for your faith. … Jesus called us to die. You’re worried about getting hurt? He’s called us to die. Listen, you know we can’t even follow him unless you are willing to give up your life. … I believe that Jesus himself operated from that position of war mode. Everyone say “war mode.” Now you say, wait a minute Ed, he’s like the good shepherd, he’s loving all the time and he’s kind all the time. Oh yes he is — but I also believe that he had a part of his thoughts that knew that he was in a war.

How will the Republican party and the pundits handle Palin’s “Reverend Wright Moment”? Did McCain vet her on matters of her religious ties, knowing how devastating the impact of his church selection turned out to be for Obama? You’d think. But maybe McCain knew all along, and thought it was no big deal. Which scenario is more sobering? And how do non-Christians in the rest of the country and in Alaska feel about the “end times” philosophy of this church?

Is this one more step toward the End Times of the McCain-Palin ticket? Let us pray.



426 responses

2 09 2008

‘How will the Republican party and the pundits handle Palin’s “Reverend Wright Moment”?’

With utter silence.

2 09 2008

Fantastic !!! First she or her husband is an AIP America hater and now this ..
Let’s see “what would Jesus do? ” war ? no war ? I think he would give no war a whirl . Just my opinion

2 09 2008
2 09 2008

BobbyG- word to that!

The fundie types will eat this up with a spoon, but the rest of us? Uhhh….not so much!

The fundie pundits will praise it, the MSM will give it a pass because, well, we all KNOW the fundies think this, nutty or not “is not for them to judge”!

2 09 2008

I was very blessed in my teenage years to be sent to live on a Quaker Farm High School. It is amazing community (Quakers) that live their ‘witness’ instead of preaching it. It changed my life. I am so sorry there are not more Friends in this world.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Your last paragraph and final sentence are precisely the most terrifying potential results of this ticket. The fundamental dynamic of that church, that pastor, and her beliefs are a mirror-image of those of the Republican’s primary constituency. The USA cannot be allowed to become a church-state. If it does, it’s all over. This will prove to be the most defining election of modern history.

2 09 2008

She is a lunatic.

2 09 2008

Thanks for this blog. I live in small town Virginia and today I overheard the waitresses in the local restaurant discuss Palin. They (Repubs all, by the way) were appalled by her lack of consideration or care for her family. They are following closely (more closely now I gave them your site) and this is not good for McCain.

2 09 2008
Mad Skillz

Her selection is proof positive there is a God. Thank you, Sarah – your hotness will be the GOP’s downfall this election. Thank you dad and moma for creating a hottie that makes McCain pop a couple Viagra every time he see your hot bod.

2 09 2008

you said it , for the first time I am going to sign up and work to
stop this from happening . I will personally rent a bus and drive people to vote if I have to .. Dems need to fight this time !!!!!!!

2 09 2008

Interesting…as a prObama Christian fairly exposed to the various theologies that we’ve come across in this campaign, nothing Governor Palin said is not within the mainstream of Christian rhetoric, if you want to call it that. Viewing it as a Christian, nothing about seems offensive to me. She is not appealing to faith instead of reason, but to faith in addition to reason. [I don’t have an opinion/idea about the separation of church/state concerns.] This video will only endear her more to Christians, and I suspect that she was addressing that audience as a Christian, rather than as a Candidate Pahlin. As an observer and participant in prodding the commentary toward what liberals/Dems/athiests/secular humanists and others hope is a candidacy speeding toward a train wreck, I think we’re lowering the bar mighty low for Governor Palin to hop over it tomorrow night. Were she to deliver a speech that simply appeals to good government, hard work, righteousness (whatever it means in a policy context) then it might set off a lot of dog whistles that people who want to securely, permanently, and indisputably affix Christianity to the Republic want to hear. On the other side of the ballot, many of us Dems might deride her for a plainspoken folksy and relatively mundane speech, and miss the cultural groundswell that Governor Palin and her selection might engender.

2 09 2008

I just have to thank-you for this very informative Blog.
Instead of crying I’m laughing out loud over this situation.
I do believe Sarah’s days as VP nominee are numbered.
Once again thanks for the insiders view.

2 09 2008

Dear AKMuckraker;

What would I do without you? When the din of Hurricane Sarah makes me ready jump from my one-story roof, I can come here and laugh. You had this woman as your governor. Bless you. Glad to see you’ve lived through it.


2 09 2008

It’s considered ‘psycho’ because that’s like saying our country is waging some sort of holy war. The same type of ‘holy war’ that our ‘opposition’ has waged unto us. It in effect validates their reasoning.

2 09 2008

First things first: Thank you, thank you, thank you for this blog!

John McCain and Religion:He’s totally non-religious or even a-religious, from what I can tell. His prior rebuffs of the fundies before this election cycle are evidence, I think, of his true feelings towards religion of any kind. Don’t know what effects being a POW for 5+ years had on his mind, but becoming a born-again wasn’t one of them.

SP: I’m in Hawaii where the politics are at least as convoluted as they are in Alaska, so I am LOVING the local color you provide. Apparently, our governor (Linda Lingle – a pro-choice, social moderate who is despised by the Ron Paulites here as a “DINO”) is being deployed to speak up for SP & introduce at various events on the mainland. Can’t wait until the national spotlight shines Miss Linda in hopes that some of HER little problems become more visible!

Thank you, again, and keep it all coming!

2 09 2008
Ana Gama


None of this is real!

We are just watching an extended Twilight Zone episode entitled, “West Wing Meets Northern Exposure”

2 09 2008

And just think…..She hasn’t even been interviewed by anyone yet!!!!

What in the world is she going to say???

2 09 2008

As I read this entry, I could not help but think about the original 20th Century Blogger, Mark Twain… take a moment and read The War Prayer ( it is only about 1200 words… all I can say is “wow”. I am now officially more afraid of her than I was of Dick Cheney.

2 09 2008
Jim S.

Now I see what this country has come to, after all these years and serving In-Country in it’s last Total Fiasco, ‘Nam!

They just talked to an Alaskan delegate at the convention on the PBS News Hour, and this Woman equated raising Palins New Born, with special needs, and helping her daughter, and all of the other things hitting the fan, that if elected with McCain she’ll Do Fine ‘Multi – Tasking’ all of the needs!!

‘Multi – Tasking’, adults apparently take No Responsibility anymore, They ‘Multi-Task’!!!!

2 09 2008
From England

I’ve evolved into a staunch obamaphile…don’t think democrats will rush to say anything what with the Wright affair still quite fresh in all our minds. We can’t afford for that to rear its ugly head? And I don’t really perceive it in itself as an issue (combined with her lack of international experience it is…but that’s splitting hairs that the average voter might appreciate)

Keep the info coming!

2 09 2008

Her speech doesn’t make a lot of sense – I’ll give you that. But her pastor’s words that you have quoted do make sense. He isn’t talking about end times or some kind of current holy war in the middle east. He is talking about war as a metaphor for the Christian faith. Christians believe in 1. and internal struggle with sin and 2. Satan (Christ’s enemy) who is constantly trying to drag us away from Christ. The Bible is full of war metaphors. Taken out of context, and paired with Palin’s strange “war talk”, the pastor’s points can seem out of line with Christianity, but it is not. Jesus is love, he turns the other cheek, but God is “at war” with Satan throughout the Bible while mankind is at war with himself.

2 09 2008


2 09 2008
Jim S.

Jennifer, that is Not what this preacher is Talking about, Sorry to Inform You!!

2 09 2008

The only time we Arizonans see McCain in a church is for fundraisers. He’ll be seen there more often now, praying for the removal of the albatross around his neck.

2 09 2008

I saw that video. We call them “Wejesses” in my neck o’the woods. “We jes love you Jesus. We jes want to thank you for sendin’ us Sarah, Jesus. We jes want to let you know we are ready to die for you jes like you died for us, hangin’ all horrible like from that cross.”

2 09 2008

Thank you again for this very informative blog. I cannot believe McCain vetted Palin at all — there’s just too much weirdness coming out.

2 09 2008

This is ridiculous…If this came out of a Muslim, or Jew mouth about war…they are evil….so why is it…we are on the right side of Jesus?

2 09 2008

Howkus-I believe you are right about many christians seeing not being able to find fault with this video. (although, personally, I do take exception to the idea that the Iraq war was God’s plan–after all it was only God’s plan because he TOLD Bush it was his plan). For that reason, I don’t think the story is particularly damning to the campaign. I agree, if I got the point of your post correctly, that to denigrate Palin over religious beliefs just perpetuates some beliefs that we, of the liberal viewpoint, really ARE the devil. Obama himself has pushed for taking the higher road. We do that by TALKING points not attacking. I had an interesting conversation with a co_worker today who said she was undecided-but that she took offense to Obama’s response about abortion being “above his pay-grade” I explained to her that I felt he was saying that it is a GOD issue, not a government issue. Her face lit up and she said she had not thought of that before..and then said she would have to go read a lot more about him.
That is how this election will be won, be people having REAL conversations with people about some of the “spin” that is out there about Obama, not by attacking Palin. (no matter how much we SEE the idiocy of this nomination)

2 09 2008

Scary…VERY scary…here we have issues about “Holy War” against us and yet, we are using the same terms, because we are doing it for God and Jesus wanted us to die for evils….VERY SCARY thinking that she may some day be in charge of that red button

2 09 2008
Jim S.

Real, because we are we, that’s what the Fundies Here want you and everyone to think, and in Our Apathy, in a quickly sinking Society, many do Think We Are SUPREME!!

2 09 2008
Sarah Palin’s Record « Moonseeds Weblog

[…] (Check out the full story on that at Mudflats on WordPress) […]

2 09 2008

its one thing to pray your plan is sound, its quite another to pray for a plan

but the AIP and abuse of power are bigger issues.
and anyway, its NOT like reverend wright, because johnny was a POW!

2 09 2008
The Six Pine Trees

Hey! You left out the biggie — the part about (at least) one church of hers being tied to the Dominionist movement, with strong links to Joel’s Army!

2 09 2008

The media pundits had better no ask J-Mc surrogates any questions about this! HuffPo just posted that McCain cancelled his appearance on the Larry King show tonight. It states:

“Blitzer said the McCain campaign complained that Campbell Brown’s grilling of Tucker Bounds over Sarah Palin’s lack of foreign policy experience was “over the line.”

hmmm? Think that might say something about the Maverick’s temperament? NO TOUGH QUESTIONS ALLOWED!

2 09 2008

The GOP hard right will love this preacher! Sarah’s rapture-ready & a breeder to boot! If the ‘Barracuda’ doesn’t get elected she’ll make a fortune on Fox or someplace.

2 09 2008

You can read a copy of the Democratic opposition research on Ms. Palin from 2006 at

2 09 2008

You keep on posting…for many in the Lower 48, this Blog is a total insight as to what goes on Up There, the Internet loves you, and the MSM is picking up on your posts and even looking into the trail of breadcrumbs you are providing.

Huffington Post had the video (and *hundreds* of comments) a few hours ago. MSNBC has picked up on it; and is looking into her Church affiliations further. I told my wife last night that the issue with the pregnancy was going to be nothing, because there was definitely enough rope out there for SP and the GOP to hand themselves with.

This woman is frightening…absolutely frightening. And I thought McCain had me scared!

2 09 2008

thank you for a very interesting blog. I am a Canadian who is fairly liberal and I am utterly fascinated by American politics.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why McCain chose Ms. Palin as his running mate, and why she chose to accept. She seems to have a few family issues she should be attending to at the moment……I am sure her son who is going to Iraq and her daughter who is 5 months pregnant might need their Mom at the moment. Instead she will be galavanting all over the U.S.A for the next 2 months. Nice Mother!

2 09 2008

She can’t even run a freakin’ CAR WASH? How the hell does ANYONE think she can be the VP???

People-this is too easy! The jokes just write themselves!!!

2 09 2008

“Is this one more step toward the End Times of the McCain-Palin ticket? Let us pray.”

I swear it’s going to be next Sunday or Monday night after the cable news
programs are over and on repeat mode. They’ll send out an AP release that
she’s dropping out due to family concerns or some such nonsense….well
this is at least my little prayer 🙂

On the other hand, and this is my internal debate for the day, it might be
best if he keeps her as I truly believe it will ruin any chance he has left to win.
As I debate myself I counter this with- if he drops her he looks even nuttier than he does already and still ruins any chance he has left. ???

Well I see the GOP convention is kicking in and I am going to watch as much as I can stomach and play my favorite game “Look for a Minority in the Audience” very much like Where’s Waldo.

2 09 2008

Dear AKMuckraker: Your blog is very informative and could end up saving this country. However, be forewarned. As soon as the neo-cons learn of this site, they will attack you with an absolute vengeance. I am already seeing it in places like Philadelphia ( – See Attytood and Dick Polman’s American Debate), as well as in Arizona where I live. Hang in there and keep up the good work.

2 09 2008

Deb — I’m in agreement that Governor Palin’s nomination to the VP is mostly ludicrous, but it has its purposes (for McCain). I don’t doubt for a moment all the testimonies that she has electrified the base of the Right. I’m inclined to say that there’s nothing to be done about that — especially not to convince people on the left that Palin is crazy. What would be the good that comes out of raising the level of chatter against Palin to the exent that the Republican party fractures [if/when] Palin stepped down? Wouldn’t that be counterproductive to unifying the (entire) polity to the degree that it’s possible, as all citizens confront the issues of our time? Moreover, is the alternative to Palin any better? When it comes down to it, I’m hopeful that I can find a way to campaign and convince others that my candidate (Obama) is the one to vote for…

As I tell my wife, once I go into the voting booth, it’s time for President Obama to do his job, and I don’t expect that I will always agree that he will do things the way I think he should. But I’ll pray for him nonetheless…

I’m excited for all of the young voters who will get a chance to participate in the civic dialogue. Messy as it is, I just don’t want it to get too bloody, particularly if there’s supposed to be an elevated level of politics, discussion and participation as a result of the election of my candidate. If my candidate should lose, well…I may want to take my toys home for a few weeks, but the degree of engagement that this campaign has sparked will hopefully continue beyond the election season…

2 09 2008

omg… the speaker just called Sarah Palin “Sarah “Pawlenty”!!! haha!!!

2 09 2008
palin alaska independence party

[…] experience, Troopergate, Babygate, Dairygate, Bridgegate, Toddgate, and now??..Churchgate. Party Watch ? Blog Archive ? Palin Addresses AIPGov. Sarah palin of alaska addresses the […]

2 09 2008

@where’s waldo in the audience! good one

2 09 2008

I am just so surprised that the Christian right is ok with a woman in a position of power. If believing that a wife must be submissive to her husband is so important, then it must be Todd Palin calling the shots.

2 09 2008

Your hard work is greatly admired; thank-you so much!

2 09 2008
White Agate

She just didn’t look 3 months post-partum to me in that video, anyone? Especially if she is nursing. Sorry, just don’t buy it. As she moves around onstage there are more and more questions in my mind about the ‘pregnancy,’ she just looks too awake/unzonked to begin with.

2 09 2008
Playing foot hockey with Ms. Palin

Just like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith and Mel Torme, the hits keep coming.

Palin lobbyist has ties to Jack Abramoff. LOL!

I think McCain would have been better off nominating Beetlejuice off Howard Stern’s show. At least he’s a midget with Down syndrome who can make a porno interesting.

I predict Palin resignation and Wasilla meltdown in 3, 2, 1 …

2 09 2008

The Swamp is reporting that young Levi is en route to St. Paul for her acceptance speech. They have to know that there will be a media onslaught. This is Freak Show Politics at its highest stakes at its highest ceremony. They must have felt there was really know choice in the matter, but still. This is going to get even uglier I think.

2 09 2008

It’s all about Legislating Morality and the drive towards a religious State that can bring about the Rapture.

[Non-Christians not invited… and most Christians as well… especially those Catholics… and Baptists… and all those weird UU and other flaky Christians.. the Rapture is a very exclusive club and giving a nudge to bring about Armageddon with Islam… bonus points!]

2 09 2008

Thank-you for all your hard work!

2 09 2008

It’s official that Mrs Palin’s husband Tod Palin twice registered as a member of Alaskan Independence Party (AIP). From yahoo news:

“…….Gail Fenumiai, director of the Alaska Division of Elections, said Todd Palin twice registered under the Alaskan Independence Party — in 1995 and 2000. Some members of the party have advocated secession from the United States, though that is not a goal listed in the party’s platform….”

Here’s the link:;_ylt=AomMWja13FzqsEuFiucIH3Nh24cA

Imagine the republic theme at the convention is “Country First”…what an irony! Imagine, if this was Mrs Obama! These blind-flying conservative hypocrites need to exposed…I am waiting for another shoe to drop!

This is the most interesting reality TV. Let’s keep sharing!

2 09 2008

The way that I interpret the speech about war being God’s war is that she’s hoping that God has a plan for something to come out of this war, not that she believes that the U.S. is fighting a holy war. “pray that” usually means “hope that,” as in, something isn’t definite.

2 09 2008
Alexander Rose

At this point, I almost don’t even care what happens…

This shit is just fucking hilarious.

2 09 2008

oh my Goddess…what a can of worms is right…it’s amazing how these people just keep bending over and fucking them ownselves…

2 09 2008

i thought OMG!! Abramoff! perfect!
but then i thought about how important things like that are, like valerie plame, and so many other things, but they don’t care. she’s rapture-people.
michelle phony independent is on msnbc saying that anyone who even questions sarah’s “multi-tasking”!!! is starting “mommy-wars” and unfeminist!!!
heads up, new talking point. the whole alaska next to russia thing? not so much anymore…
ps: rapture-people have a right, but let’s not let them run the military, ok?

2 09 2008

That Michelle B is NO indy! She is GOP through and through!

2 09 2008

I’ve had it with this “Bimbo-Brain”. And let’s set the record straight. She favors the death penalty, went against Congress to aerial kill wolves, wants to expand hunting to include mother bears and their young cubs, and decorates her office with dead animals. This hypocrite is “PRO-FOETUS” – she isn’t anywhere NEAR “Pro-Life”. Why is anyone wasting their time with such an utter fool? She may go over in Whoville and Nutterville, but she won’t play in the big cities. Time to dump this fruitcake from the Banana Republican party.

2 09 2008

It’s official, Mrs Palin’s, according to yahoo news:

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, twice registered as a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a fierce states’ rights group that wants to turn all federal lands in Alaska back to the state. Sarah Palin herself was never a member of the party, according to state officials.

Gail Fenumiai, director of the Alaska Division of Elections, said Todd Palin twice registered under the Alaskan Independence Party — in 1995 and 2000. Some members of the party have advocated secession from the United States, though that is not a goal listed in the party’s platform

Here’s the link:;_ylt=AopZaEjD76LfC7DpYXjGuJJh24cA

This is worst than Reverend White that the conservatives were making noise about. I can’t wait for the next juice to be revealed!

2 09 2008

bringing this over from the last thread, I wasn’t keeping up! 🙂

lookingglass, I actually found my copy of Handmaid’s Tale yesterday and am going to reread it this week – you are so right.

When I was watching Michelle Bachmann and James Carville on Larry King Live (up on You Tube and if you haven’t yet seen this it’s worth watching), I couldn’t shake the thought that if we’re headed towards that future, Red Centers and the nation of Gilead, this is how it would start.

I can’t appreciate the inane aspects of this as much as I usually would. And I’m not an overly sober or serious person normally, so this feels extra weird. I’m struggling to understand the right level of concern because most of my friends and family don’t seem to be alarmed. They think this is all crazy, but that it will work itself out and Palin will be off the ticket soon.

2 09 2008

i agree Bitter — except as an ex-Baptist – they, the Baptists, think they have a corner on the Rapture market — funny thing is my GranDa used to tell a joke about being given the introductory tour of heaven by St Peter… at some point, after pointing out all the various religious groups sections, St Peter says “shhhh… we are coming up on the Church of Christ here and we have to be quiet because they think they’re the only ones here.” Now that was then (in the 1960s) and this is now: you can actually fill in any Fundie church name you want — because NOW each one thinks they’re the only ones in Heaven.

2 09 2008

It’s official Palin’s husband, Tod Palin twice registered under the Alaskan Independence Party — in 1995 and 2000!

Unbelievable, eh? Here’s the link:;_ylt=AopZaEjD76LfC7DpYXjGuJJh24cA

2 09 2008
Jim S.


“I am sure her son who is going to Iraq and her daughter who is 5 months pregnant might need their Mom at the moment.”

More Important is her son, only a few months old, with special needs!!!

Now if this child were 1 year or two, and other medical problems didn’t exist, that can be found in ‘Down Syndrome’ babies, than I would say it might not be a problem, but this is a Mother with a Very Young ‘Special Needs’ Child, that she’s willing to Talk About for seemingly Political Connections to certain groups to further her resume, but Doesn’t Want To Bond With As A Mother and Only a Mother can!!

2 09 2008

AKMuckraker: Get ready for a flood of traffic – you’re top of the page in Andrew Sullivan’s Atlantic Monthly website. Amen.

2 09 2008
Miemaw from Texas

She will be on the ticket. The Religious Right loves her. Since she was put on the ticket, McCain raised $47 million in August.

She is his fund raiser. She is all he has. Well, and Lindsay, and Joe.
Thanks for all this wonderful information. I learn something new every day.
I didn’t know Alaska had a “Bible Belt.” But, why not?

Always good to know what you have to deal with, in an election. Especially one this important. And, regardless of what Rove says, it will be about issues.

All this extraneous stuff ends, the end of the week.

2 09 2008

What’s this thing about her killing wolfs ??? is that real ??

2 09 2008

I am willing to bet, none of these so called hard core Christians will not be invited when the “Rapture” comes. From my understanding of the Word, they will need to ask for forgiveness by their actions,
as well as us Christians who don’t wear our religion on our sleeves and be the judge for everyone who do not share their hard core religious fews.

It’s amazing to me…how they live by some of the Word, and not all! Have they really read the bible? If so, I don’t think their would be poverty, race issues, gender issues, deception, and liars!

The Republican Party does not believe in handouts, so it goes against the very thing Jesus teaches us. Jesus sat with tax collectors, sinners, and did not judge them by their actions.

It just amazes me, how righteous the right think they are, and how they judge everyone else! Unreal!

2 09 2008

In introducing her in the clip, the Wassilla Assembly of God pastor said that “some people put on a show, even sometimes pastors, for politics or whatever…but Sara is the real deal, she loves Jesus.”

But I think she might be using people for her own purposes, without being self-aware, perhaps? World stage billing can go to one’s head if one is susecptible.

Sarah to the assembled:

“Alaska is all over the world right now, there is something going on in Alaska, a lot of people are looking to Alaska for our vast wealth.” She called them to help her by going out through Alaska and the world from the umbrella of that church, and making sure people’s hearts are right with God as she made sure the gas pipeline was built and Alaska oil resourses were tapped.
She told about Track’s coming deployment to Iraq and then described her son’s tatoos, “a big old Jesus fish” on his calf and the the state of Alaska on his arm with the vally in it. (I’m sorry-but what aware mother concerned for the welfare of her son going into a battle zone like Iraq would do that in front of a video camera rolling to be posted on the churches web site! This is a sure sign that she gets national security and is ready to be Comander in Chief? Hey, but its her son, none of my business.)

At the end, when the pastor morphed her booster talk about developing Alaska’s resources into:

“She declared some things that were powerful… (Alaska, “we are the head and not the tail”, the lower 48 will come to us. ) …some things about the resources that God wants to tap into-for in the last days hundreds and thousands of people are going to come to the state because of these resources and the church has to be ready to minister to them.” (He is going to need help to build a really big church, and shades of a real estate boom and many business oppotunities for church members while they serve the Lord in the final days, “bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more”? No, sorry, that was the British empire, this is pentacostal Alaska.)

At the end, after he said that, she laughed good heartedly, and laughing, said:

When I travel about Alaska I sometimes visit other churches and pastors warn me not to be frightened if sometimes church members might want to raise their hands and testify- and I say:

“Don’t worry, I grew up in the Wasilla Assembly og God. Nothing freaks me out about the worship service.”

So if Sarah Palin might be using folks a little, for politics, or whatever…

who might be using her?

2 09 2008
Ana Gama


Gallup Daily

Obama – 50%
McCain – 42%

Rassmussen Daily

Obama – 51% (FINALLY!! WOO HOO)
McCain – 45%

2 09 2008

Many of us also thought Bush had no chance in 2004 (at least until the Swifties started lying) and look where we are now…I really worry that progressives will let the Palin issue and other obvious mis-steps on the GOP’s part obscure the very real reasons people should not vote for the so-called “maverick” ticket. We need to stay on message and hold the media accountable for their lack of substantive coverage of McCain’s failings, flip-flops, and Bush-like tendencies. Our Sarah flip-flopped on the Bridge, and then lied about it in a campaign speech — unfortunately, this was overshadowed by belly-gate and I worry that this is going to be the pattern.

2 09 2008
Half Sigma

The preacher sounds hard-core, but not anti-American like Reverand Wright. Yawn. I want to read more about secret pregnancies and other redneck behavior.

2 09 2008

Here is a great one:

McCain / Failin

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

One House, One Spouse
Obama ’08

2 09 2008
White Agate

Well, let me guess, riverside…where should I start?

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

End the Drama, Vote Obama!

2 09 2008

“I am just so surprised that the Christian right is ok with a woman in a position of power. If believing that a wife must be submissive to her husband is so important, then it must be Todd Palin calling the shots.”

Well, that explains why he was CC’d on the emails from the Gov. office. Imagine if she was the VP….

This whole thing is just unbelievable. I’m afraid of what’s next, but I can’t tear myself away from it.

I’m flabbergasted by all the mindless fawning over her on TV tonight. America First indeed.

2 09 2008

I think the Saudis are looking better and better as our major oil producers.

2 09 2008

Ana Gama (16:39:53) :


Gallup Daily

Obama – 50%
McCain – 42%

Rassmussen Daily

Obama – 51% (FINALLY!! WOO HOO)
McCain – 45%

It’s been a good day in the polls huh?
Especially when McNutz was trying so hard on Friday to
change things. These polls run through the 1st and or 2nd of Sept.
So much for his brilliant VP prick! Ooops! I meant ‘pick!’

2 09 2008

Sosad, yes, it is.
There are cycles (as with anything in nature) where there will be a lot of wolves (unlike the lower 48, wolves are not endangered in AK), and few moose. Hunters don’t like when the moose population is low, because there are less to hunt. Eventually, nature’s tables turn, and the wolves’ population goes down, due to not having enough moose left to keep their population up. Now, it is the moose turn to flourish.

Snipers ride in helicopters, and shoot the wolves. Male, female, and even pups. If the pups are not shot, they usually starve to death. Also, this method isn’t very accurate, so it is often times not a quick death.
Here is more info:

2 09 2008

Yes, Congress tried to put a stop to aerial “hunting” of wolves in Alaska (and I think it was OK to kill bears from the air also – it’s called “hunting” up there – lol), and Bimbo-Brain apparently found a loophole so that they could ignore Congress’ objections. I’m sure if you google this with a combination of words, you’ll find quite a bit on this.

As for her offensively squeaky-pitched EYE-RAQ talk in her church (do you suppiose she has the same trouble distinguishing between her eyes and her ears?), wait till they pick this up in the Middle East. Talk about putting your troops further in harm’s way.

2 09 2008

You can’t make this stuff up. What’s scary to me is that my own family thinks she’s a great selection and will bring Christian family values to the ticket. Me, not so much. Okay, not at all. The more I read, the more my head spins. Thanks for this wonderful blog with your Alaskan perspective on stuff the rest of us haven’t even thought of yet.

2 09 2008

OMG They brought out the ‘adopted daughter!” Yep, that’s how the
media is referring to Bridgette McCain !!! Good God the world has gone

2 09 2008

Okay, am I the only one who believes that we shouldn’t be mentioning Wright at all? That we shouldn’t be mentioning people’s pastors in such a manner? That turnabout is ::not:: fair play?

This can only come to hurt our cause. It gives the Republicans an excuse to loop God Damn America again and again and again. Leave her pastor out of it.

2 09 2008

is anyone following her on the campaign trail for some soft feature stuff? I want to know how she is managing her life with a four-month old. How does the McCain team prep her all night when she has to be around for feedings, etc.? Does she have her own bus? What are the logistics of this? Just asking, no one has ever run for VP with a baby in tow. It can’t be easy…just how are they doing that?

2 09 2008

It’s not anti-American to send our young off to a Jihad? I doubt her pastor gives one caribou about the lower 48, probably wants NYC blown to hell like Falwell. Wright isn’t anti-American, he’s anti-white establishment American.

2 09 2008

Anne (16:46:15) :

You can’t make this stuff up. What’s scary to me is that my own family thinks she’s a great selection and will bring Christian family values to the ticket. Me, not so much. Okay, not at all. The more I read, the more my head spins. Thanks for this wonderful blog with your Alaskan perspective on stuff the rest of us haven’t even thought of yet.

Be sure to print out the truth for your family so they can read it.
She is not a reformer, she’s taken tons of earmarks and has worked for
Ted Stevens, she’s vindictive in office and has abused any power she
has been given against other public employess…. just not a good
‘Christian’ role model. Aside from all of this, how could she put
her 17 year old daughter through all she has? She threw that kid
under the Straight Talk Express in order to follow her own ambitions.

2 09 2008

Your point is well taken, and I thought about it before posting. The difference here is that Sarah Palin herself stood up and spoke out in that church. Obama says he was not even present. Sarah Palin was not only present, she was participating. That, to me, is the scary part.

Thanks for commenting.

2 09 2008

Thank you so much for your informative and lively blogging. I am a huge fan.

2 09 2008

yeah obx, it sounds like this: “bristol, go feed yer kid”

2 09 2008
Playing foot hockey with Ms. Palin

Are we still 100 percent positive that her daughter is indeed pregnant? I do think – and this is just my opinion – that Bristol will go back into hiding and tragically lose the baby. The media will latch on, feel remorse and just drop it. However, I do believe based on the McCain blog pics and other ones that she still has all the characteristic of a new mom and not a pregnant one. Yes, folks, I am saying she had the baby and still has the baby fat.

Where are the baby records? Why fly back to Alaska when the finest hospitals are actually in … here it is … Texas? M.D. Anderson leads the world in heart and cancer research. They could deliver a special-needs baby with their eyes closed.

Levi is a dad – and Palin’s a granny.

Look at what we know – there are pratically no pics of her pregnant, no evidence her breasts got bigger for upcoming Trig, dashing 11 hours, risking her life and *Trig’s* to make it back to Alaska to have the baby – and then, look at Bristol – in hiding for months like she’s Dick Cheney in his secret bunker, has the bigger breasts and baby bump in the official gov. pick on their Web site, holds Trig the most in several shots and Sarah says she’s *About 5 months pregnant.* Sorry … it doesn’t add up – unless you say to yourself – Palin jetted back to Alaska to have the baby with folks she knew she could trust – and couldn’t do it in Texas because she didn’t have a baby to deliver – and that the staff working on Bristol was sworn to secrecy and promised a grip of money to keep it hushed. And after Trig is born, his sister recovers from mono and is seen in public again.

I could be wrong, but for the record, the lower 48 aren’t so easily duped by drama like this. The younger generation is trained to problem solve – we play Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and this would actually be the kiddie version based on how blatant a lie this is.

And regardless, it doesn’t matter because the Dems and Obama have just sat back and let the GOP devour itself like a pack of hungry piranhas.

Flame me, ban me or the like, but just think for a minute – and realize she hasn’t been as forthcoming as believed.

It’s only gonna get more and more hillybilly like. I feel expect to see Hayseed at the convention with some Skoal or Copenhagen in his hockey jersey and a Rebel flag draped over him and Bristol.

All we need know is Jed Clampett to make a cameo. And, of course, the little boy playing a banjo in the movie ‘Deliverance.’

2 09 2008

I wouldn’t push too hard on this outside liberal blogs. But I’d hold it in reserve if and when the GOP pushes Reverend Wright.

2 09 2008
White Agate

OBXPHX…have you looked at the photos closely? Who is the family member most bonded to that baby? Who is holding him all the time? Who looks most like she is a nursing mom or post-partum…hint, hint…sorry, I’ve nursed 3 of ’em.

2 09 2008

She probably used a breast pump to make sure the baby has enough milk for this fiasco!

2 09 2008

so she’s pro life unless you have four legs ? then anything goes ,,bang bang !!!!

2 09 2008
Not the father of Bristol Palin's baby

@ White Agate: You speaketh the truth. +1

2 09 2008

The thing that ties ALL the Palin scandals together is that they, conveniently, under one umbrella, let us observe the first major decision that came from John McCain. Clearly the first choice is the most scrutinized, and arguably will portend things to come. Whatever Palin did, and whatever judgment she did or didn’t have reflects directly back to McCain.

2 09 2008

“While Sarah was Mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire our highly respected
City Librarian because the Librarian refused to consider removing from
the library some books that Sarah wanted removed. City residents
rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin’s
attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew
her termination letter. People who fought her attempt to oust the
Librarian are on her enemies list to this day.”

2 09 2008

too much, too fast. freak fatigue is all ready setting in. i only hope everyone makes the connection that in the end it’s not about her but about walnuts mccain. reckless and in the end laying his nuts on the sacrificial alter of jumpin’ jimmy dobson. too bad the republicans aren’t willing to pay the price, get their souls out of hock to the religious right and get back to being a respectable party. maverick my ass, this is don knotts and the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.

2 09 2008

She’s pro death penalty and pro war in Iraq, too, so the number of legs doesn’t seem to matter. She’s pro-foetus, just as many other republicans are. As soon as you’re born and full-grown, they love to send you to war and get you killed… and kill others as well.

2 09 2008

Sosad, you’ve got it!
And don’t forget that she was against listing polar bears as endangered because it would cause more opposition to future drilling. Oh, and global warming isn’t man-made!
I really don’t care which children are hers, or how she is being used as a pawn. Those points will be debated to death, and everyone will end up thinking their opinion is the correct one. The former points are what scare the crap out of me! She doesn’t care about my unique homeland, she just wants to shoot animals, and drill for money.

2 09 2008

Letter from a local Wasillian that knows Sarah Palin

2 09 2008

that Librarian thing sounds familiar ,, was Rove in on that ?? or was she practicing for her new job as VP .. You know start small and work your way up to lawyers and the like .

2 09 2008

Anybody? has Palin been outside the US other than to Kuwait? Has she been to Ireland? Thanks

2 09 2008

Here’s the link of Karl Rove saying Palin is a Campaign decision, and not a governing one.

2 09 2008
Not the father of Bristol Palin's baby

This soap opera should have it’s own show – Northern Exposure Hillbillies!

2 09 2008

When I saw McCain introduce Sarah Palin on Friday and watched her response to him after her speech, I thought: she is not listening to him AT ALL; she is rigid, vain, opportunistic and aggressive. And that was BEFORE I knew she was Sarah Barracuda.
So, it surprises me, not at all, to watch her turn into a wild card, a loose cannon and someone who is NOW manipulating McCain – for awhile.
Republicans have degenerated from a circus into a carnival. “Marks” and con-men and women all over the place.
Keep up the good, very good, work Mudflats.

2 09 2008
Not the father of Bristol Palin's baby

@ Evocati

According to the Ragin’ Cajun James Carville, she got her passport in 2007 to visit the troops in Kuwait. She flew to Germany and Ireland – but Ireland was a stopover from Kuwait. And she lives near Russia too.

2 09 2008

That one t-s me off ,, I don’t care if there are ten million bears and I have to feed a few . I would never pull the trigger on one , or a wolf ——-
She went out and did it herself ,, fricken wow ,, heartless ,,

2 09 2008

Jennifer: “He is talking about war as a metaphor for the Christian faith”

Jennifer, replace “war” with the muslim word for war or struggle “jihad”, and then compare both statements.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

“Where are the baby records? Why fly back to Alaska when the finest hospitals are actually in … here it is … Texas? M.D. Anderson leads the world in heart and cancer research. They could deliver a special-needs baby with their eyes closed.”

Hear me out on this. The only explanation I can think of that would make sense as to why this woman would risk flying back to AK to deliver is if CITIZENSHIP was a concern. As I undersand it, AIP advocates for Alaska Nationalism. If at some future point, AK were actually able to secede, would birth in the state of AK be viewed by the Palins as important – no, vital! – to make the risky trip home worth it?

2 09 2008

Palin has been to Germany and Kuwait to visit the Alaska National Guard troops. Her plane stopped over in Ireland to refuel.

2 09 2008

Please, let’s send a strong message to Obama Campaign with immediate donations on Even $5, just the numbers count, so that they know they come from Alaska, and we’re not drinking the Sarah Kool-Aid.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Not the father of Bristol Palin’s baby (17:05:17) :

This soap opera should have it’s own show – Northern Exposure Hillbillies!

Already named it…it’s an extended Twilight Zone episode titled “West Wing meets Northern Exposure” LOL

2 09 2008
Republicans for Jed Clampett

@ Ana Gama:

That view you listed is even scarier than my summation. Remind me never to travel Alaska without my AIP card handy. Muchas gracias.

2 09 2008

You know that, and I know that…but I am afraid SP’s AK machinations and McCain’s poor judgment will be overshadowed in media conversations with independents and undecideds who just see liberals “bashing” a good mother. We know the media has failed over and over again to confront McCain — this is more distraction.
The fact that this “good mother” thinks she can be a good mother to a special needs four-month-old during a presidential campaign (and that the MSM has yet to question that) should give all “social conservatives” pause — just because she talks the talk doesn’t mean she walks the walk.

2 09 2008

Amazing Letter From a Local Wasillian Who Knows Sarah Palin Well.

Submitted by Michael Wrightson on Sept 1, 2008

A note to all by Anne Kilkenny

Dear friends,

So many people have asked me about what I know about Sarah Palin in the
last 2 days that I decided to write something up . . .

Basically, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton have only 2 things in
common: their gender and their good looks. 🙂

You have my permission to forward this to your friends/email contacts
with my name and email address attached, but please do not post it on
any websites, as there are too many kooks out there . . .

[ This was already posted on Washington Independent comments area,
with a controllable hotmail account, and was obviously meant by the
author to be read. ]



I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992.
Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a
first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools. Her
father was my child’s favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a
first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more
City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the
residents of the city.

She is enormously popular; in every way she’s like the most popular
girl in middle school. Even men who think she is a poor choice and
won’t vote for her can’t quit smiling when talking about her because
she is a “babe”.

It is astonishing and almost scary how well she can keep a secret. She
kept her most recent pregnancy a secret from her children and parents
for seven months.

She is “pro-life”. She recently gave birth to a Down’s syndrome baby.
There is no cover-up involved, here; Trig is her baby.

She is energetic and hardworking. She regularly worked out at the gym.

She is savvy. She doesn’t take positions; she just “puts things out
there” and if they prove to be popular, then she takes credit.

Her husband works a union job on the North Slope for BP and is a
champion snowmobile racer. Todd Palin’s kind of job is highly
sought-after because of the schedule and high pay. He arranges his
work schedule so he can fish for salmon in Bristol Bay for a month or
so in summer, but by no stretch of the imagination is fishing their
major source of income. Nor has her life-style ever been anything
like that of native Alaskans.

Sarah and her whole family are avid hunters.

She’s smart.

Her experience is as mayor of a city with a population of about 5,000
(at the time), and less than 2 years as governor of a state with about
670,000 residents.

During her mayoral administration most of the actual work of running
this small city was turned over to an administrator. She had been
pushed to hire this administrator by party power-brokers after she had
gotten herself into some trouble over precipitous firings which had
given rise to a recall campaign.

Sarah campaigned in Wasilla as a “fiscal conservative”. During her 6
years as Mayor, she increased general government expenditures by over
33%. During those same 6 years the amount of taxes collected by the
City increased by 38%. This was during a period of low inflation
(1996-2002). She reduced progressive property taxes and increased a
regressive sales tax which taxed even food. The tax cuts that she
promoted benefited large corporate property owners way more than they
benefited residents.

The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration
weren’t enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed
money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it
with indebtedness of over $22 million. What did Mayor Palin encourage
the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said
she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? or a
new library? No. $1m for a park. $15m-plus for construction of a
multi-use sports complex which she rushed through to build on a piece
of property that the City didn’t even have clear title to, that was
still in litigation 7 yrs later–to the delight of the lawyers
involved! The sports complex itself is a nice addition to the
community but a huge money pit, not the profit-generator she claimed it
would be. She also supported bonds for $5.5m for road projects that
could have been done in 5-7 yrs without any borrowing.

While Mayor, City Hall was extensively remodeled and her office
redecorated more than once.

These are small numbers, but Wasilla is a very small city.

As an oil producer, the high price of oil has created a budget surplus
in Alaska. Rather than invest this surplus in technology that will
make us energy independent and increase efficiency, as Governor she
proposed distribution of this surplus to every individual in the state.

In this time of record state revenues and budget surpluses, she
recommended that the state borrow/bond for road projects, even while
she proposed distribution of surplus state revenues: spend today’s
surplus, borrow for needs.

She’s not very tolerant of divergent opinions or open to outside ideas
or compromise. As Mayor, she fought ideas that weren’t generated by
her or her staff. Ideas weren’t evaluated on their merits, but on the
basis of who proposed them.

While Sarah was Mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire our highly respected
City Librarian because the Librarian refused to consider removing from
the library some books that Sarah wanted removed. City residents
rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin’s
attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew
her termination letter. People who fought her attempt to oust the
Librarian are on her enemies list to this day.

Sarah complained about the “old boy’s club” when she first ran for
Mayor, so what did she bring Wasilla? A new set of “old boys”. Palin
fired most of the experienced staff she inherited. At the City and as
Governor she hired or elevated new, inexperienced, obscure people,
creating a staff totally dependent on her for their jobs and eternally
grateful and fiercely loyal–loyal to the point of abusing their power
to further her personal agenda, as she has acknowledged happened in the
case of pressuring the State’s top cop (see below).

As Mayor, Sarah fired Wasilla’s Police Chief because he “intimidated”
her, she told the press. As Governor, her recent firing of Alaska’s top
cop has the ring of familiarity about it. He served at her pleasure
and she had every legal right to fire him, but it’s pretty clear that
an important factor in her decision to fire him was because he wouldn’t
fire her sister’s ex-husband, a State Trooper. Under investigation
for abuse of power, she has had to admit that more than 2 dozen
contacts were made between her staff and family to the person that she
later fired, pressuring him to fire her ex-brother-in-law. She tried to
replace the man she fired with a man who she knew had been reprimanded
for sexual harassment; when this caused a public furor, she withdrew
her support.

She has bitten the hand of every person who extended theirs to her in
help. The City Council person who personally escorted her around town
introducing her to voters when she first ran for Wasilla City Council
became one of her first targets when she was later elected Mayor. She
abruptly fired her loyal City Administrator; even people who didn’t
like the guy were stunned by this ruthlessness.

Fear of retribution has kept all of these people from saying anything
publicly about her.

When then-Governor Murkowski was handing out political plums, Sarah got
the best, Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission: one
of the few jobs not in Juneau and one of the best paid. She had no
background in oil & gas issues. Within months of scoring this great
job which paid $122,400/yr, she was complaining in the press about the
high salary. I was told that she hated that job: the commute, the
structured hours, the work. Sarah became aware that a member of this
Commission (who was also the State Chair of the Republican Party)
engaged in unethical behavior on the job. In a gutsy move which some
undoubtedly cautioned her could be political suicide, Sarah solved all
her problems in one fell swoop: got out of the job she hated and
garnered gobs of media attention as the patron saint of ethics and as a
gutsy fighter against the “old boys’ club” when she dramatically quit,
exposing this man’s ethics violations (for which he was fined).

As Mayor, she had her hand stuck out as far as anyone for pork from
Senator Ted Stevens. Lately, she has castigated his pork-barrel
politics and publicly humiliated him. She only opposed the “bridge to
nowhere” after it became clear that it would be unwise not to.

As Governor, she gave the Legislature no direction and budget
guidelines, then made a big grandstand display of line-item vetoing
projects, calling them pork. Public outcry and further legislative
action restored most of these projects–which had been vetoed simply
because she was not aware of their importance–but with the unobservant
she had gained a reputation as “anti-pork”.

She is solidly Republican: no political maverick. The State party
leaders hate her because she has bit them in the back and humiliated
them. Other members of the party object to her self-description as a
fiscal conservative.

Around Wasilla there are people who went to high school with Sarah.
They call her “Sarah Barracuda” because of her unbridled ambition and
predatory ruthlessness. Before she became so powerful, very ugly
stories circulated around town about shenanigans she pulled to be made
point guard on the high school basketball team. When Sarah’s
mother-in-law, a highly respected member of the community and
experienced manager, ran for Mayor, Sarah refused to endorse her.

As Governor, she stepped outside of the box and put together of package
of legislation known as “AGIA” that forced the oil companies to march
to the beat of her drum.

Like most Alaskans, she favors drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge. She has questioned if the loss of sea ice is linked to
global warming. She campaigned “as a private citizen” against a state
initiaitive that would have either a) protected salmon streams from
pollution from mines, or b) tied up in the courts all mining in the
state (depending on who you listen to). She has pushed the State’s
lawsuit against the Dept. of the Interior’s decision to list polar
bears as threatened species.

McCain is the oldest person to ever run for President; Sarah will be a
heartbeat away from being President.

There has to be literally millions of Americans who are more
knowledgeable and experienced than she.

However, there’s a lot of people who have underestimated her and are
regretting it.

•“Hockey mom”: true for a few years
•“PTA mom”: true years ago when her first-born was in elementary
school, not since
•“NRA supporter”: absolutely true
•social conservative: mixed. Opposes gay marriage, BUT vetoed a bill
that would have denied benefits to employees in same-sex relationships
(said she did this because it was unconsitutional).
•pro-creationism: mixed. Supports it, BUT did nothing as Governor to
promote it.
•“Pro-life”: mixed. Knowingly gave birth to a Down’s syndrome baby
BUT declined to call a special legislative session on some pro-life
•“Experienced”: Some high schools have more students than Wasilla has
residents. Many cities have more residents than the state of Alaska.
No legislative experience other than City Council. Little hands-on
supervisory or managerial experience; needed help of a city
administrator to run town of about 5,000.
•political maverick: not at all
•gutsy: absolutely!
•open & transparent: ??? Good at keeping secrets. Not good at
explaining actions.
•has a developed philosophy of public policy: no
•”a Greenie”: no. Turned Wasilla into a wasteland of big box stores
and disconnected parking lots. Is pro-drilling off-shore and in ANWR.
•fiscal conservative: not by my definition!
•pro-infrastructure: No. Promoted a sports complex and park in a city
without a sewage treatment plant or storm drainage system. Built
streets to early 20th century standards.
•pro-tax relief: Lowered taxes for businesses, increased tax burden on
•pro-small government: No. Oversaw greatest expansion of city
government in Wasilla’s history.
•pro-labor/pro-union. No. Just because her husband works union
doesn’t make her pro-labor. I have seen nothing to support any claim
that she is pro-labor/pro-union.


First, I have long believed in the importance of being an informed
voter. I am a voter registrar. For 10 years I put on student voting
programs in the schools. If you google my name (Anne Kilkenny +
Alaska), you will find references to my participation in local
government, education, and PTA/parent organizations.

Secondly, I’ve always operated in the belief that “Bad things happen
when good people stay silent”. Few people know as much as I do because
few have gone to as many City Council meetings.

Third, I am just a housewife. I don’t have a job she can bump me out
of. I don’t belong to any organization that she can hurt. But, I am no
fool; she is immensely popular here, and it is likely that this will
cost me somehow in the future: that’s life.

Fourth, she has hated me since back in 1996, when I was one of the 100
or so people who rallied to support the City Librarian against Sarah’s
attempt at censorship.

Fifth, I looked around and realized that everybody else was afraid to
say anything because they were somehow vulnerable.

I am not a statistician. I developed the numbers for the increase in
spending & taxation 2 years ago (when Palin was running for Governor)
from information supplied to me by the Finance Director of the City of
Wasilla, and I can’t recall exactly what I adjusted for: did I adjust
for inflation? for population increases? Right now, it is impossible
for a private person to get any info out of City Hall–they are
swamped. So I can’t verify my numbers.

You may have noticed that there are various numbers circulating for the
population of Wasilla, ranging from my “about 5,000”, up to 9,000. The
day Palin’s selection was announced a city official told me that the
current population is about 7,000. The official 2000 census count was
5,460. I have used about 5,000 because Palin was Mayor from 1996 to
2002, and the city was growing rapidly in the mid-90’s.

Anne Kilkenny
August 31, 2008

2 09 2008

It’s official that Mrs. Palin’s husband registered with AIP twice; according to Yahoo news!

2 09 2008

susan molinari on sarah on cnn: “she’s been nothing but and incredible governor, and incredible reformer…”

incredible indeed.

2 09 2008

And how do non-Christians in the rest of the country and in Alaska feel about the “end times” philosophy of this church?


As an atheist, I am utterly appalled at the gross religiosity pervading our national politics. The DNC was replete with calls upon deity to bless “you” and America. Those throw-away phrases I can at least mostly disregard as social platitudes, like “How’ve you been?” when you don’t really care.

However, the current brand of Evangelical neo-con Republicans are absolutely terrifying to me. Palin really is the poster girl for the movement and its willful disregard for scientific truth and inquiry (creationism in classrooms, global warming a myth, etc.). Palin and her ilk glory in their ignorance, and suppose that just because they have numbers, they have right on their side. Politicians such as Kerry and Obama who display signs of education and thoughtfulness are attacked as elitist. They don’t want to move the country forward; rather, they strive to drag the rest of us back into the primordial ooze with them.

My fondest dream for American politics is that religion be abolished from the discourse. I loved how British PM Tony Blair waited until after he left office to complete his conversion to Catholicism, because he “didn’t want to look like a religious nutter” while in office. Would that all our politicians would develop a proper sense of shame about brandishing their religion in the public arena.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

This AIP angle has the potential of being very damaging. Some down here in the Lower 48 would view it darn close to treason. Not stating my opinion, but I’m just saying, to some Rev Wright is going to look like the “patriotic” one.

2 09 2008

Thanks so much for this blog. In the few short days since McSame chose Sarah Palin, I have learned much from you and others in the Alaska scene.

I wonder if the Internet is not going to be of just great service to us in fighting republicanism. Every time they lie (like about not seeking out earmarks), a few clicks on a keyboard serve to reveal the facts. I know that repubs don’t like things like facts, but the rest of us may care enough to do a little digging.

Keep up the good work. Thanks to you almost everyone I correspond with knows what Wasilla looks like.

2 09 2008

As I remember, Elroy said it first. “We’re on a mission from god.” Keep up the good work! Your blog is outstanding.

2 09 2008

According Yahoo news:

“….Gail Fenumiai, director of the Alaska Division of Elections, said Todd Palin twice registered under the Alaskan Independence Party — in 1995 and 2000. Some members of the party have advocated secession from the United States, though that is not a goal listed in the party’s platform…”

Here’s the link:;_ylt=AguEUj8ovj359HNRTL_YLcxh24cA

2 09 2008

so it’s true ,, her husband is AIP ,, hates america that much .

2 09 2008
Republicans for Jed Clampett

@ Nebalaskan

Yeah, but Elroy rocks – the Palingate dramas? Not so much.

2 09 2008
Mollys Mum

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! You are making this election not only bearable but entertaining enough that I can convince myself it’s all just theatre as usual, nothing to panic about.

You are my new favorite website, hands down. Bless you, my child, and rest assured I have it on good authority God is on OUR side, and the Devil’s having a whale of a time with our Sarah. Poor thing just hasn’t put 2 and 2 together–or maybe she has, and come up with 5.

(I am just praying that Joe Biden can contain himself in the debates and not fall on the floor foaming at the mouth, shrieking and tearing his hair out.)

2 09 2008

Amazing. I go out for a couple of hours and there is a huge new post and 120 responses. I just can’t keep up any more…

2 09 2008

WOW! Someone definitely needs to get this person connected with the main stream news media. People in the U.S. need to hear this powerful story coming from someone who is a local and someone who personally knows Palin.

2 09 2008

I learned on the Newshour (PBS) this evening that actually Palin has been out of the country twice – once to Kuwait, yes, and once to Canada.

Your posts are wonderful. I love your writing!

If this is wearing you out in Alaska, pity the rest of us – trying to keep up with these events!

2 09 2008
Republicans for Jed Clampett

Oh … now, the Bushies are helping her cram for the debate and foreign policy!

From the folks who brought you:

The ‘Shocking’ Truth about KBR – Go to the showers!
No, seriously – we won the 2000 election!
Swiftboats for Truth
Driving the bus into the Iraqi ditch
Bridge to Nowhere over the river Cry
No body armor? No problem

And my personal favorite: Hurricane relief? Hell, it’s just New Orleans.


2 09 2008

What debacle —
GOP has to defend
Palin; can’t bash Dems.

September 2, 2008

2 09 2008
she was there ??? one thing for sure , her AIP husband hate america and she sleeps with him (at least 5 times)

2 09 2008

Hear this, apparently Mrs. Palin’s soon-to-be son-in-law (Levi Johnston) will be joining her in the Republican convention. He’ll will be sitting in the podium as one of her family members when she speaks tomorrow…talk of manipulation of a teenager. Apparently, the boys parents won’t be there. This is appalling! Somebody needs to end this drama!

Here’s the link:;_ylt=AmLPnrCq5ApeaglB8Cx.ELxh24cA

2 09 2008

What is so sad is that the McCain/Bush team has made the presidential election an SNL skit…so damn sad!

A respected head of the RNC just nominated Sarah Pawlenty for about sad.

2 09 2008
All I Saw

As a former Anchorage-ite transplanted to Wasilla sometime around the turn of the Millennium I am often heard saying: we have limited choices here – it’s either meth addicts or bible thumpers, not much in between.

For the record Palmer is weirder.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

From the letter above – Anne Kilkenny:

“During her mayoral administration most of the actual work of running
this small city was turned over to an administrator. She had been
pushed to hire this administrator by party power-brokers after she had
gotten herself into some trouble over precipitous firings which had
given rise to a recall campaign.”


2 09 2008
White Agate

to bwilder/Anne Kilkenny: Thanks for a great summary from your end. We need more of this kind of information from actual Wasilla residents.

How do you explain Bristol Palin’s long absence and then reappearance after Trig’s birth? What is your take on the flight story?

2 09 2008

The conservative Andrew Sullivan is already on this story: Tod Palin’s membership of AIP. Check his website.

2 09 2008
Palin’s Pastor Problem « the thought spot

[…] this account from Mudflats, an Alaskan-based political blog, exploring some statements made by Governor Palin’s pastor, […]

2 09 2008
Grandpa Scheme

Barack the Vote!

2 09 2008

I stumbled upon something interesting. As you may have heard, US Weekly magazine has a cover story about Palin: “Babies, Lies & Scandal”:

But if you go to , which you might think would lead you to the home page of the magazine, you reach an anti-Obama website. Is this a recent thing, or has it been up for a while?

2 09 2008

Sorry, that link to the anti-Obama site was

2 09 2008

****White Agate

I don’t live there, just passing on Anne Kilkenny’s letter.
She states in the letter that Sarah is definitely Trig’s mother so
I’m kind of thinking she ought to know.
I think the Baby Mama Drama is going to be only a small
part of this whole thing. There are much more critical
things regarding her governing (or lack thereof) experience.
And her ethics and abuse of power along with the whole
AIP thing and that’s a biggy in and of itself.

I just gotta believe she won’t last past next Monday.

2 09 2008

I nearly went thru the floor when I heard who McCain’s vp pick was.
Defenders of Wildlife had been petitioning her to quit the airial gunning,
which was outlawed by the federal government in 1972. She wants to
delist the polar bear from the endangered list and open the Arctic
National Wildlife Reguge to oil drilling.

I’m a Christian. That preacher’s sermon sounded like a cult to me.
Made me think of that Jones guy that got those people to take poison
some years back.

I joked to my husband Friday that Palin was a Bush clone in drag. She
is way worse than that!

Love this site!

2 09 2008

A tidbit from the Obama vetting report on Palin:

Frontiersman (local paper) Editorial: Palin Assumed Her Election Was a Coronation. A Frontiersman editorial wrote, “Palin seems to have assumed her election was instead a coronation. Welcome to Kingdom Palin, the land of no accountability.” (Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97)

2 09 2008

Another tidbit:

The Frontiersman wrote in an editorial, “Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin failed in a blatant attempt to confuse and circumvent the law Monday night in order to pack the city council with candidates favored by her and her supporters on the council.” (Frontiersman 10/23/96)

2 09 2008
Parker CA

GWB is a douchebag.

2 09 2008

Another tidbit:

“The entire staff at Wasilla’s Dorothy Page Museum turned in retirement papers Tuesday, saying they would rather quit than continue working for a city that didn’t care about preserving its historical past.” (Frontiersman 8/1/97)

2 09 2008

Plwalsh (17:51:18) :

A tidbit from the Obama vetting report on Palin:

Where can a gal in NC view this Obama vetting report?

2 09 2008
Grandpa Scheme

McCain Has a Bun in the Oven:

McCain Has a Bun in the Oven?

2 09 2008

Anybody have a look at the convention ?? looks like an AARP rally !!!!
AIP hates America!!!!!! Palins husband hates America so much he wants Alaska to be it’s own country ..
That’s a hang them from the highest tree act of treason !!!

2 09 2008

Another tidbit:

Frontiersman Editorial: Palin Had “Either Little Understanding or Little Regard” for the City’s Laws. The Frontiersman wrote in an editorial, “Wasilla found out it has a new mayor with either little understanding or little regard for the city’s own laws. Hopefully she will enhance her understanding of the city statues.” (Frontiersman 10/23/96)

2 09 2008

The website address for US Weekly Magazine is actually

not “usweekly”

2 09 2008

Plwalsh (17:51:18) :

A tidbit from the Obama vetting report on Palin:

NB: It’s not Obama’s vetting report. It’s a report from the 2006 governor’s race.

2 09 2008

From the conservative Andrew Sullivan:

“I have to say I’m beginning to wonder if McCain will have to withdraw. Or can they switch after the nomination? To have your first presidential decision to be this bad, and to have your decision-making process and executive skill revealed as Michael Brown-level: how can he recover?

People keep forgetting. McCain has little to no executive experience. He’s been a Congressman and Senator his whole career. He got the nomination by default. And this is the only executive decision we have to go on to judge his fitness for the office.

I mean: we have all just watched his decision-making process in real time: the whole country.

Do you really want that level of competence and thoroughness in the White House? In wartime? When making decisions about Iran and Russia? The prospect is terrifying”

I pray that Mrs. Palin stays as McCain’s VP. Why? Yours answer……………..

2 09 2008
Ana Gama


From Gallup:

Hillary Supporters for Obama pre-convention: 70%
Hillary Supporters for Obama post-convention: 81%


2 09 2008

Another tidbit:

Council Member Pushed to Create City Manager Because He Said Palin Did Not Have Skills to Run Wasilla. In 1997, a councilman made a push to create a city manager position in Wasilla. The Frontiersman reported, “Wasilla voters may get the chance to transform the city to the city manager form of government under a proposal by Wasilla councilman Nick Carney. He said he thinks Palin does not have the management skills to run the City of Wasilla.” (Frontiersman 2/21/97)

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Plwalsh, is your last post from the 2006 Dem vetting report?

2 09 2008

Cain (18:00:10) :

From the conservative Andrew Sullivan:

“I pray that Mrs. Palin stays as McCain’s VP. Why? Yours answer…………….”

I think she’s gonna be dropped but it would be WONDERFUL if she could stay
as it would surely sink any chance he has.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

“…the angry Left.” – GWB

Ahh, is that right? Well, tell me Georgie, what would be your reaction if you were lied to for eight years? Angry? I thought so.

2 09 2008


Palin Said She Fired Stambaugh {Wasilla Police Chief) In Part Because He Gave Her “A Very Stern Look.” In describing why she fired Stambaugh, the Frontiersman wrote “[Palin] added that when they met in private, Stambaugh tried to intimidate her by giving her short, uncommunicative answers and staring at her ‘with a very stern look.'” (Frontiersman 2/12/97)

2 09 2008

I think the Republicans best bet is to dump Palin, have her say she has pressing family issues blah blah and resign. Then they no longer have to make excuses for picking her, they make a fresh pick and move forward like nothing ever happened.

My sincere hope, however, is that they keep Palin and continue attempts to cover her flaws. It’s entertaining and will surely cause them to lose the general election.

2 09 2008

Ana Game: Yes these are all from the Dem vetting report. There are 63 pages of this stuff.

2 09 2008

Parker, I yelled at the TV when he said that!
They’re not angry, because they’re not paying attention.
Wanting better for your country does not make you unpatriotic. It means you care enough to want better for it.

2 09 2008

Plwalsh (18:05:58) :

Do you have a link for the Frontiersman stuff you are sending?

2 09 2008
White Agate

bwilder 17:50:20: Respectfully disagree, it’s part of her platform, just read Laura Ingraham’s speech at the Convention where her ‘living up to her values’ by having Trig is a central theme of the speech.

2 09 2008

call me a hopeless “touchy feely” liberal…but have been watching bits and pieces of the RNC and, I have to say, that after the enthusiasm, power, and HOPE seen at the DNC, this one is worse than watching paint dry! (at least with watching the paint dry, you have the anticipation of seeing a shiny NEW wall!)

2 09 2008


Palin Claimed She Had No “Political Motivation” Shortly Before She Declared Candidacy for Governor. Palin dismissed claims that she was politically motivated when she criticized the Governor Murkowski’s decision with ethics law violator and GOP Chair Randy Ruedrich because she is just a “Hockey mon.” However, months later she declared she would run for Governor, in a race against Murkowski (Anchorage Daily News, 12/17/04)

2 09 2008
Parker CA

This guy, Thompson is a true piece of shit. He’s barely getting the lies out of his mouth in coherent English. What a sack.

2 09 2008


This is from a Dem vetting report from a couple of years ago. The link to the report on The Politico is back a ways in this string. The Frontiersman apparently is not on line, so the fact that Democratic researches went up to Wasilla to research it is pretty important. It just goes on and on and on.

If you download it, check out the tatoo bet she made with the First Dude. It comes near the end.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

I guess “field dress[ing] a moose” is now a superior qualification for the right-wing. Strange, I wasn’t aware that shooting an animal, sometimes from an airborne position, and then skinning and dressing it was something the vetting team should keep their eyes out for.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Fred Thompson – didn’t really want to be President, just wanted to play one on tv. (thank goodness!)

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Fresh link to the Dem 2006 Vetting Report:

2 09 2008
Jean Smart

“… But if you go to , which you might think would lead you to the home page of the magazine, you reach an anti-Obama website. Is this a recent thing, or has it been up for a while?” has been publishing news and commentary since 1999. They’ve raised cain with Bush for the last seven years, and supported Hillary Clinton during the primaries. Now they are fully onboard the McCain/Palin Staright Talk Express.

They clearly state, “…. this election is not between a Republican and a Democrat. It’s between an American and a Marxist.”

2 09 2008
Parker CA

This speech is hilarious. Dating a stripper apparently gave McCain the necessary conviction and strength to endure 5.5 years of POW!! WOW! I’m learning so many interesting things from this hack.

2 09 2008

White Agate (18:09:52) :

I meant the pregnant daughter thing. They have flown the baby daddy
in for McCain’s acceptance speech. I think that the daughter’s pregancy
will not be Palin’s undoing, it all the other crap regarding her politics,
ethics and abuse of power.

2 09 2008

is Thompson an AIP american haters club member ??? I think so

2 09 2008

Yes, this is the Dem vetting report, though also used, I believe, by the Obama campaign. A lot of news stories seem to be coming out of this material one way or another. Not sure if the Obama campaign has updated but I imagine they have.

2 09 2008

It is hard for me to stomach watching the RNC…Truly boring!!! But I want to see what Keith Olbermann have to say after Thompson gets done speaking…

Goodness grief!!! Can they talk about something other than John McShame’s POW times.

2 09 2008


2 09 2008
Ana Gama

“Now they are fully onboard the McCain/Palin Straight Talk Express.”

In the last 3 days they have retrofit the Straight Talk Express.

It’s now the “Crazy Train barreling on down the Bridge to Nowhere.”

2 09 2008

BobbyG (18:22:40) :


LOL !!!! Good One. Hadn’t thought about that but how will they introduce
poor ol’ Levi?

2 09 2008

deb, i agree. Are you guys watching this? It seems like the applause in the hall is really thin, at least for this dumb speech. And Fred Thompson and this whole crowd could really use some softer lighting.

Wisdom! Duty! Honor! Shut up fool.

2 09 2008

i’d rather see a law & order rerun than a bush rerun
this is pathetic

character, yeah. hows that workin out for ya?

2 09 2008

Thanks for the new link Ana Gama.

2 09 2008

Watching the RNC, I can’t believe these gasbags have the gall to say that Obama has “no substance.” This is the biggest, grossest show of phony patriotism and empty cornball “values” I’ve ever seen.

And is it just me or does the audience look like nothing but nerds, nutties and old people?

2 09 2008

I’m a conservative christian who will NOT be voting for McCain. I am really disgusted that Dr. James Dobson has done a complete about face and now supports McCain because Palin is on the Ticket. He has said sooooo many nasty (but true) things about McCain over the years.

Obama’s campaign should run a t.v ad using Dobson’s own words and statements against McCain. It’s been very well documented over the years. The right wing evangelicals follow him like blind sheep as if they can’t think for themselves. They don’t seem to care about the facts or the truth, just as long as they get the opportunity to overturn the abortion issue.

Did anyone see CNN’s Biographies of McCain and Obama this past weekend? CNN told the whole truth and nothing but the truth about McCain’s entire life story and Political history. I didn’t think I could dislike McCain anymore than I already do, but apparently he is not the good guy he portrays himself to be today.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

In case any of you need a reality check or just some relief, go here:

2 09 2008

“Many of us also thought Bush had no chance in 2004 (at least until the Swifties started lying) and look where we are now…I really worry that progressives will let the Palin issue and other obvious mis-steps on the GOP’s part obscure the very real reasons people should not vote for the so-called “maverick” ticket. We need to stay on message and hold the media accountable for their lack of substantive coverage of McCain’s failings, flip-flops, and Bush-like tendencies. Our Sarah flip-flopped on the Bridge, and then lied about it in a campaign speech — unfortunately, this was overshadowed by belly-gate and I worry that this is going to be the pattern.”

I too am concerned that, with the “Palin chatter” (that is hard to resist), our focus has been diverted from the dangerous issues that face our nation…as well as the unthinkable possibility that McCain/Palin COULD win this election.

While Palin is being touted for having 5 children (the youngest, we are reminded OFTEN, a special needs child), McCain has never been scrutinized for DESERTING his FIRST FAMILY – there are pictures of his young wife and family out there. Have we ever seen them on MSM? THEY ARE VISUALS WE DESERVE TO SEE:,0,5924926,full.story

J-Mac talks about the “failure” of his first marriage, but the media doesn’t really tell us much about that part of his “unique life story” either.

That leaves many “knowing” McCain only as a “war hero” – one who has been given a free pass ever since. I know this is old news. However, if Sarah and her “dedication to family” is now center stage at the RNC, I believe we should give equal time to WHY John’s first marriage “failed”. His aren’t the family values I believe in.

I don’t want another impulsive “decider” as President of the U.S.. The subject of McCain’s temperament IS an issue. I am sick of war.

As I write, Fred Thompson is telling McCain’s P.O.W. story and they’ll tell it again and again. I have a son who is an Army pilot now. He has rotated to Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq. Thompson says we should ask ourselves, “Who is this man, and can we trust him with the presidency?” I say “NO!” I do NOT trust him – not with the presidency, not with my son’s life.

2 09 2008

This might come out corny, but I think Palin has reminded anyone who was very pro-obama (like myself) to only luke-warm Obama, that there is TOO MUCH at stake in this election. We must band together and do whatever it takes to get Obama into office….not because he’s the best candidate to ever walk the face of the earth, but because he is the best choice in this election. So, please, everyone do your part! Put a bumper sticker on your car, a sign in your lawn, donate $5 to Obama, volunteer if you have time, go to blogs and post things about Obama’s resume that make him the most qualified candidate running, every little bit helps….and obviously, make sure you are registered to vote and VOTE OBAMA on election day. There is just too much at stake to let backwards thinking by mccain\palin into the WH

2 09 2008

Wow! I just listened to GWB on the Big Orwellian Screen at the RNC and now Thompson’s speech! He just pitched Sarah Palin as a kind of psychological Great Competent Reformer Annie Oakley From The Great White North. The New Goddess School Marm on her dog sled to clean up the corrupt Beltway. Only in America!

It’s right out of Das Boot (1981).

The scene where they are listening to a Goebbels (I think Goebbels because at some point Hitler completely stopped giving speeches on the radio in WWII as he began to lose it psychologically) where the speaker says the enemy will never reach German soil as the men on the submarine are bombed in the sub pens at Kiel. Smash cut to the next scene.

Amazing stuff.

More comments to follow tomorrow as my mind tries to grasp this.

2 09 2008
Reality Check

RNC = Red Neck Conference

2 09 2008
Parker CA

I’m truly shocked to see that the repub’s actually define McCain’s character and judgement as exemplary. Fascinating. I wonder, what is it like in that white, white world?

2 09 2008

Yup, Yup, I’m watching it.

I thought I was watching Law and Order but I guess it’s the
GOP convention. Pitiful really. Now he’s going on about
Obama and his being the most inexperienced nominee to run
for president. Except maybe the Law and Order guy himself.

I think he’s hoping for an Emmy. It’s funny ’cause it really is
like watching him in one of the reruns of L & O when he’d get
all uppity with his staff…..

Hope he runs out breath soon so I can watch Jon Stewart and Stephen
Colbert. I really need a good laugh after todays insanity.

2 09 2008
Judy in Chicago

The saying goes:Be the change you want to see in the world…

Or get on your computer and make it happen.

Thanks! AKMuckraker

ps By all means advertise.
I’d love a mudflats t-shirt- size small.

2 09 2008

Please visit the Unauthorized Online McSame Store. Copy and forward the graphics at will.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

And if anyone has any doubt that Sarah Palin should NOT be VP, please see this:

2 09 2008

John McCain is in way over his head though now, with the selection of his new “trophy” running mate, he’s sown up a huge and powerful voting block known as “the dumbest people in America.”

I would never hit someone with a hockey stick, unless of course, we were playing hockey. Then I swing at anything that moves.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Republicans saying, “Put Country first” = Completely disregard the values of anyone who isn’t like us.

2 09 2008

I love what you are doing, please keep up the good work!!!

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

“Hope he runs out breath soon so I can watch Jon Stewart ”

I understand that Stewart made a memorial visit to that Larry Craig bathroom stall at the Minneapolis airport! Should be a hoot if he really did.

2 09 2008

Thanks Ana! I couldn’t stomach Fred Thompson any longer! They are a bunch of HYPOCRITES & LIARS!!!

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Ah, KO is classic. Superb. “Standing him next to a flag and a gun.”

2 09 2008

I agree with you 100% Bethany. The stakes are too high in this election. We all have to do anything and everything we can to stop this. Even it just means talking to your neighbors and family!

2 09 2008

Thompson said “God bless John McCain and John bless America.”

2 09 2008

is there a drunk guy in the crowd? I’m watching on CNN and I swear I could hear one dude yelling out while Fred Thompson was talking.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Please Please

Go to and get involved any way you can. Donations, volunteer for voter registration, phone banking, anything.

YES WE CAN – but we need everyone to do something!

(off soapbox)

2 09 2008

Here comes Leiberman- he’s gonna be toast after the election.

2 09 2008

Mud… This is Maysman at… I have a small blog from Ninilchik… IF you read this, come on over and check it out. I am going to link to you in one of your Wasilla pics… Link me back in one of your posts.

I like your commenters… Politer than most lefty loons. 🙂 Your peeps are talking to the choir… Never a bad idea to check out the opposition… Btw, I spent 14 years flying in Saudi Arabia… Might post a good airplane story & pic of me there someday.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Plwalsh (18:38:01) :

Thompson said “God bless John McCain and John bless America.”


Did he just nominate the Crazy Train driver to take over “Messiah” from Barack??

I object, your Honor!!

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Oh man, just when I thought it couldn’t get worse than Thompson, . . . Lieberman takes the stage.

2 09 2008
paul canning

If you’re bothering to wade through these comments …

From one blogger to another … yes! made yerself some adsense money! And

Some (more) satire

Palin aka Tootsie:

Red State like the ‘Alaskan librarian. take-her-on-the-tundra’ look:

Ham Sandwich McCain’s Actual Choice for Veep:

2 09 2008

anyone remember that lilliput cartoon with that little lilliputian that would always say “we’ll nev-ver make it”
that’s lie-berman

what a suckup. almost as much as johnny mcshame himself.

2 09 2008

Well, if God talks to George W. Bush, then the war in Iraq may indeed be God’s plan 🙂

2 09 2008

Why does Todd Palin hate America?

BTW, that crazy AIP shizz explains the flight home to birth Trig. He’s gotta have Alaska citicizenship, right?

2 09 2008

Leiberman’s bi-partisan pitch doesn’t seem to be getting as much enthusiasm as Thompson’s right wing pitch.

Is this crowd old? The cheers sound like a 60th high school reunion. I am listening on XM radio to this and can’t see them.

2 09 2008

That Fred Thompson….he’s a CELEBRITY, isn’t he?

2 09 2008

So, Is Joe Leavermann essentially at this moment giving his VP acceptance speech, in anticipation of Palin’s crash & burn?

2 09 2008
Parker CA

According to Lieberman, 9.11 was a natural disaster.

2 09 2008

I checked out BobbyG’s photo shopped pics… Sry, Bobby, I was willing to get a good funny Sarah photo to go with a Sarah joke at but did not find them that funny… In my alzheimerish haze, what do you expect? Keep trying but free advice… do not be so bluntly sarcastic… Mud… what time [Alaska] do you generally get a post done? I think I usually miss the early readers in America. [alert alert… that is a lame insider Alaska joke we use… all worn out but so am I]

2 09 2008

Joe just said he was Michael Moore’s favorite Democrat.

2 09 2008
White Agate

Gotta go and do some paperwork, etc. before turning in. Just a thought, off-topic, kinda, I don’t know if anyone read Thomas Frank’s ‘What’s the Matter With Kansas?’ a few years back, about why people in Kansas and throughout the US vote GOP consistently and therefore consistently against their own economic interests. In a nutshell: GOP fomentation of ‘values issues’ to distract people from how they are losing money.

He has a new book just out, ‘The Wrecking Crew,’ in which he discusses some of the major themes of/evolution of the GOP as it was and how we now know it, and just what’s been happening with the Republicans running the country (!). Among them: it’s all about business/the market over people, defunding and destroying government is a desired goal, defunding liberal causes another goal, and finally always portraying themselves as ‘rebels’ against a ‘cultural elite,’ even when they actually are in power and have been for a long time. The convention speeches and the various texts and metatexts discussed here can all be found in this book. Almost verbatim, Frank really nails a lot of things.

If you have a chance, pick it up, and then get volunteering, I have an Obama call list lurking somewhere. Palin is, ultimately, a distraction to the much larger issues the country has to face at this time, the most important of which I think is energy independence/peak oil/climate change, or ‘the hydrocarbon issues’ if you will. Can’t do much if you ain’t got a planet that works. The candidate that really gets this? This is the one that must win this election. McCain, of course, only recently put up any kind of energy plan at all on his site.

2 09 2008

just what we want, 2 loose cannons joe, right

2 09 2008

@Maysman – “do not be so bluntly sarcastic”?


We are ruled by a WAR CRIMINAL who has put our consitutional and international moral standing in the toilet, and a putative successor who promises more of the same, and you want moderation?

We’ll just have to agree to disagree. Sorry.

2 09 2008

Ana Gama —- you got it ,, I just donated 100 bucks to Obama ..
kick down some cash people ,, lets get going!!!!!

2 09 2008

Ok…so Thompson is going to bring up “record”. One really has to remember McCain’s health. A 72 year old man with a history of melanoma has a good chance of dying in office, which leaves us with a woman with a very questionable record! Survivability of John McCain is a HUGE issue in this race!

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Jack Cafferty (CNN) slays Palin!!! All this shit is coming out!! Woo-hoo!

2 09 2008

Are there any non-whites at this convention?

2 09 2008

OK Leiberman, it’s one thing to be your own traitor but do not
ask me to join you. You are so gonna be toast after this election!

2 09 2008

actually, we gave 100 more in honor of sarah today

but my super-cool canvas Obama/Biden shopping bag came today from, a GREAT daily newsletter if you don’t know it.

(oh, wait, joey lie is talkin’ to ME!) brb, LOL!

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Time for The Daily Show!

2 09 2008

i had already donated, but just kicked in some more! And will be calling ALL my relatives tomorrow, just to be sure they hear a balanced response to the “good ole boys” speeches tonight.

2 09 2008


I have a Republican husband – Thompson and Lieberman are saying what HE wants to hear. We also have several acquaintances who were not happy with either candidate. Now it seems they are charmed by Palin and gleefully reminded of John’s P.O.W. status. I feel like I am living in a parallel universe! We need to hold the media’s feet to the fire and keep them on the issues and on message regarding McCain’s judgment. Palin is a wildcard pick.

2 09 2008

That Jack Cafferty clip is hysterical! He finally hits all the big points about Sarah. Then when he reads the viewer comments, not ONE of them says she was properly vetted by McCain. I loved the one which said Palin was “Katrina for the rest of us.”

2 09 2008

annie- do you think it sways independents?
i am indy, and supported biden before, liked ron paul too
but this??? no way, no how

oh here it comes…
new yorkers HATE giuliani
dont let the msm fool you

2 09 2008

I just wanted to take a moment to post this link to “The Real McCain” website. They are asking that we pass the posted video and information around. Let’s get to work.

2 09 2008

What really bothers me in all this is how I perceive Trig and Bristol as being used as lead shields for both her and McCain. It’s like kicking a puppy. Any time the media starts to dig in on her, the issue of the kids come up and people start coming out of the woodwork admonishing us all for attacking a mother and her pregnant child. I’m sorry, but if the worst you have to face is a finger pointing that you didn’t bring your daughter up right, you’re doing pretty good. I want my vice president (And president, for that matter) to be able to take on criticism, own up to their shortcomings and intelligently fire back with thoughtful argument and facts. I want a nominee who is going to be there all the way for the country, not just parts of it, and not for select groups of citizens.

Anytime I see the words “religion” and “war” in a sentence together I get nervous (And I thought the last election was weird!), but her pastor was right (If creepy) to bring up the war symbolism. We are in the midst of a cultural civil war in this country.

2 09 2008

about as much energy at this convention as bingo night at the nursing home

2 09 2008

Ana, just so you know I started contributing to Obama last June when I went to the Unity rally.

2 09 2008
Republicans for Jed Clampett

All I wanna see are pictures of Molly McCann and the trooper who Tasered his stepson. According to reports, the boy asked to be Tasered.

“Tase me, daddy!”

2 09 2008
Cynthia, TX

Sorry, this woman is a right wing extremist hack!! The problem is we don’t won’t to believe it nor the media. Why? because she is packaged up like a nice little Palin flower! Get over it people this woman is extreme.

2 09 2008
sauer kraut

I am praying that the convention delegates will do what delegates did way back in 1944 or so when the Roosevelt/Wallace ticket came up for re election: the delegates kicked Wallace to the floor and went with Harry S. Truman.

Does the RNC have another Harry S. Truman up their sleave?

Let’s hope so for the sake of our country and ourselves.

2 09 2008

Thanks for the reminder that we can respond to the frightening prospect of Palin as VP — and more than that, how this pick reflects on McCain. Just gave $50 to Obama’s campaign.

2 09 2008
Republicans for Jed Clampett

@ Cynthia

You speaketh the truth. I knew when I heard about troopergate this woman was nuts and definitely trouble. And lo and behold, I walk up to the best news I’ve had since I found out I was gonna be a dad again – McCain had picked Palin to be his running mate.

This is a boon for most guys. We enjoy her eye candy – she’s awesome to just gander at and envy Todd for it – but in the end, she’ll be locked up, out of a job and just yesterday’s news. Levi will ascend in RedNeck hood, Track will join the Alaskan Militia and Obama and Biden will be turning this country back into the respected place in the world it should be.

Talk about foolishness – I actually like Focus on the Family, but I do have to question why he asked folks to pray for rain on the Democratic convention. Jesus wasn’t political – is Dobson better than Jesus? He shouldn’t let the GOP’s poison cloud his walk with Christ. What a tool.

2 09 2008

LaughingAtGOP…I hope you are right!

I am an Independent also, but I am SO turned off after 8 years of BUSH that NO ONE could sway me to vote for a Republican (well…maybe Paul, but he’s really a Libertarian).


2 09 2008
sauer kraut

I love Jack Cafferty. He swings the bat better than anyone. Common sense is his trademark but the MSM keeps prancing these other princes before us. Joe Scarborough can be good at times but the way in which he and Meeka bent over themselves trying not to address the real issues behind Bristol’s pregnancy made me want to barf. Why can’t CNN or MSNBC give us more Jack Cafferty’s????

2 09 2008

dear sauer-
there is an alternative to this garbage. a good one.
if you haven’t given Barack a truly open look, please do.
really. the gop lost its way.

2 09 2008

2 09 2008

these are not delegates of ’44
they are mindless talkingpoint-repeaters.
falling over themselves to praise things they slammed when it was dems.

2 09 2008

Here’s a 70-year old, highly-decorated Vietnam Vet and former POW giving us some straight talk about how dangerous McCain is.

Send this link far and wide, please!

2 09 2008

great stuff.
the MSM has been playing Palin with kid gloves despite all the fan-hitting excrement. one story I hadn’t figured out til today was what the hell palin did from 02-06… was that her PTA time? MSM makes it sound like she was mayor of the metropolis of wasssssilly and then most perfect governor of AK-49 immediately thereafter. really she was full time running an ‘ethics commission’ which she couldn’t hack and then Ted Stevens 527 (innocent SP buddies with Stevens, no) and failing at running for lt gov (…unqualified…). Why haven’t these important, formative years been closely examined? Certainly not VP experience. Just say No to Trig’s Gma! Will AK impeach her?

From Mother Jones re. AIP:

“Sarah Palin is the most best qualified person available to run with McCain. She is more experienced and more qualified than any other GOP candidate.

She was born to have her finger on the nuclear button, she is the perfect compliment to McCain and she completes him.

Romney, Ron Paul, Huckabee – all simple minded hacks compared to Palins expertise and experience.

It only makes sense.

John McCain made a sober, careful and thoughtful choice.

(sarcasm times 10)”

Goebbels quote #2. Courtesy of Bunk.

2 09 2008
John Doe

Do any of you Alaska-folk remember that the founder of the AIP was murdered whilst trafficking in plastic explosives (can you say “domestic terrorism”)? Isn’t it curious that the GOP’s candidate (remember, they’re the “Country First” guys) for V.P. is technically guilty of sedition? Does anyone else get the irony of this??

What were they thinking?

2 09 2008

Still enjoying those pix of Wasilla. Do you know why no word from any of Sarah’s family-mom, dad, sister? What’s their story?? This is getting more Jerry Springer by the day-I hate to admit that I can’t wait for the next episode!!

You can’t make this stuff up!!!

2 09 2008
sauer kraut

It’s almost 11:35 here near the east coast… which means! Time for Jay Leno’s monologue. Let’s hope he’s got some good stuff about Palin tonite.

I’ll be back after he’s done.

2 09 2008

Considering she hasn’t been allowed to talk to the media (other than the puff piece People did on her) it’s hard to say if the MSM is treating her with kid gloves. It doesn’t matter though, her actions and record speak louder than anything she could ever say.

I thought for a brief time she might step down, but given the arrogance that the republicans show, they’ll dig their heels in and keep her up there till hell freezes over.

2 09 2008

All jokes aside! I can’t possibly believe McCain/Palin will win the presidency without having another 2000 repeat.

We need to think abut the possibility of the Republicans stealing the election, and using scare tactics to minorities. What can we do to prevent this?

2 09 2008
andrew gregg

If you Alaskans are waiting up for a Daily Show take-out on Palin tonight, don’t. They hardly did anything. Samantha Bee did a brief bit at the top on Palin and hurricanes and it barely came up again. Hope that means the writers are working overtime for tomorrow. It was a very weak show considering all the material they have to play with.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

The speeches these men made tonight spoke directly to many people who are going to be swayed into voting for McCain/Palin. Keep hammering away at them. Obama has a fantastic radio ad going out against McCain directly against his views regarding abortion.

Tomorrow night will be a huge success for the repub’s because Palin will have her unveiling for the 3rd time, but this time it will be on the big stage. We need to continue attacking the judgement, or lack there of, that McCain employed in choosing this abomination of a VP. Attack the real issues and attack his complete lack of concern for the potential results of his rash decisions.

Obama / Biden ’08

2 09 2008
Sarah Palin’s old work « break the terror

[…] here’s some more fucked up crap about her church and her crazy pastor: This is from Ed Kalnins, the senior pastor of Wasilla […]

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

“Talk about foolishness – I actually like Focus on the Family, but I do have to question why he asked folks to pray for rain on the Democratic convention. Jesus wasn’t political – is Dobson better than Jesus? He shouldn’t let the GOP’s poison cloud his walk with Christ. What a tool.”

What they don’t realize is that God has a sense of humor. They prayed for rain, God sent Gustav.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Let’s Get Real –

I agree completely that the repub’s will do anything they can to win this election if the polls are not favoring them towards the end.

The best tactic that we have is talking about it, and talking about it A LOT! The more frequently it is spoken of, the more it is pushed up through the blogs and political forums, the better the chance will be that the people who need to hear this will hear it. Talk about it and talk about it a lot. We will not let this be ripped from our hands again, and Obama/Biden sure as hell will not let it go down like that without a serious fight.

Obama / Biden ’08

2 09 2008

Let’s Get Real,
Check out this previous post.

Patriotic Techs – All Hands On Deck!!

And go to to download an election day toolkit that shows what to look for when you go vote, and what you can do if something looks fishy.

2 09 2008
sauer kraut

Whilst watching Jay, it occurred to me that we haven’t heard from John Edwards all week. Good thing for Palin, eh? I bet Edwards is one Democrat who is very, very happy with McCain’s choice!! Jamie Lynn Spears, too!!

2 09 2008

Republicans and their Fox friends keep talking about how the evil Left is in a feeding frenzy, bringing up the long ago DUI and pregnant daughter. Both of those are non-issues, and I keep wondering why mainstream media is not discussing all significant Palin issues, that are out there – yet they aren’t presenting to the public. It makes me wonder if it is the Right who is pushing these distracting Palin stories, like a bait and switch. While we are all discussing pregnant teens and old DUIs, everyone will ignore the frightening Palin truths.

2 09 2008

Bozo BrainBush said “the Angry Left”. The poor fool is so addle-brained he can’t distinguish anger from laughter. That sound he hears is people rolling on the floor laughing their heads off and holding their sides because it hurts so much!

2 09 2008

Would love to wake up in the morning to a read Anne Kilkenny’s letter to the editor then find out that it is in every major us news paper.

2 09 2008

This just gets better and better! You guys are wonderful! Wish the media would do half as much digging and reporting as is being done on this web site! But that might mean they would have to do a little work! Still want to know what happened to Sue Williams? Anybody know? She was a voice of reason and knowledge and more importantly, a conservative and a person who actually knew Sarah. If you came in late, she posted on the first two articles about dear Miss Sarah, not at all favorably! Maybe we got too raunchy for her but it sure has been great fun. Love this blog! First reading of the day and the last at night! Things are breaking fast! Ms. Kilkenney is really brave! Says she has nothing to lose but with people like this, there is always something to lose….and they usually can find it! Thanks to all

2 09 2008

Well, it seems like CNN is being pretty tough on this Day 2 of the RNC.

Wow, Campbell Brown got a frown from the Repub High Command for kicking the s**t out of that little twerp yesterday. That guy got a total interview ass kicking. As tough as I have seen in a long time. So maybe the journalists will step up to the plate.

The Republican Party does NOT own patriotism. Millions of people have put their “Country First”. I gave three years of my life to the U.S. Army as a 1st Lieuteant.

Does MY service count? And I was on active duty overseas during a war and not in the Texas Air National Guard. But according to the Republicans I am subversive crap.


2 09 2008

The Washington Post has a story they are running with that says that the only interview the McCain camp had with Palin was last Wednesday.

One time and that’s it before they debut her to the public.

There is no way they knew in that time all those skeletons that are in her closet.

Keep bringing them out.

McCain shows lots of lack of judgement in this and he will bring that into the White House.

2 09 2008

And what’s with Lieberman. He swings both ways, at least politically. Why doesn’t he just stamp his head with an “S” and call himself a ‘garage sale”.

2 09 2008

I cannot wait for Democrats to give Lieberman the boot and strip him of his committee chairmanships. I wonder how he feels up there knowing he was on the short list and lost out to Palin. Ah, the Magoo-Fudd ’08 ticket that never was.

2 09 2008

Thanks AKM! I will email this to all my friends and family. I sure hope Obama/Biden will not put up with this. But here in Texas, and other states…they give minorities a hard time at the voting booth. They will lie to them, and it seems no one cares this is allowed.

I recorded both “Recount” & “Hacking Democracy” when it first aired.

I just had a Pre-DNC the weekend before the DNC to make sure my friends and family are registered and had forms for those who hadn’t registered.

We played Democratic/Obama trivia. I gave away Obama T-Shirts and Caps. They told me it was the best party they had. They learned so much.

I constantly email them about important news I receive. This election is the most important election since I have been voting.

I am going to make an effort to network with Obama Supporters here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area to hold an event which I would like to emphasize the importance not only registering, but casting their vote.

There is so much work to do, in so little time. November 4th will be here before we know it, and the last day to register in Texas is October 6th.

2 09 2008

Thank you for your amazing insights. Thanks to you, and especially this most recent entry, I have finally figured out who Sarah Palin is. She’s a character right out of Margaret Atwood’s brilliant novel, THE HANDMAID’S TALE. She is the GOP handmaiden/breeder. She’s getting old to be a handmaiden/breeder, so her daughter is becoming her handmaiden/breeder. In Atwood’s book, the Christians had dissolved the United States and rule newly formed “Christian provinces” in North America. With Palin’s wacky right-wing endtime Christian beliefs, and her loyalty to Alaskan secession now exposed, we see she’s a GOP handmaiden/breeder for sure. Someone needs to get author Margaret Atwood to comment, as she called this twenty years ago!

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

“We need to think abut the possibility of the Republicans stealing the election, and using scare tactics to minorities. What can we do to prevent this?”

Go to and sign up to do something to advance this campaign. The can’t steal all the votes. If we do this right, there will be to damn many to steal!

2 09 2008

Uh oh.

Looks like they are having to retract the whole AID thing

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Does MY service count?

Yes, your service counts, and I want to thank you for it!

2 09 2008
tom c

Thank you so much for your posts here! So wonderfully well written as well!

2 09 2008
Parker CA


Bravo, my friend, and thank you!

In regards to the media, I think this election might really be the time when some of the more partisan views of certain members of the media are brought to the surface, especially on the Dem’s side. It seems to me that they will be unwilling to acquiesce to this situation as might have been the case with previous issues.

Right now we’re talking about the true future and life of ourselves and our country based on who wins this election, and I am guessing if they have the position, many of these reporters, pundits, strategists, etc will not merely sit back and play the political game. If only they could all chop into the topics as eloquently as Rachel Maddow.

INFO: Washington Post breaking news that last Wednesday was the first day McVetFail actually vetted Palin.

Obama / Biden ’08

2 09 2008

Anne Kilkenny wants to be found. Ask not to post her letter on a web site, but instead wants her letter to be read. Can someone in mainstream media please find her?

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

“What you can expect from John McCain as President is precisely what he has done this week,” – Joe Lieberman.

From his speech tonight! LOL

2 09 2008

Andrew Sullivan has more scary stuff about Sarah’s church.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Jesse Ventura on Larry King Live right now says:

“I don’t understand how John McCain support Viagra for men’s health and not birth control for women’s health.”

2 09 2008


Ohio uses Diebold election machines, and Diebold is headquartered in Ohio. Did you see “Hacking Democracy?” The Republican’s pretty much have Diebold in their pocket, so who ever is over the election in their district, can manipulate the numbers. They have administrative rights to do what ever they want.

2 09 2008
Republicans for Jed Clampett

@Blue Sky Mama

Lemme see if I dig up some pics of her folks, but they are hunters – former teachers. Here’s a shot off the FOX News site:

I have also found some pics of her in high school – with her brother Chuck and sister Heather. I have yet to see a Molly McCann pic. That is the one I really wanna see, especially how she looks now.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama


Yeah, I know a lot about Diebold, and the implications about OH. But, OH now has a Democratic governor. Ted Strickland. A lot has changed in OH since Bush stole the election from Kerry.

2 09 2008
From Wasilla

After looking at the pictures of Wasilla, it is clear to me that this blogger took a bit of time to find just the right pictures to try to portray Wasilla as a little po-dunk town . For some strange reason he chose not to show the busiest Wal-Mart in the Northwest, Home Depot, Lowes, Chili’s, Sportsman’s Wharehouse, Target, etc. that also thrive in Wasilla. Hmmm. I think maybe he only wants you to see what he wants you to see.

2 09 2008

From Wasilla: Mudflats said he did not take pictures of things you would see elsewhere (Walmart etc) as he wanted to depict the uniqueness of the town.

2 09 2008
Republicans for Jed Clampett

Snap! I found an old pic of Molly – she’s like 6 or 7 and Sarah is like 8-9 with glasses on and a tee shirt. Cute family pic.

If I can find a way to post it, I will.

2 09 2008

I spent the first 25 years of my life in the Church of God of Cleveland, TN. It is basically the same as the Assemblies of God, I think they split years ago over a minor Dogmatic opinion on Sanctification. I have witnessed many a woman like Mrs. Palin. The Pentecostal religion is about emotion, not Logic and is run by Women in general. Every girl I grew up with was pregnant by 17 or 18 and were very promiscuous. The kids in general were the worst you could imagine. Socially ignorant and naive but hellions, not a good combination. The pentecostal movement is the biggest cult in the world with dangerous views. I would definitely say That Mrs. Palin runs the show in her household. The new baby is probably her Daughters and she is probably pregnant again. Pentecostal women are the most power hungry, hypocritical people on the face of the Earth. She would sell her soul to the Devil, little on throw one of her children to the wolves for this nomination. Dont be surprised at the info that comes out in the next few weeks on this women, Im sure we have only hit the tip of the Iceburg.

2 09 2008

Yep I realize OH has a Dem Govenor but I can guarantee you, people are going to be calling in to the radio stations, saying they were not allowed to vote for various dumb reasons, are they were told they were at the wrong voting booth.

If you are not a minority, I would suggest you listen on election day to some of the National Urban Radio Stations, i.e. Tom Joyner, Michael Baisden. You will hear the most deceptive practices in our Democracy toward minorities when it is time to cast votes.

2 09 2008

This alaskan says you’re grasping at straws. You are certainly putting in a lot of blood sweat and tears to try to tear Palin down. The idea of spiritual warfare is central to millions upon millions of Christians. Scripture is filled with passages like “for we wage war not against flesh and blood but against principalities and every high thing that would exalt itself against the name of Jesus Christ…” That pastor was not talking about a holy war against muslims. You’re way off. The war he is talking about is waged through prayer, personal purity and love toward God and our neighbors. I’m an Alaskan and a Palin fan, but I don’t think she is qualified to be president due to youth and inexperience. So I’m not just blindly defending her (I didn’t even vote for her for Governor). But your criticisms are just laughably extreme, contrived, illogical and off the mark so I felt compelled to respond.

Regarding her speech at the church, you pulled out 2 separate sentences, which raises the “out of context” red flag. And in those sentences, she is saying that we have to pray that those making the plan for our nation are adopting GOD’S plan (and not their own ungodly plan). Maybe you don’t read it that way. Trust me, I speak church-ese. Basically she is saying we should pray that our leaders do the wise, right thing. Just because she does it in a way that is different from what you’re used to hearing in whatever your church experience is doesn’t justify your ignorant, baseless criticism. The sheep who read this blog gobble it up and praise you for it, but it still doesn’t make it true. nuff said. – Pete Schneidler, Kasigluk, AK

2 09 2008

I speak church-ese as well! However, i haven’t watched Palin’s church video and I don’t need to. God plan was for us to subdue the earth, love and respect one another. Even if we are not the same, and have different opinions. Only He, God himself can judge us for our sins. Remember, we all fall short of the Glory of God!

The Republican’s are basically saying…if you don’t have the same belief’s as we do…you are not a Christian!

2 09 2008


The blogger stated that there was a lot of corporate stores/businesses in Wasilla like Lowes and Walmart, but being as those stores are generic and populate every town across the U.S., he chose instead to focus on what makes Wasilla’s character unique. On top of that, I live in a small town in Ohio, and there’s nothing wrong with having a sense of humor about your surroundings.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Pete –

To balance things out, why don’t you share with us your take on the situation going on. Dive in where you feel it’s appropriate as there are many pools of discussion.

Obama / Biden ’08

2 09 2008
in a valley further south

hey folks, there seems to be a bit of noise in here but out there in the unreal world, the one where some big guy with a long white beard who lives in the sky and tells some important people what to do, there is a great big silence.

far too many people are saying that this is funny.

if you have children and you think this is funny, you better go kiss them goodbye right now and do not dare to say that you are sorry for being powerless.

the guy who owns this blog is not going to be able to do enough to
make the difference that needs to be made.

everyone who comes here and takes the time to post needs to get out
there and post a link to this site and particularly the post that these comments are under in a couple of other places so that the rest of the
children in this country are not sucked into this giant black hole called
the side effect of allowing religious fundamentalism to persist in this world.

i’ve got a mountain of empath for Ms. Palin for having spent here whole life in the shadow of these fear mongering tax evaders but that does not mean that i am going to sit here and laugh or cry without taking the small amount of action that i can.

love your kids?

well then stop hanging out here chatting and get out there and spread the word. reason and ration were around long before the myths started and they are our only hope out of this mess.

AKMuckraker has the way with words. if you don’t think you can write, all of you look like you can copy and paste and give credit where credit is due.

that’s what the internet is all about. 100 people post links to this site in 10 other places every day and 100 people see those links and on and on. then something happens. it worked for google.

go to it folks. don’t be a moose in the headlights. it’s a messy ending. for everyone that way.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Taken from a post at DU – This is very worrisome. This is the type of thing the right-wing will attempt to use to their advantage to take this election.

Dutch Paper: U.S. Will Attack Iran in Weeks

Monday, September 1, 2008 10:42 PM

The largest newspaper in the Netherlands, De Telegraaf, reported this past weekend that its nation’s intelligence agency has been working closely with the CIA to help prepare the U.S. in a planned air attack on Iran.

The front-page story in De Telegraaf, published Friday and headlined “Attack on Iran Imminent,” claimed that U.S. military strikes on Iran’s nuclear and weapons facilities would happen in weeks.

The paper indicated Holland’s military intelligence service (Algemene Inlichtingen-en Veiligheidsdienst, or AIVD), has pulled back from its operations inside Iran helping the U.S. to identify targets.

De Telegraaf reports that the decision has already been made by the U.S. to attack Iran using unmanned aircraft, hence the Netherlands’ decision to remove its agents.

Excerpts from De Telegraaf follow:

“Good sources have declared to the Telegraaf that the AIVD Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst has been operating in Iran for the last few years with the purpose of the infiltration and sabotage of the weapons industry of the Iranian republic.

“The operations are said to have been ‘very successful’ but have recently been put to a halt because of American plans for an air attack. Information regarding the AIVD operation has been shared with the CIA in recent years, according to the sources.”

“Iran is believed to be working towards an atomic bomb and refuses to comply to Western demands to stop enriching uranium. In June Israeli vice president Shaul Mofaz made the statement that an Israeli attack is inevitable if Iran continues its quest for atomic weapons.”

2 09 2008

a great theologian once said “those who want to put God in a “box” know nothing of God” Human beings, eastern or western, are always trying to put god in a box to fit their needs/justify their actions/ etc etc We arrogant westerners tend to think we have THE box….just as easterners think they have THE box….bottom line is, we are all just human beings and only god knows for sure!

“god” help us all!

2 09 2008

Scare tactics for citizens to vote for McCain! Wow! They will do anything to win an election!

2 09 2008

The terrifying thing about this woman is the fudamentalist Christian factor and her belief that God is on the side of the US and her willingness to follow the “plan” of God. What happened to the separation of church and state? There’s no substantial difference between a fundamentalist Muslim willing to die for martyrdom and a fundamentalist Christian willing to die for “God’s Plan”. I don’t want some born again nut case pushing the button in the name of God. There have been more atrocities and horrors perpetrated in the name of God than almost any other factor you can name. This is why the founding fathers were so precise in laying out the separation of church and state. This religious fundamentalism is a bomb waiting to explode. We simply cannot allow this sort of person to be one step away from the presidency of the United States. I’m all for religious freedom and don’t care what people believe as long as it is kept in their own life. It has no business in government however and we are in for some dangerous times if the unthinkable happens and McCain/Palin somehow pull this off.

2 09 2008
2 09 2008

I’m confident all this stuff will come out soon in the MSM. The blogosphere is just on a quicker news cycle, and the papers and networks have a different editorial standard. It seems like there is PLENTY of evidence out there and enough scandals to take us through Election Day.

I don’t really want to watch Palin’s speech, but now I feel like I have to. I don’t think I can believe a word that woman says at this point. We all know that she’s being coached by the best Republican spinmeisters they have.

2 09 2008

Ana Gama and Parker CA,

Thanks for the kind words. But there is nothing special about me. I know literally hundreds of people whose lives were destroyed by war. Read Gerald Nicosia’s “Home to War”. I have personally known in my lifetime about a third of the people listed in the appendix. The mindless destruction just goes on and on. No one at the top of our systems foresees wars coming when they should. Right now I am thinking of my Father who passed away in 1992. He loaded the MASH units onto the invasion fleet ships for the battle of Tarawa in WWII.

My Father said the slaughter was beyond description. He said they had to hose down the decks of the returning hospital ships because so much blood had come from those on stretchers on the decks. My parents were married in 1942 as my Father went in as a 2nd Lieutenant (Yes I can spell “Lieutenant” – sorry for my previous typo. Guess I am very tired. I have been in a tailspin since Friday). He came out of WWII as a Captain. Did these men go through this for the Fascist NeoCon farce that has now come to Sarah Palin becoming President of the United States if McCain keels over which he is HIGHLY LIKELY to happen? There are MANY women who could now be very competent Presidents of the United States from both Parties. I have no problem with that. But not this one. No woman in my extended family or at work is accepting this. I talked with my youngest sister over the weekend, she is absolutely outraged at this insulting pandering for the female vote.

I first thought I would never be emotionally able to listen to Sarah Palin give her acceptance speech at the Republican Convention. I was going to tune it out to preserve my mental health. But now I know if I can be on-line with all of you fine souls here for moral support while I watch it maybe I will be able to handle it. So I will be here with you all tomorrow night watching with my screen and keyboard nearby. Tonight wasn’t so bad with everyone’s posts going on during this mindless drivel. I can read people’s posts if I feel myself drifting off into more existential angst than usual.

Thanks AKM. Thanks all of you. There is emotional support here among you fine people.

I will, therefore, be here tomorrow night to try to comprehend the next events when Sarah Palin from Wasilla, Alaska steps out to speak to millions and millions of people on TV. Gulp.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

“AKMuckraker has the way with words. if you don’t think you can write, all of you look like you can copy and paste and give credit where credit is due.

that’s what the internet is all about. 100 people post links to this site in 10 other places every day and 100 people see those links and on and on. then something happens. it worked for google.

go to it folks. don’t be a moose in the headlights. it’s a messy ending. for everyone that way.”

This blog is already going viral.

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

HamletsMill (21:00:12) :

Ana Gama and Parker CA,

Thanks for the kind words. But there is nothing special about me.


There is something special about you! You’re here, you’re involved. We all do what we can. Whatever it is. It’s all valuable.

I totally understand about not knowing if you can listen to Palin’s speech tomorrow. I’m in the same boat. For the last 8 years I have struggled to listen to the ass currently in the WH. LOL! But, I feel a need to stay informed. So, I turn on the tv and then leave the room. I can hear it, but don’t have to watch. If I didn’t do it that way, I’d be in sensory overload!

Stay with us! We need you and everyone else who can dedicate some time!

2 09 2008

you guys have been an amazing bunch on this wild ride since friday.
i WAS laughing, then just disgusted, now after the dutch article i’m just downright terrified. i give $, i make calls, i even went to the bakesale and overbought and then brought it to neighbors… who, many, even the republican ones, are on board for the most part. what else to do?
please folks, keep digging, and give proof!

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Corie, it’s already hitting the MSM!

I just got off the phone with my dad. He lives in NV, is an right leaning indy. Has always been a McCain fan, and was really excited when Johnny got the nomination.

Dad heard some of the stuff about Palin on CNN tonight. A mention about the AIP sent him through the roof! Dad knows I have been following all the politics this year, so he called to ask what I know about it. I told him what has been substantiated and what hasn’t. Lemme tell ya, Dad is PISSED. He says, “That old coot (McCain) has lost his mind! That is TREASON!

This AIP thing is gonna be a biggie for a lot of people! Just her hubby being a member, even if she never was, is not going to find a comfortable spot in people like my dad — mid 70’s, military vet, etc.

2 09 2008

we gotta get rachel maddow on board…

2 09 2008

If this really is a holy war for the American version of God, every American Christian of fighting age should be signing up for the military.
A bible in one hand and the enemies in your gun sights trigger in the other.

And before you do prove it truly is an American holy war for Jesus, you will pray for those enemies before you kill them. Won’t you?

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Rachel Maddow’s new show debuts on Monday. She will be onboard!

2 09 2008

Ana Gama,

Thanks again for the kind words. Like you also I now know and understand that I have to watch as my duty as a citizen to try to grasp it. I will be here then tomorrow night for you too. I will try to support you as well. I think many will need psychological and emotional support.

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Rachel has not been mincing words even slightly with any of these subjects. She is going to tell it how it is, especially since she will have her very own platform.

2 09 2008

Oh, one other. My guess would be the anti-christ, (the guy who would fool even the elite of the elite Christians) will no doubt be an American.
Now nuke those UNChristians and clear the land for Christs throne.

I’ve met alot of wacky Canadian Sunday Christians that don’t practice what they preach, but Americans regular people don’t have anything close to the ego these blasphemers carry. .

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

From Andrew Sullivan’s blog (and ain’t this the truth!!):

Michael Schaffer:

It’s early yet, I know, but thus far it seems the overwhelming tone of the Republican Convention is nostalgia. Shot after shot of a room full of white people cheering shout-outs to Theodore Roosevelt, applauding commemorations of aging Medal of Honor winners, misting up at video footage of Ronald Reagan. Every image up on that giant screen painted in sepia…what about this century?

2 09 2008

looooooooove Sarah Palin and everything she represents

2 09 2008
Alley Trash

I can’t stand it. HEY – IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE FROM THE VALLEY THAT WANTS TO GO TO ED’S THING AT uaa Saturday night? cARPOOL ?- sPLIT A LIMO? i’m new at this (the intertubes) – so I hope this works – I’ve never done this before- I don’t know how to do this – is there anybody out there?

2 09 2008

I think you misunderstood her words. She was saying to pray THAT the task the soldiers are on is from God. She wasn’t saying that the war was a holy war, but that to pray that the country’s on the right track, and that the task is from God.

Can any war be from God? One can argue that if it accomplishes a good result (such as going to war in WWII to defeat Hitler), then it might be. But one can never know for sure. So she was saying to pray that the country is in God’s will, rather than out of it. That’s all.

Regarding her statement, “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan,” she was basically saying the same thing — that those in charge of the war have a plan, and that it corresponds to God’s purposes.

While I’m no fan of Palin, I think her words have to be taken for what they’re actually saying. Just seeing the words “God,” “pray,” and “war” in the same sentence should not cause someone to see red and read into things all sorts of things that aren’t there.

2 09 2008
in a valley further south

Hey AKM, you asked a few questions yourself in this post and from what i see in the MSM, McCain, the neo-cons and the rest of those on the right are simply going to drool over the ‘preachin’ goin’ on in Wasilla’. You seem like you are tuned into the insanity of organized religion so you probably know that people like Hitchins, Dawkins, Dennett and Harris have created a sufficient amount of resistance to the sanity of rejecting fundamentalism by simply calling anyone who has been subjected to the brainwashing stupid.

Yes, they’ve made themselves rich doing it but at the cost of making a bad situation worse without much expectation for it getting better.

So, through a lack of empathy, they have pushed things in a direction opposite to the one that they appeared to want them to move in. Now it is becoming something like the business of being overweight. It’s not polite to say that this is a situation that needs understanding to be eradicated. Just sympathy and support. So my expectation is that the general irrational upset that these things cause on the ‘other side’ will simply be used to cement the case for the McCain story. They certainly seem to be taking that tack with the Bristol story…spinning it with the line that it makes Mz Palin a stronger candidate because those fundamentalist family values are the ‘only right values’ that anyone who ‘really’ loves America can have.

Thanks for taking the middle way that you have so far in this and keeping it interesting without inciting a riot. Peaceful non cooperation. It works. Just keep spreading the word and pointing to the absurdity of it in a non confrontational way. You are doing the entire population of this planet a big big favor here so please do not get discouraged. It took Gandhi a lifetime and his life. The internet might make it a bit less costly for you.

2 09 2008

howard fineman: “i’ve never seen a convention where you can’t see the name of the party anywhere”

2 09 2008
Ana Gama

Joe Lieberman is a big fat liar! Check it out! Make it viral!

2 09 2008

Tell me, do baracudas eat their young?

2 09 2008

Bush’s GrandFather was very much involved in Hitlers finances.
Is America’s god of war, (the one sitting atop your capital building) know how to work the escape plan?

2 09 2008

Somebody please wake me up!! Please!!

2 09 2008

Parker CA raises an important concern. For some time I’ve believed that the Pubs would pull an October Surprise by starting a war with Iran. There was something else in the media recently that pointed to that possibility, and this post from Holland seems more substantial. I’m checking it out tomorrow.

So folks, all this catharsis you’re getting by raking Palin over the coals (much deserved, for sure, eh!) will be moot when Cheney pulls the switch and the bombs begin to rain down on Iran. What chance do you think Obama will have then? And where the hell is Cheney right now anyway?

2 09 2008
Parker CA

Cheney is in Georgia and Rice is in Libya. Odd time for them to be there? Not considering they are not getting ANY coverage on it because the entire nation is staring at the bright shiny media-object from Alaska.

Have no doubt that the plans are being discussed, explained, and that warning is being issued to these countries regarding the actions the US will soon likely engage in.

The fact that we as a nation are so distracted has given the neo-cons in office the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the blindfold across America’s eyes. There will be an event that will take ALL attention away from this presidential race except the issues revolving around Homeland Security and National Defense. Those topics are the two that have remained in heavy favor of McCain from day one.

This may very well be the plan Rove et al set into action recently to attempt to secure the White House in November, only time will tell.

Obama / Biden ’08

2 09 2008

And Putin’s gambit in Georgia, although provoked, provides cover and justification for what’s about to unfold elsewhere…

I’m not sure Rove is behind all of this… his forte has been domestic politics. But it sure makes you wonder whether Palin is being used as a distraction by the neocon cabal… And if what you suggest plays out, we’re all in deep shit.

2 09 2008
Hick Town in PA

MSM is already there. Check out this editorial in NYT

2 09 2008
John Henry

Is there someway we can get all of these fundamentalist wackos into a room and let them fight each other instead of getting all the innocent people in the middle – Iraqis and our soldiers – killed over their conflicting interpretations of what God wants? It will never end if they get to talk tough, but send other people’s children to die in the holy war.

2 09 2008
Buck Naked Politics

“Fringier and Fringier”: Palin on Church …

by Damozel | For example, TPM reports that Palin’s husband Todd was a member of the Alaska Independence Party for several years. (TPM) The AP describes the Alaskan Independence Party as a fierce states’ rights group. (AP) But though Dems are being re…

3 09 2008

Palin is a two fold diversion. And however clumsily it may seem to have been put together, the conservative media is now engulfing the usually spoon fed public with, has nothing to do with who is more qualified and everything to do with propaganda.

1. Try to make it appear the women voters or other parent material will be drawn to her.
2. And since she is a women, and America has declared (in writing, by the way) mass NWO wars to try and surround the mainly oil producing nations, then what better way to keep the Muslim extremists excuse on track and the fruadulent show on terror in motion than to have a Femme fatale telling Muslims how it’s going to be.

3 09 2008

Ana Gama,

That’s interesting to hear your dad’s reaction. It seems like Sarah has got something to infuriate every demographic!

I’m curious to see how the supermarket tabloid stories are going to play. She’s on the cover of the National Enquirer, US Weekly, and possibly another. As Rick Klein of ABC pointed out, not everyone reads the big newspapers or obsessively follows the blogs (guilty as charged), but many people will see these at the checkout stands. The readership for these mags tends to be women and the voters the Republicans are trying to appeal to.

Of course, many readers will dismiss these stories as trash. But the cumulative effect is to leave the impression that McCain’s VP pick has got enough family drama to land her in the tabloids, right next to Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston and — oh dear — David Duchovny and his sex addiction. Not exactly the impression you want…

3 09 2008

–where is Sarah Palin’s sister? The MSM has never named her, but they are clearly close, given the Troopergate scenario. Wouldn’t you think she would be at the convention?
Could she, Sarah Palin’s sister, be the mystery mother of Trig?

3 09 2008

Let’s replace a few words in the pastor’s sermon:

What you see in a terrorist — that’s called the invisible enemy. There has always been an invisible enemy. What you see in Iraq, basically, is a manifestation of what’s going on in this unseen world called the spirit world. … We need to think like Mohammed thinks. We are in a time and a season of jihad, and we need to think like that. We need to develop that instinct. We need to develop as believers the instinct that we are at jihad, and that jihad is contending for your faith. … Muhammed called us to die. You’re worried about getting hurt? He’s called us to die. Listen, you know we can’t even follow him unless you are willing to give up your life. … I believe that Muhammed himself operated from that position of jihad mode. Everyone say “jihad mode.” Now you say, wait a minute Ali, he’s like the good shepherd, he’s loving all the time and he’s kind all the time. Oh yes he is — but I also believe that he had a part of his thoughts that knew that he was in a jihad.”

What would the reaction be if a muslim imam said something like this? It would be considered a call for the congregation to become suicide bombers, and would probably be enough to be shipped of to Gitmo. Why should we hold Palin to a lower standard?

And all I have changed is “war” for “jihad”, “Jesus” for “Muhammed” and “Ed” for “Ali”.

3 09 2008
Jihadisten Palin « Tankar från roten

[…] Är det en predikan i en jihadistisk moské någonstans i Saudiarabien eller Pakistan? En uppmaning till åhörarna att bli självmordsbombare? Nej, det är Ed Kalnins, pastor i den republikanska vicepresidentkandidaten Sarah Palins kyrka i Wasila, Alaska. Allt jag har gjort är att byta ut “war” mot “jihad”, “Jesus” mot “Muhammed” och “Ed” mot “Ali”. Det här är det ideologiska sammanhang som Palin existerar, en radikalfundamentalistisk kristendom som förmodligen har betydligt mer gemensamt med saudiska wahabister än man vill erkänna. Vid samma tillfälle kallar Sarah Palin Irakkriget en uppgift från gud. Läs mer hos Mudflats. […]

3 09 2008
3 09 2008
3 09 2008

For those of you who CANNOT READ – here is the sentence.
“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

Here is what it means
“Pray that our leaders are sending our soldiers on a task that is from God”

S.T.F.U. – I dont like McCain either, but you guys are looking quite stupd.

3 09 2008

As a Christian (and yes, I live in the South and attend one of those mega-churches), I take umbrage with the context that My God would like a war…he created us all….he does not want any of us killing each other….we are taking his word WAAAAAAYYY out of context and these pastors really need to sit down quietly, study His Word and quit spewing vitriol. First of all, a true “pro-lifer” has to be just that. PRO-life, not just pro-life for an unwed mother’s unborn baby or when it is convenient, but Pro-Life when they are facing down the barrel of a gun. . . sorry. . it’s tough, but God never differentiated. If the Pro-Lifers throw up the commandment of “Thou Shalt Not Kill” at least in my version of the Bible, Moses didn’t provide additional commentary of “…but it’s okay to do that with the Iraqis…or your enemy because it’s a Holy War…” or “…it’s okay to do that with someone you don’t like because you have the right to bear arms and use it, dang it, if you need it.” Nope. It was simple: Don’t Kill.

Jesus told us to PRAY for our enemies, not Kill them. (Yep, that means pray for Osama Bin Laden’s heart to soften…)

If one looks at Jesus’ battle with Satan in the wilderness, it was Satan who used the Fear tactics. It was Satan who tried to convince Jesus that everything he could see would be his. Jesus didn’t engage. Satan tried to engage, but Jesus did not. He didn’t get into a tit for tat; an “I’ll Show YOU” war of words and weapons and miracles.

If Sarah and her Pastor would read the New Testament and not just the Old, they would see that Jesus is the Prince of PEACE. He preaches tolerance, forgiveness, and love. . . remember I Corinthians 13: The greatest gift of all is Love????

Sorry, on a roll because I just get mad when people take all of this out of context – if these Right Wing Nutbags would remember that God told us ALL (not just them) that receiving Christ as one’s Savior is very simple: John 3:16 – “Believe in me and you will have eternal life.” It DOES NOT SAY: “…but you can’t be homosexual, Democrat, single mother, Hispanic, and the like.” Nope. He loves and takes us all.

God is the greatest Tree Hugger of us all. In Genesis (because the Right loves the Old Testament so much) – he tells Adam and Eve to “…take care of what they have been given…,” e.g. the Garden of Eden. Wonder what He thinks of us ignoring the Glacier Ice Caps melting because of global warming? Or that His Polar Bears are dying out because we have to drill, drill, drill.

God’s only “Holy War” is during Revelation and there is an Anti-Christ who believes s/he has “all the answers” and gets everyone to believe along with them. Scary, eh?

I would hate to stand in front of MY Maker at the end of my days, and have him ask me what I thought about Jesus’ warning during the Sermon on the Mount: “…it is harder for a Rich (read Powerful) Man to get into Heaven than a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle…” (Matthew, Chapter 5). I would hate to have to explain to Him that I misled people and got them into a War based on HIS name because He told me so….He would probably counter with: “…what? I didn’t send you a burning bush!!”

I passionately believe in separation of Church and State. The Republican Convention is scaring me because it reminds me of Hitler and Mussolini and how they provoked their populations to respond on Fear and Emotion – and look at the damage and HATE they wrought under God’s name.

God DOES NOT APPROVE. The Republicans do not have the dibs on God’s Love and He doesn’t choose Parties or sides. The Republicans do not have the dibs on being a Patriot. And finally, it is scary when the Convention wants to provoke War Heros as the only ones worth getting in front of the TV for the Campaign (and I’m not commenting on their courageous service. They are truly heroes)…what about all those people feeding and clothing the Homeless? Now THAT’S CHRIST’s Work. I’ll close with a direct quote from one of the Right’s hero’s:

“ I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good… Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.”
– Randall Terry

So, for those of you worried that Southerners will just believe everything these Right Wing Powermongers say and do, know that there are many of us down here working very hard to assure people you CAN be a Christian and a Democrat, too. They are not exclusive.

Obama is truly the only choice this year. We have to fight for every vote as this is a defining moment in our Country and what our forefathers fought for on our behalf. Don’t let anyone take that away from the USA.

3 09 2008

Ill interpret it further for you morons.

It means, “pray that we are doing the right thing”.

It isnt a call for crusade, you morons. Quit listening so intently to the Jews running your “truth movement which doesnt move”.

Dont you people ever wonder why the only street actions any of these saviours of ours can get together on is a ralley for a candidate who isnt running?

3 09 2008
kim smith

Just another Nazi “evangelical” nut job. These morons are dangerous hallucinating sociopaths with no scruples and truck loads of double standards designed to thwart the good intentions, and deeds, of people with sound moral character.

“When fascism comes to America; it will be wrapped in the flag while carrying a cross” – Sinclair Lewis

The “God” this “Pentecostal “simpleton has referred to has been known by many names like: “Beelzebub”, “Satan”, “The Devil”, “Angel of Darkness” .

Whether one persona is mythical or real: Evil does exist in the world. Mccain/Palin are but 2 of the latest to be getting too close to a seat of power. Evil can not be defeated as an entity. However: evil people can be destroyed, MUST BE DESTROYED!

It is a a historical fact that GW Bush did not “win” the last 2 “elections”. Given the fact that the neo-Nazi (Bush clone) CEO of “Diebold”, the maker of electronic voting machines guaranteed Bush a “win” in 2004, because “Diebold” stooges were the ones to tally the results.

We must also give some serious thought to the fact that the real agendas and legacies of both parties are set and energized in smoke filled back rooms by Nazi Zionist thugs who are not “household names”. These people have financed and enabled a terrorist state called “Israel” to commit GENOCIDE and drive its’ petty “foreign policy” with all manner of “false flag” (Black Ops) terrorist actions that have the intention of destroying the United States of America.

These “people” have the same agenda and unrealistic view that Adolph Hitler allegedly had about owning the world.

The first step in the right direction would be to have “AIPAC” declared “An agent of an Alien state” and be banned from lobbying congress. IMHO: “AIPAC” is as “UNAMERICAN” as HoChi Minh was at the height of another war of (Nazi Zionist inspired) American imperialist aggression. The “ADL” and “JDL” should also be listed as known terrorist organizations. All “hebrew schools” should be thoroughly investigated as possible TERRORIST TRAINING CAMPS.

We must abandon Nazi Israel because it is the proverbial “ALBATROSS” around our collective necks. This parasitic relationship with Nazi Israel is the root cause of over 98% of our foreign policy disasters.

Nothing we do can bring peace to the world. However: to take Nazi Israel “to the curb” will make the world much safer and more peaceful for billions of people.

3 09 2008
Florida Girl In Sydney

Love your blog.
So I’m wondering– how did she get elected? Isn’t Alaska generally more liberal?
I love Alaska.

3 09 2008

You seem to be the one misinformed. By the way can you provide video or audio proof of your allegations? The pastor in the comment you posted was talking about the spiritual battle (good vs evil) that we all (Christians) face. Jesus does call us to die to ourselves and to take up our cross and to follow him. He said that when we received him as Lord of our lives, we died to our sin. The pastor was using the war on terror as an illustration of how Satan desires to destroy believers. I don’t care if you are a fundamental Christian, a post-modern Christian, or a progressive Christian, if you believe the Bible that is what we are taught.

You problem is, you have picked up on all the petty rumors and lies that don’t hold water and you are making yourself look ridiculous. Troopergate, its been said by state officials that evidence so far is that she had no involvement, oh but did you read that her brother in law tasered hi 11 year old son? That he threatened to kill the someone? Oh, you didn’t research beyond other liberals opinionated blogs, no facts.

Toddgate? So he was 20 something and made a bad choice to drink and drive, how does that compare to your Obama who at the same age was doing cocaine? Who while living in New York (and doing drugs and a lot of alcohol) cannot account for where he stayed during college? Did he live in crack houses? Oh, you don’t know that do you? Where’s your story about Joe Biden’s son being indicted (not investigated, indicted!) on federal fraud with association in a hedge fund scam? See all you have done is made yourself look ignorant.

3 09 2008

Please tell me she doesn’t speak in tounges – or, on the other hand – please tell me she does!!!

3 09 2008
Sarah Unger

My local paper today (in NJ) had some coverage of Pastor Kalnins. Turns out he was associate pastor of an area AOG church. Talking about his “end times” views, he said he’s been misquoted as espousing that Alaska will be the refuge for the Christian faithful at the apocalypse. Fear not, everyone: “Some states are stronger than others. I believe Alaska is going to be one of the sources of refuge … just like California, Wisconsin, New York, New Jersey.”

Well, that’s a BIG relief to this liberal from the blue state of New Jersey!

3 09 2008


You speak of REFORM? This is the REFORM PARTY? Reform to what? To your way of thinking or GET OUT OF THE WAY? So if I don’t reform to your way of thinking, are you going to fire me too? Am I now UN-AMERICAN and UN-PATRIOTIC?

After watching last nights convention speeches, as a Republican Conservative, I am disgusted to see that the Republican Party is creating further divide in America. It is not an INCLUSIVE Party. It does not speak for ALL AMERICANS or ALL CHRISTIANS. The Republican Party has turned into a movement for the extreme right wing evangelicals! It is an EXCLUSIVE CLUB that is DIVISIVE, NOT INCLUSIVE!

COUNTRY FIRST? This country belongs to MANY people, not just your brand of Republicanism! You don’t get to decide who is PATRIOTIC and who is not! You don’t get to say who is a Christian and who is not!

Shame on You President Bush. When you said that McCain was going to stand up to the “ANGRY LEFT” we know you were really talking about the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS who will not REFORM or CONFORM to how you’ve been running this country!!! You just reinforced what the rest of us Americans have known all along, that you and the right wing evangelical Republican’s are DIVISIVE and NOT INCLUSIVE of ALL Americans!

3 09 2008

I look for lieberman to be the “new” choice for VP – The GOP is already patting hm on the back for crossing the line and would not be surprised to see the republicans throw Palin under the bus for their policical gain.

3 09 2008

….thanks, Sarah! I’ll have to remember to tell our Churches in the Carolinas that Sarah’s pastor thinks we’re headed straight to hell!! 🙂 🙂 lol

I cannot get out of my mind that they think this is some kind of Holy War. Heck, this is War over OIL and attempted stabilization & Westernization in the Middle East, although what we’re hearing today is that Bush wants to bomb Iran before the elections. Again, another horrific tactic to scare people and get them to vote based on fear if that proves true. It’s just wrong.

3 09 2008


3 09 2008

Go MJC!! You are so right. You need to write your thoughts to the Chicago Tribune – put Palin in the title line no later than noon Central today (Wednesday) because you have some very important things to say. I, too, have always considered myself fiscally conservative and socially liberal – and although I started out as undecided and independent, I cannot stoop to the horrific level of the Republicans – all for POWER for themselves.

Should Sarah Palin stay on the Republican ticket? Why or why not? E-mail us by 2 p.m. Wednesday at with “Palin” in the subject line. Include your name, hometown and contact information. Responses will be published online and in Thursday’s Tribune. Get your voice heard!

3 09 2008

Steve: I’ve been saying that for days– this was all a ploy to get the Repub base to accept Lieberman. Without this kind of brouhaha, Lieberman was intolerable; with it Lieberman is the Knight in Shining Purple (red+blue=purple) Armor.

White Agate: As a raging liberal in Kansas I have to say some things may be changing here — for one, when I went to our primary back on that cold, windy, sleety evening in February, I stood in line with 2000 Kansans, outside, in the sleet, to get into a National Guard Armory with a capacity of about 500 just so we could have our say. Granted I live in the hotbed of Kansas Liberalism (Lawrence, home of a large university). Our little Armory meeting wasn’t the only one in our town — there were several thousand other people trying to get in to two other undersized venues (one of which was moved at the last minute because it was WAY too small) — all because the University refused to let the Dems use a larger venue like the huge basketball fieldhouse (btw I am not using names of university places here because they are militant fascists that actually hunt down people that besmirch their ‘good’ name) . One of the more interesting things about these meetings in Lawrence was that people drove up to 60 miles (in the sleet on dark country roads) to be able to participate, see in someone’s infinite wisdom, they made these “regional” meetings and not local meetings.

Turn your Red state Blue! It’s up to You!
Vote Obama/Biden in 2008

sorry — i know i’m preachin’ to the choir here!

3 09 2008

Thank you for posting this and asking these questions about Trig’s mother. I am thinking that this Bristol pregnancy thing is the cover-up to the cover-up. She is the one holding and bonding with him. The water-breaking story is pretty unbelievable. If Bristol is really Trig’s mother and she is not pregnant now, that would mean that the cover-up started a long time ago. Why would anyone go along with the lie? Makes no sense to me. Truth is stranger that fiction!

3 09 2008

I just found this link by accident just three days ago…I really enjoy viewing the video…

I have always tried to be a fair minded person..

I am glad the talk has turn from the daughter to the important issue of were..SP stand on issue that will affect our children and this country…

This is a link I came across this morning…it is prove that SP is not being honest about her stand on “Earmarks or the bridge to no where”

Please check it out and pass it on to inform voter…we are in a scary fight for our children and this country future..I am a retired veteran and all americans whether they go into the military or not…

Click to access Approps-ofAlaska.pdf

Can someone answer why so many republican think McCain military service is so special…and why so many of them choose not to go in the military…and if they do they receive special treatment…I know because my sister and husband retire just like me as colonel and major…I retired as a SSG…

Thank you for helping to keep us inform…

3 09 2008
Charles Springer

What’s surprising about all these attacks on religion is that so many people have obviously never been to a church and have no clue about faith.

The remarks you quoted and your reaction to them indicates that you dismiss out of hand the threat of radical Islam to our way of life. Typical of the political party you associate with, never giving the threat any credibility whatsoever despite the fact that they flew airplanes into the World Trade Center. How can you be so naive?

Something about Sarah Palin is so threatening to some people that they’re grasping for straws, looking foolish in the process, doing everything they possibly can to derail her election.

3 09 2008

What happened to that line in the Constitution that says “separation of church and state”? Seems like no one remembers that anymore. This country was founded partially by people who were fleeing religious opression. I think that is irony when we have people making this kind of speech who could be in this high an office.

3 09 2008

Finally, an Editorial in the Washington Post is asking why on earth Sarah Palin would fly from Texas to Alaska AFTER going into labor ONE MONTH EARLY with a SPECIAL NEEDS BABY. Why aren’t any of the major news outlets AT LEAST asking these questions??? THis isn’t a RUMOR.. it’s FACT. This has nothing to do with spreading the Trig rumor. This is plain fact, and for the courtesy of the millions of voters out there, Sarah Palin needs to have the decency to answer the questions.

Even if I had FALSE labor with a special needs baby, I would get myself to the nearest hospital. Apparently, the hospital where Trig was born doesn’t even have a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. So, her water breaks, she flys across the hemisphere, lands in Anchorage, drives one hour to Wasilla (bypassing 2 major hospitals), only to end up at a hospital that doesn’t even have a NICU. Why the heck cant our questions be answered? WE ARE VOTERS, AND WE SHOULD DEMAND ANSWERS. VOTERS HAVE RIGHTS TO HAVE OUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED, and don’t any of you forget that.

Sorry for my “tone” but I’m so sick of the media tip-toeing around this. Just answer our questions. It’s a FACT, not rumor.

3 09 2008

RJY, Could you explain how this preacher is comes across as “cultish?”

3 09 2008

The problem with all of these allegations that bloggers are levying against Palin is that you are getting your information from other Liberal biased blogs and sites, you have nothing solid, no proof, no facts. You should be ashamed that you are purposely pushing rumors that have no basis and no facts.

Where is the audio? Where is the video? There is nothing wrong with the message from the pastor, he is relating the spiritual battle that is real to the real battle with terrorism. Read the Bible, spiritual warfare exists and is real. Liberal, Conservatives, Moderates, Centrists who are all Christians agree on this.

We have video and audio proof of extremism with Wright. Nothing that Palin’s pastor said compares to saying America is responsible for infecting black Americans with AIDS, that’s as bad as saying America was responsible for 9/11, that’s as bad as saying GD America, and all of the other racial, anti-American statements made by Wright, where Obama sat for 20 years. Sure he would say he wasn’t there…but Oprah sure was and heard it to the point she left the church.

As far as the AIG group, its been proven that she was NOT a part of their group. The head of the group has already come out and said that, but you all keep spreading the lies. Troopergate? Where’s your report about her brother-in-law threatening to kill an officials daughter and how he tasered his 11 year old son? Toddgate? So he made a bad choice when he was in his 20’s. Where is your report on Obama doing Cocaine at the same age? And not having any proof or recollection of where he lived during that time?

Bottom line – Liberals are scared. The conservative base is energized and John McCain has raised a record number of money since her pick and had the most volunteers sign up yet. Obama’s little bump in the polls is the smallest ever by a democratic nominee after their convention. There are still 39% of Clinton voters who are ‘NOT’ committed to Obama.

3 09 2008

AKMuckraker–you rock!

Congrats to you as the MSM finally catches up. Remember, that many newspapers have dissolved their investigative departments and use wire services.

You may be interested in the perspective of a journalist friend (Not me), who must remain objective, but nevertheless, has an opinion (and never posts to blogs out of a journalistic integrity–yes, there are a few left).

The continuous AK soap opera isn’t what what will sink SP’s candidacy (personally, I’d like to see her on the ticket through November!). Any and all local issues will be parsed, spun, ignored or considered ‘off limits’. Except for one: membership in AIK. You need to hit it hard. VERY HARD.

How can the GOP with a slogan of ‘Country First’ have someone on the ticket that was prepared to renounce her U.S. citizenship?

That will resonate for all the aged & young vets, military families, and anyone with half a brain not praying for the rapture.

Peace and keep up the great work!

3 09 2008
On Palin and Preachergate « Endi Thinks

[…] Mudflats […]

3 09 2008
Josh Jr.

It is revolting, for us disciples of Jesus, to see how his name is used to promote every kind of self ideas and personal politics! It hurts a little when someone criticizes people whom I would call a “brother”, but to be honest and just, you are totally right in what you say. I’m brazilian, and watching from outside I see a pseudo-christian nation which is heading toward a “christian Islam”, fighting a “christian Jihad”… What those “christian leaders” don’t realize is that they have been used by the Adversary to bring end times chaos upon the whole world! Let us pray INDEED! Peace be with you all.

3 09 2008

***Dissenting Opinion***

Maybe I can help, if you’ll hear me out. These statements are taken so out of context that I can’t really determine whether or not Palin and her pastor are actually saying what you guys are making them out to be saying.

Spiritual war is a Biblical concept; it doesn’t involve physical force, but it is Bible, “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4). Christians “war” with false philosophies, following the example of Jesus who was certainly involved in the same war: driving salesmen out of the temple, rebuking the synagogue elders, defeating death by His sacrifice on the cross.

Also, the “God’s plan” statement is definitely a Biblical theme. God is sovereign over world events, “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will” (Proverbs 21:1). Now, I don’t know what Palin and her pastor were saying by that, but the fact is, this conflict has happened, so it was God’s plan.

Separation of church and state is NOT in the constitution! It is a concept that some of the founding fathers wrote about elsewhere, but it’s not in the constitution… And I do agree that the state cannot become an organization for promoting particular religious convictions, but that DOES NOT MEAN THAT EVERYONE IN GOVERNMENT MUST BE NONRELIGIOUS. It is people’s private prerogative to be under whatever convictions they are, and if you really wanted to be “tolerant”, you would not suggest that they must forgo their convictions to be in office.


3 09 2008
John McCain really hates Mitt Romney « unastronaut*

[…] both deeply religious, but any cursory study of the current LDS church compared with examples from Palin’s “Preachergate” issue shows they approach their faith in public life very […]

3 09 2008

I hope this plays out like it did for Obama with Rev. Wright…whats good for the goose is good for the gander!!!

Primetime Folks…

I will have an RNC recap later this week as well!!

3 09 2008

Note to Proud2BUSA:

You’re interpretation of the bible parallels contemporary Roman Catholicism–though we seemingly aren’t considered ‘christians’. Strange, that. Anyway, a strong call to social justice of all kinds: act the act, walk the walk… is more difficult than to sit listening to 2 hour sermons.

SP or JMc religious beliefs (or not) will not doom their chances– freedom of religion, etc. However, one can’t wonder if the GOP doesn’t wish that they had embraced the slick Mormon millionaire.

3 09 2008

So, Jesus never said or did anything overtly war-like (well, that money changer incident showed a lot of righteous indignation), but he was thinking it? I didn’t know that Jesus’s thoughts had ever been deleted from the Bible.

3 09 2008

Yourinfo –
I just tried to upload your link and it tells me that “…page is no longer available…” Could you please resend the link, and if you have another place where we could retrieve the information, that would be great as well?

Many thanks!


3 09 2008

Informative International Tribune Article by a reporter who has just done some leg-work (or cellphone work) in Wasilla.

Covers Palin’s time as mayor.

3 09 2008

Chicago – 🙂 That’s good. Maybe the moderate Southern Baptists are getting somewhere after all! I had to leave the formal Southern Baptist Convention because they basically do not like women in any form of leadership role. Last time I checked, God was interested in saving my soul. Gender didn’t enter the picture. It’s a shame because imagine all the good we could do if we would allow EVERYONE to use God’s gifts to His advantage!

Strongly believe we are ALL His Children I think it will be interesting when we get to heaven as I firmly believe in the Beautitudes: the meek inherit it all!

3 09 2008

Charles Springer (above) states: “The remarks you quoted and your reaction to them indicates that you dismiss out of hand the threat of radical Islam to our way of life.”

As someone who converted to Islam I find that remark ironic. There are only a few nut-job radical Islamists who have ideas about forcing religion outside of their own cultural contexts. Furthermore, Islam shuns overt evangelical tendencies. I lived among Muslims for many years and there was never any overt pressure to convert. That was very nice compared with througout my life experiencing overt and abusive threats by fundamentalist Christians telling me I was surely going to burn in hell.

Unfortunately radical Islam is fueled by United States’ violent aggression in pursuit of economic and geopolitical dominance. The American government’s actions are often anti-democratic. Look what’s happening as the Bush administration tries to deal with the democratic majority in Iraq which wants the American military to get the hell out of there. The United States’ ham-fisted bullying and violence facilitates radical Islam’s ability to oppress Islamic people because Muslims do not want Western economic and cultural hegemony forced on them.

3 09 2008
sauer kraut

Ralphie! You’ll shoot yer eye out… and keep your tongue off that frozen flagpole.

Frieda – ironic that the governorpalin blog keeps their comments section closed to all but “team members.” And what’s up with a hardcore xtian having an astrology entry as the lead into the blog? Are you folks athiests? How many of you “team members” owe your livelihoods to Sarah Palin?

Charles Springer – parts of your comments are offensive. The real problem with fundies such as yourself is that you want only your definition of christianity to rule at Church. No thank you. And when you are done “converting” all of us, you’ll turn on each other because… well… because Baptists don’t like Lutherans who don’t like Methodists who don’t like Presbyterians who don’t like Congregationalists, etc., etc., etc. Frankly, we should each be able to decide what religion means to each of us and… and! … if that includes Islam, then that’s the way it should be. Our constitution allows for freedom of religion without you heavy-handed nitwits stomping on our toes.

3 09 2008

Palin’s Wasilla pastor stated:

“What you see in a terrorist — that’s called the invisible enemy. There has always been an invisible enemy. What you see in Iraq, basically, is a manifestation of what’s going on in this unseen world called the spirit world.”

To analyze and question the meaning of the pastor’s statement is not an attack on religion as some posts stridently assert.

What is going on anywhere is a manifestation of what’s going on in the spirit world. What’s going on in Irag is spiritual corruption in Iraqi culture, added to by spiritual corruption in the American government that ordered maintains the occupation forces.

The “invisible enemy” is not one thing, but various manifestations of sins and evils that Jewish / Christian / Islamic prophets have warned us about. Prophets are messengers who reveal God’s wisdom in how to control spiritual evil in various ways–such as the Ten Commandments, ritualized prayer, and so on. The pastor’s crude attempt to characterize spiritual failings a single source “terrorist” (i.e., Satan vs. America) undermines and corrupts his own religion. The pastor’s spiritual error and defilement is very similar to how radical Islamists undermine and corrupt Islam. For example it is clear from the Qur’an that Jihad is first and foremost a struggle within one’s self. It is very clear from the Qur’an that Jihad against others can only come when one is clearly and directly attacked. And even then the Jihad must only be against the aggressor. The Qur’an explicitly states that taking one innocent life is the same as murdering all of humanity. All terrorist actions (including American bombing that gratuitously kills innocent civilians) are the ultimate sin in all religions.

3 09 2008
Jihad | I Eat Gravel

[…] Jihad September 3, 2008 8:04 am Ryan Alaska, Politics, Religion, United States “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God.” – Sarah Palin […]

3 09 2008


You are absolutely correct – liberals are scared. I’m terrified that this woman might be a step away from being the most powerful person in the free world. But instead of gloating about that fact, you might ask yourself why many prominent conservatives are also frightened out of their wits.

I have also heard a lot of complaints about why everyone is piling on Palin now but supposedly gave Obama a free pass. People have very short memories. All of those potentially damaging things about Obama *were* reported…a LONG time ago. He’s been in elected office for 12 years. He wrote two books about himself. He’s been in a presidential campaign for 18 months. Whatever faults he might have, he’s a known quantity. Actually, the Republicans do BETTER whenever the focus is on him because of these perceived faults.

In contrast, we have exactly two months to find out who this person Sarah Palin is. It’s not a lot of time. Of course everybody is scrambling to learn every scrap about her, and there are going to be some missteps made in the reporting along the way. If she had been on the national scene as long as Obama has, all this crazy stuff would have come out over time, rumors floated, rumors debunked. They might have merited a story or two buried deep inside the paper, or maybe just a few words on the news crawl at the bottom of the screen on the TV news channels.

Instead, McCain foists this unknown VP on us right before the convention, throwing everyone for a loop, and now we’re forced to sort the wheat from the chaff in very little time. And the consequences could be dire. Don’t blame the media and the bloggers for this urgency; they are doing their job.

3 09 2008

After reading most the preceding comments on the subject; the only thing that becomes readily apparent to me is the inspired wisdom of the founding fathers.
It’s my firm belief that in a Democracy: Religion infects ones politics and politics infect ones religion. It’s better for everyone when they’re kept separate.
I should probably add, I also believe that which informs ones moral and ethical beliefs can be separated from it’s attendant dogma. Those who truly can’t separate their religion from every aspect of their daily lives don’t involve themselves in arguments such as these. Their spiritual journeys are without distraction.

3 09 2008

Someone mentioned a possible Joel’s Army connection. Read more about them at the above link.

An excerpt:

Joel’s Army believers are hard-core Christian dominionists, meaning they believe that America, along with the rest of the world, should be governed by conservative Christians and a conservative Christian interpretation of biblical law. There is no room in their doctrine for democracy or pluralism.
Dominionism’s original branch is Christian Reconstructionism, a grim, Calvinist call to theocracy that, as Reconstructionist writer Gary North describes, wants to “get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.”

Notorious for endorsing the public execution by stoning of homosexuals and adulterers, the Christian Reconstructionist movement is far better known in secular America than Joel’s Army. That’s largely because Reconstructionists have made several serious forays into mainstream politics and received a fair amount of negative publicity as a result. Joel’s Army followers eschew the political system, believing the path to world domination lies in taking over churches, not election to public office.

Another key difference between the two branches of dominionism, which maintain a testy, arms-length relationship with one another, is Christian Reconstructionism’s buttoned-down image and heavy emphasis on Bible study, which contrasts sharply with Joel’s Army anti-intellectual distrust of biblical scholars and its unruly style.

3 09 2008
Viejo Vizcacha

The appearance of that amazing idiocy of Zionist Evangelism, is pure and exclusive an invention of the Jerry Falwells and Pat Robertsons, to beg and pander the Jewish media to let them grow. And grow they did.
Right now, with the logical immense might they Evangelists acquired through these last 29 years since the “Moral majority” was erected or whatever it was called that bastion of cynicism, they can turn the country in a dime, to any direction and obtain all of their whims. That hurts, and it is hurting America deeply.
Evangelicals own legions after legions of “schools”, lawyers, lobbyists, TV programs, newspapers, and all kind of mind-benders. And mind-bending they are doing. They are now at the extreme of extorting and blackmailing presidential nominees with their whims. Exactly as AIPAC is doing.

All that said, to me it is incredible that in this 21st century, religion is ruling whole countries, whole continents and even spreading to control politics over the whole world.
I recognize the importance of a faith, the importance of a religion or set of beliefs, to have solace and breath in moments of upheaval and introspection, but up to there. It is not possible to let rules written (or not) by who knows whom, who knows when and interpreted by some weirdo, allow some to rein over other human beings or let those rules force me to depend in other human being whim.

To me religious fanaticism is gravely primitive.
To me religious fanaticism is in-humane.
To me religious fanticism is Racism.
To me religious fanticism is Communism.

Now, when I hear all these allegedly “Christian” cults, it sounds so hypocrital to me that is repugnant. The worst part is all of them are for the “killing of Muslims” or when not the Muslims somebody, anybody else. What is it going on? When and how all this upside down of morality happened?

Obviously Republicans use religion as a mind-bending tool.
Obviously Republicans are never, never, never, going to have my or my family’s vote.

3 09 2008

Looks like the GOP are going to run with trying to make the American people think that, “well if they picked her she must be ok and everthing else is is just shameless smears. If the GOP can get that message through, in their minds, it would be hard for anything else to stick. I hope we are smarter than that. The following is from here:
Senior adviser Steve Schmidt gave Politico a statement saying the campaign will have no more comment about the vetting process, which was the subject of more critical coverage in Wednesday morning’s papers:

“Gov. Sarah Palin is an exceptional governor with a record of accomplishment that exceeds, by far, the governing accomplishments of Sen. Obama. Her selection came after a six-month long rigorous vetting process where her extraordinary credentials and exceptionalism became clear.
So please keep pressing the “shoot first, ask questions later” attitude of their vetting process.

As for foreign relations, I wonder what world leaders are now thinking after “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”
Of course that statement will be down played or turned into a “shameless smear” attempt by the media.

3 09 2008

You just can’t keep up with Palin. Every day it’s like a new closet of skeletons.

Here’s something from a Wasilla woman who tells it all on Palin:

3 09 2008

If this is a sign of the end times then GREAT! One step closer to our Savior.

3 09 2008

Alot of common sense thinkers posting here. Nice to see.
One shouldn’t stereotype every American as the nazi slogan “Country First” ‘ers
banner wavers at those conventions. Yes, some were trying to get face time on TV , who were obviously asking friends and family while holding phones ,if they could see them as they waved. For some reason though, it does seem American’s love the spotlight more than what’s taking place at the convention.
I also saw alot of retiree’s , probably from the old school, and not many young faces.

And to those who think America’s Christians are chosen by God to take-on the world with a “we shall overcome” attitude. Guess again.

The anti-Christ is not going to claim he/she will be a Muslim or a Satanist. It will claim it is Jesus incarnate. Thus fooling most religeous people and even the vigilant ,who claim to be Christians in their own minds. Jesus mentioned something about “testing the spirits”. That takes a heart not burdened by assumptions, but by watching peoples actions .
I think trying to build a foundation of (false) peace on a bed of lies in Iraq, this alone is a great place to grab the judges hammer and request some order.

What kind of message does it promote, if American can go to war and set up shop in a land that your sanctions had killed half a million children? A sanction starvation plan and sacrifice for satans NWO monopoly of the wealthy.

There are many interviews given where boastful Talmudic learned jews spoke on how amazed they are at just how stupid America’s Christian church and zionist worshipping “goys” really are. They plan to rule the world, using Israel as the base, his/her evil servents and princesses of darkness have brainwashed the world, and American’s church has twisted God’s message to the point the followers think they can be allowed to bend the rules a little (just like lucifer tried to do) so long as it makes for a happier and safer world. The signs are all around us.

And if China and Russia do attack Israel, then it will be be soon after the anti-christ has already long been placed there. A possible multi-double head of the UN [maybe even Sarkozy is gearing up for the role] and only wants to drag as many “chosen people” to hell with it as possible under the false banner 0f Peace. As the prophets say, “beware the peace makers, so-called”
That’s what it comes down to.
God punished satan for breaking the rules and satan blames men and mainly women for it’s fall.
Being wiser then the serpents (ancients, men of old, the giants, Annunaki), who’s fallen spirits will soon be let loose in a mass of demonized zombies, is beginng to take hold. People are onto the scheme, but for the most part it’s about revenge on mankind using perverted hosts who hate the fact they are banned from the glorious love of God.

3 09 2008

Thank you for your insight!

3 09 2008

@ Corie – Actually, no they have not reported on Obama. He was asked one time…one…about Ayers. He said, oh that stuff happened when I was 8. So that is ok for him to serve on a board of directors for a business they were associated with together, he can receive funds from him, he can consult him on his political career, and its a free pass. Sarah Palin has been on the scene for less than a week and she has been hammered on issues that have nothing to do with her qualifications as a VP candidate.

Her baby, her daughter…none of that is relevant. What about Biden’s daughter that was just arrested? His son who is ‘indicted’ for a federal fraud case in a hedge fund scheme, what about Biden’s brother who was indicted for the same thing. Not investigated, indicted…that means there is evidence. Officials say on Sarah’s investigation there is no evidence of her involvement.

Sure Obama has served for 12 years. Sarah had 5 years of Executive experience 5 for 5 years by the time Obama was getting his start, where in the state senate her voted “present” 136 times. Where is that reporting? Where are the questions as to why he couldn’t vote yes or no to take a side…to have a backbone? Of course everyone wants to attack Sarah on studpid stuff because how dare we compare the Rep. #2 to the Dems. #1!

It would help if people would not quote information from the daily KOS or the Huffington post for their evidence of facts for their rumors. They are liberal biased blogs that have nothing more than opinion. Two stories that the KOS started have been debunked and disproved with a little research to actual sources. Their credibility is 0 and so is everyone’s who are posting junk to smear and to defame, when their is no facts or proof. That is why I ask for audio, video, link to actually facts, not other blogs. I completely understand your assessment of sorting through stories, but all I am seeing people do is become a mocking bird from one blog to the next and that is irresponsible and foolish.

3 09 2008


You made the statement that the separation of church and state is not in the constitution.

Technically that may be true. However, Jefferson wrote the following in 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Association; “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.”

I think it is pretty clear Jefferson interprets the first amendment phrase regarding religion to establish the ‘wall of separation between church and state.’

There is nothing wrong with any politician having strong religious beliefs as long as they don’t attempt to force others to follow them, enact laws based on them, or start wars because of them. Personally I prefer atheists. They are less likely to start crusades and they don’t hear voices in their heads.

3 09 2008
Viejo Vizcacha

I meant to say “… Communism, as we know it.”.

Also, I read your link, Southpaw and I agree, something has snapped in our America. Just the existence of these monsters is terrifing.

3 09 2008

peorgietirebiter – The founding fathers did not say that. In fact it is written that “Government” shall not establish any religion. Not that there is seperation of church and state, that was written in a letter by Thomas Jefferson.

The Pilgrims fled England from religious persecution because they were forced to worship through a government church, thus leading to others migrating to this land. When we won our independence from England that was a major freedom we were given, to worship how we choose, not as dictated by the government. It is not to free us from faith, as faith is a worldview and everyone is entitled to their own worldview, but to insure we were not forced to worship as the government dictated. That is why everyone, Christain, Hindu, Muslim, etc…can freely practice their religion in this country, whereas they cannot in some countries abroad.

A little history may help you not look so ignorant on well, America’s history.

3 09 2008
KevKev in Apache Junction

Boycott Budweiser !

3 09 2008
Dishonesty and distortion in the press, both amateur and professional… « Northern Thoughts And Reflections

[…] likes to claim that they bring out the facts on the stories, but give them a read. One of the newer posts tries to compare Sarah Palin’s pastor to that of Rev Wright, claiming that he is comparable […]

3 09 2008

I wish I lived in Alaska, someone needs to make a secret tape of what goes on in an Assembly of God church. I know when I attended one I was scared to death because the guy in front of me shook through the entire service, people were yelling and talking in tongues. The pastor was mocking “tree huggers”, saying God put all this on the earth for us to use. I think many Americans don’t know this kind of stuff is normal in and AOG church, and would be shocked that a nutjob could be in control of our country. This is far more important than whether she or her daughter had babies. She has said this war is Gods will. She will get her foreign policy advice from her pastor, not people that really can help us. It might bring on Gods will of Armaggedon.

3 09 2008
3 09 2008
Christian Nationalism « One Pretentious Bastard

[…] faith, and it is only a matter of time before both Vice Presidential candidates receive additional scrutiny for their faith. In fact, I believe before the election cycle has finished, a conservative catholic […]

3 09 2008

I think you’re missing the point. When the pastor said that Jesus calls us to die, he is referring to the biblical principle that we must die to our old selves and be born again in Him. Without a solid knowledge of God, I’m sure this principle seems crazy, but I assure you it has nothing to do with suicidal activities or irresponsible behaviors. What Sarah Palin was saying is to pray that the task the soldiers are on is from God. She is asking people to pray that God reveals the right direction to our leaders and our honorable men and women serving. She is praying for our country to stay inside the will of God.

Separation of church and state in the strictest constitutional interpretation was established to protect churches from the intrusion of government entities and political propaganda, and to prevent the government from establishing a church. You all seem to forget that the main reason America was formed was to escape the religious oppression and state run churches of the Church Of England. We are a country formed on God, Biblical principles, and a desire to worship freely. Look it up.

Just because a conservative uses the words God, Pray, Faith etc. it doesn’t mean that politician is being a religious nutjob.

It’s refreshing to hear the word God uttered in regard to a political campaign witihout hearing the sentence “God Damn America” That is the rambling sentiment of an anti-American, anti-Christian pseudo-religious nutjob that happens to be the 20 year pastor of the democrat candidate.

3 09 2008


Thank you for letting me know the link was bad…I am not use to replying on blogs…this is just came about three days ago…for me..

But I am worry that voter will not be informed…I hope we all do our research and try to be informed voter…it is the least that our children future deserve…I had a wonderful mother …who was and still is my role model…she was a strong independent woman…and I am a product of the 80’s…when woman lib tool roots…I am a proud strong black woman…

and believe woman can do just about anything men can do…(maybe not go to the field for 30 and not take a bath), that would be hard but we could get thur it some how..

Well you have any trouble contact

This prove that “SP” is not fighting earmarks but making sure that AK get more then their share…she also voted three times against increasing the minimum wage…


Click to access Approps-stateofAlaska.pdf

Thank you Lisa

3 09 2008

Proud2BUSA/ Lisa

The link is not taking you too the pdf file…

But it do work if you “type it directly into your internet browser”

If you contact me I will send it as a attachment…I am not sure were I came across it…because things are move so fast and trying to read so much info…

But anyone may contact me…I will try to trace were I first found the link …sorry about all the trouble …but this info is important…

Thanks again Lisa

3 09 2008

Well, as you so accurately put it you really don’t know what you’re talking about. You are clearly someone outside the church, outside heartland America. You are correct to say that she is “a candidate that is not using the same play book as most of the rest of us.” She’s honest, forthright, solidly middle class, with heartland family issues and heartland opinions about what to do about them.

Know that she’s a modern woman with a career and a husband man enough to quit his job in the oil patch to support that career. Especially since she has been so successful. More than just defeating a corrupt city mayor the size of most American cities, it’s clear she’s done more in her almost 2 years as governor than Biden has done to reform government in those 20-some-odd years he’s sat in the Senate.

Governor Sarah Palin has clearly energized the Republican base, maybe enough to actually vote for McCain without holding their nose.

3 09 2008

What a stupid article. Comparing Rev Wright who says God hates white America with a pastor that was theologically correct in saying that just as America is in an actual war, Christians are in a spiritual battle against evil. It just doesn’t match up

3 09 2008

Again… the hatemongers are alive and well. Palin is just echoing what is true in the Bible (if it’s true, and I believe it is). God had a purpose in raising up America; protecting innocent lives, and freedom, is part of that plan (currently).

She is not ushering in the last days… just exegeting the Biblical teaching on that subject. If you look at her context… she is encouraging believers to live faithfully in front of people so we can be consistent examples (which is not too common these days).


3 09 2008
furious buddha

I don’t really think anyone’s religious beliefs disqualify them from office. Everyone has sat through something where the speaker has said things they didn’t agree with. There have only been a handful of times in my life where what was said was offensive enough to make me leave. I think it is outrageous the way Barack Obama’s faith has been questioned and derided. Of course, since the right wing long ago decided to make faith a political issue then I suppose there is nothing wrong with closely examining the faith of a candidate who bases their politics on their religious beliefs. However, there should be no religious test or bias in terms of holding an office. Likewise, it is abhorrent to speculate about the sexual activities of the children of a political candidate. However, when the policies of a politician are supposedly derived from their ‘family values’ and those policies include preventing people from forming the families they want and intruding into the private lives of citizens then that politician’s family should not expect a great deal of privacy. In any case, none of these things mean a great deal in my own consideration of Sarah Palin’s fitness to be Vice President to a 72 year old man who has had cancer four times.

It is the fact that less than two years ago Sarah Palin was mayor to a town of less than ten thousand people that forms my objection. The obvious tokenism her nomination embodies is offensively stupid. With the shadow of Katrina huddling over the Republican Convention one would think that their party would have learned the lesson that there are downsides to appointing unqualified political hacks to positions of responsibility. Her association with the Alaskan Independence Party compounds the absurdity of her nomination, but also provides an intersting rhyme to history; this isn’t the first time a skinny, big-eared Illinois boy had to deal with seccesionists.
-Winston Delgado

3 09 2008


Is “SP” really a reformer…

Is she really offer change!…

I still say how can people say with a straight face she is the most qualify…that is scary…

Now they are trying to say the media and Demo are attacking her…well we the people have a right to know her stand on issue and try to understand how someone that was not vett properly…

They want American fell sorry for them as under-dogs…after causing our country so much suffering…the Republican will try any tactic to win a election…when steal vote don’t get it … then play the “Feel Sorry For Us” Card…

This is a fight we American that care about fairness and opportunity for all and Separation of State and Religion…

I don’t have a problem with anyone feeling strong about their religion…but I am sick and tired of Republican trying to force all American to conform to their strong religion believe…this is all scary stuff and …that is the root of the problems in the “middle east” …

The republican say they are fighting “evil” I think the only “evil” is their low dirty tactics they are using to hold on to “power” and “money” the two evil that affect Iraq til this day…

American don’t far for their tricks and lies…they can investigate everyone else and place judgement on others…but as soon as it is done to them…they cry “unfair treatment”

Please American stand up and fight for your freedom not to be religious or not…I myself have always trusted in god…

I trusted that “God” will keep us safe from religious right…and I hope all American get out and vote…and do their research and be a inform voter…the states in this election is so very important…

3 09 2008

It is very distressing that so many people seem ready and willing to pit medieval Christianity against medieval Islam? That results in holy wars. When leaders believe they have a mandate from their god we are all in serious trouble.

I don’t necessarily object to religion, but I do believe it is a foundation for unspeakable atrocities even more than nationalism. I do object to ‘true believers’ misconstruing faith for facts. This is particularly a concern when the true believer is the leader of a powerful nation.

I am generally comfortable with people like Biden, Obama, and even McCain. I believe they either know the truth about Christianity even though that can’t state it. Or they are able to make a separation between their faith and the real world. Bush doesn’t do that and I don’t think someone like Palin would. That makes Palin genuinely scary and means we need to understand what she really believes.

I do not want someone that could very likely become President that actually believes some unseen god speaks to them through a 1700 year old book that was based on a collection of folk myths, created by semi-literate people, compiled by priests with a powerful political agenda, and then mistranslated for over 1000 years. It is not a good guide book for the 21st century.

3 09 2008


You made some very good points…I agree we need to be careful what leader we elect…and they respect “separation of church and state”

I don’t have a problem with anyone’s faith and they should have the freedom to practice their religion of there choosing as long as it do not threten others,,,

Let’s keep communicating and with each other…

3 09 2008

Holy crazy-as-bat-s*@#-Batman! No way did McCain vet her. He pastor is out of his mind! McCain looked at Palin as an attention getter to draw attention from the aftermath of the DNC. He looked at her as a Gender-Card to be played against Obama’s perceived race-card. McCain, however, never looked at her as a viable president if he should be unable to perform the duties that he ambition is trying to reach. God help us if McCain becomes president. In his first executive decision, and one of the most important decisions of any President, Picking a running mate, he has failed miserably.
Keep up the good work. Like the site. I’ll be back. I hope you’ll check out our site if you need an extra political blog to peruse. Have a great week.
Jerame Clough
-Next Gen Politics

3 09 2008


First let me thank you for taking the time to teach me a little American History, I’ll forgo your misplaced arrogance and just repay you the kindness.
Tirebiter’s Easy Tricks for Improving Reading Comprehension
1. Clear your mind of insights you feel compelled to share…..
2. Read the words; it helps to think of each word as a clue, like to a map.
3. String the “clues” together, in order to reveal the message.

Okay, now read my comment again, cool huh? Now you can see that I never quote the founding fathers at all! So the shit in your reply is well, shit because? because you didn’t use the the clues!
When I speak of the wisdom of the founding fathers, my understanding is based on the preponderance of like opinions as expressed over the years by various historians.
But thanks none the less for the Jefferson letter factoid; a handy… albeit disingenuous rhetorical red herring most often used by religious hacks, flacks and folks like, well you.

Now that you’re well on the road to reading comprehension may I from the depths of my ignorance suggest…

Samuel Eliot Morrison – classic scholarship
Bruce Catton – vivid, easy reading but still a stickler for facts so think about it.
Jon Meacham – lots of potential arguments for you… provided you don’t mind a lot of cutting and pasting to change the context…

Now I’ll read your other posts in the fervent hope of gleaning another of your nuggets. Thanks again you arrogant tool.

3 09 2008


Holy crap! I just read a second opinion of yours.
1. Forget the books I had suggested, the authors would be pearls before, well you
2. Pray no one you know reads your comments.
3. Learn the difference between repeating rumors, stating opinions and out and lying. Your statement “… His son who is ‘indicted’ for a federal fraud case in a hedge fund scheme” is a lie and too easy for you to check to offer any excuse for your lie.
4. Avoid making ludicrous arguments. Hint: if I argue “Sarah Palin is just another ambitious Republican because she is currently under investigation for abusing her power while in office” and you come back with “Obama is a Muslim” you lose. My argument is weak, your argument is just stupid.

But I’m wasting my time here because your first comment fooled me, it’s obvious you have no interest in information; you just like

3 09 2008

NCarnes cont.

…mouth off

just read another of your comments. Step away from the keyboard and go see your pastor. show him what you been up to follow his instructions. if he already knows, find a new pastor.

3 09 2008

Lets see how the fact checking comes back on those stats she spewed in that speech…

Republicans Know How To Dance…

3 09 2008
LOTD for September 3 « Link Collection

[…] This blog about Alaskan politics provides some interesting info on Gov. Palin, her church, and her view of the Iraq situation: […]

3 09 2008


Very good comments…

4 09 2008

“And how do non-Christians in the rest of the country and in Alaska feel about the “end times” philosophy of this church?”

Personally, as a Pagan, I don’t pay too much attention to any end-times philosophy. It just doesn’t exist in my world-view. (Hardcore Christians will, of course, tell me to read a Bible and ‘get right with God’ or to ‘accept Jesus a my savior.’ But that’s off topic, so let’s avoid that, shall we?)

As to the message itself, as delivered by this church, it strikes me as fear mongering, insomuch as any religion uses the Big Three to get and keep converts. (The Big Three are Guilt, Fear, and Shame.) Many faiths, not just Christianity, use fear to motivate people to follow them. Many politicians do the same thing.

The USA Patriot act, which is stripping us of our civil liberties by the way, was written because of the fear generated by 9/11. America has been living in a state of fear for seven years now. This climate is perfect for churches to get the message out to non-believers and get butts in pews and dollars in coffers.

John McCain is using fear to get elected. Fear of change, especially in electing a black man, (who many erroneously believe is a Muslim), to the presidency. Fear of a non-Christian in power. Fear of change. Stay the course, and all that rubbish.

It’s a shame really that Americans don’t see the damage fear does to a society; what its doing to this one.

So, what do I think of the End Times? Not much.


P.S.- Well written article.

4 09 2008

As an evangelical Christian I recognize that terminology. I don’t necessarily agree with all of the theology but it is not what you are saying. You obviously stripped it out of context. He is speaking of spiritual warfare. The only thing you are displaying by treating it as anything else is your ignorance of religion. Also, you are driving more and more conservative evangelicals to vote McCain.

4 09 2008

She’s as frightening as McCain is. They’re perfect for each other.

4 09 2008

This is Maysman… also in Alaska… 100% McCain Palin… I think I posted here, Mud, yesterday that your commentators were pretty reasoned and logical from their standpoint. I am sad to observe the caliber of comments has decreased. Just some advice to all… #1. Do not underestimate the opposition [Sarah]
#2.. Her speech is acknowledged as brilliant.
#3… Yes, obviously time will tell…
#4… As a Vet, i can just tell you that I would follow Senator McCain into the fire [even though he was Navy…] [That’s a Marine Corps joke, son]
#5… Senator Obama… No, but if he is elected, every one of we Vets will root for him to be a great President. People grow while in the White House.

4 09 2008
Scrubbing Palin’s Pastors | Politics - Sharpy News

[…] Mudflats, a blog about Alaskan politics, offers an item headlined, “Sarah Palin’s Preacher Problem,” which quotes Palin saying three months ago, “our national leaders, are sending [U.S. […]

4 09 2008

ddbike (20:56:18) :

The terrifying thing about this woman is the fudamentalist Christian factor and her belief that God is on the side of the US and her willingness to follow the “plan” of God. What happened to the separation of church and state? There’s no substantial difference between a fundamentalist Muslim willing to die for martyrdom and a fundamentalist Christian willing to die for “God’s Plan”. I don’t want some born again nut case pushing the button in the name of God. There have been more atrocities and horrors perpetrated in the name of God than almost any other factor you can name. This is why the founding fathers were so precise in laying out the separation of church and state.

jlangleydesign (06:47:51) :

What happened to that line in the Constitution that says “separation of church and state”? Seems like no one remembers that anymore.

What happened to it (separation of church and state) ???? IT NEVER EXISTED!

I am appalled at the ignorance of so many people that believe that “separation of church and state is in the constitution. IT IS NOT! Look it up for yourself, wikipedia is an easy click to reveal this popular lie!

This country was founded by people wanting to express their religious beliefs without persecution and they do. You have a right to believe in Islam, Christianity, Satanism, Paganism, or whatever floats your boat in this country WITHOUT the federal government demanding you to follow their belief system. However, the government as it was created was based upon Christian values and Biblical law.

Sorry folks but thats the way it was formed. We have a process to ammend the constitution at any time and it is our right to do that but it is a process and takes a majority vote. Depending upon the poll, the USA is still largely made up of Christians.

Not all that call themselves Christians really follow the word of God, hence the hypocrisy that many non-believers see in their quest for truth. The reason for this (and it is scriptural) is that men rely on preachers to interpret the word of God for them rather than STUDYING it for themselves. I said studying since the modern Bible is a translation and not always accurate. There are tools available to take the Bible back to the original languages and many so called “contradictions” are revealed to be translational errors.

People, this is a blessed time. For the first time in history, most of us can read and write for ourselves rather than have someone else do our reading (think back about 150 yrs) for us! We all seem interested in reading blogs etc… when searching for truth. None (hopefully) of us are gullible enough to just take someones statements on here without checking them out as fact. Why then do many Christians simply accept some preachers interpretation of the word of God as fact when they can read for themselves? Especially in any given church service when at most you get 4-5 verses of Gods word and 40 minutes of “mans” word!

Truths from the word- research it for yourself dont listen to men!

Iran will be involved before this is over (Daniel is a great example of how this happens)

Satan is the “antichrist” (anti in the greek is “instead of” not against) he comes instead of Christ, peacefully and prosperously, promoting a one-world religion, and his message is rapture ( sorry folks, but the rapture is a lie and not scriptural) Look at 2 Thessalonians 2

Jesus comes after the antichrist and a lot of “Christians” will be ashamed when their sin is revealed that they have been following the “wrong” Jesus. Check out Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21. He comes in a time not looked for and as a thief in the night. When is the least looked for time for the return of Christ? When the world thinks He is already here!

People, please wake up! If you can be lied to about seperation of church and state and rapture doctrine, how will you know the difference between the fake Jesus and the real? Want to see change in this world? Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear and search for truth. Demand that your preachers preach the word of God and not traditions of men. May God bless you all, and if you dont believe in God? May he bless you anyway.

4 09 2008

Alaska Marine as in USMC here… I would follow McCain into the fire… Would you do the same for your guy? Mud, I would like you folks to acknowledge that our Sarah gave a brilliant speech last night. I do not think you folks want to get in the business of comparing Preachers… [Think Right… or maybe Wright] As a conservative [and new] blogger, I appreciate the visits from you folks. Come on over … Always good to scout the opposition…

4 09 2008

oh my goodness… Scott… “There’s no substantial difference between a fundamentalist Muslim willing to die for martyrdom and a fundamentalist Christian willing to die for “God’s Plan”…. After 14+ years working in Saudi Arabia, I beg to differ. I have a few insights into the Muslim mind, Arab culture, etc. Just answer this question… What is one per cent of one per cent of one billion… IF you figure that one out and give that small percentage to the Muslims who want to establish the caliphate worldwide and are willing go fight and die and actually… kill YOU, your children,wife and neighbors enroute,,, you might be on your way to understanding the threat of Islamic terrorism. Mud, what time do you post? So I can get to the top and talk to some of the choir from a different perspective? Come to and let me know.

4 09 2008

Consider it acknowledge sir, however not unconditionally
Her presentation was nothing short of brilliant; she is a natural with seemingly supernatural poise given the circumstances. Tight, well paced and not a single word sounded unnatural. Mathew Scully is one of the best. But by design she was preaching to the choir. And unlike you Maysman, this choir wouldn’t have followed John McCain into a rally much less into fire a few months ago. The content was facile, mixing the old “us against them” with “reaching across the isle” making the choirs’ wildly enthusiastic response seem Pavlovian.
Let me also say, I completely respect your loyalty to John McCain; your admiration is obviously long standing. But surely you winced, as she railed against Washington as if she was completely unaware that her party had completely controlled 7 of the last 8 years there. While I am a Democrat in philosophy, I try hard to be objective and for me some of the hypocrisy, even for a convention was hard to take.
And your way too thoughtful to present “I would follow McCain into the fire… Would you do the same for your guy?” as an argument.
As for the preacher controversy, I’d be happy if gave them both very little consideration.

4 09 2008

Im sorry Maysman, but you took words from a quote I referenced (ddbike) and not my words.

But to answer your mathematical analogy, the answer is 100,000. The sad part is that out of this 100,000 several of them killed thousands of people in this country a few years ago, and thousands more in the war on terror. Im talking about deaths of “innocents” that did not choose to fight OR die. These misled 0.0001 % of the muslim world have also followed traditions of men, since, as I understand the teachings of the Quran, are not mainstream Islam.

As for understanding the threat? I witnessed the threat along with the rest of America when it was brought close to home and covered continuously by the media. No one has to tell me twice that there is a threat.

I applaud the efforts of trying to stop this “threat” even if it means going to another country and liberating people from oppressive regimes and giving them an opportunity to worship as they wish, without the fear of persecution.

4 09 2008
SoCal Calling


To answer your question about America under Palin (and the Republicans):

“Kinder, Kuche, Kirche”, or “Children, Cooking, Church”

4 09 2008

My comment sounds more augmentative than I intended. I should add that I’ve been a long time admirer of Senator McCain and contributed to his 2000 campaign (clinton fatigue & embarrassment) and figured for a spell, integrity alone was enough. My admiration has diminished a bit over the last two years but remains respectful. Policy aside, I think that in this point in our history a contemplative temperament is essential and that’s just not in Senator McCain’s nature. Oddly enough, one of his greatest strength would keep me from voting for him this year even had Barack Obama not been our nominee.
Best Regards,

4 09 2008

There is one core difference between Obama’s church and Palin’s church: Obama’s was a black church. Palin’s is a reasonably mainstream white church, so of course it can do no wrong.

5 09 2008
Sarah Palin content « Grassroots Science

[…] Mudflats on photos of Wasilla, church in Wasilla, global photogs and newsmedia in Wasilla, et al. Sarah Palin’s Preacher Problem. End Times Coming? […]

7 09 2008
No Blood for Hubris


Great blog.

8 09 2008
Thom Stark » Palin for Messiah!

[…] UPDATE: Palin’s Pastor’s Holy War on Terror! What you see in a terrorist — that’s called the invisible enemy. There has always been an invisible enemy. What you see in Iraq, basically, is a manifestation of what’s going on in this unseen world called the spirit world. … We need to think like Jesus thinks. We are in a time and a season of war, and we need to think like that. We need to develop that instinct. We need to develop as believers the instinct that we are at war, and that war is contending for your faith. … Jesus called us to die. You’re worried about getting hurt? He’s called us to die. Listen, you know we can’t even follow him unless you are willing to give up your life. … I believe that Jesus himself operated from that position of war mode. Everyone say “war mode.” Now you say, wait a minute Ed, he’s like the good shepherd, he’s loving all the time and he’s kind all the time. Oh yes he is — but I also believe that he had a part of his thoughts that knew that he was in a war. [HT to Mudflats.] […]

21 09 2008
Scrubbing Palin’s Pastors - Palin (r, Alaska) | Sarah Palin - Sharpy News

[…] Mudflats, a blog about Alaskan politics, offers an item headlined, “Sarah Palin’s Preacher Problem,” which quotes Palin saying three months ago, “our national leaders, are sending [U.S. […]

21 09 2008

damn palin’s got you all shook up.
she ruined the messiah’s (uh..uh.. my name is uh.. uh.. what i mean to say is uh.. uh. barak uh obama. dude talks worse than gdub.) run for prez in one speech .
guess identity politics will only get you so far. even if barak is a community organizer just like jesus.
how funny is it watching a pompous jack like obama getting his ass kicked by a chick. hahaha. liberals aint nothing but the new royal class, and we freedom lovin americans are about to send his pompous ass packing. palin power.

26 09 2008
Melanie Stefine

Now I think there are some good things about Sarah that some of you just can’t see. I find her honest in her answers. I think her life style is closer to the common person than to the elite. She is a working mom like most of us. Then there is also something that I learned in Science, which is, Good looking people are smarter than average looking people/or ugly people. So stereo types are all wrong. Just because your beautiful doesn’t make you stupid. She has confidence. She has the ablity to change her opinion when a good arguement from the other side makes a good point. That means she is not hard wired or hard headed. She is young and willing to work hard for us.

Then who is to say that the War in Iraq is not a task from God? Maybe Izlam is the Anti-Christ and we are really fighting the Devil? These people hate us, The Pope and Israel. We very well could be in the End Times. This could be the great battle against Satan. I don’t think this war is about “Iraq Freedom”, do you? Do you really care about their freedom? How free are you? These people would like to wipe Israel off the map as soon as we turn are backs. I don’t see anyone else in the World willing to defend the House of David besides us. Since David was God’s favorite, this could be a task from God.