Palin Stomps Out of Room and Slams Door. Won’t Empty Pockets.

5 12 2008

Indulge me in a little impromptu Mudflats Theatre.


Mom & Dad – Well-meaning, but indulgent. Unsure of how this whole family dynamic works. They appear weary and run down.

Child – Cute as a button. Feisty, bold and confident.

Friend – (if actors are hard to come by, this part can be played by a bobble-head doll, and his one line can be cut)

(Curtain rises. We see an average American kitchen. Mom and Dad are standing in front of a child whose arms are folded indignantly. A large jar lies on its side, with the lid removed. Half a cookie sits on the counter.)

M&D – Child, we’ve got a problem here. Someone’s been stealing cookies from the cookie jar. We’ve done some checking, and due to the crumb trail leading to your room, the fact that nobody else was around, and the chocolate in the corners of your mouth, we’ve come to the studied conclusion that it was you. You know you weren’t supposed to be doing this. We haven’t decided what the consequences are going to be, but we are in complete agreement, and do believe you are the one who took the cookies. Do you have something to say?

Child – I do have something to say to you, but you’re going to have to wait a minute. (wipes chocolate from corners of mouth and clears throat) I’ll be right back. (brightly) I’ve done nothing wrong and I can prove it!

(Child runs out the door. Time passes and child returns with a friend.)

Child – (out of breath) I have decided to ask my friend to investigate this, and he has come to the conclusion that I did nothing wrong. So, I really think we need to move along here. I hope you feel better now, Mom and Dad. (smiles)

Friend – (nodding) She has done nothing wrong.

M&D – (tentatively, to friend) But….what about all the evidence? Did you see the crumb trail? It’s not like we didn’t check this out ourselves. And she said she was going to prove she didn’t do it!

Child – So, you’re saying you don’t trust me? (silence) What. Do you want to see what’s in my pockets? Is THAT what you’re saying? Because there are no cookies in there and I’ll show you to prove it. Do you want to know every single thing I told my friend to prove it? Is that what you want? That’s what you want, ISN’T IT?!

M&D – (looking at the floor) Yes. We would like to see that. You promised you’d show us, so go ahead and empty the pockets, and tell us what you said to your friend.

Child – This is rediculous. I can’t believe you won’t let this drop! You really don’t trust me….I can’t believe it. I mean I had my friend check this all out! You are just being unfair! Why do you hate me?!? (pause) You know what? Forget it. I’m NOT showing you what’s in my pocket because you are just being ridiculous! Dad, I know you’d agree with me if it wasn’t for Mom butting in! She just wants to ruin my life! We’ll I’m moving on. There are more important things going on in this house, like homework, and chores, and dinner!

(Child stomps out of room and slams door hard.)

Now, I bring your attention to today’s headline in the Anchorage Daily News:

Governor’s Office: Troopergate is Over and Palin Testimony Won’t Be Released to the Public

As far as Gov. Sarah Palin is concerned, Troopergate is behind her and she won’t provide a transcript of testimony she gave in an investigation into whether she violated ethics laws in firing her public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan. [snip]

“The people of Alaska — and of the nation — deserve to have a decision from the proper tribunal putting their minds at ease that suggestions of misconduct that have circulated on the Internet and in some media outlets are not true. I therefore am waiving the confidentiality that usually covers personnel board complaints,” Palin said in a statement released by her lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, on Sept. 2, just days after she was named John McCain’s running mate.

She gave her only testimony in the matter on Oct. 24 while on the vice presidential campaign trail. Van Flein said at the time that she wanted to release a transcript of her deposition. Reached Thursday evening, Van Flein said he hadn’t talked to Palin about releasing it since then. “That’s their call, I guess,” he said.

Palin is simply ready to move on, her deputy press secretary, Sharon Leighow, wrote in an e-mail exchange this week.

“This matter is closed. We see no public purpose in artificially prolonging this controversy.”

Sarah (child) who promised to release her sworn testimony (empty her pockets) which was given to Timothy Petumenos (friend), who performed the investigation of Sarah Palin, which she initiated herself, is now stomping out of the room.

Meanwhile, Mom & Dad (the Legislature) have been told that their work is meaningless, that they are impotent, that they are laughable. The kid just told Mom and Dad that they have no power. And unless we do something about it, Mom and Dad are about to say, “OK, Sweetie. You just go clean your room and we’ll forget all about it. I’m sorry if we upset you.”

These are the kinds of parents that raise spoiled children with a sense of entitlement, who do whatever they want until someone stops them. I don’t want that kid running my state.

This entire situation, of course, is dripping with irony, as GovernorPalin just returned from a trip stumping for Saxby Chambliss on the premise that if Democrats managed to get a 60-seat majority in the Senate, it would be a disaster because “we would have no checks and balances”. And she wouldn’t want HER kids growing up in a country like THAT. Indeed.

Well, Alaska Legislature, I don’t want my children growing up in a country with no checks and balances either. Of course the Palin administration sees no purpose in finishing this process. Because the truth will hurt. Her testimony will open a big can of worms that we can all look at, and pick through, and figure out what she might have said that contradicts the truth. There’s a word for that……oh, yes! “Perjury.” Last time I checked, perjury was a crime.

So, if she really really did nothing wrong, then why won’t she empty her pockets?



117 responses

5 12 2008
Irishgirl Rosebud.

Jayzus, this woman infuriates me

5 12 2008
Irishgirl Rosebud.

But really, she has to be stopped. Andrew Sullivan has taken on the photo.

5 12 2008

Oy, why won’t she just go away? Did I really promise to go to “Cookie Day” and report back?

5 12 2008
sjk_from_the Belly_of_the_plane

smells like perjury.

5 12 2008
Lin in AZ

It reminds me of the way Palin was so agreeable about letting Obama drop the issue if his ties to Ayers because there was nothing to it, right? Oh, that’s right – she never stopped claiming that he had something to hide.

5 12 2008

Yeah, she keeps bringing up the Ayers thing, even weeks after the election… Get over it, girl! And if she’s not going to get over it, she really needs to answer questions about Todd’s membership in the AIP for 7+ years!

5 12 2008
Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin

I hope “Mudflats Theatre” becomes a regular feature.

5 12 2008
katek formerly cd

OMG, Alaskans I am so sorry you are stuck with her but it’s for the good of the country. She is unbelievable. The calendar, the stylist expenses, she just doesn’t stop.

5 12 2008
Irishgirl Rosebud.

i really hope that someone stops her. She cannot be allowed to get away with all she has done. Les Gara et al, grow some and go after her with a vengeance!

5 12 2008

Wow she is just beyond bizarre. It is like something out of the history books….or Dubya’s playbook….lord I wanna cry now. I can’t believe I am having to live through stuff that should only be in history books….not occurring in MY, let alone my daughter’s lifetime

5 12 2008

AKM, you hit the nail smack-dab on the head again with your story. Methinks Mom and Dad need a parenting class… any chance of that, or is heavy-handed pressure the only way to get them to do their job with that rotten little brat?

5 12 2008

I used it myself when a blogger was dis-ing AKM for bad ‘blog logic.’
In an ironic twist, his logic was flawed.

SP-The spoiled brat just wants to be all grown up, and wants things to be different than they actually are.
Time for a legislative spanking…

5 12 2008

With the latest RNC financial disclosures, dressing and beautifying Ms. Sarah for fancy pageant and campaign walkin’ is now up to a grand total of $290,000.

Of course, $110,000 of that was in hair and make-up styling…..can’t exactly give that back or even sneak it into the belly of the plane (or her pocket). Those cookies have been eaten with nary a crumb in evidence.

5 12 2008

@Lee323 (15:16:00) :

Excepting for all those photographic, internetty crumbs, also…

5 12 2008

oops. -The spoiled kid metaphor- that is… darned html …

5 12 2008

Alaskans, you have a problem. Houston! Houston! Err, Juneau! Juneau!

You have a rogue governor, one who has no concept of ethical behavior, much less personal responsibility. It will be up to you to pull the plug, tear away the veil, and chain the bat who is flying crazy as the chief executive of your state.

And when you get her chained, please help her hapless ex-brother-in-law exact some retribution for her incessant, defamatory statements about his character. The poor sod has been slimed up and down the coastline, and as you know, it is a VERY long coastline.

I truly hope Karma catches up with Ms. Sarah. If she gets away without paying the debt of her existence, I will wonder if justice is ever possible in these United States, of which beautiful Alaska is a part.

5 12 2008

the proper tribunal – which in this case means the one that she chose because she knew it would come back with a favorable decision and allow her to declare that she is cleared of all charges.

Mom and Dad need to start threatening with the big wooden paddle. That’s what worked for my parents. They never had to use it, but my sister and I always knew it was there if needed and that was good enough to keep us in line.

Maybe we could all send big wooden paddles to the Legislature for Christmas! 😉 AKM

5 12 2008

I just can’t even believe how above the law this woman thinks she is! I swear, she most definately has Anti-Social Personality Disorder…aka A SOCIOPATH!

Calling her “rogue” is too nice. She’s a f**king loose cannon…complete with a fuse on fire!

5 12 2008

I wonder if she ever gets frustrated at the tangled webs she’s weaved (woven?) It must be difficult keeping all of this questionable information straight (did I have a baby? When? Did I talk to trooper…oh garsh, you betcha, also)

5 12 2008

Someone committed perjury. It was either she or Walt Monegan. I can’t believe that the Alaskan legislature doesn’t care. This is making them look really bad.

5 12 2008

I can’t stop at that…

She’s so Holier Than Thou it’s nauseating! Some “Christian”, eh? First Stone and all that…

I just…I mean…I…


(oops…sorry…hope I didn’t hit anybody’s shoes with my lunch…)

5 12 2008
say no to palin in politics

IRA2 says…..Methinks Mom and Dad need a parenting class…

more like intervention, lol…..denial catches up to ya, and the longer it goes on more the bad sh*t that happens.

read this……she’s a walking disaster and they’re all fools not to deal with her…….the monster grows.

Click to access PalinVettingBackground1.PDF

5 12 2008
MonaLisa (in CT)

Distract/divert comes next, I believe….

I heard it posited not long ago, that politicians prefer to release controversial info late on Fridays, since people are less likely to be home watching the news, and perhaps something bigger/better/badder might pop up over the weekend. It also gives them time to manufacture said bigger/better/badderness, in the event the universe fails to supply same.

Unless, of course, this IS the ‘divert/distract’…. ohjeeze, now my head hurts!

5 12 2008
Polar Bear Express

Does anyone know if the $180K clothing and $110K beautification expenses (Pig lipstick) have federal and state income tax implications?

5 12 2008

Sarah indicated that she was unaware of Todd’s obsession regarding Wooten. Like it was a man’s thing. Well, I don’t believe for one moment the Palins did not talked in the privacy of their home about getting Wooten fired. They knew as governor Sarah couldn’t pressure Walt, so Todd made the contacts instead. His affidavit indicated he told several people about Wooten. It wouldn’t surprise me that his obsession was the result of Sarah hounding him.

5 12 2008

@Polar Bear Express (15:28:40) :

There should, certainly, be federal IRS implications, but since we have no state income tax, she’s off the hook for that one. She should, however, have to report some part of that as gifts on her disclosure forms; you know, the ones she’s just been updating with free trips she was given in 2007 and 2008…

5 12 2008

@Curious (15:35:03) :

I recall seeing, somewhere recently, that there was actually a discussion between SWWNBN and Monegan about how she shouldn’t be talking to him about the Wooten situation, but Todd could since he was a private citizen (yeah, right). Prob. in that testimony where the recollections of Monegan and SWWNBN are 180 degrees from each other…

5 12 2008

Nice theatre, but like AKM said, its the legislators who must bring this issue to a conclusion. For my part, I’ve emailed them and have contributed to the “Alaskans For Truth” movement. But being an outsider theres not much more I can do. I would like to see her have to answer to them, but I’m not going to hold my breath, for that to happen. Branchflower shared info with Petumenos, why hasn’t Petumenos reciprocated. Are Alaskans afraid of Palin, is the legislature? Palin, in my view has no future on the national scene. She is an Alaskan problem. Maybe set the cookie jar with a steel trap. SP is like a terrible comedian in a good comedy and like the bunny rabbit goes on, and on, and on.

5 12 2008

Maybe we could all send big wooden paddles to the Legislature for Christmas! AKM
There ya go. Send ’em cricket bats with her transgressions and dismissive quotes printed on it…

That could make the point rather effectively.

This reminds me of a dramatic enactment for political effect we staged here in Staten Island.
We had a “Race” to get from Staten Island to Manhattan that began when the ferry boat, tooted its horn as it left.
Ferries were running only hourly at some times and we wanted to show the alternatives – different routes, different costs, means of transportation etc.

It dramatized out plight.

Paddles for Palin !

Yeah its kinda catchy…

We could establish a fund- Paddles for Palin
Maybe a 501c3 heh…

5 12 2008

Everyone should run for alaskan political office…how easily and what a joke!!

Hmm, think I’ll run for governor and run it from my So Cal home

5 12 2008
Denise from Oregon

So what can us southerners do to help? I am so sick of being obsessed with the Palin BS….I just want to read “Palin and first Dude (how embarrassing) have been charged with perjury and Gov must step down.”…let it fly! Sometimes you have to ask exactly for what you want….ya know say the magic words in the correct order….

5 12 2008
A Fan From Chicago

Yikes. Not sure what to make of this stream of consciouness. Remember a while back that Olberman had his Puppet Theater? Some of the funniest damn things I’ve seen. He had characters on popsicle sticks talking to eachother.

That’s what we have here. I come from a really big family and think we’ve had some of these conversations. Well not really, but AKM has sent us to a new dimension. I love this site.

I’m liking that AK is the new Puppet Theater.

Keep it up.

5 12 2008

She never got that 1st GOOD spanking !!!!

5 12 2008
Ripley in CT

Grifter Spice isn’t just an Alaska problem. She’s nationwide.

I can only hope that Alaskans for Truth press the legal system up there. How about the refusals to honor the subpoenae? Or is it subpoenas? whatever…

She’s headed for one hellova fall, methinks. Once the circle of special-double-secret rethuglican protection fades, the real trouble for her will start…

WHO can possibly be protecting her any more?? How can anyone with any self respect be supporting her folly any further?

Oh and AKM,,,, Bravo…. encore!!! *clap clap clap*

*throws rotten tomatoes at “child”.. oh and parents*

5 12 2008
Pat in Branson

I have hung around here for months but somehow missed what SWWNBN stands for. Obviously it is referring to her highness but in what way….I lived in Alaska for 10 years and have a son still in Wasilla. I am so glad I am out of there…I would be so mad all the time I couldn’t stand myself.

5 12 2008
Ripley in CT

She Who Will Not Be Named

5 12 2008

SWWNBN = She Who Will Not Be Named (a spin off from He Who Shall Not Be Named in the Harry Potter books…).

5 12 2008
Irishgirl Rosebud.

Spotted that!! 🙂

5 12 2008

the plural of subpoena is subpoenas

5 12 2008

Denise from Oregon (15:47:29) :

So what can us southerners do to help? I am so sick of being obsessed with the Palin BS….I just want to read “Palin and first Dude (how embarrassing) have been charged with perjury and Gov must step down.”…let it fly! Sometimes you have to ask exactly for what you want….ya know say the magic words in the correct order….

**************my sentiments exactly

5 12 2008

SWWNBN is short for a competent big evil in the Harry Potter books… Palin is just not that competent. More of an annoying distraction.

Okay for Alaskans its more than that … here its amusing bewildering strangely attractive, and, like an auto accident on the highway, gettin’ more attention than it deserves.

Paddles for Palin !

5 12 2008

So many people are frustrated and angry with the increasing list of Palin’s illegal maneuvers and ethical shenanigans. Meanwhile, she floats obliviously above the accusations by denying that they are of importance.

How many of you think the legislature will actually do anything in January? They will protect their own political positions (by sticking their heads in the sand) instead of protecting the interests of the people of Alaska.

A Recall of the Governor can be done as long as there are more than 180 days left in her term. Get the Recall Petition moving….that would definitely get the attention of the legislature. (Palin, however, would probably not believe it until they came to pry the Governor’s office keys out of her grasping li’l hand.)

5 12 2008

I don’t know about anyone else, but I for one am REALLY tired of the trend in this country of the “well we should wait until(fill – in – the – blank) is over” before we start to look at what this person/ people did. But then when whatever is over, everyone says ” well we should just MOVE FORWARD” for healing! It won’t do any good NOW to punish anyone. It will just be looking back when we should all be LOOKING FORWARD! What the hell is this horsesh*t anyway? When did this start? And then everyone wonders why no one thinks they should ever be held accountable for ANYTHING!!!!!!

5 12 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

This is the best analogy possible. AKM, thank you for a wonderful analogy that also brings home the fact that La La La Sarah isn’t going to just go away unless we make her go away.

And we DO need to make her go away. We need to do it now. The example she sets for our children and for other young aspiring public servants is going to be taken to heart as valid behavior if it goes unchecked.

We the People have to stop her and quit waiting around for White Knights. While we are waiting, I can see a new little bit of theater playing out at every neighbor’s house.

“Mom, Dad, guess what? I have a special friend who absolves me of all accountability. If Sarah Palin can do it, why can’t I?”

“Thanks Sarah Palin!”

In my opinion individual citizens must file the lawsuits and pass the petitions or nothing will be done and we will be stuck with this Governor as a role model for The New Great Society.

Now, if 27,000 pepole will sign this, I would expect you could get enough signatures from Alaskans to demand a referendum on impeachment for her abuses of power and financial shenanigans.

5 12 2008
nswfm CA

I can’t believe it. I mean I had my friend check this all out! You are just being unfair! Why do you hate me?!?

Well written, AKMuckraker. This reminds me of my first week as an student when we had a strategy class simulation and one of the youngest students (27YO) was in my study group. She’d gotten feedback about her performance as CEO, which included that she and the other two at the top of the company, although they had excellent financial performance (they cheated by having an accountant as their CFO and we were supposed to be stretching by playing a non-normal role) were arrogant and didn’t factor in the input from the other non-Chief level people, that is the VP level.

Now here’s where the stories cross. The 27 YO complains to us in the study group: “I’m not arrogant! I’ve asked my friends and they say I’m not arrogant! I don’t even blow dry my hair!”

WTF?!?! What does blow drying your hair have to do with arrogance, first of all. And second: YOU ASKED YOUR FRIENDS? of course they are going to say you aren’t arrogant–they are your friends!

It went downhill from there….

Here’s hoping it goes down hill for SP.

5 12 2008

whichferret (16:18:29)

I agree 100% with your sentiment. However, I would just make the distinction that unpleasant rancor or comments (if not patently illegal) during an election sometimes have to be put behind us in order to move forward with new leadership…..BUT charges of illegal acts or ethical violations should NEVER be overlooked! We can’t move forward until these types of charges have been addressed! Palin needs to face these charges or get her b*tt kicked out of public office! Hopefully, both.

5 12 2008
Misfit in Texas

Omnipotence is a dangerous thing; real or imagined.
Is there NO ONE in the Legislature that will stand up against this creature’s tyranny? Where are all those ‘checks and balances’ when it comes to HER corruption? Does her lipstick wield some hypnotic venom that holds all her victims in thrall? She smiles and they respond “Yes, Mistress. Your word is my command, my gospel” ???

Someone, PLEASE wake me from this SP nightmare!!!

5 12 2008
BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin

Maybe we could all send big wooden paddles to the Legislature for Christmas! AKM

Moose nuggets. Send ’em each a bag full of moose nuggets.

5 12 2008

Tuck a small note in their Christmas stockings that reads:

“Dear Lawmaker: You have a political postion of leadership, not because of some inherent superiority in your genetic makeup, but because we, the voters, put you in that position to look after our interests. We, the voters, will take you out of that postion if you don’t address our out-of-control Governor’s legal and ethical charges.”

5 12 2008
Polar Bear Express


It will be interesting to study their 2008 tax filing. The following IRS website provides direction for reporting suspected tax fraud.,,id=106778,00.html

5 12 2008
sjk_from_the Belly_of_the_plane

she a frog in the pot of water, the heat is increasing and when she blinks the water will be boiling. Who’ll watch the kids when her and Toad are in Club Fed?

5 12 2008

Very nicely done. Reminds ME of the way beaurocracy runs in this state. Was an investigator appointed? Check. Did the investigator talk to you? Check. Okay, cool, everyone has had due process. But we never got to the facts, you say? Or the truth of the matter? What does that have to do with anything?

5 12 2008
say no to palin in politics

texasbrian…that’s funny…….Mom and Dad need to start threatening with the big wooden paddle.

ya know they say spare the rod, spoil the child…….oh dear.

5 12 2008

I’m so friggin’ mad….but surprisingly not surprised. If there weren’t so many rabid Republicans in this state we could just recall her. But then look how many of these idiots voted for Ted f***ing Stevens, a convicted felon!!!!! Fellow Alaskans, if you allow this to slide then you deserve everything you get…or don’t get. Screw it, I’m moving elsewhere.

5 12 2008
say no to palin in politics

Sparky (15:23:01) :
I wonder if she ever gets frustrated at the tangled webs she’s weaved (woven?) It must be difficult keeping all of this questionable information straight (did I have a baby? When? Did I talk to trooper…oh garsh, you betcha, also)

no sparky…….CUZ she doesn’t think it matters, she has this belief system that none of the real facts need to be known, JUST READ THEM AND SAY WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR……SHE’S A MASTER AT IT.

5 12 2008

BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin (16:35:25) :

Maybe we could all send big wooden paddles to the Legislature for Christmas! AKM

Moose nuggets. Send ‘em each a bag full of moose nuggets


ewww bad Idea. I think the best idea expresses the will of Alaskans for the legislature to do its job and ‘Paddle Palin’

Sending moose nuggets – dirty contemptuous and ewwww yuck!

Paddles for Palin !

5 12 2008 the Pine Barrens

AKM, this is sooo good! I’m sure most parents have witnessed similar tantrums and attempts to manipulate and control the situation by their children. When our politicians act like children, it’s important to recognize it for what it is–a form of manipulation and control. It’s important that we not allow ourselves to become victims of this behavior and be cowered or swayed by it. When Sarah stomps out of the room and slams the door, she should have to go to her room and stay there until she’s ready to be honest and accept the consequences.

5 12 2008
Tom from PA

I’m not trying to be insensitive here but I just finished reading the information reported on Sarah Palin’s vetting. If all the information is legit, isn’t an 83 IQ very close to retardation?

5 12 2008

RE: Tom from PA

I don’t think there are any definative answers available on what her actual IQ is…I would be very interested ifthere where. Anybody out there have this info?

5 12 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

OT but breaking news

WASHINGTON – Caroline Kennedy is interested in the Senate seat that would open once Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes secretary of state, according to a close relative who says the powerful Kennedy clan is fully behind her rising to the office previously held by her uncle.

“I know she’s interested,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Friday. “She spent a lot of her life balancing public service with obligations to her family. Now her children are grown, and she is ready to move onto a bigger stage.”

Once Clinton is confirmed to President-elect Barack Obama’s cabinet, New York Gov. David Paterson will appoint someone to fill the seat for two years.

5 12 2008
Kate in Canada

Some other sites have said those IQ and SAT scores are clearly forgeries. I can’t find a neutral source, but I think they are right. My guess for Sarah’s IQ is about 115 on a good day.
Unfortunately this makes the whole vetting document look malicious and incompetent, though the material it has on her mayoralty looks reasonable.

5 12 2008
Tom from PA


Check out this site:

Click to access PalinVettingBackground1.PDF

5 12 2008

Her whole being just drives me to drink…Not that I really need much help there! lol

BTW…on a lighter note…it’s Happy You Can Legally Have A Drink Day! Seriously. I wrote about it for my NaBloPoMo post today…

5 12 2008
CO Almost Native

AKm and other Alaskan mudpups-

What do you think? Do you think anyone ( or several ones) in the Legislature will step up and demand to see the depositions, to reconcile the two radically different versions of the ethics investigation? I am afraid that, if the Legislature does nothing, SP wins- and there will be no more investigations into her behavior. No Housegate, Travelgate, no nothing.

5 12 2008
lynn (MA)

Flailin’ Palin

5 12 2008
WV Democrat

I think that Alaskans only hope is to put pressure on your legislature to “check and balance” Palin. I don’t think that it can be done any other way.

5 12 2008

Well, if it is on 83…

Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation :
40 – 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
55 – 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
70 – 84 Below average
85 – 114 Average (68% of test takers)
115 – 129 Above average
130 – 144 Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
145 – 159 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
160 – 175 Extraordinary genius

5 12 2008 the Pine Barrens

whichferret (16:18:29) :

”well we should just MOVE FORWARD” for healing! It won’t do any good NOW to punish anyone.
I agree. I call this the Nancy Pelosi concept of democracy and justice. We won’t be having any impeachments here today. Move along. And everyone fell in line.

I kinda like Hillel’s aphorism: “If not now, when?” It works for a lot of things.

5 12 2008

Well, I for one have written to my Legislators about the status of the Troopergate investigation(s) but only two have had the courtesy to respond to me. It seems that once a person gets elected in this state then they all of a sudden have no accountability to the electorate. And given the level of corruption here it is no wonder that many would feel this way. The only reason most of these jerk-offs become politicians is so they can feather-nest…or so it seems. I know this sounds like sour grapes but I am increadibly pissed off at pretty much all of my elected officials. Jeez, I’ve turned into my dad!

If any of you are holding out any hope that the Alaska Legislature will act, it looks like we are all going to be very disappointed. After all, Governor Palin has told us that we should just move on, nothing to see here. And since her administration is so transparent and open we really should just take her word for it. I know that the Legislature is.

5 12 2008
CO Almost Native

akdennis (19:29:19) :
Well, I for one have written to my Legislators about the status of the Troopergate investigation(s) but only two have had the courtesy to respond to me

Thanks for writing; perhaps if lots of AK voters wrote, called, and/or emailed your reps might do something. I emailed several- the ones I thought might take action, but no response. I didn’t think any would- I’m just this tiny spec, way down south in the Rocky Mountains, jumping up and down, yelling “have integrity: do something!”

5 12 2008

I keep straerting comments and then stopping, they get long and preachy.

Ahort version.

If the Snow Queen (aka the big Flake) does,’t deal with these issues now and continues to keep herself in the public eye, especially in elections for any DC position, the press will continue to eat her for lunch, dragging out her dirty little, and big secrets for years and years and years.

The Flake has learned nothing from her recent experiences in the public eye, and at her age probably never will.

5 12 2008

Any body give free typing lessons?

5 12 2008

Mudflats – did you know you are perfect? Thanks for hitting the nail SQUARELY on the head. Now if the Mom and Dad in the State House and Senate and if the ADN can all locate their consciences, we might have some consequences. But I’m not holding my breath.

5 12 2008
Aussie Blue Sky

@akdennis (19:29:19) :

I agree, I believe the Legs won’t want to go there – at this stage.

I’m sure at this stage they aren’t aware they are a form of international entertainment. They are too used to their insular little world of Alaskan politics. It won’t hurt them to wake up and see how exposed their every decision really is – and how much global interest there is in the Alaskan Legislature.

If they plan to be a laughing stock, they will have to plan on being a universal laughing stock.

I’m planning on writing them the first week of January so as to not be caught in the holiday rush. I will be using ingenious phrases that I’ve cribbed from Mudflats for the last 3 weeks or so. 😉

5 12 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

I’m all for the Paddlin’ Palin. Although, with international post rates, I’m more likely to send a wooden spoon than a cricket bat or Alaska Shrub of your choice.
Still , they all might hurt (help).

5 12 2008

I think the rest of America needs to email/write/call not only Alaskan legislature but our own states in regards to Palin. Do it for the sake of Alaska and the future of our country! Palin is already on the road to re-invention with plenty of assistance. She needs to be squelched before it’s too late. Nip her in the bud before she grows into her full Venus Fly Trap and devours us all.
I am hoping Alaskans for Truth develops into Americans for Truth – the rest of us care too. I’m getting as many family and friends involved as I can.
I emailed but not as eloquently as most. Kinda like Waah! Make her stop! Hoping they got my tears for our children o:

5 12 2008

CO Almost Native-

What did you expect? If they are not going to respond to one of their own constituents then how can your expect them to respond to someone who doesn’t have the vote here? I think that most of them wish this whole thing would just go away. Well hey, at least the Governor and the Legislature agree on one thing!! Thanks for trying anyway. At least I can make my input during the election cycle. I iterate “Jeez, I’ve become my dad.” Throw all of the bums out and try again.

Well, at least you in the lower 48 (what we call the “outside”) can ensure that she never achieves the White House. Wow, I’m still amazed that ANYone would, could, think that she has the chops to be the potential leader of the most powerful country in the world! Us Alaskans appear to be stuck with her until such time as the Legislature sees fit to act.

Seriously, I’m looking for a more progressive home. Anyone need an aging engineering tech?

5 12 2008
wired differently

Are we sure the AK Legislature isn’t going to do anything? It’s not a good sign that they’re not responding to emails, I’ll grant you, but they’re not in session until January.

Any of you familiar enough with the way the legislature works to spin us a scenario of what a censure or other kind of punative action would look like and who might be a likely person to put it out there?

5 12 2008
wired differently

p.s. OT– Senator Caroline Kennedy? Heart Be Still!!
Bet she had better than 840 combined SAT…

5 12 2008

Ripley in CT:
Grifter Spice isn’t just an Alaska problem. She’s nationwide.

And not just her. Politicians tend to Grifterness.

And vacuousness as a desirable characteristic in a state and national leader creates G Awful decisions and disasters.

5 12 2008 the Pine Barrens

“Jeez, I’ve become my dad.” Throw all of the bums out and try again.

akdennis, nothing wrong with that. Sounds like good advice to me. It seems that’s the only option left other than demanding another investigation and going the legal route.

5 12 2008
wired differently

Back On Topic.

Is it possible that there are some legislators who are just biding their time, sitting in their loungers with the popcorn and the teevee remote as more damaging news is revealed every day (piling up like an Alaska snowdrift), so that come the convening of the legislature they’ll have an overwhelming case for recall?

I mean, why not just let the bloggers and journalists do your work for you, then take the credit for bringing her down.

Forgive me if this is too cynical a view of Alaska legislators.

5 12 2008

SNAP SNAP SNAP AKM… your aim is true.

Keep that fire hot. We will help.

5 12 2008

whichferret (16:18:29) :
When did this start?

At the very least it started with Nixon. The argument was that the public couldn’t handle an impeachment, it was just tooooo complex and upsetting for the peasants to handle.
Another argument at the time was that there was a war on.
Another was that it would detract from serious government business. Like there aren’t a gazillion government employees who do 99.9% of the work.

And of course the people making these decisions are the ones who very likely would also be held accountable for their criminal acts if that kind of attitude of responsibility got started.

I do wonder what Palosi has to hide. She was too quick to protect Bush from impeachment, and the investigations that would go with that process.

5 12 2008

@wired differently

No, I’m not sure that the Legislature won’t act. However I truly believe they would rather not. If any action vis-a-vis “Troopergate” is moved forward it will be initiated by, of course, the Dems.

let me digress for a moment. We need to remember that Legislative Committee that empowered Steven Branchflower to conduct the investigation into the circumstances of “Troopergate” was bipartisan, with a Rebublican majority. Palins’ spokespersons calling the results of this investigation as hopelessly tainted by partisan politics is yet another example of their willingness to tilt at windmills.

The other investigation was conducted by Tim Petumenos who was appointed by the State Personnel Board. In case you are not aware the Personnel Board members are politcal appointees whe also serve at the Governor’s pleasure. And we are supposed to believe that they are not partisan?

Of course now that Governor Palin has achieved national noteriety I fear that it is going to be nigh on to impossible to keep partisan politics out of pursuing “Troopergate”, or any other investigation into possible improprieties committed by the Governor, her husband, or her staff.

With regards to what, if any, sanctions the Legislature should impose I am no expert in what is appropriate. Personally, I am leaning towards censure at the very least. I also believe that further bipartisan investigation is in order to determine if other laws have been violated by the Governor, her husband, or her staff.

Yeah, and if pigs could fly out my butt I’d rent myself out to a side show and be a millionaire by now!

5 12 2008

Tom from PA
I’m not trying to be insensitive here but I just finished reading the information reported on Sarah Palin’s vetting. If all the information is legit, isn’t an 83 IQ very close to retardation?

I believe so. Also that is around Bush’s level. His dad’s is not much higher.
100 is normal. And the Repocons love Bush, and the Snow Queen.

Really serious question is why does half of the political machinery of this country want provably dumb people in office to represent the rest of us?
And if us keeps putting them in office, maybe they are correct that the we peasants are too dumb to notice.
In other words when these idiots are elected the elites take that a proof that we are idiots and they will treat us that way.

5 12 2008
California Dreaming

Wowee, that fan is still blowing into the wind,

3 Palin Stylists Cost Campaign More Than $165,000

But the question is Alaska, is this a curtain call or an encore ?

5 12 2008
wired differently


Thank you for taking on my question. Point taken about the Alaska legislature, pigs, your butt and their relationship to your current financial situation.

I’ve also read the comments of your fellow citizens on online ADN articles, so I realize that not everyone up there is playing with a full box of Crayolas.

But hey, Begich actually *did* beat Stevens, and Walt Monegan may be gearing up for running for elected office, so it’s not all bad, eh?

And by the way, we’re still waiting for the Mat-Su Frontiersman’s expose of the house/hockey rink thing-y. Could someone get on that?

5 12 2008
freakout in kansas

For some reason I can’t help but think of the shopkeeper as Palin and the legislature as Mr. Praline. The parrot is ethics:

PS. What a lovely coincidence that Palin really IS the shopkeeper!
PSS. And there’s even mention of a Palindrome towards the dne!

5 12 2008
Canuck for Alaskan Truth

I’m not even an American and it grinds my gears to see Palin apparently so above the law, time after time.

I don’t think the paddle or even reform schoolin’, also, would have any effect on this lyin’, griftin’, bad motherin’, rapist enablin’, pallin’ around with terrorist A.I.P’ers while governin’, plastic surgery ‘n stolen designer clothin’ lovin’, slaughterhouse photo-op’n, godbotherin’ no-mind bitch.

pvazwindy (15:38:04) :
Nice theatre, but like AKM said, its the legislators who must bring this issue to a conclusion. For my part, I’ve emailed them and have contributed to the “Alaskans For Truth” movement. But being an outsider theres not much more I can do. I would like to see her have to answer to them, but I’m not going to hold my breath, for that to happen. Branchflower shared info with Petumenos, why hasn’t Petumenos reciprocated. Are Alaskans afraid of Palin, is the legislature?

Lee323 (16:17:00) :
So many people are frustrated and angry with the increasing list of Palin’s illegal maneuvers and ethical shenanigans. Meanwhile, she floats obliviously above the accusations by denying that they are of importance.

How many of you think the legislature will actually do anything in January? They will protect their own political positions (by sticking their heads in the sand) instead of protecting the interests of the people of Alaska.

A Recall of the Governor can be done as long as there are more than 180 days left in her term. Get the Recall Petition moving….that would definitely get the attention of the legislature.

I agree, a Recall Petition is a good way to begin.

Matt Taibbi, along with AKM and Helen Philpott always has something funny and insightful to say about American politics. Here’s what he wrote about Palin:

5 12 2008 the Pine Barrens

Marnie (20:37:36) :
I do wonder what Palosi has to hide. She was too quick to protect Bush from impeachment, and the investigations that would go with that process.

That’s a good question. Pelosi’s another one who needs some accountability. It seem like she has become the decider as far as what gets put on the table and what gets taken off. I just read that she just declared another one of her famous “compromises” that the money for the auto industry bailout should come from the money set aside in the energy bill for developing fuel-efficient vehicles. I’m not against helping the auto companies provided there’s accountability and oversight there, too, but I differ as to where the money should come from. The legislators reached this compromise tonight, apparently with Obama’s approval, and say this will now free up Paulson to get the rest of his slush fund to use as he sees fit. They’re “hoping” he uses some of it for the housing crisis. I could just scream!

Sorry about the OT rant, but there’s just so much unaccountability a person can take. Extra…read all about it:

But, as far as when this started…I guess Nixon is the most recent example, although there was a lot happening during Vietnam that never saw the light of day.

I’m going to bed now and try to sleep.

5 12 2008 the Pine Barrens

wired differently (21:12:36) :


Thank you for taking on my question. Point taken about the Alaska legislature, pigs, your butt and their relationship to your current financial situation.

TOO funny! Well, at least now I can go to sleep laughing. Thanks for that.

5 12 2008

Why is that Ted Steven, Charlie Rangell are being charg for accepting free gifts and being splatter all over the news as criminals but this woman gets away with everything as though she never broke the law.

5 12 2008

@wired differently

Too funny!

Sorry, but I have this evil doppleganger that takes over control of the keyboard when I get overwrought about the current state of Alaska politics. I hope I didn’t offend as that was not my intent. However I agree with Pine Barrens….your riposte was hilarious!

5 12 2008
GJ in ID

New Threads, up.

5 12 2008

@wired differently

And yes, Stevens did loose in the end. I think Begich will do a fine job, even if he is a Democrat! (Just kidding, I know most of you are Dems.) I was getting downright apoplectic at the early returns though.

There may be hope for us (Alaskans) yet!

5 12 2008

I’m now gonna go to bed laughing about the pigs ‘n’ comments that followed!

5 12 2008
Tree Fitz

Looks like Palin has figured out ‘spin’. . .She is a scary, fast learner. She seems to have fully integrated the George W. doctrine of imperial positional power: she is all powerful and if she says something is ‘thus’, then so it is. . . and who is going to stop her? Just like Obama aint gonna go after The bush administration criminals, nobody is going to go after Sarah and she knows it. . .

I sure would like to see her get prosecuted for tax evasion. . .

6 12 2008

freakout in kansas (21:13:00) :
You made me laugh with the Monty Python skit–thanks!
For some reason I can’t help but think of the shopkeeper as Palin and the legislature as Mr. Praline. The parrot is ethics:

PS. What a lovely coincidence that Palin really IS the shopkeeper!
PSS. And there’s even mention of a Palindrome towards the dne!
Based on the Greek etymology of ‘palindrome’ Sarah Palin is the parrot prop!
[From Greek palindromos, running back again, recurring : palin, again + dromos, a running.]

South Side Chicago

6 12 2008
ron brown

How long has it been since America has been in need of a revolution? How long has it been since the media stopped serving the democracy (but became the servants of the corporate and government elite) and since those in power have been shielded from accountability for their actions? How long has it been since the average American didn’t nonchallantly express sentiments such as “well, this sucks horribly but it’s just the way it is” and actually felt at the procedural/activist level that they are a part of a genuine democracy rather than an economic oligarchy?

Constitutional America is dead. Just as when looking at a dead body, for the first little while, you can still recognize who the body was, there are still recognizeable features of Constitutional America present. But the maggots (e.g., anti-net neutrality groups, STACLU, Fox News, the religious right) have ripped away at more and more of them. Constitutional America is dead. America is living a lie.

When your leaders are freed from accountability for serving corporations over people. When the Presidential Administration is able to illegally detain, torture, lie to, spy on and screw over innocent trusting people in a hundred different ways and the average American feels so unbelievably hopeless that just to see the Republicans lose or to see Bush get denied handshakes from other world leaders is meaningful consolation, any Enlightenment-based genuine democracy worth the paper it’s constitution is written on stands up for itself. Unfortunately, with the choked out media, an economically-stressed population working longer hours (many at jobs they barely tolerate), a large subpopulation cult ready to call you an anti-American communist for actually standing up for what America was intended to be, and with the leaders of the status quo having such a rich arsenal from which to organize and propagandize, the prospects seem horribly bleak.

I’m a Canadian. And I don’t know of any relevant polls. But I wonder how many Americans today feel utterly impotent and hopeless – the very things that America was supposed to be the antidote to.

6 12 2008
Pat, Washingonton state

Thanks, AKM, for the bit of hilarious theater. Well, not so funny when I think about how true it is. I never have liked children throwing tantrums and getting away with it.


As for the link to the Palin vetting:

read this……she’s a walking disaster and they’re all fools not to deal with her…….the monster grows.

I did read through all of it. If indeed her IQ is only 83, that’s very disturbing. But I do know that one entry is either false or the date is wrong. It’s the one that talks about Palin’s reading of the Bible and then making some comment about Harry Potter. The year at the end is 1996, and Harry Potter wasn’t published anywhere until 1997. That makes me wonder about the validity of some of the other things that are included.

I wish that we did have an accurate account of her qualifications or lack thereof. But until someone really verifies all that, it’s not a good idea to pass it along. If things aren’t true, it just provides Sarah’s supporters with more reasons to say that we are all picking on her unfairly. So let’s get the facts straight, and then we can pick on her. Someone needs to pick on her in the legislature – and soon, before she has a chance to do any more damage.

6 12 2008
Grammy in PA

BigSlick YES WE CAN! Clamp Noodle Palin (16:27:59) :

The petition is a great idea – went to the link you provided and while I was at it, signed the wolf kill petition. Can someone start one for impeachment/recall??

6 12 2008
Grammy in PA

We could start our own petition for recall at

6 12 2008
Grammy in PA

I got a nice email from Martin in GA:

Thank you so much for your time and support, and thank you for believing in this campaign.

I know our campaign has been successful even though we did not win. But that success does not belong to me. It belongs to you.

6 12 2008
Oh Canada, my home and ignored land « Letters Home

[…] We’re the Flanders to the Simpsons next door.  Quirky but stable in contrast to drama-addicted and dysfunctional. […]

6 12 2008

because in her pocket is her acceptance speech she is working on for president of the U.S.

6 12 2008

Polar Bear Express (15:28:40) :
Does anyone know if the $180K clothing and $110K beautification expenses (Pig lipstick) have federal and state income tax implications?

I know the clothes would, but only if the IRS can prove she kept them. That might be difficult unless she keeps appearing in her old designer duds.

The beautification, I’m not sure about.

But one thing I am sure about is that the clothes were a violation of Campaign Finance rules. I really do wish that someone would go after her for that. But, it’s unlikely the Bush administration would allow it and I expect that Obama won’t do it for fear of hurting the fragile alliance he is building with the Republicans. Right now I think the IRS is our best hope for some accountability for Palin.

6 12 2008

Look how long it took “Mom and Dad” to bring older brother, Ted Stevens, to justice. I think we will have to wait a long long long time before Mom and Dad see the error of their ways. They have been running their household like this forever, it seems to me. This is Alaska’s problem. They need to monitor Mom and Dad, so that Sarah (child) is put in a major time-out! Now the rest of us down here, need to keep Sarah (child), the bad influence, away from the rest of our children.

6 12 2008

katiebegood (08:38:05) :

[…] But one thing I am sure about is that the clothes were a violation of Campaign Finance rules. I really do wish that someone would go after her for that.

CREW (Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington has already done so. Stay tuned!

6 12 2008
the problem child (a jerk, also)

Anonymous above is me 😉

6 12 2008
lonewolf a.k.a. Luger Otter Palin

Ennealogic (15:17:44) : great comments.

I guess what I’m wondering at this point, looking at what is upcoming for the AK legislature, how can *anybody* trust her decisions on ANYTHING??? She’s so ignorant and incompetent it’s scary, yet she is influencing the lives of tens of thousands of others.

Who is really making those decisions?? Her high school buddies? The First Dude .. who is less qualified than she is, for one, and has no business in State government? His best qualification would be considered as a lobbyist .. he’s not vetted to be any more involved than that.

Does Sarah discuss things at the dinner table and how she ‘rules’ is decided by the kids?

I would *not* trust any decision she makes .. as I know she is not fully informed on any of them. IMHO, the people of AK need to DEMAND the full process of every law she passes and decision she makes .. who, what, why, when, and how.

I have the feeling she doesn’t give a rip if rural First Nation people freeze to death this winter. Is anybody with the guts to make it public tracking these statistics??

There *has* to be a way of demanding accountability. And I sure go along with the idea to start the impeachment process now .. don’t wait.

6 12 2008

We all should have input in this even if we are not from Alaska.
There are certain instances when all US citizens have a right and an obligation to let another State’s legislators know one’s opinion.
Sarah Palin’s actions are one of those times.
There is enough talk about her being the leader of the republican party.
Since her unethical actions in Alaska reflect her credentials, I think we have a right to let the Alaskan legislators know that it is important that Sarah Palin be held accountable for her actions.

6 12 2008

It amazes me how much she persists in her craziness.

6 12 2008
Barack Stomps Out of Congress and Slams Door. Won’t Empty Pockets. « Goodtimepolitics

[…] (1) Palin Stomps Out of Room and Slams Door. Won’t Empty Pockets. Indulge me in a little impromptu Mudflats […]

6 12 2008

Sarah and OJ, In their mind they didn’t do anything wrong.

7 12 2008
Top Posts «

[…] Palin Stomps Out of Room and Slams Door. Won’t Empty Pockets. Indulge me in a little impromptu Mudflats Theatre. Characters: Mom & Dad – Well-meaning, but indulgent. Unsure of how […] […]

8 12 2008

She did the same thing about her Republican perks (wardrobe, etc.), and when her “friends” leaked some of the truth she just threw an even bigger hissy fit.