‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE! » rally47


One response

21 09 2008
Christine L. CIkan

Thanks to you my family on the East Coast keeps tabs on Alaska. They told me about your blog.
Yes, the Rally was the “Woodstock” of Alaska. Everyone thought they would be the only ones in attendence and would be surrounded by the media like a new found species.
I saw many recognizable faces in the drive-by crowd also. This was a surprise as some were high profile republican women.
They were all smiling.
Keep up the great work you do. By the way, I did not vote for Sarah.
PS. Workers Comp person (the insurance adjuster, not state personnel) was the only one to show up for their subpeona regarding Troopergate. She testified that they were approached by the gov’s office requsting that Wooten be taken off of disability. Will get more details. Pretty sure she testified that Wooten was taken off compensation shortly after that by the insurance company. Need to get more details in regard to my last sentence.

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